The Huron News-Record, 1888-02-22, Page 64 '_ V _ _ .• . ' ; �1• _ I � . IN tw .1. w a ' I., a a u, A 1. v' - I. a iti- • , . _ The HumnNews-fl e!iQrl{ �hoJ ©itGlurero t ufshtlusH aecure o aiustloUS, to house, I to bedlat nigh and broken of j u rest . Ai J 1 r1 7{, x * : ° a ' by as ick child sti Tering nod crytag-with Did- n . nuW 6 `�� , , �t,6p gl.Tgftr Sl•26h1 AdtyUce. gf IIClllbul'311lltlt]eljng, of lit'elgt3g pa.i.unf lJntiing 1'.eoih? If so soot] at 7f _. _. _ , N __ - ,,,e,,�� a T - - - - f)ientlships brglteu; this Anal nlgcl] once and get n bottle of "yire Winalow's LOtideidPO� N,T -A .i�. im I UP C , , o `• Wedlie`sday, Fealrtiary tit, ,888 11]01-0, Ilut I forboai ; I have said SoothiagSyrup" for Gbildren Teething. May d enough of the evils. .Can I sayIts value is incaleulable. It will rel leve Y n for a scut,( bay's excuse ; but ,�w . _ _-_._ _, _- _- _. --- aughg of rruod ! Can I Joint outhe poor liuleeufferer immediateby. De- what cart ba said for the paraut who la returning thank;, to -my many friends and patrons for pilot patrronegio, I woula A Short Serlxron by Jonadab. ° o 1 pend upon it, mothers ; there is no mss- sees his child languishing daily null fails like to call their spools] attention to my very complete stock of • _ _ one e m made Gonmore iouslyChri sober take about it. It cures Dysentery and to recognize the want of a tunie 111141 HAP"4ESS, if PIPS? CURRY COMBS, BRUSUES, ETC., ETC. —ono man made more Chl'iatlilie? g blood-)nrifier: lnrn,e:ly, a cuur8q of Duml+ltuu dpettator DiarrLuea, re ulntee the 13rumach and ) ^ 1 $peeitll attention is directed tom stock of I fear not, We aro (],ulna ivhorq Bones, cures Wind Colir, softens the bitters Y RIr 1)E!1tt HL.]nleRs : �� I rt3d is , u1- snlphnr cult.] a vlfit+pus, was the 1�1we should lead we tare calling on Gurus reduces Inflan)ma'ion and Ives ■ ■ known by its fruit ; an action by ' a tone anti suer to the t. bole system. rale ill well -regulated falnilie9; but now `:-:SINGLE:: �■ I HARNESS111=1111 nn act of 1xidiarneut to do what gY g ) E ,,■• the reeult9 I'ulluwing iL.' Thu ulu1-e "Jlcs lviuslow''a Suothin '- 1-u 1" for all rntelligent housrhu:us keep slyer a ■■■r eliOuld be dune from the. pulpit. Sarsaparilla, which i; at unee lilt•a,aut e1- tIIInHP,I good Ulall;lGltl f t`UBIdtiSlt)tUllflaul V - r y o and sine piece ,pelvo] o�eo a of thnt to e oldest d utl'l anyIt on ill be round very complete, and for durability clad fiafeh on.nnot be excelled by " "^ �� 0 al'0 1-l' ill^ 1-0, 111],11. OUC OtVD to the table, and the mutt 9eafchin+ ' ( shurtcuniittga in s )irituul endeavor and best female physicians and nurses in effective blood lnedicineever discovered• bought in the market, all who may flavor the with none bu t the beat their(atronause ee ins feel confidenbeat material to e ln" Illake u8 1]]0]'11 1111xIUUa W n• { I 3' g a by calling in temporal help; w,p are the United States, And is for self+by all Nathan S. Cleveland,' 271:. ('a Won st., of ettia satisfaction. P 8 Y N 11. perpeGvite it. It courts uljt,uih«1 getting 1. bticttuAt+ it has uuthiu" to 1'(1-1-1. Litt 1'uisakiug the pulpit for the more, druggists throughout the world. Price Boston, writes: " AIy daughter, )low 21 0 260, it bottle. Ile and ask fur "11rs. Years ol+l, was in perfect health until a f��� %•'! AWAY 'ilii'[% �'j-• attractive 1«urn reuulnerative ]tat- tS91'w3.�iIvE A vY 11. J„1�J 1/1/ lv us look at the Scutt Act. It is it fail ' 1 1YIa9IOW'9 SUUthil)Syrup," and take o year ago when sho began to cuiuplain.uf 1.11 subject for criticism. It has I)eell form; we ar,i nulkiug a eriD1H of Other ]find _441 ol fatigue, heada0he, Zb lity, dizziness, , J what is no criuto ,; we tire perverting _ _ indigestion, and lass of appetite. I Pon- Trunks and Valises in great variety and Prices Low. tried Dow fur settle ye+tra, and if .-- cluded that all her oumpltuntaoriginate(I I I its reeDltB ht1vH been rued it has the teachings of the Bible; ,1-'H are -Tho U S secretary of state haA di- lnimpureblood,and induced hertot lie ' • nothing to fear• if they have bedu Lecomiug like the 1'hnrisee6 in recce( the establ}ehmoat of n L'u- Ayor'sStrsapari!la. 'Phisn,edieinesoun GEORGE A SHARMAN a , restored her Lluud-tualcing organs to r bad, let uu fear of public opinion- nlakiug lucre lutes null calling.thent ited States °insular agency at healthy action, and iu 1-11111 tint<; ;efttab• r hinder uafrom condemning it but (rods laws wholl they tire ours. v„uaimo, capital thacoahtlistrict, lished her former health. l tied Aye•'8 — __ -_ t' ' Let its drop all this. Let us- show * ' Sarsaparilla a most ralllttble remedy r let us do it fairly, huuostly, prayer- p Vancouver Island, fur the benefit of the lassitude tend debility incident to =1-t w'f,,..t Y� . b the betultitls of a Gbristiun, subs' s u•iu^ till,°.” A . ',id : -..- a_. . M R I. fully -no prejudice fur aur agaiu9t, Y American cunlulerce, which is said 1 i i - but calm] and rnasondbly. I au, life the happiuoa3 that evell illi thiv to be growing in that locality. J. Castright, Brooklyn Power Co., Cures Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, diousnesS; '° -' y world follows virtue. Let us '%,in , ° _ a }lroolilvn, IN. r'• ,;I�'�: "As ;I Sill -ill" Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections of the Liver and Kidneys aware that aUCh high hUpe9 AI'efa --- ----- - - Mediriue, I 1,114] n +f,h:udid snl,stitlltu IN r hold out• to us Lit its inception that souls: not,]rivo thein to de9peratiun- Lverybody needs a spring modi• fur the 111,1 -tithe 7•onlpnnnda iu ]pct's 1 Pimples, Blotches, Boils, FI'7IiOri, Salt Rheum, )9 it yoltu is light," said 1111 that can. By using Ayer'8 Sarsllpartlln, sarsaparilla, with a few doses of Ayer's .epj etas clad all disea ,qn yrl m 1-C Blood ---- e piny be parti,oued. if we say that 11-119. After their nae+, I feel lyes-li r ;1-«d .- �r-�• g frD n_1- pu it did not coulH up to our tapas, spulf°'1-s Hover nlaia alua:e. Oil, lot the blood is thoroughly cleansed and stronger to go th rough the sunnner." .I! Deranged Stomach, or irregular action of the Bowels. 11 "u9 be carerul huw ive add to ,but inviEorated, the appetite stimulated, . 1, - but it would not ba fair to judge G and clic s ste ) ., vx ... .... �. y - `rte. ,^'---- -^.^.",, - --•-- -- ,. it b the )ronlides Inane b people yoke. Maul a poor brother may bo Y ��t11na ! repared to resist Aye, r S $ a r a p a r i a, '- Y 1 Y Z 1 woo by' .► ^Rollo word tllnt• rnsv be the disease pdculiar to the summer �e��'� p 1 who, in advocating it, let their zeal o months. Aok for �tyer's Sarsaparilla, rarrlul a 1:1- r';": outrun their judgu]ent. • Let u9 (0110"1-a to t1Hs},er,lliou by the Lerr°is }rake no other. Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. gentle Lhe tot lie tint over wise. est , $,. Worth $, a bottle. GOOD FOR� DAYS- rather judge it by its actual per- i•- -_ __.__.___. Prior Ill; six bottles ^e11t1H to rho ort•}ug The grelit.est - r '• forinances. Has the good done b o a—COrtrct• Dr. L�rowl), of Glllt, _ I'l'. • uutweighed the bad it has been thn of these is charity' will holt} an inquest oil the bully - --- I o . ca«911 of —f'OI' it is indisputable -- — of \rte. Perrin, of Ayr, ,Phu flied � Z-41 . �A-p Fg R EY89 ' READ OUR PENCE LIST p' that it has been this cause of evil. Ask your neighbor or any person there SudflOuly., Owing to Ills Has it raised or lowered public who has used Barkwell's Sure Corti sit , iuus circuulhfancH9 cunuccte(( DR. HV P8REYS'800E 11141 cuusult your awn interest by purchasing is the C•htapest Market.1. +, literality I is the country better ur Cure 'Chey all pronounce it the best ivilh 1-1111 HusO, which tui,it,tu )ui,ull Cloth & Cold Binding - '. ` they ever used. 483 if I 1 1-•s/ r. .,111111 8te,1 H.gr.rlaQ• 1-1 lbs, Coffee Sli�ar................�1-UJ liestF ngliall Yiuhles, perhottle. 0 `l0 t " worse for its adoption? These are by"Arychnille, foul ,lav is sus pest - u NAILED FRSE. I I lli lbs. Rri;;ht YHlhiw Su -air...... 1 CO Worcester Salice, per l,ottle.... 35 t.. fall' 91111 eCt6 fUl' Ill Ill]''—'tQ9 Our T l)il a Addrr.s, r. o. )1-n: I AIo, N. Y. o . .. ".� , ant( L.hil fol luwlnh parties have ! 17 Ills. Pur(' Raw Sugar.......... 1 Of) I Pnte'.Coeoatlnt, per ll: ............... 87. -1- (pity' to make them. What good �',• 1-Y 1'11-110 011 all ()el'at L10ll QU l]CRrn- booli 1111,00(.-:11.1(101- d41 -rest its hein,r LIST OF MINCIPAL Noe. CURES PAIC)1 ., 11's. ClicliCP II , ' ',' - .. r a 1 r'CVar9, Congestion, Iufluuunntiens.., ^ )'1102]'PCA......... I. (x) Bal SOA )., ......... .,..... `�:1 '4 1111-0 b(es 9:L S that In 1,01'ICshll'1• ill ('1'e 1 ! o 2 Wor4ns, Wonn Fever, worm Colic...• .2S,; %i Ills. fildl'llrl}(l 1J�'hbll 'I'(ltl...... 1 O1-, 4Bad'5 Electric Soap ...... ...... t ,, - }las It (lone? ]las it diminished y lit) dioaled :t'n(lill' the, result ul' ,� ; 4. 19 : Ogst Ulll Uf Ill -1'11-1-]^ htrPs to a 3 Vr)'illg tulle, or'1'col.hing of Infants. .25 .)!, ll,�• l:\jl'a Ilytiull 'I'Ha ..'...... P ;. IIruukcnues9 ? harttlllly, perhapA, a file Il1Vestd+ratluu :—°till'. oho lilld- + llflu'rhea, ui Children u1- Adults,.....:za 1 (l� L'(•st ihllp. Bal',�.'Oal)................ Wil' , 111.. + ' a U et.nter (x1- , ,,,, Bilii,us Cuha.... 211 '+ ,,,,T funeral ,and a hen n an+u to ui' bHns , p lin. C,holc(: Congo« '.Cee..•..... 1 00 4 (rakes '1'uilvt Soap ............. ;?, , ' It has 1u99nued open, public tlftnk sell \11;. Will. Perlin, ]1-u, v+lie of' 1-]1-11 4. U!i(ol,•ra Zfgrlute, vo,unuis......-... •211 i I w'' alight uu '] eatl tree there will be 7 Courh,,Coldt"Bruneh,ti.;.............. 211 1 Il,s, Chnic( .Ja ,a« ?rest,.....:;. 1 00 ' 8 ]hs. NPw Currant,• ..::.:........ '• :, i ' tlr^ lint ItY 'i9 InahYll'r*" O]I'T people o t� a[l]l a 11L'L Illtln+;.I 5')01-1-,- 8 Netuntltin, 1'gotheehe Pnccucne..... ;1-a •.r l }'. a, t „ ' C$eC(Ja3e41, 1-1 %n fuunr8l wltlilll a ear -Henn 1-f n 0 Headaches,awkIicadncl(o,Vertigo, .211 ) 11;. 13unt([:urr.lLt(•a)flaht'1'eA 1 OU '3; Ihti. \(tt-RnjSii)b................ . sly, b tlilld•hACk d1-rulce1-s,, dodging y I - -----------.. if Fwe .iav-I C(,tf('(........... 1 00 2; 1•bs. SultaDu Raisins............ �).,..,, swarni of bees don't alight uu a dead they a 1 a • 1 ;] tl used •� lute ). I: rev us for what y :1 REASONABLE 1IOPL. i3 11);, 1':itle Rio Coffee.....,...... 1 O0 :I lbs \ev Figs......... 1,0 i '. tree nail when bee, are ulvit•ed to a *: to opeti,ly takes iu the Lcl of day, ' f; iii... Rice ..................... 135 ) °., fllllel'al it is generally to their own, Is one that 1s based on previous 1-t► nvdpelisi(s' Bilions Stomach.,........ .211 :. (i'dozeD Clutl10,, 1 ins ............... �U 'K :1114 brl� „t U') 1.1191'09 11101- fur :111 law' a 111 eu l resseaorPoinful Periods...._ ;21-5 .i Il,h. Sa,Qu.,,,,,, ,,, • , u, ,).; ;.• ,Pa g i Y -. . knowledge Or, experience, therefore 1-2 Wl,itee. tooProfnsoPeriede.,........ 211 L5 Sardines, p0rctui, 1_.1- to........, I" by file fl lbit,ul' breukluo 1-11,9 law, , ,,, , those who nae B. P, B. Inay rPnsfin• 1-3 Crois .Cough,DiaicultBreathing.... ;211 .4 11,11. Stare h .......:................. S5 Calf's Feet .Jelly, pro Cottle.... l',i '`, �ttd sit lv++vexing ublic tnuralit DF}?1\IIL )�.111AT1\C?. 148alt�theum.E=ysipelnR,Eroptiune._ 211 T p y ably hope for a cure because the 11s Fever`ladAgueusomaticPain..... so Calilled Salrpon,° Canned If'IDlllill Iladilic, Canned 'Mach(,rt-1, Lunch Tou1;u(. ' • Cut Ihw result; Cf the Scott Act are Neglected , cough6 anll colds so previous experieneP of thousands 17 pile,, Blind or Bleeding ............. .110 110MAess Pig's Feet; also, Catltled `Tomatoes PJun16 Pine Apple, )le Ra: Il,er.ti •s even worse thou this. As 'I writo frequently produce serious results who have used it, shows it to have, L9 Catarrh, influenza, Cold in theHes4� .110 l l , . I < '� -- q Y p 2 W600pin Cough Violent Cop 111►...a0 at l,ottou) prices, Special inducements to Cash Ctistoimrs ill 'let, Dinnvi- '"` 1-]1-00"C tnon are ill jail for luurder- as to constitute it definite warning, succeeded even in the wor.a- cases: 2 f: nerainfebllity,irhysicalWea�nws .110 and 'Toilet Sets. Call 11«(1 inspect bur stuck and be convinced, on,, lint] all. 1'11"ere is no better, safer or more 483 �t 27 Kidney Dlsen.e..............:........ 110 1 �1,- :t 111UNIer caused directly' by the + 2 Nervous nebitit.x......................1:00 for pa.ttorns rare and boat of ware, you must c$me to CHI�:1 11:1LL. - pleasant remedy for Coughs, -B,ron• ______ a urinary Weattness,Wetting Bed... au . tic:Ott set. I)on't lot us ]lie the puur '� -' 2 Dise sea of the Heart. Palpitation..1.0% ''� • T Chins Sore 'Chroat Colds anti all �.L..V _ ROS `lam � flus that tILPSe here bad I11u11• threat and lung trou�bicls than ling- -One of the most extlaol ljnai'y The}' i"u ly bc, 1)111 by't110 Scott act yard's Pectoral Balsam. 483 21- incitlelit9 in tbo whol" record, of .. PEC' F' O e I 7 longevitl is reported fl'Otll f'nSt.it sold byy�Druggiate,-oreent. qct ,(oars elpto I CHSNA S3ALL_ C'LSNTOlV _ .. 010%, 1-t i P 'lN -1 h n V al's, `\�• f? have Y e ..•_._.T, a l ' price.•. Wel a & Richardson CO Agoato °165 Mo. i, �-•.wee-�,a: ppq*a+r_•r,.�•.•w�..w.„nw.,. •.•,.1. r' •,.-.,.,..,•,,,f,.,.,1- ...,;.yam . soca ilk )\'oudstuck mita hungering -Allan I atten, of McGillivray co - I --_ • - where 1-1 Cg�'ll. thrw.l 3� ]0]11(1 1-U (sill Stroot DfOutrettL � f' y H Iowllshi) ivas ,l on Sunda lits itlto�lho9I)auuhhbdoo«SHIho +vias r,lo NEW fur 11111 blued of choir 1'011 Si{-:nlLu- R Tff"'", ,i re. -alt of the �rutt,a(,t. I) i]aDilt nrrosted, while -ftunding churLh, wmfth U` C 'i" 8 is ouha�es were vul:noWn iu (:Itllad'a b' Constable )lit , of Parkhill oil luugnr .1blo to support fila 1;]1-11110 CD �-v-� t ■ '' until the Scull act. Go to a trial n ober^n of 1-a pt on the pPiS(,n of a and inuther, who nl+' 1`111. 1114.1: i]i) ��-� �-�t-1 0----0 "' - ' fur"iltfr+tcliuu of, the 'Scott act and ;Miss ]toe, of 1, the s„mel tow'nshil,, -% la's old. rospHctivr•Ly. 10111111 1111 'file wnler>igaeti has just opened a I[Cw D -ng Stfh-e lit JACI(SOY'S - heu t h," wholesale )re'ury uu both ,r , , , told LhtA Steri' after his rescue lie 111 hark,. gait:;, - ., R NEW ilDkK oil HURON 8'1'111+,(±:'1',•-t,vo doors west of the Citi- . t J n cd' about sixtori] years, 1101« I cillos I'ur tot ale tell o« all the was laughed n1-, hitt })olio enriniry A.gy�-A Il(pulc Store, ,chore will be fu«n41 a complete assorh°ent of 1'1]01-' " Y , ,vhnt could be ascertained concern- �. . 11wickodiiess is not on Ihn side (if' the shelved' it 1-.o be true, Tho 1iculpld 11ra:� and (fhemiic:ils; Also Patent i liedieilles and - i Pd the C,Ise, it a , )Plus ]hat g I 1 r 11ru;1;;•iSts° Sundries -all that th(+ public lea r ask for ill thossr 1 urn t1-, ur;trr to .rill' I,. tin• l.t u1- l.arhl, �,. ..f)roalcer of the Scott act . Per ury are Jlaayal•9 ffol« file extronlu squth' 1 y J ill colllit(uy with n boy- iho , lint.; . of Hlltignl'y. ---- -..._— as 1-h,.lnalp,,,,•I` 1-1„ill i' - A. WORTHINGTON. r, is buuuniiun :t coniniun contpl tint young Tally wits Ilriviug w ith l'atiou, a - uuw ; an oath -is nut 1-1111 solemn when 6 latter threw the boy out of 'I own. This p1,ti, c will hr final, Clinton . be. they P. $.-Office chaogod from resid,onee to store I^ w ^ 'the cutter,and drove rapidly toa lone- Y CALL AND (: FT ' 11.1}tt,"VINS iN ma destroy the children. Use _ their nlunP' even if their cuusclencHre „ __. t' y fortunatHyclrl,ewhoe ttii4o itluntlll ,el all hinds I'owi ors^ th.e 'ex. CLO'CIl[ \1: l�; --- - FrOPman s e,uli'er. 1'hc.e are solus ofth( results 1 , Y I) '1'1\'I:Elati.' of rho Scutt act-dn'ecG losults no g• 1 ff 19 of worms. 481.4t. I _ V � � ..d� -w_\_ � - all(, Minted. $Ill rat•ato Wells of'. Selling at 41,.1, Fit., .•(lir. ..1., � 1-.J . exlditinlug t)etll away. "The 801”- Parkhill, committed the ptisuner­_..._____1______.___.-' Ycn!cs cs: NEW STOCK ! NEW. STORK )out tent 16od inr nlld I (lid Hnt --A s,11i accident accu1-lr•d un 1 1 1 1 1'vr trial. 1�'c; by our Scutt act, innll,ted ___ -- -^-.- lirid,ly ls;t ou Che Rth cuucf,ssiou*of A. FISCI3ER; Estate. BLOCK, �'�h. thuaH ?neap Hud' Choy fell. \utv11 ., 1+'oK NTerrl,r R.aslf, Itching, Piles IiuutiDeli by which 1Ii(hn0l'1�'ei;(., j�, Fiseh�r, ]`i1ilBgeT. I i"� th,,.v,�t' ELS T' ,� a ,. WItit't guod have ive achieved to Ringworm, Eruptions, and all kins Jn«., lint }tis life: -Ile wag `taking i . '' t --- • - --- - - .-- counterbalance this? Only the diseases, use Prof. Low's Suphur, houlP n load of hay, and when with- ----- -•- - 'JOSEPH Ciil pour one that we have made liquor Soap. 481-4t in a few yards of the house . . .._ H IDLEY, Dealer in Fimaiture.• a little [Wore difficult to obtain; -- - the load, upset. Ile , saw the �j s�Y.y1^1 I Call at rho- New Rtnru and See the stock of' . A" __... Il.1-1,1_dais__3Y_e_lU_%_ :,.tnad,f__n l aa)H ' - :� c® .,- lbl grntrl has }��elk__LP_oe..i.]'.ell_ .daufcar_.i.13-Aul4-lea•>�11 + ,„1•.�s Farm r. _,• „p� -:p . �.m�. -- �. , �i o-r"t tsLturges;�t�idebocrds; ins; Seri 101 Liwin temperance on principle. ' 4 at 'Toronto from W. F. ':Magahen, undertoulf to� juli)p frit]]] the uppper-.ANI)-- Alattnssc+s ctr., and ^•. - cnera.l Household For)litnle. The whole Sto(.i< is flan) the ver} souu as tboy' are where liquor is clerk of rho :eflsions in Lurgau, side, but slippe,i and fel[^vith his �/ � hest u,an«fftrturers. Picture Frampsaild Mouldingsofevery dnstrription. tho,y drink it. We are l0weci„g Ireland, asking that a reprieve be , stomach across ono of the upWrIle(1 i I LLACE 01 :11111 JOS. C1111)LE11% ogle 41[)01• West of Mcksoll's I'Wok Store. . the atan(laid u1-' public morality fur applier.} fur in the case of the convict runners of 1-1111 sleigh. 1'11«+ puur®� SALE. -. - _.-_ .... - ------ -- __-. ..- . __._ - What? the halt crazy dream of Neil, soutenced to be hanged for fellow was talon to the house, _ fan)ltics. We cannot alalic uleil the murder of [',Bard Routledge, ,ns where he lingered in intense ng rill]': H:xlsct Totts �-- Trt l'srla;6 or the .t .holy, virtuous, wise or Suber by act strung proofs of \oil's iusauit cart for alio«� fivH ho« Is, when depth, �. B.uy Your GROCERIES 1 y ►)state. if the late ,Ins1{rn ifEuit offer for sale be bC011glJt forward. Neil's COU11.4e1 the followingv:,lunt le prop } name]) : - ., ' of parliatneut. These tllinge al's a })IIL IlD 01-111 1-U 1113 1)'alll.'CIIe, dHCHa9Cd Building I.ot4 nnulbors 420 nil 421, iu the—,I•'RO11---5 thin” or grow'tl, Of toaching, of will at Once ask fol' a tespite in with about 22 years Of age. Then of Oodcriuh, qunrWu nP an tete cauh, fairly ' or'llm. that NO11's 111Pnt:11 condition --- _ _. .. . feneeJ and very desirable for building purposes. i., pt•t1yN1`. O11, ha fl'IHlldi ian lgltll--- '---- -- � �[�.---�y0®-■••y-1-_y ---- n---"•y®N what glee -what UlICI1C19t1a11 =r1Ce laity ,'i)a lllrltlil'ed IIltU al)d his , Ilalfltcrc ing part of 3ond,Tmvn itiand A`! ■■�`//:: iiMM++�• .N•■: JrWT A\, a AVILL BE F(; LLP J1E1', Ooderich, heint; p,u•t uP icy 3 Iii the Maitland --.the Scott act papers record the previous history thoroughly inveq• Concessiotl of the sidd Ton`nship. Nice frame ' The largest, C1PftnesL and best assorted stock Of COnViCt10❑ Ot' AOnle pool' Cl'enttll'e tL15at8d• n Indications, of Dyspepsia, such as coctnr;eandfnunesLilde. R , 1.• _ Sour Rtomach, 1'iPartburn, Sick I•r:t rnnaber :I, s -1-J!, sid,: of )fillar street, Ben- ,:. for dUlllg Cllat wh1C1n never 1V 113 "-- miller, , ,uu-ter fit sn et-rv. smart f):1.n10 dwell• - regarded nil a crime till made n' P:ilt'I' OF TI1F. }IOL'fiE[iOLD. 1Ieadache, Rising and Souring of ,,,,.. I GROCERIES; CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, Food, Wind on the Stomach, or a Building Lits numbers 803 and 804, in the etc., 111 town., (}� Our Prices are 98 LOW as the Lowe$w_AV ive warrant crime by tnieouided mea;. Hove they "I have uaPd iia ard's yellow Choakiu or naw' sensation at Towel of 6int"n, ' -'�-'•- •• b'Y g qu;n•La of an nitre each, beau- everything first class. , . hof; themselves. ,No .umne is too ()if with'm«ch satisfaction, for Colds the pit of the stomach aro met by tiful,}'situated un so1,t11•4ida "f tfurin street; - hlirl)• fearer]. . b;ul to cal} the poor efe;ltures whose still Sore'1'hroat. 'I ]ookupiln it as Burdock Blood Bitters which' has fi� Sole ,a�nnta fur flee Celehralyd "Cooper's f3cz1 i)nf Pf)Irde)."'C�ll 0[111' {';111-1- IR Illab111t 1-U fl(iC \{'11-11 111 P, bP9L nlP(lieinP sold for Use." The 1?:entllalf of I of 22, van, 14, West w'avan y cured the worst Cases Oil record. osh; t;oeil hind, 5,) :tt.,cs c•lcnrc(;,,,,, fence,,, re- Best Brands of CIGARS by the Bog r Thousand at Manfrs. Prices the ol'ns of f:lliaties. What luatl°r ylis-i E. Ilramhnll,ShPrbrooke,"P. Q. 483.2t^ mahulertimherol;,,bint 4 nw(.,! frtni, Lneknow Q I. " 48'1-41- • _ 011^6frotn w'inghnu,; good roads. .. ._. If 1-1]11 (11]1-]7 lA 1'11111 Ht1, 1-111 f;l llllly — p 116 1-f further i)nNtlrt+lura nprll) to (}Ivo U9' A EAS A SPECIALTY. turiied out, t') starve? Otlr high - `--, -A caso'of exlreine hardshi KfAarl'loly, . —Canada will have n change of caule «p before Police Magistrate Barrister, CmIerich. RT 1 {;' allll holy yCOIL act II1PD l;ingll n1- F a . �R Cali. - COOPER IW' SO l;ioverriors (3eneral earlier than was Geo. Spencer -at 'Ottawa Sound — - THOS" " ` their' misery ;their )whim is graliliud• nuticipated. Owing to Lord Duffer. p -'- - --- - ' Corner store in Searle's Block Clinton. `° Uh I love• tempea'anco I lave Phos. La ons from Cheshire, g , ins urgent request to be allowed t0 Y , Iran- / r inodnration, i lova Total a14stainanoe; return home, early in spring the land, and ArIbur Wflinwhight, __ ,') ) - - -- but. I love slill more the Ivadiing of Goverilmotlt has hastened the carry• from the Isle of ;Man, both able- iS C.,_,.) f-_- Y„� I— the, sermon ell the illonnt, i revue- ing out of the changes decided on. bodied young lion of ihtelligent 1--I'' q. i FRESH GROCERlE, .Y _ euco still inore the last'cotonimid- Under the new arrangement Lord appearance, wore charhnd with 't lj �'� �`'' " - Rtanle of Preston brother of Earl ` .. l: E e y , 11111114 YrIVt'll "'Thou shalt lava tli ' Y + Vaf;1-aucy. Oil being questioned by r r p, aa . n r y _,; , e 8 �, And the t:hnieeat;,ron(1.; ke1,t in stock by �. 1)erb' lull] relieve Lord Lansdowne n� F f04 - neighbor as thyself." 1 cnu't y' the, mngiAtratH they' said that they 'Ili t----_--,`. s fl ' " xl e a early in lurch, and the latter will tole,ratH this infamous :ti Stnrlr of ha( paid f.heir own passage to Can '.,�r " o a �l 1"""'i T �T 3' atorleP proceed to fndlrt to relieve 1 I �,��� �JJO..I.V_ ��""'� b tempting a roan to break a law ilsld Lordl Dufferin. Private affairs are fila, which agents had represented �sl _�I' I �✓ '' -.. :_ afl a )Inco ivhPrH men coal( ^01- �� �" (� ,I, , thou punishing him for doing so. advanced ns a reasfn9 for the latter s 1 a I'0,,,i�1 �I : 'ilnannro�c;,, a fes: \1'e huv in the very heat markets ant] give nu, ,alstuulbrs ec4r - ' ._ Our standard of morality and virtues fill-ite. work lit ;ill tittle at high wagPpl, A-V' `4. isiUnl.' silo]+ttL:d-4=raylrtmtRriiittil� alit] tb the. 1'�ononlynllbot9 kfcepcOiuve�ott n --Ton( a ;a t�1:xp ttty i9 golfing lotveterl. BHture this, it , 1 ~ - The4nagistratl,,, after Talking sotntr _,-r Many advnntAg0A. Oar gnode, in "at iet)•, 4luality, and Iniee,,veare satistfcti will inert ` • Dit. Low's Wonat Synvp will remove strong 1'fimal'1:A O1) -1-1111 11]11]1- 1111-1011 1d'--�` •tom•', �- '•' "' , Ti:I:,+ the rrgnir(•ments of every houseliol4L farm Prodtwf. take'll at the hineest plices. c Suns rPgnlded as rliagr:wnful to act d•. the p'it'y of n tempter, bnt now I turoeor and Cause, quicker than any system, disbhargcd them. '3�9 e1 /� other. lfedlicine. 481.4t �, ¢ 1-f t. . '�; - 1 9 } �������� ���� nothiun i9 too law, too menu. where I ---- -- -- a , "lII 11(� ; l4tl„ N(;j,ll, °,0111 the Scott act is concerurd J[ _ t - . r y I Ord c1-.unr ISI'.1 Ileuls at the News-Ke(•ord Every person talks about Bnrk• i soul is 9ich of this prohibition cry iln,•r rin,•r,v,r:: 1111( ,„';,.(; ii"„ ,,,(lees by _well's Sure Corn Cure. 'They say It ,,,gv ,)r,�, V�lHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS ,CltNT01�, ONT. --the Wulse thall uselessness u1- , n, ill ,.: •t ivy u,,,n;0 :u,.! prompt atteutlorl never fails either in soft or hard corns tryin; to of :': 1-p force, 119 to be a bunions or warts. 483 tf 0001•A want lis. The same old I DAN(,1]RIWSC/7L1\'rEiZFEf'rS. - -- -�.- -- j.([_- _--__.-- . s!iitit that lit the firosof'tin)it.lifiel(} A 6113 STR[KF. " CZ = r , W/YuO� FACTORY Counterfeits are always dangerous, (n O LCI S..,” - ; , . LESLIE'S CARRIACE- &-t a that threw the Cii.rirltiaDA to the mote so that they always closely A big strike was Make when Powell U N U • v" / i (a q I wild b0aAt8, t}tat peI'9eCUtP.d the t\f [1ATK TAR OKi(Y7NAI, iN ArrGAILANCE k D6Via Issued their Extrnet of aranp- .( �+ '}.�,t- U) i✓ E' - . , T.3:�T�"'^U'_ Quakers, that called into exi8tCDCO AVD NA:1fR. The remarkabi(a success arilin and Rtlydock. it has mot with *� `-4 U a) n a "" the torture8 of the Inquisition is'I nehidvod by Nasal BdIna as a positive great success, and it must, for it is the WCr 1.4 o ---o A meati powerful blood purifier in the mar" once ,1-t iII makin itself felt, cure for Catarrh and Cold in the ,'le,' r.o u of In Stock, a Number of .Cutt°ers, Sleighs, Buggies and Waacins, ,.°..•• 1 g ket. itis ns2d with the grtntest suoccea " f�'1 v i' """°"""' Thi s dlil, ol( a irit of intolerauco [lead has induced unhrincipled par- [� 4) 1-n N 1-L p ties to imitate it. The publie are in all diseases arising from a debilitated C"' 4) O Z CCS u x The Material we manufactm•e;is of the best quality and the Iron work unsurpassed ' has put oil a new disguise, but it i8 cautioned not to be deceived by condit;on of the system, and everyone .. a .� $ In fact we make it lin important feature of our business to use only the t est ro- i needs, and should use a bottle or two at 4•-x.•1 Ar• > .+ p Y ? p here the same. I hhvo ,pointer! out nostrums imitating \anal Balm in :t.) O .0 rn curable material and the blast workmanship. Those m need of CUTTERS ` soino.of the restilts of the Scott sot. R this sensor of the year, d Powell's Rx• 0 = .� d u° . Hud SLEIGHS, of the if telt Mattes and'styles, should not fail to name and a earance bearing such P Z i-4 • M a « call and see its. appearance, 8 tract oft3araa nrilla and Bnrdoak. IIear � 1. A;, I might.draw your attention to the names as Nasal Cream, Nasal Bal• in rdind one sec. bottle contains more 1.4 a . o _ dig raceful exhibition of a ininistcr sam etc. Ask for Nasal Bnlm and do > cd • � ^ - A 0.9 ALL WORK WARRANTED `� ) solid medicine than rdoet dollnr.so•callcd ',�� F''�1 r (n . ,; of the gospel engaged in a bout of not take imitations dealers may urge Sarsaparilla and bitters. Also remember P ,� � W e g `-G_ . I in the strees of Burlington. I upon you. For sale by All drusgiste "Chat it Is sold in C1iu'ton by all druggiete, 9 N b (� $ I might point to the money worse or trent post-paid on receipt of prices price 500. a bottle. Sold by, all Irug- A-1- o p g' ( ti ° Re airin and Reba>tin Promptly Atter fed to. than waste(, in hiring ilrofessional OleBrockvibyiddfessing Fulford & gists and medicine dealers everywhere. (� (4-1 "C� M x ul e ----- u O cv i (FACTORY on corner of Huron and Orance iStreets, CLINTON. i " I 6 nI ' a ' �, -.1 Vl- ,] . . ,,par . - , , t I , . , I ..,qt. ; ..1-_.r A :...,..,.'..' .. , •. x. " , ., v n..w. .-. , T - .,.:; ,,,.r,... .a .,,w°,.,,_.. ,....,..,4w,.,>r: , ..... ...._ ,.:I-,...,.,a.....'.s...,...,..._.._...... ........:i,. -'_z •.. ,_-.,,., �. i ... -- -f-- t Q . , ,,!• N. . , a k, ' ,. '• , �, bi n : r,