The Huron News-Record, 1888-07-25, Page 4..4• , ,. - 1111.
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vvltic) ultimately crumbled top eves to rvanage ullt _fiscal tulil ot}lor afar- tri#i ty of. pt;biisl)1nI a. falselaoacl.
• ft, Duron Ne. ws., floorrd b r next ittg
frorn t1tQ effects of the ,vgatller. Off to tows in whatever rva tY1D tJii')llc 1>es, Tb. rt, is too touch 01 tlii:tr i;
` s[.rroaXcarmBx.gainna►anca: Y of a no% 4napc.t publisher behind a
rite right IrOt'e Is the slilandlCl resin without ally embarrassing intnrven- cor,espo,ucleut w1.wU the Ilttbliellor
once and luarynifieont grounds of M. � ulust know the sorrel ontlent is inn.
• o a tion by Dott•uittl, �Craat. 1'hero is P
wetlat Stilayx Jelly 25"x, ]CESS G, C.auterun Nx-1iI._P. Immediatelyerror. Were the hero I refer to
no "0011 r --sou wily Can ida slioujtl beyou+l +lire Iters- of the publisher I
r to the right is giro gaol, the upper iiuvito the unrestricted competition could absolve hint; as it is, I tuust
ANOUN,f RISTORY. portion of which for inany years n our luaikety of 60,000,000 tinter- repeat that it a,ud kindred 01108 make
his rouder chary of bolioving anything
"waltz dear renmalbraucel wake child- served also its Gu1u'G House, Horn ican I,aol,lo W,11,9 Itttt•a ertorntp Is they re;ate it, his paper without cor-
n ,
houduays! the bank of th:p river immediately surpltist)s of %vital the prvdhrta, aul I robLu'ativt,testin,ouyfront sonteothor
Loves, t',iertdehips, wake I and wake thus in floutof the oazul s one of the keep resGrictiuus np betv,n tile 30;morn and avers t suurco.
I kours,
Sun, with thy orient loAs, night, mown prettiest of tilt) many ;prottY views 000,000 of 13ritaiu ►yltu rtr•e deliciont CITIUN.
' and stare I to be obtained at Goderich. The
. " in the vet•'• producly which our I ••-------_
•And thou, celestial bow, and"all yo words, J 1
An¢ Itilljand vales, first trod in dawning blue Iaho for u back ground, with neighbors and ottrselvus li•.tve i, ltunuler11111.
life the islands aucl the winding river I our alus.of, 1'k,+: ha oro i ty:ps light.
Anti hours of holy mnaing, wake !" 1 j Y ` I 0
among, intiaveuing, while rising on Fall wheat and barley will
In "onto s.ucli strain might the the right foroground may be aeeu a° average a very fair crop.
„ writt)t hstve itpostruphised as on itr' profile of the beautifully laid out lir. and Mrs. Lovett are visiting
rival front Cliuton last Wednesday Atti'ill'Lgrouicis, onthnoppositebttuk their daughter Mrs. Geo. Stewart of
he. took in Goderich and' its sur- of the river, Utica known as the Varna•
rouudings; looking frog the op- Baron Do Tuyle estate. The Dunt lir. Joshua Hill commenced
polite bank of the roadway, the old cutting his fall' wheat'on Friday the
lop aid McDobald• estates are also 20th inst.
} X time ravine, at the Sunday School on the opposite bankbwith the pretty The seven o'clock movement Ilan
children from our own "hub” an- village of Saltford with saltworke
s t not struck here yet and its n eonse•
joying themselves in the Park ; the Back's tannery and pretty residences quence our villa ?o store eoinetimos
river below, the ridge and woods nestling beneath. The eyes folio z' "burns the midnight oil."
' bdyond, the lako in front.rho u[ielreaw tortuous course of the 'y+' The pea crop in this county is a
k "o thou vast Lake I ever -sounding seal Maitlaud until a "udders bond in it failul•e, in some fields the vine is
'Phot) symbol of a dread immensity I yellow for several inches at the root
i Oh 1 vonderful thou art, great efealeut : oloses,to view the gap made by its in- already and the hens scarcely
And fearful in tby spleenfug humors bent, dentition in the landscape. Uur nY es formed. _
And lovely in repose ; thy sun,merform 1
Is beautiful, and when thy silver waves and t)toughts come to back to our The stri%Vbf oats will, bit -very
blade music in earth's dart: and winding seat in front of the gaol and we look short bo that the Self binder will
caves, g have a hard time to catch all the
I loveil'to wonder on thy pebbled beach, across at the Big Flats tvhoro there
t Alarlti:ngth"•supligltt at-thc evening hour, wits quite a Derby it) ye olden time, bonds and tv}I1 also experience some
difficult in binding it.
And to hearken to the thoughts ties Y $
r' waters'teach= Oiti "B5bby" Johnston with his 1VIr. Benj. Grainger has movedEternity—Eternity—and Power." � Arabian and Anthony Hawkins into his new residence in the
Then our thoughts reverted to the and others wttth thoroughbred i'Sillt village. He will find it much oro
r » +� 1 convenient -than going over a mile
long sou when the pea Stockings and Buckskin' import=' a
a an Monsieur Letarge acct) ied the ad horsos whieth ran flat and hurdle for his meals, and his customers
F p can now rely on his always 'being
„ . tree embuwored Jog cottago- whet'" races; o§liocially pat.rouisod-by the
on hand to attend to their wants
F ' o
now the rustic summer house stands. 11nubi1ity;"• Nor must we „forget
in his lino,
When Canada Coy. Commissioner the. "Thunder" auil "LJrihtuing"
r r
Jones tt•ith Bishop Strachans plobian equines. We move on Nlle•
)' i°dati"Iltui fur, wife lived in reonl ex- leisurely, pressing "Jim Elliott's
t Dearly all in this -vicinity have
crusiveness in tho now Park ftouse, distillery site, and of Young's brow- a finished haymaking,
except.when h0 drove put in tandem
cry founded by a fine old gentleman FDITORIAL NO2'I.'S. We are sorry to say that 1\1 r. W.
sty Ill in a luw-whool'd English car- in • knee -breaches. Tho Roman J. Dlorroty has been laid up foreome
ria-ij with coachman in broadcloth ;Magistrate Dennison of Torouto 'time with a ver • severe cold. \Ye
0 , Catholic church is still ail existing 0 , 1 J
sills hat aiid whito &-loves in front, .old land mark, and lvith it comes struck aplunp•b line the other' hope soon to site him aboutagain.
ikx c;
and liveried lacquey on the foot- the mentor of Father Ste der now
day when it'o fined several striking The glorious twelfth of July has
J' J come andgono. The Nilo Tom er-
hood biahi'ud. Arid Ilion the tem- let us hops pluntbiirs $30 oath or 30 days in a p
gaol for intimidating tiro"" who, 'ince True. _Blues turned. out to the
ber triaupio oil the ill"ateau with bell "Calm oil tho bos,onr of•thy Cod, o 0
Blnvc spirit rest thee now number• of about tbirty and stet in
which was'lung by. Michael Kelly p . took their places. The beat; pave their, hall about 8 o'clock 'a. in.
k'or while w,th,tis thy footsteps trod—
or other sr,rvant uf'tho Company at Charity was Isiittrn on thy brew." tvarniu" thA if the olfense was thou;h tho rain' made the wcitther
morn, 110011 and oven. Driving to- Looking south we sea the outlines grepeated he should make it" unfavorable. Their, new uniforms
ward the Lighthouse wo overlook of the h)nglish chinch Rectory and every case, loylced well. About 9 o'clock the
_ Enniskillen lodgo from Colborne
the blue lake and 'the still bluer with it eon,o ineaoot•ies sof the old
tl short tinup,ago Sir tTolnt A. arrived at tho -Nilo and shortly
harbor ; the tiny boats with their time ono,and its inctnnbent,Rov. AEr. after the Sho t nu'dton lodge also
1Iacdou, hat(" tooth ortract,ed• 11 0
s. livin'y frviuht. and afew white wing Campbell, and his muccessor'tho late put in on appearonce. As the rain
tt: ed tnesselimn-a,of conintorce.outsido.- Canon E. L. Ellwood ; the thought- We notice that the vary same day cleared off about 10 the three lodges
q 1!Immadiat.aly below, in the 'harbor tui aud,well ..rounded sormous all on which Sir Jolin's systcui was started for Dangnuuou µbore they
9 flat, we place the "Site of the first pletaiiing sonovous voice of rho latter shocked by the dental manipulator, werc� suet by three other lodgos.
44' After marching round. the square
f foundry, Gri)gson's, µholo• proprio, even.after many years being some• it Wray have been at tho very sam° hey soparttcd,,and wont to diffalont
!° ger wife drowned by the foundering what romemboretl, moment, short shocks of earth- places for re'freshnlents. It) . tete
of his vessol laden with pig irou aLd A good man liere dwelt, more geilial than quai:o wero felt it) sovet'al ' parts of nioantimc tho.Auburu lodge arrived.
' monldi,u ascetic lip seems,' Canada: Was it lnerel an nncou- After partaking of the, honntiful
0 4'tnd frotu the .St. Clair, Wlso v -ill of env mile, and lust of .tit Y
y> b g' repast. provided by the Iictlile.
,1 when the half-breed Bill Cali+eruu• 'On virtue Still-, and religion's pleatiing netted coincidence? -Or rather wtia of Duno�aurnoit the Uraii.geuteu
r theme,, h' Dot this throbbing of brother trtha ,
--was also drowned and his brotliet' Poured I'urtli I11� IIiCI'Cy-371vat101, 9t1'ar11 o P again forri)od -in marching order
f• "team six miles and reached the , result of the sympathy of all nature' and, with flings floating, rlt`ulns
t1ud, the old rtoncli hontesteod beatiwgg and .,. tifos playing the
<+ 3 with Ilio ryrand old man. There is, a l J' b J'
"here. -t11so the cites of'the fit'st of L-ellamoro oil iwhat was lately the / procct:dedy alone ,villi a lar"!.; ct•pwrl
taunory. John \\'ilson`s, the old, Iinr+1i Tohnston fro ert •. But thus a theory that tho instinctive priu= t
o I p J of i'rieuils, to irt',. 1)is trt ,rove, .
,- St"egntiller distillery, the Gooding is enough for one tiulo of ancient oil)](, in mankind called, love of tte:t of• the village, where effort
1p; ' log warehouse and the Velty Fisher history%, of the long ago country is caused .by the natural speeches. were delivered by some of
hotel. Thu place of the latter now "Intho days d longsyne, when we cartes .�ylppathetic affinity -which exists the brethren and , able addresses
µore young given by Bov. Alossrs. Campbell
occupied with Ogilvy and Hutchi- y" between all ita ev, even ,between ^
An' .na foreign fashions runong us hail 11 -vino attd Carry, District :Master
son'" 1toIIer'-kills and offices and,, sprung; ivaltinutte rine auim;tta luattct'. NIallougll occupying the. chair.
!,t ` elevator, the largest concern of the when we made our :tine hannocks au' our Ilan is fornu;d of the food he ettta•
Al. if, gill ; This over, the procession was again
kind in Ontario. Around the lake Oh, the thocbt u' title days (;ars my aull.l The foord he eats is for'nritd ont of. formed e nd the•Oranoeiiep and their
bank one misses the sites and build- hrart aye (ill." the soil. Il:et:uby Nye ought trace friends tuatchad back to the village..
Ings of the old Godorieh hotel and - — --- all affinity betweon ,mother earth and After a little metro maneuvering
and tho usual amount of cheoring
,i':•` the Lougworth homestead. The BRITISH AAW CANADIAN Sir .John sufficient to account for a the difiorent.aodges started foe borne,
situs like the proprietors have now IN1IsRIr7S7S• convu.lsi.on of nature whore his Arrived at the Nilo the visiting
- - -
passed away—both passed out with Tho Globe affects to soesomothing physical system was convulsed ; for lodges front Colborne and Auburn -
o µoro treated to a the Wile
the tide ; tho former into the lake do wo not know that the pulses of
' absurd. -in the fact of Canadian' brothren at their. hall after which
the latter iutp the ocean of et1)rnity. - the groat multitude beat as one with '
loyalists and protectionists, whom all repaired to their horned seaming -
i 1 ileluruing up. town, pita passes a it cL1+s!rs ss' one, opposing atom- Sit' Johti. • An old philosopher`lias ly well pleased with the day's pro -
it brick residence on the site of said "give ire something on which ceehings. Your correspondent was
*' i,ercial policy that aright possibly resent and was tve11 leased to be .
1' the ihoperty for Jaara occupied by to rest try lever and I will toss the P' p
be objectionable, to England ; while able ti; say that lie did nut see bti
the pnrcnis of the present' :Instico „ universo, And here conics in or-
English journals at the sanio time.Orangeman wearing colons who was
Robertson, of Toronto, also the Binary'Ca nailian dentist who, with' nu the worse of liquor,. May such
are mora :ied more instructing thoir y q y
Cunut.1, Attorney's iesidaice ivllica his furccpc for a Iu' or and the• he the ease fol• inauy years to
' public t.h:tt the Colonies ought not ,
seetils to he on till, silo- c4 ll resid-
' { to l,e atlabarrassed in thoil- progress Chieftains jaw for a fulcrum, eotne. (tnteodca ror rust aenk.>
once, occupied Col. or Major Otter, tosses out a tooth and tosses up 'the a
., father of the present Lieut -Cul, by demands orrulings from Down- --
ing Strcet." 111hydoCanadiansop- oarth at the stupe time. We havo
Utter. 'Then ter• notice the re -Sid- as good a right to believe t•ho pre- Varna,
Post" a colaillorei,tt policy that might
once of I ustn,nster Dickson, curl the o coding theory as tho frit one that JL•. ani llrs. Chas Lovott of
i he objectioiable to England I Be- Sumliarhill have bout) visiting their
1 red bt;uk ont, of Donald �trachnn Sir .John hat; caused bad, crops. O '
Hotel. rut) b Isaac Ratlonbur a matte tl projectsithattmo ht be favor-_" art.
' built oil ILl sou f the old Jlritislr o 0 oppose son-in-law, towliship cluck Sto}g-
y y' able to ,Canada is one reason. The LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Our village /}las over been Toted
house it. ono tuna the IZos.ain of — for the ordor•loving character of its
underlying cause of all i9 a "proper — ` o ,
C_ Wnstern Ontario. In the hall room M&,oinh fl to berlist,ncll� vrrA.•rrtmut DLitt doe oto Citizen" but peace and quietness,
souse of the Oquitable and ust on r,at hAd nib's•;ties rasprursibleJ'orthe opinfaLs 1
y of which- polling for a week it a tl xpressed by corresparadeald.-.fin. Ne,t;vltr,• haVe reigned here absolute) the
`• polling tho u't of Canadians. Canada is. CORP. 0 y
•tine waS held ;n parlinninital. p past few nlonths,thri few contentions
part -of the British Empire. .11ritaill that wore caused during the prev-
elcetiottQ and where the calbdidate A'diiur News-Racw•d' ions flirts y g
r> males no discriitinat•ion against yoars b the demoralizing
hod cacti a barrel of whiskey and -t g Mn. EDITOR. --Tire Yew Erta'says eflects of tho• Scott Act being,tllings
Canada. It is, absolutely proper r10tizun shou111 draw a clistinctiou 0
herr' to n1'r�r, th?.vote,r3 °up to vete, of tiro past.
' that Canada should ntalco no des betwoou statements made by ns and
according to their consciences. Part gar rorrcapoutle:ntq, bufor charging Mr. Tippett is to the front offer -
0 'against her. England + T in.- to supply the public with the
of Al iddlesax "nil all Huron ni{1 the 11�i'tu E.rrr. with falsehood. ' Nov, a
Perth conuties corning here to veto is t an lift's bast customer. It would I ata not of those who can absolve a best kinds of home-made boots and
out be "business" for its to quarrel journalist from responsibility for pub- shoos. Leing an expereincod work"
r ' it) those ds}s. Un thn sante streiit lisbing, without comment, untrue men and Selecting first class stock,
with her not so much even on her
the reuteuiber the Places whore re- statements which it was within his which he pays cash for,his customers
account as in our -own interests. competency tar know wore nutruo,
sided retired Northwest' fur Coal- may- rely on gstting the best value.
T in em plo'ces French l)o Roan, Then if English joignal,% are oppos• especially when the statements bear Se►ve work he makes a specialty
I'! J 1 J , , unfavorably upon the charactor of p y
Ledru Rollin, Traunch•ete. At the Lag embarrassing demands or rulings our town. ' The .Ee putlhlilpcl what of, also repairing.
b Downing -Street as regards Can. -I consider an untrue item µ'Inch if
dead of J,ighl,i)ouso St, aro still y 0 0' believed by those, ontside the town ,
standing the old Gilybous and Black add, they aro opposing that tvhiph would cause, its to appear in a very I311L11[S.
resfdencos with the market -house -does not nxist. `Mien the recent ranenviable light. I did not charge MO�iTt. MERY. -In I;lytli on Jnue
the editor with falsehood, but said the • 20th., inst, the wife "f Mr. James lfott-
on t] old white( Iloilostead, increase in duties on iron was made' " �on,ei-yofaeon.
)A Y item was a falseltoocl and that I am g
f`` I>tivin Colborie•ty; rd last Nae- by Canada, in what was considered .not surprised at the liberal discount
g' [ p' • ' 1105S.—In Blyth on the 20th, Inst, tba
tin's, "Bob" Ellis' former' hostelry, the progress of this country, did manly people allow on all ststteweuts wife of Mr. J, M. Ross ofa daughter.'
t:'iah now the old ;raycyard on the Downing Street authorities inter- ilotonecessary, that for tireTtor say, aixd I
right,tlreta the site of ht.tzar's (Caper- pose or protest? Nothingof the did not say, that the editor was To have good health use, Powell's
directly and ovort'ly gnihy ,of false- Sarsaparilla and Burdock it cleanses
far) folly on the right,said folly con- kind, although British inanlifactur• _�-
".r " hood. What I meant and what I and enriches the blood. 'i tee, 80c. a
' . eisted of n snn dried brick house ers (lid. We were and are allowed said was that be wa i knowingly bottle. Sold by all druggists. 488.2t
l�i, Boll f , WlDt I
AT R0BERT$0-N'v9;
For which he will pay HALF CASH and the bal
ante Trade. This is a magnificent opportunity" for any
who may have a tub t)f Butter about the premises. If
you none, pack your butter and bring it in, thus
availing yourself of this temporary CASH MARKET for
,your butter, set up by "lite Poor Alan's Friend.'.'
(UES !
R..010, RTSO S
CURRENT TOPICS. whetted his razor, r IathNra'1 thF
y0un- tnan'fact, attd then went and.
Tho provincial elections it) Mini- .stood ilk the door whistling "Good.
tuba will not hurt the. Conserva- bye Mavonrneeu." "\what's the
tives party then-. You tree the matter -that you are not nhaving
atmosphere up`theru is so dry that we 4" cried..the youth, 'tylia, ttleit
a mail does not feel a little thing becoming impatient. "Oh, nothing",
like that.-Haihilton Spectator
aged the tmisnrinl artist, "further
-- than that I'll, waitin, till it grows."
An Ohio preacher who took to eoysillly that, may .'be Air. Eos.,
alakillk IOve to a young W011tal, Of Oahe. He in ,going out west to
his cougreWation while his wife sat remain until tllowat',isurpina grows.
at hoino•alld Mended his stockings, It strikes us that lie will have to
has iot pull• later) turned out of the tarry longer (.lion ,the ti 'u of loricho
chinch, but liar beer) put in jail, did, before he finds it change to an
Thp jli:•y that convicted hitt) was visihle• extent in the ;irr pletpd
not courpos• d of brother preachers. Ontario "treasury—Stratford Tinges.
There is It servant girl in Now Thu Winnipeg .free ,Press, Grit, . .
York ►vho bun contributed over tells us that it was tire Conservatives
..9600 to the cause o1' Ireland, and it who carried Greenway to victory.
has just struck Ilf:r that for half The Conservatives, intimates the
that suns site tiould have brought I%-ree Press, with the vxceptioll of the
all hi -r relatives to Amoric,% an& 'few "yellow flog" uova,hrrs of that
settled theni,on free farms in Mani. party (arid everybody knows there
tolla or the Canadian Northwest, are not wally of 0h -1t kin+1), joined
the Lil-erals, nud hog t) d lhrt young
:Che Northern Pacific peopiN were stati,%lnan, dipb,nutt Awl railroad
successful in putting the Alackenzie 111iii4lrr slop into the bivgest hind of
goverunteut into power in 1873 ; pi»ver. So, after all, it was the
but th(Wailinvil little -by that.,They Cousorvativvs who gained the Viet -
have now bceii suc4essful in putting o,y• n
Anil as,}t WAS It coo" deal of
the Greenway' governineut into a vivtol'Y, the ars• rather proud of
putter in Alanitoba. Let us see
whether or not'tliey will be success
ful in their present grand' political In Aird About the County.
scheute of diverting the trade, of '
Canadsi to the United 'Stated. —A mad accident, which terming.
ted fatally,happened in Iiowick town.
1.'he high licence. law .i t1 1 hship, as Gorrie, lodge of Orangemenil'1' were on their way to the celebrdtion
adelphia has 1 -leen a good thing for in Listowel.. When about two miles
the batters, Since it went 'into out of Corrie, George Greer, third
effect there baa, been a considerable son of Samuel Greer,: a well known,
advance in the quantity of bread resident of Iiowiek, with two young "
sold, It is mt utioncil that the ladies:gttempted to paasanother 'rig:
In doing so the Horses which he was
licehmitll sXIounS-1iR've , raised the driving,took fright and bolted, tl,row-
the price of beet, by the quart and ing the occupants out of the buggy•
have reduced the size of the glasses, Young Greer fell upon his (lead,
a couple of movements which have fracturing his skull. IIe only, lived ,
so disgusted workingnu
te. that tl,e a few hours after, the accident, Ile
wives find mure loose change avail- was a young man of about 1S years
of age -
able than was previously the case. _A 1Vvodetock despatch dated
Besides, it may he predicted that Tuesday says '.,A" shooting affray .
I vetites for food have improved.. in. , took place--here---last night; -Wm: - - ---- -
proportion to the reduced ,cousumpt- Shaffer and Win. McCracken are
ion of„liquor. But: the professional roommates at the Dufferin house,
temperance talkers ate not bakers ;. and both are employed on the flag -
and they are not going to help the stone pavement being put down
bakers and hurt their own business on Dundas street. -There had been
soma difference between the two,
by advocating high license,, 6iYii last night ;Siid$er-came to the
bedroom under the influence of.
A gorrespoudeut of the Philadel• liquor�nnd picked a quarrel withhis ,
phia I?ccord says,—Dr. Selah Mer- . mate. This, however, was peace -
rill inforws the Setn day School ably settled and both gent to bed,
Ttanes that while living in Jerusalem During the night McCracken felt a
he made careful investi ration of thee mans hand on his throat, which prov-
ed to be that of Shaffer, who also
mabnufacture and sale- of wine and held a revolver over his head at full
distilled liquor in Palestine, A cock. Alight. was burning in the
large quantity of wine is pt•oclueed room and Shaflerturned'toblow itout
in that country,, some of which iY when lfcCsracken slipped out of bed
sent to Europe. This wine' is nob and ran down stairs, but not before
wogk;"aa bas been representedhis his would-be assassin had fired a
causes much drunkenness. buchamber of his revolver at him lodg-
ing the bullet in the stairway. The
Jerusalem there were in 18§6, for wliole house was aroused, and the
a population of 42,000, one hnitdred police called in, who arrested Shaffer.
and thirty plrices where wine and He was tip before the the police
arak (a species of brottndy) were sold. magistrate this morning and fined
A. drunken person is not often seen $25, but in default took three months
in the street, but drinking to excess in ,[ail•
at home is common. Most of the
1'ui kish ofiict'rs in the garrison, al- Our Weekly'_:_ound Up.
though iVlohannnodais, drink liquor
—'Che brewing business of Guin-
freely. Much Austrian beer is con,
iumed in• Jerusalem.- In villages. nese & Co. is valued at 9!65,000,
where the population is exclusively 000
Mohammedan thele is little use of —Afany people have been drowned
}q or ; but. its use is increasing with by the floods in Ohio and Nest
Itis as well as with every other —The long continued drouth is
;lass. of the inhabitants, and this causing much damage in Lennox
'act causes anxiety among ,.those and Prince Edward counties. `
who are interested in the welfare of Over 10,000 bushels of grass•
;ho people of Syria and Palestine hoppers have been causht in Ota
tertail County, Minn'esota.•
Hon. •A. M. ltoss,towardthe end —Advices from the Midland Coun•
A the week, will leave for a monthls ties show that fodder will be in very
,ampiug in Muskoka, Iia riei)ds a poor supply and many farmers will
try to-soll their stock.
eat, therti is no doubt of it. Any —The ielect Committee of the
roan who cares for the 'large surplus' Ilouse of Commons has recommend-
vith the zeal and assiduity that Mr• ad the closingof taverns on Saturday
Ross does for that of the Ontario night and Sunday in Ireland.
:,overnment, is deserving- of some. —Cardinalrl2anning, on lits eighti�
,king more thhn a few holidays. eth 'birthday, this dripping St.
I -le ought to bave a monument of Swithin's Day, looked and felt at
iasswood erected to his memory on least as strong as he did ten years'
tome of the side lines or concessions ago'
—"Dr." C, 11, Whiting resolved 25
:o "care 'off the crows. His care oF' Lashes at the Toronto Central Prison
,the surplus" reutinds one of the Friday, as part of lits sentence for
,oung man who went into a barber assault on his little' niece at ;it.
ihop to get shaved. The barber Thomas.
l�i, Boll f , WlDt I
AT R0BERT$0-N'v9;
For which he will pay HALF CASH and the bal
ante Trade. This is a magnificent opportunity" for any
who may have a tub t)f Butter about the premises. If
you none, pack your butter and bring it in, thus
availing yourself of this temporary CASH MARKET for
,your butter, set up by "lite Poor Alan's Friend.'.'
(UES !
R..010, RTSO S
CURRENT TOPICS. whetted his razor, r IathNra'1 thF
y0un- tnan'fact, attd then went and.
Tho provincial elections it) Mini- .stood ilk the door whistling "Good.
tuba will not hurt the. Conserva- bye Mavonrneeu." "\what's the
tives party then-. You tree the matter -that you are not nhaving
atmosphere up`theru is so dry that we 4" cried..the youth, 'tylia, ttleit
a mail does not feel a little thing becoming impatient. "Oh, nothing",
like that.-Haihilton Spectator
aged the tmisnrinl artist, "further
-- than that I'll, waitin, till it grows."
An Ohio preacher who took to eoysillly that, may .'be Air. Eos.,
alakillk IOve to a young W011tal, Of Oahe. He in ,going out west to
his cougreWation while his wife sat remain until tllowat',isurpina grows.
at hoino•alld Mended his stockings, It strikes us that lie will have to
has iot pull• later) turned out of the tarry longer (.lion ,the ti 'u of loricho
chinch, but liar beer) put in jail, did, before he finds it change to an
Thp jli:•y that convicted hitt) was visihle• extent in the ;irr pletpd
not courpos• d of brother preachers. Ontario "treasury—Stratford Tinges.
There is It servant girl in Now Thu Winnipeg .free ,Press, Grit, . .
York ►vho bun contributed over tells us that it was tire Conservatives
..9600 to the cause o1' Ireland, and it who carried Greenway to victory.
has just struck Ilf:r that for half The Conservatives, intimates the
that suns site tiould have brought I%-ree Press, with the vxceptioll of the
all hi -r relatives to Amoric,% an& 'few "yellow flog" uova,hrrs of that
settled theni,on free farms in Mani. party (arid everybody knows there
tolla or the Canadian Northwest, are not wally of 0h -1t kin+1), joined
the Lil-erals, nud hog t) d lhrt young
:Che Northern Pacific peopiN were stati,%lnan, dipb,nutt Awl railroad
successful in putting the Alackenzie 111iii4lrr slop into the bivgest hind of
goverunteut into power in 1873 ; pi»ver. So, after all, it was the
but th(Wailinvil little -by that.,They Cousorvativvs who gained the Viet -
have now bceii suc4essful in putting o,y• n
Anil as,}t WAS It coo" deal of
the Greenway' governineut into a vivtol'Y, the ars• rather proud of
putter in Alanitoba. Let us see
whether or not'tliey will be success
ful in their present grand' political In Aird About the County.
scheute of diverting the trade, of '
Canadsi to the United 'Stated. —A mad accident, which terming.
ted fatally,happened in Iiowick town.
1.'he high licence. law .i t1 1 hship, as Gorrie, lodge of Orangemenil'1' were on their way to the celebrdtion
adelphia has 1 -leen a good thing for in Listowel.. When about two miles
the batters, Since it went 'into out of Corrie, George Greer, third
effect there baa, been a considerable son of Samuel Greer,: a well known,
advance in the quantity of bread resident of Iiowiek, with two young "
sold, It is mt utioncil that the ladies:gttempted to paasanother 'rig:
In doing so the Horses which he was
licehmitll sXIounS-1iR've , raised the driving,took fright and bolted, tl,row-
the price of beet, by the quart and ing the occupants out of the buggy•
have reduced the size of the glasses, Young Greer fell upon his (lead,
a couple of movements which have fracturing his skull. IIe only, lived ,
so disgusted workingnu
te. that tl,e a few hours after, the accident, Ile
wives find mure loose change avail- was a young man of about 1S years
of age -
able than was previously the case. _A 1Vvodetock despatch dated
Besides, it may he predicted that Tuesday says '.,A" shooting affray .
I vetites for food have improved.. in. , took place--here---last night; -Wm: - - ---- -
proportion to the reduced ,cousumpt- Shaffer and Win. McCracken are
ion of„liquor. But: the professional roommates at the Dufferin house,
temperance talkers ate not bakers ;. and both are employed on the flag -
and they are not going to help the stone pavement being put down
bakers and hurt their own business on Dundas street. -There had been
soma difference between the two,
by advocating high license,, 6iYii last night ;Siid$er-came to the
bedroom under the influence of.
A gorrespoudeut of the Philadel• liquor�nnd picked a quarrel withhis ,
phia I?ccord says,—Dr. Selah Mer- . mate. This, however, was peace -
rill inforws the Setn day School ably settled and both gent to bed,
Ttanes that while living in Jerusalem During the night McCracken felt a
he made careful investi ration of thee mans hand on his throat, which prov-
ed to be that of Shaffer, who also
mabnufacture and sale- of wine and held a revolver over his head at full
distilled liquor in Palestine, A cock. Alight. was burning in the
large quantity of wine is pt•oclueed room and Shaflerturned'toblow itout
in that country,, some of which iY when lfcCsracken slipped out of bed
sent to Europe. This wine' is nob and ran down stairs, but not before
wogk;"aa bas been representedhis his would-be assassin had fired a
causes much drunkenness. buchamber of his revolver at him lodg-
ing the bullet in the stairway. The
Jerusalem there were in 18§6, for wliole house was aroused, and the
a population of 42,000, one hnitdred police called in, who arrested Shaffer.
and thirty plrices where wine and He was tip before the the police
arak (a species of brottndy) were sold. magistrate this morning and fined
A. drunken person is not often seen $25, but in default took three months
in the street, but drinking to excess in ,[ail•
at home is common. Most of the
1'ui kish ofiict'rs in the garrison, al- Our Weekly'_:_ound Up.
though iVlohannnodais, drink liquor
—'Che brewing business of Guin-
freely. Much Austrian beer is con,
iumed in• Jerusalem.- In villages. nese & Co. is valued at 9!65,000,
where the population is exclusively 000
Mohammedan thele is little use of —Afany people have been drowned
}q or ; but. its use is increasing with by the floods in Ohio and Nest
Itis as well as with every other —The long continued drouth is
;lass. of the inhabitants, and this causing much damage in Lennox
'act causes anxiety among ,.those and Prince Edward counties. `
who are interested in the welfare of Over 10,000 bushels of grass•
;ho people of Syria and Palestine hoppers have been causht in Ota
tertail County, Minn'esota.•
Hon. •A. M. ltoss,towardthe end —Advices from the Midland Coun•
A the week, will leave for a monthls ties show that fodder will be in very
,ampiug in Muskoka, Iia riei)ds a poor supply and many farmers will
try to-soll their stock.
eat, therti is no doubt of it. Any —The ielect Committee of the
roan who cares for the 'large surplus' Ilouse of Commons has recommend-
vith the zeal and assiduity that Mr• ad the closingof taverns on Saturday
Ross does for that of the Ontario night and Sunday in Ireland.
:,overnment, is deserving- of some. —Cardinalrl2anning, on lits eighti�
,king more thhn a few holidays. eth 'birthday, this dripping St.
I -le ought to bave a monument of Swithin's Day, looked and felt at
iasswood erected to his memory on least as strong as he did ten years'
tome of the side lines or concessions ago'
—"Dr." C, 11, Whiting resolved 25
:o "care 'off the crows. His care oF' Lashes at the Toronto Central Prison
,the surplus" reutinds one of the Friday, as part of lits sentence for
,oung man who went into a barber assault on his little' niece at ;it.
ihop to get shaved. The barber Thomas.