The Goderich Star, 1931-03-26, Page 40
An Array of Fascinatins StYles fOr YOOr
Easter Ensemble.
litely To
5xqai � itored sit it-.* of Fine
&*$a;* Of 4XId aud, *tuutive IS New Iso it the jaunty soorwt
14 0 -*0 00*0
00W Price.
$211$0 and $18-00 MO—
.7 Yoir to Ft A
Now Spring Coator 4
14 the *VAN* Y*M, the Music Provid-
M&%141C AT IKOMt JL4 by ft 4XChdQtr^ heAdRd by' Mr.
1 Ix"o #04 Ur. R*"%Qod i"I"ft bow
TI* "md %; Uwe 4 Maitland OW "0 *W =Qftm dxucivs� In* WE I%Av4co MIM
U*V. 01ways to" were RPW &O"W' ff 9M.
, A" Snup-�.w
Mt 9t #W a" VAnctuma at tim Tw" wov rew of, COWIM A"
sessm, W" b" thw yw go vsuoy of difflorent fqAtmes Ot the A home and P....001110! e
104. -Th* Mr. in ba"My V4tI% the all 4d their Work A We
Ida at urudbwt Of lexpammur"'I the wo
comw" dw VA. go to the 04wase of I T NVAS STWNIVr
In. QuWft, pr"044" j.LbSiMt for qUiC*
for, U*1 the I "Qate. SA lAt"eftial Uttle b1t, of in.
(WW4190',94 VATIC
P#W lot _KA
t ow q%-4 town ot U%"" Val ou�, in #W voort
We. ba" "so" ot the W., Dr. V4�y morplaw. W17*4 J" 4%
"notwt I I 0�0-'V*o and GWat_.r,*i;*VA tiowwx- A
the wm"Pful Waster th* ymn occ*- J"Jo0w V" ca"t"4 tor hot*
*4 the chw for the =w4ituM mei** We have, b"ni
Was sivela In 0* 1046 4 g1vW sw ame a 9004W. 1W _V*
0 at see4w - so m x
ul to 0, but'John eloina,
Present. is brief reftreace to C- DUNT nP
11- b—t*#UW,.*J IftSorry ft Ooderich, 'The"Rixull Drug Store
xn(I said Abe Jsc%ewxo, 1.16 M GODERICH
ted01*4 the 3Wes so might for ow CrPwu, priaw *e nama thxt fQ D livery
"a tho,surrounftgs In wl#ch theIr men way John said It wax 0. k. The liquor BEDIFORD, BLOCK.
to** spent "a of. theIr evenings. Tl ho� hadvoluld be quite a mouthful too.
Opt ��� A On, W" * 110.0 Per oeut. proof "splAts Is whotthe
00106 which w0s, . e ex0l Government analysis showed It to be xOWA 4r., Tho. sciiptllr
by Mr. 0, Of vfies, Mo. A. - J. w4en. Riveaue OMM, A. wrter,ienb the one in 0alt, Col Guftdry..vAd he grz , ter of lat The=.,.,
neig officer WhitesIdes. iAE the 5tU chap, I ,
1fJ&4*q. * favored 'the . audience lid Was Rolle. PrQ-.
with 3taft to otta." for test The prosgcut h*d.-.w provi The prWe04
tbre6 160160, -her last uum rw
. ber Ulng� by lot lawyer b1td the i4o;WgG� tbat*nd kwwtt hen they made the visit'
request, the *�Wxr "DamV 'Boy" the best.&Icobol,, such as IA Used In 1101- to W" a home -In jwtforcl On Adqd over the Win'"; VIQXL 4DOW
OU001 Constable Cjuudry� reports were $,Von V tue secretary, mrs.
Mrs. �UcKxy was'vpq Pleasing in her pita-Iff,' is 160-, per cent. ,proof isphitsi Da. 3* 1*.. nuater,'anA the,lijauxer, A�M- Ifern.
note of the $tzcet qpg, respo4ded� to by4ex
splendid Texulitlous. Mr. Davies acteit. "Me.rurng run 16o per cent. and some soAdhe had wWQ 9, greed to jurnisb The roll Call V � scripture. Xt :V�*4
as her accotops. - was high vines ore�, P 0 100hO b t 4 WJA Glat and a
Now talent kbaos ur A 1, U a om bg the NOW 01
found In the *4UtIh* solos by Mrs. -these are Only tox Use In-MOx,44, With; 1blt to the lawyers, The nam Avortt4 society otoirtde 4 treat.,
t give. them, olded that this
amhwvtw,� Of tue rark" Housi., mra� other liquor$. to AncreW 010 190ohoucl WW woujousu could U( dren at the next =00tiug Of
t, Nas some cqnuectto� or trIerid for the chill
Im., rare sbl as s� Wl�dstlei ol Qrdinpry Ocotch VW*0V TMIS but, I I the Loyal TenlPerance Zegion. 440 the
*Ad her v4kvbllW notes-. were deligkVig is �to� 00 -per.ocat, sod TSe +*W*v 40 -of his The, Vrovm wituevA3 'following coromittee was OPPOl to
and the *udienca *as igadyl for alf the to 70 per jeeat,, �o the Icicise 0 cor, the cogstables.aud. the X*160"Ot-' ents for silmo. - mrs'.
were xrangeM Fhililw, Mrs.
the court, Acor. .?r*uX Donnelly WAS -06unaei, for molm T.
perfOrme�. felt able'th,glve, ZWy.'JQe We think It Vao Informed Howell, Jr., Mrs.
W -1204 Per cent, U pretty #rW"g #tj oi�W but did Act Put his client wa and, giss Colborne. *n. appeal
j6huxton'was, as *Irular 04 eVeir In W
into the vitues4 box. )dagistrate Held Aft
eW redta -IgrotW 7*0 stuff" the Xxcifie Moor for AnanoW aid to help. With experwes
. tic63 iti f4w upukl'Wevor style.
wa ;Yoseph[06 wtli *6 0� couple - :,of t Ought it. :00 al It'*'t&Xted it and decided there 'was aWficlent evidence to of entertai4ing the World's Temperance
�lcauw 'sele,cacho, kth �kr. Aothwell burned 06mo 4of it before be sent - the -send the man up for trial at the. spring which is to be. held in Tor -
as her vcomp%ni,4,'aid_ the gelody, sample down to - Otl for test. 'sad sesalolis, June Qt h Convention June ard to 1001, VW,
,,,and so or&kc,,W�
ioo Bill" and 'Oeori* Pm. god, Vft. while not. cialming sualciently expe;Z T,' Wjjt� went b.kLU* for qei prisoA�r In Onto 'frOra g. bberia
-1-Tho 1. W., �, -Z 04*40(ft at- k4owlefte to make 06- 10 WIY4 statement the BuzziI Of 42000- He knows him, well brought before the lPeetn
mson> w th
k john contribution is being Sent- Runt
PD comp**.t,,. received . lots under oath, gave It as his Opinion, bs#-�' Aud 4Qes not for 0, moaxent, thin
- as me this 'h and -thla read -a -letter concerning Osbbatb ob-
& - Darti- vM'le4ve blat'lin the, lure - Mrs; Hunter -and MM An -
of opp lor, Ow# hii'monice'umn- ed- on some1mowledm that to bail allows, our salt. - servance. on A* tit.
4kt,the�clo�e'*v� J�, 0. )lltcDer- cuIsr liquor was MWOY V000blOtured. arr"Oment as
gar e� in. drew contributed Papers
4 tor 01i thanu of the lodge tbo bottle In,wbigh It was produced ford.ral4ent* to "�-fils., �A forceMent - and legUlAtIO11' WbIvIr. were
to, , the � perto rs tAd sold that $or W:.#k xv , . . I ictAilil' Pa*et,
f 1 "41 *" OAW. lOct'. �ou. It W-hl4h cry 1 and histri
1".C11%Mr OF
�X � v hteri!stmo
wietr ana quat* lb *03,40t nfto�iary Mr; riot'w- �!*%"ad: Wore �be al t. to W�, V. T. V,
LOYAL UAVERANCE 1X01QN was ollgred by 7,W-,R0wCA- I
to go ontal "thi toVm, He i0ov6d % Ott*Va, 0444, the Ubel on, the! bottle was e,.,This,;brbla�
I - C0140M
tbank� and Mr. '0. lr�, po iu,-As *WW 6 and A TUA And 'Mrs
. � T
V. XO,I I with = ate� A�A Intereating'meet I Ink 6 1 f the C. meeting to it Close, vm; V_ P=-
Saqnders, Ae of '01.0 committee in contents *ttscbed, MaJOUJOUskiS mt T. V. vas held it the. home of 41�, J.- LIPS, gec�y pro tom,
d*M Of the pro,gmn, -seool the Wnt.waa that-her-04ed thlo liquor dilut-
Thursday, March I
toll w and used 'it to it. Colborne on 90i,
motion. Aft program 11V "m ed with water to drink h -hou N�*s PEoPLE WE KNOW. -
WVCA and,this, Vms tollcw.e4: by a dance rub, an his S�rm. . He got, It trom, some The devotions! W W.
Miss Powell" of the a. C. X, stoff, �Was:.
the week -end.
In Toronto for
?4rs. Ubwe. has had as'her peat'her-
Mother, Mrs, UcMurphy, of London.
Mr., ond .106, Wm, Strou!whon' have-
r6turned from their sojourn in Floll
'WM, W;t1te att�nd
W ed.the funeral.
of Up-james Archibald,' bi Svit1brthl,
he.f."O'h, `0 ',,.,Stage, KAYSER HOSE�. on Monday.
Wil� Sturdy. 1myea, on, ThUrlsdaid, for
yesme his, work WIth 'the,
AND. BE SATISFIED t�ha` Sault - to
Boone" Dred'"Ing Co.,
raid- Mr. Oliver Tobnaton
Zurich 116
With These Service vv�!Sht, beavy service weig'ht,
-visited at the.horne of his - irother,. M%.
dulf 6ifforli Thomas. Johnston, on Sunday..
Murr I' etrolt, spent
the week-end� visiting' his brothol -Pon-
$1.00 to $1 0 .41d.T. Mutray, MnOton St.
I Mrs. #tank McLeraii, Qt`ii.�fnmi'Albett,
$ask., -is the guest �of - relative$ lu town..
MWEvelyn Clark -was hopie.for But -
Miss Hall, of Plattstille, spent the
weektind %rialtino In . God6rich .'with Dr-
CHAEFER'S fascinating. Easter 'A and Nlm�gall, and tooXIa.tbe:M0Aoni0
�w -7 display .t 'qUIte'L easy for WI Arthur Ford, editor of m ImIt
don Free Press� was. visiting, W par-
enU, Tiev. J. A. and Fo
%,w -Vn
x b� - 1 1. _� ...
assure r 9M M, over
?Ar an& W i, Bender a chu-
J te 011VO
4rea �ofToro
-.gettin -the �ver latest - And, mtel were es t W with W.
of Y W& Win. to el.
91. . , 1, . ?
U,t V, d dk V-crter
�ts Ouvee� Jo n
11 bearers, of Al�
-most intri ng. -bearers, the
b it: -deli PM(t
bert J. U111dway, of Cliatodi whieli took'
her 'because phwe�o Wednesday.,
the MR
MO Was Florcni6e.'Mooney and Wa 'Miry
�Parsons, both Of AIM4 � 061lege, 6k.
re hoine for the *qik-
'Thomas, we end.
PRIC ES fi atuko�d I
r% .4 E Miss Parsons Was aecompanW b7, -,MW
of 'Brantford.'
'Dr. 11arriton. -.Oit for
P*th V06k was up from oet4
the -end Mt, ITMIs6l gl�com-
panying him on I* return aft4pr %,vwt
Of OeveMl weeks with her Parents,. W.
and Mm, John-Howrle. D
4n took In the )j"onle lAt'
on Frida y evening.
$14,95 ANONP11M MOM
TO C111
$1 OU 'nee Will be no, mfdweek WO(je at A
.50 thel;Orth St,1JhIt4d church aW week
%Woe the : b4ht�tx, "The Oe"n Last
Words -0 Chtftl, is to be rendered on
V;ednW,2* OV06109, There -will be a
service at If Wplock'
church . *M be In
charge of the minister. Subjects`ot
Sabbath school and illble.-CIV*cs at
BervIew at Victor
-10 Christian
Value Fellowship -
Public woWl� AW
d4et0d bv, tbo -pLq:Or,' 3'. pm..: Sunday
45 75'
Sclhool. The pwtotog the" viiibe as
evening, -,The Crufttioa."
Last ISUnday evening �&. Vtac oibsou,
of Stratford, *A�#,guftt soloist with the
Ob6b of Nolth street Uhited church, W
"Come ye
910med".1 being
much. K"redatm. Mi&s .
Mt �A`416 Ift the Antii�tu M the
mOrnh* service Mo. W, Suchpa_,
10 tlW 8016 Rt the evening ftrvice,
mt. Walter Hern, late su 36rintowent
lot the StmdRy fthO01. Will speak �6 the
f Uln't Club Of North street Valted
'hutch On Sunday morning gext OR
"The Suntlay ftoov, The folkwing
x 'HAV, ;Ar Cur will gl" tbi ad-
ql"s' V*h Vill bO -04 'the AlUbJect,
"Ohc 0&'"AtY of
St. iUnIted ehutch. . m1ke5
Accessories, That, CharminilY :COMPItte
2ft: 16 aIm mew',
The FASter C68WMe club, t416 In chute of 1;zu
Witto.,014ft tor Christian Vii WP
-And If1wou god.
or wish of all , S.
UNNING,gr6upinig that fulfills the East, ftbU6 Womhlp 0
ST rything to �brrietly complerrI04 ulilady's t I, 4�m, anti,
femininekln& Eve 7 by g6v, Muft
Tait, a A,,,
'gay thurch, i0j;tW
The cb* of" XM -V thuteh wm' '.give -
A ;Values , 4, miu* lit
tostuming for the event. bv*pilonal wted,
Cw1dreli 8 %MRU, AH Ilk
04, no plate of a ftwid &Sto, Pr tam . 43le
$1 m. fflouses"'.' *In Prosmt MAU64Ws lftte"n
'Hose $1.50 1ACe Wars Smart f
001,10 'o, caliont. M the evft-
*V0 1WAe". Mr. J. CU-rk, or
Sheet "CALUNTOR W*@. *Itlk #A, $R*Meated,
Ugndkerchiefs for ZR The "10MOVIlIcbe Mrs. A.
Novel, HadUp $195 arves iol
StrAtfOlt And Mr. j
W- X Rothwerl,
"*hlgt And ctmdueW.'
Kid Gloves, $1*95
&W rM
#,M" gmw se"Ibe lit it
"0" Lord lie" bqo*
11(rod ifferZ
("'rmt, Aet
Thert, *g
In ttel
4 Ing
ht tho
ation for r*_*trr "vl,,',,,
A N -Vey We.
S0111*0*4RE GEO*'*' LUE
Children -orly.,
t"t A 6 T C*) R I . A