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The Huron News-Record, 1888-04-04, Page 4
u „ . Grit qebeen introduced -the Scott Act- vince as a whole there h a been an A greater than Sir Toho. ... ■ : � to make then better. We have had enormous leas to iudividuals froth papers op.uounce that LVTr. Grreon� For Sale. --D. cagkplou, v a three years trial of it in Heron. the interefer,incs of the Aet with wary has "bought ug" Sir Jolie antiup t711ettpsi•d,a-IV. Jacksau. Can any unprejudiced person zay business. Assuming that at least that the "wily chieftain" has had to ' Our New Stock -0c Bros. Millinery Dpouing-R.obarEson's that it has reformed the one pos- 2000 i,etsons havo been deprived of surrender to the still more astute Now Plant Shop-Iiasser A Wilsotl. eible drunkard in ono thousand license by the Act, it would be with. premier of Manitoba. Greonway's 1llslsinury Opening -J. C. Datlor & Co. people that may b.tve existed under in the mirk to say that they have lessons froth M, C. Cameron must the Crooks Act•? He cannot. Can lost, each $600 per •year, $1,200,000, . have stood him in good atead when not driukiug habits be shown to in al!, each ye.u•, to iudividuals shut he pil08-ERTSON l lhH "(nese 4yor" ligan The Huron News—' [2'P( 0r provad Among the young men of Out of Business ; $3,600,000 of a Sir John. $1.60 ,Year—$1.26 in Advance. Huron now that did nut exist three direct loss to them in the three • The f°iufomous" Government -- -- -- --T years ago? Yes, and we c.an fur- years. Did the loss fall only on t -' April 4th. 18838• niah numerous shat>u1c+•s of this pro '•"the 2000 ehgagod iu the trade the ]again. 1Vhy will it not spoon feed -U�r-- Wednesday, --- - �-� Vi011aly unheard of drinking Atnung matter would not staud so had, but the North-west rabbits and (leer. rf -` HOW TO VOTE, yuutig moll, un the authority of )lieu the $3,600,000 is ,t loss to the whole The Globe quotes the fallowing to Rp �who ventedfa• the Scott Act in order to trade of the Province, as tbat sumshow that the Indians are Gatu1da"starved URight',�l � If you are in favor of the repeal save this very class who have he- and probably as uruel, rnoro aQ]i!(1 by official uHgl(ct:" "she acnrcity of the Scutt Ac: ►nartr your ballotcome demoralized under it. Our have been spent ill roplenishing of rabbits throughout she who Don't miss this Grand Sight it would pap as under : informants will vote fo r repeal of rebuilding and supplying the 2000 Territories, which will now exist you t0 Walk miles t0 IS@e it. the measure they helped to carry, housea shut out of bnsinoss. Far for about three years, And the great haying the evidence of their own mer;,, butchers, bakers, dry' ggods 'decrease iu„the number of door, will every Lady should See Our Stock- Of DI ass ` For the Petition. X eyesand senses to convince theta of men, tinsn,ithii, hardware dealers be hard;uu those Indiana who,do not Goods. the utterworthlessness of the Act. and nearly all callings have all receive re;utar rations." The drunkard has not boon re= sutteted by the divorsion of trade formed the tom from their respective callings to the A philosophical writer contendsROBER ON ' Against the Petition, temperate man line l extent• of full) $7,000 000 during asst as the two ivatiucta, procre;►t- be�n forced to play •the hypocrite + o a and seducer of 111011 to violate Lh,{ thH ]east three vr,ars, The diversion nun and hunger, .underlie the very ^ - ...............I ............................• existence of aha human race the .�® law of the laud ; the young men have or rather the nuuihilatiou of seven + had the temptation to secret driukiug million dollars of trade 'ill three Origin of much of the evil which ��� ��� STORE. oars must havo bHHn nn im ortant a licts the human race must be look• placed in their way and they have J "For the Petition," is agaimt the succumbed and man of thetotalab- t,ictur ill pruduciug the "harts Od fur ill the abuse of these two in ,f ' Y etiticts- There is douUless much - Scott Act. Make no mistake. btain&s only drink in their own times which we ocuasiuu,ally borer A luranta realestate broker is the ascetic, As fur instance the about. ". truth in this-CauAda Health Jour- stumping Lho country in favor of wine Abstaining Mohammedans, the houses from stock bought in their p e Y 1df1;ASURFIF'OR ME' AS locality before the 1st Jlay 1885; We have maiuly confined our- nal. commercial Annexation. He claims more effeminate and degenerate or, that exhausted, from stock ship selves to giving the "acts"" counee -- - --- - that Canadian cities have not pro- have they beeome. As the public will be interested pbd }fere from outside localities as tion with the up.nration of the Scott Convictiuus for violations of the greseed with those of the United ------ ---- - - in facts ba tying upon the coinpara- "vinegar" "coal oil" or under equally Act; where w+: have expressed Scott Act increased in the last States. In Oxford the other day be Wine: Is Its Moderate Use tive merits of the Cruoks Act and misleading names. �� opiuious they will be seen •to be twouly One menthe from 2G9 ill the remarked . "When I visit Detroit, Sanotionedbythe Word of the.Scott Act, we will quote atatis- Nell, we have asserted that the equitably deducible from the facts. first quarter to 823 in the last quart Cleveland And Buffalo I see evi- God and the Practice of tic t>ak :u from the Report of Hon. It remnius for our raiders to judge er. Out of the mouths of the Scott Primitive Christains p Scott Act has not lessened drinking, J . a dunces of n prosperity bteater than Q ';r• Provincial Secretary, A. $. Hardy, W0 hall do aggro and prove by the fur th0mselv0s in th,e ]seeding coil- Act a(laoentos is proof given Of the awe l0aae99. I find thCll' 1'ALiO 0£ Extract woo an Essay read at the Quarterly 1 bleetina et the Rurid@canal Chapter of the Dean - increased 'Fd for the y,' al' 1887+find published by Ontur]u Offi01a1, 1'B1101'L•1'Ufal'1'ed t0 at Leat. ` 43 have placed bofore them' sale of liquor. The longs.. increase of population 011e cry of East York, and published In the Evan r geliaal Churcpman at the request of the Chapter. order Of the Legislative Assembly the bag]nuiug of this article that u11tttt is accessible unit' to those who er tt,0 Act is'in furca rho greater the sawn." And this same individual Of Qlltarit, have the official rOLUI'na, ttlld we IInlllbel' OE couvictious-for doing BY THE REV. RURAL DEAN 1'T.ETCHER.. b lairs on his letter heads and other The intoul porato language used the larger rho area under the Act ] a 0 r _ Tho views at' '1'xE NENB-IZECORD' rase greater the dnuultaitness, would be derelict in our duty did. what? for solling liquor. The logical advertising matter the following :- by ensu who cons]]or. themselves not we do so. WH wallta measure, sequence is that the more convic- The growth Hf Turnht.o dtuing the past pur excellence temperate ; the eon-,• .,, Ara known to be pronouncedly in We will take tho uhlnber of con- thirteen ears exceeds that of an other foo bo it to our mind the best lir tions fur selling the more is sold, Y Y signing to the rank, of clrttuktuds favor of the Crooks Act as the host victions for drunkeunes in the Pro- ' a cats of.equal sizes in America' (]noir brothron who conscientious) temperance nioasure and the Ono vices ill 1878+ baiug •shunt the aver n°t, that will b0 supported by the and the aeons sold the were used. Population of Toronto ill 18:14 was 9,25.1 Y - a'. , a , . u <, , r believe that OVHI" dl•Ontnl'e Ot' ,fi0 d most conducive to morality, which Ane number per year fur the ten very largest Measure of public sou 1'ooplo do not Uny the liquor to 1871 25,920 � 1 " 1871 " 125,000 is good, and )lathing to be refused last ethical • condition of huhrin years proeediug the Scutt Act wave timent. Ili this sway only can any throw it away. Assessed value of its realitv.iu 1871 if it bi, received. with thanksgiving ; was ,. ... ..... $22,037,470 the sti niatizing moderate drinkers nature +sopa not always accolll]]ally of 1884. law Le respected. So olnino'l a Assessed Value of its realty in g a r jurist as the Hun, Edward lllul.e , as worse' than drunkards and else total abstinence. That is the much In 1878 there were 3785 convic J 1 Hrsacutou g0norally tends to 1884 acus ........ ......... $57,546,816 ' t aptly. voiced the views of thought- assumption of the prerogative of t* abu-wd term temperance is often tions for drutukenucA, in, the same o . stimulate to exertion that will en- As the Empire should Deity in sentencing to the eternal ful statesmen of all times and eouu- , only alpl]e,l •t) those who aro tots] year there were 3715 liquor licenses able the persecuted to be fres. The either haul down his sign or keep doom of the druul(ard those who tries, when in A public speech, lav- culluiug slid trick use of their wits off the platform." cannot pervert the Word of God to t: absti,iuer:a, or alleged total abstain- granted. As near as may be ono a ' Y p f> ors; from the use of liquor intoxi cue of drunkeunoss fur every 111" to rsl'oreilc0 to the Scott Act, he by the Jews is owing to their hav- the muintonanca of doctrines dia- The Scott Act ignores self con metrically opposed to its letter and ranlarkort that n law thtit was not iug been for such long periods per -a spirit, render it necessary that those cant,. No account is taken of his license. e o P - moral conduct so long as the man In 1887 there were 4130 convic- obeyed and could not or would not be scouted And t •raunised over the aro}; coucorning }whish the Canada r ) , - who eu(laavor, to walk fn Accordance is a total abstainer. IIo ala desert enforced was worse than no law be- questionable exercise of their iutel- Health Journal stays : Self control with what thev believe to be the y tions, and in the same year 1974 q his benne and his family, ho luny lic0uaciy issulid. C3usiderably over cause it tended to bring law general- leetual faculties was the only way is perhaps of all hab]ts or traits of true tenor of that Word, should 1 , 1 • ]neo canteen it. Rel]Abla tostimon rob wwumon of their honor and Other two cases of,drunkenness for every ) l Y they could (opo With physical force, charactertheone Most worthy of honestly maiutatu their views t µ from all carters agree that the. cultivation. Not do moral and Irrospectivo of rise sophisms of homes of allele passes ; hes. they license. '1 o atid.tho5, havo, though few in Hain- y writers who'worehi, the goddess of Scott Act is not obeyed and neces spiritual welfare depend largely up 1 b swindle tradesniou after having ob- -Now these ai•e ftlets which can be , bees, tnndu . thomeelvrs a "mighty popularity, lir the frowns of men u.T tamed possession of those .goods verified by turning to p. P. 17 and sarins riot enforcer]. It is not'iu p g on it but the physical well being- ower throe pont the whole civil wwlio desire to be leaders of public accord With the largest naeasgro of ]zed world: The acme desire to got health -is to ,'very great extent in opinion, -or who .ignorantly, follow t:.. legally; ilii mAy rob them of their 78 of the' official report. o deed dependent self-control- in the wale of•thesH hound-be•aead- - propel by obt;iiuino it under false And the proven stubborn feet is public sentiment. • The Crooks Act rid of Oppression in noticeablo its p 1 gf.t into tl�e that is. 'Let us exchange measure for all Scott Act counties. Tile iwl, or- control of rho appetites and passions. ei•s. w '"• preteucos;• he may a' that the spread of the Scott Act 1 In proportion to its power ia't1aH Ili order to lreiant any u,istuke '. nese box and specially invoke .bile measure. it of rho people, regardless of low ittcrrcwecl drtc,tlre>tn,ess ovei9 one bur- Y P p a in connociion with the following Almighty to witness h]m or nr]ng _ man enabled to manifest his mnu p j o ]red fold.. That is with rhes. less they may have voted, consirter the essay, I think it necessary to say r ' EDITOR,fAL MOTES, hood and the woman her . wolIN that if the recominend itiou of total x; himself but lie is ;1 moral roan in number. of licenses more than two - enforcement of the Scott Act_ to Ua ersecutiou and the resort to all flood. The ability of the indivi abstinetrce from intoxicating;driulte the sight of superficial obsora ers if persons werH couvieted of drunken- The president of a mertiu0 in P ' Y dual to draw all the lo�vor parts of was `Uase(d on the principle of expo he can only succosafuly pass him- ness for every license; with the Nova Scotia for the purpos0 of cull manner of devices, seen questionable dieucy, Or even on the res uiroments . tl'iC,li5 t0 get even' with what they human nature upwal'd 1nt0 hal`1110ny (i saltas a total abstaiuor from intoxt- greater nuniVer of licenses only one ins A convention of persons. favor- g , y of tai-ni political ecotions, I would, under ' cants; Ido is lei hatutarabtr- niah O cull t Cann with the Uost in ebur nature is the , coi'tain conditions, unhesitatingly , parson was convicted for drunken- able to the formation of a third S"` y- one groat ower for which to strive. and Brutus was an houourablu man, nese for every,license. party, wAa Lha Ztev. ,I. Ii. Coffin, -- - , p Advocate it, but wvhen it is attempt• The habit of self•control as some one • ed to he aullportoil by strained' soil know. aa, it la L00 true, unci As a molal theasure the Scott Act Ominous nalne 1 It will not ])a The prostlt" '110n of "prayer has hAs' wvrittoit iG "is but the [egesta(] tutsrpretatioits of the Word of God, k there is h:trdly a rattler of this but has boon statistically Jiroven a fail- long are tt is Oousigued to its oaf BOcglihe so culu�uon that oven aha ' and b perversions of its literal authority of the rOason over the meaning,I must refuse to become a l' can verify it for himself by an ure. fin' religious press are Asking A re- g 1 0 impulses, of the judgment over the supporter of views sustained by such analysis of the particular comronn- 'As affecting the revenue it has --' - forru in this respect. The Rev. inclination, of tho 'seiise of duty tarvoraion. r Sumo (]aim that original sin 1 ity in which lie re+ides, «e rovat worked very injuriously, to the Pro- 11Icl-sty Of Woodstock remarks : -over the desires," mud is in short Before proceeding to discuss the 4_ That the lp h l frout alcohol. again that it is unfortunately too wince At largo and t° the municipal-caute,ala "All over this Province tho[•d wont 'the accumulation, of continued acts subject matter of the essay, I shall tabi,lity of the fateful apple was ow - true that mail to ta• brj kuown adul• ities. up earnest prayets for success in the of self-denial for it worthy object, defiuH my ideas with regard to the tenors, foruicntors, hlacl(nmilars, per I+Or the year 188E 7, the last year }ng to its alcoholic impregnation. struggle ill Halton for the home tenni wvfuo, and, instead of using If so alcohol is chargeable with more 'That object may be auQther human lan-nia"o 'of m owe $hall give r jurors, and. all is ,cJndoued if ho given lite L'rovinim, received alto o ' against the barroom. On the, other eroature-onosnaighbor-or oneself, a o Y a but assume the garb of a total Ab- lather $•1 1,626,65 for 1974 liquor evil than we ono time imagill0d. o definitions of Lha word taken From q aide avers Lhe liquor sellers and the Iiow to develop this habit in the two standard modi'cal works, "Dun- 1:1 is lir, is credited with Iiceuees, an average of $203 per The sons of Adam still retain a da advocates of n licensed liquor traffic. g sloe's DIe(lical Dictionary," anti sire far the sime insidious nerviva. q child may well be the study a9d 1 y, i av0rkiu; for the glui'y of 'Geed whoa licnnso. \row iF6thH Scott Act .had We heard of no prayer be]ugasked effort of ever parent, and how to the "United Status. Dieponsatory. ale h.+s Inoralj stolen th,t garb of not been ill force fully 4000 licenses It would scorn that man (anent Y p' #`\Vine, a name given by ebymists or offered on this side. And we cultivate and strengthen it in the heaven to $Hews thO devil in. Theses would havo granted -in .each year shape it o1'f any'moro than lie can to All liquors that havo" become y will not, be so uncharitable individual self may wall bthe ainl The , shoves th+ msclvcs forward over rho during the last abet o` yo,ars, that -divest himsolf of 'h•is human nature. haitable As to spirituous }pt' fermeaitatiou, To He may not take his alcohol in the suppose the liquor men e° devoid of °£every boy and girl and man And _term is generally, however, rest riot - heads Of total abstginors froup ill, number being rather less than the a sense o£ propriety, not to 'speak ed to tie ferineut0d juice of the a} morality of any kind and tool rur- average number for the three ears d]ld;e form of toddy or steer, P' p' y'woman. ] a Y of reverence, that they would go -.- "rape, Or .of frusta the products of but diel, nut his solid' food contain anco mon, And are too often taken at preceding 1885, which would have through the mockery of asking the It is wall known that tho Anglo whose forwetitat]an t'rsombloa in it he could not live. This science a almost all respects that of the juice their owe valnsitiou. On tho other yielded a revenue of $812,000 as and experience has ]coven ;but too blessing of God upon their accura- ,Saxon face are noted for their love of the grape,"-Dung1i8on's Uic- hand there ;u'c 'men who ar ; not against only ZOI,G2G'actually, re- �,ed traffic; And yet what was the to- of the good things of this world, g'inrtcarr/, Rub very Wine. l total athero 0 r who -that i$ uiAuy cowed, n proven loss to the Province much of even a ouod tliiu0 is not suit 7 The side with all prayer on that, as some would say, 'they.•tuake. ,i r $ 4iovinc only good for nOthing,•bnt (outran]- L\ iuo,is the fermented juibo of of theru- leave reached nigh to the Aud inuuicipt0itles of it failed, the side wit} prayer on gods, of their bellies. Well, sup- the grape, the fruit of'viGis vittife w a wise'it positive evil. Therefore it s cud of rhes Allot taeu, of nllau's it sun, somowhat greater than that behooves all to be temperate, whilO it was victorious, And what avail pose they do like their beef and of, botanists. The juice of sweat v life 111011 this'eirth, havo nevfir,tie received: esch©w'tng ascetic abstinence. Aheroft+ro are your prayers, we are their beer, you -cannot, point to 9", a consists of a conaidorablo prived thOlitaolves of the inudorato Ilan their born any moral gain asked 7 Goutlertten restrain you another race of people in the world quantity o£ gape sugar, a' peculiar g] Those who don that the wine of re o]ciu God has man 'Ways of that have left so great, all impress matter of the nature of fon of or use of the good God's a fta, have {'lir this lose of nearly half a million Y j g. y 3 a 1 yeast, and a small portion of ox - lived 'LHmperately gild oil, in dollars dni'ing entree years? We Scri.pturo was intoxicating are About Answering prayer," It is quite true upon the world for good, MartiAl '.i tractive tannic acid, bitartrate of • all things, have Abstained from have shown that drunkenness has as well posted in the valuo o'f laugu- that God has many ways of Answer- prowess and physical anergy aro poWsa, tartrate of lime, Common owing any than anything, whose been grenLer with the increase of age or the meaning Of words as the in prayer, but in too many cases the the •products of a proper attention salt, and sulphate of potassu ;"the"' word in ordinary businuss transac• colored expounder who figures in or petitions t° Him are to the demands of the stomach• whole qdissolvedmiry or Owat eyed in a Lho Scott Act ,reit-575 ntoro eau- prayers p Largo quantity ' of water, Sour ;•' tions or in (eines of justice is nigh the following' Governor Taylor, J g victions last year than the year bO- e'- Inatructivtis-the instructions of Britain and Gorinany aro cited as grapes contain; in addition, a of Tennessee rocs tl told of 1r ns intPeccahlo as holy writ -and fore, ' R Y puny man to the All Wise.They the largest consumers of alcohol in poen-liar acid, isomeric with the `r^ colored clergyman who proiached a tartaric called, paratartaric said. this class o-8 the community which Has there hose Any financial gain remind one of the recent inadwert- its various forms ;and in intollec- , Z sermon on the text /°And the mul Gra e uico therefore embra6oa all coustitl5tas, fortunately, much rho to the revenue? We have shown a ' out irreverence of a St. Thomas teal and material progress they have P ' ' titudea came to Iiim and He. -heal- the ingredients essential to the pro - largest portion of it would be positive, ascertained loss of $411,000 Irishman who rejoices in the name led the world, � The light wine (duction of vinous fermentation, and ed them of divers cdibeascs. Surd y a requires only talo influence of the placed outside the pale of morality at least, and with an increase of say �� of Feeley. He is an awful talker drinking couptr]os of °Lho would he: My dying congregation, this is and religion if some self -constituted $50 per license on the avoir, a and ever few minutes during his who had the start of the Anglo atmosphere, and a proper tempera- ' g ' a terrible text. Disease is in the Y ture. to convert it • into wine."- consors of the total abstainer par- which tile prtople would haus de• conversation he will wvorlr` in the Saxons in the race for superiority United States Dispen5ctfory, 2t. 8(J0. suasion could have their way. For• mau.ded and which the Govern world. The small -pox slays its expression, "Dye hear me, my boy," have beau distanead, In India and hundreds the chole'rA its thousands From these definitions it will be tttnately the gates of heaven are not meat and menses alities woul have ' ' A short time ago Feeley experiene- other parts of the East as well as in p d aeon that unfermented grape juice •It against, nor those of spool kept and the seniors foyer its tons' of ed A change of heart and ono oven- America, England has distanced is not wine, but that it mnst und.er- P been justified in putting on, two thousands but, in the language of ingly open at the command of might add another $200,000 to the ,a, in he was asked to,olrer up a pray- Poetess}, Spain, Franco, and Italy. go a chemical chango in order to. the text, if you take the divors you or, He twee stain este demon- In once and wear, in the perils, of brie it into that condition. I 1 professional dealer in total loss, It is therefore beyond refutation getting q p etre gone. These earthly doctors atrativs ivlieu ill an uu uarded'mom- the sea as in Lho �stru los .in the should also say 'that under the term and practicer of. many of that the Province leas directly lost can cure the smallpox, cholera, and g r struggles "strong drink." when it occurs in ^.es which ave have at- over $600,000 'dtlting the last three ent he forgot himself and' turning wilderness of an untamed continent this ossa yellow fever, if khey get there in ' y, I i' elude' all fermented years owing to the operation of the time, but nobody but the good Lord his. ayes upward worsted in his the beer nations have•come.out first beverages, and also .dialilled or panaeon that has Scott Act. Besides this loss'to thePro- can cure the divers." favorite "Dye hear me, my boy.", y boat, and the noaror poople come to 'I alcoholic drinks when taken as ^ a , • e , J •...a .. ,..e...a ,., .1.. x,-.. .,4.,,.,.,��. e, .,e..�...n.�.. .. ,,:�;.rv,,.ia w. .-..;..,Y;',r:-,,..ws.,.':J.�::�Ctw.�awt;,•eMc-,.,,,,.e,�r..,v,+,