The Huron News-Record, 1888-07-04, Page 7M. p The Huron News "I, i'Oultlna lathe mother;' I eayA, thee to fret about that. Must like -Record „ she's worse and weaker than a he'll get away to furrin parts. I 81.50aYear-91,25 In Advance. while back, and father has gone to see thou guesses who it is, Eunice. ------- the woods. Iie's main angry with ' It's -main . hard for thee," Its says, �1'eall�s uY. ,Italy 4th, 113138. me, Tum." "Olt'aye", Ilia says, ''ivd about taking toy hf�nd, utt+a dug kind.ly,. for ho was It good inan, leas Will - the birds; but it's naught, ism. - FOR OUR STORTREADERS. "I shook my head." "But I Iviilu 1 illy limit( a-xity "Father says he'll not have file and r out into the fields. It was „ A Cloudy Dawn. wed thee if thou dust not mend thy getting a to sundown thou, and as getting I loaned against the frnca, for ling "Th4e is the corn crake it is in* ways and leave off going with thein poaching fellows. "What dost thou sick and giddy like, the corlr•uraku the home meadow," said -I, pausing want with them I Thou never began croakino v the long grass as it hall done over nfbht. And I to listen as the harsh grating but , r grating, used to heed such like." thought of 1'eatareve' WhOn TUIB most summer-like of sounds carne "Tis not to fret about, lass; stood there with his gulf, -kind I I clearly through the warm, still air they're none ao bad as thy father tried to turn hint away lrulu thuso thisJuuo evening, ntiigliug in the thinks• I'll get Shut on 'om when who led lihn astray. It had till garden. we'ro well." I ended flow ; father was dead and Afro. Hartley listened, too, and a "What are you doing with a guf*' mother ryas dying, and Tani—but I look came into her eyes as mho I asked hint. would not think of Tont, 'Then thoughtBho saw some other scentl than the sunny garden and lair I aa`Tfly, 1Rd$, LIlOU ACG g®tting 100 i Anniti Caine 011t t0 Int+, saying fur I green fieldsba oud, and the length- �' curious: Maybe I'm going shoot- n mother was askiun, nie, so went b o ening shadows ,cast by the elms, in- flitter -juice he says, laugh- ink 3 ' "' in, [awl mother looked et file and said ; 'Thou art it lass. •I thou loaves glancing golden in the '°Thou'lt break my h°art, 'Com'' I good think thy father is dead—I droau,t • setting $tin, says. " at Whwith Illy mother ]sigh it, justnow-—and thou art,llidiug it, She was a buxom dame, fresh to death and father angered with ,Ns no [natter ; I Khali know soon. couiploxioned, with soft gray eyes thee, and thou going Oil "'this, gait." Tho Lord bless thee, Eumieo !"' and brown hail'; an excellent housewife for was not the Mill Far1n , "I'm Ito Bony thy mother is no bet - "Anil after that site went into a noted for its butter and cheese I ter, Eunice," he says, "but as for sort o' taut, and died. Su father and mothor were both btirriod 1111 Where els° were eggs so plentiful Ills rest, there's naught tafretabout. I I'll sumo and seg thou tu•morrow,t+ the same day ; and it wits sottlod or honey so delicious? No wonder that I should go find live with 1113, that Farmer. Hartley wits accuinted And lie went oft' smiling and aunt Deborah, some six miles away;' a lucky mart, waving his !land as he turned down William wtis to dfive file over the I was Bitting in the did fashioned the copse. 'Then the corucrake be - gall agaiii, croak, croak, all around salsa evening. ' parlor, with its heavy oast beans the meadow, and I sgt slid watched' "Well, lit sundown, all aha things across the coiling, its dark polished b ' p mother with a heavy heart till the baufg packed and nothing left to furniture, and old china- bowl- of �. dried rose -leaves, and wide open, stars camp out, uud n young 1110011 du, I went through Ilio finld to Life side of the brook, %vhero I n:+ad to latticed windows through "which lying on her back which was ail ill sign; for you know the Baying: t1)ePt'.rUnl,atltl [baro I s+tt, uLL R fallen floated the scent of the mignonett•o and pinks, while bars. Hartle - ,When the mood's like a boat true, thinking of 1111 the trouble a4u1 how ru liru seomed'dead mid bur- Y brought out the sweet boldo -mato Thcro's trouble afloat. ,� But I hoped it might not be for, ied with m f.tther and muther. cake and frothing now mill: in a rrunint lungof old china. f me. The corncrake had gone and Closu by ale tens it thick chimp u' , pRlltl aYllluN'd an' d+)o 1'u!aa, mil i "Aye," said Mrs. Hpi- ley ; "the there was naught to be heaul save the rustling oa the grana and treats. "'g^rang all it tauoh•, lunching o'er the • eoru•crmke? Su it io, hiss NEilliei The wind had turned a little chill bank i al, thea 1 tilt thinking a 'r 8o It is:" so' I closed tile lattice and bty nie while I heArd a rustling fill' a Voice Soinethiug in bor voice strucl: down by mother a while. 1 had sayiug : 'Funic,, lass !' I knew ino.. been asleep souse tithe, for Life nfuuii the vol- right WoII, thun;lt it gave "Due$ it make you sari.," I asked. was low in the sky and the dawlf ant• a Ftart ort tho 1i10111nnt. "I like to hoar the bird, though it breaking, when I awoke with hear "Is it thou, Toni?" I asked. does make such a strange noise ; it ing a tramping o' foot coaling down "Ayo," Ire say�,parliud t.hu leaves, always reminds me of summer ovo- the'L'aue. I listened,and'Ibe train p• and ^looking through. ''.I've. Leen kings when the grass is Iong," ing came hearer and sounded heavy 1•ying }sere fill (lay to g"t :a olitupse "Yes; that's when it comes. You like, as if they were carrying some- o' thee. I thought n Avit.a thou never hear it after the "rass is cut. thing- It stopped at the gate and wouldst come down hero :afore thou - It reminds ma o' my young days, then I heard the clique o' the latch. went ofr, .an' there's much that. I've Miss Nellie." Mother's rooru was at the back), so it got to say to thee." '•Anel were they always sad dayo, %vas no use to look out o' the latt-ice,_ "It may bu much ur little," f anit Airs. Hartley I" I was' creeping softly down stairs swored, "but I desire to have no - Not always; but the corucrake when mother awoke and asked if father had in." thing from Toni. ori. Dust thou brings a time o' trouble to my mind. come know father is dead I" Runaway, Bobby," as acurly, head- "Ithink .he's coming now, "Aye, Eunice; bill that wits ill ed, rod-cheeked little lad put his mother," I said. "I'll fetch thee a luck: I never uleant,to h6pt tliv head in at Life door; "the parlor is cup o' toa," and I ,went down and, father. •It %sero fill duu0 iII I' not for you children. Whe.lo is opener} the door and there stood one hurry, I didn't notice as he was ' • your father 7" o' the keepers, William Belshaw, as among the keopgrs. That's why :I, in tit' barn.,, married my cousin Annie. -Said, [nun run thu conutry, I` might. "Father's Very well. I{.un and tell Sally "Wheio's. father !'•' I trying .stand to be, took up if there ware to pick out the brownest eggs far to look pa4bim. flight against me but Lit' birds, lint _lliss..Carrin tov." as See now thou he says, this 0' th father is a ha"nniri'+ mat - Y. . b b Bobby' disappoarod, "and there mun,keo) a�Lunice heart; lass. How torso I nlunrun the country. I'm was n short silence, biol:en by Afl's, " is the plothei• In' "Sho'9 no 'better alis asking for, going on board ahip•to-niorrow, an' 'I've brought thee snow to pay thy 11artley.who, who. said. father.".' passage out to tile, lass, nu' we'll be . "Aye, I mind 'Zwc+ll -hearing the „ Null thou [nun put horoff. ' I've wed when thou lands." -' corncrake that summer when n, Y mother( died, and I thought the sun ill news for thee, pour lass- thy "1'ovi," I says, "it's not for we two to well now thatthou hast kill weals never shine fair on mo agfi'iu b mothor inust kioty, naught of it. There's been a bit o' ftgll.t with them - od father. I wonder how thou can • so full o' trouble and death' was it— many a long ago now. Mother northern chaps—au —an tvo vo think o' such a thing. Maybe yearo b Y g had been ill a long while, and was bro%vt thy father home." trouble has made thee dazed lilts." . nigh dying; for her lifo seemed to "illy .heart soeiued to turn to "I didn't no to kill thy father," "' Y r go as the grass grew, and we knots stone.1. says angrily. she would never bide here till the "I's father kille(1 7" I asked, "That don't make any (liti(irance;" frill o' the leaf. Father was agame. "'Thou may, as* well tell file, Will- I save ; "It was th wrongdoing keeper, and' we lived in that cottage iam. that caused, thee t0 Lo goig with i, "' b Northover woods. THe and Tom Y "A -ye. that is so. I'in main sorry poachers au' with a gun in the hand. Thou was warned and thou paid no Marsden—he was, tlt)e blacksmith at Northover and had bE+e{I courting For thee, Eunice. I'll tell 'em to hini filly lay hitt] on the }iced. I eau neer sed thee, and me a long while, with fathers con• settle here; and Pfl send 'Annie to now thou hast done it !" sent for Tom %v , ton as well and thee. ++ "Anil I Durst put rrying, For it the forgo was his 'own. I thought I thought � "With that the carried father Y was all more than I could bear. Tom 01tmo out o' the thicket: a deal of hila, for he was ood•to g look at, and strong; never a lad in .in and laid him on the settle. He WAS and began sayi-ng something; but •I the village could come nigh him very peaceful like to look , at. William said L" .had been shot in didn't heed what it was, being so miserable when suddenly William for looks and atrougth. And when r I first know him lie was main steady, the chest, and di; d quiet and easy. ,came up beside me, and put his and well thought of by all. But But all the whil(• L seemed to know that there was sl,nirthing more to hand on Tom's shoulder," "I'll there was a bad lot 0' follows in hear—nye, and %+ ase, for when I not let on I've seen thee,lad," he said ; "but thou muu make thy Northovor; and somehow Tom got in with thein. Father, he spoke 'to wasstooping over bother one of the sen scarce. Eunice is right, [hero Tom about it, for bo said : 'It'$ no men said. sometli•in" to William that I didn't ri•'hily catch, and g c:ut be no wedding betwixt you. Thou mun u • and right g good t•hinl:in' thee can p1R' %vi' William says back to him, speaking esharp, too!,, nlak, and keep thy own clothes clean ; some of it will stick, for low : 'Nay, there's no call to say. „• rola stood silent for a minute, sure 1"' just now, poor 1asS; ifll do bye gild and then he said quite quiet :— '""1'ou1'langlled and told father he bye." With Lhat they went away, and I took mother bur tea, feeling Nell, good bye, Puuice, if so be could take caro of himself, and as all dazed like." as thou means what thou says. for catching a stray rabbit or bird it to "Where's thy father, Eunice I" "Aye," I said ; "I do 111e4tn it, Tom. It's by." feces a bit q' fou d on a dark night, -she says. good "Good and no harm done eitho by," lie says again, and "Anil I answered hor : 'lie's turned off' b4- the co(ise: and that "Stlys father : 'Thou'll not find coming up presently, mother' ; and was the last f ever saw or heard o' it a bit o' full if I catch then at then $he fell asleep again, being Tom A'harsden. weak.' "I was full o' sorrow for many a "So they parted in auger, and "So the day wore on, and cousin Tong day after that, and though father came home saying that I Annie came, also "Squire Lawson nothing would seem fair.and pleas - must think no ntoro o Tom, for he and some other gentlefnan but I alit to me again, But at last I be - couldn't lot his lass ived a poach -didn't"' . see thorn, for William wa$ to Fee I should never have been er• „ around again and he told them all a happy woman with Tom, Every- ' "That l That evening, when the dusk about father. When they war° thing is for the best, Miss Nelly, was falling, I eat by mother's bed- gone I loft Annie sitting with though %ru can't $Eta it at the time. also, thinking of it all. father nus' mother nucl' went down to - William, So when, at the eud'of two years, out in the woods and mother asleep, and asked him how t came about John Bartley asked me to marry .! so the house was very still and all � that father was shot." him, I gild yes, and I never repent-. f the windows open, for it was this j time And I.heard „.. was !holo n R hit of fl baht with o d. Only' when I hear the corn- f et;ake it brings back t0 me those old i o year. the corucrake in the field nigh the the poachots, lass,'an ono o' them hfl(1 a guu.t' . clays" "' l cottage as plain as now, sometimes Airs Hartley ceased and we eat e Y + quite near, and sometimes farther Was there only one gun, Will- silent a little space, Thai elm trees away, ds it ran about in tine long iam I I says, were costing longer shadows, the i i- !Brass. Presently it stopped croak "Only one, lass, Dunuot think sunshine Was- golden, the evening t ing, As though. somethinghad thy father was shot o' purpose. It .4,rimr(,sos were opening their yello%v i startled it, and thou thein was n were all in the thick o' the bother, eyes, ilio corucrake had gone, and A little rattle by the lattice, like bits Wewere fightingthe with ash -sticks, children's voices sounded nearer + O' gravel thrown up. I dot ftp soft- an' thy father was, in the midst, J and clearer as Mrs, Ilartley smiled A l3,, not tadistiu•b mother, and look- When the chap with the un lot fly i g Y happily. A ol`1 out, and there stood Tont against at us au' the shot hit thya fat}1or. "I often thi,nle," she said, "of the the fence with a gun in his hand," That's how it wore clone, Efillice. old, saying, 'Many a cloudy dawn A ++ I thought to have soeu thee at "Anel whore is he that (lid it 7" 1 . brigs in a bright day,"' % sundown Eun ce lass ". ho said r ' + "I've been Waitin' this half hour by says, looking out o' the window. "'llo's away, lass. In hiding Nvte tronas, Letter TTrnds, fitntenwnts. and in fast, nil kinds of print Ing, In the best style the brook." somewhere. Thorn's no call for I kNRr'nwn to n croft all,, At tow , ah•s, it. Taaft ! J \Pd-lt Y.rOnD office. Auld Lang Syne. A few clays before the General Assembly sat in Aberdeen in 1640, its session, undentuding that some captains and gentlemen of the regi• mens of Bogera lying at present in this toun, has taken offence at the portrait of Maiater Alexander Raid, iouletime of Pitfuddels, as smelling somewhat of Poperio. The session orders the said portrait to be. teen I loon, and not agaili set up. - In December, 1659, Elspit Siulson ap- peifired before the kirk session and dolomnly denied 'that alto brewed 'aquavitte' oil the Lord's Day. She had bean brewin on Saturdie, but declared thati, she stopt brewin be- fore twal o'clock. The session al+- pointed her to be admonished, quhrlk was accordingly done, and Elf:pit dismissed. James Riach 'did mack a moke of ropentence by pulting in of sneesh in his eyes, to maek thein tear, and by laughing, at reveralparsgns in public.' Forthis Ito is excoulunient. Isabel Iiobert- sun is oiled to appear before the Wssioi it," she is known to have rail - ,)d aLaiudt Andrew -Cent, and be- cause the said Mr. Andrew $pak igafnst Yule, she said `that he spake like aue au! fine.' ---•w ` ea... ----- Canada Abroad. The Kingdom of Hawaii, Sand- wich Lalands, of which hitherto :ornpar•atively little has been known, s coming in for it considerable ihare' -of attoution. tieing so far from this country, the affairs of the slanders would pussoss little interest o Cauadiaus were it not for the lust that. a cuupld of our country - lieu have had much to du with the ocont revolution tuuoug the Haw bans, &nd are at ilia prosent tittle )laced in pusitiults of powor and in= : luenco in the Govornment•. The Ashford bruthors. Voluey V. and ;larance W., both (•:auadians, are noinbers of the Legislature. One. d them is colonel of the Honolulu iifles and comtnauder-iii-chief of Ito King's uati.vo forces, and the Ether is in .the cabinet as Attorlley- 3eneral. "Those facts of themselves 1110 Of intercht to Canadians but dhit we' %visit to draw particular ittontiun to is that the, Attorney- _leuoral will shortly visit - this :ountry in connection with the mprevenent and furtherance of ratio relations between his native and and" his adopted home. His uisaiuu will also have roferencc, it s understood, to the establishment f the line of steamships between lritish Coluinbia' find > Australia, 6iuh will call at Honolulu. Grad• ally, yet,'surol'y, the iulludiiince and omnlorce of Canada is being extend - d, and no doubt the events which lave led to the placing in positionq f power of two of our former' itizens in far off 11hwaii, Wilf even- ua.11y result in increased advantage this conutry in ilia %way of o,xtond= d coihnierci:al intercourse and a Largest for the produce of our factor )s and workshops. When in neer) ufBill Head;, guy6lopea, etc., in't forget that Tim NR%1 41P,CORD eu•ries , a 11 tine. - n lu x a N S IQI .'JI . , UnaPP roached'for . S�� -ate° Tone and -Quality. Q✓ATALOGtIFS FREE. TELL COL, Guelph, anti ILL HEADS, NOTE Iluutls, Letter Ileads, Tags, Staten:cutn, C.irculgr,4,Businoes Cards, Envelopes, Prograwmes, etc., etc., printe 1 in a workman- like manner And at low rates, at THE NEWS•RECO1tD Office. A WASHINCTORf hroat and Linn- Surgeon, of Torglitto. Will be. at the attenbary House thLI NTON. ULY ISTH . t few of the hundreds cured by DIt, n WASIIINGtTONIS New llletlaod of luhalatron I S. ll. Storey,'of Storey' l Son, proitihient Svc nn"rifaaturers of Acton, Ont., cured by . Washington of catarrh oftfthe throat., Lad V Ill, and pronounced Incurable by euilnent ciallsts In Canada and England. write him particulars p iro tic ,Irortchlfis nod Aalttnaa Cured, fi English Church Clerwyman speaks, Rectory, Cornwall. Ont, w;A91118eT0\.— � )EAR S111,—i ant glad to he Able to Inform you ,t our daugliter is quite well again. .%it this Is second time she hay been cured of grave ne.-hial troubles under your treatment, whon uAl!" ,remedied balled, 1 writo to expross nig tit(lde. ]'lease secept uty sincere thanks. Your; truly, U. B. PETrIT, of + Jan AieHcl\y, Kdngst*n, Ont., Catarrh and v' Coiasumptimi, P In A,cl(clyy, l,iirgston, Ont Catarrh. of A flopping, I(f ngston, Ont, broncho Consump• m tion, o E. Scott, Kingston, (Int, Catarrh, head 'and lit throat. C s Jno Bertram, Ilarrowsmith, Ont,)iear King• h stun, Cat.u•rh, throat, i 's Alan• A Bnmbour„ Centreville,.Ont, Catarrh 0 hnad'Anil ttii'"at. h no- 11at.hrws, 1'. Pinstrr, Actin Ont. P. Mph, Oent; Fnrnlahincq, Relieville, Catarrh P throat. 2 ll 1'hlplu n, P. 't. Sandhlirat, Ont, (near Napa- et , •r iter tt, ••rY 1. r t, n l ai I the a O 1, n t Bad case. AAT fR01NE88 DIRECTOR qmffgEDWIN KEEFER, 7DENTII3T, Ute of 'roronto, Honor Graduate Ito)al Colleg of Dental surgeons, Coats's Blook, - Olinton. All Work Registered. Chartres Moderate G. H. CQOK, Licentiate of Dental Surgery, Honor Gra uat of tho Toronto School of Dentistry. Nitrous Oxide Gas adminiitered for the pilules extraction teeth. Oaks—Over Jackson's Clothing Store, next t Poet Office, Clinton. AW Night Bell answered. Will visit ever)•'rhursday at Bruceffcid, from 8 to 10 30 a. tit. ; Varna, from 11 a. m, to 1 p, m. Bayfleld, from 'L p. myy. yy �f YY 402Y— �, SafillfrN6. UIt REEVE. Office—"Palace" Brick Bldek Rattenbury Street, Residence opposite th Temperance Hall, flit ron Street, Coroner forth County of Huron. Office hours from 8 a.m. to p. in. Clinton, Jan. 14, 1881. :•y DR. GUNN W. Ouun, M, D. L. R. C. P. Edinburgh L. It. O. S. Edinburgh Lleenciateof the Midwifery, Edin. Office, on corner of Ontario and Williaut Ste., Clinton. 478-y. �CQltl. MANNING &; SCOTT, Barrister", ELLIOTT'S,BLCCK, - CIANTON. Morley to Loan. A. if. MANNING. JAS. SCO1•T. FRANK R. POWELL, Barri,ster, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc, Office Searle's Block, Albm•t-st., Clinton. Toronto agents : Jfcsvrs. McCarthy, Osler, Iloskin,& Crechnan. 42' PRIVATE FUNDS To LEND at lowest rates of interest. 381 . ((,EDWARD N. LEW16,Barrister, Notary Public 1J Proctor in Maritidhe Court. 011le s corner south of Martin's hotel, Goderich, Ont. Solici• for -fur the Huron Land Agency. Moncy to loan at cheapest rates. 466 tf SEAGER & MORTON,.Barristers,kc ,J , God• erlch and Wingham. C.'Seager, Jr,, Goderich J. A. Morton Wingham• D4.VISON & JOHNSTON, Law,' Chancery, and Conveyancing. Office—West Street, next door to Post Office, Goderich, Ont. 57. RC. HAYS,, Solicitor, &c. CIE cc, corner of • Square and West Street, over B'utler's Book Store, Goderich,,Ont. 67, ,t�i--Money, to lend at lowest rated of interest. �71 CAMPTON, Barrister, Attorney, Solicitor fn J, Chancery, ConvRv:umer, lordan's Drug Store, the rooms formerly occu 'led b,1• Judge Doyle, --8'� Any amount of ufoncy to loan at lowest tntos of interest. 1.1y. ,�1tC1't01tt'4'l'lllt�. ----- H. W BALL, ACCTiONEER for Heron Counts,-,_.Saleao . tended tri ill'ali part of the County. Ad- Iress orders to GoDRaBlli P O. V-17. CHAS. HAMILTON, — A VC•r1ONEEB, land, loan and insurance agent Blyth. Sales attended in town and country, )n reasonable terine. A list or farms and village ots for sale. Money to loan on real estate, at Ow rates of interest. Insurance effected on all classes of property. ?Totes and debts collected. hoods appralsod, and sold on commission. Bank- rapt stocks bought and sold. ° Blyth, Dec. 16, 14.40 Photographers pg � c� F CLINTON. Life Size Portraits a S1lecialty: Into Marble Works,' HURON STREET, CLINTON, W.. H. COOPER, all-., Manufaclure r of an dealer in all kinds of Marble & Granite for Cemetery Work at eifures that defy competition Also mamilacturer'ol' the Celebrated ARTIFICIAL SI•oNie for Building pur- poses and Cemetery Work, which lnust be seen t0 be appreciated,—All work varranted to vivo satisl,,etion. Goderich Marble Works Having bought out JOSEPH VANSTONn., n Goderich, we are now prepared to fur ish, on reasonable terms, iRADSTONES AND MONUMENTS. GRANITF A SPECIALTY. Vc are Prepared to sell chfnper f -bin tiny,. other firm in the county. artie9 wanting anything in this line will fill it to their interest to reAnrve their orders for as. ROBERTSON 8t BELL. iay 17th, 1886, - - 392_3m EXHAUSTED—VITALITY 1 fP11E SCIENCE OI•' LIFE, 1 the great Medleal work the age on Manhood, Nor. ous find I'hysical Dehllity, romnture Decline, Errors Youth, And the untold iser•Ies•consequent there, n, 800 pages 8 vo., 125 escriptionsforall diseases a. Cl full gilt, only 81.00, momnowaw %' mail, scaled, Illustrative sample free to all Dung and middle•aggqit men. Sond now. Tho old and dowelled Metlal awarder! to .the anthor y the National Afedleal Association. Address O, Box 1805, Boston, Aries, or Dr. W. FT. ARKER, graduate of Harvard Medical College, 5 years ppractice In Boston, who may be consult. 1 eonadcntlallw. $perlAlty,pDlseAses of Aran. Mee, No 4 Bul(inch Street 403)• 0 y , ouay to giaud. N ONEY to leo¢ iu large or small supe, o 111 good mortgages or personal security, a the lowest current rates. 21. IIAL$, Hurun•st Clinton. Clinton, Feb. 25, ldbt 1•]v —„ MONEY. e PRIVATE FUNDS tolendonTown tit it Fli:m L property. Apply to C. RIROVT, Office, next ;rswa-1LEcoap(upstrirF)Altcrt•4t 550.3al _ TRS 1011141UNS IANI o Incorporated'hy Act of Parllttutent, 185x1 CAPITAL, ' $2,000,000 m REST. $500,000 Head Office, - MONTREAL. • THOMAS w01t1(MAN, President. J. 11. R. MOLSUN, •Vice-president. F. WOLFF14STAN THOMAS, General Manager. v Motes discounted, Colleetionsfnad,., Drait e issued, Sterling and Awerican e-• e cltiguge'bought and sold at law• est current rates. iNTERaeT AT 4 Prut CENT. ALLO%F.D ,f il I'M ill, k'A.RIVI�R6_ Money advanced to farmerson their (;a, 1i note with, one or more endorsers. tin uiurfgnpe re quired as security. H. V. BL'EWCU, Manager, ' February. 1884 CLINTON .. '�tiM�tlltltr. p`tLIN'rON Lodge, No, 84, A. F. k A. M. lJ mectr over, Friday, on or after the ful mewl. Visit -Ing brethren cordianw invited. J. Yot•NG, W. at. J. CALLAN'DER, Sm Jan. 14, 1881. 1• til ititpt . € ; L. No. 710, Meets sRcur!) Monday of every - month. Hall, gad flat, Victoria block, V6iting bretlimn always ,ave 'nada welcome. C. TwEEIDY, W. M. W. S, SWAFIiIELD, Sec. 11. S. CUOPEH, D. M Jubilee Preceptoq Niol 161, (Black Kraight,s of Ireland) Meets in the Canton Orange Rall, the second Wednesday,-., of every month, at 7:30 o'clock in the event".. Visiting Sir Nniglaa will always ICcei\C hCRrtywulcuute, A. M. Tonn, Worshipful Preceptor Giiokoic HANLRY, Deputy Preceptor WILLIAM MCGr.E, Registrar Royal lad. Preceptoiy 331. .Black Knighi`8 t f Ireland, Meets In the Orange Hall; Blyth, the wc'dnes- day After full moon of every month. - t` {--black--P-r ;������- 3151 _ _ -- 1Blael,: Knights of Ireland, Meets in the Orange flail, Goderich, the Third Afondaygfevorymonth. Visitingiinightaalway$ magic a•tacume. , JAMES WELLS, Preceptor, Saltford P O W 11 NlUliNEY, ItegiIstrar, Goderich P O CLINTON KNIGHTS OF ;LABOR Roonis, third fiat, Victoria block. licgula meeting every Thursday evening at b u'eloo sharp. %isitiog Knights made welt•mce. FOR MST CLASS, HAIRCUTTING AND SHAVING, Go to A. E. EVANS, FA�InONABLI, B+Rilsu,- 2duors cast of NEws-Rrronn of- fice Special attention given to LADIES AND CHILDREN's Ilaireuttilig. POMPADOrtt IIAIRU11'•I•INO A SPECIALTY. : 1 •1 i WILL CURE OR RELIEVE -BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, - DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, INDIOESTION, FwruRINO JAUNDICE. OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT•RIIEUM, THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, And every species of disease arising froth dfsorderod LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMACH. T. p BOWELS OR BLOOD, ii'. MILBURN &Co.. Proprietors,TORONTQ, 0 T -T _'P11 :T 8 1' I l l t� leer Canupinluts a � nJ•spcpsin, I ( f. ..' Iil11mtaofes, ick Ireadnehe, Iifd"e,y Ii.hcnanaf Iso,, Sight D1seal14fif anti all r"a "r t• t I Ififs of ilae , Iflood Irront wnatover carne arishag.' THE GREAT SPRING • MEDICINE. Price, 761:. (with Pills. $I„ TRY DIFF. HODDEWS1 . LITTLE LIVER PILLS, (very small and easy to take.) NO GRIPING. NO NAUSEAU. Sold bverywhere; price 2: vents. Union Medicine Co,, Proprietors, , '17011ONTO, CAN. •dr e M , ai tti;;y, e pian ��+..;._a4.a..._v�.�;..,:�-.,�,s..._.a.a.�''rf.:ar.'---yf.,.Y'�'Y�-.y.•'.. �..: ...r1".fear - ��.wyh,..�:. ,,.,...p�llv-•a3 ..`