The Goderich Star, 1932-04-21, Page 317111R6DAY. APRIL COUNTY and DISTRICT MIN4 A R Build tip Health ENGOWEnitnNT ANNOENCED Mr. ena M. Eugene MeDenald, et Wingeam, anuelmee .the engagement of their daughter, -qQrtrUde nouise, to Jedui A. Wilson, youngest 6ort Or Mr. 97. T, CELEBRATE Mb, ANNIVERSARY 114r. and Mee. W. L.Siebert, of Unfelt, eelelerated the elftleth antaveraene UO ir wedeln:a' day on Suudey. Apr,. 10th. , Their enildren 'front Toronto, Galt and leelten. of IA5towe1, the inerriene tO teem pewee were %Tenet axle newer/ ea make Plaee qinetly the event a memorable one. TAXES POSITION IN COVNTY ROM lelliNISTEX trAVING WINGIIA24 n183 Nrarjorie anthem net:taut Ma- At a meetine of the OfAcial Board of tten of the Buren fOnurity uouoMen 'the Canted olzwecla. Vaegham, Rev. S. to baying resigned her. Pennon, Mien Davison, peetor, ad -Med the hoard Diet martin& of Desinvood ims belle appoint- he1ztjnecepted the eall Innen had been 04 tin her plave, [extended to biro •train. the Belted 'church at Blenlielra, BEI.L-11211tRISON I . On Sate:day rilOrninil. April. 9th, the WINGUAM IVOMAN INJURED marriage of Torbert (Outlet Bell, ef Dune i Mrs. Stewert McGee, of Winenere, re- ctal!: and Viernarle Harrison, ot Winz• ceived inu bruisee to her Bice ham, ems solemnized at et. Andrew% wee neneeeny nem), eeenee lot& she •manSe, Wingham, hy the Rev. Benneth Cell heedlong down the reeks at her tnaeLean. home recently, which eonianed, her te ItICHMOND-MeGVIRE --. [the tome for several, eleya, On Saturday, April Oth, a quiet wed- tONDES130110 WILL ERECT HALL ding was solemnized at the Poeshntenlan The erection of the new community oharch Mannin IV -Ingham, br um Mr. hall, Londesboro, was awarded the Blyth. neaLe-an, 'when he united in the hein Planing Malt when the tendens were, bonds en inatrImody crvass toia zooutre, owned on Tuesday: of last week, There 4 yenasest, daughter on 4ranMrs. John. were tenders In for thte work frora lett- McGuire of Eelgrave, and Mo. Marvin, thence, Stratfortn-Goderiela, Clinten Ana •(Richmond, only' Sell of Mr. and: Mrs. many other places. Runtel •Rielunond, of the ittle concession • • of ivionis Townsnip. LITTLE LAD INJERED , , 1 • 'While sitting 'On hie kiddie ear on- the • „ =SIC sidewalk in:front or ins own home, Olen- .B..N. LIVEN% Organist Or. IOnox Oenin Avenue', Toronto, John Mecaugh- Church. Teacher of piano, Vocal, e3r, tonr-year-old son of Mt Prank Me- orean and /lemony. Terms at epplica- Oaughene formerly er .01inton, .was run time Bedford leotelsor nenoxeChuroh. over and terribly injured hy a runaway - 1'delivery truck. A• D, X'UDWEL,L, T, C. lin L.. teacher of • pianoforte 0.110 'vocal .! nein; is prepared to take pupils .either DEATH OP WILLIAM J. ntiro • at their bonies or at the eesidence of Mr. .1. leading. business menet North Hu-, Whittinglearn, • WaterIaa St. (eat capital raeatre),, ,rarals: non a oat on was 'called by death on TharSclaY, hour; 750 en Ileur. . • • April Ith, hi the person William J. • Duff, of Witiebaan, who „panted away at -,- • LEGAL les home there. Ite. had been in failing CARDS • . • health for some montns but had been ,c•ritys about nea usual until Monday evening, 4.4- • Barilsters and- Solicitors. [ • R, C. 1•193's,• X.0.. And< R, 1°378'' /347 GETTING READY Eon, BASEBALL. , •Eamtiton street, Telephone 88 f wirighain Athletic 'Association 'held a Meeting hi preparation for the DALliN. coming baseball Season. Near the elos- ODOLAS It; N,•°, •ing of -the season last year hard laail was •Barrister ond,Solicitor . once more revived and it lythe extpeeta- ' ' Office: NORTH Sin- • • -Phone 512. ition to have a. nerd ball tone this year, The association is contempletiig jobao," "PRXIIK DONNELLY, nt. 1.1 -7? -4' the Bruce League- The following appointments were ;made: searetaenn Barrlsler, Solicitor. Eta. •treasurur W Tient' 'manaeing commit. Frione 2B2-AMILTONST Gode.rich. ••Earrister; Solicitor, Notery Poblic,•Etc, successor to J. L. Rilloren Phone 0/, Often The Square, GoOeriela 'AIRNEST en. LEE. Barrister and Solicitor Sun, Life Adelaide ead vietora Telephone: Fawn 5301 , Teronto 2, SPECLUOSI J. 4Z. PrivesTra, En. EAR, NOSE, enerniAT tate House Surgeon New York orpla- tbalniie and Aural Hospital, assistant at Moorefield's Eye HospitaI toed Golden Square Throat Hospital, London, Eng. 63 'Waterloo St. S., Stratford. Tele- phone 267., • At Hotel Bedford, Goderich, on the evening of the, third Monday of eaeh month until the folloWing- day. Tuesday, et 1 p.m. • .• CHIROPRACTIC . nOROGLESS PRACI,e1I01!ER. -4111EOPRACTOFt AND DRUGI.ESS THERAPIST, GODPIOTOlt. OHN N ER PLUMBING, HEATING, SHEET METAL WORK Phone 127 •.p. q. sox 131 --en- 1 ped with electro-Marenetio bathe. qo p Electronic. 'electric treatment and chiro- practic. Chronic, organic and nervous diseases. Lady in attendance. Oftice hours 2 to 5, and 7 to 0 p.m., excepting IvIoxidal arid Tbursdey by appointment. A. N. ATKINSON-, residence and office, corner ot South street and Brin tannie, Road. Phone 341. Vit ntl TEETHING makes HIM' FUSSY AUCTIONEERVOGI One of the most impOrtant things you can do 1.0 make a teething baby comfortable is to see that little bowels do their work of carrying ofr waste matter promptly and regularly. For this nothing is better than CO - teem, a pure vegetable preparation 'specially made for babies and chil- dren Castoria acts SO gently you can give it to young infants to relieve colic. Yet it le always effective, for older children, too. Remember, Cave • Mb contains no harsh drugs, no narcotics -i, absolutely harxrdees, 'Whert your baby is fretful with teething or a ined Upset, giVe a clean- ing dose of Castoria. He sure you get g6nuiae Caetoria with the newel 111-101VIAS GONDRY & SON. Live Stock and Smoot Auctioneers, - Elgin Ave., Goderieh. Sales made everywhere and an efforts made to give yeti tatisfaction. " Farmers' Sale Notes discounted, Phone 119. e *NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. BAILIE. NOTARY P1111140 General Conveyruicing done Good Companies Represented. Phone 203. Ciederieb, Ont, , INSURANCE Alifilrair"MUTUAL VIME /EMIR. •"'" ANCE COMPANY. ARV ANI) ISOLitTEnt TOWN PROP,. KIITY INnUllED. Vertex nf nroperty insured UP to 'Ian- uary, 11110, $3,618,073.00. OPPRIPR8,-.1ohn Benriefeli5e, Preen. (lent, Broadhagen; &is, Connolly, Vice - President, Goderielt; Pt McGreeor, Sore -Treat.. seafortb. ornsciroi18-110. Shoutdiee, Walton; '17Orirt, flonetallee; George nleGarte nen Goforth:, Bohn rr6, Ilerlock; John Peelle*, Brucefield; A. 131oe1fo0t, . Seaforth. AGENTS -W. 3'Ye0, 11. R. 3, Clinton; Ji. Watt, Itytht 1rI. Illnehley, Ura- fot-th folio Murray, SearOrth. Pollee/holders ean pay their itteeeee wine at Galvin auttte :store. Goderletx: The IloYal Dank, 01111ten, or J, 11, Reid% Bonifield. mi& - ItaVo It attended to by the VIAWANOSS MUTUAL EINE INSURANCE EStablished 1878 itIcad °Meet Ifrintgannen, Ord. aid -en -a -4v CASTORIA d 14ILD1t.ENCtY. FOR IT BrODHOU BrO$ cooetudH Manna- PUNERAL DIRECTORS and EmaztLMERS 4r,R0 AMBULANCE GERvien AT ALL BOURS-EIGUT OR DAY Places: Rigid 217. Day 120 04144040.14444,40********44 eltal, 1km/ft, Itinottellne, Pratidolt tlobat Davidttany Vitt Prt. /Meat in fidditinfi to the Piondent ann Ince Peeentent, the fotleonag are cetera: W, 3 Therapten, Atibene; McQuillan, LtieknOwX W. 1.7. Wed. In rt. t 2. Lien:teen Intery L CalkeIn, (lode- 2 Melt; anent Acknet. Veneto% Tim enitart,i. rt. No. 7. L'aeknete. nate-N.00 per tile:nekton MIL TitEnBAVEN, Coen. TIM% Txtu, an Bin Wheeler Funeral Director and Embalmer Also Ambulance Service Goderieli Ontario 1.111 calla promptly attondell t (hy )E. RUA, Phoftee: Store 825; nenwr 35eW 4441,44iirrni***************Molio A With Spring Tonic rate lasbinn tak'.'pg Siniug tente baesel int Multi Xtiedkal ernuene Winter nee tleinned aud dental/reel the bleed stream tee Met tIsn't eavrylug enonnla (MIRO, That Li the reform !or MD 11.5t/e88, eeelleettred-out eene ditien ea. prevalent at this ae6.80n, Wlext is neaten te toine---one Veen will build new bleerl and restore and Purify- the Moe stream, grid thee able n ti ninny the energizing emelt thee, quickly revitalizea the whole S. tem. Thousenes heve proven that Dr. Williarn5' Malt .111113 aro the Weal tonic, for tins Purronen. Men A, Merritt of Welland 8438 4 engem lest Sprinr became' lit r could not do my worlt; won pale, weak, and tired all the time. I took Dr. Williams' Pink 131,11s and they soon made me etrone and baPpe Arpin." Try Meat and•elt. perteace for notiraelf the new strength and vigor they will .bring you, At Vur druggiSt's in the new (rinse contention 5(xe 4 Paekiign• tee, W. Cruickshank, W. X Omen AL IVIurray; grounds committee, 0. L. Bak- er, IL L. Sherbondy, an Preeton. 1E4NCARIVINE r(fECIIAIsTIO /MIMED NVin• Broeklehank, reechan at Mac- Pherson% gluing% laneardine, sufnen4 severe head iniarieS on Wedneaday evening, April 6th, when thrown from his inatotcycle, He was rendoved to his home but 'wee sollictently recovered to rettuxu to libinvork in a re* days,- DEATII OP JOHN ARMOUR Another of the pioneer residents et the section .passe e away 'peacefully on Zit - day, AM% 8th, at the nome of his niece, Mrs. WIllitern Nesbitt, Queen street. Blytn, in the person of John Armour. The late Mr. Armour was born in Dare Wigton Township, Durhaxn ,County, al- most eightn-six. years ago. • . DEATH OP ROBERT MOPPATT Tbe death oecurred on Saturday night, April .9th, at the home of his xiephear, Thomas 'Norden, Goderich street, Sea - 0! Robert Moffatt, a • highlY estaeMed resident, in his 90t1t year. The deceased man, who Was a son of the late Joseph lefoffatt, was born in nintinnet township, where he spent the earrY 'part of his Mr. Moffatt never married. BIOIMIOND-MeGIIIRE At St. Andrew's manse, Wingham, on Saturday morning; April inh, the *ee- rie* of Mervin Russel Rienmend, of Morris Township, near Blyth, son of Mr: and Mrs. Russell Riehmoren and Annie Tole, Meaufre, datighter or Mr. and. Mrs. John meGuire, of Belgrave, was settee- nized by Rev, It enneth McLean. Mr: and Mrs. Itlebniond will take up farm - hi Morris n'ownship. DOME BURNT IN TUCREItSMATil About five o'clock on tViortday morning of ,efest week fire completely destroyed the•ceraent brick residence on the faro. of ettr, D. P, McGregor, on the .Kippen Road, Tuekersmith, ien miles south, of the -Egmondville bridge. 1Virs, McGregor wakened first and finding the bouse full. el :smoke, aronsed.the rest of the fara-: tly, who had ecarcely time to dress. None of the -contents or the house was saved; • SAFETY, VALVE SAVED THE DAY Winghant fire brigade was summoned to the residence or A. M. Crawford, John street, , •but nortunatele there was no damage. Mr. Crewford, who spends his winters in. St. Petereburg, Ma., is on -ins way home and the house was being heated.. The • thermostat failed to work, and the safety valve which 1.3 located in the bathroom saved the situation. When a neighbor •saw the eecaping. steam the alarm wee turned in. REV. T. W. GOODWILL RESIGNS (ken W. Godwin, (who has been pastor; of Old St. Andrew's Presbyterian church, Myth, and 'Knox Presbyterian: -church, Auburn, left last- week for Bills - burg, 'where he will be Itt charge of 'nee Presbyterian ehonch there.„ Rev. .Mr, Goodwill has knell one of the outstand- ing ministers In Huron Preebytery and during his - residence at Blyth made many friende wile regret his departure. The forming of Myth, Belgrave, &Minn and Smith% Bill congregations into one charge necessitated the change. • INTERVIEWED UMW On Tuesday Afternoon of last week Mayor Anderson, Councillor Wattort, Wm. -Mahon abd IL Ie. 111agwood, of leineardine, motored to Toronto, and, oncompinied by Col, Rugh •Olafk, inter- viewed Hon. J. B. Cooke, Alfred tact:Mire •ifon Engineers inlay and 'James, of the Cottarlo Hydro Commission, re .pinver •tetee for the Cirele-Bar Bitittfiln co., COnnection with their expanaloe scheMe at the enimpany's Innis here. The -depu- tation returned the EMILIO day, having rad with very limited suocees, BLETII STORE SOLD Ur, Cleo, A. Mitcham, who Me been tortatetizeo groceig arid boot and shoe dote in Illyth for the past few yeast, ntto dispoeed of the business including tbe nuildine and his residential property .on the corner of nreContieli end Morris streette to Mr. Thomas Elliott, Of wina- hcan, Who is now in peseeselon. The deal teonteined the traiester of Mr, El - notes two farms in. Oulroee 'Tani/15111P, Bruce County, one compoeed tif 100 acres and lite other 40 aeres. Mr. =What ocenP7 the tomer and leaves lea- mealately to commence the oprine work, rittvetzeit tuna 'MISSING WALLET While etopplzie. at the Quartet Irotel, • Whigilana, L. E. Vineklum, of London, proceeded to elle* out, duet was much upeet on Reding hie wallet with $40, dee misting. Ilia room ,was et:imbed tied lin:ally Allen Wen caul. Deeplte etroete on the part of the thief the nensing inonee wee not foluld. Just Were Mr. Wiekluin 'woe rend7 to lend toter: be found hie wallet JO 145 Wide Vest poeket, much to the row laliriself and all eonnected itt the tenon, VANDALS ENTER 'nEAFORIVIt ROME A permit Or nereens onlmown affereel North Goz Mein atrec, Ceatoeth, and Pm, tIle Irani° of Mtn Anne G. ovenIeek t lectzlent to maco the bairn. Deeatvero eeero tailed Var„ platitC.5 Menem frC27,1 trz vicv, men intent:ire Oxen tat ea rat. lineten exentleg ef value teal tette nee. to nettein the etnning CUM a nennie Mine teeeneleen kin Ler Leine anent 81 !ter. tette en retuenine at zo.sa Wan tuna tier effeete In will anernce. Oen. 1 eteble Snen ca -a5 :celled init exa- tion'e of ,the toneereante ceUln be foetid. E1, - ;trance ban been gairaft tntoiab. break* loa windete gle the .reen ef tint nenee. THE GoDERior STAR PAWS TWOS SEalFORTIL RESIDENT PASSES Mr. &elite Penereemn V24 )3A-'4 re- eideut ef neatertle fee several ems, wee sea away at his nme en Leutsa deter; ltIondaY, April f ellereteg an Ill- ness of several weeks. Early In Muth 2Leeufferen a eteeke dnet gradually weak- eeeit Until the end eeree peacendlO on tdolidey. nito deemeed wee a son of the late Arentinald wed Janet IVreNan Pergueort and was. born rei yearo ago,. en the Pereuson boMeetead On the seventh coneeesion ot nfeletilep. U WaS never merried, but. sarvived by one lone. ntargeret .4mItti, of near Sarnia. ouNrox srarko snows . Thilerelate April 7th, was the date' of the Clinton annual Offing shoet don', put oil by Baron Contra l Aericeitural So. elenr, •and weather eonditions were ideal O nd the snow one of the iest ever held. The number tntentling • then eliovi wa$ larger than for emit° yeere arid the nun her and gitality of stock shown was Mg Olid in emtne classes ahead of former years. In eattle the nurriner sheet ln- creased from. 2). .shown in 1931 to 54, and while the ntimber norses remain, ed abaft the Sante, the quality, If any thhigi Nit.a8 higher than lest year. • strronnct, Lam nowmas • At a meeting of the members of, the lelitcnell Indies' Lawn Bowling Club -the ntembershipetee for this Year was set at $1,50. Laet year the were civet seer -ea -3r membees, lelueli Interest wan tareti bowling, and the ladies are looking for - Ward to a zoom successful amen. The officers elected for the incoming year are: Honoree/ presidents, 'Mrs. in, S. Oord and Mrs. Annie Borenten.; West. dent, Mrs. 'Valliant Boyd; trice.president, Mrs, ttus Ronnenberg; secretaryetreas- Hughey; games, Mss Viola Rata; social, urer,• Mrs, Herbert Berry; convener.s of conunItteest member:alio, Mrs. Devitt Mrs. n. Gible - and,- hayitig, Mei. E. V. PERMANENCE FOR well over a century the BANK Oil MONTREAL _ has been in continuous operation. Today, with its Jong ex. perience, efficient person. *lel, hundreds,of Branches and con -Vete equipstnent, the Bank is better' able than ever to help its cm- , tamers • to handle their financial affairs hi a safe and satisfactory manner. Established iso TcrrAt. ASSETS IN EXCESS Or $750,000,000 R, C. WHATELEY, Manager Goderich Branch costsitsstomos tsrsuann As a. difeet .vesult -of a- coriunahlcatioh Appeared hz .The Rincerdine Re- view -Reporter • issue of Marcia stet, . an investigatlen. Was -made into the charges m that some embrs of the 13ruce Muni- cipal Telephone 'System, elected at the annual aneetion oe the system held a few weeks 'prev1a:4Y, were not holdbag °Mee legally, and a ruling eliade by. the OntArlo Railway . and Municipal Board declareatlze enarges to be Correct. •.The outcome of this ruling is - that Meters. Murdock .Motneill, of Bruce • Townshlp, ann John Corbett of ICinearclioe Town- ship, lose their Oats, on the Board of Commtesteiters or the Telephone System. HENSALL'S nPRING SHOW • Despite unfavorable weather, Which kept many of the lair eex away /rout the eichibltion, the annual spring show of the south Huron Agriculturol Soolety held id Benson on Tuesday of lase Innen ,drew a fair -crowd, Snow fell all during the day, while the condition of many or the been roads kept a. tonsiderable /aura- ner away. Exhibite In the, home wed cattle classes were up to the standard of forker years, drawing favorable eone- merit from the judges and spectators alike. The sliver cup donated by Dr. Collyer for the nest -Shorthorn fernale of the show, any age, was won hy Oespri- cher Brothers, of near Crediton. The J, S. Passraore & Son's special for the best gentlemanturnout went to A. W. Weber, of Kitchener, while the Garnet Case trephy for the best lady driver teas WOn. by Mrs. A. W. Weber, It Scott, of Cromarty, captured first and second prizes in the, champion sweepstake claas, third .place goes to Robert IVettnichael, While James Seott was fourth. The Judges or the light horse class was Char- les Brothers, of Toronto; Norman Jeffer- Bilious For Days • At Time Until She Took Vegetable Pills Gratefully, Mrs. C. writes: "The first dose of your wonderful Carter's Little Liver Pills gave me great relief after every medicuie I tried failed." Because they are PURELY VEGE- TABLE, a gentle, effective tonic to both liver and bowels,Dr. Carter's Little Liver Pills are without equal for cor- recting Constipation. Acidity, Head- aches. Poor Comple.ion and Indigo - don. 25c. & 75c. redpkee everywhere, Ask for Carter's by NAME. THE son, St. deorge, judged the 'heavy horses, witile Barry Sntithnor Ilay, decided the cattle awards. Prank Wright, of neat Bilepen, was first in the, boys', judging -class, Witmer Brentwoodt ranked secorin and -'Sandy' • Pepper came 'third; Or. A. U. Campbell; president of .the society, expressed satisfaction. at the outcome or the snow despite the unfavomble- wea- ther, • COLBORNE COUliCIL The regular meeting of the Collionte C4APuriilleill2twhas izejd In - , twhiethTaolimll tshheiPiaBeinall- bers present. •'rile minutes of the March meeting mere adopted as read .Pollowe ing accounta were paid: Signal Printing co., for 1,00 forms, $3; W. J. Symolids, for relief supplies, $1n44; Goderigh fg;- 00 error in accoont, $3,15; Wrn. -Wet - Solt, salary and expenses, $81,11. Pay- ment of Engineer Patterson' account Was put off for another month. A num- ber of .cominuttlentlans were read and disposed. et. , The road superintendentn payment vouchers amounting to .$140.30, beteg found tOrrect, were paid. On motion of Councilloes Tyndall and Mciereath the Priee of gravel was set 4 12%c -pe yard. : Moven by. Couaellior Pitblado and seconded. by Councillor Peagan, that $20 6, year be ntad for caretaking Of the- nall. Moved in aineedment by •Counellior deal and seeonOed by Cloitneillor Mee Oreath that $25.a year btx paid for tern , - taking of bar; The reeve veted with the. amendment and declared' it carried, O n motion of Councillor:1 Metnreath and Peagfen the meeting adjourned, to Tuesday, May. IOth. N. P. %SORRA Client. Simple and Suree-nDr, Theattan- Eclee- tele 011 Is so simple in applkation that a child earl, ondentand the, instructions. . tisee as a liniment MO 011IY direction -1s to rub, and whenused as a dressing to apply.: Tho directions .are •so Plain cool orunistitkable that. they Ore readily *un- • deratood by' young or old, Dr. Wood's Nonvity Pine Syrup :Neglected a Cold t On .Her Chest Men R. jewsbury, 1122 View Ste Victoritt, B.C. writes: -"I had suffered, for several months, With a cold on my chest. I neglected it for some time thinking it would nass off; but it got worse. All the Weeding I tried proved futile until I became alarmed. One day my 'husband went to the druggist and told' him that everything I had tried did not help Me in any way. He recommended. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, and before 1 had finished the first bottle I 'wm relieved." Price 85c. a bottle', large family size 65e.). at all drug - and general stores; put up only by The 'T. Milburn 0o,, Ltd,, Toronto, Ont. We appreciate* thefact that housecleaning is not a pteasant Usk, -but a good supply -of the right kind of aids win help linmentely. You'll find everything you heed for the Job at your conyerdently located.. fihointaion," and many of theca on "special,"1 too, NOR LAUNDRY, ItITCHEN and GENERAL riousmox,r) PORPOSES OXYDOIL G DERICH EAT FOLKS EV61 IN A COLD RAIN t WALK kliWij-N- PR.ING Ai ePOeren ' Perfection Floor Wax ...... - .. 1-1h. Tin 25'e Navy Toilet Paper Lge:, Itoll le Prince= Plakee Plig. ine Ammonia Powder -4 Pkgs. 2,50 : 1 curia and Saucers Carton of e , dOOD Gramm R ttOr CiPtCtAL, AND THEN crime time: TO A HEAT FOLKS nge A ready fire,.. A steady fire,—. You can depend on these when you order our D. L. St. W. -‘13lue Coal' for heatim and cooking. it is dea0 coal, it is honest coal, it is ail coal. Let us send You out an OrtiOr to -day. CALL THE WIttkitg CLASSXC MANNER z:40 tmr.:::f; DATE TACI'ile ILIAENS voe, • /Ott een TitteeT 3 GM MOO. SPECIAL—Coitage Rolls, per We Buy Eggs—Ilighest Prices Paid SPECIAL—Pure Lard, 204b. $1.68; 3 lbs. 25c 0MUSTARD COMPANY A's:1MA