The Goderich Star, 1930-12-18, Page 6pwisre Pract•ical. Gif 110-21101201010 Mit14001/011,0k orawittemorem THAT PLEASE Ladies" Scarves 'Flat crepe .arves, hand painted, in modern designs $I 95 to $3.56 Georgette Scarves, Eland , stencilled in pastel shades $1.O0 to $2.25 GLOVE Trefousse Washable French Kid Gloves in brown shades, •grey and black $1.95 to $3.50 Chamolsette Gloves; double and single weight 49c to $1.45 per; ped` ''ase` Weldrest, Pure $ilk Fullfast Toned Hose. In the new dull finish service weight $1.25 per pair. Silk and Wool Hose, best quality, shades of -y fawn, ' brown; grey, btac1S 756 to $1.65 perPsW . . S'l Linglei.ie.. Bloomers and 'Vests rix dainty (tiristmas; foxes, finely, knit de.lustered rayon $1.59 to $2.75 per: "set Gowns. , 0.69 -to $2.15 Dance Sets. Y ' .$1.09 Attrietkely l3dbbettes`790 to $1,45pr Boxed Handkerchiefs Attractively boxed '>hand. kerchiefs with Swiss enl- broidery, band' painting or lace,points '" .�..„�. 25c to $1.50 per box ; Separate -Handkerchiefs... W x ...5e each .Me 's pAfy.lt Linen Handkerchiefs with initials, 3 In box M 5 W. "., Y.• . # -f i k Y .89c per box Lawn fandkercbiefs, hand rolled hems and band -painted border& : , ... .3 for 50e. cloves Good fitting Gloves, .unlined, •.in pigskin, tandeer ,and goatskin, per pair $1.95 to $3.50" Kid`: Gloves, 'fleece or wool 'things :$1.75 to $2.75 per pair . Wool Gloves, in fawn` and greys. 439c1o$1.O0 i Ise 5 A large ,~:;"assgrtment of Men's ` Wafflers, cares or reefer style, in all • silk .:. $1.00 to $3.50 `ecl ear. . In smart patterns and pure silk qualities, boxed r if desired, and some ties already,boxed. 69e to $.1.50. • -Figured,- English-" Sroadeloth,- . stripes with 'two separate c';11:.•.'s or attached collars in ry e11 -known iri.,l.cs • $1.50 to $2,75 Men's Alt Wool "�oe1:s, In plain and fancy pat- terns 59c and 75e a Pair . • t._ Meri.'S BfeLTSe attractively boxed 70e and $1 OO GARTER SETS, ARM BAN1:1S, ail in 11o1140 $oxer Prices ranging 250 tris $1.75 per b'ax WEST S1»R'.SQLJ R ' 4 "SHOP wane YOU ARE INVITED TO SHOP" 4 4 t r `'> OM � r Atir ���.Nl a, le i QNk 41f ]2 liOD R1CH STAR 'Perltilaiwew nut/ p� rrartrit I ,. "A Cities "�F'. Wniiis at Marrow, 'The St. LI:YTence Waterway.' Dorothy l irilrlater, e. Resp telt ttsa of the itritieOstia in the hear u c lltilni Igildred Witrwt:, "".['isle Stranger Within Our UMW Salea grotily Aflepnn�a a quite wits t tien- rely ht Xq anal ` vim. uitei Q4 fl4I and lar, Asper solid the Jumps► telt thst. ins washer nature 'and the excellent pWay in Whish it was givers entitled it to rsaine special Mennen although base lastd not awarded it not or second place: A REMEDY NEEDED TISIVESDAT. MC. i$ti. 1111 Ussited Steles Vowels Get file* et Cosa- rfigisrame aidJ ag anti* ot carradtan Vein 1C0410114 Wbik Ca>sactias A rtrir<3.->e emu,* sof the way in which the b.eon es diverted�t United States bot-tn."y Brash Soil tens Is risen in the statement WOW. *Mang rise grain shipped through the 11 Setfsty Rutin , sake Hbippers' +Ciaarauee At,sociatiotn o Battle. rend f teen l!dur William ebd Fart Arthur n tent ,l dtt vessel during November of the preseu Y*r • It will be noticed that the done share of thin business goes to Hudapu C� OCCIaiaai , .cf A server cohecttort vim teken at the and other tl'rrited $fates porta and only 4001. and prineipal mute announced is Very Mall percentage of this businge:. Rigor THE RUM . RRUUG STORE Met it was expected that out of them. . bi done by Caruadierr vessels. And whir sceetle they •tion worse is • the fact` Arrieh Of the `o t h to Meltable that n tt the business :front Sort VAX - Oink as & reward for his or her Ritort* span_ or 1G 'ort Arthur to. *centres' a eon - 'He expel aria thanks to the Abmeek siderable portion la dried' all the vary Chapter for' making this event possiblelin United States bottoms, the trans and for their 1u!rrdserne prize and he abi.Wnent at liuitalo being made the xhanked 410 tbe` judg'e4 Who %d a tilts ibeit Catiof for what 1a rrwthirtg but r} ficuit freak, prxd the audience for their bold evwion of eoa'stal shipping regula j ~ • sttendsnee. Ile announced that anotia» tions, which rewire that business b gr contest Woad take place Carly in the tweet ports' of the sone country .shook. flew' year, probably on <the nest Friday be Carried in vessels of that country, after the reopening of school, for the It should be poeaible to provide the, Lower *School and Senior Conrnierclal Canadien grain shipped Vern Port Wil ,departmei►te. • " liana or Port Arthur to Montreal would Mea, Rediiitt, regent of the Ahnieek becarried all the Way on Canadian vts' Chapter, L.O.D.s., • was Calked on to make bele. The statement below shows that the preaent-atlon of the Heat prize; Which .24;407,232 bushels of the grain leaving a the did grraciously. She also expressed fort William and Port Arthur in Nov - the pleasure of, the chapter in contra- ember went to six United States ports bating to s4 successful and interesting and MAY 13,934,102 bushels to fourteen en event and of the splendid efforts of Csuedian points, and of the. 24,467,232 the . contestants..'Miss Evelyn pea% bushels going to the Uutted•'Stetea ports, .president of ,the Literary 'Society, pre. only 4,067.607 bushel. were carrier in stinted the priee to the winner. Canadian vessels, An example of what The' "sin $ln of the National Anthem thhr meati to Canada in loss of business flexed the evening`s" program. alit unemployment was notleed in- our .....- ,--- , , .,. .-. , ower mbar . where tap vessels never PRESENTATOM OF left port all year and two others only bad the one Cargo for .whiter storage all � ,' year. and More than fifty Canadian lake MISS i- U7 A /llr:{ri•XT weasels, were laid; . up this' summer . at. �T tAh'i1�%. wharf, unable to obtain cargoes, and • $ .their crews.' aggregating oyer one. thou; As a recognition Of her song and vat- sand men ,'were deprived "of occupation, „a uect services rM one ofthe teachers" on mitt,.of course, .f .median railways amts Ivory and read Tone Sabo `• 11 "kiln, , Mirrors . %1R" : l ► ► '. � �, e) ` Pare% Evening, " in 'Prairie: Ashes of Roses. Toilet Articles and 'Sets Stationery " • •. A. lapse sisi oectpaellt ek:Oristines Cards 110W -011 display • o 0 H. DUNLOP ` DRUG STORE Bedford $lock Gobi onto>:.. eoi zo =0 .O .. COUNTE'S SCHOLAEBIIIP WAS • MUCIf A1F'Y kECIATED The Huron county Council .this Year gave a seholarship • for . - compeUUon among tate girls from Huron taking'the household science course. at• Guelph., The following letter of appreciation, re-. craved by County Clerk Holman, speaks for Ataelf - and is. an eloquent appeal to other Huron county gl Is to• enter, the lists next year: ri )brdwlch, blit.. Deo 16th, 1030. To Huron County Cowncli, CioderIeb, Ontario Dear. Sirs, As my short course at Macdonald Institute, Guelph, is now completed, I take this means of : thank- the GodeaLF}t',.pir'blie school ,staff, the their pmt 0yees end Canudiari c;levat4rs inPs the ,Huron county*"[.uncia very kindly*. board had au address preharedr and en-.. and tna7tr, employees.. aurfered in tlia for •the, scholarship awarded me: in Sep• grossed by Mr. T. Pritchard, and this:sAme: way through lack' of employrctent, tember» . Thursday evsning a number of the and all that Steens 'loss of'hotness to T found tins 'Conroe to'be very helpful ., schools,: and ' of - the ' old Ward c,ownwiliod, Sarnia, , port, comorna and Schools: pf the town MOOrporated in the IToronte, were lifted et, the ciao. of navi- artigtic border . which Mr; Pritehard has 1 gegen; Owcu Sound, .Tieln (Aberdeen). irieluded in ble .'Worit and ,it will ,he a ;Trjury, (0, E. R.) and ?ort MeNicoll'had nice ..inemento for Miss . Watson to keep, "apprornMatteir 6,500,000 bushels of .unill- It bears tho signatures of the, Members lied apaae,. This is a .ceritution to wrucn. of the preeptit, hdard and is as follows :. Our statesmen tplunild ' bend , their nest To Miss Hate WititSen; . , , . , , • ',energies. The, statemeet .referred to is ,,or your mesigno.ihri„, from. the stair of the Ruffalo '' . : 12,373,714 . ' bus. gerd 'of God,erielt ' ht general, desire to Er!' , . ', 050;774. 0 'express . our . deep,: appreciation of ,the faithfulness awl .,,elelency. With Which • .You, beve , -earrled,-on your work . over a life of tho children; wno,,,are entreated . to :her care, end, that ' YOur, WO* dining .. all these mm.410 been en,;highly Nucl. cessful is duiv:v.,Peidzielleve, t.4 your : desire. 2 4,00,..ditueo,.. ..,to cafe:their, ming -legratitat-riteythiii‘iio'Atyitor or 04117 ada aria the' great- world.' ',It..has 'keen en,yoni Pert o'hatrer of love Mid we not only thank you *r.lir.Whott you hasie 'done .', tied So Many yOrslif `such splendid OP- : pertunity and aelifevemerit.', :we 'treat ,"that in Yearg tO, tome. Yen Will haVe much Of .Coniferc and!,111eSSUre Mid WO 'know - that :your '; greeted' ' pleasure Will Mitt rocethig Was 'heki, on Monday night when *Porte ot.ontstanding interest -mut accomplishinent Were read :by various -secretaries. The:am:Mot sent in to the Corr illocle°444wrirs''6t',-.:teliie,001V0."4Telitek,InMissfeinbethirf &an 10. With!an average attendance of 45. /We .11f,CnteloberahlOs• have been presented and.'•a;•bale valued at $20,90 an. ..d,t4 by MISS Laniont, General Yield Secretary' Of tint, W. M. S.. and ' Mrs. Smith .liad :given a report 'of the „provinciel Meeting int TorontO„te she Waa a delegate. The' annual ',thank. offering meeting in April was addressed ()rational] INntest . they gave was vroeth While. In most. fOr the evening and on the platforin text to the addrasectir'fon„,the itiforntatiottinightpOr. Mecklin acted as chairman, hsrurcitrs. 'n,t0',Ttons othitiheymper..ougrresaini- , eases the addreseee wens give as a hind' hint Were the °dicers th dent, wag in charge ldiss.litargeret ?detests 'int Miss marked tit tnelsort- the contestante WW1 evi- there via any trititieet '1,0; make this it °retorts of no mean ability, IOU be .1rOuld be, not -that tporougn prepsto issieek,..sphssals1C I, 0„,1), Ig,,,' thti chapter. on Monday night. ,The seripture lesson bato$311sirtuntly responsible for the con- "6 reittl bY Mr& Cabin CUtto followed test OT their generbuis Offer Of it ink° of b.....Y WO" °ftrea bY Mt" nen° 11"" hientittn ju the future judging 4*. the tion. even to raemoritettern, la Mit Of Ullitriabl; "SOCiakft7Otrhteliebettolittiptridettnsyhtie... Ifrit,Tuffitrilord. Hanit6Mrs".' ,IMmohits' tohSc.baetArter'' arraY Of talent wideh Wall Menlicat at 1ThIcer tor what Is an addrets that is not ,tute aupplenienteti tat with the offer of Interesthat Paher on list -lona Mi8s10115 the oratory contest in connectien with, PrePared, but that 0 tow 'close depend- 'a second prise or g5,00, was read by Mrs.. James Donaldson. the 0, 0, r. In memo Ho on tsridarenee on ratmothietion may eyrie one to I miss Margaret aretean teas !warded Miss Ilene MaaVicar read the story of night last. It had been intended to 'pose the thresd ot what tie or she has the nut, prize. for her 'address oh HA "Christmas in iroeni0.44," anti Mrs. A. J. held OnlY ulle contest :or the whole to NW When the •pirticuler phristelegy !Millen's Duty to Ills country," gut the ,14"K.,..._,Y Cing "'MO ClYt" haulm*, *than irat it was found that there were in which the speaker had cast his remind prise went to Miss Mildred W.. 4'8' "WILCO "Pre8.301 ntr OPPreelatiOn ao maw etUdents keen to take Pert from thatight when memorising Ids speech. OM, Who spoke on 'one stringer with? of the splendid 0 -operation Mho had re. the Middle and (Viler *heal that it 1111P8 from him. Some of the speakers In Our Oates." The judges were Dr. relved Iron, the meroheno 1 Miss Edna Mittman brought in the was decided to hive i atpaxato aught tee were quite deliberate hr giving their ad. Yield, Or. Martin and P. C. Hays, Jr., them and nave the Junior students later !drew*, others thawed a mut trionattrou and the/ sat in tioterent parts o: the rrP°rt of,khe n°161111tang committee and on. Them were thixtem eenteatente to hurry and toe that rearm appeared Oa. Dr. Yield, who gave the deeigou; the tollowmg Maws were elected and incthry were in eieeboorudiy rood, not to have qutte the same too in raw it WW1 bt no meons sn NOT tyk dedleAted reverentti in Preier hi Mts. end in every cue they bid iono,mto spealdng, but it Weirld he Mel to get differentiating between 80 many excel. George McDonald: Iiresident. MM. a their sakes thoroughly and held quite stliwbere the wane number ot speakers ;kat addreaaes, but the verdict WM PraC. C` Dunlop; let' TitegrresIdent• Mrs. W.' * large arnotint of Interesting matter to ,ot -the mine sae, mort uniformly good ItleallY tinelli, _Mous se to Mt' MANX'S tO O. Maclean: 2nd vice-president, Miss You Want the Best WE ilAVE IT Anthracite Coal Mined front the Haudahreelt Mines guaranteed co Slats or Clinkers. Patterson Pocohoseas Coal North Star Soft Coal Solway Nat Coke or Haritworo.. Mats sod Oh. Vointislimit etc. Timmithivre Electric girlies a bird. CHAS. C. LEE lit Imkted by wee seett ageenetudd, had setretall, Mrs. Hall: corresponding secy. the prevent et, eddrekeett was given ht /Or. C. K. 13aunderc library and Mere. Weir, coming ili tee intervals between Yretst"; Cntd littings 4t"etade% Mt8' three *tom a cured! tendered piano tux*, SOS belle Maottlear: welcome and 80Io by life. Maud Young. and a nicely vrelf._ it...0 Nrcritlri..„141138 Wiggins; 811132i :rendered vocal aolo by PO* Josephine ""'re-", ''''''' '-'`"' 1"awan' Mrs' Thereon, Atm, Burrows, Atiss McKay The apeakces aud their mutdeets were Ind' )1" MIllel' Pitulitis' 1411' *Veil and Mime hointiville. ' 641 fOiltrit8: 1 3416 Jean Tenor, 'The Strangr: )4". Dirift tvaducted the "dee" yWithin Our Gates." Vett of the meeting. Arrangements Mee, Maeliicar. "the Present and 'went% toe *won Sunday in the erm,, W, trirture of Air Transport," If Retold Taylor, 'Woolf; leirco and wneir 01, pleasant half hour was anent after . ___ meeting ht Clintosi In January. 10 the meeting when dainty refreelunteb i 'w A politician is a man aho hss tilej comae to try ang desperate esperImen7;'1 24,407,i02 PU.1 Depot Harbor ssa,00.a bus, Kingston 113,42$ 0 Midland 1,570,400 " Owen Hound 494,315 " Port Colborne 4,753,333 " Port McNicoll 1,049,056 4' To asthma gulterers.-rDr„ D. belPing hand to a striking swiminer. It has come to believe inmoSsible. Its benefit' is tOo evident to be ,ouestioned-,s, it is Its' own , bast argumentr-its own bes, advertiselnerit. it you slater from sahibs, get this Oen-tried' restudy and find belp,like thousands of others. - • hope the g'hi. standing high in COnspel Elm work next year will be: given $ mine PriVilege. Thanking you, X am, Your very till% - =NOD IIAIRSTOCIC, Vordwich, Out NEW HEAT,QUARTERS te.uronitaa,r olinSudTilaions074,73131'iliteln:mchai.radrht-11.1 GODERIC Phone 598., from the HEART .:seianmetiro:ne4sns,a: .tinfi:ar4riti! .:',.),inolatstit,„,s.;..a. rk,170e. in. lainsit.nine ' kin4 just adore. it . . ' l';4'F':,t;'..-"e6' IC! tif'' :Cf1°L4inssk%' ';',IviarY; ,.'",., . . . Merry Chpstrzlas , BER:r*O.N, • GODERICH A Christmas week program designed to add to your enjoyment of the Yuleti de tt MONDAY and TUESDAY the screen's most pbpular personality headS a wonderful cast in his latest ;A, merry making presentation "PLAYPPY pF, PARIS' tit 'WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY Ix W. GRIPPITH tthas made a titanie speetacle mirroring the adventur us career of a, great. master of men. Oallada- Anag WY OW% "A National Her, eine Florence. Nishilnialel:' 41,104 Abell, "Canada the Tent - :WALTER HUSTON • Canada's premier Character pertrayer will asteUnd ymi with his delineation. of ,FRIDAY and SATURDAY Gorgeous seenm and costuines-gorgeons technieolor photography and gorgeOus fun -all make wonderful entertainment of the joy picture 'WO! NO! NANETTE' Matinees Mond Thursday and Saturday at 3.00 p.m. Two shows each night, Coming -"Three Live Ghosts" 111020,010#70200011010M110 110:040