The Huron News-Record, 1888-09-19, Page 1= ' . w a " - 1 EWS « . - E. C, I0. TE1R111$9—$1.60 per Annum, $1.26 fell Advgneo. 1X08 IIND AYT IV dLL THINGS, X-MUTiAL M NOTHING W11IT84Y & TODIpe Pabllrheie VOL. IX. ---NO. 40. CLINTON", HURON COUNTY, ONT., WEDNESDAY Sha I`P`PEII�BER 19, 1888 T ' WHOLE N 0. 514 ocui sorra lroixdatrra Toad[ (5orr�aolloudlift. 94fal (�orraolloodelift Xolrltx (Orra�Ilroudellxre _ T ocnX (2orraglr>pudelife ux t�orraolr'oadauca Goderici, Goderich. Goderich. Goderich. Early cgmmunion at St. George's The schooner, Goldhunter• with a Mr. Carroll Chilton is in town on itlyth' ttlyth. last Sundiy morning. oaroo of lumber for Mr. H. Secord, pwisit to his parents. Mr. Wigle preached in the north Mr. Charles Sherritt moved bis b Revs. D. Rog ' street Methodist church last Sunda y sere and J. R. IARao. Mr. B. V. Elliott, of Exeter, twee arrived in port lust week. Rev. Mr. Youug loft for Load eve ' y wife and family from Holmosville Avery notable'r. t ° vu stn°, to town tbia week. 4B ole of the con- te town last week. The schooner Jane McLeod with on Monday, vontion was the prominent part g a Cargo of lumber for Alt'. Joseph The schooner Todncan with a Air. W, and ASrs. Clegg, of Wring- taken by the laymen of the church Jude and Mrs. Doyle have re o P Tbe'sehoouor Pinafore loft this surge of lumber for Mr. H. Secord, turned from Cincinuati. Williams arrived in harbor last week with salt for the river, aarived at the firm's dock on Mou- ham, were visiting friends here ou in the discussions on both days, Wednesday. I Thursday. manifesting an iutelligence and Mrs, Jno. Robertson is visiting The schooner Arizona was fu port day morning. bits Sam'Gidley, our band teas- gift of speech but rarely equalled. friends in 11'inuipog, 0 3L. R. S. Williams, of the Bapk this week, and took on a cargo of Mise Chilton dna titer of the The Rev, .John Scott M. e 'chair- friends Mr. I-1. E. Rothwell was in Lown of Commerce was Rt Mr. Jno. salt for a lake Erie port, American Consul after a few weeks ter' led the Crediton band at the man of Win -ham District, presided Hallam's, Toronto last week when � Zurich fair on Friday. for a foto doss t}►o past week, Alrs. And Alias Lawrerlea of Paris visit at the parental abode, left fullW at all the sessions lu all able and on - the Governor -ss by tile a ".4 presented are visiting t + the States on Saturday. Several of our citizens are in To g A splendid rain o❑ Saturday with an address by the "Lancashire o n the residence uf' Atr. y routo these dos g tlomauly manner, and to hila is due evening. Lads and Lassies." Mr. N illiama I`' b Latcronce. y. vision rias oxbi- ranch credit, for the, success 0f tho r Oill' HubaCrlb01'8 that can find bitiou. Bir, and Al -a. J. Va' nEvery are having been boon in Liverpool, was Rev, :lar. Potter will preach the timo should visit the Clinton gathiring.--Coll. visiting at the family residence. hourtily t. olcumed by the finds -dud edUPALioual sermon in the north Exhibition this week, as the pro- The Wroxeter base ball club is to _ P a match with our boys tbo Thestormdrwn was hoisted air Lassies present on the occasion. street \Ietbodist church Host Sun- dt'uwuro for each day is an excellent r day evening. cue. Heron Stars, in the park on Fi iday, d.ouatesl►oro'. the light house on Sunday. 't1 a understand that at no distant r _ Dr. J. M. Gbtas moved his chat- Dr. Rose, Rv Bocock, and others, Mr, S. Doyle, of Seaforth, was in date a lodgo of the Sons of Eng• l� a Clilinot see, the nego�sity of Cols to I.ucnii on Moeda where ho `►°ailed th0tur°lues of the cheap town this week. land benevolent society Twill be paying outsiders fur electric lights, Port Albert. y rates to 'Toronto last Friday, established -in Goderich. English. when there is euuugh electricity Albert Mahaff is attending t•he futuritore. On to practice his profession in it AL•. Iiy. Clucns was in town this storod in out^Council to sot the har- High School at Goderich. On tiro fitH fust., the wife of week. men and the liesceudenta of Voting o DI r. Wm, Hiles, jr., presented hien Emdishineu desirous of bor on fire. y P ° n the Fire Protection by- with a daughter, .lire. G. Grant and daughter' are o James Alahttf has opened out a litw takes pines ou Friday next. o rift n g C. this n,eritgt•ious benevolent, society The steamer United Ent1jire was flour and feed store at Lucknow. Very little interest -seems- -tx) be The farnlors .who have threshed visiting rel,tfives at Toronto, should call without delay on Mr. iv port last Sat6itday, -and among Gilbert .and Eli Lowery, of I,►us• taken iu it it present. to this locality report an average Thier are still a number of Dowding hal'lleAA maker, IIamiltou other freight loch qn a largo quau sols And Luekaow, are rattling off gular monthly rueetiug of good yield nlul it fine sample. aunuuer visitors i❑ town." street, City of apples shipped by Ali,. D. apple barrels at the rate of '150 er Tiro regi ° p the members of 1.. 0. L. 963 was ` All who havo been sick in our Mr, Robert Hodge, of Chicago, Mr. H, II. Smith of Winnipeg, Cautelon, Clinton. day for Jarues Mahalty, hotel in their h+ill on Monday oven- village have almost fully recovered was in town last wook oil account of an old time resident, wits in 'town '1'.110 Oddfellows of town laid Win. Lee, of this plan;, has just ing, and no -non cases reported, hie father's sudden death, last week for a I'ely days on it visit floral ofi'°riug•t un, tiro graves of returned from Belleville after lean- Thu fico residence of Mr. 7'amb 1)o not forgot too match to•mor- to his brother Abruhanr-"dud tits their uuwber w11u aro at rust iu Ing his daughter Mardis lit the deaf nralll ou ltn�eA, fen dews 1rLd family" rote afternoon hettve0u rho lacrosse largo circle of frianrlN, 1{. H. S. the Sileut city of the Dead', laait- and dumb Institute. ,. ° friends lye, uu the 13th CODs, is fn progress te,uns of,Bright and Godorich. dues not look any the worse for his laud Cemetery, last Tuusda after- in 1\ urghain before roduming theft of contp•etiou, lu,d will prosent an. } John Runcirnan, Fred Platt, and ,jout'ney to Manitoba, attractive :ippe,trance, Mr. Fred Trico has. left for long res}deuce in the metropolis of genu. lit response to a,numorousl} Oliver I'euuin �tou u]ade this port Rev. hl r. 1'Aul a Auperannuated rile west }le b0'tig ,as health • look- signed requisition His .. 1Vorshl b I , 1)et.r0it Co retie up a position in a ' t ° } ° q P the other ururning oil their way to n,iuidt0r oc0u ,fed the. pal' it fu the L drugstore in that city., ing as ever. \layer Seager )reclaimed too after- r , ° e " b 1 .Goderich after a month's fishing and Mothodiat Chulrult on S �bbat}1 oven= - Iia tt J ul-tT rroly ;ins �1Ir. D. 1:f r. 1Vi11 Roberts left for Taunts It is rumored 'that Cupid} 118.4 noon fru❑i 3 o clock ,i holiday hauCe shooting u) at JohusOu's harbor. un Monday to resrlu,e his express again been - busy end that As ;t there wits nothing to mar th0 Cole- ° l ing• Girv.iu left last "Tuesday to visit duties. p resmlt lvo shall Mies a most respected brntiou ei Decoration Day. Short Jttmes Scoft, of Blyth, paid this Jaynes Emigh• started] on Monday frionds fu \lap:irice and Amherst resident no more. ' The parties to ly before the tinio, for , start•ing Place a flying visit the ,othor day, to learn the, milling business in P. Island, Our base ball team is very auxfous the coming contract are well known about twenty-fivo monlbors of Scott if; in the hotel business at Felly &, Son's flour' ruilL Succuss Atr, lir'. i11cI(uig for a friendly game with the Llyth, residents, the lady being prepossess. Clinton lodge I. ,0. 0.- F. arrived I31yfh• "a has ranted - his farm Jim. McKnight and daughtr,r boys. 'near this village to Thos, Precious and Miss Alaggio Stewart wont to ingaudeiidolved with every woman. in town, and by their kindly ° Mrs. G. Ii. Bowed has routed A. the fair at Toronto on Friday. Bir. Hugh I)uulop has returned ly gift, while the Qentleman is a fit appenranca did much to enhance of Colborne. Taylor's old stand and intends open- Itov. James I(ostle, of Be,un,ille,, from his visit to Illinois :Cud other consort for so ehtu-ming a woman, tile (31160t of the aftnrtiuuU's 'care• 1Va had the pleasure of meotin fug principals y 1 g ° out a first-clasa grocery this proachod the ulissfunlry sermon 0 states, Wo wish the princi pals ever ❑louies, ALS o'clock the marshal tyle inenlbors of the township coup- wook• 1Ve .�espealc for liar a share Sunday, 26th, morning And eve,,. The schooner. Darter delivered a happiness incidental to matrimoui:tl of the 'day, •joinod the l,tuoossion, oil of Ashfield in this villagu on of public patronage" i❑ ° Cargo of lumber for Dynlcut & Cu. life, and. Lora royarle on their the 33rd Battalion band u,`' Seaf°rtb, Saturday last, the meeting of this Iiov. AIr. AlcGillivrny, of Gode Tho Rev. 11Ir. l:dgo, of Clinton, y last aeelt, mttriwonial trip. fifteen strong, leading. Next the august body on this occasion was rich, preached able discourses both and \its, Detlor, of Clinton, will . Tho pip0 layers commenced wort: There will be.a large pic-nic from band followed the members of the for the purpose of widening certain morning and evening. in St. addross Clio mooting again on Friday after a stoppage of Stratford next Wedneadn under Godorich and Cliutuu ludgoA, the -streets in this village, Andrew's Presbyterian church to ensuing the 17th, ° °ll Monday four days waiting for material. tl,e Auspices of Itev. Fr, West, of Procession being joined by the ani- fon, Richardson Iias bought a large congi•egatious• Before au17th. tt,,,!; The hand serenaded the new pro. I St. Peters, and the members of his. formed encampiuent of Co, lnefch, traction ongine, threahor and the Our local cattle buyers, Messrs. sows of our Dung 1'011., by )ti0tot of the rllbiou on Fridti , church iu Godorich and Stratford, I'bo mtucb to tl,o 0eu,etcry thea tialole, arraugemeut complete for Wntsou and Freeman, shipped a car vicinity will have boon and of gone and Full1 } , commenced and during its cuntinu- aveuing. full details of the day a proceedings ' g threshing, and it is a novelty in .its loaf} of lambs to 13uf1alo rind a car done it and took to theiuselvgd life Regular meeting of Ilnrou Eli maybe learned from the bills post -.endo the band play od a choice hill•, as no hoiaGs, are used\ in haul- load of cattle to Montreal on partners for weal or woe, ed iu' Stratford Goderich And fn-. selection -of sacred music. Just campmont No. �8, I. O. 0., F. next ' aftar enLet'lllo tho'1Silcut City" the ing from place t° place. ja does Friday. Will. Dodd autico,mp:iniuil, 'who Monday ovoning, fervening towns. The oxcursionists first-class work and astonish\@a the itilr. J.'1'. Carter is having a solid went to Dodd uu Aug. will go to the park which will be loading division halted and °paned natives with his "turnout," I o , ru- The recent destruction by fire of neatly decorated. They will also out, when the order of march was brick kitchen added to his iesidanco turned on Saturday; 15th sept.-, . the D•yment Mill Will somewhat re- changod,. by the unifoinied Pat- Edward' Granger of H,❑IIatt.''1}ae and is also having the main build- with hearts tied to horns and tboir witness an exciting race bettveelu P ° Q ° routtid Geo, I;rtvin's blacltsmit}� 'ing v.elieered which will add greatly. Ovu best girls. duce .the firtu's business at ,this ��',n. O'Connor the champion oars- riarcha assingthr ugh the opened port, man,of America and Leo lho colo•• ranks and taking leading position, shop and is. doing. a good buaiuess'. to the appear of tite property Mr, Jackuiau sold his hoary Tho schooner Fina ore, with a r Arriving at the open spot near the and I have every reason to 'believe :1°hon tinisligd. Mr. I4. Howard r.' y f orated oardman'of New York city, late ilia Nod will g 4s doing the bricgt Mork, ' 3 ' draft friars to A:.11. Policy for tiro cargo of salt front Excelsior Wall, A prize of $250 will be awaeded jor Cooke s grassy mound "at' long welt when he got§ ° nice sum of $240, and llr, Duak- Port Frank, arrived in ha.r}ior on the Brethro'n joined in a circle and bettar acqu,.iut6d as he is'a first class A large the winner, This promisas. to be ° number of the meuibors old Duo to the same uutu for '$200, �aturiiay afternoon. the most interesting event of the commenced the ceremonies of the workman. TheoI gentleman, Ned's of the C. 0. F. here drovo over to They wore both fine animals. There will be a meeting of St. season and should bo patronized by day' They consisted of a short father, was up here for a few days. 'Auburn on Sabbath afternoon to . l'heHarvestIlomeFestival tchich- (Joorge'd Churchwoman's Guild in all. address by the N. G., prayer by 11613 of -the right stock and Tory hear a , sermon preached to the was I}old Tuosday Ilth Sept, was the achool•rooin at 7,30 p. Ili. on Rev. Bro. Racoy, aud:an appropriate to back bone. Order by.the 12ev. Mr. Anderson,of a grand succus, Larly in the day Friday. The Harvest Ilotue services in hymn, in which many of the ladies The work tit t},.e harbor iA about Goderioh, in the Presbyterian the people coulmenced oa-tike, connection with the church of Eng- present kindly joined. The mens- finished for this season with the 0s church. and kept coining until late in the A number of our subscribers. in land tools' place last Thursday hers 'then proceeded to the Bravos afternoon. Tharp was quite a Goderich township report twenty- av0ni❑g and. were largely attended. containing the ]aortal remains of, ception of spiking down some On Fridav afternoon the most of lino bushels to the aero,—very fair ev i p, d the raely h attended. the following , planks, 1301.11 north and south our sporting £rai.ornity assembled at number from I3elfhst and some frum showing. o doceasod Brethren, piers have had a complete overhaul- tho race course in the park to wit- Lucknow, and soma from Goderich, Guild com.mon-cod serving tea in the on each of which was deposited a ing, and the council inspected the nesea supposed trotting match for a and we almost forgot from Clinton. IVC do not know whether the U. school roost, and so well were the floral wreath, and other floral trio- lvorlt an'd worn highly pleased and y between one of our 5, Retaliation Lill was the cause, ladies . patron,ized, that; the pretty utea: AI»jor I[y. GooltF, Donald g, slam of mons But if the editor of tile. Nr•.ws- but curtain it is that Chore was a waitresses tv0ro kept busily employ- McLeod, W. J. y.Somerville,Co'Donals gave tl�e "foreman to understand hotel proprietors fast trotters and a RrBORI) was. not.thore Willie had (�etlncil of War, in the Council ed until near. 8 o'clock. The Johnston, A. C. Simmons Alox they 11°uld'noto the matter at their P°P Pedler's trotter froth Wingham, his fair one there to represent tJhamber last Wednes-lay, arrangemouts of the tables were Miller Malcolm McPhail Geo next meeting as being well pleased but bolero til° race camo't�o a final Clinton. After partaking of the ' , witli the world, finish the boys' found ottt that it 'bountiful dinner provided by tho The steamer §ovcreiyn arrived ,fu very of£ectfve and the ' °tppotiiin0 Elliott, W. T. Hayes, 1V. Smith, was only a rake as far as trotting ladles, and all being satisfied witld Port on Wednesday afternoon, and eatables thereon were, fit for any 1V. Ruthel•ford, W. Chuychill, 8615 : `- '- �"�" epicurean tasl•e, But so great and McI{ay, Alex. IC❑eehaw, 1 . Noiber• Goderich Te`vJ&tihljr. was ConCorned, the repast, t110 chair was taken by loaded a largo quantity Of freight, Rev. 11. Irvine. After the sfuging including a big shipnleut of apples unexpected NN';.q the call on the gall. A wreath was also placed in 1fr. Alfred Naftol has returned It ]raving° boon rumoied dtzrfng of "Harvest home" by the choir by D. Cautolou, larder of the -::!abliahmeut, that the centre of the 'circle formed by from Detroit where lie had beeu'on tiro wooh that our townsman, Mr". the Rev. W. h', Campbell offered before the meal a•as finished extra the Oddfello%vs, in memory of C, a visit to friends. I�• Sellars, (poot) would preach fn •tile R prayer The meeting befog Before commencing his sermon provisions hall 10 be sought, R E. Slight buried iu �Viuni og D. 'the Sitivatiou Arnty barracks on un Sunday morning the Iteotor of feature of the c :a that did not Campbell buried in Br ntford,. 11r Robert Beacon] hse takon an Sunday evening the building was.'1101t' opened Rov. Mr. t4ampboll St. Georges expressed his thanks allow a great viitioty of dishes to Andrew .liirb} buried fn Cliutoti, exoollenttwo-yoar old Tontine 1,'illy well filled at the hour of ulcetfng. o'�'u R_ sllart but pointod Address, for the large attendance of members late diners. Tl,,, procoos from Jas. Sanderson buried at Dungan- to the Toronto Extlibit•ion. Tito speaker dwelt for a consider- Then Mrs. Doc]tlor of Goderich, of other Christian douominatfons at this portion of IP,o festival most non, Robt, J. Whitely buried in Irr- .itobt. Elliott liar s}tfpp°d able time on the subject " T11e g°p0 n recitation which was, well the recent Harvest FestivalAorvfcos. have bcen'very go."l, and" will help Lucknow, and , 1V. Drummond about 500 barlela of apples to the Christian Race" which Ito dis- The1R�v, Goo. Ricand hardson of Cwod, -llr, Jonathan Alfllei-, formerly of considerably to decrease the debt buried in Xincardine, A fete lines Northwest. coursed upon Ina masterly mannor, Ode- on the church. After supper the were- recited _ by e,;tch Iiroth'or holding rho pudic❑ce spell hotted itch tyao then called upon and 1%.Ibi1ti1101ote Help is t o Host of rho PI AIr. John Cluff sold a throe -year• all through tliA able disconbso, bat ° it n1tiCh appreciated and profit- \lbion Hotel in this town, 110 haw- church was crowded by those desir- depositing the tributes on the able address on Chu 1d a a❑d • all . ipg purcha,ed the good will, &C,� fug to thank the Giver of all Good ° old Tontine colt to a man from Those vvho beard him predict a PP Bravos. 1110 members again form- lirinnipeg for $150 and tiro animal bright futw•o in storo for him as 1, tta'I'iflerout products. IIt+ bein0 a rota the Turn "proprietor, Jno. A. Gifts, for the bountiful harvest of ed a circle, when, after concluding is con�idored ditt cheap, clover anti earnest expounder of rho farmer fu Tris early days be was 1lci3ride, and Calton possession on the present year. The edifice was a bvin,n, au address by Che X. G., well able to' t>tlte up thy differentwas Fri)lay, Mr. Alillor, being an ox_ bentuifully arranged and festooned and prayer by the cilaplain, the 1Ir. loaott is solo lit bo about gospel. May he still continue in branches. After sin ing Clio Nat• porienced band, will doubtless make lett}, tite son»ou's Agricultural and brethren ' re-Pormod incl m;rrcbad again, hnviug reculercd from too the good work. g ° Ilorticultilral •products. Tho ladies baclt to 'th0 Tod o to too iu» uing (Not rtoc,vtd in time for Tart issue.) iqual Authors thia part of the pro- ; the Albion,ouo of the bast hotels in I injury he §ustained suuto time ago SUNDAY Scttoor :lvn Ev.txOFrt�p- ° undertaking g P ° granuue 1vaA brought to to close, tiro Province, •. ° this Portion' of the music of itis band. On the return by falling from n fruit, trap. The next on the prugrumwc was a Harvest llome work evid(mtly journey the uniformed members o£ ;etc CONVGNT10,T.—The Wingham i b Our people aro taking whether having Charming discernment in the order executed acme nor tett RoY, Mr. Racey, of fit, Stephens, Di»trict of the Methodist Chtirch game of football between the mar- tho Directors of the worth -Western dis la ing Y t , y pretty attended and took !tart in thu.Odd- held a convention in Blyth on the rind and single neon which reaalted Agricultural Exhibition are- going displaying t Godv Good Gifts. The drill tactics. B.O. Prof. pro- follows proceedings at Goderich 5th and 6th itids. The tollowing 1n one game for the single ,side. o f3 aervicos were of an impressive sided at rho organ in the cemetery cemetery on decoration day last aro some of the topics discussed : This is the third Brno this, Match to introduce any novelty in conned- character. The sermon by the and Bro. Chas. 'A. Nairn commanded tion with the show this year, If Very Rev. Dean Innes being blo- t e uniformed Patriarchs. The What " What are tile, duties of the Sab- has been played without the married the hoard of Directors has not out quently delivered and pertinent to niblage at the Cemetery was Mr. A. C. McPherson of Winni• bath School' 'to the Church with mon gutting a game, but they think lined any eolretno a o bog to suLIC, , a lfnrve8f, Horan celebration.' -`ism to largest we have evor seen, a fact which it i» co❑},acted " ; '° DntleA they are able for tyle boys, and hill a grand fireworks display on one of Peg> former Clintouian tvh° And qualifications of n S. Super- fry them again. After the football space will not allow of an extended that Shows that "Decoration Day" bought a fine Tontine driver from 1 the ❑ights, as such an innovation report of the Rev -"gentleman's dis; in momoriam,will becomes porman ° intendant"; "The duties of the match supper was .provided ai,�l all Alr. John Clut}' bought a•mtte for it „ ou o ed their evading. t would not only draw, crowds, but course, but we may say that the .ant institution and take' deep root from a 7,urich titan, Church to the School , The pro- } 6. moat. �u would be an advertisement of the preacher evidently Carried the largo in the hearts of our �poopla. Uua Scor .,tura—'1 ho garden Paration of the lesson, the art of ended the day's enjoyment, of best description. Anyhow ivo us G party questioning, &c,, &c." Revs. spcaTting, singing', oatiug, ball play; g congregation with him in his illus- notable fact Ill oo❑nection with the hold at Mr, Peter Cole's on Thurs- Touge, Rogers, Godfrey, Isanc, ing, quoits, croquot And swinging, something besides trotting in the tration of tho "Lillie., of the Valley." Celebration, was that Clio silent dRy evening last was a great success. Smith, and others, participated in g rrng° The financial reriult being the hand- The choral services lucre of an extra homes of many who have gone be- Tile Clinton ftluartetdo Club, under the disOne on these subjects, some sum of $129 which goes to c�ssi Wo have been asked to give a pleasing character, the choir being foto were bountifnliy beetrown with the leadership of Mr. Will Kay, Tho following clay topics of a dif- flay for the finishing of the new 'lotailed account of a rather unruly exceedingly well managed with flowers, thong}] nOglectec] vary much dolighte(bthe audience with their ferent kind, -but highly Parsonage, which is one of the best Council meeting held last week, extra assistance on the occasion. A the pastten ears, The band and sing °lily profitable, in the Guelph Conference, P y singing. Several solos were render- worn considered, and n large num- 1 Wo begAo be excused. Every man notable feature of the singing was a the visiting Brethren on returning ed and u)uch aclmirnd, attd the bar of representative laymen from -- - in town is conversant with wfiat soprana solo by Mrs. Toros, Among from Maitland Cemetery ' wore iustrumental music by some mem- different points of the District wereKyoTT SHOT. --Yes, another gnu took place, therefore it would not those assiating Cho choir of St, entertained at Pro. Babb's. The bora of the Doherty Band was a present, and led off on some sub- wont off slid perform o<I R surical g bo news. There is one thing it George's we noticed .Miss Evans, whole of the Arrangements in con- rare treat. Several recitations were jeote such as the Class Meeting, 'thC operation On one hand of blr, would do howover, namely,- circu- Prof. Cook,' and Afr. 1I, Dickson. noction with the celebration wore given, but a Scotch recitation by Proyor Meeting, &a. Ill tbo even. Henry l(nott, taking off the fore• late am6ng the youth of this We cannot help noticing the evi•, in the hands of a Committee of Air. Harry Walker, Clinton, tet a o extract neighborhood t few naughty words, dant good will ofthe sister churches which Bro. Kuight WAS Chairm"tools" ing Rev, Mr. Swann, of Brits§els, finger. He was trying to .the Crowd. Abundance of good gave a moat earnest rind practical charge from who barrel t n tr asci a procodure we leave to the Goody in town as evidenced by the large and the satisfactory termination, of things wore provided by the ladies, address on "Before and After the inserted a hot iron into he tube Cioodymoralists lvhoare always eager number of their members Chat the 4'days proceedings allows tyle and a nice amount of money wits revival." In the absenco of Rev. when the powdor ignited sending e publish such eeandalous'procced- partook of supper and attended the con,mittoo was composed of into}ti- realized for the benefit of the Meth- W. W, Sparling his subJect " flow ing.,. religion.,; portion of the festival. gentoand active workers, odist Sunday School. to conduct a'revivalrho missile out with such fordo as " was tRkott up to Cause the injury mentioned. 1 t d 4 t