The Huron News-Record, 1888-09-19, Page 2. . �, r. • ,. - r �� __, �TM-- • " + ,i s .. 1 .. A I . t cions, ittste A SOLD19 S L ST DIV 49E. FRIG OR R'�'QRY READERS. �d £ � living whot,Qdr likokn�age>aa ,1t s proptto- e I d might,,• rutile �hc@Is.) 1b F Vit. w throw Kiri voice aid weigh):: tarn the 1,;" ' fit tL4'ttlt C1Vt.tCAlk�l . the urfaCe of the groat deQp, .but aoales i p order to. - ------I— I *...r7.n..r.?,.n.i tQ pP oa�talu hu d.ro11-weigttls Of , )S rUULtSItru' down deo, ei Are t110 d pp cllrrenta PREJ 1pI0R TI;E OAUBA• 9F UANADA FOUND A QUARTFTi OF A OF:I3�URY rH a �'URTG��S fAa1 '. UDDN DEATIi. dpL1grtlap i Evay WedneQda Meal^1'1tD tll:tt Inpvv a(seordin�tonatural laws. a . A ud'i teed this° source of action LATE[i:ON _ _ •-- -- It wee juQt at this'rs,oment that I ,a 1 . ---BY---.- 'There Are, against - thio country. For what do One of the Strangest cases of Ion. `There ace saverol objections to carne up with my gig ; agd kA w- M1„J, ' , ._ �`>rY����.����, CURRENTS OF OFIN10,s' we find in the newapilpere, On the one-horse Vehicles. With two .- gby ity to the turtle has come to ing sowathing of the lady's photos- . s . ;, . That ruffle the surface of the other side of the line 4 There are light In Kimball, Dakot Of wh.oels, they are dangerous : with ter, I pulled ap in 'extsectotion, of a r AT Tussis water, the sentiments of the people, heAdlines in all of them such ae 'four generally cruel inventions, course turtles aro found , o Y scene. Leaving my own bay, who ' POWER PRESS PRINTING ROUSE, but that does not show the strong. '•The Loader of the I:iberal Party "The wherever there is li IDg water, and tasking ono annual with the labor would stand as steady as a mute at I deep, tine feeling of.the inner 11 -arts Condemns Canada,” and Lead• of two. And, it) either case shoul3 the noises and rivers of Dakota a ' death's door, I proceeded to assist I UnC:crlo wtreot„Ctintou, of the people upon whose surfaee P p or of the Liberal Part Shows. Con Y ', bound with, thorn but the are your horse think proper to die on the coachman in extracting his X1.50 re 1'ecer - L.�CS ire drlv:rncce. they, play. Aud so I say, des- elusively that We are Right.” All always small, seldom measuring a the road, you have -no survivor to horse ; but the nag of royal line _��� pito all this and all that seems over the United States Mr. Lauri foot in diameter. Wtten your cot- drag your carriage through the rest tvasatgne dead ; and I accompanied 1 The NEWS, likely to be, these two peoples will er's name is used whazlAan a quotat : respondent heard of a capture of of the.. stage ; or to be out off Humphrey to the carriage•door to his pruprietorsol"1'ur.Gouratox k: ;, having purchased the business and plant move to-0ior in peace and in ion is necessary to show that their one which measured three feet two galla In with the coachman on P g make his report. %of 'CxE ILuRUN REcuaD, will in future .; . :` i publish theaulalgamatedONK8ill"llton, ,unit 8o far as the lasting 1'elAt y, ° iousofthetwotireconcerned. (Bear, JBIt10n is tight and ours wrong. P ° °' ' ("Shame.") So much thou with to- inches and a half from head to tail back for a coadjutor. A recent American author has „ it worth travelling 11lias Norman's he thought That was attribute, under the title of rut=, Huaox News- I hear. When hpwever, the leader of > , forunce to the friendly feeling ; ° precisely described, as an essential halt' n wile to sue. Upon arrival at of high birth and breeding in p dilemma. REcuam"' Clinton is the moat prosperous town su ll town.{c n great party litre 111x. Laurier, who should know better, still we find this plan of retalintiou' Will you allow me as a Canadian the spot ho saw nothing but the �, headless body of tip enurmque turtle, If a horse could be supposed to En°land, a certain sort of Quakerly in sudden Acsturn0isttiiu, tllesuasper us '%'' manufacturing, and the ceutrual'tlaefinest I " CHALLENGES THE ATTENTION to give a mild and dispassionate 6 view of ft Z On from n ser• Quote as had novas bolero been Been harbor so deadly a spito'against Ilia cbmposure all possible pruprfotor, I should believe that emargoncios,euch as an alarm of the agricu}turel seat.iou fn Ontario. The ciruuh,tiaa of Te,,Ntst,s• of the country and endeavors to pressure rain section Af their people they in this section. While using A ° the one in question chose to vent house on fire, or a man falling into m°'Inure to verify its length by made in fact, the combined ItE00ttU oxcueds that of any pnY,er Duh• Huron. It is, maintain the proposition that it is because of the unfriendly conduct wished to modify a• soletnR treaty been b nu astoui siting discovery. A. piece his animosity by giving up the a fit by one's side ; , ghost oat At the slot where it sumo kind of self command which fished in the Quuut. of therefore, unsurpassed as act alve,tisinR of the Governiuent of Cauuda that which had not modified Y any other instrument anti which of bright metal seemed oubedded in ° 1 0 would cause most annoyance, Pope praises in a lady who is , <M median,. - liberal, „utl this trouble has arisen, it becomes cannot be modified without the con the shell, about n foot from the edge. 1lrith the aid of n pocketlntifo ho and inconvenience. For fourteen "mistress of herself though china In this Mies [taros of advertisi„g -.;,y faruislted uu applicatiou. necessary to say a fete words with reforence t0 the matter. Unfriend scut of rile other art to that treat p' y y' mouths past h° had drawn the lady fall." particular, scraped off tine ,Moss and slime, dia- l ° scraped in daily airings to it just Norman's conduct justified her 44WParties making contracts fur a :,reit ' their advertise ly feeling on 'the part of Canada Tu get for the use of their privileges in our waters which they point closing rho Doti of a pisco of copper short of the Bilin Gate : -because pretensions. She was mistress of I thets went to work v}ger--fell. She ,• f tied time, tvhodisu"nti,u,e r: meats .afore the ex ,iry 1,f rho sante, will towards the United Statex 4 I main- Iain that reference to al.l this renounced fu 1818 b their gafufner Y ° ° wire. " that fifty yards further would have herself, though her horse Dusty soil was testi repaid for ugy Y Y Mies did not start, exclaim, put tear head be charged full rates. Advertisements, without iustruetions as with fishery trouble friendly conduct has 1,000 :Hiles of our seacoasts for till purposes connected with their fiats- cost sixpence ; a suns which trouble. Three more wires were . Norman could, or believed she out of the window, or even let to space and time, will be loft to the jnd =- b '• . in rho display, in• rite l J, always characterized the action of , tine Government in the Dries which they have enjoyedsince Yand discovered all similar) fastened ' Y ' could but ill spare out of a limited down the front" glass.; she only all leading to the central point ' P adjusted h6rsolf more exactly in the t nlellt of compositor p Sorted until forbidden, measured by a protection of fisheries.- Will you that time, which they enjoy to -day, over the back. Under theseclosely income. At this very place, exact- tall middle of the seat, drew herself , scale of solid nonpareil 12 lines to the - inch), and charged 10 cents a line for first our Asx ME FOR rltoors 4 in 1871 the people of the United I l States paid a money compensotion 1 opposite osite the elm which p ° usually °: gnat for turnip bolt u tinter and fixed' her on drawn wires was a flat nckage caro- Y 1pgrve the signal g upright, , Y �11insertion and 3 cents'a liixo for each ante• insertion. Orders discontinue fn. 1871 when the • Fisheries g for trading and fishing Let use °• °' fully covered with a piece of a rubber blanket. It funs A letter hifneward, did Plantagenet prefer the back of the coachbox. In thin dead if found her. , ..- iegnent -'" Idvortisemouts must be in +\titins. _ ,• Treaty of that period was framed Canada the United go one step further. When the Washingtpn 'freaky of 1588 was to drop -Clown stone : as posture.liumphrey written in n lathe, bold baud, and determined that his mistress should � ; "If please, ga ng, I l wty- a� Nutloas set as READING MA•l rica, r (lueusurod by a scale of'solid �Tonpariol, 12 between and States, although that treaty was not was framed it was brought down to wonderfully well preserv0d ,for the you headline bore the tato of Aug=. 17. have to walls every inch of it,°to her giIIit be dead." The lady ncquieac lines to the inch) charged at the rate of proclaimed in force by the United the Conareas of the United States 1863. It road as follows : ° own house. ed with the smallest nod overt= 10 cents a line for each insertion. •. -q$' States, so that we could enjoy the with a message front President "'To whoever Providence may di- But Miss Norman never walked. made. , -JOB WORK. privileges which it entitled us to in the United States, until the first of Cluv°land himself, in which he statod : I solid you a fair and a tact this humble wessunger: I can. Pedestrianism tuna, in her opiII• "I've took off the collar, and tliu g > bit out, and got uu out o' harness We have one of the best appointed Job duly, 1873, yet Prince Edward Isl just treaty tt hiclr will remedy rho not hope to Deet -again' sea rho face iuu, a vary vulgar exercise, Lina• of human being.- I left Fort Thomp• voidable with the poor, and to some entirely; but he be as uuanitrlate UHices west of Toronto. Our facilities ill 'ri this department enable its to do all kinds and gave the full benefit of that treaty from rite 34th of July, 1871, wrongs that have existed and which will :scare the rights of these people or- son the first duly ff August, bearing people, ue postmen, bnnkees, clerics, as his own shoes ; and the inady looked earnestly tit the lady ^J�y,-, ofwork—fl•otinaealliti�eal•Ilt'Ol,lna,lnlnoth in the bifst styie lcnotvu to the and NetV•fouudland naive the loth e without sacrificing their pride or ° l orders from commanding officer t•o hawkers, uud the like, a profession- mann troops supposed to be stationed at mode of progression, but a bodily to observe the effect of rho cog poster, craft, and at the lowest possible rates , = " Orders by attended to. benefit from -the 7th of July, 1871, and Canada gave the full benefit their dignity. . The Senate tools that matter up for discussion, wh0n somewhere in this section. The exertion very derogatory- to persons munication. But she never moved So far a inusele ; sad honest Humphrey i" , snail promptly (i c,a --__.----__--_ _ _- _ -. --._ . _ ,._ _fTom-'tho-4th' of-1•I-aieh; -1.873: ---This- AIl-i-rtwGwe-3�raaturs; -for party teas- first da` out I lost n7 saddle bans of birth and breeding. was Y Y . ° g containing soy rations while swim- this carried, that she was.onco heard was just shutting the coach•door, to ,; The News -Record meant to the fishermen of the United ons,'its it was alleged, rejected that ming a creek. Since then I have to declare, spanking of certain so and finish the laying -out of the Clinton. Ont States that the best mackerel treaty. been wandering around in the vein rather humble obsequies, ,,She corpse when he teas racalle . ;_ — grounds, the beat hailing groiinds _—. _,�� ___-_ hope of finding the troops or some would rather live forever than have "Iinmphr0y 4 n _ ' The News -Record And the best fishiug.grounds of Can. ada received no single reciprocal ad- A CARNIVAL 'OF C -RIME. g net something a ,walking �funeral't" On another " ," '• " place where I might 0 C, ° What s your pleasure, ma .alt 7 the >g 9';" ." Huron r"'•' vantage in ,return for the ifs. She e g HORRIBLE DtURDERS IN OLD LONDON to eat. ]1Iy horse gave out seven occasion, when groat perfor• „ days ago, --and* since then I have mance of Captain Bar(ilay, ill walk- Rernembor, another time ,.•f. $Lr10 a year—$1.2,i in Ativanee• merely evinced by that her good —WOMEN THE" VICTIMS—AN r= "Yes, ,Ina am, travelled by foot, but with IID hand- in° s thousand miles in a thousand � — --- - - -- °feeling towards rho United States ° ALARMING STATE OF ArFAIRS "When way, for here I find myself at the hours, was submitted to her opinion, hon ,I horse of mine is deceas- _' Sept.I:Ith 1$$S R educsolsty. , in a most practical and most liberal sumo little waterhole retests I left his she said, "It was n step she did not od---" ,— s,. :- . __. _::. _ � _ _._ __ way. -lake, -agate., in_1&8,5,.._tvlt.en-....New_York;—Tho--Vines•-Loudow, --(lend body n week since; -'and I e -n approve." . ...._ .... _ _ ... • - �t.Yes, mA'rim.'' - - . . . _ _.._ ._..- _ _ . _ _ ..._ .._.__ ._ CANSEPWA'TIVE TALK, ' the'Treaty of �Vaehtngton expired.. Froul. the fst'st of July of that year special says :—e1 atrAugely horrible denvored to quench my thirst with It might be surmised from such "Touch your tent." ° . Y �— ., it was the privilege of Canada, un- murder took plane at Whitechapel a drink of brackish water. and while , declarations, that she was incapable Tho abashed coachman instantly . THE HON. GEo E. EOSTtsR, der the Treaty of 1818, to have gone yesterday morning. The victim in the act discovered n turtle. Re- of personal locomotion, through Paid up the salute in arrear. Un- wembeting a of wire which - lliuiat�r of Finance said at Buav- down to her coast and rigidly en ° Y was a woman, who at three o'clock pisco settle original infirmity, , for instance" blest b birthright with self. held Dna stirrup of my saddle I ° from the rickets J' ° • }tie tend not uvea the urtou : \?otwithst,ul(ling the admit- ;k;' ° '� able spwpcltus that Juu have Iloaud forced the roviaions.of that treat• p Y• Did chs ahuiv au 'uu;f►xettdly spirit was knocked dew➢ by :Dane man uukuotvn and attacked with n knife, such As results , )OSS09a1011 , conceived the idea of fastening a l whereas, so far from allowing tiny. advantage of oxperionce in the first to -da ori rising to s leak bofui•e ` ), d 1 and rush into this business and • h J . She attempted to got ups riot ran message on its back by n piece of deficiency on the ' tart of her families whore he might have thin wire knowing it would soon J 1 ° nurse or iu putting learned a little from g - example. ?+a you, and On wy l'ri,lttds riving to t; coming toren on the fleets •of the a hundred yards., her cries for help parent`s'" 0 good „ t g travel on, as the water was drying her to her feet Miss NormaII Io- • P' Hu was a raw,, uncouth country .` speak as we'll, there is :soothing in it like the st.ury told �f ;t g�uull uuui LTuited States in the middle of the season souse damage. and feel „ being heard by several persons in adjacent houses. 'No atte➢tf011 was up fust. My name is John B. Cab- fessed to have the perfect command servant, with the great merit of e who went with a select )ally before e ,bad into I Aro, siYr ; Canada freely- gave ' paid to her cries, however; and when larcom pan 1:. Fourth Iowa cavalr } Y � y' of all .tier limbs, and would have being cheap, Miss Norman testi I write this with no hope of it ever felt extremes otlended at n hint undertaken to educate ; but he was Y • the preacliiar ill urder to !lave the the United Status six months of free found at day' break she was lying g• �, bringing help, but lcuoty it is the that she could not dance. It was still so tin from proficient, that, in -..'.W • bonds of mulrinlony well and truly fiishing, with all the privileges that (lead in another street several hull- only ,ossible chance of rn tato another weakness than any the importance of breaking the ! Y • tied, who) Lh•+ pn :l(divr saiid to 'uomaul attached thereto, without having dred yards front the scene, of attack. quite . evert beitlg kliuw➢, A ringing ill bodily one whicli restricted death to his mistress, he had hint "Du ue. t,"„ thi. to y nub uuit,•riul'cum compensation therefor. 1 ' Her head was nearly severed :front my oars, drowsy bend and horrible • J . ,tier and mato }tor feet onimitted ono of those minor.toh.ens Ile your wud(1 ,! +mil',..'t'' Ike said, IJOklglgg till into the ,i a 1ChC1''S (a' :C I ] ,, t4hat purltus0 teas ).his 4 To 'evillCei tire' till ' feCllllgg all Cl t0 t J her bodyy which was liter;illy cut to pfecos. Oise „ reached 'front protneklades, I)alll6 that infect every pact Of ltly nllllO6t na Useless to lies' aS those Of -of re8 ect which she always rigor- • � • p g 1 , "Well, yes, 1 du, but I trouts} torte-. ,hi+.l' ° (;pi,ble, it' possible, during the time gash, rho )elv'ia to the breast bout. Phis 1 body warns the that I have not long oust exacted.' . to For humanity's salve let the Female Chinese, . Pride was in ur hava her 'sister.". (l:aughter.) that tiie•ndly feeling •waa.' being be is t•he third murder of the kind ,live. fault; ,ugd partly her surname, for It was note my own turn to cotiie . Ilio] aIle finds this missive carry rho suggesting to One• of her ancestors deforenti, As if Bug, ThnCis what' t+u un this latform P to•dity. say to yuu, ,varying it ;t lit- evinced sc ro•arra➢gement to 0 tuade between the people Of the which has been done lately. In the Jast one two wesks ago the news to lily mates, for they are the a forward, and, as that he was a decendt,ut of William she had been indeed the last of'the With tie of course , "t)J Juu talcu us for United States and the people of 1 1 victim wasstabbed thirty Wino times. o time only frionds I have on earth. the First, .of England : a notion , 0 Co ueror s Norwandy pippins, 1 the close of this I ire down to die q his head, our speakers kers aw 1. exponents this -' Great Britain and Canada with re- 'That In the case before it some s which, after turning own tendered a sent in my chaise, which, praying the leather that it luny be cr»znil those of his susses g YOU s aft4.ernoon 1" I alit sunt uu tvo lid „ du, 'like-saying. W"ll, fer0nce to these fisheries. does look like. g ago, the victim was stabbed with -a forced the alights al painless and speedy as ossiblo." g Y silo tacitly declined, with a gracious 1 I Y p sora, who all believed as )art and , 1 of head and hand. . feelyes, we net stick which was through gesturo —�"� of their inheritance, on the „ but we would Ax UNFRIENDLY PEELING.? bot All three victims have been Y• parcel "If you ploa'se, mn nal. Haid the "Norman" and some , r;ATHERitAVE -YuUR CHIEFTAIN Asul et while \Irr Laurier would Y women of the lowest class and all three murders have taken place in 1 strength of —George Bowden a business man Humphrey, taking care to touch his ° ' dubious old iedigree that the Con- . fast } hat•, and shutting ilia head into the1. r; (Cheers.) To day as I passed up through the streets •uf your village, cause the people to believe, as far us he can, that unfriondliness his chat•- rho sant° district at about the slime of London, Ogt;,,, went to at' rogenitor, quoror was their' 000 progenitor. g Saguiatr, Mich., in ,search of his , carriage so that I might over soil sante beneath that beautifully acterized the dBiugs of the Govern- hour,and have been characterized wit's, tvho left him last April Ile The hereditary arrogance cogen- }tear him, ;`he's n respectable kind ornamented arch a t which hand- meat his part °criticized the- Minis- l Y by rho same inhuman and ghoul- , found }ler living with Thos. Uartle dcred b this imaginary distinction = enough, and' connect - ° Y' Y o Y� of gentlouiau coons , .,o➢ some young ladies stood= awd sang try for having given up six months like . brutalit 'the police have Y 3 street car driver, anti had both, locked had successively displayed itself by ed with some of rile fiist houses." . � 1. Ithe old well-known song. "Britan- of free fishings to the United � States concluded that the same man did tip on the charge of adultery. hart- outbreaks of different character. "'rho gontleman'a name I' nia Rules the Waves lathought as and got nothing in return- therefor, all three murders, and that the most toy formerly lived at London. Mrs. according to the tempermout of the " To be sure,,ma'aui, the gentle- - . that sontiniobt sank into my heart, blear, hear. In 1856, when it be• ( ) da➢gorous kind of a fanatic is at a pi Bowden is" 38 years 01d and ,the individual who happened to, be cant hole his name,"'answered Miss r): as I lcuoty ir. did into the helm of came necessary to protect our fish- Iarge., Tho excitement is intense over rho matter. mother of two chaldron, whom she )tend of the family; with Norman, the last of her line, it took Humphrey, fatly aware of the every one tubo hoard it, that it cries because the United St.ltes abaudoned- it prejudices of tela miatCC6a ; the form of'a boast that evory 1 • . _ taug ,t Uzi ft political truth alld a' would make n0 re-arrangenient I• e ' T110 FOURTH FEMALE VICTIM, OU' T1IF ,,but -The London Eng. Timex but ft be Huggins. ' °' branch and twig of her illustrious 00 natimial truth at this slave of our maintain, as having had charge of SPITALSFIEL'D FIND. IIORRIIII,F recently referred skeptically to the tree had altcays ridden "in their own "Shut the door !" country's existence. "Britanuio I Mules the \)raves," and this, ono the fishery protection force and kputy_ing just what was done. anti DETAif:S—A PANIC iN THE EAST END, facts and figures of Dr: Schultz' „ eaitiago. I am not, cxiito aura It appeared,"ou expllinatiou with '7a6in. " Ono Of the young but thriving wha- was intended to be done, that ,reatest - report of the great Vae enzie 1 ° whether she did not ii lsh this pre- the coachman, that he had mistaken It has since received fuller int .Hat- back than the date the for a person in the employ of dau"hters of the grand, old &'Iother i;ountr}•, feels the responsive chord tho groatest courtesy and I'orliealri,nce charnctcrized the coil- Londou—(Special—i'ani0 in the East of Loudon from the ox tension,further ion and published two lengthy tit of the invention of "little houses on the opuleut firm of Naylor &; Co., it .in'her heart ins tiriug wherever it 1 0 duct of the Government with refer- i;'r t ce at la gu ol''a uuwinc tubo sla •- '� J has tltilea to day. Editorially con - on wheels" would warrant; howovov, whose province it was to travel gratlllatCS Canad,s ll}loll the x00<1 g, > - o it held in local tradition, for throughout Britain with samP.les of is sling and glad an,il hapliy when and . ence to that proteetioil, as well ns in the 1887 and 1888, so )lir duluueeless womo➢'on tho stroet, been iuteusiEiod b • another fiend J fortune of the discovery of a• round good, several' generations, although rho linl'dwal'0 in the box -seat of Iiia gig• generations, .it rests content peacefully :1.)euc.lth the aegis of that Mother years its I have' had to do with it. (Ilcat, ish crime still, committed within a million :(roars miles of stent rfs dwin- I did not take the trouble to un- family vehicle had g y sources. to Viand,• (Cheers.) Thtls I loots for- hear.) Why„sir, these facts are Pat- circle having it "radius of about a dl0il down from nu ample coach to doceito. him, but, determinoCl suet ("lobe:—Tim fly,- and, finally; the the end of the affair, I affected to . to the. act that the atrotlg sari hearts of the people will out : That ng the ivatructions issued to the commanders of our cruisers, quarter of n mile: Anothar victim was found this nloruing in the yard —The Toronto else• a. chariot, a tiuu Of Sir George Stophon'to bou- one -inside sedan -chair upon wheels, hope that the lady would change 'uccu,ditigly pa;riutic + hiivc to Ile Changed before they will the doubt was every time to he attached to a lodging hou.se ill orary u,unlbershif) in the St. Au- which the sudden death of flan- her abut ; and I ' ,aljov, anything which +could hinder given to the AmOrican fishing Spiralsfielti, in the street , thruugb drow's Society of Toionto, and Sir tagenct loft planted fifty yards short renuwull, from time to Lillie, lily Bien Gatc. 'To at the offers of accounuodatiuib, which tea>, th�sr/ plens;tnt nttd passable rotations ', t0•day Cxict betwcall Ila all11 vessel ; and with reference td onter• I11g at the Ciistonis, which was a, which last week's victim -was a u•ried 011 her was to be buried. In each, GeovgiL'a Hent little reply in the of the glance flute, form an exchange of courtes• whoio set -out, nobody would over always atlilly dr.CIILPd. tiflet'� ati which the ,\'bother Country ,that g»v0 its fundamental law of this country, instance the details aro more repel ies in which all Scotchmeu can hava attributoti high birth Hud LOlernbly long pause on all sides, • 'Canadian t0 its Owklcr- Illy exPectation wits. excited by the, . bll'LII and that teals hit_hiert0 11)'0- %'e I11ad0 al'1'anoCn7C➢ts whereby sive. In' this Case the woman's' delight. The Pacific inherent gentility rho \1 tested us. (Hear, hear.) TTiissenti- thin entry could be made with the hoart and liver had been wrung railway has been a peculiarly Scot- ''1'tvats never of a pi0co. For encs appearance of, conch •Sir George's that the body was now•painted, the coming through the Tlinn Gate, the Inent ftne,d to -day till echo still cala;alins oferuisers themselves with- from heraud thrown over her fiend. fish enterprise. prin- Donald Smith thrice refreshed and only vehicle that used rho ztrongrr in tile hearts of the people •' Ulundu. When rho clay of see ont compelling the co,mmauders of T.'nited States fishing vessels t0 The body was horribly mutilated. Tho, thiOat tuna cut from ear to oar, eipal colloagues—Sir arm's were public 11Ir. Duncan McIntyre, Mr. R. B. touched up, till the dingy vehicle, road. At sight of the toad horse, - I of • ing adversity conies, when the travel to ports and there make their tit' body was ripped open, rho tante Angus—are Scotch of the Scotch by the glaring comparison, lookod the driver . (the noted Jem Wade) storms beat down n;)un a man, entry and cle.ranee. Sir, there is els were lying ^ than gruuud, told a and it wa the courage 1110 dash of more ancient than the quarturing6 pulled up, .alighted, and, 6tn11tiltn0 dour his ha on', %•bell all is dssk, thea it is that the not a single• in+tanec on record portion, of the cut -ai,s tw1•t1• lia.i thOSO' fuUr that were principally in The crest was ulltith oftener ruuu+c at, the carni»gu with lean1.ly spirit of a man is shown. where n➢ act „f humanity, a single around the nock. This is the fourth strumeutal in carrying their immense ed than the IlamI a cloth ; and as if ho lcuoty hyo customer, made But 11 i,. It is even so lvith a country. Whon right of hospitality which was due nlurcler of a similar character that work to completion. Whatover we Humphrey, the coachinau, evident- an offer of his 6 rviCos. dighified_.tlian ever, i times of seeming adversity are loons• to be to it friendly power, was witheld I'ronl Lhe fishing vessels or the ]tits been committed recently in the neighborhood, All the Victonls may think of the policy of rushing ly never got a now suit all at once. ,Norman, maro to the 11-teilic ur of the legislation - Ile had always old drab to bran -new tent 0d him off with her handy Jam ing kill, when there seems , •' storineady to beatdott'u upon the f}shermeti of rho Z. aired Stntos. I aero t;onlen of the lOtrast character, by which that policy was carried bright sky-blue plush ; or vice rerrrca. became worn pressing and rtes lady "Shu eho heads of its peuple, these it is that know that statements to thecontrary The author of the atrocities reluains out, every Canadian stands several Sometimes a hat in its first gloss more rigid. never rode, "in the manly .spirit of the people, will lfavo been made and they have been utrdiscoveltsid, and the exciton,ent inches higher in his own estimation got the better, of its old tarnished condesecndod to say, ,prt%giic 4, slaud cloav in the so-Isshini”, '(hoar, I rofut0d in diel-OTatic correspO➢d- in the immediate vicinity borders 'Thera and iu the estimation of the band; sometimes the fresh gold vohieles." Jeln entreated again ; beaver tools still but "she was accustomed to be I hear.) I ant not ono of .thuso who eneo and on the floors of Parlia- upon panic. is no lo,lger world because of the unpnrallal- made the brown TIlO with the driven 'by her otter coachman, It bluster Or talk of tela. `Cnr,n;,lmit- meth ; Jot man .in (' nnrla Hud nny.doubt that that a madman per- ell work of which these four Scotch- more antique. sumo the horse, which was was iu vain that in 1nfi1yC1' Ile telly, Ila you well know, i4 It torrible nowspapers in Canada will reiterate petrates these devilish (IO("da. 111011 were the living spirit. Sir harness and tall spanking brute, rho quietness of his foam, • evil and it terrible calamity, and " thu:;o who believe; today i these very complaints, ignoring al- together the answers that have boort I:deryt.hing points io ;in identity of operations. The deeds done, Lott•• (ler,rge himself.is worthy of a pines sometimes a praised in the front rank of noble Scotch- who seemed to have outgrown tho the safety of his patout 'boxes, Sul ORe of • that beLwcou the kindred peoples made to thorn. (Cheers)' In the over, the murdeler slinks away as men. Ilia is that '.keon foresight, concerti'; at other tinges, a short, besides prbiiiising the utmost stolid- ' been inoss on Ilia Own part. '' nit this side of the line and on the face of all this, Mr.- barrier !* as though he had power of ittvipibility. trhnt executive fordo, that restless pony like „animal, who had and sobriety into rho shafts by ThlatlilCe. In ;•Ila9 Norman :Lill looked poraeV01" a .41dC Of t11C i,ne t0 the south of its 13 COlnllllgr'11Cy 1't�'tI1C11 tl�tl nothing better at this critical tim0 t0 d0 shall f0 9tantl Up SCi tIlC Itn1,1St The (llf}IClllty Of tl'ACillg lli111 Il1'1$C6 f'1'J111 rite pl'U})ability th,,t lie ]las had energy and indomitable }rerseverance put before nil which obstructions wither short, tile Pevernl articles seemed t.0 ingly at the b -ick of he" coach-bOx ; tI1Cl'C Ll0 good so➢Fe of these two pcopics of rho grant Caulndian people,, threat,- 'nu previous rel»tion with the, tvunu/u away,l'heScot•chmouofTolgontohavO belong rho more especially to Miss•,whieh, o➢ aft unlucky assurance Norman because they belo➢god so that "he would talcs as roach caro of � i. will allow to arise which shall bring a dt'e,tdcd tittle of war be- and by a plan of retaliation, in which sixty millions of people arc I Whom pu6ibly lie kills as being, to his maniacal frenzy, onrmies of rho honored theulselvos by inscribing his Caine ou the honor roil of their little to each other. A few minutes her as of his own mother," she on 11 twr.(•n that country , mid this, arrayed ngainA fivo millions, and i i human ratio. I I national society, made a great change' in tier posses- ox lInug0l fur a steady gazo art the- 11 I . � �, , . . I I . .1 11 . I i. . . . � I ­ ,. I I �, . I - , ..",",�'..'�l,",.�.1l.-I�'ll,��..",.�.11�,�l,"-"�.-Ill",,--�--"-� ` � h W