The Goderich Star, 1930-12-18, Page 4. � , - AftftL 1"% �, a I - - 641WITV" ibfiw�Am L*S% M e- � Ae, . 0 T8Z GODMICH WAS sm. jak low ja� P". seb" At t" Ab"Oft a""" $0 to" an ow ASAIN to as as *,&"ft Id I" ftbow a to mrs =Now 49 a" 60*0 *W tos, No 040*""k an" sm %WO&A" am so at &6& "Nommw I* %" $laws* *144 J"k *soft &WY bmw $04. sm" svw Xr. XWW%00 Oft*A*01 W 0046ft- 10000 *0 044 OW 000M *00W SO- IC *MAP U" 1104ft *OWN" '11* tk* *&W VftwAft #&*y r " a W_ W� WI= Gem mewu*u" %W vw*k A" %"tjws on %ft *wow am own *No they **;" oftsboa b6w. mt a" Ja b" X00" See 3" *New* pot %bwo Mo *a?$ bw N" ONIol" "ft s." #A# tho Mho" " "M as PC "Wo W" W ala"- a sm" XOW lacbm a" he bswv" "a -sarw ft bw SOW. a JS4 a". SPARR" GROCERY 4" NOW 40hse PWO **0 rMW" %" earst"ar 1MM 1** Pft@W#' Mo TMM 111M SW " *C S *""" were s"W4 W S" a" U"M *W0 *$a" IM, so WM 10 Is@ a" swoft"" " W 4""w " Ow NWM M"W or SAW S06h Miss Vft- NO W" Warring %o an odilwial Um vem" was sa Sw JbL mw Xotw plot V6000%, X~ 00" Wilk 000 tho "" Y ber) MO *mott *WW, No $4 T%* Ift" 444*0 V411 TW do" W" a owtw 16 Your Store For Christmas ShOp i XU%WL X" NoWft Mo XWK% SM W111 ow oonow" QO JA too&" VW60" MW wwo tbw 06*4 M sw W11mv 7m wo o4and a CWke A"aft"t a cum, Ft" , '10" MO 04 an a the tom T" "W"" 004tas000"MA *Xwuw muftan wo"O'" oke prims Ur. nam "U" for 3&. XOAMN, UW Mr. WAIS t"W" Un Uaft 4080*011 a $m rooxrkx taclodft XW Xbm=, C"Mies ft SUMNAW WM VWACA PWft 00901 = by U* "Xww U"beirro am Xweical iiame"or siw ow W� 0AMP. Um" Ulot Uwe Was no faux to W pe"W Qc omagral sc** Mr, WOW wow M" go Thwedow OV00W. VK ot how PVW U" 94*004 ot am- Wl wow "mob" VWW $4 ToansWon wU tho kodersbip of th* Xwnt day. Xam#t M9 oe %b* seWd bwd, Mr. COA14M FRUM AM V E G E T_ &Uk' 00W Sh* MMU"WIM AC IN 010104 weft 4 vkuda Kind a" U" v*b 04 adwou 7* Is" was that we b" )oK the at Xobwt jobqpiou, eaunty clerk NA WAy, SAMAK" ANX3 NOR WOM UQWdVd t* "04VACKY ft tbe 040 0 tvAchers W4 UW 0"wor a" aw. W. olu bad ths, Wk at ad- ot f0MsnWp, ro(4* wAw4 to h&" 0. Mutt *W Mr. *M"ft WOMA up CANDIES TO SUIT EVER)r 41PPOL V40 MW obviotloas 44cork, 0* beautiful co"Uft Q( UW MmiW. *Mft the WM40. 3ft a" he $I. 81"a up taking a 4wp Interost In the by thonwo *U go* Who bad 0tAM FRUIT Were Ova)* clitkim Apt tlw *bQ01 AW4 ot tb# Wo" 404 a W at 1000"Aw out of thm WIN tbg VtOY Q04444 AW 14 Plko IQ tbe ptagma " Wba UM 4m%W GRAPES TASTS 44 "Wonco Ana Ume when the Khoo WAS aft" wow ox"Cow a" wow " *( "Wag about to study the caums of prim. ru M4 nulabw wow a OW44 DATES BACON$ AW04" fAm at ow bW4 both of the I" UA Of the cost zoo tbml no 31"Jult F C I 11 100 6 00"UMN the U440CY WA* Q to blAme of CbrAotaw C*rols by the WUM, which mm SAU3AGz * U" eboeoM but now the Wyot VWUtAd ft the Ana oworox* COW to V001"or "M of tbw In authority, Where" those, in were very A &WW, And t gather. 4 VW "W"44. ot U** claw Wotk Malta *ud tbo, Wgo Ok4danc-0 *" the prokm kely, be TANS RALSANS ot wo* in c00110CUM With &UUMUr were UWQY doing the bed Ing 4ispersod. MO" 6` Tory V3040109 416ht� "W chor- 190VU4 the wisdom Of UW 00004 IA his "M 00MU" A" the quoAft tb4 *o4K be done and giving theza- EGGS AND BVITER am 04 PUY$ %ft* In thartt or Mt" erveting the school, A44 the principal, had been roW, Vhyrbildreo ssem to sayto freely to their task, parents All mothers cai� put away AnxIety re. .,EVERyTfflN0 To m"E A mERRY CURISTMS MA*4 X* U04M A" Mr. Path")), Ia. 6tooehow, be lzefe"04 to as one have lost the love of wo"hip, These WM right, the scbx4 - teacher %-as PzdU* th*ir sufrerlat ebiWou when We ipviW you to C4 a0a I** oroiwd stad coavi�ace 0" *0 *3011enco of tbonuoW* bore of the OUMguding citizens of Oodedell. W?M UVA0044 U4160 and there Wbttu right, Ow town council was rlSht, the they have mow" qmvw Worm zzter� Ustmomy W 4140 904 Work 40m, Tlwinot Intel"" alone In the school' swk much INW* Into the "%% at condi. school Nara %U rigut., consutuw minator to Xjve_teUef. xtg�tvecta. are yow"If abolot w" VW $004 hX*01 Ahowt but AWAP ready to taker a hand In SOY Ooos " we AW them at prwni; and "thority wax givinir the right leader. mt. PRICES RIMU COURTEOUS SERVICE Mr. Rothwen b" bwwht tbecha- %V $4 public tAtfrIOUN Wh $4 WI*M- In the AW 431417410 the reop"billty ship, The Way to do vas for the Par- e. for t 104 IQ* *W "t Very W0Qy In tUO art Qt Injon ))�y velebr*tIms be to Of Wooblp, On 'the part tats. to 4u9d UP the Undo of the U4. XVINWO XVIVMONS! Abobw Once Ile soumed the pwtwuDf We XNAM" following Is' the list Of PdZ0 WIU-. of children, was UK to the, 100W. - Con- cbm Nothing could be *orse than to "Home nour" for tr4%VeUft MCI" SPAIAR S GROCE"u 403 Of the teactwry prut's. , 4CIC 1% 11 'ft the m=bIng time or amen of awriAg the soure" of greate4 "Utnee criticioe the tescher before the childreuJU the boW after dinner. Thoughts fly SATISFAMON WIon. AWK*y-SKQU4 In. general W. UJUs put the home iltst� §V9A abeAd, AIUAbw Wd Cross play. came next back to the family circle: an(l lonoune", THE E OF Telepholve 146 astwev, the graduating cum to the proftlency and deportment, Presented. of Z coMea. Tben is it the time to pjek� up lUn0ton St., a9doicbo. Awaber of twentyfive aweb6d. in gn(tl the church but said OW church bean a, court scene IA which Un, URI; Uot- PUC010' smtt tbom came me by Miss 0. 0WOy. 4 treftwodoUs Influence "4 be v9mj4 tie aad Mrs. Coiree pot were cc trial as the teSephone an4 en a loft distance we DELIVER IN TOWN, 4egu rii*�-�ccond in gracrol pro* VA care to bt UVI09 In a community to which did the most for children. re1=100 with, theloWS back home, NO J06MOW. Alithcht _044 A Coupk of chor" $lCiency anf, deportment, presented y e t 0 c c VOK the ]Pupil$ marching In and taking U* 40. "In, ww ber was no bur h tben came Witnow wert�: called on each side, a almost iike.beinc with them I I 00MONX V%* Place foobW the audJence. #,UM lsuwme Of 00leoWl $44 1110der the Ringwood a,. Or4clency, and honors in reading, presentIed Xate Wxtsm. wtro Om 'Oww numipor; and MIW Weto'loven with V -f : try OK tisfactor$ MAO go.ner- ountion, to time aN Inch "4 all the 0 proftelenoy, bouom in spelling, pre* #04 sentea by UW X. w4tmxk In general proflcicu� A"V 1 0 Mr. 0. U pavxons, 00== of the V40114 Ochool 13"Td. wcu*d the Chair. cy, Presented by U* X VIg". norence itice4ri"t. 6, Unif pre* "n tstn�as Bells are.Ringing, Calling You to V It %v4 In his opening XCMUM COAP%tU- Pente4 by MW X W199bu, 0 Joted the Vj14u%UnV chw on their I;ug- In Tft4-' VW 2,44 exprOW4 awto*oon - at the Inc. pre3ented by MW U. gartwell. of, portut* "d IDtlick Uejeg ROSV4__S�goAa In. jatet"w ones. In morning class, prmut�d�,by Then resmo *vlay br � the .1unfor Itod Hume. *010 representing 4 group of solwars roftelency 04411ft _04 ftpire 1)ay I progro , Ia, � with Betty UcnW&Iq­­Seco4d 16, p A the Inspiration U afternoon class, presented by. Miss Of the 00r* of the 1118.9 Ilume. (represented roft behind I TtW MSCntatlOft of 'the . Ultr&Me rug re. too tusign) to -help them with sugges- diplomas was next, , this duty belng Uous. The ploy was well 4fte. ed to Mr, i. P. 11011601, pftdpal Of on a=, t 04erich Collegiate. institute, where., to 1*6tat the prws given by the Souse the Winners are now ln.�ttend%uqe, The *do.. a0d L &boo' qjtlo� 'SA(t befort 'doing 60 winners wore as follows, Where Voisr Gttt.Problems,can. be $be Wt,04 poirextti"aud 4MY00t ifitOrtst- ;�(A..Meato Ant -class honor a and B W to Attend the 10"U40 Of the '01411 W6nd.'class hobors): ClArouce Bridle the objects the C'Ub'h&d (,K), Vrjo orlif (B), �VeM VaCuod (A), t:%1cTa`j11"e11t no* they were U71mn Qa'.ickly 'a'a-&Eaoily', 'Solved. AW -ft.48 to provide *j st4ttr4 for$ to WIo Jermer Donel" .Mcgsotts IS), Dproth, the V AlAcDonald'L J'can R*bert. "hool. whioll would sssUk,&..gTe&tdc4 son -W, Douglas j bris, to (a) I To %, ld 119 A)f 909topfly. The Tt*ner (A), )N department doing gocW Morgant Oliver M re, rue the teachl �altg Welfare oo B orr 0, v, vo* 444 � was sending out. bundles that Uillan U�ah (73),, Audrey 0 ver4 of -much awstance"where necdep. 4. Pellow, Mildred MaeXAy, With Sturdy The. VIM) -woq Welcome any Ouggo& (n),.Ruth Patton, Willie McIver Mr- IN, VICTOR RE ......... . . I . j , CORDS. tIQW of Ways in �,*Uleh they could , be garet. . IWAulay"Alice.. Rustott �(B)$ -Ger.. VrcSonte4 trude Wheeler, Donald tolmoton, M%r- the �Qlloi� Ion Curry. Margaret McUthm, j�gt We have - All.the - popul ar-hits--, sind'all the M''Usic.. en- ;dr. UuMe said ho hadb-cen f1gurIns_ j1M P the cost to the public of educating. 4.44 fto4menilljr. u To Joan %sce to ge4 be produced at the Th' tre -du cral pro- scholars at tile Collegiate xmtltuw 040. ea ring Christinas jr, xv� to 4110 to.010 found that It Amounted To PorotjUl Vote, Aut in, general pro. a Tear, or noarly�. $100 for - the average q Week Polmey und deportmcnt $0, nr.� school course. ThU was the sum which' -To. VchArd.lritft, -,cfilyjhe parents 0 the' 904041 not pupils at- poftleucy..; and (l000rtment, jr. ur. neop)9 Iof the toym In. ten4tho but the, T6-.Gordou vule,'setorld in general genoi4t -were! Ang out for the edu- I t pa the students and, -the public - To _%V1d­'1k'&'i'4 VICTOR It 40S UOP 0 gutchl do" entitled to 'SeD V03UItS from VIQ ;pondioure, and he emphast4ocl the Idea To 40y murifty; second 14- general that., the acI16143 shoU14 devote thezft� proActency -V t6 j4 th� laost.out jot the coum- new 1, 93 Viet -or ve Ch DiiWon X.,._Book',u See:. the I V11, rcult. fteoo GriA TO Xtine Slowftutfi#,ftcood I* W b" Worded, _1000 flopal advantakes. t 8� io in,, ino s- from $185 t ­Radi �Pxwonl% The - ptesOnt.Atlbu of the Itobett. Ta.k del elleralm. s6hol , , , , 1, ­ . . �: )Tt Ott I'Aspector Bea -1 C 11 Sto t ere 40IOncy;,44 X conx **A next. Beacom said it bAd' To chv.3w moft%'Wonct In general "A hoped that I& victor Uudstoo;!i. $35 pr4ckftyj 4r.L the d6hor of the medal, woulct.,Uve" to )Wtv $Aegle and Petty 4ohnston been present to make. tht preAdUtAtloh eqwd, first in kentral proade.nei, 4�r. 1: To' xat�qeft, mtexwin, 11rat.- In person, but on account of recent ber the tWhers y �ongratulated I To On Uo'bett'son" 11 1 ra I t -prolI4 +.awk,,. &%f � I,1"k S fir roult's ea- I h , ;rbB1Ce`acor6e,- I I You are -we bmie tn' V., 61% the good obtained At the I elt�d* the"' V twenty.dx'pWj I four -cum I- ng _�kizxo�n � classl ki. der _ydtb,- lint 11 b, � I Ane with second a" hon- ho4ors'tud r '-A it 4)f recitations 'y . Master OM. which meant over 7$. per eout� for 10_ Johnsitoa. wft dt4htfullY the�Arst cis given Mail - Much *Woyod, And oext,tween jo and 15 for the Wood. Olga oom& 1ho vroomtauoir -of- prixes-16, the ---At this 6U&jrlhgn" �Ojlled,' on Rattwe 01�uls� by Ur.� %- Z RoWrtson, Mc, st, nehoW and 0 Miss Welift. to come 4 the% 10060ridM OfAU0, 01111- mit, to :ftttle, an argument he had had hift'Lin tfielt YoUtft:" 80me- and sw they stopped Out w toupl#_ of tbli* width '1460 Of us Wbb, Are older pupils also stopped forward, and Pre- would'ovih 1houzarldt of doftro to have, sented -,them wi IfT behalf wag Imcgon '10 fact YoUtIlL VM 4be gWtA timo of of thtgraduAtiot claw we""ond be, Vftooften0d, the children $tftehouxe were. to ImprOo - tt,by %t4t*4* the', reading 0" A"" but monagod to hwil not #%t they should become boglt by 0110 their thanks t6 to ex and worms Wt to mokothe acquaintance of the StUdlloft 4114pt appreciation of good -books and -to -UqUirp w habit that the, gUtM, They would *Iw&ys remem- %'OU14 Yield r I'job j*W$V4 in 'future. life. b er tU6 Soholgr$ Who had pMed through The ydw wlnunw Ia the gWuotlag the class and would folloW their caXeek 440 With interest, 4040404, prize do: Tho valecwtory address Was given in "tated by M StoebOU*, , splendid style by Was-I.Ifto Wkertson,, Reodino-avuet 'Otr sod Audrey who, spoke - very nicely of her school (equal). Ivix", 4ongtod by Miss days: Ill Vlctorlasohobl'and, of the,,tea� U obers, the bad been under. donat- An 'address to the - graduating class ed by AhMeek, 01AP0r, 1. 0. 1), IN, ' was next ori the prot4m and Rev. Ur. McManus, Prke MeDermid. who Was ealle* ft t� give. 400*04 by W. U. u0bert". this address, after imsmatuUtlow'. Wd UW40-Aildrkde Mr r1to - So de&tim#, Ut"Atiore-ZOe Drift, VrW doubted ot-W and made "veto 4iotatt" to by 'IS. 10. Nattel., support his Idea, '110ww old along,with, 0cograp"-Vrt% MeLeW, Orin don- mrthe best Is set t* b6l' and, others, ate4 by. It, and,he added too the'4uotttlon "t . holdi w4ting 11 lit orn: irize don- it truth with him who idn", to one clear . t livem k" that mou mw AM by Mr-fil voit. strain. 'in v d nft� **A, smard6d tht rl" on iKtepping stmet of thelt.&Ad Woo*Ws Ustitute ptift to tskIng the 1wives to. J�Jgher thkn.11 I,ftr. you,,, he ctmul hl&est moks"In Victoria school WO, addressing the 9Udents, "tht got. at t1* *AtUlke, U%ndn&UM In 100- dto *96 U thtluture. Ite warned the 1*a%*W-AU00 xtustcC4 pew donAtta students, to be. on their guaro's*0"t by Vo0c and School- Cluo, - the -Weriority, complex!, which was of- "Wg-ftltb. Aturdy (;*rf0ct),PTIft ten Juxt another name, for putt 1*4- dootted by. Irome sud 1khool, Club. 11"01 "Have falth In yourselves." he Himid - Turner ws$ awarded A pfirt *ad. I-IlAve ralth 'Ili ".,, "Evcry, by Mayor WtZwan for pner$jr profl- =Ws lito 1.� 0, pleal of (W aud t.ht%e Ig ItAtney throughout the yw,ond for fAko &'idells for �au to mLl And he urged Ing.the Wond 19911"t marks In the *0 to have a worthy Ambition in the atbkvtment of $6 manhow and wo;urul- how, Of "P2010M. A VeMIng by MM Robert Wilson was gifen, In excellent style'Aud swi much ff An aftess to� ther present Senior Y' outth 401am was *lven by Rev. 0. X 1K CWkt, 'go optntd by m$lng "AmeWl to all that h*A bem aid In cotigritu. 10ont to,tht, sehool and staft and. the Dftld�a W to&* LYd1a L coyttaker., Ite sam a vbbft - of gold med%* and bono" and rettiflotet and prWa and diploiaas had been prmuttil to the pUp1l# by the *VtiUng`s program, and the natural 4utstion for. th6 on. trAwo6m for next YW %as how a* womokk-41Woft U*W honM t4o be itoo. IA Me. the 1"Vvywe* rVibes were not alws'ys to tht worthy MO VOW *iA dil; but M OdUCAtiOnfil frAttMA thI8 WAS not NO 40W so, INM wmk was 0* go� kq, *4 b.. I;Neh vWit imkKk the door, and In. 14 *&rwint the ow iot S. Parks Cadman� awomaitwhobw �' who &A a, UA of ftVfftt"1% wofted as a t a b0d, pt 4 rAt " lit art ftglm wrle. but had t X. rJak. 'Irpod �IM*lt thrM*h to 'a V6900 of Infloffim he UMKI the "Dig At* to hiws veto". r4m^wl, 1 to* �try to dodo, the I*td spt0t. tut Ace um thvi bottift &A ;,sT_*vtljr omd, go after k ft"Wq mi� mfe- j,�thtm am- t?*y W"Im 1* Mteod TWO X0 , Itard aft" all, Tbf� re*ard 0 falthfu) IV IN4�h' that, 1, fiRw flmf�� I 1�x%wk wa,* that o"t fovthd the toak eas. bow tkr"VI 4mrm on. ftv4, for Am 1 0 104 W4 am 00w4t- 1144" VAIJ twm :� A *111,Nfid mrtlo 11 Nrs� A, 44 Mac- edwrWaiwa 0104t �Ixoy am An #"mrv� i.mmbotr Ictre we'l Mom to, "New ArUX*W_",, ^�, *f hit 1rirre-l"I Ipchef% N� It1M Atr� IL TOM&RIMS PlEARLTONE All iot A n r �hades'� .to Men alid woolm The re is a lo vab Ia Dd Insets, lingering sweetnesss­;�,, In.individualplecos, a th,%t. makes Yardley's a gift CIMIST, X48 Sr� 00th $%S0 to of charin and grace. In the Sets ov ATIJONE 'r � . 'j.. Jong cession � of years A.% JL pro A: The Z ripopUjo Gft: .Yardley's� Toiletries. .:h,-ve 'Make, your lady. fri d happy we Vbn at.idkeptoacli'passiag generation, Never looked so 11 as this y6ar,� In beautiful, 'th one of, these sets Modernistic. packages, varied colors, linen, and suede wi SM PRICEd VROU 'M to $10.00- finish, in almost every conceivable style. Our sfbck- is right up io'the,minute. Ashes of Roses #...,$3 So:to $7.2i Bau Monde ....... o,.,o.*-oAU0 to ";21; Priced 25* to $4.00 WATERM"S .0 Evej&g in Paris. ...'...ov q. 0 0 -IF 42450 t TENS 1) u b a rry.s O'Soe t!o" '1 0 dITT iwn .$I. t6 'Always apopular.gift. They Oay Pame., . 4, 6 #'A 0'* Christmas Cards, with fancy lin�d envelopes a come in sets of P�Ps and pe 61f 'V yt Is for 14 -ci "pAtficti. AYL'� at&. finft., dto -Suit e of aste� both ladies and Priced at 2 forSe and Sc up to I So Seely's (melfts) 4.4, men, or may -be purchased Sep. arately. Also tiesk'Setg,. )RAT]R$AL" Priced at $2.46 to $10-for- CHOCOLATFS the, PC= PCIlcils.0 to $Sip gets from $3,?S to,$15'. Attractively �olored, beautifully scented Bath Salts, A C*T REALLY WORTH WHILE in packages or bottles. Also attractive body -pow ' - ce ft -sensible, useful gift. derpackages. Thry mak SUMESTIONS priced 259 to $2.50 Book Covent Writing Pwoolkwo Rook Eo 07 lkatiomry Cd�aets, Pb I *to Albums w reprodoWonj of lft%m leathw Aesigns, Powssing *11 the bewty EXT.RA.SPECIALS end pft7"ftno of ibt orWw 1"&n je&&eg,. FAirseviVoilet Soap' Kodaks and Cameras $1,29 Ap Fragrant and Refreshing Albums 0.00 and up Flashlights, in colors, $1.40 to a, "&ft for 314 in Boxes or in bulk. The choicest array of gift Military Hruslies'for men, Virtofiwkure Qsfile' boxes. Nellson's, Pake & Shaw's and Mbir's. A attractive, brush , and comb, good. box of �eanqy often solve$ the problem. lather case sets, from $2.50 Priced fiuu Soe to $&00, $5.50 Leather Bill Folds, $1, to $2.75 CUTINX Ladies' Purses $1, to $4.50 CHMISTMA S`-- CIGARS vacuum Dottles,4k. in now, gift boxes, very dainty and appzaling, these, Cigars in Chrigtifiaspackages Of lives to twenty- Thermos, Bottles, front $U* up, make a very exquisite preselit. they Are Priced at fives, tho real gift for' dad.' Shaving Mirrors Tsc� Rot �Vater Bottles 3.sto $fti,-Sj.90. $1.,$o up t* $4.90 Humbers, packages of ten ................. 50c And a wide; variety 'of Novelties u ts ell as catille Bachelors, tens . ...................... $1.00 Stick Itoldem ash'frays, Vases. e funiery in fancy ASK TO SM THM Stonewall Jackson, tells ................ $ft packages, from 2 5c to $.I 5,00. Boudoir jamps. rug re JLKA e, s '10 East S" �of Square nit Ide Phone 90 Goderich, Ontianio