The Goderich Star, 1931-03-26, Page 5T110111144lar. MASICIt aiah. Ian
W. lave tb.fir k mid t for the travrrIior, the ao�r,
Ci, School, ply gro and better.
Pr'ovlde Y with * atoppJy' for i t
Cr lamas at
Joseph lindssay
aloderiela friends noted with. spent-
thetia interest tee death of Joeepli
rich, baaekau team. which took place at
beat, at the age et 30 yeers. Joe wasi a
same years ago. Ile bid * Semewhist
lengthr He Wait been In Tor,.
oho.. educated at St. Patti% &perste
school'. was a Sheet -metal warker
trade and a MeMber of , St. panes
ohm*. lie suevived by hie Mother.
Una Bridget XandlitY. with wboin he
lived. end tour bnithere. TAwrenee
Thorium 14.1 George end 'Herbert H.
&ghost Waller*
Mr, &alma Walter's, Ot Colborne
'testailhip. Who lived Vane, wet ftetild
dead in Ws bed on Fritley leat about
noon, The tunny of brother living
across the road leen fawned When they
noticed no smoke coming from the
nerar wale places on itietiaesday.1 c iatJu. okderien ton*uship, AK.
Mr, "McLeod craw born in Kincardine' *ad Rtrathroy. The esteem 1 w
and the futaily cerise to t oderich when *be was held WM beilittfUliy resin d b
he wig quite yawat and dein corn. the talmerc spiritual oireritels.
Untied to be the family home for years, r. WWI* Cox
WW1 Theron began to become the etviam. pram tbw wawa", Mouatairseer
for the WW1 aeekipd iia oppoituaxitf in Ova of the lamest neutrals ever held in
Iite. and oaf .a far+aile of itvs sees and Walhalla .oecuurM . meldtheldey afternoon,
two daughters, only one, Lleorge,* now areas the list rites were held for T.
living iu Ooderich, the otheta all being Wilson Cox. plaratierof wbp
rwltisitt in Detroit. tloderictt 1ooks ,good died autidduidi Thursday. March filth,
to our townem*rt, however. on rettnnInd frsuu r heart attack: tt was necessary
front the City of the 8tritita and rasing to hold the tunes" WO* in the Oars
the amount, at•uunetitploymrnt and bard house in order to $ccorarecdate the
tenets that sexist • there. Mr, McLeod. hundred' of tattoo and asstghbors who
the deceased, bad been unwell for ,estrus withal to attend. A Private service hie
Rune. He is ouxa-aved by his widow and the lawny was head at,ten °'clock turd
by one son, Donald, seed fourteen, sloe the plbl * service at, tno ,reclock. the
by his mother. Mrs. Alex. McLeod. and Rev. M. C. Newm*U, Methodist pastor,
five brothers €:nd two sisters, all of De- having charge of the services.. special
troit with the exception ox peor*e. of numbers were guru; by Mrs. H. C. New"
^ooderieh. The other members of .the man. lMrs J. A. d'a>rieecoia, Misaea 011ie
Wally 4kre..181110. Nornian, John and and Wallace, ana Sadie (Mre. IMP and Hasa 'Shirley. Web.' The honorary Pall -
Stella (Mrs, Dewsenber0). afte. Mea bearers` were IL E. altubbleileld. tat
Leod had lived in Detroit tor the Peet Cando, Jemes Monteith, ot 1,,akotts,
tieentratine nem and was fortyaeiglit Samuel Tolleteate Of Milton. Archie arta
Henderson Cabin. Cal Soft. Ernie
death came euddenty, tor he hart been egra Ames a. mealigaa Bellfach, A. W. Bialtele, ;Newton. Lee
e•b9a the Preview, 07 aPPerentlY in A tad neeth was that of Nina Ellen '144 1.'"he Wahulh4a,„.V1,,e
his usual bealth. He visa a 10xi. of the Driver, beloved wife of Ma. James A. 04,,tive Panbeewrs W.tre Dr. .1t- xeanto
late lir. and Mrs. Yachted Walters end agcattUan, oecurrea Ankles* et '241_,Lell.• rank &WM, Of tellgdoill
Vets in Ws eixty-seventh year. 110 re« the boars of her WOW, Ur. and Mrs. "' ""4181111ehe, IMP/ Ilanr/C41' E4'
farm on which be was born. Cue bro.. day a,fteroeee, Mrs, mailman bad aut. hail. Interment was made in the
sided on tile fourth conception on the Willis= Driver. Iluren road. on Eatur. Cl4t1"4*mt al* I'lech Wallehl8 a Wia"
theraIsattc, predeceased -him about three fered a seoere,..AttaeAt or iut. awl * utue Walhalla, veMetety ea the bill, beside
Yesxs, and a sister and a brether sue. daugbter was still -born Saturdae morn- 144 br" daughter who preceded him
viers,. eers. •Walter asuen and Me. son- Ing. acts. mammal was awn al. Goes In deetts maity years ago. Thomas
liam Walters.- ot Colborne, The funeral rich township tbirty4bree. years ma:Wilson Cox. tbe son ot Samuel end
was held on Monday afternoon by Rea. and was married in June, 1923; arta fiberatherine Cox. 'WM born on the farm
B. linen. • • and Ma McMillan had resided on the In 1!?ederleh- 'X."4 °111411.1°' on Idareh
Mr, George mcLeod, ot town. woe in since their manialte. Mrs, McMillan "ung n3633' 32/91Ing t'n librth 1)4°t1" in
at his brother, Mr. Robert, McLeod, whet me.rried to Wm Mare Parker Of Inkster.
died On Sundey. the lath instant, the
New Merchandise se For The
aster Season
""TREFOU SSE" Black, grey, white ;end fawn shades,. in blain
ranch Kid eight and twelve -button pullovers and the nes
Gloves ; musketeer style.
If you see these new styles you will wear them Q
We have a beautiful new assortment of Ladies' Silk.
Scarfs at moderate prises. Narrow Scarfs in
checked :and.paisley patterns are appealing to the
younger set for spring wear.
"Orient" and`
Your Hosiery forms a very important pact of your
Easter costume. Therefore considerable 'care must
6‘Suporsint , be taken in choosing the correct shade for � the d �
Hosiery y : n� fexent •�tecas• ,
We are now showing the new shades...: in Service. weight and
Chiffon Hose
"Queen Quality," represents the best' in style and
quality in eight , and twelve -button slip on .�
musketeer style Silk Gloves.
Detroit hurt week attending the funeral attended the ettiool ot 15. S. No. 1 and /8°3' °11* peeembee 14' 18°1" he Wee
Mr. and MM. Cox residei In Milton tor
six years, thence to Walhalla, in 1903,
where he lived until called by deatb at
the age et 03 years, Mr. Cox Wits M.
church aid was a feathful church Work-
er; taking en active Mixt in- all Its
Works and he will be remembered as
rarely missing A church, service. Mr.
Cos was Manager of the Fernier&
Clean SlaPping Asseciatiela and wag 0:
member of the Modern Workman ledge
ot America. He "leavei to mourn his
log three tiaUghtete and live sons,
DeretbY (Mrs. Lawrence Cox), Leonare
and George of Caatin, Beulah (Ms.
Ming and Florence, Murray and Char-
lie, tit home, and seven grandchildren.
sie ale° leaves three sistem and six, bro-
obsr, of Seattle; Mrs. T. H. Niteish„
r Spring ChAliesis
EnjoY the comfort of at top coit, Ana the well dressed "
" feeling that goes with a custom tailored suit.
Special Order Clothes
a one Price
a Meniber of North street 'United church
but wee VI etteadarie at the Tolor's
vived' by ber eorrowing- busband, by her
parents, anti bie two young sons, Colas
turd Kenneth. aged four and three years
Driver, Huron road, and. a sister, Miss
Edna Driver, teacher at Ss S. No. L
-,- The funeral was lipid on Monday after' -
noon. iservice at the home of the parents
' being conducted ey Rev. W. T. Mut
; pastor of the Taylor% Corners church,
4, assieted by Rev. C), Butt, pastor of Vic -
'aorta street United churob, in the ab -
!lance qt Rev. C. F. Clarke through M-
Iness, The pallbeoxers were " Messrs.
Oliver Edwards, John Yule, Robert
Fuller, /toy Rundle, Hebert Rodgers and
Harold Montgomery, lane, ,Mchfillan
was much beloved by a wide circle of
fri6rid4 Wh° 4Y2nPathize cle6111Y whh-the- aesegoa- William and Ed.; Rapid City,
Silk Gloves
ves t
it gives you
thrbugh years
of hardest..
e ere
s. Dakota; Burke,. Wimbledon, N. Pa
Mrs. Wm. leouni Albert, at. Paul; Nonis, of Seattle and
The funeral '6f Mrs. William Young;
who died on Friday, and who was a. well
known and highiy esteemed resident of
colborne tewnship, took place on Mon-
day month* at ten o'clock from St,
Peter's church, doderith. The ' sacred
edifite was filled to capacity by people
country, the large attendance being sig-
nificant of the anection and respect felt
for Mrs, Young, Solemh requiem mass
was sung by Rev. Fatber Young, Of
strathroy, son of the deceamd, assisted
by Rev. Father chishohn; of Sarnia, .a
nephew, as Deacon, and Rev, Father
Brisson of St. Peter's Seminary, Lon.
don, as Subdeacon, and Rev. rather L.
Kelly, ,of Stratford, nephew' of Mr,
the sanctuary the following clergyman
were present: ReV. Pather L. Power,
Zurich; Rev. Father Odorowski, Dublin;
Rev. Father Paquette, St. Augustine;
IteV, Father Sullivan, Clinton; Rev.
Father Glavin, Watford; Rev. Pother its earliest days and to have talten a
lteleArdle,.. Iringabricige. and Rev. loather prominent- and honored, place in its ilea- bell.. By the tithe of Confederation or
Lowry. parist priest, Grocierich. Tim tivities, to have been active in the poll- PhmtlY after he had, become president
of, the ConservatAva Association, and no
sermon, preached by Rev. Father Obis- tical affairs of the country Irma before
man. took a keener int,erest in politics
holm, who ,represented Vicar General Contedetation days - and to have had', ' a
au pale, Mr, Campbell; even of quite recent
eloquerit tribute aind deeply Impressive, the public. meri of Catada doith-thr4ega, Years. he was a regular attendant at
Ladies' and Children's- silk and wool and -all wool hose.
Clearing at 20. per cent: off
George, of Toronto, and a host ot
frienda, who Will cherish his memory
ditind and ever loyal friend, elwaYs
ready and willing to lend a lielPing.
one 86'
The Cash
hand to any one'who needed hitn. %Noe
high esteedi In WhiSh Mr. CoS was lield of the town, arid he always had a Pro -
ware evidefted by" the hundreds ot eressive outlook in connection with any
people who attended the funeral "ser-.
vice. lie • Was noted tor his geniality,
his quick wit, end hb3 hospitality. Dur-
ing the litany years, he lived in this
community both as a farmer end a
Mayer ot livestoeit .he had made a host
of friends, all• ot yboni deeply grieve hie
Passing. -
project for the advancement of °ode -
rich and. his words of, cOanSel, were al-
ways listened to with close attention.
Mr. Mali:obeli got interested in politica
early in. life and from the days when he
which used to standat the feot of Elgin
avenue overlooking the lake, when "Wil-
liam. Cawley and John-Longwortit were
the rival candidates, he took A keen de-
itiefayear 1844a when, Mr, CaMpliell.. meat
only ten years'of age. Later on he en.
letr. Wm. Campbell Pays Natraier Debt terad into the contest between two local
merchants, Junes Wa n and John
Wednesday adorning
'In.have lived in Caldera& 'nattiest from
Detler, on behalf of e Conservative
candidate, Mr. Detler, and tales of this
-centest'weee often related bY Mr, canna,
The cliiidran of St. Peter's school all those years, is the unique recard et
marched in a body to the church, in Mr., William CamPbet "•00derich'S
charge of the Sisters of St, JOSePil% "Mend Old Mae," who peeled away' at
Convent. The pallbearefs were ele -las home on Quebec etreet 'en Wedn_es-•
nephews of the deceased, James Gitriey, day Morning this week, the end coming
Thomaa Garvey, Gerald Garvey, Mich- about 8 o'clock. Mr. Canspbell had a
ael Foley, Ernest Young and Hugh 1 wonderful vitality ttnd taoUgh- in bis'
Chishoini. Mrs. Young aill long be re- ' ninete-seventh year (he would- have'
mem-tiered in this community for her comPleted his ninety-seveetIr year had
PletY aro true Christian charity.. she ' he lived to Dominion Day) it la -Only
was devoutly interested in ell church
activities. She was a Member of the
Altar Society, Catholic Washers% Rattier,
Sacred .ileart League, and League for
the Propogation of the Faith. Mrs.
Sroung, whew husband predeceased „her
by ceveral yeare, fa survived bY three
eons and two daughtere, Rev. Father
within the 'past week that his ooralition
becanie larch as to indicate that the -end
of such a tong careee was at hand.
Mr. Campbell held at one time or an-
other nearly an offices in the mUnicipal
arena, VW a member at the council, was
dePUtY reeve in .1881 and 1882 and reeve
in 1898. was town clerk from 1884 A)
nobaination conventions. and almost al.
ways was. called upon for some coin -
meat. Far a remitter of years he was
Postmaster at Goclerich, preceding the
'Present occupant ot the position.
'Whenever anyone wtmted some itsfor-
Mation about former residents of Gode-
ft& Mr, CamPbell was always the soUrce
of informatiore He could toil -alma)* a
complete family history of any of the
earlier residents of the locality. Ile
wars born in Barrie July let, 1834, and
came' to Goderieb. whets only live Years
of age, practically aa Of the business
life at the fawn at that time tieing doem
below the hill at the dock or the Ipwer
part of West etreet His father can*
front Couaty ,Annagh, Ireland, _together
with hie uncle, Robert. Campbell, Ilis
Maher also was 'Irish but It- was in
Canada that they were mairied. The
father was a ShOemaker and worked At
his trade irk Bytown (now Ottawa) later
YoUng; WiMem, with whom she Ilvedf- 1889 and was assessor and collector from
Prank and Miss Mary Yotmg, of Loyal. 1903 onward until his failing eyesight a
and Mrs. Hubert' 014‘hona, aid eight few years ago forced him to abandon
grartdchildren. Relatives and friende the work but even then he was retain -
front a distance were; Mr. and Mrs, ed as ruivieoty assessor and collector and
Hubert Olefahoriy. of SIMeoe ; Mr. A. in tble capacity he did not regard the at Gationoque and Kingston. For a
in "Little Muddy York,"
W. Becker, betrOit, and Miss Mary 'Position it. _Merely an brewery one but time he . lived
AA Toronto was known in those deep,
Redmond, iihrscain-traitting ef at. Jos. vitas:, of real asSistance to successive °c-
ement from astrUrsbridge, Stratford, 1 or two, Mr. Campbell was ah active
year. then at Holland Landing, then Barrie,
Wee Hospital, London. others weee . cuPents of the oilice Until, the past
ing down. in the valley below or alioVe
to mountain summits was Most Pie*
turesque. This island is very well wat-
ered Witti numerOus streams. Needless -
to say Miss Howell - enjoyed the stay
here Very mach "though slie round the
heel a little oPPresstve on the low
levels, but as they ascended the moun-
tain the temperature became "much
mare pleasant, Iler many friend's in
Goderich are pleasted, to. heat of her
iheeaant trip and safe arrival, and whin
her a pleasant. star In Trinidad and all
the setisfaction ot being engaged in
worth while work. j '
west Ws,wanosh
cil held tts regular meeting on rilarch
9th, with all the-ritembers present. The
reinetes of the last meeting were read
and accepted, agr. George Stewart Pur -
chased an elra tree, which. star& on
the road allowance, for 93. .The eon
Was accepted from the eollector end
arrears ot taxes of $1a14)8 notect.
nencliture' was read three ,timea 'and •fia,.
sally passed. mr. Carr WaS PreSent and
his request regardhie Certain trees la
front, ef InceiertY was granted.. The.
council adjourned to Meet April alth et
1,00 Pan,
Panamstied Mother.' wonder what
thay are doing?" Father sUggeSted
Distance Call. and were as tickled as .
children. when they 'heard her Volga.
,X)orOthy had so mucit to tell thezel:
• mernber Of the Board of Trade in years
1411111111111111.1.111111111111011111111111111111101110W :gone br and was one of Its writers arid
" 0111tWAY " Feria Pence Wire is'
Calcioaral withstood FOUR
immersions by the Preece Test
(an *aid teet equal to Many years of
exposure to the moat extreme ereather
aonditione). It is tested to iliac a lite,
nab of perfect satisfaction even before
it leaves out mill,
Fonor, made from Full No.9 Gni**
aets.xnised Copper -Searing Steel'
Wirt. erected Oft Benner Steel Line
'Tama% and National Expendheitnehbr
Dirt Set End and Comer Postsprovides
Ptsfect preperty protection, Ask your
Afar raindfotturers af Apollo mod
Apollo Kegrafene Copper Sled Brands
of Glirardzai Slaretsrin Plates.
Canadian Steel Corporation
Mille arta Wee Meet
Oilinvar. Esau comity. Ontario
Wald, fat this traticoork.
It Ohara* la every rall.
in 'ntoeements for thaaprogress of the
1.,Menther of the town Orwell at the time
I:OR THIS WEEK ONLY !the tevett aequired Harbor Park and it
'was as. a result of hie sugeestion that
Dow' Men's Paid Due, ic ; this property was acquired rei publie
"Iirenteergi, heavy weignt, wan Parc, for when the 'nest simmer hotel
cuffs anld belt !cops. Sizes liwerfobrullat tbhoerenus ardrdotathetbrotoutt,rawitiek)ich
32 to 42. ' !war. objectionable from the -point of view
Mr. Campbell's suggeStion that the tewn
Afactenf Copper -Bearing Four Ont. Alit tkiViro
retaking it caster for the financing ot the
heavy ahliting materiel*
double front and back, With
two pockets. Sises 14 to 17.
' Agent ter Tits Top isms**
Phone 3g4
prosoht, at Ole banquet Which marked
and himself was a prominent figrire in
vesulted le the bringing of tlmt
tO Ooderich. Ile was wrote?*
treasurer of the first mit company
Us Cloderich, and wee one of the
original stockhOldera in the Goderich
where the subjeet of this r.kotth was
born. HIS fatlier 'belonged to the Sim -
share in stattering the forces' of Leen
Atha DrimPhell, -Was Married tO Emily
liam Oberman, Suet a 'sister of the late
Edwaed anti Robert,. Miamian,. le the
year 1865 and to theta were Itorn a fain-
Ily of one con end eight datIghters.
stnvIving ber father by but three
months, arld' predeceveng her brother,
Edward, by only a couple of days. bln
church until failing bealth peevented
hint, anti the whole family have fol..
lowed in the fOotstella of worthy and
fatthful meets. The recent deaths,
jest a couple of years age, Of two mem.
on March gth, 1929; and Jet. WIlliaM
Citrapbell, April 20th Of the mune year,
were keenly felt by Mr. OarriPbell. Pur-
l/lying meMbers Of the may are Misses
rleh; Annie, Of Toronto: Mea A.
West Street—Phone 47—Goderich
The latest and best.on the talldng screen
Now Playing—John Barrymore '410doby Dirk"
The screen's most beautiful drainatic a. picture more
powerful than "The Devil's' Holiday". A vibrant story of 'a
flollies beauty who crashes the gate of society and crashes
right out agaml
ment. Gobs of ftin in thl§ rollicking tale of the britwdeep.
the screetes'dare deo cmvboy, in the fastest western thriller
you've ever seen
Itebeitton; of town, and Mrs. E. 0.
Eagle, of Ilanillten,
fairs Mende Howell, who Iett Oode-,
rich a short time ago to take * position
on the teaching ataft of the liniteti
dad, In contiectlen with the
there, atriCal at tier derAlriatiesz on the.
by her parentS Godergett the follow.
ing marling was weleonie um. AIM
ping at, three 1321 the t:ip. iirrt
City had n inotaa 114v:: t3
this Easter time by sending a choice Lily Plant or
suitable Cut Flo'wers to your dearest friends. Win
have a large stock of seasonable flowem to choose,
Bruct St.
Godorich • Phone 109
No 'job' Is too large or too small for us. 'VA aye here to SerVe
on. Satisfaction guaranteed. ' •
e have a number of Farm, Tools, flog Troul.,,hs,' and 'Builders'
Supplies that we are clearing out at- cost.. A new Cream
Separator at less than cost. A limited quantity of Dr. lless'
Stock Food at a reduction of one.third off.
We stock llazelbrook Anthracite Coal, guaranteed »o slAto, or
clinkers. Also, Patterson's Pocohontas Coal and l4,1v.....ay Nut