The Huron News-Record, 1888-09-19, Page 6r^'
TheI ro. n ecus Acrd
IT CAN Do fro liAttai to try Freeman's
Wormi'owciers if your child' is ailing,
81.E to Advauae•
feverish or fretful.
-!tips DZinnie Nickell, of Lippe-
WeAltles4a,*-, selrt• i9o, 1888
house, on the 13th inst. had per right
car tormoff by Lolling pitched from
her horse.. It was two hours 'after-
--A man Darned !Cobert tennuth
ward before the ear was' found and
was put off the train at Berlin and
sewn in but the doctor's prognnaticat
made things lively generally. After
ions_as to the result proved correct
smashing things to pieces at the
and op 5alurday it had to be taken
depot he was placed in the lock-up,
out as there wits not sufficient
which he nearly demolished. He
vitality in it to enable its growth to
a is a Salvationist sill claims to hail
its former position. The affliction is
very uuusuxl as well as quite dtsfigur•
f ro tuWatford. His actions are Simi -
lar- - o those of one attacked by
hydrophobia. He is now secure in
Cho county goof.
calls vividly to mind the appall-
-A slid and what proved to be a
ing spectre of death, and yet no
fatal accident occurred at the resi.
thought is .taken.of the. thousands an.
dente of Dr. Vernon, Hamilton,
nually dying through disease caused
mouth, the other evenin It about 8
by wrong action.ol the stomach, liver,
deice!!, whereby Mrs, Vernon re-
kidneys or bowels, and which might
he remedied by the use of B. B. B..
ceived injuries which resulted in
nature's great restorative tonic ana
her death. It appears the unfortu•
blood purifier.
nate woman while entering the
bathroom of the house lit the hour
—A hoary headed old sinner over
mentioned stumbled with a lighted
60 years of age, with one foot in tike
lamp in her hand. The lamp wits
grave and (lie other out, crippled up
dashed against the wall and broken
to the Stratford police court last
and the contents blazed up. hire.
,. to answer to the charge
Vernon, uuit lu to save herself, fell
of committing an indecent assauft
forward upon the burning liquid,
upon a young girl, 14 years of age.
The old wretch's name is llerrit
and her clothing at unci+ tools fire,
Morey. rie is a.farmer of the town
from the effects of which silo ex-
ship of Fullarton, and is or was a
Aired about 2.30 o'clock in the
prominent member of the Methodist
church ; a class leader it is said, The
—Forty-eight years ago slavery
assault was committed on the 4th of
August. The little child who is
eeparated Mr. Taylor, now of 1)rea-
engaged as a domestic in the family
don, Ont., froul his sun John. Last
of a Mr. Moore, Af the same town,
week the lung -loot son cause !'roll
ship, was sent over to Morey's for
(.•hatt;uluu",t, Teuu., to soo his father,
the mail, which he had been asked
Through enquiry tho father learned
' by Moore to bring forlil Mitchell. She
of till wiloNabuuti of Ilia sun and
got the mail and was about leaving
tvtoto him, with filo above result.
for home when Morey said be was
olev over that way too. Ile went
The son is now employed in ung of
withthegirt home,but befo.'roarriving,
the `S'tato banks. On his ' way here
ylle sito"o positively that he put Ills
he happonecl to be in a couple of
arm around her, kissed her and took
railway sn)ash-ups, but canto Out
other liberties. She had nevergivon
first best in each case. The sou was
him occasion to act in the way he
forced into the rubel army, whOre
did. After hearing the ovidence of
hit rt•mainell for, three yuars. Aftor
several witnesses his Worship fined
dosert.iug the reb61 army ho culisted
Morey $100..
ill the Union army and helped to
One of the reasons why tiScott's
c,ulti . te (luta not only for himself
Llnulsion has such a ]ergo sale is
bur his race,, His locks aro tinged
because it is the bust. Dr. W. "II.
with grey,aud he looks to be Annrly ri
Cameron, Halifax, N. S., says
old as his father,
have prescribed �`:cl,el'y Emillsioll -if
—'Cho writor of this had occasion
Lod L'it'er Oil, with. !!ryf>ophosphites
for the past tivo Years, find found it
a fen' day's agot0 pass throng!! th0
more agreeable to the stomach and-
tUtl tltie3 of E390x silt! Bent an(1
have better results from its use than
tho growth of crops there surpass
env other preparation of the •kindI
anything that he has ever before
have ever used." 'Sold by all Drug-
seen.Wheat will average thirty-
gists. 50c. and"•51,00
live bushels to the acre, while yields
of 50 and 57 bushels to the acre
---Mr. Palmer, of Morris, near
have been realizod. 5onle farmers(
Blnevale, had seven bead of cattle
cut .1:; Inucll as t.hrco tolls of till.
poisoned last week by Paris Green
oth fruan acre. ul Eighty bushels
mixed with salt, Strung suspicion
t? ..
of oats frum till acre is very eonunun,
rests Oil one of the -neighbors, who
it is supposed mistook the eattlr for
Corn is always one of the'largest
ano,ller neighbor's with whom he is
crops plallteil in thest,. counties,
where the Iawl. is partki' ilarly suited
for its hrwwth. It att:thi-; a ;;irmntic
height, til:+ SUllscriber passing field t
Will," Symptom, a of cholera appear.
after field wh'ero it was towel -Ing, 12
prompt ren edicts should he resorted
and 13 fret hi"l}t, inti several fields
to. .Hiss Mary E. Davis, of Lusk -
of }ll•twoon 14 and 1; feet. The
ville, Ont., -1111y brother was
nvt+rn ro !ill corn will be 135 buaki+ 1y
bad with cholera morbus and aftor
to the :!cru. ]'utatoes will be plel)
°sing ant -bottle of Dr. Fowler'S� ex•
tract of 'Wild Strawberry, it cured
tiful enuu'h t.o the rtlust ex'
h'ifn entirely ."
- acting Fell of Clio Emerald
m —
-Yrt3. Graybnrn, tVidow, of Capt.
Take Ayer's pills and V curod,
G"RYbIII'll, of Ottawa, ha8 entered
Misery. is a mild word to describe
all, action for $20,0,10 fill- breach of
the sufferings of belly and mind,
promise of marriage against liev.
caused by habitual constipation. A
Marc Ami, pastor of the French
moderate use of Ayer's pills will in.
Protestant Church it) that city. The'
variably regulate the bowels.
warriage was to come off last week.
The bi ll e- an 1
1 < bridesmaidst
waiting at the plp,pointed , hour, but
—.1 null moi iCSenfing hitusclf to
the bridegroom failed to put in nn
be tho i{ov.`1I. C. Pillltuan, of Chi-
appearance, haying left thatafternoon
cage, ll l., on Wednesday, obtained
for lloritlleal-to sail for France. Mr.
8.100 ill L:;-611 on a bogus ii00 ellen!;
Ami's friends say that he fns' sailed
Ti'0111 A1-. E. Dartland, ulorchant
for Europu yesterday afternoon,.
tailuC, liingsluu. 1'hn 4u ludic! pu
where Ile will spend the winter with
chased r uuds to ! lu" ;itilount of $100
iris friends. •'1'lia affair has caused
quite a sensation in society circles
which ha Ordered to be sent to
there, where the Rev. Mr. Ami was
Suli0i's hall;:, ;tad ,paid fat• them
well known and highly respecte(l.
with 1.114) elloqur,' reCeivin(, 5400 as
chilMN!, Nuthinri has but'n seen of
hint since. The check purported to
A weals and low constitution,
have belt issued by the First Na-
impure blood, etc; causes, a donble
tional balk of Applotun, Wis., on
liability to contract disease, purity
the Morohauts' National I�ank of
the blood and remove all wo rn out
Chisage, ill.
matter and disease�breed in-, inlpur-
_-_-_,-__ • _ _
ities from the batty by using Burdock
Blood Bitters which thoroughly
A Dill;Il1.1:IlEC(.)\IMENDA'I'IU\.
cleanses, regulades and tones' the
"We havo used I)r. Fowler's
entire system,
Extract of wild ,Strawberry, and find
that fol,,diarrhwa it cannot be equall•
—Rev. James S. Greene, nearly
eiP We cilnno't speak too highly
e.0 years ofnge, and former rector of
of R.' Ernest Clare Cross.anal !toy,
St. `.Iatthew's Reformed Epi copal
Neil (Toss; clasper, ()tit, Ap1'il 19th,
Church on Lar'rabee street, Chiengo,
103 1..
was evletdd fl'oin the grand Central
ITotel 'Tuesday night, where lie
_T1 ,•rn has bt�en a rotnarknbleeastr
occupied' elegant quarters with an
inn°cent bride, on charge of bigamy
of rosturlltiotl of sight experienced
Preferred against him bya legal wife
by M.'{race L-mibeit, a Teacher
who ,left him a short tiale ngo in fear
ct' I : !nesno, , i llinuis, who was
of her life. Ile has It is said been
totalllv lilin'l for ut•arly full)- years.
tn•eo titers divorced frons wives,
11ei cn:,c has bro:t tii'atetl by the
oho have diet] of insanity and broken
b".41 ucnlisis in the cuuutly, but
hearts, will has married six women.
wholly withoutbuilelit. Shu suffer.
r - -- _____-_—
ed dirt dicot ill tense' pails, ll('1' e)"13
if', SINOI.E SCRATCII may cause a fester,
tning to her like balls of li:e, at d'
Ing sore. Victoria Carbolic Salve
rapidly bPals cuts, wounds, bruises,
heCamu almostuutndurabcl.
hurna and all sores.
Thie0 da%'3 itg0 it friend Of Ilse
yoting ladv, tV110 was a dOVulit
—11w nRStl9sl1lellt of Strilt-
Ceristi,tu, a,lvisoll her to bray lul-
't• ! Oioi•s cul increase in the value
the rc,,lolatiuil of her sight. 1:116
Of t.tx:lble property over last year of
friend insisted upon anointing the
0,1,377.490 the total Iroseilt value
Iytr with oil, as the 1lible passagePrl
n• put at :$4,113 430 as curl ar-
instnict5, and then inade all illi-
dwith?3,725,940 last yotir. There
passioned prayer for the young
is therefore an iuor0nso of 50 per
woman. ;\11,53 Lambert then began
cont:-i•ft total value.
to think about the efficacy of prayer
and ellellged In stlppliertion 't0 (.'rid
.ALL AW -13 AND CnNDITIONS Of people
for relief. praying for some
may ,use National Pills without
timo she folta peculiar shock, and
njtuy and with great benefit.
at once fouild that her eyesight had
been restored. She fr,ulnly believes
—A son of Alex. Calnpboll, Eliva,
that the restoration of her sight is
fell oil the hain floor and nonny bit
wholly dna to the prayers of herself
oft' the half of his ton -no, which
and friend.
happened to be protruding through
I his teeth at the tinle• It was stitch-
I eel together by .Th'. 11amilton of
is distiocty superior to any other as
I Atwood; and the ]ad is likely to ro-
an appetising tonic and fortifier.
; fain the tree of the useful member.
ADYIOlt TO MOT4XIIa •,-4iio ''you 01.3.
turbed at night and broken cf your meat
.by a nick child sul%riug and crying with
palnof optlilig Teeth? If oo, octad at
OPC and get A bottle of "Mrs Winalow'a
Soothing Syrup" for Children Teethlug.
Its value is incalculable. It will rel leve
the poor little4ufferer,immedletely. De-
peud Upon it, mothers; there is no n,ls-
take about it. It cltrea Dy.segtery and
Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and
Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the
Gurus, reduces inflammation, and gives
toneanc energy to the (thole system.
"Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for
chil .reu teething is pleaQfint to the taste
and is the pre+criptiou ofene of the oldest
and best female physicians and nurses in
the United States, and is for sale by all
druggists throughout the world, ' Price
25c. a bottle. Lie sure and ask for "Mrs.
Winslow's Suothiug Svrup," and take uo
Other kind,
—Six applications for divorce
have beau -entered at Ottawa for the
comilpg seaeion.
Counterfeits are always dangerous,
more so that' they always closely
AND NAMP. The remarkable suttees
achieved by Nasal Balm as a positive
cure for Catarrh and Cold in the
Head has induced unprincipled par-
ties to imitate. it. Tlhe public are
cautioned not to be deceived by
nostrums imitating Nasal Balm in
name anti appearance, bearing such
names as Nasal Cream, Nasal Bal-
sam, etc. Ask for Nasal Balm and do
not take imitations dealers may urge
upon you. For sale by all dr•uggiste
or sent post-paid on receipt of prices
(50c and $1) by addressing Fultord &
Co., Brockville, Ont. —
--The stoamer Baltic, of Colling-
wood, ii ashore on Onu-Trow Island
ill the North Channel Lake 1Iu11'011.
Canker humors of every descrip-
tion, whether in the mouth, or- throat
Orr stomach, are expelled by
the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
No other remedy can compare with
this, as x cure, for all diseases origina
ting in -impure or impoverished. -
\' 't11 • a
—Ill the .I1Ile+a� It aril court
tho grand jury reutrnod a true bill
in the case of Jaules Gilmour for
0113 addustiUn al' the d,tughter of n
farn)or named Bryce, of Clnnde
is most appreciated where it is most
needed,.and thus it is that Burdock
Blood Bitters gains more favor yell:! It,
by lending the weakened system
valuable assistance in removin;c all
impurities and building up a strong,
healthy body.
—Jelin llal ouzie, at' Paris, Out,,
registered at tile' Cosmopolitan
hotel T.Jruuto He was • found
dead nlf-xt morning sitting bolt up-
right in it 'Chair with his •110a;1
thrown back. An inquest wild bu
hehd to -morrow night,
A big- strike was make. when, Powell
a Davis issued ,their Extract of arsap-
arilla and Burdock'. , It has m -A with
great success, and it must, for i6 is the
moat powerful blood purifier ill tile, mar-
ket. It is used with the greatest success
n all diseases arising from it debiliti.ted
con.dit:un of the system, 'and everyone
needs, and should use it bottle or two at
this sclso't of tho year, of Powell's Es•
tract ofaarsaparilta and Burdock. Y,ea.r
in mind one 50c. bottle contains more
solid medicine than!m ostdollar so-called
Sarsaparilla slit! bitters. Also remember
that it is suld in Clinton by all druggists,
price 500, a bottle. Sold by all drug-
gists'and medicine dealers everywhere.
4.1311 y
—.1. I';. D6ttlr.r, 1', 5 , furnrorly 'i
of b'ollovillo, Ont„ was recently
killed at Tupal(a, .Kansas, by the
explosion of chlorate of pola4l in
a mortar in which he ryas putvc,riz-
ing somo efreulicals.
—\,'tint. Walker, aged 80, ane, of
tho indust lesidunts Of P,ealttesville,
died suddollly this lnorllillg, He
1-080 its usual and 111-089141 himself
with the dill of his well %rife.
Wbile AL's, 11'alker was putting
oil un6 of his shoes lie full back-
ward on the bel and died. —
11"O TIrL EDITOR': µ
Please inform your readers that I
have a positive remedy for the above
named disease. By its timely use
thousands of hopeless en:ses,have been
permanently cured. I shall be glad
to send two bottles of my remedy
FiIEE to any of your readers who have
consumption if they.wiil send. the
their Express and T.'. O. address
Itdspectfully, Dr. A. T. SLOG'CU,
37 Yonge street,•Toronto, Ont, 499y
—CO%'t, of CUteau Landing, watt
committed at Montreal oil hliday,
for Intmdrr.
"Last sumilier our children" wero
very bad with summer complaint
and the only remedy that did
them liuy goad %vas Dr. Fowler's
Fxtract of Wild Strawberry. \1'e
used i2 bottles (luring the warm
weather and would not be, without it
at five times the cost, considering
it to have no superior for rliari,liwa."
Airs, Jas. Tlealey, New Edinburgh,
—Mr. James Massie has been
appointed delruty grain inspector at
Winnipeg. —
of compounding, mako "MilburnIa
Aromat1•c (quinine S\ ine the triter -
ion of excellence.
The First SY isms
Of all n2dip are much tits �amRt A.
feverishness, lose of appetite; Mora
throat, pilins in the chest and bmcl5,
headache, etc. ' In a few days you may
be well, or, on the othor hand, you way
be down with Puctuuutlia or 11 galloping
Consumption." Run no risks, but begin
figmediately to take Ayer's Cherry -
Several years ago, James Birchard, of
Darien, Cotten., was severely Ill. The
doctors said he was fn Consumption,
and that they could do nothing for him, -
but advised him, as a last resort, to try
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. After taking
this medicine, two or three months, he
was pronounced a well man. His health
remains good to the present day.
J. S. Bradley, Malden, Mass., writes;
" Three winters ago I took a severe cold,
which rapidly developed into Bronchitis
and Consumption. I was so.weak that
I could not sit up, was much emaciated,
and coughed incessantly. I consulted
several doctors, but they were power-
less, and all agreed that I was in Con-
sumption. At last, a friend brought me
a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
Prom the first dose, I found relief.
Two bottles cured me, and my health
has since•been perfect."
Ayer's Cherry Pect6ral,
Dr. J. C. Ayer dt:'Co., Lowell, Mass.
field by all Druggists. Price lil1; .la bottlsa, ✓Il•
1.....s` ' H Y S �
D?l.IMM1,HF,EYS Poor
Cloth 04 Cold Binding _
• .. • t 141 I n ,:,a bleu)o
......... : z�
«-`iiw . .�11_' 'ill..; �+'•w; _ ,,rn,ir; .., . +�myn
(� 'r
n:w..,. .'`.. ., ..ceau'.- ,,.....•....,n,,.:�am..wGv.:+a•Fnma
IU '11'r P.'lraht inl��u- C,rif ➢fell..... ,..._ 2$
t" ^•: I.iI x, t,,o t•p I:lnfnt i crioas...._ :2 i
.,. l � SS !.lino, leu I oriole........._ :2i4
1 uu Q, mni;:ult Broatbin a...
u -Ur; uI (' t S .25
1 _ salt •I[hauur, Iirytipr;lne, ,Lrnption�.. .25
lb nbrantatiam, itheuninno Paine...... .25
t fi iFever and Ague chills, Malaria..... .50
17 Piles, tltind or Bleedinlr...... .. .50
Ib esttarrh, Inflnenra, Cold in the Head .40
20 Wiloopi„Rt',oulih violentOouglis.- ,b0
24(7caerull>tt,ttlity,i'hyatealwea noes .d0
Killii Lith.nae....................... 50
liDebltity .....................8:00
Urinary1� ealtrt wetting Bad... .b0
Disc ses of the Heart. Palpitation, y•00
T.—Id by Druggieta,-or sent.poetAaid oq,regeipt.ppi
Vice -.Wells Sc Richardson Co.,Agento, 6:1$0.
11 Street Montreal.
1'rinn•,I r•n ti.• :�r1,�'.;' p.,-�il:h� nu!ice.
All sill I'ti t•s as-
1,ntc n,< an „Ilirr %'i of Toronto. "
Gwu.=alt .vols I,ttl, int,•rr<,1., awl call at
1'e, lc \i;a's-1; Ltul:n t,ll!,t beloi,! placing
yntir m'dri lot ant' cin: nl' 1'lilittng.
1N7 1_1
Ge„crit! Yr. i,th.rn l� I',tLFiohe)!�,
C9_9-) C0rtlr - '"rJ'f't7ARPO.
i'._ i'?'d";:'' •i."vi ee:�`•ll'(9;i.'fi.
St. k'.wI n 1'Lnrch. -e.•1-rrL•i>: t,n fitnnla}- at 11
Bible ('in,.P, 10 a.111, surduy,
3chu„I, _.:;u i,, m.. St rsi�e u;, %1',uLte+,la�•, a p. al.
Itt:r.' f�n.�t1;, 11. It.. Rc,3tr
It 6i. u,,I 7.u„ p, Ili. %a!:b;I t., 8,hool at 2.30p,
to n,t. 1 1't 't•R 'i Pu.rur.
AC,lumiu I'r; �!}trmi:u,. - <ercives at 11 a.m. ani
9,30 U.
lit N.tbl,attt JDhv•2
,l, '. p
A . tit.. Rev
Ates. hrrV;%TtT, Vaster.
Onttrit, StVttet 1lotit CAiSt. - Sort ices at 10.39 a.
In. and 7.00 p, tit. Si,bhath Schoul, 3.30 p.m.
11,11 i t !,,cat O.f;O p, al. Sal)
hath I c •. 2.90 r: a'. Dvv'J. GR.Ay Pastor.
Wo call the sp,oial at tell Iintl'of Post
nastcrs ae-}-abscri'ers to tilt., r'd-ItA-ino
synopsis of the lou:-pnpCr Encs :— •.
I—A po'di raster is re-Inirrnl to rive
notice. ny Lhral:n (returnin:; it paper floes
tot answer this lett•) tell„u a auhserih r floes
not take Lis paiwi out ill' the office, and
state tilt, rrasnn I'„r its not Leing taken.
Any ne;gluct to d6 so makes the postmaster
ce.spousibl . to tile 1'11110lishors fur payment.
2—I1' aur pers,nl onlel:s his paper lis•
aontinucd, lie !dust Islay all atrearag”, o1
the pnhlishur !naN.y continue to serol it
until payment• iq ilial and C"licet the
whole aihiomlt. wliviher it l:e taken frog
;h1• oltire of not. 'There call be 114) legal
diseontinuall(T luilil the pi),-nwgt i, made;'
3—Auyp,`vann who a pnl:t•r Il'un
the post•olnue, 1111, th.•r d'ir : h•il hi:i:
mann nr an.othcr, or %yhethol
ii�FiliC91 ot'`Iir,t, i; rC;p„n�il:)t- F;• IL:' pti�•.
4—II'a subnerilwr 01Arl:S his i., p:'i`to1
stnppe:l at a Curtain bull', nod till• ntblish
I,:. Cutitilnu's to suild, it -the snLs •r bar t
hnnh l to pay (nr it if ho tuli".4 it not +yl; till
po:t'•nVi''t., Thi, imnrl,lsnlurnthegl"�um
that a Ilion ntu't ),Iv fur ttloit he use,
G�t3'III tl:e IAvisiull Cow ill Godt,lich
at the NOVI'lnbet'sitting n uctrspnper put•
Ilshol' S11rii Iii!' itt+y (If' iatper. Tlw dl'fcn,.
ant ah•irrted pain; ::n tilt- „to,lnd that he
ha -1 41 1 o, I a Grrnn•r p roplli�-tor of the
paler to li,conlilinn it. "filo dudgo held
that ihat %mils not a valid tloG'ilcc. The
plaintill', Ihr press fit poq,rielol, hal no
until c t•: di—ol'tium• :, n,:.•,1i:, utly
'wild vo,] .I, nl:Lo:1'JI it v"l, tint ticnled
that 'd:'Gv1dillithail notitf: d f�tl nirr Iwo-
ptielor t- ilisooWinne. l6 nut• evelit
ler'll” lit lvss 1willitl to par fur the till.e
he La -1 I—v!ve'i till edge!: null until he
ha,l i"lit, ,1i1 :n r, ;us L1r fnY-uh,rril•tinn.
t';n !v }gni• nvylntrrcrt ami wo ahnrc
}'oil run est
Reliable li Harness.
I wftwif.wtare none blit the 13EST OF STOCK.
It. Ivar, qi rllnps that ,.,11 rhrep, n.” 111"y Fn re
n•,t h. fn•, it?^ call wo get pri,v-. Orders
b.N twill prowl,it t�ttended to
tt 03aw. 'lir. CA—, — _,
li Cl'.> 1. - }a:i'ulal'31, r1,1-Tn, ONT.
! T
iR T_ A
to returning thanks to my many frioncle and patrons for pilot pal.!tP ixopitlG troulo.
lite to call their agecial attention to my very complete Atock sof
Speelai attention is dlr,ected trimy stock Of
It will be found very complete, and for durability and finish cannot be excietled by
any one. As I employ none but the best vt.prkmen, and use the best material to be
bought in the market, all who may favor me with their patronage may £eelcorifiden
of getting satisfaction.
Trunk's and Valises in great variety and Prices Low.
A FULL. STOCK OF Choice Clover & Timothy Seed
Alsinall outer varleflesof Field. Carden .tut! Flower Feeds.
Special pailnN Lave been talten fo procure tLeom Freslt
and Pure. a
Extra Value in China Tea Sets and Decorated
Dinner Sets, Decorated Toilet, Sets, White Granite Sets
. and Fancy Glassware.
Special Value -in New Season's Black, Green
'and Japan Teas. Canned Fruit, Vegetables, `
.tic.. In endles;N variety. Oranges, l.enions, Figs, &c. Floter.
Ale:ti.11t,t d I'.'•ovflstuny. Inspect Stock and get Pricem.,
w_ 1,o_-B6OMT,
�E ,
o 0
Thu nudersigucll bas just opened a nets Drug Store, lu. JAC1i,SON'S
NI.W BLOCK, on HURON 8'1*REET, two doors+ west 6f tile City
s^)Book .,St.oie where will be found a complete assortment of Pure
jj �.r'' i)rll'gs and Chemicals, itlso Patent lllediciaies and
V"s / 0ruggists'. utiiillaes—all that the public may ask fru• ill tbost•
... Clintonh
l,it Ja Uttart • las .
l'. S.—Office changed from residence to atom
'_C_T TR., —1",-T1:�D
JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture.
Call at the New Stoi•e antt,see the stock of
Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, „
llattra95eai etc., sited general-l-tuuaehold Furniture. The whole Stock is, from the very
best manufacturers. Picture Frame and Mouldings of every description.
JUS. ClIKIDlhEY, one door 11'est of Dickson's Book Store,
Big Bargains in -.
We have rc ceiyed a large consignment of NEW JAPAN TEAS �whieh we are otferi
Ili 5 and 10 lb, Cacldies'at the following low prices
45 . CENT• JAPAN TEA QT ',5 0 E IN.TP.
Tills is the best gti'er ever made in this• couutw and all users of Japan Tea should secure
nt least one caddie. ithicl: Tea Etputlly as Chesil —\1'e are selling a F INE
'LACK in o'ril;inal packages of' 20 lbs. at FIFTY CENTS per lb. This 'Tea is equal 5181!s�
to ally 70c. Ten ;n Clinton. All l3xtt'a1. II'ille VOlill'g- llySoil it 45c., in 5 -and
fO lb. caddies. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Call and sec ole• Tea before buying.
TIO'COOPER & @ft.0 fel
The 'Old Reliable Tea and Grocery house.
Awl tile
ecchloicestgooJslupt in steel: by, ”
CDA r_l.,:ST_J®1_NT_ :BT?,O1i
We bay ill the very best markets and give our customers, etrory advantage. Out• goods
will always be found fresh and Reliable, mill to the economical housekeeper we Offer
trimly advantagmes. Our goods, in variety, quality, and price, we are satisfied will meet
the requirements of every household. Farm !'reduce taken at the higeest price,,, '
In Stock, a Number of Cutters, Sleighs, Buggies and Flagons,
The Material we manufacture is of the best quality and the Iron work unsurpasse
In fact Ave make it an iniportant feature of our business to use only the best pro.
curable mnterial and tills baa 1. %yorkillanship. Those iii need of CU'rTERS,„'
and SUIGHS, of the h.test makes and styles, should noc fail to
Call and see lis. ,
W - Repairing and Re>claintinat Promptly Atter led to.
FACTORY on corner of Huron 4) and Orallee (Streets, CLINTON1
`•ro. roe a <xai � �,sw` V7 G� 'a•.a '' `C�a�