The Huron News-Record, 1888-02-01, Page 3s. * 7 t ♦ .k' , s" - , 1 • - , . _ . . -. } .t4 � ..�,�,R,. •�-. s n'+ii , r:. II • -. < - c e •. , ,I. Ii. N' - 4 11 . _ P •.. r ,. w . a o 1. - - . " . , , „ r ,. - Q AX �, U e IV .JAY w , 1. .,.. ,. , RA'". . c eti •'ft" l: o, (n,u aavv.t', The Oriental! salvor I. Wait the .setltaitoesr tFaa lits ragL.. ne>.t1 e, esti__ dee. r d P _O }- S I, V�.���. 0 �ft, WQ P;���, Kt3sfian 4 , � , ,x a are. Tb:c tl Incl) .11e iieeeci, Arccordt><lg to firm pie A youil,� nt.arl, with li.gglit' mm nofor , !x-..� . it+tsd resets, nyla]idlf o . Y 14iry tveiu tln.abl:s t, K e M_ p �T „ <f, lrlil# Ro t . tox... e1 . Qp 90., their degreea of;.,g:uilt they- were calo.red uluataele, i+e camp tll7ee r, „-r- ., ;,gl, - T. bthod''1'x, .tn►.esttn; alanoutll: sl.aitil- l.- wwi VIM. � " e 'i p � Q '~ • - Tb* XO' .. rola • o ell d ko rule .0 ort tial govern or four tiiiiH>? and stayed eery' laf,+; Qualls9;1; &lit . L.,A tiro secret , t. jotal liealuh �"' 11 lmtt e P7 - I r 9riiitQ17-Aistaco"Inctlrlicebrouladboar, A.,smtY<>Y'l'GL'ktL;3Uati$ Pt IIAftis. -+'r ... - Mandde;orvtlttes77asbpeltt'so.nni(orxn;that meat bicycle punt they 1).ad fallen when. elle retired at 9.30 Ito Was cons 6ted 11i keepin>� Lhta bead cool, tiro tiie.1v1111nQwguaintlteotottsGatbA'dot:reputed . Mr..LeviSbants,cifNewH%L1IbQ-tg g. —Aa_. , au e, for s u tt e(i .i teenntdl offa given number of tinteti. The still tbere m the •drawiiag rooun. lest �var�m,,and•tyo bowels open. Ilad lit _told o6scui, a. 4dp ;dtoretpndttll'&ha Ont.,who ball u, lar a bank Karla des otared,.:a>ndlnss§t6ottaliuze a x old n.nd wriuklcd wives bad to Site' never altW Ititp in any athep tUtseminentpltysiclan lived in our clay, ( '`e� p r4 1 �; mangypaldt>sartderI$uGkt ltrltteuBuar4ntee. t,t:o ed b flit. on January 23 c+lura ] w tela room btkt iha dra>vittc room nor did antd known,tile merits of Ayor's Pills �j��t�,� � S U rC1U U �IIRS ti 111. , • I l;v11},cgstyattltotti i1flioluvesttgatethlsoir: Y Y spbmit to twenty five fu 18 l �r,agconapltattotg_Rt.tuo4r11i rs.orbyletteris to town ut•xt morning and tingaged } t)9 an aperient, Uo would certainly l7Ato 3req,"Cal<o#loGhau4e- PgoFnamunaxtowao+• file young and pretty ones es(aped site hear lyitu speak. from any othEr recommended them, as so many of Ilia --r-- , .tor µxaless ilehasGotliitt;dues euntigh lnhii; 011ief Cools to unravel the mystery': with Jt,nlyf..basf a dozen. !ao,happy an room. Another man she saw there distinguished successors are doing. All If -h ale of Cutters-wo , ,, itlpd111pgg!� pt►1 eaewro.NotrtRlteFwllattite' ()uok procee•lasl to >lie farm, au:t ] y of was known tta Dlck ba carate the The celebrated Dr, 1iurnswortl,, of 1W"k'o'r All If'indtt of People 1IpJlneor gat re.ofyanrdlssaseninylte Gallon 'dea ought to take rho fano , i r,wrltetptis gtVlttgage,Gox,comPlexlo,ioud after some cosivertstion with the other marital potentates and we first, time Stntth was there and" ;symintoms. rend stnJrlps, tcrtlrepay postnKQ + . NorwicU, Conn„ recoutlneuds Ayer's And Prices tai 11latch. onthe�]EW big'TH00LUAnboot;$. intei+rtes of rho llotlse be became may presently hear that a Incycle I four. or five times after. Miss pills as the beat of'all retuedfes fur Tarpp'I', Gopfalu9.:2 1] page0. pyor 2W illuatrAtl0.ns GOtIV1t1CCd that the servant girl Miss I)u not tail to (all at,(1 see Lhcm—upl+oait.r ayLDptouta qE dlaesst+s alta r,epgrta oJ9VeX 1¢,ogl ' ' beCOtna An 141C11spaUAAbla atljURCt to 'Rattan was W the House the same r' Interinittent Fevers." h'Au:'p Elft r„ cares•PreseriptignstRrtf+oCateofacgte itlseusc@ Ulire, know more about the origi, every well-conducted haluH. evening,, and they all .stayed all Dr. I. E. Fowler,- of Bridgeport, ray, Aalopttthic; 7lomo?0 +»thio end I clgctic reins- y , dteeq$xglouloinstruct�uns oruvory'lad gentle, nation of the fire than alta cared to ni ht. Another man who"cause was Conn., says: "Ayer's Pitts aro Uistlly .nten,ittdlapilty, lgul,be Walled on receipt t)1 zo � THINKS LEAP YEAR IS A FRAUD, g S � ����]����, Pmr, ; �- ,tw0-e0atytAtnps. ot< acerAk1Jiiai1r0r. tell He art'ested and brought tier Air. " Dunn; a , tall, fair ratan ; Ilia and universally spoken Qf by the people Park IT, nnxxavPto lnform()tfon for men and boys, t t r 1 'yolfns,IV ,m�iled sealed [n pinta errandp o s. 1)gore Squire Preasprich, before. Clytie—Harry, you must hilus visit was during July, and lie stayed aboat,lie e. I make daily use of them ,fecelpt off,two-cent stamps Or to cents insitvea whout title made a full cQu •sslou, n tired that you have grown., very in m ractice." �-''�• I " Zt'art SII lnlormatlotl ntitl fuatructtona for, two days and a niK(]t, but she did y p diet►,"married.gr single, 19. coloreri ltiostroteo tri statins tltnt aha event to the laarlt d ar Gu me. I - I—It ]s uaele;s to Dr. ayhew, of New Bcdiord, D1ass., ,� 41se5sympiln,t,advtceandrepartaeE qu;es,m,Pl d not know in what inset. There , . +� 1t)/11c1t4n1Y.ecolGdinplglnenvelopeonreceiptof§ W i.th thr+ children, IeavinG Cham iu conceal the ti tath,my darling -I love says : Having prescribed ;tally thou- ,a r',4 ltivo cinicatatnitn orXO cents in slaver, Thethre0 waS OTIC be«]room downataira and.bookpWillbdiniatled110r.5ifivo,- o entatnps,or 60 the stables below. She trent above, you ! sands of Ayet•'s Pilar, in toy ltthoin rtl I I- csuteinativer,orwt rte.�tvon. e. t four pupstairs, and if he had gone ]`;�{ _,:: Harry (turns pal can uuhesitatin^ly pronounce thorn the t 7�heolaYces,otTAeprlr;tviAK'Surgeons either at to the Ihrestlino floor And set fire ++ and trvuthle") upstairs she would probably have h �'' . �` 16@ t3rlswold tat. petrolt. 1llidll, or At 163 Elm , 1'' ]t t beat CAtItAt'tiC It1 IrSC." Ij j r a :'t�+, t to thr+atrR+v. Tukin� the chilciren, „—It [a so sudtlan Visa Jones. Dx� known it aIle did not know of his t[!t SG t7lno resist£ b. All le tetremustbeaddrea- + ] The Massachusetts State Assayer, Pr• • ttedtplD JI..C..I�enn��ddy1t Htill'sDiook;Detrolt,Mich, she we ut to an adjoining sled dud- cusp my a,itution, but I roust hove sleeping upstairs. A. A. $ayes, rerrities: ' I hnve7na,{e :I �- +ttti i : WellembcurodtoMA Idstu•.allNpailsof the world careful analysis of Ayta*'s Pills. '1'S„•,y m . ,1 ; tbrough correspondence; rebtedlea and instruo- watched for the flames. It Appears time to think. Cross examination, continued— y' �-- - ;',1 Sonopeing ren4AyMs11orExpress, that the girl, t►lthou;h hired far � It contain rho aetivu principles u[ ;•ell- i Clytie-then you bid me hope, any Witness saw him down -stairs when known drags, isolated front inert mat- . ., q gars y _ yeAr, rues detertuined to leave •be- ang•'1 ! Oh, rapture ! title wont to bed, and also when'sbe ter, ,which plan is, elxunieally speaking, �� � - + -) - NQUNv'EM£NT. fore her tints wan out, but 11Ir• of groat ilripurtanee to their nsefnLtess. ° .. ,,• -BUSINESS. AN Ilarr blushing coquettishly },e. came down in the horning. Tbati It insures activity, eertWliaty, an+t u,+i- W®Ral PO•`i,.%D: _. •,. t Shantz would not fat 11Hr t)0, A11d Y " q was rtiViOUS t0 Mr. I math's visit, to, of effort. Aver's Pills enlitaiu11, ," -- bead lila whiskers) --1 have not said p ,no metallic or ,-It] sillisnutc•e, blit. Aroplccraattot �o, Con:.• : '••''• , CORRE$PONIlENCE. this is the roauuer in which ,,Ile that. Really, Miss Jones, I must re- Several other persons came whose rho virtues of vegetable renwilies i01111 -- • took her revenge, She was coin. . names she did not know. One was skillful combination." y ost"t wr Ie n a.:., c•+-^ ` We �suill at all t'iatzes be pleased to fer you to rata f' . ' i1" mittrd to lierlan +Il to Await her dee ,recatve it;urs o nezvs roan ou7 sub- .. •- err i• J.. • - .._.___ y a tall, dark complexioned man, with A "e `,. s �j �, � S f f Cf rte -Cruel -cruel' orae ! Why !'1 x rJ7e7er o norm 1t) C ' r`+ sci ibeas. We zvccnt a rood corres- ir,at. y dark moustache and cle'an•shavan 1 J hays you atsakaned this pleasi11a w po7tcleaztin everylocality, atvtalready A CHICAGO GIRL IIORER, face' ha oral rentaiueda few Konig PreparedllyDr..C.Aycr3 Co.,Lo+vetl,Plaas. SPECIAL NOTICES., (•� hope in lay bosom if only to L1naG y .gold by an Dealers in liiedicfue. represented, to6end26SBELIABLEnezvS..� �;hlaaao �'IOII Thera Ili®0. club itI Coimidar, lily love. Will no- Otie afternoon. Another WAC a 4 �. of thirteen sauna Woman of the ,ling move �,ou to merev Z El tow short man, apparently over thirty, - -1. PIMPLES. I ";n mail(rntsa)tt+c recipe North aide Chicago `+v ho havo a dark, with a full, dark beard j, lie - . - fora siu+ple•VeusIDIPLE�B rad11 . " %IUBSCRIII ERS. + r, + upon rale this little hated and make , p that will ue vin 9•,1x, in soft, cl 1'l%lid H and ��, ❑eat gVnlrlAalUR] fitGt)d up. One of also cattle once. with Mr..Prestou, t , BLerrc»Rs,]eavtngthe or producing it lux rian .,, `• :Pata'U)tS 'tL'1L0 dU 7t(}t TG'CL'EL'e their rasa the happiest of ut:u,l!+„s• fol; also inatrnetions for producing n luxuriant t .� t a'Oa7t rite eaa'7"tCT Or the fairpugilists is ,t. remarkably Hnrr -Ahts ! I fear 11 CA11110t ntld 1'Utll went t1W.ty tOaether ,��'hll , , ! growthotnairon a bnkl•head or smoathface. y)caper refulaa ly f clever boxer and a Lard and sharp Y rainemborod some latae, aria outlet Address', including 3e stump. I2R\, VAN R 6 y <' !� ' i CO., 00 Ann street, N. Y. S92y local post owes twill be. I esteem uu highly as a 1�, I _ __ _ thr)tcgh their 1ritGer. „' LC�fr Ittio\sled +H of the Art Y £taut BuH'ulo. Sha '� __ ` $ortfe7 Fi favu7 by.•reportiner at thea man comet, {% ,,,,,.....,,I .,, . friend Miss Jones, but -forgive 1110 know of vi,sitorn coming to the A to <`y �� /e I 11W olJice at once. Subscrt )tav)ts altar of aelf•defeneH Was of great savant• , r 1 J nae+ to her rho other night. She .if I pain -You— you* do not, lovr, you, [aide arises Kanas, but as aha did _- e` commence at any time. (Hold, ont Lis hand.) ISnt I will '++.-'•- �� HO . r - was returning alone front La Salla not atte11d the 'dour she dill not y 'y7 b i liestorod. .A ontlent:+n tinting innurentic con- ' ' - avarlue, where she had been calling Always be a bruthur to you. know• • she also mentioue,i Du11u's s ,7�1IDd 1aCT1l�1gFiS• , �, s tractodtLe huL,t of selP•uLnse in Ley �outL, and uu a fiierid,'"at 1 o'cloc4t On She.tltrott'sherse`tfwitltudNa!,air- name. She metaudcouversodwith inconacyua,cosuffcroaallthchorrorscfSexual :0, - ''l Incapacity, Lost Manhood, physical nerdy, Con. •a I. Advertisersavtt pleasebect7•'inntinct a}tpraac]lina the corner of Clark ilia wail nn his I•osout, kisses hill) Irving twic,t oil the mat-,er, at bis Q l[IIIiCI1 DIRECTOIC1. eral Prostration, etc., tt•in, out ofs}nipathy for 111 1 is fellowatiflerera, mail free therecipe fry tthlch thea all `.`changes" of adverlise7alen�8, .treat :she was accosted by a strange [idl,sionateiv and rlishus out in the fufher's house, +c hcr0 she had been ] St. Paul s Chureb.—Services on Sm,dny ut 11 ho tuns 0+ut11� cures. Aad rosy in ceuracnr,: d. ' to ensure hmertioy,, should Lv hattcled utun. The young womAn only walk: dark, dark world, con«•inr,`d that liv[ng since'her return ft oin Ni,+- I,ni. ind 7 p. rat. Billie Class, la n. m. Sunday ,IV. PIK1iN1 Y, 42 Cedar. Katy Volk Ft.,. 8s f s, in not late.? tlrctit 1VIoxflAv xoox o ,,, (lit tht)fastarfor thio watobliged Ie -a year is a frau,}. • gara. Mr.'Irvin++ was titer0 School, •2,SOp,m, ServioconlVaanesdny,s n•+» r Of 1 , b p y' ' 6 , ” tray. 1V1LLt\Y Cava. B. n., Rector 11�1each. week. to confess afterwards that site grew _._-__.__.-___ __ also, She gltve tlla infot'ntatlUtt RatteuburyStreetNethodist.-Servicesat10.30 r, uervoti.4. As she crossed Mark MARITAL MUDDLE. more frequently to his tilutlter, to a. ut. Ind 7,00 p, m. sabbat school at 2,sOp. . iDIRCFLATION'• til. RsVt Pres Presbyter,erian— Pastor.Services . street., she, ohserveri that the villain win)ut ahn had tallu d many reales. Ter NEws-RECO1tD has a larre'r- was foPowiiig Can.IliI abbat nn School, 2.30 p. in. ani � her. After having Irving vas Smith. Phe heard Smiths (list ulna+• fro;+ s.3o e. n,' Sabbath, sohoo], s,so p. u,. xxv . circalation than slily, other paper eat passed Clark street, in the compai•a- - Mrs. Nolan, at Niagara. nLexr STea.taT, raster. „"I"I"111'R• thhv section, and as an ad've7•lising tn•e darkness of across street, ,,th11 I.e Ithis stag n caro tried last work rat When tai++ court assatltble,l till- •OntarioStreetAietlioclist.—servicesat 10,30 a. ' -- . —, mec law has feiv equals in Ontario. villisu hurried forward and accosted the Toronto Assizes for $5 000 followin + colloquy took liter, : m. and 7A0 p, n,. Sabbath School, 2.so pan. a CLOTHINGtp a, R P REV. tv, W. SreaLtso,yPastor 1-1 Qui• boobs are open to those who her again11 , tit the same time ldytng danntaes sustnivael by phtintifl' DTr. F3ia01ow—I thick a sPear]y Baptist Church.—Service at 6.30 p. m, Sob -- , ---- _ _ _ d . ,7zerna. business. leis hdn*I oil ,iersbould'er. 'Ile of:a „ __ 11 dant debauching h7s telt+7Prr,ation tray h.' cranio to iu tills bath school, 2.30 v. in. REV J. GRA.Y_-Pastor,, , n.. respuIlse this, time.. Quick as n wife. cast.. I propose to inak(la state ---- - 70 g through defHA JOIt fl'iltIN'1'ING. flash nhe turned, shot out her left >3 13 Osler, (u� (•; opeu«d Iha case talent for the consideration of tl a cram ILL HEADS, NOTE ABRAHAM SMITH, '•r " hand and ]anted her delicately- I ti, ant and his counsel- \Ve till u), 6 �' needs, Lotter Ncads, Tal;s, F, 2'Ice Job Departnient of this jour P for tilt) plaiutifl� Andrew Maxwell P ' 1 I Statements, Circulars,aBusineas ° Market Square, '. `° nccl is ease of the Leat equipped in gloved fist, as firm Arid true as steal, Irving. He referred to the circum to Admit the (>vidence in rises e,ne As cards, E» t`etopea, Progratrmca, 11�s UAIP IR rile WCet Cllb d face. This e , t0 the unlit lagt:+a11 lA!lu]: e,. alUl t{,At etre eta, er ani in o e•orkmnn• �y GO RICH• 11 estern Ontario, and a superior q atatlCCs Itttentljlte the ncyuai11tance a + like mnmter and Otters rates, lit /♦/�1_ •rj�; "' +lclss 0�' 2u0T1G.is rfttaTCt7t o'Cll at 2'el'y stagger bili, artd before lie cQUlt eitgagetntint, and Hul,sequent mar- the er1111[dalllnllt is elLtlf led tO soma T[tE NEWS -RECORD Office. �_,_��11 ' 7nUderatCTateS. -recover9110 had' swung Iter ri,.,fl Clageof_thu laiutifl' theirtuk]n- l damages, Low lunch is another ._-_..-- .__ ._.--- - .• .- .. ,,,,,,„,•,- .. a upon his ear and Ire dropped into "� P ' r+ I nuttter. The Down -Trodden PP house on Adelaide street lor„ntoTramp. -_- he gutter, Theta tl►e bravo and And the birth of their �uhild., In Alr O;lt r-111 that Hveut, my WEST OF ENGLAND SUIT - r The HuronNews-Record lovely boxer gave ashriek .and ran July,i 1887. lir. Irvine;, for the Lord. tta are not seldciva to ' Dladam," said the traml], as ilo IN,GS & '1'PQUSEIiIl�'GS, ;. for home,, nerveless and pale as a benefit of his wife's health, rented a lucre littera estahliah tiro ;;alit of the stood at tile back door, "would you 7 , , T h j '` . $150aYoac-$1.25 in Advance. l'pat and arrived there in a state T defendant.. W.e do not•_d,Vaire to , , SCOTC,I3 TWEED SUITI>\GS Rt !1 _ _ ghost, cottage at I`iagara, whole he doral- liitiYid giviu a poor matt wot hada t TROUSEPINGS '• of collapse. It was days before she ciled \'ars. Irving, their child, and a iiiake money. out of a tl'urigi0tibli had notLfug to eat for two da c a r; o1'edt►esday, Febr'unrY 1, 1538 recovered from,her fright, 1,ut.she Hors(. lir vi itHtl thein uaoalJy o„ bf this kiti7l,And we are quite twilling b y'' Fh]�NCH AND ENGLISH \\'Olt- ,' �'L, L - still: keeps up her boxing. Saturday, reuutllliva ot0r Sunday, that tilt) jury will assess drainages in few cold victuals 4" STED CLOTHS, ' : -Por .and about Women. GIRL§ AVD IIOME3. and returning to the city on Mun�lay. this i +dc.. tit $100, judgment coittg ,t r Yes air I ligula litind it. D oix ., Xade up )z Best Style card Worjc11 - BAltimore American : No parent i tnornin�. Previous to tLls utile far tlntt .auiouut apd costa. Our Aro able to worlc, and you ruga t got % manship cit AL7•aTia7n Salritlr's, ) tt. �I AS '` A.iiNOT9Y ('��UQIITl') QC)ESTIUN. Ca❑ do better than to give his there was uo evi;)ence of arty cline_ ohjr.(a is attained iri the eVidenc° anything hare." • Grumps walits to,kilow if it is a danahter asubetantial library. , Her ival littercaursi: batweeiI Mrs'.'Ir.vio ;'ivtlti tVhiuli conclusively proves , Good-bye, ma'aln; if I can hold I - 11 1; ra ser lea ear ciistou� for wonxrit mind must, he stored with kuotvlede and the defenJAnt i{ ]road G, Sl)+itl,, the hullf, out,tu drag myself awn from er r 11 ,, } 1 Py Dir. Bigelow I am content' i,hat o y' Y y Aow iii stock: One'of the cheapest 1.to bi�'e up Keats in a crowded ]tall' if site 'is to take ]ter proper position but it Could Ise, shown.that, during, r yard you'll cover seg Ino ag'in. ]ant •t or church to ;ten 2 No :shirt is one in life. A part of a woman's her stay At Niai;Arn Le took-ndva,lt the jury ASsrss damages n the «tic$ Lesl stuclrs of a11loout named by my 10arned friend, }t is hard, madam, to .be thus un i _ � Of the cust-ouls more, honored in the educatio' n is to woke a good loaf of age of the nl,sencu ut ha►• h,tal>ar•tt; l ,}0n t•t.hiuk� I.could ask' them to foelin']y treated after standin up WINTER- _ 0L0`1 HI�NC � ' brre.:uaa than otherwise. bread: We Bleu trust eat. A girl and on ons or utore occa5}onti Suuh tlsseas` them at a less sutnr for ycr fanl'ly tulles it was i{g 11 + Ax ot,n PtAIR's saLAcn. is not fit to be called a girl unleas criminal intimacy (]ill take place. ' slandered,!" ' An old maid people say I ata, and what elle can make bread, and the world '.Che evidenee ou this point would he The jury 'ium-dinteld agreed to AhII� CLOTHS. ' girl ought conclusive and of such a nature ns the vureliuG, and so ended this cels• 11 When did you' do that I" ' I 11 ;, they say is true; , is fiudma that out: Every n e + hr:tted case. It is gobahle that "Jos' now at the,'ueat house. Yet A Full kine of GENTS' FIIR- `a': i;Vif thcer are joys in married life those joys t0 be a Good l:ouseheepnr. If she to call for the awArdil)g.nf til,• full }• - 1110Yer.knew, la C,Ot, rile Vanllrg mail who ;tarries amount of datuitges claimed. No nothing r11Ure will 1')t) i,P.Ard' Of 1G little boy Was. over'there, an' the NISHINGS always ill 13tt)Ck. ,;, 13ut married ltfu is oat all joy I'ye heard a hones himself. earn waull, coral,ensnta Lhe tltlin'tif} until JIr•. Irving,'s petition' for div woman called biro n red headed. - �:::. �_-- _ - �ttta�maimied..tell,..,.�.- Ler will (late to keep 1-�etcGWes�-beVf1--dt=e_;BeJlate z- rat-anUo,1 --hi-rat.--tufo ltoxtto 4 It IT 2�a,! stoat tu.eccll ���_- . _. T +, . And if. I've missed its honey I've missect Roman possesses a 'treat .c'eal` fir Wfor iaiiljn"ry� d iWi� ]I1�tiCiit�c5fii�i c1]( _ were b.ringin' mo a great floppin' ABBANAiJI SMITH. its gall as well. auhstantial life: If she stands Ly defendant., who jtad been the e, an(Ittv A Georgia Lover's StratA em ur, o' grub on a platter at the tone, T • If I've neer petted as a hn'sbmld pets his her father ant] another and home, ;leans of.breal(!ng uli his honiN and g J a o -.- _.-___ wife, b.ut I couldn't sta>�' it; au' I says, I've'ucver been had a servant girl to war.. if she iceeps the pai1o'P"in order wrecking the happiness of his lift, „ A young cottnttytntiu who had eoz I. "D'Iadam, t to little feller's . 1 ry nut my life, and now anis then slips into the Margaret Stoughton testified that 'long ]ovoid a girl who lived a mild hair ain't reel.' , A jiOUVG ,LADY s'rurs sxott9, kitchen and tins a talk with the cook, site had been ens +aged as a ❑urst) is i b or tn'o Frain him, says the American "Atl, I sag, and you have lusta�e Tl.lere'tvas a remarkaLle segue at elle will be giving herself n truly the house of Andrew M. Irving oil (Gra) P0[)ulllic:w, Was uo►ily in your food by it! But hold on; HUMOR a.11; 11 Louse of womanly education. The x omen February 2, 1881, and want to N!a- despair about tt inning her Kauai I'll make it all right tvittl you. Iced . i �, ttri intended marriages at the of the land need a`little waking up ' a Fredericton, N. $., clergyman the para •with Mrs. Truing x11111 this child and Was on rho eve of selling out ]leaded, indeed ! 1'he Child's head. .1 Iother afternoon. At four o'clock a 'to this. The women of America on July I. They tools up residence and leaving the country, as the girl is no more red than mine 1". _ young man swell -known resident of are not so active as those of Europe. in A small cotLaa++ in tit() town ott'n- had ]ofu<oil kiln three times and it ,, B[LLS ' In German they are requeoted to , I'Laniteo madam, that looks liho lo +` Catdigan, and a youn1. g lady In 3' ed by 11 r, Unt ll,IH. It was n £rain+: tins out that She was engaged to the stuff. Coht hat;, yes—yes. A Lave a trade. In Englancl they cot tare, with. +t veraudnh. l'11ey' another fel low. Our hero had ;otic ing to..Wootllaud went to the house ]lel titt•ir llu+lbands in business nntl little too Balt is the only trouble printed on the shortest possible noticr. of a rlergj'man residiria on George P remained .until October 1. Mr, ed that his rival and the girl would with it. I 'low this is baker's All work 1''IIIST-CLASS and •Prices as 1.accou11ts. Lot me ask, do yoB tlMp- Irving carate on Snturday est 1tiligs Walk in the old meadow field every Loa as au office West, of Toronto. 1'' street with the intention of gettiu your, mother 4 Does your father, bread- better n lou c}` be likely to Y married. The epremony had comp and remained until Monday ;torn• afternoon and ho row niad1 eal- make I reckon- You should al'a •s a i-, think Itis house happier because of ing Site kri.cw ' 1Tarold G. 5ntith ous. In his cattinglie had a young y Consult you+ antra interests and dill #J meucec[j�and the prospective" bride your presence in it? Can you make " Y a take , the stones, out of Alliin muco, s'l'at 1 r•.tv.,4 ,vow) o0ioo before placing ,Ia( aa[d she Would accept the young y wile visittd rat the housr, his firot bull that was always mad with Madain. No mustard for the ham I your order fol- any class of Printing 1.i t min as her Eastland. Tile minister a good biscuit I , These„ are honle call ,being shortly aftor their arrival.. every thing but,his master, because' uestiaus. Yeti must feed the body Ah, yes, you have, tltaukao. Don'E b �r �T �(? rJiUDT> began to draw a picture of ninrrias,a q Hils visits were frequent, brat wore he was.;ttl esprcial.]let. Now I>av6, ]leer t'ot any beans, ntnd:uu-t'acd'ptn VV l�•� 1'1#iL t 1J that had proved to ba unhnnpy, as well as the souls and, woman must made duri11g DIr. Irving's absence, as lie called }tis b"all tuns to be the , know all about home life. She to 'your husband ! I ui vut:y fond pelletal Pri7cter.� cg, PubTishe? Without waiting to hPhr tho bright He got to be on friendly terms with object with which to satisfy Ilia o+ pie -keep the. plate, RtadttiR- . side of the llicturt+ she pushed Kar must govern her ]louse. 'It is Ler pars. Irvin the became mare, titan revenge. He would tut; him into „ eoi era where shaean receive her g' Y thoilgli til°o nudge cruet ell thifi is CLINTON,p�-PpRpQ; is i' lover's hand attny rleulnrina I will p friends. Slit' Incl Icnrltv,r Sluith to rite, nloaduty, hide himself, au�1 sets jest a littlo nligl7t raw and doughy. _ " 1.friends and show thein her Nandi` -'You should a warmed tile+ coffee a Roc httveyon," Tho you;;; anal suss stay+"all day, all that uigLt, and t.j,e; Li Ileal tOsstd like n football, So - ^'-} - , 11 work. Dont reach old age and o to Dave, tittle—try an' nli,nd it next tin7o T a,.. thunderstruck, I.ut uuither Le nor next morning. 1-10 stilyed in \II•s. ono afternoon stilling the minister could induce her to say You n�yer marl'o a single life Ir in 's bedroom • thi•t occurred in who,would follow hint like a dog, + f .:..- ha Go into our homes to v li ' call. Jus c]o up that chtV (el) au cliange her inind. She seized her PPY y' August. Mrs. lrvin,;;'a 1w room the f paned to the, .ltto.itruii loft 1170111 tarts for n10 --In pl'lllLed pn])el', ATTENTION- �� ���_ '__ tvpttps and left the house, and iha adorn, rating .and benntify them. was o11 thtrground floor anti her own the lelfeo dotivn, :old tnrneil the proferred, then I can rand nn' ill) - ��' atria a tt'a,riudeGnitiay pastlratxnl. Oo to your. homes to make them roont was upstairs. \4hcn sL0 came, buil iu. 14o then trolled ells nod prove lily mind. ' lTory ]:cur('ul of ' m happy• downstairs in tl,e titorning she I � aii] w+tlkud lro.und as miserable as a - t PISS, YOU HAVE. ' l• c mon cnida hu lVllu was corriruittiug ulJ ntuld, mndnln, very, \Nell, FARMERS I } volt BrrRACTORY Witi•5 yntith speak severWtl tints, s,t,rl sbe goer} by l' o ' i A trim, con. case occupied"the at• knew lie was in Mrs. Irvin -'s hods an evil deed. An hour or so later tent ion of the assize court at IlAmil- The snitnn of Morocco has trig• lie Lard the deet luutterings of ' "Just a'momeut my good man - ton, Unt,, 'Inst stilly, The covered a new use fbr bicycles. room, When Le, trier enure Le stogy` l ° dt�d it unlace her pretty nngry tv" p}�+ the bull and lrnsi,ty 1) to the ItTltiplew-rots . ed in the dratving•roorn, She heard t � ou told her his hair tVn�tu't rad 4" r � 0 '� interested parties belong to Lynden, He leas"found them to, he admit, him Burin iha night ; from he,r meadow fence, Le alto lhty about .y' :, a sn+ai1 Village about twelve utiles ably suited for the puni,tbnlent of room sus could !roar the voices, She twenty yards hmn rho couple, [taw• ,,No,'tllaLttil, not at all—[ gnard west, .of the city. Charles Gibbons refractory wises; and he, no doulit, iu'+ dirL rind slinking his Lead. Tho oil agai11 it, ill)ulain ! I ens l]1cH ' + remcntbered Mrs. Irvi:l t(tl:i•t,g hila a Implements! is the plaintiff and Dr, M. Forster fens very much o ,lined to iha• his breakfast, tinct he oras in her Miall ons trying to set Lhe girl to tLis, au2 I : tiadam, rho little iha deTen1.daut, T'ho in"iter had been ilrenuh Rnvnrument, ttich preset+t� tall, but shn ryas so• tort, ell shu fuller's hair (+ip't tell !" au' then I room theta. There was 1110re tilnn could n')t muvr;. Thn ball 'laic a acids• on au'. says, "It's Moro of a in tilt- hai,it of treating the plainti8"s err him with n hnnrlsi)mc alitchina a 0110 Occasion on which h': st-Ill, Ill brindle, riIa lam ; but I don't Llnnlo tvifs, end Gibbons aver; that the year or two ago, for introducing do h rand tLt` fellers ran shrieking 11 alVantA sof his oaitioh. so useful an invention to his int- flight there she did not know 1'�'t' for the fence, The Lull dnFhed on yon 1'or not wanting' such a pi'zup I JICC!ORDIIUK SEL1+�.13I?�J)EItS, V doctor took g P often but it occurred, shout ttvire + ! ' '' * '. The hlintiff's suspicions were first pr�rial notice. It. is obviously ben voelc. Shit knew of no circutlt• after ttlu flying fellow; while our Iclolcin kid tonna-lies li'blo to 1.1t.:\PFhS, IOIRE11, - ;� o, :a p a t iirouse,l [ly the indifference of Ills cath iha dignity of n sultan to rid° stento which would indicate thnt (lisconsolate oulI r ]null hnviug Steal sniall things !" IIs -a grubtFare ;;Zi ED DRILLS, iIOlt3IE) AT�ES ' wife to,vard him, and these sus i• q bicycle himself; enc] until quite re, ant )ed the fenee, rushed to the botte'r seasoned than }oir'n, nr7 Yo !, PLO INS, P Y ' l they occupied the same bed, excret J 1 get tend 1 Ile 4 IYbg? \'ou I ' cions were confirmed when he went Gently Diuley Ilnssan hardly knew P girl, as the ltiill dashed an after the l)on,t a Y o CUTTING Rf)N1aS, SHEI.I,EItS lining early £alts afternoon and heard what to da with bis present, But on ono occasion, tvhert she tined++ +l l' fugitit'a ri 1, nntl catching her in haiu't, gut uo clog, nn' I cnn't acorn ! ETC., ETC., ,` the Ked after LH had staved till leis arm:+, FId hill. such a coward Good mornin', nmdruu. There's a rustling rioiso in tbo, direction of a use was found for it at at last. night, and thought it had he'en oce•it 1 Aml' all julplementa used 07-a farm his wife's bedroom. When, hots- Tha ladies of iha in,peria} harem g , I Was unworthy of her. Aa I),rve ser kid coin now !" as (Idea its, the Best> and as Cheap ' ever, ho,got into tie house"tjae doe. seem to have taken ndvantage of Pied by two persons. stew his young mllatec h0 left off r�� o I pUi'atlltlg iha other man returRod as the Cheapest, at ter. and Ilia wife ` unconcernedly the recent illness of their lord diad Cross examined by Dir 13irr,1 ow , ARTlenc dot+ FsRlNrllyO �.^ W.CJL�•+� ��J %` a sitting at either side of the stove. piaster to -Nave a series of quarrels witness said she did not speak to , and wont licking ltia hand, while NEW TYPE . f; the indignant girl vowed she would TYPE NEW Later on Gibbons, in Forster's pre• anlong themselves•. Whet the .her riiistress or to Dir. Irvin about " FINS WORK...... .... _ . senct,Reused his wife of infidelity. sultan 'recoverod, the delinquent the matter. One of tht) visitors never spcnlc'' to n roan that was IDIP1,EMENT WA, REROOMS, 'Cale doctor denied over having done wives were brought before him for during July gave the nan1R of Mr, afraid of a COW. .Silo soon afterwards THE HURON NEWS -RECORD CLINTON. ONTARIO ' ,%; Anything wrong, but Mrs. Gibbons ]+uniahfnAnt ;and there is a truly Preston ; she did not think that mnrrie(1 Dave's boss. CLINTON ONTARIO ` " - I. I . . . t • as . ' . '�1 . I . ., ,. a . .. .. . , . , I , " , . I I I 1, . . . . 1* I .1 , . ., , � ,­ . ,,,, . I " ". , . I - I .., I, I 1- - ol­11110 . # • . r k:r .