The Goderich Star, 1932-04-28, Page 7TUX)RIMAY, APRIL Nth� IM THE GODERICH STAR VAOX =V 41 A! P A N'A D A Sunday o4fterno,on THE WORLDs GREATEST L�ffi_C�_R._OMRDW �It Cuts i Ty MAM HAMILTON, Goderich, Ord. units like 'lumber. N IRS light weight Tookot Wide Variety of Recreational, Attraction, it easy to Undle. It requires -2=114 C -,C2 cWcih a t1le%, biTtIniguts. The 10A -t I ght Advantages Their Country Oftrle� extPtAgive decoration, in Ta 7Q;m t1w. $or, tLe Qr.t- C14a tftt U considians Fortunate in Holiday Like I Id 'No th.e de44askig of X* Thraugh faitil re Riau cmqper, tw, ugli. Maw's ftr4l sill uon* at all, when cften Qa�l dova�; Tile Irult of the trce W" Ile wh.) Is tho , S;w1war our exels,41i; V,01 EV'15's mc2z 9f pattago, tile frlendghip tlle� Wei= Fathc4aa%l of God, wes tke bIxtbrigut V;M C-=rj t; Z10 mra"It is a Briefly, It Is Use it for obtaining Are - X �almer. that which c��aines higli hopor with safe Wall% ceilings and Patti- racrW euty, it coaters dWity and �,Vowm, but It, demands ,tioua throughout your home# HelP u5, 0 102d. Ils VO 30% Out upon c,v�l *brink , world to 4(y so vvAU the oyo <1 faitlij t%L i��M the 1win, and fAvrItipe 'Whielt swe it has stractural stiength, Uefug %000 WOrhini; Out ThY V1U`P0S',s'e7cr lowid in tile pxth of ditty we Are In thellre of zaak and of jnople5. Reep Insulation value, %is drought I dcsplsIri3 am, blrtiv�ght.� Witen we asy to us ever true for Jc=l sate. Amen. abuse our badies whbh are the templvl "a vermin -proof, t, 's. S. =Ssox FOR MAY sth, 194 of the living 004. by sons=z living. Wtoft fpves time in new I Up t�W tions which, be- . Giving w,%Y rto �t Irtb*ht. . natUres!ta xe-�_0-4 Tople—rxat, sous uls 13 -er We and is Q I tot our lor, . are cQuntln3 constraetion. a exc14 (Tem- curzplvo3 unworthy members of Gpd!s perance Xu�ou) gainil�. Wowpro created, body. Soul, and lent base for Gyptes or flelden IT"t-1 Ccrintlil4ns 0.95. rpirlt. for the fellowship, here and here. III tills Imson. we read V. bit of Intimate after of the creator Bimaem, family Wtavy—father. mother and two WQudensea irour-tupTsermou Bluie). Gy ouns who were tivins,��Euait and Jo,::Qb. W09TAU AASSIONS, "oe way bo easily Wn.l. 6edby ''Ilt'was Olsolosed to the Xotll.er before Te. Grows stripe along the ed.G�4 ille birth of the children that the, older. Should serve the younaer, This was in said the merollanti with al 4, Coax* 1A01W4 aA probability the adurce, of ther Special. air of finality, "prohlbition. Is U fallurk.1 AND: 41,0ASTINX and wo must got used to the, Idak of, regaril in which Palle Always hold that WaUlng America wet.oAO6 agalu." ratio I a Younger Son, while the feelings Of the 4433ut who IS to drink the liquor ?It father inclined qs7-4.ronaly to his flratI queried Ws friend, ',Will you?tt. majority of Canadians pro- U01time YTOVIllces is, nearly eq Lawrence and Ottawa rivers the Liur- ual� ip What a distance, to an - oomAl voya�"e. Oood roada entlan mountains, elothed -With Ville for - "Why no" lie replied., "You knowi do not roallzO Side by 81401,tile bay$ �p ow up, 7 40vel- that X 6, wtect-taler." wonderful choice, of vIte0tiOn lead'to practically all sconio And tporting eat and dotted Wltl% constitutO a, orina each Alcor his own. special bent. road system In- �ast summer Ond VIAUX" "Will your son drh* ity, opportuW;ttea. this country of- tevrltovles. CauadVs Mau became a man of. strang, physical (%0 , that shall not bell, Ifera. -NOW Many Of 11S. JA any JQIU'de$ many thousguds,q; miles ol Sur- The Eastern ToWmIlIM V1110h 1100111 nature, Swift of Impuboand reckless. of ,W*1414 You want It tn, come b for o ua6ve lIrst-hana the: international boundary, also have a na, prgv�uce, -welt-equtpoed-with dir- cousecluellem Oratob, 00 the other bond, the Sake of your clevjq�%?" knoWledoo of the wide range of',cotl6n signs. and danger rAgnals, Tour. number of volle�stablislic(l Tcoorts,. Oil *4�, more quiet, more self-restralitisd. qhboring provinces? tat !acommodatim, groin , campsite tolpicturesque lakes aud.rIvers. There 'was. A; good deal of the under- "I'TD. It Is my, vraiDtled' to 4 tractions of our nel anyderks Who oink liquor,,, many no doubt have gone,abroad to Seek, hotol,'Is'4vallable almost everywbore, �nt porhaps the largi 4 ,i4nded and, echemblo nature about.him. 0r10 has num . . . . . . . IIW41 you want tho.enginoor on your a 'r holifty, forgattIM' that Our own DOW, be od sreatest variety of developed "They both enjoyc4tbp traiiiiiig that train to use It?" lialon is unequallea in, #%� oxceptiqual National Porus.c9ver'. evinces, IVOR SA141K 33V comes from a zodly.zraudfatber such 4s and rango of US recreational x* or Any of the Or Co., 14aWed, �Abram was,,who. llve4 Sam Iwo, X p4mit I donit want, to� V. 146 oil TM'10ty Islands" L%ko of Pays, 9 0 a dra.ukard'strain.11 Sources., 6=017, 3, country which attracts, Large Area The,Godericji Manufaittirin Years atter the birth -of � Ispaos tilter by the tours Muskoka lak."s, Aild 00orglan llay, are Song, , "Ali, thay, pul Want � till$ liquor for,visitors from other 0oun National and provinciat parks In Can- Itnown. throughout America. but. there. Godeiielit Ontarloo ether tlie'eldor of the two proatod the men 'Whorn You, meet drIvInj of mljllons� must have -recreational JeAt-. ad% A00V 1144i* 25*000 Square mile$, are. in', addition equally attractive, ' only prach -by this advantage does cars oil or Goderich planing'Xill not appear,. the public highWay?" urea of Interest to itsown citizens. They are Areas, which, have been WIth- slightly legs 'Irzown,, distrietb, Accom- s, Goderleh, Oitt. ))ut it la probable that Jaceb, ow ed .1ouch "No. Of Course not#, th# Is a danger to drawn' from exploltatlan, and are being modatiali jil�,;tjd2a, everything I JLom of jais� atro"4g,ftith in th6 T_4rdIg provi. evorybody?' RvcreatiOnal Area%. presor I ved In their virgin beauty and oampgjto t . 0 paia;tj�j hotel, and'cottagos tq�o ox dence in after life., to the examaple and jg Potato paX;Aqe may be add "Wells then, who, Is to drink this- Eajily Acce$ ible A wildness, tdr purposes of . pleasure an ed scraped onlon mild a, pinch or bt* liquor 0 nd may; be rented, In. ally, 41001.1-t., up stock. .. . . I. . i. =c* hAdd 3 beaten CM 4144 mill. Instruction of the Pattlarch1l, (�Prom. )3r Amerled, pray, tell me?" a large3t n4t;ional parks 10 stuall 6plindor shaped V06 nx e it is, so easy to travel Iii 04110,da that TcOremtlOill tha Vrovhloas of votAtt�os. cookeq -in. Will; are' an flattoo)Z titer q X11WS, bible seriesi, 'T 9 , not Sur that -anybody Sh6t9d an Ultr.pr -the Woky MountalAs'.5ection of As they pYlarlal t0r 10, 2, reore,%tjo ods by hitting thom.9011 grew -up, 'A are, In -obewan and Alberta, many attractive TO!- eellcut, fooa10r.1hIIdreA,, X 41waya have the d'fforonoe of drink It. X Pea$ 10B.'re, touch better off nadlan, Vaoatignist, Uzey,AlbortA, 4,Tegio of unsurpassed Scenic -I Tiy on t1lu tablo.' - Itoll In Dos Woad character was Ahown 'in their pursuits, Which, every CA sotts are.lioated Alon*,the Shares Ol'the a jesliog of satj�factlon �when.X am get equipped by natore.lak -ad Interests, ger, and - prolltablY unde, 1 44 . , a but The peo'cetul'oor Without A.'I—RefQrmed Church,mossen- well -take. * All the splendor A oa,an4 rivers. The Canadian Rockles ting' g�ealjoped,, pot,%toes're4dy, Lots Of -rumb__ -Plus lrt 9 Wed Wkiol 415h uVatfo4s, a of p4storal life, which suited well ..the, dgVeloped,and mitch of tile. undevelop.da. for, -411 forms' (if sport and reore-.ficm. Ve W=!&-faindtis' for and rallk and butter added to the Potatoes and bake in .3 Moderate oven for. 00o­ atitot. temper of Jacol�-. bvca�he hateful to MW10110,11 Monthly, part of tbe� Dominion Is easily accessible alo come og. the in' highly Aevel- . ostX, . The, There are AUv -important parks In Dri- neurlshing obeese half hour, �.'i 11, , -e- � � -��w ' , by. train, boatt. Canada tigh. Volumbla, Saskatchewan, Uariltoba, cont.. oat joaLw a good I . solo - (1,potatoos his more active brother, so�'he became. a or automobile. oped togritst resorts on, the Continent, added to tVLII0P0d or ore POTATO OM., SE. Mr- V UuAter thereby, securing the � bodily eXer- is - served by two of tho'world!S gregtest, Ont=10 and ' '44uebec. . Aipbommoaatloll 'Ir'di4h. t , . ..., * , . 3, t0l I am INSURANCE. 1way systems and a number of smaller ranges �'all the ��q front large modern British Cohn, wlt.h varled And ma�ko a good duppV �cup milk Inittok Oise wwth his strong.4nd active Ir e To ux� way rat splendid 16enle attractions, ls'-a tourist of t1ijillana Scalloped Vo_ lb AUTONlOBILKI lines. The equipment And service vvithoutgour. grated th"So 2 0'1% yolks deat4ndod, g�� of 'hotels, to jol; cabins' and, tents. Fishing woudeiland, The province has, niajeatlt tatocs are nicer when,Waft a cups mashk man, r6tu tMo ACOWLVT 1he' h1gheat d=dard.. rotOmerg built is:bnq of' oe..16hlof attj�actioxls In the in tile milk Avjjtt6. rnlng one day uns t game aulmals And birds are ountain ruages, and extonsive lake It they.aro �coolted to a hot oven ..potataRs tie cessful frpm ):ZT4',AT, IP,.RTATIt ispecially -for pleasure =isdnR afford Pxlft, bu -pen; btately forests, oil hiip.osi,ng� 'will. W 4.86rbed''And no flour will -be huuflo�weary and lainshing a coast arlossness lielng Salt and popper saw Jacob prep many,1pleasant trips along t4k,c6ast�and rigidly proteoted and theli fe att`aotl�o resorts in 4et* necessary. to pre7ent then% from arlog a most 'r .W.00LLCOMBE on the exterialve inland. -w*r systein. of i*vor fail$'tQ lntor6st visitors., line, And many Item mak in double. 14oller. A0 savoury zaess of, rod400king Oettage. 'it 'A cruise from. tings Apt eXce I ptioual natural bearuty., jiilcy� WhQjj the oven 19 lidt snough, theese,and- butter Wid $tlt Initil dtW61V- was made I of thdse red lentiles whIeN tkt. PRON13 �96 cm,. rlvbrg and, canals. Surainer Resorts $he potatoes Invariably boll over And the eo_ Beat the 'ett; yolks. with ti sman the head the.. oreat Lakes W the the Present dgy,,J;im a dish,highly re, Numerous and Varlod Gtoverament Bureau oven Smells to:hlah heaven. After Je3ru amount of milk and add to 'vellk, and 11shed In Syria a:nd. in Egypt..A?,ivoAo1Is- -Ser I of dumbly putting U13 with this, and eesO. - A ose mashed - potatois IV hungry Esau crIed. "GIVA W. I a, some of IM M.- �r Throughout tile ja6miolon. there are Fkte InEcrwation vice, having to clean the ovep�,- I �dooldea d Will til light and nuffy. Add man mer rezort districts y &u1n Which offer F r a, ijun*er of - ye6 the, Dep!krt- t1reve must:,be game. way to prevent. it. that ted pottaSe 11 Then, it was that 0 rs h wide range of, attraction and vairlerty merit of the 1aerlor at . Ottaw;L has The 0 Sim e 1101*1 am 4W :beat0 gg whitedi_ Pile roughly L in U, Jacob mAde to illin the extraordinary, re isi U Is,, PI t e of accoulmodatid . CIA . the Atlantic been engaged In the proinotIdn of the gusted not -think PrePosal of exebanging th ..iness, of.pot- *lth My dumbness in ese, Bake'la tv tot Oven, tago.with-blin'for lll�. birthright.% But,, Zdast, it the. prdviotea of kew -BrUna- Oanadlan tourlst Iriddstryj ']More cape- Ing of: It. 10.09 before, .1 but a drip Pan 40Q degrg miuZg. tne* him qy 'Of. tourist travel contalobio a little..water in the -bottont, far 26 vfdk, Nova Scotia' And Prince Ed he kn ward, 0!411y the, development ow the man­he� 'to be tslAndi are tYDIO&I sea.shDre resorts, from. the tllttt�d States' to 'Canad% It of, the oven -and 'put the po , to 4 o one of those to, whom - tile. pre$qn� is all, Uff wh�re I sAlt-mpter bathing, - sailing and is alici hifluenbo .0a;nA ta, fall n and on, mote And the ideal the grate. r Any ml b VIlom � the rL IX that jollsover goes rL 'att d b make no impression. deep Boo, fislAng A -, the prindlp�;Q c- the. tions. The-rogged beauty of this, ccajit pliw'on. e National Development sinell, nor dirty oven to clean.ilp after-_ jolaus to Lrend their vacatioll-in o- In the watcr in the pin,� And there is no DRUFF Mau closed with the � �ropoi;il, . 'Th DAN hold,", said-haj with azthufiti�ls ipgera� and,.the, picture ObatIn of the I flSh- r Bureau cf that Department r 'Will gladly w VAIO VIMAges'. at the headr ard. A Usk, aie, 1WW ­tjoor -Ing of evoT inlet, furnish. interprovincial rotid agd!s. 66i y as U viould I%Ishold. r am at ithe palAto, die, maps and � solne of'us 6ro, trying to fatten one 19 . ­ .. and what,, profit Shal this r birth, right do cannot fall to onollant Ute, suraffier YW-. other . Information for any bair taii]4 * No 4 the. use, of those member of. the faMily And, reduce anoth- to Iner?" Esau lived,'for the preSent -wIth tor. i planning a cAlla�lan tour, and where er onthe same menus. -Salado are igood "I U-11 I ob -appreelgion, of his birthright.' -He quebec's sumnier playgrounds are of nocess"ryr will xef..er enquiries to provin- for everyone, but specially I;o64 for - the Xiong He And 41ft little - Jacob's the T . Jr one of -BY ;'zom aa;at e 1. 1. 1. grkq4. Z4tura Amiuding as they clal and local'toutist trganim4lons. Ap- rqdueers to An up,.* on. Here t con ir dt-shore, in as my little, tricks,' I ad tianSfer -by do',""soa; Qilotajb�r lake and forest, plie&nts Should be Specific as, si.41L 4 a good -,gaoerous Along the lower resorts. jazab ae St. Lawrence, to the section of CaA%da:lh WhIch'they tion of potato ialad. to the leafy� salad quirod a huhlan; -been established are Interested, in order,that 'P Claim to th a on nd make tbe'fatonos 111 11T 7 o e bfiii4tidd- may� ed Supplied. QU-r. in Y PoInts.' I'do"Without. A:11ttre'oh6pp6d. ciloahibn JKGr which had'bein' his, by divilie ilght, Summer colonies. li�Lve allable In- 1,67 the thl a before his 'birth _e plokli or. g4arldn Is, on&. of t�o. best *4yS :Rut What -was this, birthright Which de tro fe J01,04 so greatly coveted a to *add flavor to the rather insipid 13 ,nd whf�. his C salad.. ROLLS POTATO up (1) the -right of Priettho9d inherent, In, the eldest i lite. of tlip 1,V.atrI�rcU1S­ Seaspri mashed.potatoes wlth a little 2) th promise of khe.boher& Of t e-9 lance h Qly LM�4;.d) the promise bj%)6Cj' 'MOS. that In.his kado Anil o,f his' dah should be'borh Ok Now and then d' SunI. r6n. or snOV they are tW "OJIBWAY" . Par*i Pence because of W DC g. �'OJIBWAY" i re aiqd "OJIBWAY" �READQUARTELW thin ULC.ER'S all the satte- tO' LE Construction.. OLD -WOUNDS &SORES UP, COMSHUTT PLOW C6. and general' line of Par In fw_ aled by Zain-Buki ploine Ina' 11ously He nts and RePairs, Includ- me. - 0 r :. jng'rtbe United, 4nd Mlis Mal, r mer 1�*actors, at, GODCH EAU *.w L b of Cqppet &iring WU.*ft$ Steel W, Phohf) 598. Xing6toft St Mad bloadeainto 11 ruBt-resilathig VAre to nt; Potatoes however 'provide protein 7;;;:::= fai Jalxger than orduiary.:ztA.�l Wire. that wears J!'Or which cau be used. even though the qu- n__ r% -2 0 A -911#9 4!_ Hints S�� the &play ib(l varliout *Wes and wgk�x at The Hydro Stor Gocir! P.ICH Use Hy&o bu%s for li*ht- �� -They Afo rgo Ing. ' Y$M- teed. ,6 Small. We must have minerals and vitamins iomebodies "t"s In Our foods and tile potato PrOV1409, Sy JossWAllerl I -Brown both these in considerablo quantitiesi 1� Ok 0 contains both vitaftibia A -and C� Potatoes have a reputation for making t board an author who write books for peoplor fat. They are fattening if eaten teen-age , girls talk About her boOW, In: large quantitids, but are better than i someonep. asked her If it was not hard White ibread. Wel�ht for weight they to manage the Children 4A ber books. are, leat fattening, than bread.- White Hier reply was that it was not, nearly as Tbroad has lost.all Its minerals and, vita - to man000 hot, book-jehildren L A.5 it n1JAS but potatoeS:contaln them. They Was to manage her real thildtoil. She satisfy, that Is they Stick to the ribs. to�ld decide what was� best for her book- lo:ftVr than white bread. Thia , IS An o-hildion And then could make them do important roffit When considerlilft a re-' it. gut when it came to her family, duelng diet.* When eatAn with meat they that %asanother matter. She could de- Add to the satisfying value of the meat., dide -what was, best f9r them to do, but The largest proportion of blineralb Ilea how to Get them, to do it? near the skin and as a reault; Is very ofw Uost of us With children koo1V the ten Wasted. boiling dissolves some,blorO exasperation of coming up, against a of them and they 'go down the -�bhlk -in-. stone -wall of actual 6ppo5ition or, What stead of Into our tummies, Baking, of is poihaV5 more maddening, indifference, Otltsd. is the best Way to cook potafoec. when nothing wo rjay -really penetrates. DO pu ever we the liquid in whi6h the We o4n eonzoloL otirtelveS �Vjth the potatoea aro'bojled� If You have a soup thoir3lit that it our"ohildren were toft kettle goln-sbe'nuro and Add the potato u putty and wo, weto able to mould water. Rave you evor tried addino this them at will, that they would -not have vater to your ara�y? it iriiprovea.�he auflIclent Ind4pondonba for their own flavor and Iq more nutritlow. Somo of. good, the bad name that potatoes get for tat-, VOTATovo� toiling La due to the fact that they are often Smothered. In gravy or -eaten With votatoea aro 6ne of our most finver. Job of butter, both of Wlich are fatten. tant foods. Important, became mott of 1111 eat them at lea,.t onto a day. Xf they are to generally, med thore must to A. reskton for it. 'So lot us go on a bunt for L them, What the oatmeal Is to the fkotchr to Is tile potato to the Irbil, Man7 of them lift, foil c0side.rAble olfttehea of tIATO on %*taftAm anti milk, In order to do t1lit, %V rcalfm 01st rotatats inust have con!94erable fdad valtie. Totatecl 'Conclat, elite-gly of drat". that Is ruear and Outrelics, and bctolma or thlo Mey Am 904 eat'rey Pro- Ividers. Thoy c6nWn tona 1;tattln. 0 vege-labl"3 as 0, ;Clft!s coAlfalil vwy little yprat-�In and nza of HUM valuo to bulld up VIC tlnuo or for grctft. Tle jKotato Lf-,, au cx�tj)M-Ai As U contains a nu4_11 qm- naty of P�exl% vesotane Toa,ftn are oftc,�l 0 gj!) W07481all vatnt,--Mat Iq IMF. jthcy cannol. W masillited. ty tLor cyo. .'4 Y get Sty you t S;ze� you wtV0" om IL You get Vree wheello$ in f�$ the Rdckne Sb gynchronlz4d Shl r,6rw;rd 60�caq, rut' ve ey Starf liter, t6jAAtic sWitc,41 . lily, Au Oth, I six,.cylhider el%ioe extra 6100 Cushiobcd abber tO give- ritowcA in IN decide on any 10,%v priced p0wer. Def0te You and drive , the. Itockne- MOM Model vital Spec, tolls Ile 205 WOOD 601Mjijent ONT-