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The Huron News-Record, 1888-07-04, Page 6
a p { The Huron News- ec-orC/ 'laneis the London.. 0`01"Anylo% Curbed ago UOTlisse -Are you ills - At night and broken of your rest by w sick child suffering and crying will,' 3t.ro s Yoar-$last» AaLanca. 8o ne of the members of the Lou- pain of onttia;; 'Teeth% If so send at _ tion council aro fast bringing disgrace ou4b and get a bottle of "ltra Wi:astpw's oflttesdtty, July dtU, It3$13. upon the city. Read the,foiiowtng which pursed betwoela two of then[ :nothing Syrup" for Llhitdren Teething. I4a value is incalculable. It will rel, rave -:- -, --- --�- . - -' the poor little sufferer immediately. Do- -` at 'THE 9'Ay IN POLK LQRti a lute muetinc) :-- Alli, Boyd said something about and upon it molhara • there is -no nlis- t. i tg4a about it. It cares Illyseuteri and __ Pus*y 1wi Praminel�t in the having sudded thu property in front Iliarrb0ea, regulates the Stoluach and dowels, ctirea Wind Colic, softens the ]layt}xology of elle Early ut' Ala. Taylor's f.,Lher's place under Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives Nations. similar eiraunlAaliees. tone4nd energy to the Ithole system. " Alt]. 'Taylursaid it was lin infernal "Mrs Wiuslow's Soothing Syrup" for St. Louis Globe -Democrat.' I'ie: children teething is pleasant to Cllr, taste The cat has ligured i n folk lure tin,] Aid. Boyd S+lid lie Could prove it. and is the prescription of one of the oldest and Bost female physicians nod uurs.5 fn popular auperatitions more than ally• other animal, except perhaps the ' Ald. Taylor --You are a liar. My the United Statea,and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. price sur ent and is ronliuetA in Lha father p p jived thilre for thirty yoars, 25o. it bottle Ito sure and tisk for "Wa. mythology of the eildy nations. It. anti the front of his pl'uporty WAS a inslowls Suothing Svrup," and take no Egypt o.pecially -it wits regarded destroyed and uuver fixed. Other kind, with peculiar veneration ,or with Aid. Boyd -You cull ills it liar superstitious fears. The presence of but you know where you are. You _-Entity Lamourue, of Ottawa, thousands of mumluies o1' cats testify are not well enough to talk like after receiving $50 worth of presents to this adoration of tho feljua tribe. that on the street. I represented from her lover, it wan named The ancient "Book of the dosd" the ward whon you were, tip with Boulue, rofw;nd to urirry hien. Tho speaks of Alan, the Great Cat, mean- the half-breeds, and I will rui'roseut Police Mitgistratu nimdo line return ing the sun -the eye of that anifual it after y.uu are forgratkon. tiro proseuts. glowing and contracting in the light, Aja• Tiiylw•-It took Some pluck -' 'rEsTED. being taken to represent the orb of to go up uwuug the half hennas, and WELT. day. Tho felfue tribe is also prow- you stayed at Ilulile. "I was nearly lead with Cholera inent in India. Aid. Boyd -I defy yon to resign -against Morbus, one bottle of Extract of Wild Strawberry cured me, and at As an instrutuenttof power in the ;tad rub toe -in tit,, wart[. 1 an I was bad with (lands of Satan and his witch Ault- can show ypu up. You spent atIto ht I lase Complaint that I thought I r Complaint jeots, tilt. cat would uatprall ' be. y cvS1,OOt> it. this town for sumothiun would clever get over it; when two CStluo a weather maker. Its early Ala• Taylor' For whatl bottles cured me" Mfrs. E. Askett, connection with Diana, the uloou Aid. lto'il-%Yell, I kno$V. Peel, Ont. tY 5032t goddess, would also Indicate the You're not ruanstye t.110Ugh- t0 Call Ilia a sante power over the tllement.s posses- street. sed by that orb. [bitches frequent- Aid' Taylor -I have Cillod you a er eonvietad of skinnning'and water- ly use it to raise storms. The cat is llal a¢'1 IT won't go back U11 If. Ins Il)llk R011t by llllll t0 the{OUri 81't1CUla1'1 roglwded with dlSt!'USt particularly hxaunt Aid. Doyd. tape Cheese F Letory, will pay two by sailors,. who say, "It- earries a fides of $20 and -costs, a total of t+ale in its tail," an't that it will aur- oly prol.uke it. Storm to throw. one A BURN OR CUT will heal quickly 58- uverbo:u'tl. Even while on hoard, and leave less scar if Victoria. Cat-. belie Salve is applied at once. No injurious effects can follow the - if it is unusually frolicsome, a Dale _ use of Ayer's Ague Cure. It con• of wind is thought to be itninillent, -Lawrence Coleman one Of the Old. tains an unfailing antidote and specific for miasmatic poisons, to. A'Iauy stories ars told of storms cans by 'Kheso est and best known farmers of South- gether with remedial agents which ed thesacrifice .of a Cat. wold, was found dead on the side of purity and re -invigorate the system. + alllni'ald are said t0 S[[[ell it wind, the Toad about 8 o'clock Saturday while tho• pig sees it. This storlu is not Confined to morning. Deceased had- been in St. Thomas in the early morning, and it -The Grandrlury, at Yarmouth, 'a raising power witches' fauliliars, nor to Cats at seta. is 'supposed was returning home N. S. found true bill against when lie suddenly dropped dead. Lattlbort, charged with perjury uu The cat isulliver8ally weathorwl5e, - behalf of-tho Scott Act prosecalion In the West of Ireland you (nay ub- NATIONAL PILLS are sugar-coated, in llquot Crises, . Tho aceusud is out fain a good Wind by -bulging a crit mild but thorough, and are the beat on b,yil, and leas disa.ppearod. up t..) its nock ill suutl on t•ha sea - Stowaoh and Liver Pills in use. ad shore, with its heopposite t•v the `['here -A young man belonging to Owen UNDENIABLY 'TRUE. desired direction. is till old Sound, natned Charles Cochran was "I liave .usbd Dr. Fowler's. Extract' storytold in Black Island of it luau drowned about, four miles from that of Wild Strawl„torry and found it a ivho abut a oat up in a barrol to gra- place last Friday, by one of the sure care for summer complaint. I vent a hostile skipper froth sailing, meahes of a net he was paying out was very sick and it cured me erltn•- and no fair wind came until [fussy from a rote boat catchinEon a button ely," Alexander W. Grant Moose was released. In Lancashiro. stormy of his' cont and pulling him over- Creek, Ont. 503-2t and wet weather is eu:ng wile« board. puss frisks about the ho,P ^ ,h}F1 Ire. land, if sho•stret'cllog so that her paws A FACT WORTHH REMEMBERING. -- -At Hanliltonjuue 27, two nteu. nained McGinuis and Fox, unpaged touch; bad weather will ensue. Mr. Jas. Bitinie, of Toronto, states in a fiorco ,figh.t. 'The wives ort' the Scotch fishorinen decline that if' silo that Ina little baby when three mon two men also became embruiletI in ., sneezes ur licks her IiaWa rain will the old t3gaa so ball with summer complaint that under doctors' treat. the ni.pleo, Dirs. D{t;Ginnis bwe SurelyColne. In Shetland the cut 'igaaniu ment her life was des -paired of. hour Mrs. Fox a terrible gash on the "' }load with.a dishpan. Who injured in .da luft foretells wind; and "sloepin on her hares" (with the doses of Dr.* 'Fowlers Extract of Wild Strawberry cured her. Site is wontan is , 60 years sill, will the back of hur head, ,down) idicaLus now fat and hearty. 503s2t doctor considers her injuries aro elf ealrlis. Au old Tu-11sh writer-sayq, a very serious character. Mrs. Mc- '°whOli tho`cat avashes Ler file,@ over --A Montreal young mail named Ginnis was lodged in oaul. t'hu ears ivo shall[lave great store 'of Desmarais, paid Ilia attontjons to a rain. " c young g'il'l Ilamod Dfaillet, find in young Mq,,;\RL4G i Cl'ER 1?D CInl,l,a ttCC :l German proverb says : „ if the tilt: expectation of their approach- ill"Marriage ' mails. her seve•ral best broken up anis prevented by - using Milburn's Aromatic Quinine 'cat basks in the sun in February Aho will go back to the stove in Alarch." • C C, pl 'soots, •eousisting fa the most iVine. _ '' "Cats courting the• fico," Says Lilo "I11U1'U part of kitchon. o uutousils.. The girl, however, (harried irnOther, -Tho Exehequor Court CaSOOt't110 author Of `cN litlll'e's SUCI'eta." And t10 young 111aT1 then .took a (1 rolvll V;4 j. ti.-`'A1'Ct' (� (i 0. 01' than Oldillaly, Or lichitig Heil' 'fect seiyuro upon the presents ]to had Lowell, Mass., to rocovor .$379,000 and ti C, the hair of Lheji heads o 'given linr. Tho seizure Was ruaiu- peualtius and to confiscate Duuds all ii U`_nstaL'hea, ji l'Omn OSICatUa 1'a1nY tained, 'blit the husband of the owned by tho firin, alld Val UOd at weather." In Odr own country if young wile filed an opposition in $79,000, was dismissed June 26 by g , of ruin flu [;tit dllee%e9 it IS t110 Sin a ' Illy capacity of chef de eon»eunizufe, Chief' Justice Ritchie, U1' t10 SU - if it. Silures, of foul weather. When Tile (,ourt hold, ho%%;evur, that the pronto Court. lle issued all order cats wash thomsolves fair weather is husband had no claim to theseoffects, for tho ,return of Clio confiscated corning, unles:3 the face, is Washed which Wore evidently Diven in pro goods, lIo juatitiud the cuuau3 of a over the oars, it. which foul weather, vision for a future marriage, sand the Ayers <lurjno thu Asst t%tCnty- is inuliinent,. and rain if it, i9 rile the opposition wits dismissed, One )Oafs. bend behind the eats. ...__. .... if pussy %vashos her face after n DANGEROUS COUNTERFEITS, CO'N�SUMIPTION SURELY CURED, fain wllld will Corrie froin the point Counterfeits are always dangerous, TO T11E EDITOR to whieh'she turllsr,aud a thaw will more so that they always closely 'Please inform your readers that I occur it' silo washes hoe rage With [lel' Ili I1ATE THE ORIGINAL IN APPEARANCE 'Ilave a positive remedy for the above back to tho Ciro Ill %1'Illtor. [frail] 13 AND NAME. The remarkable • success achieved ed by Nasal Balm as n positive named djseaso. By its .time}y use also 6.1theated When tile cat stretches Cure for Catarrh and 'Cold in the thousecudsofhopeless cases have been itself, a eturin w.he;l it Claws the Bead has induced unprincipled par- permanently cured. I shall be list[ p chair or tablo logs, lies on its heat[ ties to imitate it. The public are to send two bottles of my remedy to an of our readers who have With iLs tuouth open, or sits tail to Wards Lho tire. Aehamm of weather cautioned not to be deceived by nostrums imitating Nasal 'Balm in PRrlr•, y Y c naumption if they will send me heir P. O. is indicated by the electrification of name and appearance, bearing such Express and address. ltespr_•ctully, Dr. A. T. SIACUMI, the cat's fur, and Wind• is coming names as Nasal Cream, Nasal Bal- slim, oto. Ask for Nasal Balm and do 37 Yonge street, Toronto, Ont. 49iJy whon her tail is bushy and stili, not take imitations healers may urge The proetlueo of th,@°eat in the hunlo upon you. For sale by all druggists .-'Tho fl -no trade MolltroA Wit: is uynally ileonuld an omen of good or sent post-paid on receipt of prices ;,,cd,, Sal s :--Dir. fit, Coorgo I'etaruod luck. "1VI)o has it cat has a happy (50c and 51) by addressing• Fulford from a visit to Boston this nlornigg; tllarritid llige, " SlIVS a GermIan ro- CO., Brockville, (int.' whither lie llllll ;;olio to ascorllju •-t't)1'll. In all tlgll-lty Ulllnn9 {l'HI'P, -A woman was bkirned to death lit wh00-o'l' lie C011111 purchase Some driwu front the otltranco and,exit of Montreal. 1ler name was I,, ]iuistinIn QIICIRHS-l0 be uselj at the str¢llffp cat,.:uld it was then it bad lipl;o, it , yuang woman about intureepting snwer works --at loner C, al�ll LU llllve .t t, to cruHs y'0111'c pall, twenty six ears - of age, A fury } 1'atC9 tllall ,.(lanaGia. 1Ie ti�.tr9 h( Thi:: iA.4!;11 bcliuvod in ninety placos, D 11111111tU9 plat tial all a1a1'lll 1VQS finds Dfessrs. (patty' %Z eons, of ' 111 l l'Ula1V1 pUI'aU119 etlLel'Ing .1 I1U11311 a0111,Llo(l front i)Ox 14. When the 111alland, Ora., t10 clicapeSt nlakel'f say, "Gud save all hero except the fir,)n)nn renchnd the sceuo they after all, and will recommend theit cit., f1:),i if any Otto, insotiing out funntl tho interior of the small ougiues to the Committee. upon a ,journey, should must a cat (louse ill flames and the body of r - - and look it squa:ely in the t'nce, -0 11, •lvuniau lying on the hall fluor; with 1'1;CIAI monoPA'LU, MAN. journey must bo pu,tpuvaa. Lt is her Not nst ht,ido tho threshold of l :llr.,Joseph Clark writes-f,a-ti las alto all ill• uluou. fur a C;ll to cross ills parlor :lour, 'Tho body Was winter 1. was so bad with Inflalnma- yutlr pull, whon you firat gu out it. cat thn uluruin't• lit Sussux if rho Cat UX, if burnpd almost to a crisp. It was car- tory Rheumatism that I was not ex, to live. I used no othe sure110 she must ho Ru i C J Pied oat and placer[ on the, salvage waggon. It is said that tbo tin fortu- Peeted medicine but Burdock Blood Bitten toil" frortl tits house, ('or threo aitch ex- nAto %rciman Carrying a lamp and can now got around again feeling plosions %vuuld•bring misfor Inc up. on the faun •, y ,%-as nOroR., Ihn room whon it exploded, setting fire to hor clothing and the better than I ever was before I wa taken sick, and I owe it till to Burtl Blood Bitters.'' 503-2t Tile cat lilts figured extensive in furniture, clock _..._- _ -_-_ 10 nurser • loro. 'Tho well known talo y �A -Ili-, Pott es• 110si(leut of ill, ' 1 of "Puss it. [loots" ]ills boon rocog- BIC, STRIKE, Toronto C,onforouce, aceompauie( ni%ed in the popular titles of ma7ny A bib s'tr•ike was make when Powell by Dits. Potts and his two littl( owilnuie'i" \riilulyseprvltcl IllUa. A Davis issued ;their extract of•araft rr left last week cin n trip to th pan tho Wind (,oil is figared with a a cafe faeH clalcy, a.t1a in (�hinn. cat'st: arilla and, 1311"(1001[• It has met with great success, And itratist, for it'is the girls, old country, lvhich bo hn-,beencon .t:;t1 t C 4dQ1'll rile Ill eS g moat powerful blood purifier in the mar- ket. It is used with the greatest success telllplatillo for Rollin tulle. Ii(, tell be absent for about two 'month hottso .tG waril oft sturnis and tern- n a11'diseasps nrlsing from a debilitated, He goes chiefly for thn benefit o pests.:. Tho Irish say there is a king condition of the System, fihd everyone hiheap}l Ito, 1f'il1 sill On rr Ut]i0 Of cats Whe May ho' diseOvsrpil• by deeds, alld shoYlld yn9e a bottle or two°'at rx- ' r' 1'la,,wl, Visit lli'l nativn p1.1C+) it) ill nlllpfn(!, off halt Of ilia eel'. lid Will this sea Son Of tileyem., of Powell's tract tifHAnaparila and Burdock. i Bear conuty Vorin,,.nagh, North of Irel 0!";.1 Speak liltl rlecla-rvllis authority, in mind orw Sinn• bottle contains mor@ and• - I Ito Cat ;U talk Iur, ki eu:i:inuttly solid mraicino tl nn most dollar so-called diabolie'd, [lull in the hag of ptovurjly harmparilla and hitters. Also remember that it is sold in Clinton by all druggists, , Di3STRoi Till,, i� ovnis pi' they ata hnS, )rehab[ a diaholicwl allusion, probably price 50c. a botilo, Sold by all drug. destroy tho children, Fron,rfin Tbr+ l,opular idna thet it has nitro gists and medicine dealel•B rvorywhrrr. Warm Powders (Ic, troy nn(l expel a Ii c.i exprex;i's its m�•Stleal character. 44Ri1y kllldS Of W01-1001,' M l� Want' of Steep to sending thousands annually to the Insane asylltm ; and the doctors say this IMPORTANT trouble is alarmingly on the inoreaso. In returning thapks to my many friends and patrons for past patronage, I would The usual remedies, while they 39 AY like to call llb•eir special attention to my very complete stock of give more a temporary thai :allot[ are likely ee da HARNESS WHIPS CURRY COMBS $RUSHES ETC,, ETC. more harm than good. What is needed s t t s - is an Alterative and Blood -purpler. Speeial attention is directed to my stock of Ayees Sarsaparilla is Incomparably [� /'"� ■ s the best. It corrects those se Sleepless- ■ *SINGLE:: S I N l �i L E ■ ■ ^ in the eircu3aGion which rause sleepless- ■■4•�'VI ness, gives increased vitality, and re- It will be found very complete, Sud for durability and finish cannot be excelled by stores the Ltervons system to a healthful any one. As I employ none but the best workmen, and use the best material to be condition. bought in the market, all who may favor we with their patronage may fdel confiden Rev; T. G. A. Cote, agent of the Mass. of getting satisfaction. Bolas Missionary Society, writes that a Iris Stomach was out of order, his sleep �� :X LIRICES AWAY DvWN■ very often disturbed, and some im• Trunks apd Vallst3S ltl great variety and Pr10ES LOW. purity of the blood manifest; but that a pee care was obtained by the use ' GEORGE y E O RGE A. SHAR J�' /� N of Ayer's Sorsa arida. �+ Jr`�yf.s. Frederick W. Pratt, 424 Washington street,- Boston, writes: " My daughter was prostrated with nervous debility. Ayer's Sarsaparilla restored her to - ;.s;x: .. �: rr� :;a K.:. 'i�d.� z, r�•_i:r ..._- ::.,. -- ..-.....' health." -ia l,- i, l-. Cures Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Indigestiolt) Biliotcanea, William F. Bowker, Erie, Pa., was Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections of the Liver and Kidneys, cured of nervousness arid. sleeplessness W 0 I o pimples, Blotches, Boils, Howm, Salt Bheuris, Scrofula, by taking Ayers Sarsaparilla for about is two months, during which time his a Iftsipela-s, and all diseases arising from Impure Blood, . weight inefeased over twenty pounds. 3iorgnged Stomach, of irregular action of the Dowels. Ayr's Sarsapariil�;, _.. . �..-...-.__.... _.r� ..{. R ��IO�.■.nllor.�rlara,�llr�.[�ts.��.��r - PRalp"ED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer do Gg., . Lowell,• Mass, , A FULL STOGIE OF bold by all Druggists. Price ✓111 six bottles,$5. Choice Clouer � Timothy Seed 1 l ?; :' is `:,ti.? b] =" ' Alio all 0111ser `arlelies of Field. Garden and Fiower.Feeds. patti►o have been taken to proCltre [them Fresh " .1114 Pare. For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dc"j's, tic=s, Pouitry. Extra Value in China Tea sets and" Decorated ,. "'" aal* niDd trent_ Dinner Sets, Decorated .Toilet sets, White Granite • Sets ` ? •" "e"` i and Fancy Glassware. .... •-Pr-crit ,'run+•.,inns. fuf;n,:nnatlon, -,- . s,.A. -� vw« aleuwl:ilia, [riffle. he,..•c,r. iS.lt,•- truins,l.uuloursy,lLhnnmtti•nn'' Special ,Value in �Tew Stl3asan's Black! Green Nit. lliyci:nrRea. Nrt.La, ri'u"Ina. [;,_,.,,,,,,:,, t}ea.vs, ells Pneumonia. and Japan Teas. - Canned Fruit, Vegetables, 1�. hr-:',.�t• nr!:eters l>ei1*141a e. ', (..--?I:Nunrriatf lden,orrhngea. I1. 11.- Urinary anal Ktdaev Uineunen. C.. in endlrlvt, s'at'fetly. OI'allr Pli, 11ACIU01,5, Figs, RCC. 1F10Iit'. 1. 1.-°:rnptiso 1)[ae1aee hlltuab.+ Istspect it.oek asid get PrlceA- .1. }i.'-r)iy1:n•Je30t'1�I'W,:&ton. T �y T C;uhtr ('SLNL•, Yvl[h S[tllee11cat iitanual, T"'�_ ..�VO�I...J0..�..V. 7 t,it,•hllazeloil and Iiedleator, lliy.00 �Lv �..o�.i.V. Prit:c, `.-lugle Bottle (over -Odoses)6 .. .60 CZiIN A HALL, CLINS'ON_ Hold by IDr:t, grata; or C,•nt 7're„l,ld on lt-rrip[. of Prion. ---.-__.___. _. __.__..-..-...------------•-•--.-..-. a -- elle A't,tliAll diol[ Co.,Agents,1a� 6•t "wall ,.t., 111cm1.1•oal. RE NEW DRUU %5O The undersigned has just opened a new Drug;• Store, nl JACKSON'S NEW BLOCK, on HURON STRItET, two doors Nest of the City Li ileo 30 genre. Tho only suocetaful comedy forBook 3Store, where will be found a complete assortment of Titre Dru Nevous Debility, VIlBI Weakness, -s and Llicinicals, also Patent• 19i1041!Wues and and Prmtratiou, from overwork or other causes. 11rn cg.,"'ist5 :11ti1111'1es-alt thit the public play ask'for ill those $1 per tial, cr 5 vials and 1 -no vial powder, w, ¢5. Wit` lines, aUr. DYlnue charreentnoat"aaloar,;c4 tot �'�%'• A V1►'ORTHINGTON. prier.-•wells S nichurdeon Co.,Ageate, O11fa-= -Wl,Rtrert Montreal. =� Clinton, 130 January, 1350. Y, S.-Ottice chunked from residence to eters • NEW STOCK! NEW STORE I' B, I LLS ELLIOTT'S SL0C'K, XCD1L1N'170N. ' Printed• en the shortest pussible nutiee. All %vuik VIR8'r-CLASS and Prices as JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer ill Furniture, Low as any oflice West of Toronto. &M at the New Store and see the stock of u+Insall y„ n%vii illt,.iP,t, and call at Bedroom and, Parlor Sets, Lounges,;' Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, THI; Nrl)vy•tir:cnr,n of vu before placing our order for all class of I'riliting. Mattresses, ete., anti general Hollseltold Furniture', '`The whole Stock is from the very Y y best manufacturers. PfLtua'e Frames amd bfouhliugs of cyst y description. TOAD .',yti+S. i'lll1lLEN, ogredoor'West of 1Diclzsou's Book ~tore, Celt!') rfl I'i'litfr°i:� a YtrLTtslret's, Big B61PA N TEAS..,. 0 L I rvi 1- 0 N 9 ONTARIO. . 'I 0 S;;tSaiECQ;i1 fDlltEfl;'1'OltY. _ We have received a large tousiguuleut of NEWJAPAN 'PEAS whioh we are ofl'eri at. Poul s Churuh.-scrviees on Sund,ly at 11 it. 5 atilt 1611), Caddies at the following; lois prices t.n:. Ibd 7 p. u,. Wbte Class, 10 a.m. smtday Sch1 �,,,, p. SerYtrre„le,:Wred,t,,b ,,.[l,, 45 CENT JAPAN TEA AT 35 OMAMITSp- Ituc, 11'ii.ldANl i;17AlU, B. D., Rcetor Rattenlwr; Street 11eviodist.-Ser%ieebatm4o �� ���• a. tnd 7.00 11. M. s;:bb;:t.I School at rs.30 p• 35 CENT JAPAN TEA A.T ill. Itay. JIR. IWI-ItItT, Pasta•. Lhui;ti,la Pre56l'torinu.- rim•vit;es at 11 a.m. ant 8.:1_0 1, n, Sabbufri School, 2.30 p. a. Hsv This is the best olrer ever made in this eountV alld all users 'cif Japan Tea shoal( secure A4az. STL+a'AICr, raetm•. at least one caddie. Itlack Tea E1111ally a5 lAi'e-11, Vl'e are selling u PINE Ontario Street Nicoodist.-Servicee at 10.30 a: BLACK in original packages of 20 lbs, at FIFTY CEN'T'S per lb. This Tea is equal m. ;ind Zoo P. m• sabbath Subool, 2.30 p.m.. to anv 70c. Tea fit Clinton. Au IEXtr t Fil1C Youn.- 113•Solt at 45C., ill 5 still BRv. W. W. SrAalN0,, Pastor f0 lb. caddies. Satisfaction Cnarautecd. Call and see our 'Pea before buying. Baptist Church.-Sdrvice at 0.30 V. In. Sob bath Si•bcol, 2.30 u. in. RR%' J. CRAY Pgstor, OOPER & SON' T. C I NEWSPAPER LAWS lye call the 9�iceiat mttnnt;•n,.of Post The Old Reliable Tea. and Grocety Homo. mater, and sill Piz,, to the following _ _- _ �..-- _- --,-- . - V iyuopsis of ails 11mvsl,ap,+r laws :- !TT _ ,gam Mice pustnutst (r is required to (love FRESH R jj ' U E R I E' notion uv t.lst••rr.l; (retulving a paper docs FRESH `�v� sot answer the law) when a subse)-ibex dolls not tako Ilii paper oat of the -office, and And the choicest goods [relit ill stock by state 1.Itu reason- fur its atot being taken. _ Any w-lect to'du so slakes the postlhastcr /��T'�"C"r _y�"� T CXNT $�0S � ruipou lhle to the: pub lklwrs fill- payment. t,�[ ..L�l ..3.. ■ - •�.6s..1�..�" f 'd-11 ally Ilcravu arJcts his Iloper lila- :irntinited, he mast pay all arruivag;rS, of It'G buy fu the very best market and give our ell ,tow ci's every advanta,rr. Our g;Orxts the lnlhlishr.r may continue to scull if will always be found Fresh and Reliable, curl to the econoill holtse�ceepel iv. offer until payment is made, and collert ill, ,,any advantages. Out, goods, in vai iety; ,lnality, and Nice wit arcsatisfied will rncr.t %thole annnult, whrtdit'r it b„ taken Ilti[r tlw rcquircnlunts of evory housellolri, hlirul Produce taken at the higtost prices. Ii,jtho unci to ce, '!'hell: ay n s i allel BROS.)„ disruntiny per until the payment is - frol, CANT L® 3 -Any parson who takes a taper frolr, the pul,illtlt1w %rhtthel' rt'lnid 11 lift WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS- CLINTON, ONT. n�:um ,., anuto(�r, nr, tvhothcr bo has soh• 3crihr,l "r mit, i, rrvprn ,ihle for tho gray, 4 --11' a sith,;criber orders his piper to br --- -- -- or co tt at a certain lime, tile the rildibul' h' LESLIE'S CARRIAGE iNACOy FA TORY b w,uto I'll to send, it the, sit outhm ' h�.nuid to I+ay for it if hu takes It out of till, • post,office. T]Iisproccods11pnutlie groult thai a man nrllst Jay for what lie 119CE 1G&"In the Di%inion cnRl'r ifl t30de1:;ch In Stook, h Number of Cutters, Sleighs, Buggies and 'Waggons, 0 0 'A the Nm•rtabrr silting a nuwspuper put- The Material wo manufacture:is of the best quality and the Iron work unsurpissedl fisher 91led for pny of pa1>cr. The dch-116- In fact we make it an importala featurg of our business to use -only the best pro - int objtrtr l paying; 0t. t to grnlnld that lid "' $curable matel'ial and ttic bctY worl:n,anship. Those in need of CUTTL'RS had In'dor"(1 a former liroprtofnl• of the . - •and SLVIC]-1S of the latest makes still styles, shoal:[ noc fail to paper to discontinue it. The Judge held " call and see its. that that 11.114 not a valid del'once• Thu -o--- plaillttir, ton pru.�out proprietor, had^no nI_I_rV1/ORIC WARRANTED. ) otir•e to ilkeonffnno still ronswIrentlY O --0- c0ullt rolloet, olth0ngo it wits not denied I Lhat defendant had notified former pro- Repairing' and Re-Daintln'IT PrOn1l)tly Att81"i le11 .t0. priefor to discontinue, In ally event --r-•o . (1„frrltlant. wesj ntid to pity fel; the tire• FACTORY on corner of Huron and .Qrallze IStregts, CLINTON F hr lnl-1 rrr(it•r:l tilt, tulgrr.r ant] until lie 1• had paid all selene rd tie for sulm-nldinn. r..r <..r.....,a..> +•>.a* ' �...:ec,a+reas+.R e. A mstlRESSING DISEASE. "Gwish to give ells tpattrnony in �t 4� favor of Bnirdock Blood Bitters. I J l:'° haErysipelas been troubled with Er si elas . ' al�� t? and was induct:d to try this valuable s rinds in r, T have used the© bottles FOR SA L o e" B I LLS. i rind am nolo [yell a9 ever.' airs. uT,. "�■ Finch, Clear Creek, Ont.. 503 2t M