The Goderich Star, 1930-12-18, Page 8ML
TNUMM&T. am Uft "W
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***Uy xJ6"-T*0h* solk" W
4 Superior Stores
A. v" fttkrU"UW tvei"W was eu- 77 A XMY CHRMAW TO YOU ALL I
Joyod at the Wyal Bo*14-* Alleys or
Monday A*UC Mr. (;� ULVAI, rolled The Superior Chain Stomi wish to extend their sincerest good
4oubks� His score wow 460, maklaw 12 'wishes tor a Happy Christmas, and inay joy, health and pros -
strike& in succealou, This score ho evity tie youri t4r the year 1931 and for many years to conle.
J)r4y. been UWO 4 few tJJUeX JUL oan$"
and Mr. McManus is to be C"*Utulat.
CA on, his wolderful exUlbitlon, %be WE SELL TNE ASESr FOR LESS
ROW MWljng Alleys Is giving a special
medol or w1w for this event. SPECIAL SALE
The low best bowlers; winning the to our
prAms In tile weekly event U AN followo:
W. Bisset and V. U. :Davrow &At prize, "ASAY'LMER BRAND CHOICE MAI*
with a Mai s4 -ore of 1313 for, three coxx� 1: 0 PE 9C
1011"is of 4 a4d':10 Oub*s' secutive smacs; U. Umee and J. NI'VAis cus6ors c3fla triondf ......
1% secopd prive. score 1305. Prima Consist,;
ed of bms of groceriep,, each box con. Westoula chocolate Bi.s. Tea. VTOMIUM, with , Vase
........ 1. 27C 59C
try Itour. Pekoe tea, W.V. ll? . .......
Wnlug bw pas %S105 for, d free, JU . .............................
VIM 4 1%1,v mnure,,. pattem, to oalgar, camled tomatoes, -com# peas And vimer fp4ldeu - U"talu. 1 7c, "Ideau r,"cece�- . _0131111 14%.17c,
Ati,indwate and Vistindlive c-a"en V lux,
atout UVCnkV-;0v0 or thirty dollars s -ra corn, cau, ......... ; ......
- I ....... 1- ..................... .....
Tho following, pla WOW matched
q more exclusive latterns Dhowloo Uneon ,ye lb
Gift up for the contcA; morloyaKISIM65 do
Py vootional bqt mo�t'attractivo comblus . . Vall. Best qqtoy Zmed Iftts. 45�
Scores "Ost too cleaning lba;
who J-LA.�e U61W of eelanc.-� 401re, r6yon, satin M14 $'blue, a tilis ........... 11- ...... .
cla 'A. Taylor, V, Bisset.... 258 all 472 AIAA
u5k VAMAt 131VM lip 'In Vk rcarch. for twilled silk In contrasting pastel �113404 Slxr()�s -
Pro Nqwy.,odr: Tollct�. �809V,
that win alve you a tbrin. They Oro MUeNce, 4. 111veas. 437 600 362 130D
001R�%41111- lutmjt4 Zpelv- dttincttva, as -6 .-I!... 100
.4 ly very moderu� but certainly not bizarre. U. McGuire, 0. Reid 400 $11 470 1106 eakes ... ................ C . ..................................
xer �dwllvr. Aunt mom tile um R. W1111ams,'U. Zolm=444 301 442 12,17
aL�,xit,,a ,zt4v� or t1w Quo who , Quo of the nov; deslana lAnowa az the
nou, princess 5Qap mices, 1. Clark's vWcemeatp 2' `�- 35c I
b 4 a buxlo.ckw3t, 0 Well. I viok, %and%erchlof corner, hao a neat -442�0 V. Runt, X. V. Eastman $07 44,2 409 1138 Ue ftyal Bank
tjor,4rtuielitaj Dtorlz Tne pattern mado of various, short lengths 0. MQM#UUs,'W. 0AW1449 491 049 1279 small ok", free .......... fi ................ I . . ............ ......
Voith of flesh pink, lavender and Yellow mat- V. Martin, A. iT.3famay3es 40a 304 1130
11corloo. Allsorts, 'A lb.: 17c
Qb�_- atw, Wd lgoltfeto It Is well A crials worked into'ono comer. W. Bisset, F. DUtow 441488 384 1313 ��W' Canada I'lly Brand Quiolk 21C
Va.-'30!S on. V, SOUndors, T. Me- 0 ........ ...............
rox V4�.y UoUd4y geq�pn shopper who Filled witU.-fine lambls'wool, they aro Dermot 436 407 1249
very light In weight, but so much warka-
W C=urWd Ilop owm 140AU. appealed The
or and more comfortable than the heavy rega'U monthly prize, wai won
96' an JutrIllgent valesmau: and cumbersome- bedding with willob. - by V. Martin, onit is.. Runt, Mr. Itunt EXTRA VECIAL
aoitlicthln�r,, Intimate and dist-100tive us -a 60MQ people W001, themselves down 91% got a, blanket, with a tow ocore for
newl:7 m�xvlied gul friewl. It "n color Ja the MAXWELkr Co
wirter U1011t three consecutive - games of 1011. which USE '"EE, 45c
%aust be something that will be useful . 11 ONE GOOD RECIPE vuh and twq rings of t r r TIN,
&,Ing, about Is the record scom of the alleys to date box. Bake the cake in HO
but �tgl..ut!4 b4 the 1,vauty of her home, The now desims Are brh .tbm gaings.,,Mr. Martin c 11AIKESA 'COOK with cued brown paper, Paus well lined
-a revival of Interest $4 c6nifortableo, so for %me In 3 loaves for
-o� mjuralturc, 411ver, Act cl,444, .11 through, with the? record' single gar4,a FAMOUS three ]Acura.
they mallo, fashionable 04 -we VANCY
be rmigethiou of tvb1oh, both she and her Ito aiso took seCono prize for SUrroimded by a hundred'happy, . o8so-
Odlucy. hoo plenty of clooka, must mfxto and 414ti Active Otn'. 40ore of the alleys, for the season, roping Darl; Cbriotm" Cake
hio-oand will to proud� ami welul. to .4 . . _ three Ono pound bro" sugar, Z lb. butt", HALLOW -DATES.QuALITY2
games, rolling 940.- Mr. Martin 'also
both *of them."', Dk Ww GRIFFIVIrs. Oatlons And tro0ition that goes bikok a& Oream -together). 10. eggs (beat Beem-
-xon P.31M two weeks g90 but. an error 10 as � the days before the Invaw. on of - currants, 2 lb3, seeded vd.'
That's Vdt,0 011 1DWeT lWt It?' ThO Was Zade JiUttlng It'in the paper in J&-. 01irlstigulty into the Scandinavian ately). 2 ll�s. R,
$*='A had be a mpit AT CAPITA161 count WOW % 10. AT B 0 6.8ars I-1 _251-C
t Awo.r, -and A, Toyloei naT40. oh", 1 lb. date$, Mour fruit
acceptoll. Ono, The outstanding, masterptleco of today. Prizes for wles, Clitistmos cake Is an ltitwal almouft. VA lb. wolnuta, 1/2.cup moles-, CHOCOL E .. 'ARQ
Uq Politely oltmaed �oWottal)le, toluoProw and for all tImei D� W. Orjf-. gentlemayi: Part', of this happy holiday -as Cbrlst� ses, 1,6 te0own glolveq,'l teaspoon. 041%,
a � xllshes� 3, conseetitive games, Otte tilikey; mae trees.
..:9tWa "Abrabam UncohVI to the main 11114 holly wteatbs, 7rull of ofunamon, nutm-gand mace, 2 te%-
IV quilt"If you prefer to call W that Attravtl(?a of 0hristmas VMek At ihe highest single, o�e turkey,- highest 0 laden, and topped with garnish Icing 00043 vanilla, % t�aspoon soda (dis- A full line� Qf Chrhlbua� NuAs� Candieso' Frwto� otc; W41
SO obowoil ber.'iuoinol* of the, strlulua now �gamvs (afternoon- bowling). one turkey, RdAnss
Capital Theatrb. The old master whose, 14dteg, ocotch doubles, Dec. loth, It. holds Its place among the many mel- solve in I tablespoon bQW
designs broufFixt out by a well known nK *ater), I Ole beSt
)NOW , U1191044� I 1941AUfActurer. They hand fashioned: the supreme achieve- Miss A. Stoft.and Mrs, McUo4 cooled low traditions of clirlstTas Day .'M%ny � ctip grape jelly or iplalix Jam, Obout a be found at our:AWERIOR STORK'Where You , b%W
would enbailve the, Uauty oVany bed. mentot.tho allent Alms, ".The Birth of Off the honors for the highest total of housewives have, alr�ady,m4de.thelr'sup- -cups nour, Wx Obove 14gredlents thoir-,
s cakes but. threq�'are (ot less.
xcom,cr boWolr, 'D Miles so '1�1 history .04, Prizes - wero bridge scores., Many ply of: obristIANgti, for oughly. Bake In % plow oven three or
A 416114" Muhl reL d
0=0 0 them were Aestanod. -by - a with. ajalklug triurnph that has ttaus-� of tho ladied who are going tobowlL In, others -who are U goo four bouts, vli.h� a.'aph of.w4ter -01i up,
devor rxitth AVenuo t4rllst, but tile pri. formed -the world of pictures; lqoth'015 these 'contests 'had other, en recipe and we here give, two different per shelf of oven, pr putoako Pans_JU4. SPECIAL S=
111:6 this maminoth npectAclp his ever. galg=P�tp reelpes, one for the old fasblpned dark or: with salid on bottom to Ore-
ces are unbelievably reasonabip, r4uging -last Wednesday, but., will attend this gpmer' f*,r the-,pew6r and t
ev b tm. io" PFF,"S 40'01�L
cake and 'th th
been seen on the sereqn. before. Xt'-lo' ient scorching.
UWA '-411010 4 64'4011ii$ for -prtntod t moSt al Wednesday evening, p WAGSTA
94111cafit motioll picture Of light6r whitcY rip I cake, which Is' _INF TL_ Orange. Matillal.40, 3ar 2L C
1,�t* "==i= L the age. I I Sce It, Wediiesday'orThurs- special prize wIll'be given to tli6 %JaVQrIte wi the youngor� generation,. I lgvvklxcx REUNIONS 1, r -S
1p�jle$ for Lth6� nearest 60Qre to. 161" any 1, '. , ' ' , , . . -
to her. played off, Fri . ze, shadow WhItt. Fruit Cakek.
day at the. C tal. Tfiuitre� doderich 44 SUE*
-� , k , I Homesick Rour,". for travelling men SPECta
�Tli h 'lainp, 4alues between Dec. 'loth and Dec. 'I cup. butter,* 2 cups. susar (white), $Js the boor ofter'dinjer. . Thou
ghts, Vy
ore, is not the. r4polsivo In Miller a bae
241%. : . eggs, I cup 0f.mW I lez�ori -juice and 'k to the,family Circle and loneliness 049.ij�gk r
$"OPP_ lf(o L Worm PoWdoris, and they are as pleU� grated rind, 2x,?j cups sifted Aour,�S t0a- comes, Then Is At the timo to pick, U0 McLAREN S rg
04A to take as sugar, so. that few .00 Z�� 'bou.
N$ .0bil- - Gifts. $I 'Xayser" pure.; spo6ljo, baking powder, I, lb. stedless -the telep4one and enjoy a. long distance., QUFENJ
ATL dreli Will refuse them; In 66me dases: silk,- iuf6farbloned� hose. all shades; vests. 1b, Sgltaua�,r4lkins I 1b, glare ireunto.n with.the folks back home. Its,
they cause v01#ItlU9,thr0Ugh their U- and bloomer sets, gowns, sllpi,. 910y0s; pineapple, I lb. glace, ch I lmost,,.4ke'beb�g with them 1.
-so, etc, monds, (blano.hed), �'g lb. eel, 1 2 QODERICH STORJES
tion 11% *= ilns6unii stoinuch,'bui. this Is carvek linens, silk. and wo9l. ho errios,
citron p
Only A manifestation of their bleahsing Your' dollarwill'go. finther At- lb. ble%ohed'L roping.
ROBIN&�. ;thatL
7J. iQ,&1V1N*LCM
r, no Indicatioti they are hatt- J J., J 1q,
'low" fiffbi 4, Cream butter and sugar, add well
ful. They lcui4'be thoro
A' T d6pendid L.
beaten ejgi,'V.ibfi 16raon juice end rind,
upon, to. clea;�L Ali :.Wo I ASTO-RI'A
miS from the eye.. ext add. L :ao iiiic which
3 cups ur bak
Ing, D_pWdel
-H For Zn6nih U&eV.
ENLIAL PRICES 'em- ere.and Ther has been well sifted, MIX'
well, then- dAd frult, %1oured'wlth,ro' 1nUaeFor0,Ve030*Jo rm
111APTIST S.,_E14TEJtTAiV"T F. -1
.1 1 tour., Add nuts Wt., Makes
difrie 1 4 ways. vars
1obiting M b
woof Parents ! L . . 'you
dtn!,% Fine Aftv the %children of (655) a nice coke if
'got Col
Speciql the 00abdt BaPtIst"Sunduy school are Ahe
Officially closl4g. the. 1930. shlp-' Ored glact-d pineapple, In green, red ang'
InVited 0 th church, ba4 plug�, season a bQX of, 1 lb. signature Of
$11-130 io $1,059 1,11, Q ement 'for. a a far adbiwardbound natural. which comes In 0
tis VW -from Santa �014ua and & program Quiebec terniflitig ships, are: t, ;2,
latest. patter and 'Friday P
corned, Can4dlai 1` EW_
of. Alptralia. Aocued at
0 out CapItal NovemVer 21; carrying
baqU from tho ImDerlil 10onforeubbi.. AW
W*aa16,Vt% ievoi
th X8 PromletI.-Forgusou of out J3-. Hats
dorno fasterlen. in browi 04 -7. Rugh. Guthrie, Millist6r, of
14 - - f . , " ." 1. 1, a e _. one
Wn� C. H. CaUn. Secretary W - V r the. holidav:
gr�y., tind heat -her H4 a.ndw.. fo
State, and Ron. Tbomas Cbap a,
bfen!# Via* &,04"0& ShWo, Of Natlobs, 4' DAY 'S
C Ida delegate to the J,"gue
AT v`
wllam- a t:t a e- li � A a n d - . . . : I .., W . .. . . 1 $ L I
separate, in bokes Dressed poultry.s�bows are being %'. 'LL. :. L , I .. . I ,
held in Regina on. December loth HAVIO a new Hat for. &0 Holkky
-and In Saskutoo 011 peqember
Avw6* Hat lRaweA $1 �05
11th for tUQ,',purpoao,of at6ustug_
Ldt of 011111dren's House
fri6illy'competition In poultry pro- -
duction among the. farmers of. the
$.5.00 for.-. 1 .$3095
province,azid further to-adverflae-
$4 43.45
ustry,' a&ordl
tile poultry lid'
to tp
V. Wiid,ron, 'proviftelal'.-markel* -7
comml 14r. Waldron sald
saloner, huy* W,1.61y for le
*a and special.
---- -- that money priz; Jk* V*W.*
-A'jV'4.rd04re�_ to -L now dowt
-yovr- ollars. -
Little, Jollan Veboh, of PrIpcem
to7r. B.C., Six, eArs of
age. has ale,
Opted foater parenthood of his V n
2%-YeAi�old 6igtot. Marie, and his RT. N
-or, Mati across X%ANK H MAIX A.
11 -mouth -old broth
the Atlantic on Canadian. Pacific 49 1
lloor.Moutcalm-wbile.their father TAMOR,an HATTER
to his *Ifiloss
treks baeN '0
the mountains. Thq children- woiq
turned oier to their" grandmother . . . . . ---
Ut Cherbourg and will be taken to
Praigue, 'a awast lk grow ft mr lklar, Iwo ft 10%
Liefolivre, Bishop of Ming Po, JE L L. :�I N G -0,� T
Ileaded by the UL Rev. Andre
Clilft� 4 four priests'aild eight ato-
urs..compoalug thei largot ralff.
slonarr-party to leave Oanada for
41 the rtar,-Uast thls�`Yeki� ledt rftOuto
ly front V"coilver by S.S, : Mr4Drsm -
C ban ost,
N60A! of Asia. They, will Join missions Riedone Tires af,
1 14 Upaa'afid Maut-hurla as well m. ess t C
0 It Will PaLY You* to buy these
That the Beltist and AmeticAll. now for spring,
POOD16 should Assist the Xtioluln. Do not. wait until tomorrow forlt Nfill be
ris -M tang NOshking QVOrntntntin tht
contluliatloil of Its- difficult task oV too Jateo.
opinion of Col. Ualey Hall, D.S.O.. OMMELD
is at hand .02" In British CUStOUM Commissiontir,lat4b Rog.' Sale
of Tientsin, Igtorviewed-recoutly..
while oil route to Madon, Ungland, 5 30 x 3% $ 6-25, $4.70
IW (,%madlan ftvW. c- Rallway. "The
brains* mlltta# power atid gotioral 3 29 x 4,40' $ 7.45 $5.60
and we haVea lakrge stock lability are to be found in , this 1,29 X4.75, $9.90 $7.45"
Southem'Goverament,' and only I 30'x 410
of cakes to . me e i 1yon-r. dean when Chinj Iq .1,torgaUizod Wilt $8,30
business cond)tIo3a beeoido. stabil. 1 30 x 6.00, $10.85, $80
lzed,* he added,
wands, also cream gpods, FIRESTONE.
It b Junt 25 years, 1, nee, -the'pro- Silk.
vinees of Albsirta and gaskatche.
wan, were oreated. - At -that time 1 �30 x 3% OYOVSiZe- $ &60 $6.46
Clarlotte, Russe, Cream Pulls and th Dopulatiolt. of Alberta was� 4 29 x 4,40 $ 9,80
183,000. - it Is uow,,nbout 650,000, 4185
-30 'X 4.50 $8,20
Saskatchewan lit 1665 bad a popti. 1 $10.90
Chocolot'" VC Utica of about'19�,009; fift it Irs
around 867;060.. Total'arealof STONE InVUST -TtMFS
Try. - our Rose Tarts tney are laUd-undor 01tIVIVOU In 'Alberta, 'FIRE Reg@-
% 6 *' � I I , I .. , : I . 23 3�eard ap.6, waa, U0,000 Acres, Sale
deliclous* 04* in, SmikaVAbwan. 21,000;000. 6 30'k ayll,�___
To 'd y the two provineC* 113VO 15*� A $1.30
and many more Wnty 0; Q� and 30,000,000 acres under 4 -29 X 4.44 $2610 41.60
onortbread d
crop, respectively. 132. k 4V2 - $3.60 $2.125
varieties, 131 x .525 $3.10 $2.35
Two WS buIll moos"ne of theim
one ot the thiest, this year to tome 133 9 4V2 or 33 x195 sicond U.00
NO order too small to filL and s�x Wk d"r were tht tro. ALL VMSTS.
&rty headtd WO SHCONDS.
phlel OT the hunting p�
140 r4w)"tr of
New YoVk1ankeeg, Harry Wee, -wic" eter preftht stock it.
skict attention to Affsp Mal orders by "lab 8b"'. *Xhm*"
Yankee outtl0der; Ueuny Bea.
sough. forultr Vank"'eatpher. how Wo Ah* fit" JUU"i"s Tke Ch*tnss AW.F"ose md
*lth Milwixekm anit John Xraeke,
Call or Telephone,your order to NOW Vor). avaom", were the
other tn&mbera ot thck party "d, oil)
WeM kP,0121111 Ift getUtIS
"rl�6 southtra Alberts hont�y Apt&
T4140mw t24 WWA St.$ C4&" crop 01N Fftr Will refth sit 8Arkmr Br
760e" mwtdt or ale
wo 6&ftr vr'hat it Was a Tell, ag"). aceoi ljfftot
3ft& 4 T"m
........ .. a to b� U: 43h.