The Goderich Star, 1932-12-29, Page 7l'IllartSDAY, DEC. 29th, 1932 CHARLES JENNINGS ANNOUNCING THE GODERICIT STAR Maketbelieve gets all the breaks ht plenty of aavance ' eioticelo about the Murder in Room 202 at 9 o'clock over station X0X(), but - never a warning paragraph like WS: "At 10 o'clock tonight KingFrederiek of Roumania will be assassinated and at 11. o'clock tonight the News Editor 'of the Times will tell yea all about it .. .." These unsung Ilead-litie lag'gleril who tell the news while tt's het defierve a bouquet . ...and their ^ newaluiPere for maldni it available. Even the weather reports are %coca' litaff e. and the patriot iteopertit .... ask tile farmer. rumers on 00eantgoing ships equipped with radio declare, the most popular pro - grates from shore to sbip are the "news flashes" broadcast by news- papers. . *.* llowdY-lioW I also Hidey-higli ! It takes all kinds of ssongs to Mahe 11 night's entertainment Lor everybody, and that's why you tun into jaet 'when aou try to dial in the classics. • —Right now I don't want classice. • 'wish I knew 'theecontbinations of • times and stations that evould, bring one in the hereinifter-mentioned melodies, in thefollowing- order: "A Shine on Your Shoes" .. —"The Fitet (Crawled arp'The 'Window" .. "Isn't It Romantic?" . "Fit As a Fiddle" "%hilt Mit;dirants" • "Let's • Turn Out The Lights and Go To Sleep". But everybody doesn't want that Hue of program, Ann Jamieson, talented lyric. soprano of Guelph, who sings in Canadian Candelight lifueic programs, gets a lot of re- quests for serious stuff a rarely - heard aria by Donizetti ... the ;little-known Ave Maria of Cherubini. "Okay," replies Director LeopOla Stokowsky to the demand aor the ' works of the accepted mortars .. ., .,. ys,1 ist a t e amity are in r , , ow, in our . own way? We are not. aed on .time, and you will Hod that a'he young. Especially' those young people 'Itself Is not sufficient -4 Makes no so.tie- 'Mandel, Beethoven, Bacb Strauss fon Wagner . . . . these are the . compes- we men of us think our. own way Is the dispositions aricluding yours) will ira- who are grinding away at studies the rest faction for the law Which we he'are-b"- - " PrOVe, ot the winter. Tills generation of young ken and hence, over and aliove repen- ts to be featured in the coneerte only way. When we set out on a Jour of the Philadelnhiel Symphony Bated Apples 'With Mates - there is required from us faith Orchestra, over the Columbia net,- Motile is very enthusi sti about all tante, 0.44 Iowa an operation on your throat. When you COMO Out of one kind of ether, you And yourself quite acele dently-ea Crooner ready to go an the oeaer kind of ether. That's What haPPetied to the hero in Kelland's re- cent book, "The Great Crooner." It haPPeiled to Libby Holman and Jane Eternal* in real life. Jerre sings hot- eha .songs over It B. 0, networks on Sunday afternoons. * Most Canadian listeners know Foster Hewitt, who broadcasts National League hochey games from Toronto and Montreal, being heard in the Maritimes and as far west as Laird, Saskatchewan . He's .been on the the coast-to-coast networks inallY a time. Hewitt's voice sounds always as if he had "the Power ati• 1 but actually he talks in an even, con- versational tone, rarely aceentuating except when be says "HE ;Stah)11E1)1" That crescendo is partly necessary beeause of the rafter -shaking roar from the spectators that sweeps Up and engulfs the gondola where Hewttt perches.. Hewitt is a cool observ- er .. ..one of the few sports an- tolertiace of ell, aotit old and eming. Hie - unseat OM% in Seeletata and UM% because we have no teleranee a each ether's methede. Coe et the funniest othibitians of In- toterauce wa.s one of itacels of feminine beauty,. was with a friend 'wino elle was dresstnio and ehe was holding forth valferously about wenien wile used lip' sticaa Disgustiug, She thologht It But the *musing thing 'wee tbat all the UAW one was abusluit tie lip-stlekars, the WO boy peneitliug her eyeebrawa Offhand, X could UAW several were quite dia. gusted. *Rh tier we of eyebrow darken. Ing, but atio.usect lipstleks. Aren't we queert Let us try ta tolerant. If we 'can- not think tolerantly, we ean bold our tongues aud speak telerantly. If you go te a Meeting and things are not done lest as you would have done, say nothin8'. Wait until You are in charge, then do it your way. If your husband Or your chil- dren do not do things Just as you wou)d, be tolerant, and realiZe that their way May have its merits, even if It is not year WI. X know One fronilY W110 never take reeints into, eonsideratlen at all. Result1? may be perfect, but If the method of are 'riving at these results has been =emelt than the way they do it, it is all wrong. Things must be done exactly se they do theni. The =Oar of the lanitty is very intolerant of other people's work, and the foully of grown 'eons and daughters are infecttd With the same malignent germ, but not quite to the same extent Is that environment or hereditary? Again, Z say, let us be tolerant. • After the IMMO. Meals -We might as well confess that part of the attraction ot the Chriatmas Season is, the lovely things to eat that are every. where about us. Really, though, it is nothing to be ashamed of, to be fond of good things to eat. To eat is one of our Arse Instincts. Most of us eat too much around this time and we are apt to be- nouncers who do not gesticulate. aome food -led, and dispositions and 011AatLIWI aNNENos 0741piexions are apt to suffer. I When the children are cross and are A NEW 'YEAR'S ADVENTURE', reAdy light at the drop of That, in tace they de riot even wait for t to drop • •• By Jessie Allen Brown •se start something, remember that it is Most ef us make—and break-e•New not their dlepositions tha.t are wtorig. It Year's resolutions, Ah well! Even if is their tummies. Too Much and too we break them, it is better to have made rich food; too Much excitement; and too thent. To think in the right direction la many late hours are responsible for It. a step along the wey. If we could mate Don't scold them; cure them. Remem- a resolution to be tolerant, and then ber, they are not altogether to blame. Fut manage to keep it we would do ratich to your family on -very simple diet for a further Peace and happiness in the world, few days, Do not confine it to the chit - A tolerant person Is a entre, avis" and should be treated atcordingly, We are Intolerant of eaeh other's ideati, desires, religions, politics, methods end *hat bave you. But greatest of all intolerances is that of religion. Are we content each to Aleifithw Ca. Maks Rairatieride .1e(014 • Ackua Annmt every lino of 1 u 3 '7 MOM 41C ICSS 011 awcannt tt•P .elecercestee• Tim mare.• .3 cf .Sargen Soft Mose Nee We 1.4.11% Jesus, 113%0 Pr!,10 reCarft. ttiCY may well IHF His ward 414 spirit led, Sunday Afternoon By sAtal. telalleratt. Cava Cie, 'VelloW /re,' the Mester catd: ft toil er. Although Sargon Soft Maea VAIN %wee. first placed on the market about 4 years ago, OM' 14a- 000.600 of these Villa havo been sold and their farm has epread mealy foreign countries. They not only en. •Soy a tretheridaus, demand through. out America. but they are also in large aemand in Caneda. the Philtre , nine Wands. Alaeka. Porto Rico, and other foreign countries. RANDOM THOUGIrM (BY Jessie Allen Brown} Another Christmas le over. 13oximedea (the day after Christmas) Is not eele- brated in Canada as it is in Ragland, for there 3 is * general holiday. Here most mothers celeorate It by the inevitable tidying' up, and wenderhat where in the world they are tieing to and a spot to Out the new toys and all the Christmas se- quieltions. But gradually they get sort. ed. out said plates are, found tor them, • and theyfit in as it' they bad always be- • looged„ It le A good Plan to tuck away mime 'the extra toys and. save them tor the day when the children are Idea and dry end looking for something to do. • This will -have to be done unbeknownst to tlaem, or there will be an awful holler, for they never feel that tlaey have a toy too many, • What a veldt% Up of papers, ribbon; • tags and odde and ends there is. Some ef the thrifte souls put these away for tuture use. If You do that you need to be 'blessed With a long mem:try. A ton - pie of years ago, we tied up some of our parcels with a silver paper which had a • distinctive pattern that appealed to us very much, In tact so much that we re- membered it from. one year to the next.' Last year we noticed some of the paper on one of the pastels which we received. We Will feliaw Josue. Stilt ter as He /Wee to Pad, At the throne dont inttreede, Offers bap In tittle Of wed: WO will follew Jesus. • Anther tuloanewn. FRAU* 0 Thee: Who art the Guardian of eitr life, help us all and hello many of wi anew to xelete and tole our Wee to Taco. Ifelp US to coritiralo our journey throuele this life et ours, riot elone, but in Elreh • redeenoing fel/ea-chip with. Thee and with Thy Son Jesus Christ Miele , (The Britieh Weekly). PPPOP}¢p S. S. LESSON FOR JAN. 8th, 1$32 Leeson Tee! e,,leatie Amiss Ina Work. Lesson Passage—Mark 1M -de, Golden Text.--afark 1;18, In the eleveath elrenter of Isaistb. wo read a prophetic description of the nature and work of the Otte WO Study about in' this lesson, Mark passes over the doe of prepara- tion in the wildernees with a few etrokes of hia pen; but the Imagination can 1111 in the picture of those forty days if his outline Is followed, No mere Man can really 'understand the experience In these words---"Vorty days tempted, Of Satan. Ana he was with the wild 'beasts. And the angels Minietered unto him," His rettuniog to les' horne district, followed the linPrisOlunent of John the (Satiate. The "yoke" had ae- aomplished his mission. The Ono of waont he was the fore -runner hegira preaching saying', "The time is 1%1491 - led, and, the kingdom of Clod is at hand; repent ye, and believe the gospel," In the Pulpit Cenurientery we read the fole lowing explanatien of this pamage: "The time is fulfilled;" that is, the time for the com1ng. of the IVIessiah and Again admiring it, we found that it was ef hie kingdom- Elias must conie first; the seU-itaut paper for there were our and hhe itthd "In in- tho Mysore of Joan original erkases, That frieed Is Scotch! 440 poPw*te ''Repent ye, and believe the eloweve,r it gave us a good laugh, and a gospel.". These words may be regarded good laugh is worth a lot ally day of the as a summary Of the method of salvo - year. tion. Repentance and faith are the 0011 - etre nave anntzeor blend, (thys one is of ditione Of admission into the Christian Zewleh. &scent), who goes down town the covenant. Repentanee has a special re day after Christnias and buys her cards ference to God the rather, and faith, to and all the Chrietnies paraphernalia for Jesus Christ the eternal -eon. It is in it Just imagine that yoa are reeding a dren as the whole family will heneflt by next year, Undoubtedly that is econ- the gospel that Owlet is revealed to us patient who has a full diet of simple only, and I suppose she enjoys the feel- as a Saviour; And therefore we lint) easily digested foods, Cut out the real ing that she is saving money, but she Jesus Christ, as the objeot of our faita, foods, tind substitute simple ones for a nn'S'5es out on the thrills: !distinguished front the Father as the as is 5 tizne .for fun f -the I ject of our repentance. Repentaace of ney, we may go by train, we may goloy boat, or we ntay •drive. If we drive, we may take tne straightest road on the best highroad, and get to our destination ria quickly as possible, or we mat go a slightly longer way and see more of the towns and cities on the way, or We MAY take the bigh roads and byroeds, and drive on. the old dirt roads, just meander along taking an,the tirae we wish, Nom of ,our frienris interfere in the way 'we make our journey, But are they as tol- erant of our religion? Their Way is the only way. We may be ell making for the same place, but unless we go thetr Way. they are intolerant And politics) Oh me, oh inyi There Is only one aludaof polities, and that Is oar own. I once knew two old men --old enough to know better—one of them was a Grit and the other a Tory. They lived side by side, and were the greatest cron. les, almost Inseparable, until an eleation came along, They started out as friends but It did not last long. In a short time they were not on speeking terms, nor did they speak to eaeli other mail the elee- eon was over. The day after the elea- tion, they came together, as U nothing liad•happened, no matter which side wen. kinds of sports, and th no time like In the gospel, wherein Chriet le revealed C,ore apples and put in baking , pan, um Initial*, . i . ica . es as a propitiation for sin, and as This is ,n foreign product, but it namon. Bake until 'tender 'hi en oven 'at ,lfa nit," s stifling, and to • ne carries despair, and without repentance The secretary bezel to read them *work this winter. ,•. Concerts are Partly fill the cavit3r with granulated tot the only way of reconciliation with 'the hear evemeri bewailing the fact that their - Without faith renen nee be - 7th, March 18th arid Apeil 1st. . • . , e more sugar and top with a dear of cilia- YOung people are seldom at home. 0 tomes duty 'free, and it is what the Jetta becomes. presumption, Join the When a Voice seid, "Oh, but you didn't , •Istobims Rhes rower Paws them year tric. pboot — it tom to • little owl is worth s* rows& Dad will be. at the store now" Dad had left for Northampton an hour or so before with quite a list of the family's requiiements. When Peg, suddenly recalling the knit- ting party at the Brown's that evening, • realized she was short six balls of wool. Quickly she reached for the telephone. • "He'll be at the store now and Ube isn't, Mr. Coyle will have it ready for him". •"" • • -An incident typical of the value of your. telephone in the daily routine or in big or little emergencies. It smooths life's path at trifling cost You ND your • telephone..•• , behedided-for the nights ot Ittatiary sugar, then aress in a atoned: elate Add eggatling. Pa' es' erne Mies you Father.• to about 400 degrees. good way of lmving them there is to pro- • borne onwards, me a well-balanced ves- two together, and the faithful soul eall my name yet," "What is your name?" she Was asked, tariff -scribblers would call "of • a class and kind not prod• uced (at the -moment) in Canada," sel, to the haven where it would he "Kim Yung Sin" was the reply. * ••• 'vide good things to eat after their sports, Buttered &pales Pare halve and core apples. Place * * thrlstmies Parties * * baltliet dish. Put about a tablespoon Food to be good need not be elaborate. of brown. sugar ,on each half apple, dot The main. thing is that it be tasty .and generously with butter (it is the butter that there is lots of it, because out -door which gives the Haver) and bake until sports develop good appetites Hot soup tender at 400 degrees Serve with whip- always tastes so good in the cold Wea- ned cream, ther. The mother in one home at 'which I used to visit always had a pot of toma- A NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION to soup waiting for us when we came In Rut Jesus came to do more than • "Why, your name was calledl"' If I happeped to be a farmer I preach so he must have disciples whom "Oh, was it? then I must have been he pould teach and instruct in the ways *sleet), for X didn't hear it." zhould not he flattered by the of the Kingdom of God. He was a young Order was again restored and the min- ,taidattutes eoft,era presented in the man and he wanted young life ebout Mee were read and upproved. skits .. but sorne of them are good. him f_er close companionship, so we read' This society bas pledged itself to send of hisecalling to him four fishermen. two women each Sunday to Pongoon, a CcoutosseaHayseed type of radio I like the Real Folks of Tompkins Convreentators say it was Quite V.o- help in getting the women out to church, Corners. George Brown creates and liable that Jesus remained some time in village outside of liemheling, to visit and dared th se sketches and plays the Judea a/ter his baptism. Then. he went also hel in the Sunday sa001 Tilt from pada. Isio 'Other soap will ever ' taste as good AS that did when we were Another New Year is almost with us. _ tired, and cold—this was in the West too, May It prove it haPPY one to us all. we in one of those places where the air is so can all .melre the New Year worth while ..... dry and elear that you are not suPPosed if we only get about cloing it in theright to feel the eold. way. we can use it to our profit If We Try ,serving tomato soup (a spoonful -will taake up our eninde to get rid' a a .of 'whipped cream is an. eriproveinenta lot of useless encturibratthes that, weed- or a clear Bounion instead of eoffee, with like, are hindering our mental. ere ow" --°- — cheese crackers or sandwiches. 41- s.nd development. • I used to make New Year resolutions * * Cheese Crackers e * lect due,s before light refreshments were served, A brief acielal time was enjoyed before the women, left, profuse he their thanks for having been entertained ern - eNow you who read this niay think that tfiere's nothing very wonderful about a meeting like Ude, but when one stops te think that these wothen have all learned. to read gime they tecarne Christian, and that all. but two Of theni Are otherwise Uneducated, and had never heard of such a thing as a woman's rneeting, before they hecarne Chrietians, Well it does make it teem like a tvonderfla meeting I • s e leading. role, . .. and also, as you may into Galilee with Andrew and Peter, two next order of business was to hear their think, ▪ have suspected, he takes the part of, of John's diseiples. Then it was that reports. One woman told of visiting Mrs. Templeton Jones, that pillar a he performed bis first miracle, that of from house to hotige and of the insults society and widowhood '... .. Lots of turning water into wine. But 'the Passei ehe had received while doing so, "but." radjo PlaY,nrs "doubles" in their casts, over brought him back into Judaea, that she said, "in spite of the insults, 1 Want and others play in two programs. .. he might present himself in the tetriple; ,' to go again, and do my little bit for rny But gometinles the voices fool you and then he began openly to preach and -Lord." When they were called for the . . For instance, Jack Benny is th baptize (Jolla 316) and thus Ineurea next four Sundays this same woman iskri Mr. Ace of Easy Aces. red the envy of ,tbe•seribes and Paul- was the nest to say "send * * * sees, Therefore he left Judaea, and de -I The dude period was neXt, the subjeet parted again into Genie% He was slope for that evening being "Willicon Carey On crooners, are you a pro or an and az he walked by the sea he saw the the pioneer missionary' led be. one ol anti? Well, anyway, we've ,found out fisaermen at work. The fisherman s the younger members and listened to by •what makes them Me that .. . some deals with the world spiritual and invis- alt with great interest. of their anyway. You are, jet ug net and, waits for results. Jesus called y, a singer. You hnd eou must The elosing hymn, "Oh, for a thoueand sa them to another work whieh be likened tongues to sing int great Redeemer% to their ordinary occupation. Ile said, pewee," was sung, with great gusto • if "Come ye after me, and 1 will maze you little harmony and after a prayth er e • to become fishers of men." That work - - treasurer was given a little time to telt deals with the world spiritual and. Mitts- , ible; and how, then, can he be fully 1 • when. I• was younger—I do yet, as far as, Stay, weren't they? It Jost shows what that goes — but not in quite tee Intolerance will do. same way. I give them a little more con - Most of the petty disatreements are sideration now, for I find that promises caused by intolerance of each other's rashly made are easily forgotten. Many ways. Parents cannot tolerate the new of us are apt to be carried away witit a ways of the children. In-laws have least Cover a cracker with grated Canadian cheese or a thin slice of loaf cheese place in a hot oven, until the cheese melts. Paprika shakea over the cheese before putting hi the oven is of improve- ment. These may be served hot or cold Could Not Lie Down to Sleep She Was So Short of Breath l'.•3. Chetnoff, Shoreacres B.O., writes:— "I had been so troubled with shor'tness of breath I eould not lie down to ele. •• I couldn't do any bald work, or climb the stairs, and had nervous and smothering feelings, and became very weak. I tried all kinds of medicine,. but could not get any relief, until after I had Wren three boxes of Milbum's Heart arid Nerve Pills, and lance then I have felt better in every way." t•• For sale at all drug and general stores; put up only by The T. 'Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. sudden conversion from old faults, and and take the place of sandwiches. ' Imagine that ,we earmedietely become new ereatians, caul endowed with angehe at- * 0 Ham Sandwiches * * tributes. But we don't. We'Ve got .to There seems no gandwich which op. do something more than merely make peals to the men -folk like a ham sand - promises. We've got to dump overboard wieb. These may be made with althea all the old grievances and estrangements ham, or with ground ham. Mix the and setnehness end foolish, ways and ret ground ham with a small amount of sal- • place them with sympathetic and con- ad dressing and spread the bread lightly • siderate understanding and worth -while, with mustard as for the sliced harre. friendships. Then with love and kind- Ilam and onion is a good combination nem and good cheer in our hearts, with for a hearty sandwich. Grind the ham I a smile and a song on our lips, with ahe onion in the food chopper and courage to help over the rough spat, motiten with Salad dressing. Use eon - May we press =WardWith new clean, sidemble onion and not Just a little to hopes and high resolutions to find the • flavor. doming New Year one wonderful glorious • advehture.• Mere's Quik Relief A tot .of tx4a tern 4eau5e a headache or other there is ione thing that will always gire pa relief! Just take tablet Or two of Aspirin. Your mitering onikSeS. ilelief comet insthntly. regardless of what may hart been triking Statr head throb with pain. Aspirin is banning ...etas/Mot eieprega AO peat. So there's no use waiting tor a, headache team* off." It is melessto endure p 'sin of may Wad atom ”tit -reati get Aspirin.. It is blessing to mown oho "AM etentlar eystemiellaits; to Men eV Waft Irak OS, is% eke i1tyttrabi, fatigue or A S P !Alt N 1, PORT ALBERT • (Intended for last week) The annual Meeting Of the W. M. S. of at.*Andrewei United church, Port At' Speaking of onion in a Sandwich De- minde me of a good one I had the other evening. It was inade of cheese, peanuto and a little onion, moistened with salad dressing. * * Tutkey Supreme * 51,, • A large turkey (inn it small family beem t was held at the hoe of atre. 0 sometimes make a bad combluation, aa Crawford with a fair attendenee. MI6 otie is apt to tire of even turkey. /t May president Um, Jas. McKenzie, presided, be eerved creamed or in ailed as chicken 'the meeting wee filleted by the flinging is. Here is a recipe whieh certainly Can of a hymn followed with a prayer by not be classed with the left -overs, al- iens. John Quaid. Mrs. trelson Graham though that is what it really is. Put a read the scripture lesson. A weal duet layer of stuffing in the bottom of a but - contributed by Mis, Will Crawford and tered camerole. Cover Chia with plecee daughter Edna, Was much appreciated. of turkey. PoUr oVer this a seuce made Response was matte to -the roll call by a of 2 tableapoons of flour, 2 tablespeolla scripture Verse. The secretary's and ef better, 21/2 cups of milk arid salt and. treasurer' eports were read and adopt- pepper to taste. When thin has thicken- but a remunetative one and even more ee, The eeeretarya reportr ebtated el, ed add one alightly beaten egg. It aVail- I so iri the case Of tato of them that Jests membership of nineteen, :I:eluding flee able add a layer of rnusbrOOMa fried ill i called the four young men. What sort life members. he matey ratted by the butter tether canned or fresh). Cover, of lite did be ask them to enter upon? 'W. M. G. ealendata amounted to leap, with a layer of buttered crumbe and bcike • et was teeing a kap in the dark—out $92:55 have been fortvarded towards the In a qui& acteh until a rieh brown, into adventuro with this differenee they alloeation. The election of °Mama for1 ,, `e .0 Deviled 03htera e e knevt totriethina of the one they were Honorary resulted as follower Honorpre-, asked to follow. Lake Ruth of old come- sidenta Mrs. ftteva Maw, Tara, Gordon,: Mime 1 pint of oyetera and add 1 the thing within them reoporided to the call president, atrs. Jae. Melteezie; ist Viva bleepoon butter and te cup eraeker arie they teem may, "Where thou goesi preelderit, Mies Shea Melitillail; 2n4 vice erumba Ole:inter scaly fer 3 Minutes, 1 ehe hoe. president, Mrs. John Quaid; 3rd vice pre-, stirring constantly. Pour into a ooveted 'WORLD MISSIONS tweet., Mrs, Lorne Johnston; treasurer, baking dish, cover with buttered erumbs A hytith. meeting iii itorel MIs . alascro,wrord; secretary, MM. Will atad bake in a hot oveii Mail the crunibe 41 Crawford; supply secrete*. Nirt. S11104 are nroWned. .. Ada Sandell, r1,11. * * Bettered Crumbs 4, 0 The tvonien were having 5 lovely time etrangerse secretary, e.fise Onnalinghaell; , iilkisSIOnary Monthl secretary, Mrs. Net.; ,„ , 'tee „ _ visiting together in Ohoong Hartarivurmelevi ten Grithatn: Weenier of Ladles' Aiel, otratrinel v,iltinittrutelinfacoltrd.tantt mattrtiTsb5,a, bueleferreroithdeorimtectliniegatstthaornitedo, ttlortder it. VMS • • Mrs. .tolin McKenzie; Clutatian Stetval4-1 mueh , , „ , er eetrenng train the usual Me- rather dill/cult tor theta to eettle down ship and linance setretary, Me. item' itillactr 12". ro o dottieg ceuinbe with butter. mailman Maslen Bend tomerintendenta ,------then—,..... , "Leta opal the meeting with maw. Mrs. Lane Jobiatten, aesiettd ItY Milo Muth favorite Iltrati," eeld the preadent Lednor; dew fund Meretary, Met Lure/ Wretehed from &ilututo—Strcartit of eheet e eee ,,,,,,,,,,,e h,,*. ,,,,, t hheht et end iminediately there Were teVeral Otalutm: convenor ef work conunitteeeebode and vigor et maid are InnVitabig 4';'",'''''.?,,,,,,"^h,,,,,.,"—s' "-i.,7,7t.„7";:ja?: " fitet-po Mite einatinghtriu press secretary, Met. Impaired by the visitations of team*. "'e a""'"--"--- — ,, "- John Quaid; litereture Secretary, WS. Who tan live under the *bud Of recur. sing 'Jolla ea lki tie oler the tumult, ' co Beta Janet/ea; temperatice teeretarthehig attatke and keep body arid nand at Mhe Eliza MeMillen; Manta, Mr% Ja0./ their fell efdeieney? Dr. .7, 0. Kellogg's tacitentle. ' &throe Remade ditelpatee Um cloud by removing tlie esitaa 15 does relieve. It dote restore the tutferer to uonnal bettile Potting Over st Hot Oitr. you cchool trim and iterate happiness. "What, did they teach at , conscious Of the results of his work 2" That work is pre-erninently a work of faith. A later day • Jeans emphasized that side of the work when he command- ed the Apostles to go into all the world and preach the Gospel. He added to • • tlsat command, "And lo, am with you • always." •1. Mark. in his narrative adds here arid: there little details not found in the other ' gospels. In this calling of the first dis- ciples he notes the diffirence in the worldly tondition of the four men. James and John we are told were in their father's boat "with the hired servants." It appears that all .Yew s had free right of fishing hi the see, of Galilee, whien abounded id fish. Zebedee, therefere, whose home menu to have been in Jerti- salon, ' had a fiehing establiehment in Galilee, probably managed by las part - nem, Andrew and Simon, during hie ab- sence, but he would naturally vieit the establishment front tirne to time with his eons, and especially before the great feetivals, wbeh a lavger oupply of fish I than usual Would be required for the via- itora crowding to Jerusalem at, that time." --(The Speaker's Commentary). It war, then from o life of arduotte toil to -day, sonny?". teacher told us all about Columbus who went 2,000 tulles on a galleon." "She aid, aid Well, don't be- lieve all she tells you about those Anterie0 care, tny e w Zeabindet, Decorator. with that hann the meeting &paled, fel- lowed by n very earnest prayer afad rtrip. ttire Maine by one of the membare, The eseretary was then called upon to Cali the toll, and thirty mersibere anewer- ed fez themzeivet, breidee explainiag why "eotaiithee" wee hackle to be ercatet "Oh, elle lien /nut her arm And cannot "YOU' honor," said the witnes5, cenier end "die WO Meted co fat nee "you ntay take my statement as be- that, lea, diticult, for her to comer and Ing abso uttly correct. 1 have, teen wedded to truth since I was a child," "Quite poseible," maid the Sudge. But ttow tell the court hew long yeti have .beett siv:dower." "her belle le sick, final elle eittat talkie tt Mea" tete Wee of tile retain., eaten fot the libteatet of vetieue trleMbere. "We till new lieit the triistatee ot the lest Meeting," ailatealeed the Dreedont, MONUMENTAL . 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