The Goderich Star, 1932-04-21, Page 7•
THURSDAY, APRIL 21st, 11)11
1»O1==io>RMo> <01=er '--0 a 11AI 0•'�,i
..wads Mann
Q t y. ISABEL II.4Mfi T tN; Eod r1ch. '04
4QQ9f"'r 0/ZIO ORO?..... . (01.0 0 ...
' Came 'Mat u Vaunt et every bleeeing 1 earn leek teas and xsulein er the ii:at
Tune ray heart to Gang Tiny graced• 'wen he Ore and what a tight 140 lead
Stream, of mercy never ceasing Geer it: the sc:.ol•.d, read :now haat:ca was
Call for sones of laude t' ai:e. levelled against Ia1ra, All We Is—after
brei e«t Itebineen. an, turou. li tell, --a eenteet, a strife, a
, Flf(1,7Fi t ontrover y, sharp criticism. Sat un-
0 Gori, Light of the hbarte that seek der the liroViiienee of Gad the eonSSnn- h
ULT. wand Life of thio souls that love oration may be 1431)p7Z.
Thee, and Strength of the thought that After that sanother well was dug, and
seek Thee; ficin whore to tura away rs Icaao � We 'WM t U it Shcbin'ti-esu
to tall, to wvhonn to be turned is to rise,
oath, a covenant: a fettled and unclean.
and in whom to abide is to stand restgeable •blescanu. 'cod hand appeared atter
far even grant us •now.. Thy grace and the digging of the third well and said
1Dle" ing. Amen.( ,elected), ° to. him, "T am Amhara fiod.of mhara thy
radian: Sear scot, for 1l Orn with thee,
and wilt blas•, thee, and multiply. thy
Lesson Topic—Isaac And. Ills Wells. , seed for any servant ibralncim,'s sake."
, Lesson Passage—Genesis 24(12.25. lar. Parker an a sermon on Isaac Wells
Golden 'ext•—Proverbs 1G.I, , : epeaking. of Wells; I lila" the
......i_. _ _ 1:5.. . woad: It is full of music, there is a plash
sees this chapter we find a character , in 1t fee of the water it eept+eeents, "With
setch of. Isaac. We see what .0, detest-. fel' shall ye draw 'seater out of the wells
abet mare Is a when s e tails' lies to the. of epevation.' "Whosoever dreaketh of r "Ill cLar
the water that T slrtnll give him shall A, G. Smith, formerly of the Wine- 1 Bert Mel: eatil acrd J M cit,
king or the Philistines. Then vs Seo Q the champions arae C3oderich, no in going out Well-11'4Mhz, as if he de- never thirst; but the vaster drat T•'aLall barn Advocates ays he is not a succe,s dulled in euchre; Xe ken, ft's not just
Nerved to find Water in the eArth; and,
give him $hall be In him a well of water as a cucltrc player. I richt to insinuate, but sot had the idea
afterwards, tyre hear him calling the sprngng up ntc everlasting .life," "La, ,
wells by the names his father Abrnml Swat s arid km tliirstetb. come ye to�Atire Although• a .big committee were selling they
',lobar ascauubolts to meet d with Seere
had given them. What eontradUetionsl that bath no money, 0 tickets for two weeks. Treasurer D. D. ', •
feline lies to a living $inl;, and ell'''' xo Poor Weil"diggers, digging Where there Wilson sold BS at the door: et ei. :e •
mentally honoring m dead father. But n4 water, how long Will ye turn your ,r,•a Bill Fowl sale, 'what's the -nee?'
let us remember he is ;not Just an an- back. up= the sight way, and he as gods Mnr• A. ,Thompson came down frpm When a partner trumped his ace: That's
unto- your little selves?•.
slant character, we are doing the 'same S3oderich entad Harried off the consolation not p21. A newspaper man may 't
thing ourselves in some form or way. what he Bites, but must not write: it..
WORLD 1N115S101115 prize, l + T
IsriaO at this time was dwelling in * !
Gerar in the land or the 1?hiifstines. Be-
causeChristian Literature dance- of has. 'wealth he Was the envy of , There • is an .excellent article In ,the . most fastidious /Oat' desire, You. can't waltz. ,rust like hopping the thistle
these people; err one day he was invited Korea Mission Field,' by Mr. Gerald heat the I•Iuron o11 girls for real up -to- .patches among the stubble lane sane•
to reeve on: "00. from us; for thou pat Bonwicl:, on the woeful leek 'Of literature date'cooking. , Mrs. D. Thompson'wasj * * t
Much -mightier than we." • for children in /Corea, There are 7ti,000 ..n charge: ( Mrs; M. Sanderspn, one ofHuron'
They left and, in alms found ahem- .boys and. girls who are :passing through . * * f
selves in a little valleythrough. vernme t a pioneers, ,vas present played a good
river ranbut,it ei which a a rt from h e few mission seuedIs and, Mrs. Stowe had charge of ;the euchre am° • of euchre and a ed herself
dry, so they ad to seekuwater.rner t Here in :Christian Literature books. ys W h the and bridge. and Bert McCreath and Miss generally, '
r Society. which' axe Welker had charge of the dancing and * . :
this very district Abram had dug wells `nnostiy translations of popular -tales such all did their work well.
and these Isaac's men found and, re- as Robinson Crusoe, very little is avail- . R. S. Sheppard, one of the old stand-
opened. In addition they digged in the , able for them, . " * a bys of the Huron_ .OIel Boys, has been
valley and fennel there a well of spring- ; For the past year and a 'half, however, lyythian Castle' 11all is an ideal spot for seriously 111 for the past three wee
in water, Seem a •chit to ' e euchre perty. Ev th clean and
g w g the . su0cess of the d n s ma . seine as been u pa Y cry i� e Latest xe orts sa she is on the wayto
t; lr een attempt -•p. Y ,
seekers after water the Philistine herds- ed, the Korea, Sunday School Associa:, cosy*. recovery:
Men said The water • is ours;" ate Isaac tion and the Christian Literature Society
*.. *.*
called the Well Strife—Esek, If Tsaao's co»operating on the- field, As fns the Ald. Duckworth says he, could not stay' Honorary President R. C. Xing wa
men had found nothing but dust, the Chinese =Wren's paper; the Federation away from a Huron old, boys' entertain not present, The death. of his brother-
. men 'of Garet Would never have spoken of Women's Boards of North America ment. - in-law at. • Biuevale took him to that
excites the surprise, the envy, the epee- sworthe�vhile enterprise,
Mineral salts, vitamins,
proteins and bran �- all the
benefit of the whole wheat
grain Is yours for in
I MO stsCUI creased vigor and power.
Mede in Canada with Canadian Wheat
flints For • z
115 dc_�tc sat-zz B.av2n
Chllelrcna lave to Inv° a riarvy. Clad-
drea'a l ertle3 ehaanld be stnY,lo enael they
need not lav- tepcnaivo to he eues cse-
fial. Alvthcrs v.i11 t35aa,.k salt t'r�?ui tiao
Battens el their hearts if Son will heels
;iaur refrc3hme:ats eitripte. ZIo many
mothc>re ealni!lain that clncar eltral,cn
aro always u1"ect after a Party. 1 de not
thinks ours were ever acwuake' del; after
party. but Ida knorl-that they have
been eross and hard to get a with, the
following - slay. One tittle boy tiiet vvo
Knew was sleleoften over party. as fin- -
ally* his mother need to bribe - him to
stay Imo. -Tae etch - road, and' too
much excitement. Chfld;en'3 food .should
be :dmple 'but attractive., •
Children love to .get semethingr at a
party and to have it to take hone to
show. Candy" Is always appreciates and•'
U n can be taken home intact ce muck
the better as then it ntay be eeten•un-
der mother's supervision; Baskets filled.
with small candies are easy to =eke axed,
always liked. Children enjoy things that
are dolled up‘ just d little, t'avers may
be made. from suckers. lave a swelter
for each child, and sketch o, face on the
paper (luckily, children ate not severe
art erities), then thrust the stick in a
rosy ripple and Piave one at each child's
•An old-fashioned bouquet • may : be
made from the Very email suckers. You
can get them• all the same color or you
may have varied colors and put the
sticks through the centre of a paper
doily • and arrange as a bouquet, An
• yellow ones would make re pretty Easter
The chief thing to remember about
favors .,is that all should to rilike, It is
S fatal to the success of " your pasty' to
have a variety, as there are bet
envy and.' 'beort,burnlnes, They may be
as simple' or as` elaborate as you like but'
do have them identical, The only 'ear- I
- iety that may be permitted is to have ono
kind for the girls and another for -the:
weeks boys. ' .Even that has proved dangerous. I'
Children adore . a little decors on, r
One of
the simplest t
shn es v s
a f .d or t
p o ec n
Y a
your table is to use .animal stackers:
g They are inexpensive and the youngsters
get a thrill out',of • eating • the. decors- I.
tions. To make' them stand up,, use a'
dab of• icing on a plain home-madei
cockier or a vanilla wafer, a mohair), bis-
, cult or some simple 'biscuit of that type.
You may have an animal In front, of
tach.. place and by 'using earn' ding tube
you can 'write each child's name'on. a
4 cracker and they may be used as .place
cards, If you wish they may parade
.• across the table, one by one, or, they
,. may come ark -'the animaIs
they "came two by_two': T have even
t. seen therm on the cake:. They need only
to them It is what a man finds that and our own Society. give -grants to 'this.' - a, '° e • • place:
sition of those who are.not in sympathy ; ..Mt, Bonwick gives Some • idea or the and: Clinton old :boy, bought- ar c
with hire a . make-up -.of The . Children s Magazne,. d e '
Isaac took the right course; he said, 'its' stories for little children and for ten and they . a11. en joyed themelYes. aid. to beauty. Unrivalled in its soften -
"'Pass on and 'find another well." elle older' boys ;and girls; inciudng oil details , < 5 ing and beautifying effect on the skin
men ''digged another wail," and the men. dear tochildren"s heartspuzzles, come Paul Jones seemed;to be a great fav- imparts .a fresh •and. fragrant charm t
of Gerar ''strove for that also; and he'petition, letters, etc. Special :stress is Write with the. dancers ' the loveliest complexion• ndltlo es
called the name of it "Situah' —Hatred. laid on the .covers which are the work of �' Safegu rd caused by. weather. conditions
Surely having dug two Wails,. and been . special 'Heron 'artist each month:. Mrs. Minn/ B Irwin was at the head .of Safeguards the skin and keeps it 'smooth
driven away +from both of tliem' Isaac• The circulation now stands at 3,859: soft and flawless. ase it for the hands
and his men. will.resent with force•such. `" "`-"
the Iiowick 'patrons .' and they turned
' out •itl gbod. Yorces, and face.Always' results• in the 1Dlghes
treatment.: But ,the best side of 'tthle prom,expression of beauty.. •
leader's nature appears and • they moved ��.9
on a ai—
d from ., e
caand eke Me' '1�'y i
Jigged, another well; and fora thatt the
Philistines strove not:,' That Is the way . ' wear out an enemy—let hatred. ex- .Latest Euchren. '
haunt itself. The Philistine herdsmen and. Bridge hi
strove no .;Jere; ae .Isaac said, '"We will; A.:- res 0 �Stery
call this Rehoboth —room, space to live I •
'in; a place to stand upon• There is a I Theannual euchre and bridge of the.
place for every one of us,• could we but Huron a)id Bays' Association of . Tors
nd it. The man in the middle of life onto was held' In the Pythian Castle
Hall, College street, on Friday evening
Apr. 8, with the largest attendance of any
euchre held in the history of the asso•
elation. 27 tables of euchre and bridge
Players,: were kept occupied- during the,
,evening, while • at the. nine tbne those
who tripped the '"light fantastte.e odcus
,pled , tile: danh'e'-hail 'to the music' of : a
real orchestra.'
The following' were the prize winners;
1: Buehre-1st, P. Paterson; • 2nd, Jifhn
Moon. Ladies ••1st, , IV,fiss Laird 2lid.
Mrs. Cuthberts.. Consdlatitin• prize—Mrs.
A. Thompson, Goderich.. Lucky. number
—Miss tiSheppard.
1 The prizes were distributed by Presi-
.dent H. B. Stowe.
r Amongst those ' present were noticed
the folroevfng: •
Mr, and Mrs. XL B. Stowe. Mr, and
Mrs. C. G. Vanstone, Mr. and Mrs. 13
SH.. McCreath, Mr, and Mrs. E, Ploody,
a'Tr, and eters.. D. ». Wilson;' Mr; and
Mei. L. lit Pringle, Mr. J. A. 1VIcLaren,
Miss Sadie Walker, Mr, and Mrs. 'b
Ot! .Thompson and Mies Thompson, Mr. H
TA); COCKSHUTT PLOW CO. i• 'Morrish and. Misses Mary and 'Mar-
Jori°• .Morrish, Mr and Mrs. G. C
• Young, Mr. and Mrs. tie. A. Cathtpbell.
,Mr. and Mrs. John Moon, Mr. ,and 1Krs
J. It. Jay, Dr. and Mrs. It A. -Hessian
sldiss Iiession, Dr. and Mrs. • J; G. Per,.
gum,. Mr. and Mrs. A. Tsbister,. Mr. and
mrs. IL Pearson,,Mr. and Mrs. J
W. Cox, Mr, and MrsJ. B. Phelan, Mr
and Mrs. ILeBryen,.,Mt. and Mrs. Hugh
Hamilton and Miss Hamilton, Mr. and
Mrs..'W E. I3amlln, Mr. and. Mrs. E. W
,Hunter, :Aid;. and. Mrs, Duckworth, Mr
�D. Crawford and. the- Misses Crawford,
Mr. • ,axed Mrs. A, Mcr,aughan, 'Mr. and
/�r sir(�y�/� Mrs, O.'q'rowhill, Mr. air Powell,'he •'l. OA o ta a A. Newton, Mr. A. Y. Smith, Mr. -t. S
,Powell 1Seadorth), Mrs. M. Irwin and
the Misses YrWin, Mrs. T. II,:' Brown, Mrs
Laird and Mai Baird, Mrs. A. Becker
and •Miss Seeker, Mrs, A. Cuthbert," Mrs
L Reeder, Mrs. O. Graham, .Mrs. 0;. In,
attune :1tsXtg, M. Sanderson, Mrd. W. 0
Heading, Mrs. A, •Thompson (Goderick).
+Mrs,' Smith, Mre, boron, Mrs. Hessey,
Miss Fannie Paterson, "Miss Z. Motean
Mise' Id, 17ameron, Mica .Edithe G-idley,
Miss Pearl Gidley, Mies J. Gordon, Mies
Lavelle I;mox, ,Miss Annie Crittenden.
Ube 'Cara ' Haskins, Miss -Hazel Locke..
Mits Doris Royal, Miss Betty. Hall, Mise
Violet Cooper, Miss M. Grasslek, Miss
Belle Campbell, Miss M. Hanna, Mr.
Thos. Cowan, Mr. 0. Carrell, Mr. Reg
Wiiliatne, Mr. W. L. Curren, Mr. W. 11
;McIlryen, Mr. Arthur ./leaden, Mr.,
Arthur- Carr, Mr. Gee. meek, Mr. Is
Watson, Mr. t. T%utaton, Mr, Tt, Setrick,
Mr, R. teat, rand atony others.
11 &MU T01sT
best D Anterial • and Latest
Expert Workmanship
A11 Work Guaranteed
Prices Reasonable
Your business will be
P. -O. BOX 161--
and general line o4 Perm Irn-
plements and Repairs, =chid
ing the 'United and Allis Chat-
mer Tractors,. at ' .
Phone 598. Kingston St. •
'nick Clean, : Eeonein,cai
President Harry Stowe was full of pep.
4 4
Mr. H. S. Powell of Sesforth Was prase
ent and tool: In all of the dhow.
See the display of various
styles and mares at
The Hydro Store
Me hydro bulbs for light.
ing. They eire,gtit+t'r'rn'
t leaves the MI LL
t g' ..
through years
of harryest
TarC.ather w e a r.
Zinc Insulated "OJYBWAY"
• Copper Bearing Steer Farm
Fence, Pull ;No. 9 Gauge Gal-
vanized Wire throughout, will
stand FOUR one Minute.
immersions in the Preece Acid
Test—the severest test of zinc
galvanizing known to. science.
That's why you know "OJIB.
Al" Farm 'Fence , will give
lifetime service. .
For economy and endlzrance,
erect "OJIBoTAY" Farm
Fence on "BANNER" Steel
Posts—built . like a railroad
rail. 'Large Slit Wing Anchor
Plate lochs the post pertnan-
ently into the ground. ,Dirt
Sat End and Corner Posts—no
cement—.n0 post iie1e digging.
Easy to haul and drive. Asir
your Dealer about the "ORB -
WAY" Guarantee of Service.
iso •x• ' .Lt:A1
11f1:7a :.D:41 Gearenittd by
Mills and Head Office - Ojibway, Esstas County, Ontario
Ito be stuck in the icing. Any way you'
1 like to use them, 'you may besure the
hlldreri wil .
1•like them
Have you tried" putting the iilrFhdaY
candles for the calve in gum -drops?
"They are easy sto arrange and the eoi-
ored candies add Co the decorative qua=
' lines.
Refreshments menta for the
ehiidre s parties.
I should be°simple,'as I have .said .before.
To .most children,, the :refreshments are'
Ithe party, so they must be interesting.
A Little . work and ingenuity with simple
foods will give the children .plenty of I
thrills. Sandwiches are always ,' popu- ,
lar. Can you tell . mea child who does '
not like: sandwinhesi .:Jest youngsters
like egg sandwiches and they certainly
are safe. -Willard'adore -color and. sand- i
Wiches trade from• cottage cheese or from
a white cheese and colored are always I
liked Colors may be pi:rohased in either i
paste or liquid forms and are -quite safe'
to use; • Btjt, remember that a little col- I
oring goes a long Way, so be sparing in '
its use. . -
PEUil , 6xvylpr
The Sun Life Iias a Big Stake
in the lifts of Canada: where
It maintains 29 branches.
h has 5,000 employees,
It pays annually in taxes over
It has invested over $200,000,000
in Canadian enterprises alone.
■ a
Canadians have a Big Stake
'the Sun' Life
Last year it Canadian polic -
hoidens. or their dependants over -
Dining this generation, it will "pay to
Canadians o r their dependants more
than $900,000,000.
Every beneficiary under a Sun Life policy
rel 4t'S
�& S C1�'! OS
(1 a possible
lble- clog tilt
for public oriel'
r Y : •
►� i
Hoed Qfdk»ct MONTREAL
Miller's Worm ,Powders were devised
totl relievewho Y children wl o sur;er
from the,. ravages of Worms. It is a sim
ple preparation warranted to : destroy
stomachic and intestinal 'worms without
Shock or' injury t6 the most Sensitive
system, They i#ct thoroughly and pain-.
lessly, and thdugh in tome '.Cases they
may cause vpnliting, •that is an indica-
tion of •their powerful action andnot of
any nauseating property,
If you wish• to serve something else
other than sandwiches, Golden -Rod eggs
have proved a success. These are made i'
by adding the chopped egg-whites to .a
eream -sauce and pouring this over toast.
Then: sprinkle' the crushed egg -yolks over
the !top. Looks attractive, tastes good,
and is a simple food. What more could
you askIf the children are very email
it may be wise to cut the toast in inch
squares to simplify eating::
The dessert is the high -light . of the
ehiid's . meal. Ice-cream: isa treat al-
ways. Have you ever 'used .those little •
candies sometimes called "hundred's and
thousands" for decorating. They are ef- •
fective on -either desserts or cakes. If
you are using . them on ice cream Add
them at the last minute or the colors
will• run, 'Chocolate shot is another' .eas-
ilyadded decoration.
°.Tellies May be . made '. decorative, by
noUlding in flat pans and cutting 'in
inch cubes. -Jellies' of two different col-
ors areattractive hi. this . ways A
rainbow jelly may be made by •using
three different eolors of jelly powder.
Mould them in layers and let one layer.
harden before adding the next, This
may be made in a' loaf pan and served in
elices by evay of variety...
If Iemonade is the beverage, color it
with some cherry juice from your can-
. ned'.-cherries and put a cherry in . the
bottom of each .glass. Tf Cocoa is the
beverage., make -4t 'Without sweetening
and put a marehinallote in the liottent of
oath cup. The cocoa Will melt it and It
acts as a sweetener and makes a fluffy
drink. These things. are easily done but
add to the allure of common foods.
Relief from, ,Asthmas --'Who cande-
scribe the Complete relief from buffering
Which follows the use of Dr. 3, •D..
logg'g' .Asthma Iteniedy? Who Can ex-
press, the ;Feeling of joy that Conies when
its.soft and gentle infiuerice rellevea the
tightened, choking air tubes 1 It has
Made asthmatic ath1 tion a thing of the
Met for 'thousands. It never fella. Good
drUfigists everywhere Wive sold it fe,•.
Mistook His Meaning
"Jones isn't very polite. He yawned.
three tunes while X was talking to him
yesterday." n
"Hut maybe he wasn't yawning," pro-
, tested hid compannion. "Perhaps he was
tryhee to bay something."
Add ea toed aealreee of
teesm, et cater oil. to Mi.
044,4y0. and apply the milieu1*
out* dsilr. A eflmpi0 ettte•
Med whid, wilt
Clsafr up your skin!
Rit,;t1 T." i+,S1A.,
1T.rll �
IX A1%1XY:i.gsj, 7etl.iter
. P1101413 3001
The local dealer had offered Jiin Ross a
price fort his fat steers, but Jinn was •.
canny. He thought he ought to °get a
better price.
So he telephoned in to the stockyards --.
and found that beef had gone up two
cents. He took his steers in that day
and made $40 extra profit. The tele-
phone call cost hint 35 'cents.
No wonder Jiln, said to his wife that
night when he got home for a late sup-
per "It's lueky we've kept our tele-.
d •
End Pain, Swelling & Bieeding,
With Zurnaltuk 4 Herbal Ointment'
°intme'r'i 50 - N1rdicinttfSo.vp d';i