The Huron Expositor, 1888-11-23, Page 7a
28 1W
ir for
siats on DIM- 0rl" belvwj aid p he] had'.�beefi kept itsiding THE FARMERS, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE.
ks left by 1% who THE'.. BIG MILLS,
-former teubfit. W, 'p - tt r - dhrk oak for at least th4ty'. mi utes.' Hv6n thell
-UANbAt, lisuner the id.rao ries of our ery pre I in
ly 11�
nber still stodde A doublerow.*of -0 occupied by
texture, cost $1. Z each nuf it -For e -ch -,�he rty At Present
itstioul- with - cane there were not X(rats, enough, and
-ey shall be wt�der are q7aes- bottom of (11 RTHN' BAhking. House-
shall-Ae at ged chair& (possib y IM FOR SALIL
ran ;wn of irh�i
V&*;jjat&th - AF
York aniand Iii -one 'o' posite the rogdepoor Mr. n,
lot on mblebols er----d. a`
$7.50 for half do chairs faced the windows, �g
V ilist. iixtikrest every housewife 'in MW ore I
$5 paid for a d ightful arm ch these^t a I
ng seven rqpms witit
n file bAve now- been
9 Theabove m
if.well chosen and ��teftilly� ad. r the lady sipare6id from her Mix- Crarfaer dwell! containt
V� they_iA-d reatly to, the artistic head of the h se. A ndw article -, pat- *lia' d, apparently, by a' large cushioned thoroughly re-. woodshed. ere Isliard and soft water. - -This
f 1.,ropoftylo Zonvenient to I
-h Aerned after e 'chairs of 'a hu' bult upon the, complete he busliliss part.01
to thid Omil appearance, ndred ch it. Just back of them stood s1aft'
(in coniiection wittiviia Bank of montreal.).
Years ago. F be town, and will be sold tbesp. Apply to
H-ior There - &�e many var- . F -case- and her aid and an -elderly gentleman.
inte d's old college book M,
THOMAS HENDRY, Se forth. 1ONtf
^�f draperlesx light .4r - �ibavX, for- —an 0 ken ch. �st of four drawers; with The gentleman in the Chair stood up and
and doors,. varybik, in price to: ur shelves, - inclosed,. and' with glass lifted Aia. vAliset a coat, and ap, u' A -4ALE ORTO RENT FOR FIVE YEARS.
all purposes was vi!i e lady put 4.'yrap —A ArAt clato Unnin the township of Tprn-
Thi Mill slid storehouse illdings havabsen "BANK0110l AND FINANCIAL AGENTS. -ot 8 andpartif 4, in the 'boventh ell
m naive, thin- ard. I ove(t thie- wooden knobs and loome books. Into another chair, V greatly aRlarg anct--new machinery applied berry,boingL
Aujopg the
heres, of which 103
are. cleared and In & gg
of v- from the dra 4ro, a througliout. 41ses on Market Street Concession, containing 107
X_ fi& placed in. their. while the hfisband the gentle-' -Now in heAr own prer
door le td do� duty for s side-' into the' chair. , Th
oat blex bo
averware, first,. the mt alins a )od state D( cultivation
a W Some, of stead old-ffs-ab ned. braga handles. which' man. Will you occupy my wife!s- ite- A, 8 o� fil ind-611-1 except Ab0ut,4 acroo.
im's P I
theilprettiest are Seaforth' oppos ree of stumps
seat t, w, Banking Bus
cost' me $1.50#r eight. Theglaiidoori I is return, and keep -thesis othqr THEIATE T IMPROVED ROLLS. , thess do e, drafts itsued A fine orchard -a good frame dwelling and large
a. cream ground with deur de-lio in. Genera n
re taken iv�my' ud a our-' -deposits. 1� WIth frame driving sheds &q.; are on
bank ban
ink,, blue, ellowt toi, -or. with- we altogether, -a' chairal for ui ?11 11 Ce'rtainly," respo�pndj- and cashed, Iniorest allowed on - e prem
y th ises. The, firm. is well ivgtefid.- For
old, I
)allg in colors.. - tain of gauze atch the window . our- ad the -oni 'addressed,- with a surpiriiii LrtfdWxro apply. tw the I 'to on the
taint; and m el'*across* look �s he took the chair. As soon hines or m6itio� remises or to J. Cowan, 19roopx"etorr. 10M(
ative. de Flour
On good notes VMMML,1Vroxetei'P. 0. 1092 tf
A v d -Y e. ffe sighs iwiids if judie. D ONEY TO LEND
lody wiedr.elegaut, i14 61in, !a imi- on a brass -with small rings', - Thb- the People had.. departed Iie emptied .-D- R *_ 01 H A., 16 8. E.
-both. �hairs, sayin -was. "the boot. acturing . Fl� me W.
twelve yards c f Madras gauze: necessary to the lady. who have"booli JOHN WHIR M LOGAIN
ta -pf.;. the- expensive man silks. p4yelch beat S LOGAN. E IN SEAFORTH FOR, SALF----;
n as A. ?
C016ringG Of -single front' 'still, stAn( -eve Ing necessary -table and -pleas -
a. for the doubl'-windovi, a fing: PI. seerno reason wky� Has i�world wide-ropii- atio �d and From added to enable
utln&]3fd IV. Forssiejebeaj, the comfor
Themmue.itis have it t authr)r'- I -Its --blarldral d -Dandolion'LiVer Cure V'
Owl, , 4r, R4 b
lig -diseases e
4 wind inatifel drapery were ould li�b have these seats un i - curli g':all. nor GiGra out antly situated reel ence, forn: drjy occup
the -ked the late Wri. R. Fisher. The house is fn
youid pib i balfgainlitir .1pe6ple i§t ' n-. They,- haVis'prob. o the Kidney and Lt�or..
Rom= silk&;: in O'ne torn: lit Is h tilumph of uIddliqat skill,
neacock $5,; and gave yo
iredoildinateeju ano er p, these ur f
u class repair, having been newly roofedthis sm-
met ana -coji
T tains a Parlor, Dining. Boom.,
dull reds. 'l),ugh at in be -in - some timi.." thes -NINIS 0 Dis t alien 'and. four'Bedrooms, besides Closets And
an eifect a oliolor of'dark olives slid- ably jone to -a late dinner, and will not
blue, A feipge to. match a %be7obtain- Sym R EOO D TO NO
the curtai - at# r#or ti may 11 y ruir, �apk. e6ts on Wa
0 t
tif-you saw me *Kidniy 0 lq'l'j am- ress ng
6d but 118 p effoo ve �but you 0 d no it i .6d Vy: two giateful wo, n.,' 1 e wood -shed. There is bard and soft waterinthe
were Decupi �:y ischeds, an or reoilving
Vi*out it. In'the-Dom n. The facilit.66A
y rds of 'rag carpet of home Two iours later, when this boat was op- pains In the back-, O. -dull pa ']to from fa and for elevating and shiplft
bought five Until your hair, becomes 4rYj thin# and Kitchen. Also. a nice garden wel. planted
in 6r'iQ9ht in the
Then there ire the'dIffie t variqties. bladder onictr.;- scaldl g e eded. various kinds -of Fruit -trees. It is pleasantly
and,base of * tho. abd ved Gia in can ray b
naively impro ejore. ilvin' th' attention ne
auslins iiith V -are man - ags were on njo TvaWalso deen r
vhiie �j '�fa�tufq-(khat. 4s, the r t. posite Fify -situated near part of the town. F0
es that y -ninth streetj he former vio- urine- often obstructed f requ6nt now,k taken. rain farmers' wagons, welghodi
Thii further particulars appli at Tim Expospro*
and oewed country home, and were cup�i o (if the seats to pro erve its beaut�. and vitality.
Vi used. ; and plain. 6r am scrim. hits Y urin4e, eipipiail at'night, �inong age
per And load In care # the rate of 100busliple, -able a bottle oj 10140ej Seaforth.
of durable, a a an *ooldn. garments.) mani: estea great impatience because sons;- hot�..dr� skin, pale complex1oh, red and". Keep on- toilet -t
into favqr again. T1, e serim our- per hour work of two men., . . : - 1. � -
o4*Ple -diz r stoithach,-eon- e- Let
This i6ost me 2-.50, 1 �ut in iwo, lengths 'th6ir seats werg oq6upieA,' gua-forgot in. white deposits, ziness, sou ees Hair Vigor-7the only dreiging,
hemstitChed all ar)und by hand
twins are Aipation, plies, llv4ri dr' algal 01i SALE.—For Sal
'tione t 01) 'lie hair--mand us
and sewed, i togith ler� The. border theirt o thank the jdntlei�aii
n( ou rQquire br t e a littl8t -0 No. 8, on the7 13th Concession Of Stanley,
tiodback with a ho [some ribbon 0
puzz ly cared fortheir things. SYMPTOMS aud- and the berth part of Lot 7,,on $be same conces-
led me, f r it needed: s bordef, half who halkilid oxyer the
bow. $TON JE slon, bolitaining U2 acres, of which about 10
-it large enough. A- The otter absence. of any sense of - the. at n under A'LAR
tj .. i.', ei 00m, dal P eut are cleared, free from stumps, underdrained and
9 , a yard wide t make
The Madrasis 41 a handsome, visit to a
real Liv t pev
caiplet wavi�g establi inj notice inheir' seeking to retain fivel. Aes,
-Y ihoulder ble
tired fool-
Tboin lbam. The balapo is well timbered with bard
ss the coloring is go, a iful that ito dl, sallow complexio a.Xunday,.Sharon. in a high state of cultivation. The soil Is a\play
e me the n, t as ohairp for the. use 6f7 throb ersons-_'%.
to d haimoniz- 'liair,
gav i4e4 iugges, ion for that ho
ni.�Itg in to, n r oer
Ig lfe� 0 , he, nobej dyspopsi 5evei;1 Inontlis:ago-my Thi
a" fa &C1
ie vatio0a r which I thrle in g ati I spots, pim 14, 0. Mr writes wood. Preis a never-falihig spring mek ruu
the dining. saloon au4 Vt.
.with eveiythihig;VWith ich fi comes, well, as for two in d e on
of - . . - d in jpW7 ing through th.0 Place', and -no waste laniL
-to buy. --nevek ',a -M 0.
cinnineneed falling: �out, 4
-large bank bitn
.rd Tpurchised tb eck -saloon ntisi�d thei�
could not. ain
oonts4. b.ath7e ' . . I . ... -a.. . . - I
imitatim, is seldom. HOW CURED -bald. I There is.s good dwelling house
small remnants of ingrain barpet from a, min 11" boon put I an nee machinery for eelco: head'wai almostz with stonb otabling and frame Ming hou
ry se�-and
�(11 0- o good
Una no by, *pler of refined taste. Mandrake and Dandoli6n are naturels; Liver hsn I dhop nd pq (in" other gotid out -buildings. There are tw
Ir me y
-laying house, at7 5 centv a pound.. Q oures,:and;-ivben 4detnbined' with kidney e a- A rains. -but tl�e
havin a'arinkled carpet phedd bee ored so that wagons boafjr4 �rcbardo of the,aboicept trees Inchiditig
It required, tv �enty pounds. for -the nee- ver'Cure, will, -most* fill ghta bottle o
�ripes of red dieo,- va in, Dr. Chasols: LI al y Oil Ayer's apple, pdaeb,'pearglum,,&c. Ifis convenientlj*
white, groulid e unto 9 and-rell
I . A updor cover
ely. cure all Kldne�-Llver-iroubldo. It i yards of bordering. 'half Y'I�u- ;v6did-be burVtWed if ou. abould tiv apart situated to, seboo 9, churches, and markets.
Dr yellow, and witli' ettdid -fringe essary fodrtec He& Vjgo;- a d,. after u ing onij a
, n
yaril wide.,*! This 1 out into. stri -out acts like a charm., Aluiulating-the logged liver,.
to , are- ext mely pa see �hetn. Libo'king of the Window There are about 65 acres under giass and the
ato dbot pretty ig the k1d6ys and*. invZorat covered
nIn. Ing the, y_ g crop. There Is
ide sewe a -several of them.. strengtherilt 4 bal d f )r fall orsprin
a Imorniag, I can 9 i e WHE -EXOHANGES of tile coitents, -in Imad, wa ance is rea y 4
a, chamber, halt tin inch Ai�d (I as for tag thi whole body. . Sol6by alf -dealers%at with
fori summer parlor or fo witli a heavy growth of halt. T-recoul- saw.j,,alll on the farm, a half interest in wbidh
eavers, analia the-, mo
carpet, sent to the' d The nearest neighbors Hve in oui of the: Receipt Rookjwbich alone is worth ney. in be sold. with the farm If deolied, . The whols
at the on- is be turnid Pro mptlY Atten4ed to, and ho best bar-
Thwfringii a top ike m : ner. It made B, -most beautif, Dp.. CuAsr& Pims are I 'the. only mend your prepaT, on as t p)
it.. wOvell in %U 41 Mew York city- ,operty will be sold obeqp and'on. easy terma6
6v_er, forming a valance.
Xidllff* KidneyjAver Pills. niado. -They -toter in tjjeL.%V ai the Pro
reading branches shade three res prietorwisbestorettre, A plyonthe
thick and el( Astit looking, border, at a its freat a
Rotei A�oth 'striped drapery act gentl atofloctual)y. Stay -be- FIRST 4ASS ROLLER 'FLOUR EXR B. DETT-
er 0 comes by the promises, or to Blake P. 0. H t?
cost of iweaving sndall,'ind' has, yar a, Ang it is. t�e h6md of a great Li e illy haiVIVaS faded
$3.50i V r u nk any ofiip1o*meht., lomf
�ird and is -made of silk 4d linen. The taken d Url
m 1 for four jears and still looks of birdsi, The sparrows feel that They oure idney-Livbr troubles
idd -ipe or groundwork is. light well., co 0 Y, Pill GUARANTEED5 31ali-el C. 11ardy, .of Delavan, Ill.;.
in'g a bottl 1VARK FOR SALZi--Ibe fxecutors of the.
and- flght hWache. biliopsness,�eostiveneis' 6 of Aypi1s'Ha1T;VigVr
brown, ith stri in, silk of dishes' Were th6" most expensive it 17thiie special' possession It
-,&c, Onepill'adose. Sold by- all do4lers.
intruders ina room; for *e� hard to keep all other birds Prid, after 11.
kt becalue decehoed, tow offer the follewilig valukble
is latter is 25 cents.
low A Ebtato of the late w - 00 ey' lo
old pink and olive Ill article* in" iabing ithi were.sin I hlorie ja - the worldf and' no do6t, they think. them—away.
IF for Falb,vjz..-Tbo north b4if.of Lot 27 and the
T lof"torily andwitli. utd ity.
%-est half of the n6rth half of Lot 28, -yj�dgvdm&ybeu&edforxash Curtains d OPI -m r one. -dollar and,twenty-five cents per had fe ' ' ntst which. i T', MONSON &CO, Chopped a 4 el
V of , w�ddin prese Vo�dpeaker, the otheidp)r, came to tell
it e*veh if wo at wore BRAD1TORj),'ONT,,'-M6hfi.
us A' at
yer s
fewmarrie e arewithout. Ishopped was spring 6th Concession -of the township of' Morrla�.-
ar a, Dr gg y of Buron, containing, 150 acres About
by all DruggloU._* i 1076.601.: .,3old U
or.fojr window draperjos,,� paching either for them,h6 ver,buying od4 lots a& OU
far hei.vj- cloaks and were glad to sib ve ROLLER.. FL Ists and Ferbuliers.
- ; . Ar For sale 110 aerts are cleand andin.g ion the
to the sill or floor. - oup sr- _ood condW
Ossible. rest or p The balance I
fire, BRAN SHORTS _art being in g
surprising hOW Verr popular -our; or thstauce, my s k His wsrni�g -note of the coming yass.
it it- -me a this window - there�
vice was Of peland,; my dinner., platis rai�- brought t fj labored clilifts, with beach -and n: aple. 7bis
r I . . I -
-sill are- Nervous aftei having tested iti And within One mile of.
t&bn-. reaching to thel adow he a ung, busily gettl mples and Blotch a-favoya0y situated
-of Minton ith veg�tablo. and meat .1 ing� his Much. illkinds of PE es- formi
wonderful Curative". poweis,- in -thousands of'
attrng-tq�be. They seeq, to be replao- aishe il I - . . I - I -excellent
tap'!" were _t elt ithis duty -to snake if known to the village of Brussels wbiebaff4ords an 400
-my ea rast plates d-. oat- oak; peck. I tap, IfO coses, has I -E D., 'FER-D So dis gil h 'i_facey forehead, --aAd market. here is upon tbo promises a g
esaA curtaini, sud�,may be made fellows Actuated by this motivo CHO. P. fi ring to e
ing-th - his' suffering . i
f- 1pauese and Chin rd,by me alone. There was whir an 6febard of cb6led
meal bow—la frame barn and house
ou ering
dins, or th� and for te de a and,-. a desire to. relieve human. ff I wit notan on hand. cl�- maybe ehfire.1 reihoed, by. the rer falling spring, alko a good
e �Pn sparrows ma tly y fruit treco,"a nei
usetif -Ayez ert
d - oadiste Cup -0 reelpej in German; French or English, wi
-4itfier trimmed a we had n charge on'the W4
kjuds of thin silks', iitul - di nt colors; in he air, alalf do
ws�i of send I ree of' charge, to. all who'doeire It, tO ovs $at# This prop
sat Tioes. They may- be )6dpeakero who madal a.. th full liebest'and -we)) and nip, and good Unces
will be so inneor two,parcels to suit inGir.
u;ifle -evq
ee an Highest Mirket Price Paid in
a, untrimmed, and Are looped back CO'T -alike. still prefer this� harlequin hard fight� but mu ers. were against directions ion p0parlW Seat b s af t6rativ '.dlid BlOod-F r r
twa mb� and using stA -basers. Turebaer will be allow(d. to
7hian all by' ddressing naming V a,_ purc
-Wa th window with t le with sta6p,
y taw�n th 8 y (It& Quant er and
that, could, him and he was compelled to flee sh it ... I on. -have moo of bouso on premises at
to. discovere tiftie after harvest slid -to do -1411 dugbink,and-
on set of dish rapqr W.A. 46ym.. 149 Power's Block, Roches. r any
h r- the 'same the sparrows held a j nbilee,- for
L well tM
;o, ml h, rhore.: fre- EL e ichased fo y had Mwe"
and ta - ibb K Y� Whesto 40r, 0- 0 a$$, full iven at I rat Nov
iquenbjy� than; with A 1hel silks been and. ings. for fought and won- the:* first 'battle of the Dr.. �ospegijlon will be 1 er mbor
1, Z . . bomoney-�-$251. Ther, poles, rticulars
Coat Of, gists,,; six bl6t co for 45;_ For terms and pa
ed Irange in� msrw ver is iibighbors are, Vr cutors, or to JOE
pritce fro severity-flie .1ittr Id by Dftig' _ly -to tho
ows br6ught th Such qu XOONET.
re -her BARRELS.
Der e APF idersigned Exe
to two, dollars per srd. The my wl '!Aly year Thi3y are so Mot rqufir, Brussels, Orit. Dae
cents thes sparrowsl happy, EL . d, Brussels, Julie
dinin' oom to $63.25. 18th, . 1M. GEORGE
me ialk ith ddsigns t 0AR]5IFF and W, B.
Castorla, 1 -�eeommended by physicians for"
"a w each other's 'Boclqty, givivo Ou the
is It le a, 2072tf
but bh6r plain hildren tebtbing.. pur6ly - 'vegetable DICKSON, Executen, 114 a'e, notes,.. and � ilf M X
ted col seem to b When f sweei lov
L4VL I . I dop opng est i C SE AND LAND S ALL.
h ra e ( ighs,
it ingredients are published are ind 01 ig
Mq4 favor 9 t _iV 1-16d with ttle turbti- Prog
g th�t
fern I quickly fade away, F
I bottle. is pleasant to the taste and sibso-
e. dhTerentL power, th bloom of' health iestoring, angry lutelybarmleE It relieves. 0911.
hjVV5L: -.or falms;'* bl idlis bf ... ..FOR SALSIPS
.id oven in, second the air fi a
lent Arliskitig, un. constipation,.r
2 ;' " ' - . 1 .1 46 THE,�-BEST
d Can check thdprogreas of decay?
umner from " c ud, b hers 'I sometinies th' yq
The only aid th t's worth vttention, fest ink flist. while lates the bowe uleto pain, cures diarrhba and
windcolle, al V foverlihn6ss,,dntroyo-worms 10111.1 first-ol o and men ill �e kept
thessine ahade� so pres ing plain For is i2 ills of suchdescrl�tl6nf sitting on -the HW�enii-oy'ing the air, child. an3 o attend ou a libibral, -patronge. of
and prevents v,ulslons,,soothes the tomers. Th
rfacest. a -distance. Ong curtains Thousaug:lolf w4men gladly, mention-..; sunshine, nd eacht - Oilie 'a company, feely.* Castorla farmers and g neraltrade rospectftdl� soli(AC04.
r it 'efresh and natural 6
Wil1g. i the mothe'r1s'frIondi
�ercfs Fa�orlto Presoriptioni" . 1:� - -,or al
ones- if '-one 'Tis " PI -bring's two 1W Blst.okberry C� di
re used �vitli thise lei 'his royal roi
The price of Ki _Dr..Plorce'a a chance movement
Favorite. Prescr�?tlon,ls but one dollar. -pe . a -DERKSHIREPIG FOR SER1
likes speoffie collision, and, lo; I s' ok i - retaliationo. 85. do . sqs, 3 -cei to. ALI JLVIE &,Ck 710E.—The tin
won dersigned -will conaeosion
Picir heavy draperies, p_qr ieres, or up. forall those- chr9nic ailments and eaknesses. arid.1 then a battleo der! if I iftle jL keep.on Lot 1
'PROP`AI is' use& in -piculiar to -wonApn. The only medicine for such Woman can bb.conteli.W_ and hap If her TORS 17, 0 ray-, near Walton" during the, esent For Diarrboea, SummO Com
holstering, Ardois brocatolle 0 s Bool- NO Is cover E 19erme, Cholem Infartura D3 -t enter -
ositive chiIdten ate e' fooli CA
olie.for the gr1punds thd other malidiesi sold druggists, mnder a qkin d - with pimples and: blotches ]M' M%nitger season, a thoroughbreii *shir I and genrally
two, colors, -.manufacturers, tbaelMill 'ODY. f -ire removea. T, 6. KE "W%h Irivil- on R the Bowds. It allsysvom-
guarantee from e Thosi.disfigurl ir orupti6no 11 ; ayabler at the time of service rcl*ied conditl
f6rthedesign.'Forexaj�,P18L: popper Ve smatisfaactio Lr m9ney refunded'L SeqguAr- Aj Bparrows �more by the poe of cei Sariaparilla� 'This Medicine BEN ETT. Itin 'acts as an'satrinyent -without producing
ittle further away. are still egoof returningif necessary.. L Wj Cooff
u Venooff 0
rge Is' erfectlys f to,tako, and is a -t o6ghly rea -.109OX4 nd Is -so 'Pleasant, to tbofaste.
-go nd has an oliye-green�de8jgu Others tle r. La bottles 01. Six ouiipus hei' -2
oh� bot -le es
ghbors. They live in hous
Ito le' Wood elilldren, take it read ly.
Od and gold for $64 6t
rlymph, wo jo �- L
6te of diisam and built on a -roof -hoii�es high -enough for r"O PIO BREED —The '-.4ndergifne
7-: near
Ly inq es 1he Publ Lot condess n r,
blue and gold. They si a fift h e-, re 0 Hul ett,
u ' red Brkshlre Ok 25 CeLnts,
an uscr of . - . i I
d e6st nine dollar per. yard. 0 6 of Poultry Such diffiereut n4 (fality and Kinburni a Thorou
&man to atin d up in
store jt6 weak and keep on
-ighbors froth the apar -gr -hair, b I 1.� Hair Ylgor. -to
t jj.* all. silk one very ele.- 'a at e_1 'in dem I,-,- I Iti which a limited nual er of soyVa will be� taken. the roL a Tall, bi tif al majestiii -1 They - Through it 0 iftig and ng qualities,. -It
99 w ean
ulation of an uff add cures PREPARED BY
ligllt -gobelid Wint be expect 0 n-Tuf nid a d was bred Dy
Put w er-time, ut hens canfiot pr6v�ints t 0
got r, and.- 0 . breoders.
John wear costs -of beautifid -fawn - Colo Greed Sdnoi.;tfia well-known,
Elue�with _ #,,T -U _ uning desi n of gold and.. ed to Jay if ey are sca�tily or irr ces- of dblight -because has. &''full, r6glateied." pedigree � end Is-& ve
rM bar larly fed. Terins_;One -dollat with t 0
_'gold oat f donoss, their iness; superior. an mal
-treated by.
Sldwdis.laseb cannot be succssffilly prilegre of totuining ir-necepskry.a
6 litom - ate'constant sour h t 'ROBB'S ROBERT-
ok a* f riendl� 3-ERTS
o u4r gen
hey should alwiy RO[
lined - n. Richelieu T 0.� J. 8
ids -is inide of silk a A linen with. good food PI ced-where they can'get it,
atlond._.�Thii ropor way to. cure
their grace. Have, you guesse( W. a external appil 1097 BLOM'
habituated CARDN019
'tround of ',one, color and design- of an- and, after th have become they are? BisituWdl Vhglish mkstiffs such complaint's Is"to purify tFebldd-d wlthA�er'o
r . Cii)unt-0'11 Jewelry Store.
-1ooks like's�- silk dainask. bd ind enou -at all times and plenty in and St. 8ernrd dpgs.' There 'they -:live Sarsaparilla. jUndor tho-Walizini influen�o6.1
other, an4 t�* of this. indicine 411 the fnctions of the' ody 0r CHESTER WHITE PIG.�The undersign at will -keep d I - t - n Lot
)lig J -hi -velours are the Fedora,, hav- their: feeding troUills, they take but few. e �ble having h 'esont season a
r r
Am( 9n �Iie'roof-qf a latg hpaltj aetto R A.,
at bkoug4tintQ n.
OPU00AAR-GROCE Y A A WPIPuckeromith, re re, - comfo.rb and- bar$. `.The are
Ing a disigilot a lighUir %do than the- kernels a I ime, except just befo y 21, Concession 2, LL."
,govej-hangty or thirsty.
'ken. 'This p1g__w*a*
ground. A tortiere of th a bad a ground tiri '' to - joost,. when they will take 'in's Won jowd oii4h.,Bed Chooter7Wh1te Fig 0 which A. litait0il'
ths ing-- . As I write, it is safe to,iise Fre6in -era, as C6p�er`L red Wj ol�Q� nful in their crops number Of sows will'. bo� d
u 9 , act only on the ivorriis and do, no -injure the farrowed -on May loth, 1887,was-bii
-6 design in, ecru. nearly 'S to' �i
i8shinin 'S. H. Rob rts!
to g on a large., low t b
ohlrd n
thab'the.stableman has', )AN, N ST. 9 SEAVORTHS Todd;of Wakeman,, Aur %rD
com on-Coun Ohl Of
ffea.66abild' port reE[L rquiring just so sure their provision es filled with fresh
Mer L and it Sick mheadacbo, caus d"by. imedis of, bile or s' oat extens
ingL handso 'a
-i tder
egularl-Y'L so sure the m
I -Plj- bai &lob- taken. &V
idd,linings thbre fa 'not scanti! water affin carefully washing the tubL by JV,6 Land rol able
sheila. It -shades' eautifully as it they will raveii up a whole �-mp full at ��How daint1ly,tbt,,,y.d0nk !—their.beau, dis rSlered wh is prbvap -In.theUnItedStates. Thif
ShoWn, L
PjlIjPL trot prizes' whercoVer 0 1 M1 . k
than tA a u6ion-1. WORM jai RUP
�.i in rich, he;Vyy fol a atiil is not� a timej an4i *111 stop laying, E gg shells C. ngues lapping. as
le n, -ink -1hritlithe prIvIl o,of
rable at tho4lmoof service, inter, when -the ts. are B Mile: still being o5ered it JW
therevas ndthing they enjoyed Painhil Burno, bruises, scalds d *01, . . . I . . .. - i .- . - I I I I .
r expensive for contain. flm�l aha in. w returning If necessary'., GZO7tOE P
11, jjice� drapery. quiakly-sooth4d dn&htulod, byy�o
js the ninst effectual RfmcO� on, the, Market for
atch the a earth .18. baq�nd with., frost or covered go� 1jjUah?,_fi6L 6lear, coiii witer. f.Vh@y ". �orla Carbolio. e p fringes made to
othe &PUISIon �of Worms of"411 kinds; nd is so
maOr i3ge conipan 'On. the aide t T)@A8v
und I nod
Concession 211 -to t
r in -diffierent with snow, iflime if' not. provided for have stra ions 111ronip pte'nt and pornuCtiontiresults always A OOD.PIG.—The ors ske that Ohildtpp ask forino
leam tv4syfrorn the co' 6 atic uinind
a thorough,
-Widt g, ranging 'hog to 0
h from tOt ini, e therm tHey V, y, 6r -.4f they do -not laj of' a tall building, not fi ine f rom!thd use of blilburrf�'Ar in at 51r, W,
oaf where o a I
r UGARS1_ lately, Try a Bottle and 6 convinced.
made f necessity be without �a ur beanifful'idogs. liep is wine.-, - bred Berk;Alre Bear, f 0
depth Of the cuitaih. : the eggs ropot 0. o�umhased from Mr.. GeorFe, Greeh,j
in silks au4: *oolens� an4 some u houisbo isvery'apartmeht oc-'"
times in" shell, Old ilbbish, -like that from old 1�wrge Sigeo
CROCKERY Ontario. � Sir William ever-was.beatexi at PRICE 26 ents.
cotton. chimneys anii �ld buildings is proper, by pigeons of .Quaker gray, of -show. - He took firsti plaoo at tho1nd&trlaJ at-
�eded ken for themo Iffell-chose color, of Puri Wb leptembor, 1887 1 fire
draperies ire the making and only ne i to be -bro �aw Ae; pigeons with AND. GENERAL oronto, In E b 'at the Pie, PREPARED 13Y
vin0jil at Ottawa,
Itempt, to swallow -es of 1eathors ilt 1887; ' Seaforth
of X rooyn. They need not ne�esfsrily They will - ten a feathered ego; with ruffl Wbep ]12�by I Ole 6 her CastbliS Mitchell and:Staffa in,'1888. - at was brea
_f 1 PI We 0 ploces 0 as large as wal- Aby tinja you- 0 GROC RTS.
'bat the Coloring must beL go d aster I ok 9AV J.. 110wo, h land, and: has f
be rich. ;O_ nd their J. R
too and effi6ti A ainiple I rh with of- nuts# 0 diplomat.fro' the.leiding
win you s& dogi abd for C it rizole And
e� �d6w When she W� A Child; she oii4
'pi ese owsinEnglind:aafliLto-day the- best Ww leptive dra&ry nt a mu I have of n heard it said that Be -a inpanio� Dlruggi
; IF91L n- a in CIO 6 When sUe b6oW6 Want. she clung to. Cisteds; Odr'stook j' d L -the Chemistl sto
sre 80 iship. Yes- otoo at
doMb. 9 tie' anil-'our prim as 1yominlon'of Cabida. $be
ban a much is the best grain for them, but I W,
terd sy. a beautiful St. 1kirnstd. was sun..
moreAuxurious appearan 1ef t st.prize it all'the
rie 0 himsel . ion -abed' -str4w,aftd-on. din low as goo, I goode.dan be bought for..,
ra.- , % when 66 Chu 14is gise them castold bead of the hord tlfit-Wok fir T Seaforth.
ber roo*,%V1t tit. dra- )e th y ill sing over IndiaUCOM. of leadin"-hows in Canada this f 11
L 'shy
'$2 �'for gracips
inimation than over owith more neck 'dood a anow-white piggeon tho.roug r.e.
-with- this
the tiffie of service, rivilegolot
unif e 0
'ed fit three
'ftom a
H s, other grain. The singing hen- will' cer- regain# her 1eathers. L The d4g It boo
sh n god,
y e - III bths; $1.50 will Wiliar OBIAS. VASH.
tainly I& do all things- ently enjoyed edinpaniQnship, for
fell L aL4 f to red, 9
RE fit
that her; but the heni, is rose 'and
in the agreeable t is beautiffil tail D -M&& dk ;: 1081-4
q. C. A. I[enry I 0p ai. watchfu I as -swease), sakt I!Dg. 4eiy,-.'welj, but for -
deep :-much of' alf
To Tiry, Emfpn . . f. 1. - .
�XeW Yorker -the� follow' g excellent ad-. ill, have secrecy and iisall I t enjoytiient I prefer, a, '13i Va oUjIng, go t tj
-foini your readers that! have
y clu e Of ovou In a 0
she must, is 91 In all of our.oi arl
n post. Lori. hand, A d -,will, be sold,la- large, or strial
er, -naniqd disbasb. By
vice on house urnishi 9 mystery ab h nest-, all 'eyes_6t. ;0, our neig4boro tive remedy r ihe above
that� 6- few yj are ago when' bee.- Ou Hams ate now become noted for
ou� 11 -Vvh t contiast t
it�viws 'Only, t her, own t' be. averted ; follow 'or' ie- sparrows, wbo, so 1 writ6, are. L its timely 1190housafids of bopoles.'cases havi i1!le
Ir ou-pe or -flavor �%nd. goneml-exqoIlence,
Fredand I furifished our littlelouse of watch her d she will ioreake . hernest 1 shillbeglad to send not
briekidg, out a protest aganst- no.thipg b6on permanently cured
ally of your Day FREE oTrV,.th V, aud: altl Al gh our meAna ng - she is beat pleased with _js L trois is leafftig _so two bottles of � my reni! eig4t idoms and stop) lay ppoweritLy, for, th Look for V ie corner store.. =M14 cp
the readoto who have consumptibn if they will vend
fo nd -it a, -hard at with - SL back'
i9tola eie imall''We never box Coveyed that it looks lilce-a� soft green veil, Post tiffico"dddress,
Oro C'_ No
tter to kee -'for light, and a aid or -
our desire I from outstrip- side apsrtur� e. do Wr is soft and balmy, sn& the sunshine:, T.'A. %0=11. -ca
ping them-. � I.could not iave furnished. seen. A. y but the fool- fq89-52 37, Yougo.81treotj lrororjtQ,.Ont. H-UVGH'
wh1oft she can escape un —everythi4y h&PP
by jL.diant
the nL his
kitcherr for- 850,22, Including . farm4p may ee.p a hundred fowls 1
i ta- - sh sparrows I
1 the�ijiood� Improving io SEA RTH.
ireetj,�_6n(l pi-6Mptly
-tube, oil cloth for the, barn,. may ff th to ' trample upon Sn;
si�ves wash
I -
;-or, and. eviri needful.. ,a d tto�,hio-mov�%'of grain 4fid still —A party of Stratford-, Ifunters ent- I and unriching I STAjK1S'R.f0 K, F6
iltinsil, if all th 0 U rf-
-to the Ellice awainp in
7 �Ww Be articles had iieigh bar who .)at search ;f1jfe-.AppfAit0, fiti-engthonin the ffiar�es, and,,
k r gas an is Invigorating tie - i0tein have fewe t1i )9, in, the truest
_�ozen, who provides secret game, and ookwith -them,t, sons Co*
now. -Al"-woodenw- M
tD r - t e goodafid' Ike. Invalid
"to, keeps a sin 1, air a1wrative medic
ought 8, It 0;'
I iid t � and
tbout sich to �iroiug-'bbard clothes I [id rick, plenty aithful dogo 44 Old Ben a�d trampid should khr trial. ArMsj aw-t�ffllhs Timber
--horse, 990, Pon F
nests, ch& Is 00
most of the day without
and,-bt�kd bowls.chairs. f Ind e. 044-0
i ttdx, chopping 0 isn c rns lime, water and. gravel round the n d S -fo r. SaJ 9,02
too& i nd thi kitoh any go;me. io. shoot �. at. .-How- ZRLO"f 2,441
-or the servants! for them a d who takes care that his: finding will -1 i )a u1W Met.
ahens are no sturbed
.1 11 11 - I n
about their neete.' ev*e.r',,L towards eN 0 il. Parool No I.—Lot 14 and Vart 13; Co Mail= Bnt -utensila.'afid.' hi w6fe purchased at �enlnj Ben got into
�s sor Stoln-
[a; Xacyat- an -d cost 805r, nest are. better 'What the hunters thought;- to be a �be 'psli Logan, -
b Vak BoupL k IndicallonsofDy�.pe i, su unty -of Perth, 1181 *acres, a
Three obal
aest den, but wei
an an
ar r than- or sing'o n d large- eggs- u) quite dies 6 far I Bank,barn, C
ourigg.- -; ro :houses,', . Dur'
tie and ite 6997' 4ppoinied when -acb, Heartb rn;'81ck. Heaacho' Rising. and U44 stablingundet-
UL of F ud, wind on the.-:90nidch or a 'stone -and frame shop ble.
res fruit
P* second-hand laying tin lif 'where tieti 'An enquiry t .0
good as and- eggs body turned grey was a -.are fully inet by. B(irdock* .916611 tioa.for 5
and will -last hal eo. will commenee the dog came -but of the hole* e house oxi aid two fr4me- staoles, acoomodft- flary
IL bd ght, Pull with his Choking or G awing sensation at'. the pit ""ith pleafie'-then ets sea and.150 Cattle, two ac ...-Ph 'to -p
Os has oiir�d t cal ht E 0 gr# a
A zp or floor ',covering it woaseertained that Bitters w iyorij *ids on're- e rees, frame dwelling, all att c nomical
-mew,. for - S-10, �y -1 where other heno are once made,. and hie t1le, -7 � . .. . I
and drn
*th a cherry stain are plenl e o o of,& eor& Village of M nekton on Gravel Road. es excel 411'otherr-
stained the floor I cackling sp �,uhd them.. RhOUMEV Parcel N6.2.—sa-milland fivescres-attachedt Di .'nohd 1?y
place -to get your work doe,
isb7 ne. 1he Reliable Rerai6d7 f6r. Coun 'the
cost, 0 1 1bg h d, to be taken'to. - - . . . - -- - - �: — go of. koacktonj ty of. Perth,
at s, ti: = Iii -the V -11h riendth.-N'
4nd gw�e it 0, cost of V oten n s
d o
V.- Oibcloth,�' � d st several'. a- vie inar surgeon -an chi roforified MaChInOry I DId separately. in St r#y aind, F! ds We mj and the oniall
dollars :aud would, have bee rocure a, 161 None (5ther aro j u, Be, ke'all kinds -to I k. All
oul h a co Viiconsclous RevOlations -For, btle ofllxty . x lots, wiih"buildingi, st as -ao o slies from
n less easily before the q�illi could, be extracted.' P rd's ello;i Oil from Parcel No S.—Two iore. d. Minnuettebrsunbeams Afe Size wor
dicit 8 doalar� and -0, i - . M
Traviii!16rs And nine vil Age iotsj all, In'the Village of.Mbnek-
ke�t at than this p ted floor. A our .. e, workingkoDylbe instantaneous process. Na
ne one. tom: w4re ofl itation� -b6cause the3
toiible i vitfithe
Ontario, o: lie, and enoi
(cl as t 0 Nir, j tj ��j coinplalht,'arid she ki�-cckinmends pay No 4.—Saw miii at catmunnoel;, coun
tew stove, is goo is in.;, eel
the � "*. � -L'I me: I bouzht, There, -is a certain amount of ulicov., GRATEFVL-m-COMWRTI repti it 4 Ida johiston; of
1tbL ht-%ir aien and -er it tie a sure c ire; Foi�
poor, we
Pa M
No. 6.�_Lota 84 'p of ' ateri41s,' i
vn back,with.. ocious-bru ity in the world. It' i �wlll be sold separately. are ade'. of ip
in, ja. Z' yws it has.never fail-. �y of Huron; machibery 'Wwnshl
ed to glye C. sfaction. ak
t Twt- A
vVe d fitting of Huron. ared three
would -Greycoun ;,yo Exres cle :B
This brutality is -Opp, 0j
cost: me $20�_' to si3e. it, bepause we ire and 35,
possible 6 feel _OCO-A�'
hirnished y kitchen sub- each made C . ..� . ..@I arn 6Ox4O,wlth' addi- -Croc �Olor
:86 for $40 1 'Pe- dwelling he es, Irame- b ky s�., To, be sure
a� 4; _,.
largely dw to i4fishness, Mbn w N
!r, for - iion -4 o quldkly you can ba�,e them
stantially and th6roug 0x14: wo stables, 50x40 and 40Y.15. nly the- j) IA140NI: We cateft them
sh and A ow -s'ed to the sudden chanees success, �use,`
w mho*are expo PAr- I _1jot gg, town
0014 wail iuV, niahed only: pli ay to heir des- 11 By a, thoiough knowledgd of the natural lo;ws� Peopm Parcel X ',Ioncessl6n 17, choose. W40 1100
k laughing or oying, no ou
My diniug-r e vi .3ittle chance of ship of :,Ore ioo of 011ch 10 acres Ate have fit of Plot re F
t, tionL with the fieeb Miortaii,
tsiff6jent. auction In& no thought of the physical which govern the operations of digestion. and' of our --nortl rh cifinate 11 hi of 'Ore DyEs for. colorin D�ise�,'.
many Vig iob, and he, sore thfoa baid ow .1 in . town,
id "Me' for es. Tie best sed-gdard-.4o,to wn- ings,: and- Mouldings
i too, too by a - eareful'. t0plication, of ifie escaping colds" edug tt and lung lance ash ana elm. * Also :C
keep Rag-.' _Lot Carpets, F�. , . bromoo, Artl
my and.m -% �atliir�
iwd to t the result entaliscomfitirt they -cause. w-NOt mutrii .7. _86, ctend- w6mo, bu fine propertiabof 'well-solected' Cocoa, Mr-_�Eppo troubl h Ids ree 1 o onoession 17, t6 Y�rns,' t- jes,'etc., for Fale chem).
-Albany. clay boats, han4� Itis a quick- gh-
has provided oiir breakfast t4bles with a delieAot Ip of Gre 1. 100 acres, '15 Oleared, 70* hard yLlive i atall,
ol spindle. jlong since c 130 of the it�d% Pe6toi al Balsatii at Rib�o: u;3
'6 �rhiobpaysave us many- relitf and re lablecure ch complaints.
oneer. trouble. I'un6atthed - ns: &c. &c. We warraqij
idently ticieratie article stopped at 'flie-dook at West 'Point to for au
flavore4 bev6rag wood, 16 ash,6d elm.
ieutly pack
"ey M more, 9-00cis,
egge ev' 'y __ A� -the to-coldki
I' d b t d s,number of people, 'beavy doctoro'bills. Irls by*'toe. judicious use parol No.. s.�_Lot go, . Con. esslon 16 . L UGHV
of furniture in the of a. dining-' take on. b Dar one GoodiPoint.- BAUS A
of such articles of diet that 9, constitution may
oug re- 9. -_Lot 4j. Coi zkny
of. t so These'ff4la thpir wSy,tojhe saloon to -All ash jin& elm
Ubl It was bgs bij idually" built up until strong en h:to joeislou 17, Township ag othe,
In you- �WOUIA . find neatly� 11 the.;seats occupied-' but sistgeraery 'ten , dency OutbCtbe 11ia'ny possessed-by-lBurdbok Blood Parcel No. fee hardwood, L76 - fbi pa&age, than
to disca9d. Hundrbdo.:of A74t may be. taken' at. all seasons of of Eim%'. C9 unty df Perth; 1-00, so Mot(, -suceemir to -ailp. in the Whitney Blo-dc,
L Bitters is th &to �give
lcr4toh , d and wwworh, at dyes -'eve an
People stood about, eubtie niuladies are 116ating around us. ieady to and �ol
fit f6i kitol'411L not by people. onl3f e:year, and by either' young or old. In this ash
xcely have thought jo._..�North part" pirk lot the
a it posts and (koor-frames, attack wherever there is a weak points We may are always at work imid h nt dnd dtrable colors.. AA
Caning sg� 2 itany a fatal shaft by' keeping .6ilr4elves way the -three bu on, mitchelij County of perth, one, b fflia
ii IT quilteA &Iadly paid the I.- SYS'S
t&j�jerojdr Whie rallway stat
Vailing 8i0khoss'
Z.1ding vishogg n.y balls. eXpen
4hd ha nee to pur-' A-. Bpess -D
4, sent it. tc miker,. tired an attiant—for the boat was d Dial1lalida L a
� %[ C`s�,Rnet well fortliaed with pure blood- nd. a roperly Oing Q;00d. & half A 3res. arthe d talce �n6 o e
sum al -hour behitfcl time—to- see ed Serwda 31 n t we' at- f
fully nourish o.tbird cish, -balance o ACHAN SCHOOL
a ndifitied with brasa 'boiling wat milit. Sold Pro convey4%
-4 it jolisho a THP 1,6RIOP STR
co ed with wrap�,- -baskets, do simply with or or title perfebt
This seats. labelled thm: iplaints per cent.; so ed A 0 LES
G -1
whose own ra made not only In �pwkets -by - rocers, Thd niost provalling -Pon Men -chaserfreer'l .:F 0 R YOUN
al, on fo ad 9, satchels, e e TAKES EPPS &. QO-j V011200P Dicilo,'Cliamists,. ti in, neutalgia',sore :threat, irjflimm&w rietor, WK. MACHANjor
on I . I- are rheurna Pply to the prop A. codt c6lored -Nall,college avenue. Toronto. Be-
41ti . ighte t -attempt to removethemo 1088-42- file, at Mofickton; or to Robert
Valuable-- on so un
'tof its And- the 81. tions and congestione. Foi all these and other,. Andrew -E
t London, England Andrew E WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 5.
Maeban, In. h
en werit about and troul des,Hagyard's YelloiW Oil Is the" e toWnship of OieYs, or. to the un,. CENTS&
autiful than, any till oneL. of 1he- bostm painful L 7 en Renewe
at and reigned Strat
laity, and far4more Intern external rejhedy. derel ford. Ai, ancles for now realdent uplis ire ft
f furniture. The asked-theL owners where hei should do- Cdnsumption Cured* ited, t onto are reqUeoW,
ece. o befoire.the opening
CAft- US
sit the. ti ings. In. some aPhersoh� Daylidso
412 modern
Pl a id'frorn practice, heffl- easo it, th.em, t* arranlre for amlsolon (by
0 Ve d6re! Solicitors.
floo was stained 4ar sk, with two 1" An old physician., retir n6bli6i Hope _ letter or othn
. r India n ro*. inO ggijtsoxnd 34trichants. Dye Book f ith Miss -GRIER, the Lady FrInelpid,
go, half _apoloj yj in others most; ungracious- had- Placed Jn`L his hands by'kh-ZAA Diu
of varnish t 125, Of cour !b%W oifprAous kfiowlidgo-_�r eX
Cos t. 0 is one -that I for sale qui
table Sawn Lumi- III be At home after 31st ApPlit,
+110, labor self,. driving in lyp. the owi ere took chafie Of their be-: selonary the. formal& ot'i - Simple vege perlence, th refore thad -who 11 e B. B. B. they N.D_ antityL of
ding)PLIno, Het look ulculars Are senttt One
'Prov 0115 nf kinds, Inclu nlock,
606d avot 411 pay..
Al hi- a that Consumptiong 1. experience 6 pse(,l It,'shows Tawarac. ad for0iloq4;. it 1. 1082
T performed the, theni` 0 id the seats were given t6the reinedy for, the speed d anent' c4re of resiobably pe for a, mire becat se the' I ter of Me L8,11CHARDSON' e on ar0catio.
th W31.
ll the iih Bronabjtis,"C b, Asthma and ousands iv'ho ho ti I
ng Aiections' also a positive -*Ontjei - -?. throat 'and - Lui coeded even I the 11yo nekton. 1080
L p1to Nervous bobility and &II it to, have aii.
and radical cure for
Child rt ry
.�Wgi Castor
056 prope
om" Hendry
k -L urto
an Ole
B t
W iri
in. ran
In as
by the