The Huron News-Record, 1888-07-25, Page 3,
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I1tf tit �t�1►tAA ttntt��CCu�1•�' . ' luck, ever frit 01r tt� r
t"nor01t1R, rosoiving .1'.1.00 to glvo Ay, il:tnd
t r s l .
fee.. to cn es. ltu1,
x11 uel in our 4titlds, Mve ale oLlcy
g y �
more on the 0111 rout, ^ Slid
i 7 I w0ntior it it ever busts
k,it r ? -ft,1 h0!tliu' sucl.t u ill
1140 a �,
.I%g� _, -
„• r„�--r
i,'[rtt, DNpey a�lnultos the J<are,
t her ti?r, And
eller dayt. o I(t . T1ua
witetl 1110 ilea Lvolli.d not draw, or
I4ir1 at ba•
M11i. Hep.aJ� 910.1 4 .. t
,e ar);,
saw two large p
. see its dusk walls 110911 Lvith brills,
as yMll tie, Macy, in 0110 s arms 011 t
lwtt}ed QUt the tamp, Atftlg ou the
the kettle would boll over,0r the his, ling
tears} fall fro.ut' her ilusluand's
alit Sunlight, the pate ;ieeu b.Hnd .s:+fe
it's as nlucli as 4no'Ar--
Iva will at all thnes be pleased to
each tt ce . of
,cloth, and put down P, -
emphasis, but
en' would burn in the oven, UC her
It eyes,
Ile 11er1t above hi$ pets, Atld
Ing rRAsea and liquid iv Beam
, $ q Y f,
Don't lie AtlliV title, iatfin' or
t ,
• :res ronE our• sub-
reagiv9 items of r e f
crockery will au
• , h I closed the
bept Ilcr lips t1g t
Pet cat would get, under ber Eget 'as ls�o,lied
into the ,j.ayo,ue Lye.lc0uting
And tLyinkla, and dance..,Ancl ripple
I'll get down tfrrA u,iult, n?,iri
'I hear it ben 14101'1
scribers. We wcoit a good corres-
she was hul-, angry the table to $re•-
!n the warm And viewless air, null
she, don't .
lroradent in every locality, not already
the stove, up 1110 angry words would
it) the ALs:r't>t and tranquil 1191,1; and
bufieve yru've got any heart at all.
represented, tos0.na21pUZLIAt;L921etvs.
ElibUstole a sidelong glancg that,
bybb}e, sttd ilittu, be}ng the ou1Y• ,-
Cambusnethau .Old, Church
freer the ►+sella (sparrows albeit
� p )
`Th[:r'fo »air I, 'doxt .,your u fettle,
took in her lteigitt necl calor aud.
}lytna110reature at llnilnlwould pay
tlo0d the° soiubre, aji0ulderulg, and
farther `forward, hear it.
- --
b IiS4illti!>'74Iti
lac black eves n,1cl
111.0 snap of i :
the penalty of the "geuerrti dHpray.
Toward the outskirts of Wi„liaw
ntossgrown tonll>sttineS with three
now ?listen.'
do not receive their discreetly
Patrons who door
moved himself to the
step; •where, in • conteatpiating
sty of inanimate things," till lie the
would fairly rush out of the house,
road. in the direction of Qatubus�
is"rctndarecl 1) the
merry music ;drowning with
livin notes their dreary record of
'No'. said she, 'it's nothiu' lout J our
watch tieknl', and she 11111911041 lilts
. .
Ncaper reg'tylurly ft'orrG 1710 caa•rier or,
their )OSt 0 ee3 will the
beagtleA Of 111,0 sunset, Ile sA0[1
sQpietimea uttering a mild protest wally
lovely .00ttugeA 0l), either.
,the buritd dead; ane thanking God
allythin' ; I thought AO.'
a G .I000CI
thrla,gT 1 .� +rt,W
confera avur by reporting at this I,
composed And'' ha a
�forgetting his iruteY a oases,
rg g p
that-- It did beat all why a wogtenl 1101
d, sows old•fashi''I , 1;alf•
for 1110 green earth beneath our
and, blue brihht heavens everheud ;
. ,You hgvtt'u't got no };cart At Ail
q�cat Dose. Siibscr':iptorts may after
his first remark about the
should Leant to act so, a protest bur
would render his wife ten
v On1e
varnl glory of summer without
hove ou? suits T,
commence at away thne. sunset,
until that disagreeallle word
which net
times mtlre angry than before, until
ltd the g joy
to pulse of livin n with,
,it 110+1 never been tried ret,' said
T anraly know wither I have
from her lips, Sharp still disc
the time carne for her wrath t0 die. P
t we turn iron) the cls ruin
ADYEli'IfiSrIIS. tiu0t
as Gl►n crack of a wfuh•
naturally away.
i1C ':tile simple quiet, commonplace
or out•.
Advertisers will please bear inrraind
"Slrif'less 1 Who is shif'less,
Yes Aho would lay her hand up. ern
911 v111AgH of Capilli nethan
'Oh,theil you don't know whether
. +
that all "cTGarages" of advertisements, Hapsy
?" he asked, after a lengthen-
on her heart, and say that she held Sun
by. Forsyth, in .4r(1r os
it in the right place or not ?'
to ensure insertion, should be handed ed
often tried, honestly, in the ole nays, Aud
`Yes, it iS'said title, a,pulliu' of my
• in not later' than MONDAY NOON Of
„Who 7 Wlrj' you cf. course }" '
t0 wear a pleas9nt face and speak 111 qbo
--• ---' • W
whiskers ; 'yes it is, just iu the right
I '
each week. snapped
his wife, who had ju+it torn
a pleasant tone, yet how signally 'Did
, A Desperate Affray.
place just where it ought to be,'
" •'-
new apron ort the oven door,
scalded her hand in the steam
ails had failed. .And at Lite last, she woo
had fairly driven him from Isis home are
11don, July 1 i •-Yesterday
aud she put my hand oil it. 'Where
else would you liii'vu it, dear, but
Tac Ncws-RcCORD )sus a larger
• was
rho teakettle, and who, naturally,
din 4sed to blame hpr husband
he, loved so well: Driven him, by the
-that one stinging word, that false ;alt
iu'r Joseph McCallum, a sou
6 P
%^'axles McCollum, whose form
where it is T But hush !' Said she
I saw Eunice Sucre just now; she
carculc�tEuaa)aa_2±'any other paper $?¢ -
.this as advertising
. •
both accidents. "What else are
word, which she ought to have aoc
e 3rd COUCP.AaIOn of CiuAdoe
is a.coniiu round lh.e turn there.
section and:as
rtteditarn Ttaa fete equals in Ontario. you
known that he could uoG aud would roR
s the Gran,! Trunk Railway,
' dilstanse", est of Mount
het me down quick please, Ain' it
P ro•okin?-that gal fair ailtitS.1111,
Dur books care Aopen to 111000 zblGo `:"
Elihti d iuitd bin.e even roved over
that he had 0001041 ren rad
not hear.
., t r
Shif less I mint have been emit
gen was sirzed with a pu,l5iou
. me. 1. hope She didn't ace sue in
ineala business.
mowed that year, and ever
quite beside myself to say it," sho up"
endo to prove him unfit to* be
rge. Oil account of a All lit
your arras.'
J06 PRINTING. since
his beloved father's 000th,
thought, uS St►H stood iu the open
will' re meet Lviti► thou other men[-
`I'll lift her up to the tr e, too, says
1, if like, ,and then-
rlae Job Depar trlaerGt of this jour-
"Well I don't know." he Aa]d
"I do m work and keep
kitchen door, one December eves alis
ning, looking'tsward the• su�se on -pop
of the family lie went out to
,Oil, lint! Said she; it ain't worth
nal is one of the best equipped in
my farm nil, as well as the rest of
the distant hill., "There never was as
'e1d whirr the cattle
s rets., and piling a lot of fence
while, I don't care what She;Aaye a
Western Ontario and a superior,
zvorlc is guaranteed at very -tile
neighbors do."
u better worker than Etihu in Fair. sole
ad boards around 11tH pump he
0r thinks, OLA AAAA Of my, finger.
class of
moderate rates.
"And go to the store •tool sit
all day long, to goasip with
mount. I'm sure this farm rhowa
the difference since Ire left it, and clue.
a to it and burned tlna? wholes
p• rloseph aftergard
Discovery of the Pool of
The Duron News-Neond iug
Jim Hunter, while'I am wait-
for forty, things, .and obliged to
'to One does by uiq� as they agree roof
who". t1lH take' the land. Well, CQq
five tons of hay.
. • r
. .
- get
your d=inner twice over for you
I've only myself to 1 rile for it -all !
rout urnea or Aix
Miller; having trausacteit fns
Air. Ja los GlaiAlier chairman of
si,6oa Year -81.26 In Advancer in
one day," rejoined Hepsy, sett}ng
"boiled dish" the
Oh, how sorry a O Eli},,,,
Elihu i where in Au Wide world are
-ri cgs at Napier consented to go
the Executive Committee of the
Paleatine Exploration Fnud, writes
- - — -- the
Ally 211th. 1888• table
IYaxl>tnetiday. r
warmed up oil
with a banes that thoroughly
y au ?. oil, if you could only collie
homes forgive mr, how happy } lurg
rest the young mail and a warrant
°beau issued by P. AI. Noble
tothe Tinges : I have great plea%
iu discovery
___ testified
to the sLrengtll of the
it, "And
a!lnuld be !" o
buil) ecurod rhes ASHIata11CH of. Mr.
sure communicating a
recPutly oracle iii Jerusalem -by.
FOR OU�3 (TORY -READER'. stnuiding
yellow "nappy" that held
there, now, mooning ntiout
A sob choked her, nut] sho raised
"IOU .rt Graham aud gtarted out to
the arrest. Driller told him
Herr Conrad Schick. It appears
the sunset,• when any foo} might
is Lvantin}; iron
her apron to her eyes. Looking
across those Anew covered meadow
TheK ook u]tH life like ee inn as
q , P P o ilia'errand, and asked hinn where his
to bH niothin; less than the
callecl ill the Hebrew tongue Bell).
A Cnttin Tongue•
know that .water
the, well before tea."..
lands towards the hills aloe had
the o from rhes Ol1aIlrQlldlll�, and PHL'Ol1'er was. McCallum replied
Besides loft in tho fiel[l.
esda' (Bethsaida or BethzathilSt.
' _
„ , "
"I'll brino the water Hepsy,
seen Deacon GeOraB'N ria horse
h 6 Y
Slid green sleigh turn in at .the gate
g g g
r'ipuliug ivy leaves. this that I,r. la[1 It
doorw.a upon till) wall ore suspend-
Y P P Duller told him to gest his Supper.
John v, 5.) An apparently uui11-
terrupted chain of elidruce front
L++'lieu l3eaton re trattid t!1H words
It was the "soft answer although
of the George homestead had. seen
ed a onrlerdihs hliuch of old and and they would start for Stratbroy•
tho year. A. D. 333 to the year 1183
after his Wife in is aurprisud aud
it did not "turn away wrath; so
fel' 113 w01'd9 WHCH COIICP.rI]P.d. But
the end door of the great rod liQUae
nmcb rusted Ire 5 none of thew W![ile the wan was Hating Lite
J °
t� f°ot long, and uuu,i)er detective removed the knives and-
91)eAlia Of•tbe Pr•ObaE'Lc0 1�a8C2racl, AAI.
r�hureh Ct. Anne., The
was leaning
injured tone. 1Io `t, .their little,
1110 door.}Lost c
the tone ill, Kinch It was spoken.
fly open, tetting out the eomfurtrebl .-`�-1110.11
i light of an Opel) fire upon
glo v nuc] 1 g p p
lug A r0-Ulld aQzetl. at least, arid al'P, e.VCI'ythll[g elNt' that "It-WtIS p05$ib}e'
near.,tho of
place Spoken of is Said by the earls-
_ . -- ..--- -- _'
brown cotta.;e at the end of the .
hetes ed risiii tt?iii er Mr,
Y b P
the kitchen hearth, had aeon the
by far more like those of a Castle for hint to dl ultechtef with, but 110
est -writers to have formerly had five
. lane, a mile out on the "city road,"
Beaton's part.
He tool: the pail; turned the east
dracuu A wife, fair aqd rosy in •her
"bound boy''
Grins aud Giant Despair than what unfortunate) overlooked a largo
P J'
they really are, the ler,Cutly P,XCA 1111tC'!rr l.,nife lying behind a box on
porches, then ' in ruins. I�Tothiug
p ,
known of the described bJ
front the village of FUirulo'Unt,
heart hart beet} full Of collwiltillent
tiorner Of the hot1SP., and Repay saw
middle age, while bile
led the fat, gray horse away t0 a
vateil keys of till$ quiet little, rural 'the side table, and 9A $0011 as he
wan pool
t}IOSe wlltHra Ulltll quite recently,
a momr,clt 'before, as he well y
him no more.
goon] supper in itg warm stable.
hoose of ca er.- They are, no rose from the table the ouug watt
prayer. Y Y e
doubt, a relic of a time when, as a wa}ked over and seized this weapon
, works carried ou by
when certain ,
laid bare
, ,
' Sunuiled up ulercies of the
near{. ended year, and of woudrr
As }le walked along, with Ilia
a Hs u ou the ground A Strange
y P e
FIer own kitchen was now rosy
with the light of the flames, frons
local Welter quaintly observes, 'it .Ile made A rush for the detective,
been to have Graham eft Itis back dna
the Algerian ; nooks
large tank or cistern out in the rock
ing admiration «s Lvell, as hes
process LvriA going oil ill Elihu
During ten
two Lyell seasoned logs upon the
would have very unsafe but sprang
gar°Sara that the church mess a. managed to .pin his arms to iiia
to a depth of thirty, feet. It lies
but not immediately under, a
watched the c�rfinison glory of the
9Un8et A1r01'(; A'A011 tit Fair.
Beaton's mind. the
yeue•s of their Married 11tH he lona
hearth arid the tPa•table was Spread
with thingsfor lien lonely tea,,
power in hhH lend.' Passing round .vides. C{n�ped thug YlcCallum began
later boitding, nchurch.Lvith An epee
77 -s
` "I'ul 91'011 `ve built here,
.endured Hopseli's continual "llagg�
yet file could not turn from the spec•
the Belfry gable we See an abutting A DBS4ERATE AND III,OODY STAUGUM
ID there ]5 ba 11 r
at the Cast end. :.Che cistern is 55
LL'P Can see the suit rise and set over.
ill•{'? as' a chatter of course, with Ito
taclo of 'iter neighbor'q household
wlu" which He held the knife in, bot!i hands
b' ' PP
preserved intact, a little doorway
and swung to and fro in a desperate
feetaone,from east to Neat ; nosh
,itld south it measures 1�}" fart in
the dear old mountain," ire boa
"� ilinooeut{y remarked over his
' ;a But on this eL:enin his heart
comfort, although ale gazed upon
through har'tearS'
which seems to have been the sole. efraft to eut loose from the detain,
to the at one t}tee.
breadth, A flight of twenty-four
Sltoulde'r to his Nile, Lvho was "fly-
was softanea-full of old memories
' ` Suddenly the gta cat"and the
Y y
entrance church
lhu iuy closely impinges upon i't, rn� clutch of Gr&ham, Twice the
,. -
l,larle, Which was as keen as a razor,
steps leads.d0wn into lbs pool from-,
tI1H t'AstHl'I1 scarp of roar." Now the
, ,
ino around" ill the kitchen prepar,,
]u� Il Supper with a most appetizing
old dreams, and hopes of lrlauS,
black CAL,'W110 had beets baking in
Since laid nsPde; 01141 well nigh for-
1 the heat upon thea hearth, rushed
and just leAVrs the bCOAa III1tP.l-atOsle
flee for us to read this choice and made a gash acid drew . blood from
first requisite for the site of the
smell, i,It beats all how pretty
gotten; till the four hours eonvrsa to
the door with, the same, peculiar
appropriate cou!'[let,' engraven ill' Graham's thigh whllo all,lhe assist.
noes that at could be trivet wa!, of
Pool of4l3ethesda is that airould
be possible .to hove five.. porches.
that sky looks tonight; Helper." ,
tion with tiler friend of early cry
or wrlcomp,.wiLh which, tis kit•
bold old•fasl,iolted letterin; ;- grip
of tetcount of the t ono grip
ThSQnly Lvay iu which this requisite
Dlrs. I3HatU11 hari been LvaSliiag
clays Inxd recalled them; and with
Clem the spirit of.. e1111,USlaStlC
trI1R, they had beers wont to' greet
AM— VY VAIN TTIOWGIIT9 'TAY YE� ill •whiC} the two mell Lyere anis the
could be satisfied i:' that'the pool
" that, n101'ntng', That H �L•ishing,
daring that had lent
their lllastet's COniing CLVO veal's
Ii1 E12, rapid moveweut of the knife. 1l r,
should be what is called a twin pool,
aay]ug," becau'Se She a New
• them their beauty and their fife.
, a
sFCAws BtY GOD •t Du DRAW Nr:Ett• Trot 110'1 been building a new },once
ant;1i As that discovered ,close to the
Fttgland wouau--u
woman, and because it was Monday.
Never had this one discord of his
A' step coming around t1,H east
corner of the }louse, as if from rho
1672- fled had two men working our it;
of the history or £olk�lore of the namely Levi Plank' and A. lliason•
COt1VHllt of til[+ Sisters of Sion --that
it to say, two pools lying sine by
Equally of course (in her household),
otherwise prosperous and happy
LVHiI.1o01u sounded on the snow A
little LvaJside edifices we know notll who tried to render assistance in
side, having on,e portico do each of
there had been what she called a
"a boiled after break-
]ifs so jarred upon hila as now.
"if I was as Hunter A
V with an Otid tremble and
inlg, but this 6Ults our teulper rind overpowering lllcCallum. In the
the four sides thus Formed, and
pot" per parer]
to go away,
grayer in it said :-
moots 9611 the better, for, Lee people meantime all the women had run off'
one'between then) of the wall of
Fust dna set Well back on the grafi-
brother has, . one and, come bar's
"I've brought the water for Lei,
it with the urerilureA of our� to the barn., In the struge!e.
Separation. .Herr Schick now re•
stove As u 90011 Trait sensible
�, , Y,
ricin, she woo. haves a hibher opin-
,� y M'iller's coat sleeve was cut open
arson end'. Lee IQviuryt uutwinH its
ports that IIH t1a9 found a coutiuu�
!:incl of a cliivner, that Would trouble
ion of me," lie th•ouglit, glancing
Looking round Wlth a pAIH,CCACCC]
hoary brQivs with fair iu[icies that-Lviccy .and the point' of, the hnifH
anon of the pool, or rather a sinter
o Quo to }0010 after, it, but would
'back once more at thA sunset light
face, as if she expected to find a
lend such graco aired charity, that to touched him in the;croin; but not,
pool, lying ewl to end, 60' ft. long,
"c oil itself. ,°
upon lois home.
ghost behind, Mrs. Beaton saw
itself belongs net as the fadeless deep euoucln to draw blood. Levi
and of rhes sanne breadth as tln'o first.
I3realcfast, the prospective dinner,
He ,.at the tin pail down softly
her husband, ruddy, brown aud
ivy now does ltd mouldorlta;-walls• pluck received a stab near file
We are, theruforr; 01110 to nsakH o11t
astld then, Elihn being well out . of,
by the well room door, and strode
bearded, with�a bright new tin pail
Our thoughts move ,its the Shadowy armpit, a gaping wound that •would
a reasonably strong case for identify -
• :
her rale, Mrs. Helper turned
away across the fields to rho
in his hand.
past. Figure and movement are
p a bola a man's fist When McCak
inb the nealy•discovered twin pool
Sloavee of loci gra riot dress u
e Y P P
town. Half au hoar litter his wife
* ,
011110 silent, but real as in a dream lum was_,overpowt:red and. .taken-to...-w-ith
the Puol of Bethesda.'
over her well rounded arms, ,put on
went forth im atientl to CAII
11 *
..• ----.- : •- "
-' night, , Strathro Plank .was found to have
wltiiiu tie silent ni �ht aniiliTte it " y,
historical evidence in favor of this. ,.
--._. . ..-
.. -... -a large- bib-aproa• and a Pair of
_ __ , ,._.
•}kris to•uitt (-An-hour later, slue was
-. «_
Say uo more about lt, HePSyr
too, in that .we can tell nothing of suffered a considered loss of blood,
site is as Strong ns that wllieh colt
rubbet:S and Dent over the Lvash-.
wildly calling his name, as she, with
dear exclaimed Elihu, tvheti his
it when it is over, only we.feel Lila Still Dra. Hoare and Thompson,
nects the Holy Sepulchre with the
tub ill such an energetic fashi;oon,
her hastily Summoned neighbors,
wife threw his arms around his neck
sweet, or weird, or lovely impress- to who, he.had been driven .asF,SQou.'
site adoptod- by Constantine. In
that, at ten 0'010010, ovrry cloth
sought }dim up and down the farm.
with a sobbing. prayer to be for.
ion of the vision resting upon us. or, possible, had difficulty ill stltunch-
the minds of most, I think, it wilt
was in its place on the line, at
But search and soak him as they
given. "1 was quite as much in
Very old and very luguhriouslare ing.the wound. His longs aro not
be ac{cno x104190(41 that we have herr
eleven the floors were mopped, and
might, with the ]ase repentance'
the wrong as you were, that«times, at
the ACAttHCed touched, and it is hoped the
the ancient Pool of Betlirsdn.
the,)house in apple-pie order.. At
born of love and tears, it was all ill
least, for I went away' prqud surd
Many of gCAVest011eS.
around the ancient ruin, encarved wound will' heal cosily. Detective
s� . -
twelve, to a minute, Elihu's favorite
vain. Ho was one ! No ones in
an r and not carie .much
g y' g
wits[ sculls and crossbones d . Miller brought McCallum to
' °� a
/ dinner smoked upon the board, and
Fairmount knew less or more than
from that
yogi might suffer wiieu you COUid
find. 1110 least trace of me about
balances, and $and �lasaes, with jail on a remand £row P. Al.
p -•;,, .'
lois Lvife, in clean afternoon
__ --- c}rs;.wvit}, e},Teri,T�-}tail,TrtTr}"'R'i't'
that of Elihu Bouton
auiui»ir afternoil�n:
the faro. How did I go, do you
Other such dread emblems of our Noble to the 24th itist• as it is bot
frail fleet Otte in expected the injured man will be
a philc ribbon in her collar, waited
to catch the first glimpse of him
• "* * * *
ask,? Walked over to Stainton,
i1Cr059 lots, and by tri1111 t0
and mortality,
P articular lsas so vivid a repreSenta- able to give evidence beforethatdnte.
McCallum is lr tough'lnokino costo•
• r a
corning from the vil{ago whither
'I'WO GACA passed slowly by: Thea
of Fairmount resembl-
New York and oil to California,
I. ! I
tioll of.a Inlrnan skull that -we almost
ex}lectod to hear its t,teth ichatter; mer. He is Short and thick set,
she had dispatched liim to purchase
ries for the ensuing month.
good people
ever other "people" in one respect,
like a fool, n Was grew
home Sick enough Ion before l got
or to hear our own do'so as we and has long been known as a tough.
in a stabbing
She waited in vain till half' past
and rarely paid Any great or long-
to the troubles
thero, but.'my pride Lgouldn t let me
azcltl' upon it. }sow melancholy a He was concerned
g P Y
view of death is pourtrayed in such affray at I�omok,a a few years ago,
flue o'clock and 6hen aro her own
dinner, So full of wrath against the
sustiiined attedtion
of those neighbors, so tong as their
come back till I made my fortunes
at the m]nes'whore Hunter's brother
a grim yet favorite quatrain as the but it was never brought homes to
i him. Plank is A respectable man
Market Square,
absent one, that ' she scarcely
own affairs remained in a healthful.
ly prosperous state.
worked. And I've done 's t, IIcpSy
least it will be a fortune in
following s living in Strathroy, Ile is married
is ,Is you erre now, so onoe was I; g
noticHt! how bold the vegtttableS had
Consequently, the lace whin➢
q Y, P
like Fairmoulit, and there's
As I do now so you must 1]e and has a family.
',Che Afternoon wore on. Just, as
Elihu had filled in the small corn•
, nothing in reason that you inn
• As I am now, so you must be :-
y Prepare thy soul to follow me." Sam Slick's Description of a
_ ,
She put oo.the kettle for tea Elihu
munity was soon filled u Ever
Q Y'
olie grew used to thinking 137 him as
neat your heart oil, in future, that
cannot afford to give you."
I ^t
Indeed, these old monuments 1011
drove u the hill and offer attend
, ins to the of his horses
they thought of the dead. No ohe
,iu. E%hu,'dou't .be So -good I"
all to plainly how depressed a:view ,What flirts all you mets are I'
entered the kitchen with.his pockots
expected that the mystery of his
fate would ever be unravelled -in
sobbed Isis wife. "I don't deserve
it, I drove nauy frons'
Of the future the religion of their Said site 'But oilMy Sakes ain't
day yielded to our forefathers off a
lovely-justgone uiaes of
' . '':
dna lois hands full of packages, and
ilia full of the wondrous
this world at least.
when you
that tree
generation or two ago. They evft
flowers. Hold'me up, please, DIr.
story of the old friend who had
No one except his wife. His
„Not a word of that I ins]st m
Show Lite mind directed to judgment
y Slick, till I net a bunchof
death rather than eternal life w�eetapE
him so long.
designated in
wife, who was already g
dear said Elihu as he drew her
and pie tree. Oil dear ho v a
and infinite lots, God the Father p '
"Xou used to know Jim Hunter
the minds of many, it not to their
actual thoughts, as "Ths..Kidow
into the house and closed the door.
"We Aro two fools': and' we know
it was forgotten and replaced by the smelts.'
Well, I took her in my arms and
Made ral> in Best Style ured TVorh= "
N_ t
as well its I did, when has was a boy,
Hepsy,'" he remarked, unheeding
Beaton." S
now ;aud we shall be wise enough
AusterejudgN, `who gathered where
lie had not strewed, and 'reaped lifted her, up, put sho was a long
rnarasleip at Abr•uham Smith's.
her black looks.
F�,lihu s disappearance was not to
in future, I. m sure, td make our-
where hes hAd, not sown.' Compar, time a•chosin of a Wreath, and that
a .
• "And you ,know ,how the neigh-
her EInH profound mystery thQt it
p Y^ Y
was to all others. They had lived
twelves as happy as God intended ua
� be when He Ase us so man
one She ut,R ound iii lint and then
ed with. this, how Sweetly soothing, P i Y '
y gAthered some spriga for a nosey
+ ,
Noty in stash; one of the cheupe-
„' :
hors all 'said hesd never'come to an
others.oe hese of a h
y g Y•
blessings. Now,' dry your, eyes,
how -tendert comfortiu are the elle
Y comforting,
orad best stocks Of
' good; when ho ran away from•his
„ step -father's house and went to 'soa.
road, at some distance flow UsH
HepAl*, and let mo have a real bolls
lines' of A modern poet :-
'`rind the mother, ave in tears and 'Don't' hold mo so ..high please,
g ,
He diel corns to good th'an9h ! He
village, anal Os► the rare occasions
g ' „
when thoy had visitors or extra
like comfortable eu er • with you
PP " Y
once more. Bless me I How bright
Ain There aroe11 that -ain't that beauti-
p ' '
Tho•flowe a moat di l lova fol ? 1 hope I ain't A•ahoLvin of my
left his Ship and went t0 the urines,
he a handsome
hands," Mrs. Beaton had treated
And cozy, and pleasant it does look,
,She knew she would find them all ankles'
AiV[.- CLOTI-iS+
- •
and ndw owns
ranche out in THXAA, and has wore
her husband with all due respect•
to he Sure I And here are these
little things actually remember-
a am
gain, 'Luc how m heart Leafs !' says
In the fields of light and love. Y Y .
A Full Line o£ GENTSt"EIIR
money thaw I can count in a clay.
She knew, and she only,
Alle had tried the patient,
ing ins -glad to see me ! Just loo}:
Oh t not in crueltyy^not in wrattl I, and it did, too ; it thundered
hammer act
NZSHINC#S alWa S•ln at0ok,
I shbuld'have asked him out here
ace you, only ho was in a hurry
to often
to kindly man to the last verge of on,
t at them liepary-how they lick
,•I' wase an an el ver isited the me that green earth tilo A sledge -I
g g th0ua i,t would )lave torn my
it will1ra�aJort to cull on
` catch the night train for New York,
durance b her acrid tongue. Over
y �.
even in those days,
my hand !" Said the farmer bending
down, with an unSteady laugh, over
And took the flowers swap:' wuistcoat buttons off. ''Don't you
tlsuln than
so I waited to see him off, A good'
and over again,
had of a bright, sunny
the' two cats, as they stood on their
With such thought3 flouting hear it o Ilium \
13 1, P, Ft
. .
fellow, Jim is. I -To deserves his
she risen,
re', .. I . I. .
. . � '.
W t , ,
Y . I. .. L.4�
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