The Huron News-Record, 1888-09-19, Page 3A MIKA$ AN.NQ_UNCEMENT. C.ORR10811OND ENG1L. We will at all times be pleased to receive items of news fro?n our sub- seribers. We want a good corres- pondent in every "locality, not already represented, to send US RELIABLE 91e10S. SUBSCRIBERS. Patrons who do not receive their paper regularly from the carrier or th'r)ugh their local post offices will, confer a favor by reporting at this o flete at once. eSubscriptions may connmence at any time. ADVERTiSERS. Advertisers will please bear in nand that all "changes" of advertisements, to ensure insertion, should be handed in not later than MONDAY NOON Of each week. CIRCULATION. THE NEWS -RECORD has a larger circulation than any other paper in this section, and as an advertising medium has feta equals in Ontario. Our books are open to those who mean business.— JOB .PRINTING. The Job Department of this jour- nal is one of the 'best equipped, in Western Ontario, and a superior' class of work is guaranteed at very moderate rates. The Huron News -Record $1.50 a Year—$1.26 in Advance. Wednesday, Sept. 19th, 1888 CURRENT TOPICS Hamiltots.17708; "III Connection with the question whether the St. Claii Flats canal is on the United States or the Canadian side of the international boundary,'and the as- sumption that the United Mates, having . 1)aid for its construction call control it even if it is situated on the Uanadian side, it occurs to rl<JS., -that _ the . CarlaltianPtlrllanr,oni paid part of the cost of the Sault Ste, Mario canal in Michigan. If our are mory Iierves, this money was paid when Sir Francis Hincks was Premier of Canada, sometime • be- tween 1849 and 1854., Under these circumstances, the United .9tates can hardly c'lains control over the St Clair canal withont conceding to Canada at least joint control over the, Sault canal. '.fHE VASTNESS OF INDIA. A POPULOUS NATION WITH GREAT CITIES AND "A GREAT FUTURE. ceases, for Indio, with a population in places packed beyond European precedent, imports nothing to. either eat or drink, and blit for the Euro• peaus would import nothing what Aver. She is sufficient to herself for everything save silver. Amid these varied masses, these 250,000,. 000, whose varied descriptions would fill volumes, the tide of life flows as vigorously as in Europe. ��aatxa. SOME rSPERIENCES OF REV. QUACIiO STRONG. Swing dal gate wide, 'Pestle Peter, Ring do big bell, beat de gong, Saints and martyrs den will meet dar Brudder Reberend Quacko Strong. Sound dat bugle Angel Gabel, Tell de elders loud and long, Clar out dem high seats ob Hebeu For de Reberend Quacko Strong. Turn de guard out, Genial Michael, Arms present de line along, - Lot do band play 'Conkereing Hero,'- For de Rebereud Quacko Strong. Joseph march wid all your breddreu, Flags and banners musterin' strong Spocch ob welcome from Ole Ab'ram, Answer, Reberend Quacko-Strong. Turn your harpstrings tight, Icing David, Sing your good ole hundred song, Letde seraphs dunce wid Gimbals, Round de Reberend Quacko Strong. Angels hear me yell Hosanner, Hear my dulcem spiritool song Hallelujah, I am coming, I'm do Reberend Quacko Strong, Make flat white robe rattier spacious, And dat waist -belt 'stronery long, Cos 'twill make some room in glory For de Reberend Quacho Strong I lY hat, no one at de laudin' ! 'Pears lisle suflin nudder's wrong, Guess I'll gib that sleepy Peter ' Fits, from Reberend Quacko Strong; }Vhat,a narrer little gateway, OIy I dat gate ani hard to move, "Who am dat 2' says 'Pestle Peter, Froul de parapet above. Uncle Peter, don't you know me— Me, a sbinin' light so long ? Wily, de swellest white (elks call me Reberend Mister Quacko Strong.. Dunne mP. ! do shoutin pzeacher, Regular hull•dog-Baptis!-too-? _. Whar out town liev you been loafin'? Some old rooster's boddered you. _ I reckon why I hev converted Hundreds darkies right along. Dunno me ? You dunno nothin', I'm de lioberend Quacko Strong. Hark to dat ar• Gurus rosin' Far away, but'rollin' higher I See the drefTle dragon flyin' Head like night, eu mont like fire ? "lis Cho berry ldug Gib debbils,' Aiit'llaam rushtu' right along'; 0, dear peter, please to open To classleader Q•uackb Strong. 016 Nick•'s c8min' I' I can feel it c � 11 b t IT WAS AN AWFUL CIRCUS. THE WAY SAnAu ALTSEA HILL UP% SET JusT1or FiELD's C�QURT ktoum- Tito San Francisco Daily Report prints this graphic picture of the very lively scene in Justice .Field's court, a week ago, when Sarah Althea HiliTofry found that the decision of the court was going against her . Sarin► Althea arose in her seat and said : "Judge Field you are a 'Liar. How much have you been paid for that decision I" The justice pau-0ged in astonish, meat and than said : "I will forgive, you,madam, but if you repeat this disturbance I will order you out of court." , "I won't sit down !" shrieked the infuriated woman. "You have been bought and I know it!" "Marshall," said the justice. "put that lady out of court." Mprshall Franks advanced to seize Mrs. 'Terry, but Judge 'Perry` put his burly form in the way. All Clio time Sarah Althea was shrieking : "Let me get at my pis- tol ! I will put him out of the way, so that he will not give any more bought decisions ! Here, Jack, hold my bag with illy money ! It's not safe in -a court like this .I" Judge '.ferry's grip oil Marshal Franks availed him nothing. The marshal is not a very big man, but be is one mass of muscle, and before the ex -judge knew what was the nlntter- Franks had him doubled over the back of a chair. Deputy Marshal Farish at once came to the assistance of his chief, friends rush, ed ill to assist Terry,' deputy• tear- shals came pouring in from all parts of the building, and then ensued one of tho wildest seenes ever witnessed in any court of justice in Christen, don,. ;Seated upon the IWPncb was Justice Field, his nuturally colorless face blanched to the whiteness bf a corpse. Leaning flack its his chair, impassive as if nothing unusual was taking place, sat Judge Sawyer. With it half quizzical smile on'his face sat Judl-e Hoffman. Slihhtly advanced,.,.so as to get a good view of the sceile, with one log thrown out ready to 'get to his feet, his hands firmly grasping the aruis of his chair, and eyes firmly fixed oil the pistol held by Sarah Althea, sit Judge Sabin. Struggling in the arils of half a dozen of .hts friends and'three of the marshals, as firmly 'determinod to place the handeu!l's oil him, was ex -Judge Terry, "Let Inc go, you menials !" ho howlvd. "Arrest a woman, and that woman illy wife, you — — ! - Let ale go, or I will knife every -- —=— T, . -- — of you In "I'm a woman !"•• howled Sarah —&turdar night Lettie Walke the seveil-year-old daughter of H. I Walkor, of Nebraska went out t the house while her„ -parents wet ahleep,•und ou-returning, the opei Ing of the door. which was awollE by rain, awakened her father, wl had recently been bothered t tramps. Seeing a figure in ti darkness at the doorway, lie askf who was there, and' receiving r reply, fired, the ball striking til girl in the left breast, and Iodgir• under the shoulder blade. The ba has baeu extracted, and the chanct for her recovery are good. As the young wife of Jas. Lillis Kansas City, was filling a gasolir stove last Saturday, au explosie occured, and she was instantly euvE cited in flames. Lillie tried to seil her to smother the flames, but sl fought him off with all her migh Finally he succeeded in seizing het and, though her clothing' was i flanrs ,h0 tore it from her. burnir bis hands so terrible that the rig] one will have, to be amputate Several fingers of the left hand wi b0 deforhued. Tile poor wonia soon because the mother of an infai daughter which died in two hoar and last ni0ht, after suffering i tense agony, she too died. —A dispatch from Vincenue Ind, says: "The mysterious vineg well which was dug on the faro S: W. Williams, just east of th ciEy, has Keen accounted for, aft much discussion by chemists at others. Soule twenty years a"O tl farm was owned by F. M. Fay, wl had an extensive orchard. TI apple crop was large, and • he mal several hundred barrels of cider, be converted into vinegar. Whi the fluid was fermenting, about of hundred barrels 'burst and th( contents were lost, The cider tial into thogrouud u"lil it reached a inipervious titrilta of clay, wht,re lay until the well wa-1 duo on' It slime spot."—Scien.tifie American. —Y uutlg Mr. Wisner %dent 1 Colorado some years ago and sucee ed well. Whilst living there lie fu in love with a young lady panic 'Miss Ituhder, whose parents ]'esi in Paris,Ont. llarriago was aoret upon Uy the loving couple. Late Ariss l;elsdon has been staying wi relatives in Hamilton, and arrano luonts'were made, for lir. V.lrisn to conic to 'Hamilton, claim Mi Rheaou and make her . his ow He cattle last week for1that Worts purpose, but round that fickle Mi Rhider hied given her heart to Paris gentleman and had been ala rigid t him the a i o a )revfo ls. ill Y1 t Wisner ]tact the Supreme pf9ast1T0 i seeing tho happy couple pass'tkrou} Oil their honeymoon. —Mr. J.- W. Sandison, Of Drs don, Manitoba, is holli6 on.a vis c to warmer a a ou Althea, her ha>r (kisheveled, her Four years ago Mr. Sandison was 0,..ns.y good, kind Kurnel'Peter, jacket throw open, her gloves undar fat -ill laborer neat Guelph. He le For eighty years, at last writers Lot me fu, I'm all too Stout her. 'feet, her hag iu one hand and for Manitoba owing Clio sum of $S Lav av r ' brio h le t e code o ed to bring on, o, .To go along wid Major Satan n pistol held fiercely, cur the otLt�r i ,and tool: up land. ]•Ie says, to-do the eutside world a- knowledge of Into sat warm climate 'Luong "I alis a wousan,.but let Inc .90 and that he is Worth $4,500 in cash a> the %'rlstiletis of, India. but do far as Fire'an' hrimst-un1 IlearInc liuockiu', .I will make an end,., f hit". Flow Olecburch'member,Quae:toStron ��^�• � ",would not sell his farm and built g• much did you get for dist decision, illus for an thing loss than $20 COD be perceived failed.. The aver- � y w•+ ,00 Dat lours noise tin, 0orllin'. nigher, Juctice Field ? Oh, just judge! II0 has ,lust sold 15,000 bushels t tl;ge mail, says the Fortnightly lie- • Drefille smell like powd'or smoke 1 Oh,;ulost righteous judge ! All ' the oats at ks ceuts per•< bushol. He view, reads what, they say., learns 'Nudderscrcech! Good Leben, help .currupt cases t" •the land ought to clurlReut in his praise of Manitob up their figures, tries to understand Lord forgive die l,oaL ole ilio7;eT' i collie before you," its the`Enarshal Which Province, lie says, ho wool their descriptions, but fails; for all seized her she sLriraced : I Won't not leavo for a large sum of alone, A}nhys was so berry Loly, go out of court. You cannot make It has its drawbacks but the w his lahor, to realize what Ltdia, is— Singin' Ira fu' extra long • Y I Y , ale. . Try your best I wont go. less than tho'drawbncks of Ontari a continent large as Europe west of .Now do debbil s gwine to catch Inc.; Pooh ole niggab, Quacko Strong. It was of no avail, Sarah was Pcrsoverance, industry and sobrict the Vistula, and with 30,000,•000 seized and dragged out of court, DI -. Saudison says, is all'that more people, fuller of ancient na• I'It 1 Dat gate swing hack a little, fightiilg like a tigress. Once it, the wantod for success in Manitob Mighty sgueezin to get tru i , , g Given those it is a mans own fa u tions, of groat cities, of varieties of ale Apollyoil, hoWlin' louder, tnnrsLal s office, the free fight began , 0 1 l eivilizatio”, of armies, nobilities, Everything around am bloo! again. Terry drew a knife and in most cases, if ho docs not succeei priesthoods, organizations of every Ban„ do gate goes, and Belzeebub, attempt to stab one of the marshals. -3[rs fleury;-e'f Rothsay, We Bunch ob wool upon his prong, Sarah got one hand free, and before lingtou county, seems to have bec conchivaWe purpose,from the spread- Goos along n•idout the soul ob any one could stop har she aimed mixed up some way in selling ant l lig Of great religions down CO 9y9te• Alis+able Sinner name ob Strona I her pistof and fired. No oder was Scott Act beverages, for wbich 91'. nlatic murder. 'There arc twice as a bit; but one of Clio deputies had a was hued $100 end costs, Mr many Bongalese as there are French- narrow escape. and before she could' Henry isappar©ntly a Wonsan of spin men; thes Hindostanes; properly so- —The Tara Leader=., tells of the aim again the weapon was wrench. and rather than gratify the moat called, outnumber the whites in the death of a little child in I3ruceed from Ler and she was hnn'1. tory demands of the law—cithl Uniti-d States; the Mahrattas would county tho other day tinder peculiar cuffed. because she was -not able or hail n fill Spain; the people of the Punjab circumstances, Coming in from the For the nf°xt fivo minutes she desire, to—quietly submitted lie witli 8einde are double the popula+ field the father of the child picked self to tho charge of a constable l a couple of burrs off clothes and raved around the roenli holtliu; up C tion of Turkey, slid I have name(] . p be taken to the county,jail to expia threw them on the floor. The little her handcuffed hand, and shrielcm four of the wore., salient divisions, her law-breakiDr1. MOOr0fiold Wt one picked u one of them and put "Give me back lily pistol ! Oh ? o Everything is ml the same be- p p p ive ne hack ill pistol !" reached ten minutes too ' late I it in his mouth and it slipped clown g Y P ctFlch the train a wildering scale. The fighting peon nil the coustabl into his Windpipe. • It could not be .ferry, deprived of his knife, still was -in a quandary as to What to d pies of India,, 1V1109P UTAIE!S are as 1 Y dislodged and from the effects of it fought like a maniac. It took the with his 11t - Li; as ourselves awl utore regardless prisoner for the nigh the child died 'the next morning. conibitwil effortti of the maryhale Ile succeeded in securing lodgtn, of death than ourselves, number at least 120,000,000, equal to Gibbon's —Quite a sonational affair took office to put the handrufri on hint, for himself and prisoner in an Lote lace near Durham count of Grey, and , then lie he Wats put into the and saw his charge safes ' u stairs calculation of the population of the p , Y Yr o Y P' Roman Empire. There fire 400,000 a few clays ago which has furnished name room as his Wife. Gallantry prevented kiln from goiD trained brown soldiers in the nation sufficient gossip for that neighbor- ' The pistol used by Saralt was a further, but to soduce him front It service, of whore we hear, perhaps flood forsom0 time to come. It ap- British buldog, six -chambered, load- 'post of fluty nL the foot of the stai once in ten years, and 3,000,000 fears that n young lady who had ed in every chamber, was another thing, and it was offer men wbo thins( their proper. pro. 001110 into possession of a consider- _ t•unlly tried by several of the villagal fession is arms, who would live by ablo amount of money Was ongaged v Who had soon become acquninte arms if they could, and of Wholn to be married to a Young man of For And About Women With the state of things. He stoo we in England and Canada never tho district. The wedding day firm as a rock, however. F.scap arrived, and all hands were on }land —Mrs, Harriet Becclier Stowe is f•t'011l the windows Was Out Of th hear a worts. If the Prussisll con. except the bridegroom who had b in a dying condition at her summer uestion and the Only road rues b scription were applied to India we I o ' Y q ,' should without counting reserves or some means been delayed for a residence, Sag Harbor, L. I, The the stairwpy: Woman's twit was nc 1'andwehr m any Force not snnunouti short time. In the meantime a Mr. authoress of "Uncle Toni's Cabin"' asleep all this while. In a remarli ed in time of peace, have 2,500,000 roanill Who was t0 Of withe n9 bast 19 9eVPntl'-9t',wC11 years Of ace• able short thio after' the collstabl soldie;a actually in barracks, wits, loan took a walk out With the bride, ,—Essex county, Mass., has two lead commenced his vigil, a lad, �i'IIPD %110 bl'ldagr00m al'Tlwell about veryaged residents. One 18 11 rs. .camp leisurely clown, bland ant ! 00,000 recruits coming up every two hourso later Ile leagued that his g ear—a force With which not 'ons Ellen Creeden Lynch of Salem snuling, nodded to the constabl } Y Muir one had gone out with Mr. Hill, who flay ust celebrated her 104th and Walked out. Presently th Asia but the whole worlli might be j aubdtied. .There are tons of Millions and ho followed th0u1, afid on over. Lir ay. The other is Charles Tattle of %wheels was heard otitsid of prosperous peasants whose board- Lsking the pair tuns coolly told by K' lg, of Middleton, who is in his as of a rig„ being driven hurt Cho lady that she had concluded to:' 10 it year. stray, 1'hon, only, the constable bE wings males of India; the grand ab• teed lir. Hill. The bridegroom's ry3 gall to smell a'rat, When too late. I sorbent of the precious metals, tens chagrin and raga is better imagined ohn 'Tuttle, a religims crank, is said that fho ntsoner in the shot of millions of peasants beside whose than ex resseEl, 3e orae er to be d a steamer at WiIF'on _Point I overt fellaLs or Sicillinns or Con. p, time tit her disposal had ehangoi poverty give him back th .r eats ho hail o, on Monday, and got into an ]ler dress and made other alteralion naught men aro rlCll ; In1lhOn9 Of Ulglit ]ler, rVlle 9110 pealed Off argument with ilia crew. Ile was t0 her appearabce so as t0 pass th' art19At19, rAnglllt frUlll filen w10 }ler wedding dre Ancl b0Ut8, rwhicll ordered to leave, and Edward Belle- constable unrecognized. 1'p to th build palaces to the men Who, near- was what he claimed, and throw wie,ve was loading him Eiway, When the present 1Ls. Ileury's where ly slaked and almost without tools, them at him, accepted the ^offer of Tuttle struck him with ith a eRVY Calle, abouts his not been ascertained do the humblest work of the potter, a suit from her ne%r mall, and they nearly severing leis Par froth lily althollgll adlllgOnt scaach 19 beitl, Every occupation which exists in went on their ',way 'rejoicing to head. Bellovieve picked up a mado for hot,. The occurrence 1 Europe exiYts in India. The indus• Durhtim, prociliied a license and got shovel and struck Tuttle on the heats. the tall: of the country hround Rath try" of the vast contiurmt never 1 m7iI,i d,futileilicd yesterday moaning, sax anti lloorcfiel(l. e � - --A farinetz- front Ontario who settled in Dakota,eight years ago writes:—We had a light frost on. the 6th and a Bard one on the 8tb, which froze our wheat. We aro n done -up compaunity. I am going to try and sell out, if I can, and leave. Two weeks ago I could have sold out for $1500 ; now I don't think I can got $500. If I had got this crop I could have paid all my debts, and would have been on my feet nicely. But now I am going to quit farming and go to working out and try to make it good living, even if I can't get rich. In Dakota we trusted ; in Dakota we busted. :w Pointers Rhout Printing. SALE BILLS. We Rant to sty), a word to our far"lcr friends about Sale Bills. Our aini has always been, and is still, to turn out a superior Glias of work at the to xe,t possible price. In this respect we invite cu liparison with any well-conducted printing office in Western Qntario. If you arc about to have a Sale, call iuld see what We can do for you. We have uo middleauen to commission. A Fl= ADVERTISEMENT of all sales, for which we print the bills, is inserted in Tun: N iws-Rrcoitn up to date of sale. Ilear in nl "d, cull trsid see samples awl get prices before you order. FALL SHOW PRINTING. 'pile Nrllvs-1 t,.(:o 1 has unsurpassed facilities for the excuutiun of all kinds of .lob printing. Ll all -lines we guarantee a superior class of work at Moderate rates. Leave your orders f'or Fall Shun Print- ing with Tilt: Nims-ItrronD. ADVERTISERS 1 4 Bear in nand thit Tula NE%%•n-IUcoia) is positively one of the best advertising mediums in Western Ontario, and to the husiness In'en of Clinton offers many ad- vantagcs, tri The T) atblc Circttlatiouj'ralks to Thousands. Mltely & UK .�. Publishers, Clirttorl V• V � • . R • . Jai AA mtivo STRAY STOCSTOCKADVER- TISEIIF.NTS inserted in Tits Nsws RMORD at low rate4. The law makes it compulsory to ,advertise stray stock. If von want any kind of advertising, you cannot do better than call on "The News.Recoid," Sault Ste Marie Canal' Notice to Contractors. F..1LED TE'NDEIIS addrussed to the a dcr_ 17 signed and endorsed "Tondere for the RaulE Ste. \hair, Canal," will he received at this orrice until the arriml of theci9turn nod western nails on TCESDAl', thr 23rd day of October, next, for the forniatiou and eonAruction of a C anal on the Catailian side of the river, through the island of St Mary. The works will hu lot In two seitions, one of which will embrace the formation of the canal through the island; the construction of locks, &c, The other, the deepening and w•ideuing, of talo chamttd•w•ay at hoth end- of the Gann ; von• struvtion of piers, &e. A map of the locality, together .with plans :aid specifieations of the works,"can be seen at this ollice on and after TUESDAY, the 0th day of October, next, where printed forms of tendo• can also be obtnined. Alike class of information, relative to the works, can be seers at the ofllee of the Local Ofaeer in thc'r,nra of Sairlt Ste Mnric, Ont. intcnGlm; contractors are retlnetited to hear in mind that tenders will not be considered unless made strictly in accordance with the printed forim and be accompanied by it letter stating that the person or persons tendering have Lara Lally eitanrinod the lovality and the nature of the material found In the trial pits. In the case of arms, there nntst he attached the actual signatures of the full name, the nature of the occupation and residence of each member of the same; and further, a bank deposit receipt for the sum of $20,000 must accompany the tender for the canal and locks; and n brinkdepnsit receipt for the sum of 87,(00 must accompany the tender for the deepening mal widening of the channel. way at both ends, piers, &c. The respective depneil rrerlpa-cheques will not beaccupted—ninstbe endorsed over to the Minister of Railways and Canals, and will be fo•- felted if the party tendering declines entering into contract for the works, at the rates and on the terms stated in the offer submitted. Tho deposit receipt thus sent In will be return- ed to the respective parties whose tenders are not accepted, t This Department does not, however, bind itself to aveept the lowest or any tenders. Ry order, A. P. BILMI A'. Secretary Depar,,nnnt of Ilnlhvncs and Cat I ) ottnwn, Qth Antrn,t, 19gt Want of. Steen - 1' Is sending thousands annually to the Insane asylum; and the 4Octo:3 say this trouble is alarmingly on the increase. The usual remedies, while they may give temporary relief, are likely to do more harts than good. What is needed is" an Alterative and Blood -purifier. Ayer'a Sarsaparilla is incompurably the best. It corrects those disturbances r 'in the circulation which cause sleepless- ness, gives increased vitality, and re- stores the nervous system to a healthful condition. Rev. T. G. A. Cote, agent of the --Mass. M '" Home Missionary Society, writes that his stomach was out of 'order, his sleep very often disturbed, and some im- purity of the blood manifest ; but that a perfect cure was obtained by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Frederick tiV. Pratt, 424 Washington street, Boston, writes: "My -laughter was prostrated with nervous debility. Ayeles Sarsaparilla restored her to health." William F. Bowker, Erie, Pa., was cured of nervousness and sleeplessness by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla for about two months, during which time Itis weight inepased over twenty pounds. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer do Co:, Lowell, Mass. bold by all Druggists. Price $1; six bottles, $3. Ca'Otelon's Carriage Work, The Cheapest and hest CATS In the Nfarkot. See them. Stylish fain durable Upcn and Top q�J�11UGGII•:S Very'llest Material and Close Prices pa��telon Pilop Sr A.r � l� 1 r SPLCIIAL i\ie'1IVE''S. _n.1 R9 nt r -P\ 1 -,will : nil fru cwt Glu. r„nine r t Ill a L L%3. for a 11111ytu 1`Y1JK'IA1nA BALM that will erNIOVK TAN, I`1t1-XtLaa, PIMI-I.ns turd nr.o•rcues, lea%int: the skin not;, elvar an, b imtt ful; also instructions fur prndneu,g a luxuriant growth of nair on a bald head or snM)oth face. Address, including 3c stamp. iIEN. VANDELI? &. CO., 60 AAnnnsirereltt,, N. Y. ) 302 �{�` Restored. A gentleman having innocently con. ” tracted the habit, of selfatbuse in his youth; and in consequence suffered all t he horrors of Sexual Incapacity, Lost Manhood, I lty-sical Decay, Gen- s prostration, etc.. will, outot sympathy f ox isfellow sufferers, mail free the recipe by which he was finally cured. Address In confidence J. W. 11INKNE'Y, 42 Cedar. Now York St.- 302, V / O w u " �W o a� M a cis 0 til ao,,.., � 'd N g C14 W >~ i�.E • bn vl �ar •� o apo A �r, > (u 6 cd 'E., "d . cd z o .. U O M 0, U rn 160-66 PREUL% TO FIRST APPLYrNR, w111LE T111.F LAST. We ,-i:l sold by,n',nilan ap- propriatzl,ift to au•h maiden, tvnfe, mntlter or cook— ­c to a fatull'will try the BBEADMAXEA'S BAKIND POWDER C•ut fe rrd circle from the label and send it in a letter statinb; hone,t opinion aft,•r fairtrrtl. EJthvr a 5, lOor25 , cert size will secure the gift, —_ Any graver nr strn•t l.cvpvr _known where in ;;•r -I it if asticd for h) yon.—.Id,h•,a,<— ;"Clll-IICIiILi, ti C0 ,Tsai. T+' cls UJ g C� __'L" rWj .r CL • �i h I .c U RE FITS VChen I gay, Currie I don t mean merelytostop them for a timo, and then have them re• ;urn again. I nt1EAx A RADICAL OUit% I Clave made the disease of MTS, yp EPILEPSY tosIFA* S Fis AtifelonRDtndyy I WARRANT my remedy to Dung the worst Cases. Because others hai+e railed 1 s no reason for not now receiving a cure Sendatonce for atreatise and aFRrr. RoTTLP Df' m INFALLIBLrd RRAIEDY. hive EXpren And Yes% Ofllce. It costs you nothing for a Wal, and It will Cure you. Address 3) H, (Jr. PAOT, 3T Yonge •St., Toronto, Ont. 1 •, 9'• a r. i IN , P 1?