The Huron News-Record, 1888-07-04, Page 54)
sttit,e a, te n 0 D
Special for Parasols. -IS NOW SHOWING -
Special for Oriental Laces. Special Inducements ut Fancy br.
ss Goods,
Special foEmb
r roideries.
Black and Colored Cashmeres
Silks, &c.
Special for Hovers and flouncftWs. _r)_O_O - 0—
Special for, Veilings'. .97�'PARASOLS !----OUR STOCK IS VERY 0OMPLETE'.4tE=
Special for Corsets. —0-0 * —0-0—.
See our.5 cent and 8 cent Prints. SeersuckersSee The Pricesil See. The Assutmante from 8 cents.
—o JOHN WISIRMAN', Nanager. Estate J. AOD
Dry -Goods Emporium of Clinton. S P R I .N G- ---,STYLES
& 6
McKillop Mutual Insurance Col. HATS A N D CA PS.DETLOR 001
Discussing the comparative ad. T. NEIIANS, HARLOCK
vantages of'Glas"ow and Toronto as GENERAL AGENT, N08V GOING ON.
a.don icile for wo'ricingnien, a young Isolated town and village R=*, as well as One Case A Nec_kwear
I farni buildings and stock, I Instirances
hardware as.,4i.qtatit ill the Weat'Evid,
effected t stock "a killed by (very handsome), frow 20c. tip to 50c. A call respectfully soli6ited. great Slaughter in Prices
Six lightv it , It c. %
who left the Old - Country iing!glit"Y30 want In %cw he. rd
to the abovo,addrods.
wontlas ago and who It ince, Ilia 11241, C2 -:E 0 _ OFT I -ro'W
as _A
arrival been employetl irl-a sinulat. Jl HOSIERY, GLOVES TABLE. LTNE�NS:
capacity here, thinks Glasgow ti.e Murray Block, Albert Street, TOWELS, PARASOLS, TWEEDS, SHIRT -
better place of the. two. "In my MAGNETIC IR011 HE SAINT &,-TN6.xt Door to DRY -GOODS PALACE. INGS, COTTONADES
line" sail he, 'and it - may be taken CURTAINS, all' ourLACES, CLOTHING, and AIEN'S ST] ANA'
as a fair saillp](1 Of othol. callings, I speciull)' adapted for Bllrfjs, Bridges, roofs of HATS. ba' Your choice of 200 LADIES'
could command a salary of 8,6.50 Dwelling Houses (whether wood or fro;i? and STRAW HATS at 25 Cent'
agricultural implements of all Un 8, re,-Plar j)ricos 75
per week at home, and I ' Let art agrieu HOUSE PAI NTING1 cents to $1.50,
avernoh of $ This would GOLDRi-H RIGHBROWN. Come' aud, see the B
st;en) tofavor Toronto, but look at GLAZING AND GRAINING, gains. This. is
the other side of the shield :—This Con 1a,!0n,1,n GENUINE CM_&P;11NG SALE.
g"�,,y analysis 92 per ct. of lrou. 1 is
p 'tc, r f everlastfug,
_11a.400w; ejo ........ 1"' c bo
suit oil my Hack cost,,912 it) G - -Zi h id I.
no,, 1-lise. twic. PLAIN ASID DEGORRTIVE
t'c:!,`t1'; of"aly"", 11
other oxidii in the inarket' and
I kava made particular inquiry and ' For further pititiculars apply to' PAPER J. Y. DETLOR,&.00
find I would have to pay $25 for it
here. Another 01a,—ow suit at 917 KalsominlRg
I couldn't pur6hasebe're for less than Campbell, HANGIN9. AN D
$33. shce.,i costing $3 to �.3 r)o :It 5,12.3- Box 830, GODERIC11, ONT.
holne -would stand Ino at least $6
here . -, slid othee ihijigs ill proportio FRESCOING. -
Clinton Woolen Mills,
I never
er paid more for board.', lodging Shop Next Spooner's Hotel, Albert'Street
and xvashhii� it) Glasgow titan 93.'35 _ S�g�
per week.. cost'llm $4 to WOOL WANTED am-1MTrr(D1-T, C:)l
TARIO_P4.50 It- is true that shoes and ' At Clinton Uilooglens.11 ills, for. either CASII OP CHAS. T. SP
and clothes can be bought here at TRAI�E. I., r ted the Clinton Woolen OON,F.R IVERYT�HI.N G- NIEW ■
low prices, but. what are they; colli hills, I intend running altogether on. CUSTOM —0
WORK, Fariner's leaving -their wool, with To
paratively.speaking, bu't rut.f)iJi?" will lia it ulanufac
0 ,;,5ed Blankets,
'How do -you account then for thL Flannel or s
t r iurto
" o'!I. T"
I Lacing had o;
mee I you satisfaction, I have GA0aV81de.--9n0tft0T Big SlaUgoter New Dry -Goods!
Targe number of Old Countrynit-ri, "n hand a large stock of FINE AND COARSE
w1lo icee, conjilig berp,?. "(1vt I!EDS,also FTINE AND COARSE FLANNELS,
P BLANKETS, YAUX and 11oimay of all descrip
leii sell elle;
ulation drives out the Hiirplu.s, %v,is tar
cllb,, I will trade for wool or I I I . es
ith rriners, give mo a call before you • New Boots &
the replv.—* G166e. . 3, 0 Sho,
gart w our wool. ROLL CARDING A
19 New Grocerie'
HALLIDAY.— . Ili Blyth oil the 29th lust the people of ■PRINTS' 1111
the wife .3f Mr. V. Hal'liday,Chl'PeDter,0f ■
Clinton and surrounding 0 ljng�coatltry, 11 t. n order, —0
a $012. to suitably ineetthe doniands of his %�L;,ry ninnor.
0 bought out e business
At Brig(lell, Ont., On Jun, fuscustoluers, he has
Having i ust b0d( ,,'lit a. stock of new (_,00ds, at tile ,present
OSBORNE_ 0 111r. R. b.04 � 11 clIrr
20th, the wife of Mr. Alex. Osboniv, of %iith tb t 111C.LtS in 9
a Son. g1j, and he LOW PRICES, I
sensors. 3"" the""""' dust, arrived, I Oase Ne"tu'Prints Cha*mbrays, ani in a position
will be L, clid"Y'('tlo enact the wants ,Fory effort
hopes to merit and rtcuive a fair share of public to 8(1 g00dS, as low
—In Staiiley,on 2tronage. Lowest prices for Isrge orders. respectable I-10USe in the Domktviion
'the lith tilt., arl ER
CASTLE, nera'trade a speciilty. LB T MAY, as any re Any one
the Wifcof-Alr. Georle S, Castle, ofa 'iDg ,
A We are Offel -1 splendid rang' 'of G'I?EY DRESS Avanting
PRINTS in 6;heckS,and Stripes,
it 11c., worth 12 .c.
DEATA is Now Blacksmith We are also gIVII1101 (VIUnd value iii
ii . DARI"'.. BLUE Goods 't Lowest P�r'ices
WHITELY.—At Luelinow, Liruco Co GEORGE �Tlcl.011"bll PP41INTS at 10c: 'Big rallge of patterns,
�l nil I h,� Plied Out a gell. C) ,
lately ocedpi r Will
r , I 'y Shop
I ilways
Ontario, Saturdav 30, Robot t Q oral l3b M�
J une save mon
'r h money by Calling,
Lir. G-Ilh", north We have the newest styles in STRIP keep GOOD,
Whitely. Ca rt stre6t, Clinton. ED 0ffA_i),TBj11.AY,1-) STAPLE GOOD-S—ii, on Ine.
"' iallc " "
,101INSTON.—In TucL-eistilitth, oni June Blacksmith and iron w.,h in ikil its branches; bat the people Avant—and WILL
Horse -Shoeing 1.11,;OnIptli attenled to and suits. in Pil1k, Blue and Grey (Einbroideries to 1-natch)
na ,it d. The
29th, Xathaniel Johnston, aged 76 Ifactibn public are invited to NOT BE UNDERSOLD by any one in the trade.
years, 11 months and 14 days. call ,before ordering any class of wdrk,in -thc Lace Flouncings. Laces,
Parasols and MUSlins, all selling
497— tf GEOROt, TROWHILL Eggs taken in Exchange for
--- at LOWEST PRICES. ]Butter and
(Corrected every'Tuesday afternoon.) respectfully solicited,_.
Flour .............. C Ll . N - TO - X 84 50 to 5) 00 NOW NO SUN, THOS. JACKSON,'SR
Fall Wheat, new & old 0 95 to 1 00 NI painters, have PLUmsTEEL
Spring Wheat ............. 0 9,,; to I 00 KAu",TIp kilm"".111 Ll�! 101, =ez, is pu blic of
karley..g . .................. o 65 to 0 70 inton I and vicinity that they have,opened out
In the a )OV1. business. Pa
Oats ........... ............... 050 to 0 59 Paint d gr nn, 'r 11 ceil ng SEARLE'S BLOCK, CL1�,,XTON
'Peas ......................... 0 60 to 0 ro decorating in best
t 1,,,c trade.
Appl( ices moderate. Shop Street,
Pr I) A two
'8' (winter) per bbl 1 60 to 1 50 north of Hodgen a Drv'Goods 13fore.00.3in
.... 0 60 to ot 65
MT.111Y T
Butter.. 0 14 to 0 15 j(,1crLF;1N I gond
"noreil"e r
A ' - 0
......... () 00 to 0 13 Interest. t'l west
y Ill. IfeTAGGART.
....... ........... 8 00 to 9 00 Clinton, Fell. 28th, 181,38. METALLICS"H—AT
Eggs ................. '3�lioo cure. rate If
or WOO .................... 3 00 to 4 00 485tf INGLES.
0 00 to 0 00. THE 'RED ROCKFjR 0'20 to 0 2EUREKA BAKERY.SAND'STORESk.................... 6 50 to 6 75 TI.0 iollm-riber ling lcqjqe(l the"bakery of, Mr. S I D I N G 3P-xz-)
Dodsworth, it tow doois west or the ColnincrOM PARJLOR
11010I. -and lvIII be public patronage. �Ijltd to reeelve.1L A.�D BEDROOM SUITES, SIDEBOARDS AND T -MOLEX Special atten-
sliftre of
all Plain and F ney Ifread, 6011 ill Called to PARDM SUI 0).1y are of our own Inallu'racture, and for dc9lgll
material and Workmanship eanpot be excelled fit, rhe county.
FOR SALE. Cakes andl` t , of kinds.furnin4lied oil short FIRE ®, STORM PROOF
SUIM 111F offerslo, lloflec, 0, luaterlal used and
I� oat In n Ahape to please the most in tidlous
.t. �R r r EVIA ,(, ', that all goods will be sold at a BIGI REDUCITION during, the rilolith
Tl,',r,, din iintjil� on Albert c e. MRen1clUbel
il , CAKES got up in the most —0—
two frOntiligg on Rattenf)ury Street; cltlj�r en fashlonablostyle. of May. First COMe, first Served. AN UPHOLSTEREIX (111 1111M]. ; repahing
1100 Or in so EIN Y.
th I separate lots, to atilt purchasers. For Xl?'Brend delivered to fill parts of the town. attended to.
u cr I.." apply tothe undersigned.—E. neatly pronip�tly .
DINSLEY, Clinton. *382
- J. A. KING. Sit DAVISv OLINTON, rildel.t.tkin1g, and Embalining attelitlM to at out, 11411,11 16m, rates. Night
RS i calls attOnfled to proliql5ky.
It - brul. the painful experionen of soil•
if .1 Oil NM -L MAY F 'X0 M ISTA K r4,, We have the nicest AL ERT STREET, CL�N`�ON.
pig, staining or Injuring t B
IOU, clot
pleasure "eck'n er"llso, 1!.10.5 wh'.11i"311 it,11110 and newest stock of NEW LIQUOR STORE
kn.w1ng';,h0,tt' thol, can ')e
-11 c1vancRtbc&tjc
sa well is ,)imanrc of il Y c1l] be done In h,ov WALL PAPERS, BORDERS AND
P e world, by the noted Tallor (tilil clothes Cleaner of the wcsj.-
A. W. CARSLAKE, Vi,,tor;a St. CEILING DEC ORATIONS The subscriber has opened a Liquor Store in THE, PROFIT IS DOWNV�
to he found to town. iSOth'thim, (.,ntirL,y
now and novel. Ca a n I see us. No PERK/NS BLOCK; flA T
trouble to show goods. TENBURY-ST., OUNTON, Never havc-FINE�(, . QODS sold for LOWFR PRICES thati wt
Notice to Creditors', With a full stock of Uquors of th6 VERY BEST BRANDS, cohsisting n I *S�t�j _� j1pe I)olv 111,&ing, on our
i slitrijig Bal7g."lls, 11'e aslc the N iVil0go Of solling you on the
part of FREXCH COGNAC BRANDY in wood and bottles, Beat Holland h8c.,tt; nog nlargiwq ilre FINEST STYLES AND QUALITIE'S that WwICY Can buy'
the matter'ofthe Ailgignmelit 01.1,111LIp ;r, WM. COOPER Gin in wood and bottle's, Bernard's. Tom Gin in wood and bottles, Irish and
11A Yw,f Iilf, the lomn fit , Clinton, fill
the13HAVER BLOCK 13,001t STORE. Is in the line of
and Sherry Wines in wood, Carriage jifqktij• Scotch Whiskies in wood and bottles, Finest Port a
OTICE is herby given that Ills al),)%.e nonlet and bottles, Bass' Ale in Pts. and qts., Guiness' Stout in pts. and qts,,
Philip W. Ffai-ward 1118 this day Made a., TO TH ERS 1 Whiskies, Canadian Ale and Porter, Native Wines, &o. tc�, In pursuance of the own Interest nnd go wllcr� -CLOTHING
asslAnniont,-to nie the i1nderAigned,David A. For ijiARIVIEN nadires "Act rocipectlitg As- I CALL MEN'S and BDY S
,,�nnwnts and Freforences bN, insolvent persons, you can got ITJ81)Oct the 000(1:4, compare the 11iiecs, lend yan nnist admit that we are ofrer1bg the
&.0. 1 c idp 124, cl!)-Port�lnit� oft)
All per8ons having clAinis against the said fta. 10 80-01). Give 'is itlit ofi�c chance to Make Y011 happy with beautiful
signor, are hereby require(] to file tile slime with .)0(18 it bc(l rack lit icog. Eponoiny, Comfort and Satisfaction 9008 with every p rel e
tae, re , I SHEPHERD 11 las
,,n ,,I,,Iy , rif'od, 1),• Reliable. �,Affarness, OLINTON made of
b" nature
n'd It,, th,
therein th
110111 1) them,iifn niwb;�ftr, the fIrst day �f I manufacture none but the STocx.
gu t., M FOR SALE. .-Inch
11,181triblife the rt%9qctq of rho
�11,(21 11 'pr�cc,�l to Bripare of shnim that cheap, as t1ley pace It'
flip pnrfieq,.otitiv(j thpl,efo. n n Orders
I)once 901 to Ube VT Call and got prices, find joist,SHEPHERD, The Leading Tailor, Clinton,
03RDON.' I'mitnix, or to IV li to
A. FOR IM 3, l"All Prolliply attended toFOR SALE, TO LET
Assigner In Trost. TOX4N Tr. CA OURR AND TWO Lo;PS for sal(. -oi- 1(fo Jft�rts
3arr3p,3R H%SVO LFT.- SmAll h(5nA6-on tipper Pvt l I I For part, '111
11ANXrV(, SCOTT 1)( 11 itiutto oil Albert Rtreot,
1.1 o Afti,t8trect. ApIly t, ppll' "t'r. CoON'lz �,Ws's (;r0'.(.r
.11, BLYTIV, ONt Tt ds, ( y,
V)l It A -J ko!kltrq� IIARXr'SS 11,Nipolift-49DI X101'ry? 01OX. MILY l3th, 198.q. THE NEWS -RECORD FOR FINE PRINTING
sttit,e a, te n 0 D
Special for Parasols. -IS NOW SHOWING -
Special for Oriental Laces. Special Inducements ut Fancy br.
ss Goods,
Special foEmb
r roideries.
Black and Colored Cashmeres
Silks, &c.
Special for Hovers and flouncftWs. _r)_O_O - 0—
Special for, Veilings'. .97�'PARASOLS !----OUR STOCK IS VERY 0OMPLETE'.4tE=
Special for Corsets. —0-0 * —0-0—.
See our.5 cent and 8 cent Prints. SeersuckersSee The Pricesil See. The Assutmante from 8 cents.
—o JOHN WISIRMAN', Nanager. Estate J. AOD
Dry -Goods Emporium of Clinton. S P R I .N G- ---,STYLES
& 6
McKillop Mutual Insurance Col. HATS A N D CA PS.DETLOR 001
Discussing the comparative ad. T. NEIIANS, HARLOCK
vantages of'Glas"ow and Toronto as GENERAL AGENT, N08V GOING ON.
a.don icile for wo'ricingnien, a young Isolated town and village R=*, as well as One Case A Nec_kwear
I farni buildings and stock, I Instirances
hardware as.,4i.qtatit ill the Weat'Evid,
effected t stock "a killed by (very handsome), frow 20c. tip to 50c. A call respectfully soli6ited. great Slaughter in Prices
Six lightv it , It c. %
who left the Old - Country iing!glit"Y30 want In %cw he. rd
to the abovo,addrods.
wontlas ago and who It ince, Ilia 11241, C2 -:E 0 _ OFT I -ro'W
as _A
arrival been employetl irl-a sinulat. Jl HOSIERY, GLOVES TABLE. LTNE�NS:
capacity here, thinks Glasgow ti.e Murray Block, Albert Street, TOWELS, PARASOLS, TWEEDS, SHIRT -
better place of the. two. "In my MAGNETIC IR011 HE SAINT &,-TN6.xt Door to DRY -GOODS PALACE. INGS, COTTONADES
line" sail he, 'and it - may be taken CURTAINS, all' ourLACES, CLOTHING, and AIEN'S ST] ANA'
as a fair saillp](1 Of othol. callings, I speciull)' adapted for Bllrfjs, Bridges, roofs of HATS. ba' Your choice of 200 LADIES'
could command a salary of 8,6.50 Dwelling Houses (whether wood or fro;i? and STRAW HATS at 25 Cent'
agricultural implements of all Un 8, re,-Plar j)ricos 75
per week at home, and I ' Let art agrieu HOUSE PAI NTING1 cents to $1.50,
avernoh of $ This would GOLDRi-H RIGHBROWN. Come' aud, see the B
st;en) tofavor Toronto, but look at GLAZING AND GRAINING, gains. This. is
the other side of the shield :—This Con 1a,!0n,1,n GENUINE CM_&P;11NG SALE.
g"�,,y analysis 92 per ct. of lrou. 1 is
p 'tc, r f everlastfug,
_11a.400w; ejo ........ 1"' c bo
suit oil my Hack cost,,912 it) G - -Zi h id I.
no,, 1-lise. twic. PLAIN ASID DEGORRTIVE
t'c:!,`t1'; of"aly"", 11
other oxidii in the inarket' and
I kava made particular inquiry and ' For further pititiculars apply to' PAPER J. Y. DETLOR,&.00
find I would have to pay $25 for it
here. Another 01a,—ow suit at 917 KalsominlRg
I couldn't pur6hasebe're for less than Campbell, HANGIN9. AN D
$33. shce.,i costing $3 to �.3 r)o :It 5,12.3- Box 830, GODERIC11, ONT.
holne -would stand Ino at least $6
here . -, slid othee ihijigs ill proportio FRESCOING. -
Clinton Woolen Mills,
I never
er paid more for board.', lodging Shop Next Spooner's Hotel, Albert'Street
and xvashhii� it) Glasgow titan 93.'35 _ S�g�
per week.. cost'llm $4 to WOOL WANTED am-1MTrr(D1-T, C:)l
TARIO_P4.50 It- is true that shoes and ' At Clinton Uilooglens.11 ills, for. either CASII OP CHAS. T. SP
and clothes can be bought here at TRAI�E. I., r ted the Clinton Woolen OON,F.R IVERYT�HI.N G- NIEW ■
low prices, but. what are they; colli hills, I intend running altogether on. CUSTOM —0
WORK, Fariner's leaving -their wool, with To
paratively.speaking, bu't rut.f)iJi?" will lia it ulanufac
0 ,;,5ed Blankets,
'How do -you account then for thL Flannel or s
t r iurto
" o'!I. T"
I Lacing had o;
mee I you satisfaction, I have GA0aV81de.--9n0tft0T Big SlaUgoter New Dry -Goods!
Targe number of Old Countrynit-ri, "n hand a large stock of FINE AND COARSE
w1lo icee, conjilig berp,?. "(1vt I!EDS,also FTINE AND COARSE FLANNELS,
P BLANKETS, YAUX and 11oimay of all descrip
leii sell elle;
ulation drives out the Hiirplu.s, %v,is tar
cllb,, I will trade for wool or I I I . es
ith rriners, give mo a call before you • New Boots &
the replv.—* G166e. . 3, 0 Sho,
gart w our wool. ROLL CARDING A
19 New Grocerie'
HALLIDAY.— . Ili Blyth oil the 29th lust the people of ■PRINTS' 1111
the wife .3f Mr. V. Hal'liday,Chl'PeDter,0f ■
Clinton and surrounding 0 ljng�coatltry, 11 t. n order, —0
a $012. to suitably ineetthe doniands of his %�L;,ry ninnor.
0 bought out e business
At Brig(lell, Ont., On Jun, fuscustoluers, he has
Having i ust b0d( ,,'lit a. stock of new (_,00ds, at tile ,present
OSBORNE_ 0 111r. R. b.04 � 11 clIrr
20th, the wife of Mr. Alex. Osboniv, of %iith tb t 111C.LtS in 9
a Son. g1j, and he LOW PRICES, I
sensors. 3"" the""""' dust, arrived, I Oase Ne"tu'Prints Cha*mbrays, ani in a position
will be L, clid"Y'('tlo enact the wants ,Fory effort
hopes to merit and rtcuive a fair share of public to 8(1 g00dS, as low
—In Staiiley,on 2tronage. Lowest prices for Isrge orders. respectable I-10USe in the Domktviion
'the lith tilt., arl ER
CASTLE, nera'trade a speciilty. LB T MAY, as any re Any one
the Wifcof-Alr. Georle S, Castle, ofa 'iDg ,
A We are Offel -1 splendid rang' 'of G'I?EY DRESS Avanting
PRINTS in 6;heckS,and Stripes,
it 11c., worth 12 .c.
DEATA is Now Blacksmith We are also gIVII1101 (VIUnd value iii
ii . DARI"'.. BLUE Goods 't Lowest P�r'ices
WHITELY.—At Luelinow, Liruco Co GEORGE �Tlcl.011"bll PP41INTS at 10c: 'Big rallge of patterns,
�l nil I h,� Plied Out a gell. C) ,
lately ocedpi r Will
r , I 'y Shop
I ilways
Ontario, Saturdav 30, Robot t Q oral l3b M�
J une save mon
'r h money by Calling,
Lir. G-Ilh", north We have the newest styles in STRIP keep GOOD,
Whitely. Ca rt stre6t, Clinton. ED 0ffA_i),TBj11.AY,1-) STAPLE GOOD-S—ii, on Ine.
"' iallc " "
,101INSTON.—In TucL-eistilitth, oni June Blacksmith and iron w.,h in ikil its branches; bat the people Avant—and WILL
Horse -Shoeing 1.11,;OnIptli attenled to and suits. in Pil1k, Blue and Grey (Einbroideries to 1-natch)
na ,it d. The
29th, Xathaniel Johnston, aged 76 Ifactibn public are invited to NOT BE UNDERSOLD by any one in the trade.
years, 11 months and 14 days. call ,before ordering any class of wdrk,in -thc Lace Flouncings. Laces,
Parasols and MUSlins, all selling
497— tf GEOROt, TROWHILL Eggs taken in Exchange for
--- at LOWEST PRICES. ]Butter and
(Corrected every'Tuesday afternoon.) respectfully solicited,_.
Flour .............. C Ll . N - TO - X 84 50 to 5) 00 NOW NO SUN, THOS. JACKSON,'SR
Fall Wheat, new & old 0 95 to 1 00 NI painters, have PLUmsTEEL
Spring Wheat ............. 0 9,,; to I 00 KAu",TIp kilm"".111 Ll�! 101, =ez, is pu blic of
karley..g . .................. o 65 to 0 70 inton I and vicinity that they have,opened out
In the a )OV1. business. Pa
Oats ........... ............... 050 to 0 59 Paint d gr nn, 'r 11 ceil ng SEARLE'S BLOCK, CL1�,,XTON
'Peas ......................... 0 60 to 0 ro decorating in best
t 1,,,c trade.
Appl( ices moderate. Shop Street,
Pr I) A two
'8' (winter) per bbl 1 60 to 1 50 north of Hodgen a Drv'Goods 13fore.00.3in
.... 0 60 to ot 65
MT.111Y T
Butter.. 0 14 to 0 15 j(,1crLF;1N I gond
"noreil"e r
A ' - 0
......... () 00 to 0 13 Interest. t'l west
y Ill. IfeTAGGART.
....... ........... 8 00 to 9 00 Clinton, Fell. 28th, 181,38. METALLICS"H—AT
Eggs ................. '3�lioo cure. rate If
or WOO .................... 3 00 to 4 00 485tf INGLES.
0 00 to 0 00. THE 'RED ROCKFjR 0'20 to 0 2EUREKA BAKERY.SAND'STORESk.................... 6 50 to 6 75 TI.0 iollm-riber ling lcqjqe(l the"bakery of, Mr. S I D I N G 3P-xz-)
Dodsworth, it tow doois west or the ColnincrOM PARJLOR
11010I. -and lvIII be public patronage. �Ijltd to reeelve.1L A.�D BEDROOM SUITES, SIDEBOARDS AND T -MOLEX Special atten-
sliftre of
all Plain and F ney Ifread, 6011 ill Called to PARDM SUI 0).1y are of our own Inallu'racture, and for dc9lgll
material and Workmanship eanpot be excelled fit, rhe county.
FOR SALE. Cakes andl` t , of kinds.furnin4lied oil short FIRE ®, STORM PROOF
SUIM 111F offerslo, lloflec, 0, luaterlal used and
I� oat In n Ahape to please the most in tidlous
.t. �R r r EVIA ,(, ', that all goods will be sold at a BIGI REDUCITION during, the rilolith
Tl,',r,, din iintjil� on Albert c e. MRen1clUbel
il , CAKES got up in the most —0—
two frOntiligg on Rattenf)ury Street; cltlj�r en fashlonablostyle. of May. First COMe, first Served. AN UPHOLSTEREIX (111 1111M]. ; repahing
1100 Or in so EIN Y.
th I separate lots, to atilt purchasers. For Xl?'Brend delivered to fill parts of the town. attended to.
u cr I.." apply tothe undersigned.—E. neatly pronip�tly .
DINSLEY, Clinton. *382
- J. A. KING. Sit DAVISv OLINTON, rildel.t.tkin1g, and Embalining attelitlM to at out, 11411,11 16m, rates. Night
RS i calls attOnfled to proliql5ky.
It - brul. the painful experionen of soil•
if .1 Oil NM -L MAY F 'X0 M ISTA K r4,, We have the nicest AL ERT STREET, CL�N`�ON.
pig, staining or Injuring t B
IOU, clot
pleasure "eck'n er"llso, 1!.10.5 wh'.11i"311 it,11110 and newest stock of NEW LIQUOR STORE
kn.w1ng';,h0,tt' thol, can ')e
-11 c1vancRtbc&tjc
sa well is ,)imanrc of il Y c1l] be done In h,ov WALL PAPERS, BORDERS AND
P e world, by the noted Tallor (tilil clothes Cleaner of the wcsj.-
A. W. CARSLAKE, Vi,,tor;a St. CEILING DEC ORATIONS The subscriber has opened a Liquor Store in THE, PROFIT IS DOWNV�
to he found to town. iSOth'thim, (.,ntirL,y
now and novel. Ca a n I see us. No PERK/NS BLOCK; flA T
trouble to show goods. TENBURY-ST., OUNTON, Never havc-FINE�(, . QODS sold for LOWFR PRICES thati wt
Notice to Creditors', With a full stock of Uquors of th6 VERY BEST BRANDS, cohsisting n I *S�t�j _� j1pe I)olv 111,&ing, on our
i slitrijig Bal7g."lls, 11'e aslc the N iVil0go Of solling you on the
part of FREXCH COGNAC BRANDY in wood and bottles, Beat Holland h8c.,tt; nog nlargiwq ilre FINEST STYLES AND QUALITIE'S that WwICY Can buy'
the matter'ofthe Ailgignmelit 01.1,111LIp ;r, WM. COOPER Gin in wood and bottle's, Bernard's. Tom Gin in wood and bottles, Irish and
11A Yw,f Iilf, the lomn fit , Clinton, fill
the13HAVER BLOCK 13,001t STORE. Is in the line of
and Sherry Wines in wood, Carriage jifqktij• Scotch Whiskies in wood and bottles, Finest Port a
OTICE is herby given that Ills al),)%.e nonlet and bottles, Bass' Ale in Pts. and qts., Guiness' Stout in pts. and qts,,
Philip W. Ffai-ward 1118 this day Made a., TO TH ERS 1 Whiskies, Canadian Ale and Porter, Native Wines, &o. tc�, In pursuance of the own Interest nnd go wllcr� -CLOTHING
asslAnniont,-to nie the i1nderAigned,David A. For ijiARIVIEN nadires "Act rocipectlitg As- I CALL MEN'S and BDY S
,,�nnwnts and Freforences bN, insolvent persons, you can got ITJ81)Oct the 000(1:4, compare the 11iiecs, lend yan nnist admit that we are ofrer1bg the
&.0. 1 c idp 124, cl!)-Port�lnit� oft)
All per8ons having clAinis against the said fta. 10 80-01). Give 'is itlit ofi�c chance to Make Y011 happy with beautiful
signor, are hereby require(] to file tile slime with .)0(18 it bc(l rack lit icog. Eponoiny, Comfort and Satisfaction 9008 with every p rel e
tae, re , I SHEPHERD 11 las
,,n ,,I,,Iy , rif'od, 1),• Reliable. �,Affarness, OLINTON made of
b" nature
n'd It,, th,
therein th
110111 1) them,iifn niwb;�ftr, the fIrst day �f I manufacture none but the STocx.
gu t., M FOR SALE. .-Inch
11,181triblife the rt%9qctq of rho
�11,(21 11 'pr�cc,�l to Bripare of shnim that cheap, as t1ley pace It'
flip pnrfieq,.otitiv(j thpl,efo. n n Orders
I)once 901 to Ube VT Call and got prices, find joist,SHEPHERD, The Leading Tailor, Clinton,
03RDON.' I'mitnix, or to IV li to
A. FOR IM 3, l"All Prolliply attended toFOR SALE, TO LET
Assigner In Trost. TOX4N Tr. CA OURR AND TWO Lo;PS for sal(. -oi- 1(fo Jft�rts
3arr3p,3R H%SVO LFT.- SmAll h(5nA6-on tipper Pvt l I I For part, '111
11ANXrV(, SCOTT 1)( 11 itiutto oil Albert Rtreot,
1.1 o Afti,t8trect. ApIly t, ppll' "t'r. CoON'lz �,Ws's (;r0'.(.r
.11, BLYTIV, ONt Tt ds, ( y,
V)l It A -J ko!kltrq� IIARXr'SS 11,Nipolift-49DI X101'ry? 01OX. MILY l3th, 198.q. THE NEWS -RECORD FOR FINE PRINTING