The Goderich Star, 1930-12-11, Page 5FAO' carr i r�r�r�rx�rz��r»re�rrnr�rwnw�r�wr�r�rr�r�w. The Chrsstmas Seo TU Y„ DAC. ilh, Ida Something for' everybody 01:10. (ign) f . _.. (O " Og===e0xi , i .... , (li40.. <Ol i O 6111.' a " foos a l f'r Let Cornfield's help solve your Gift Problems. Gifts for every member of the family and every friend you have. r DRESSES Hosie Weldzest u re Silk Hose, in the ' newest t •l, ,,w y,� dull Onish or service weight, 045 to $1.75 Per Pr, f Silk and Wool Hose, s best quality, '750 -to n ,) $1.65 per pair. gift. Afternoon Dresses of canton crepe, geor- , gette and satin. Evening gowns of panne ,satin in pastel shades of shell pink pale mauve and green. *upt 10001i000000000000001 COATS Coats are also a 'welcome gift. , Prices ranging object of .every woman's desire is. a Fur Coat Coats of e sear, Muskrat,. Persian Lamb' and goatskin. Ladies' Scarves modern deSigns, $1.98 to geOrgette Ecatves, hand paint- ed, in pastel shades, $1.09 to Dainty garrnents that Would please .anyone. A wonderful selection. Vest and Bloomer -Sets, - Dance Sets, $1.61. Bobbettes, 79c to $1.45.pr. All attractively boxed. Moat Odigraltdatiaas1 0 cbr»taaaee eaMefaiaaaaaawt iI b E wasvpaadta+tt school Wu, li, on Tiwrw.r. Dec, Mb, at 2 pat, ahsria'. y welaceae. www roiled -ton of $ or 11 ante. We ars gad to welcome Br. Meredith Orataeax to oodaich, We of Sheppard. t want w Utile credit fur Meds educa- , as be woe usually called in school Mo. 11, where be fust staxted.,to school, A bright boy, rain or shine, Med, was always there. He bad a bright :smiling face and was usually at the bead of iiia" class, and ie stilt going strong. - gratula ioais ! Oki Siaeppardtou lots turned out two doctors and teachers galore. I CHRISTMAS GIFT SIIGGES'fI4NS •; , From THE REXALL DRUG STORE 11 M+> NDIM 111 Isereaack of. WillPleIrlas recovering from an O at ur vin ly. lt[r. Time. Anderson attended countY, council in Ooh last week. Mr. John Cook, W110 has been under' t the tors rate, . .it imProving in Christmszt tree will be held in the Blake Military Brush Sets Safety Roots Thomas Bottles and Kits Pipe', Cigars and Cigargttes HoftWeifer ChneOlabei Ivory and Pearl Tone Sebt ensile., Combo, Mirrors " Pare. Evening 3n. Parifo Toilet Articles and Seh Stationery A large assorbnek of Chriebnas Cards now on display . THE REXALL DRUG STORE Bedford Blocls UM. including annibers from Belfast urtro:rosTutadobethy Trevene:gve,n7cot, 023unrdgart. sedhe dviron9:::em 7tb:hajbelaceuvez iwoarstsienin: non, spent a few days recently with Mr. aribtua not so cuaserVing, but nioar Mrs. Tiles, AnderSoni is Vetting. ber.„tning4 you Can be got to. this week, - COB local opium teachers are lieltlin2 their schoOl coneerts oh the following dates: OtingssmOn° School concert in the .parish- hall„ wedncsday evening. Dee, Alth, Messrs, Falmer =patriot< 19th, Wu Margaret Finlay, teacher': N. S. No. 9, will hold theirs on Brid0 afteNtoon; Deo: 1(414 Miss `Olive Apctee„ PrOgraM 'le in mime ef preps*. and ma seirsyny you crow ou thing why 444 34414 a• J." "Paulek- ly if hit 1 of them and a IMer Cost you. roother. 310. Foul Need, Lucknow, ion, teiteher; Crewe concert on ldonday evening, Dee. 22ndt miss :011ve riot. teacher; and Nile schOol Concert, to wilt .dowd at ,the noose paper else wear pe. wirks at today. Ma, was,asting pa 'abotit her at nostaland sed wed a wonderful, conversashimist but that Was the oney bad habit he new Of 'Wensday--Weat to a party witch given. by ,the Bonfire girls tonite and got..abOiit % sore at Jane, A lot of the fellosvs left atter they had • eat• -there do it- all the gentleman left them and ate, sod that wood be Mt right bedue Titirsday--siim (Bunt was up. here to. whut wonderful takes Ms parents 'was and'after be 'had left Pa sed diddent never have no parents nobow. Haitdkerchiefs Attractively bdxed Handkerchiefs with Swiss embroidery,„ - hand painted, or lace points, per ..2Se to $1-50 ken's .all linen Handkerchiefs .with initials; eAtti`... . Lawn* Handkerchiefs, hand roiled hems and hand: paintet Gloves Trefousse Washable French Chamoisette Gloves. double weight, 419c to $1.45 pr. GLOVE and single Bath Robes for_Men and Women Por the ladies, Quilted Silk, or Eider- down or a Flowered Rayon Silk Poe the rnen, Eiderdown Bathrobes, hi plain° or fancy •patterni, $3.95, Men's Pyjamas pyjamas of 'Varna clotnand flannelette ks Meh's All Wool Socks, in plain .and fancy patterns, 51)4 to 1Se pr. Silk and Wool Socks, 49c to 750 •Pr ,40*14011:101:10) 100 01=0 Ties of figured silk, . fancy or conserva, tive pattern. Boxed if desir ed, Some ties already boxed. • Luncheon Sets With colored borders, Table Cloths calored 'lip‘tkers Atm Men's Overcoats - well tailoredond reasonably priced., A large Assortment Men's Muillers„ 'square or 'reefer; styl4i.i0 iall..silk, Shirti joriday...mn and pa, inclucleing me" and 01*dr:bunts and they yitta-a ,girt 01041 witch plant* Oh a"viiiient ter a enitPle peaces and 'after tha' consert VAS over oho waS tawking to us ond she est, pe *hut he thot of her playing 'end Pa Went and reokia the .vdrlotlike he Most genreliy all ways does. Ife Bed Well you are to be eOnertehal4testbeellz verr le* ,pOoPie Wood or had the ciirriclgo gb up there' before all, them people and • saterclay..-1 went tloyn 'to the' drug Store today and. bot at*ii St. ball rate nn onatalinthit'Plari.. pond -14 Cash, so now to crack a ;leak it Is ihe about getting rieW blowhole • but he going to `get AO Mre. *Mem thot WOOd film out and the uther„ day she sent. tO a male, order Co. and got 'a. MUnday-..Wile.we was out ricking this ,p4w, why pa,run over a dog and when. KROOL REPORTS Ir. --Term work and Christmas tests M Latin, Alg.—Colin Crozier, 70% Anna, TreleaVeri, 64. ;rho second figlire after each name indicates the percentage in memory work tests: Sr. rt.—Alex, Treleaven, 03, 70; Lorne Ilisty, 54, 85; Benson Shaeldeton, BO, 60; Watt, 40, 41, Jr. 111.—ronlinY allbert. B.—Be:meth gatney, 70, 74; cecina Primer --Lorena Crozier, 76; /Ronald TreieaVell, 30; Allen Motley, 63. Ne. ord of memory work tests kept sepox. O. KILPATRICB, 8. 8. NO. lg Aitbdekl Repork,of Fort Albert sehod—Ronors 73 per cent, pass 00 per cent' below 64 gitt, 42; Margaret tednorv $0; Mau Draper, 72; Arthur MurraY, 02; Ouricra - Crawford, 60. --Jr,.---Tifothleert -Led- Charlotte Crawford, 72; Mart MOM- lari, 74; tiara Meth. 72; Wed craw - ford, 10; Annie Young, 70; Eletood Mur- ray, 68,3; Elmer Droner, Regibit, 111.—Dorothy McMillan, 76; Ceb4 McGee, 73.; George PritzleY, 02; Mar Jule McKenzie, 61; Margaret Crawf 60.4, 11.—Norma Murray, 62; Lednor, -01; Helen McGee, Harold N dorf,_Xatbleen.IIPtdOrt. Printer— „Elean- or Petrie, Rorace Crawford, Joe McCiee, Harold Adams, Harold McGee. Num., ber on roll 60. Average attendance 24, ;MONEY FOR YQU SEWING AT HOME Women .paicl cash to Make Ma- ttes for us at beam in spare time. No ,selling.,'Send. stamped en.ve, American Necktie Company, Dept.. 17, Forest BM, Toronto. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S WE HAVE IT. .Anthiacite Coal Mined from the Hazlebreolc Mines obaranteea no mate or minirers, is r Patterson * r-oconootas' Coal North Star Soft Coal Solway. Nat Coke For Shelf mkt Heavrilardwarei 'Paints and Oils, Varnishes, etc. Phimbing, Healing, Tinsanitbing and Electric Wiring, give us - Store 22, CHAS. C. LEE AT TOE HARBO tottN 'CAM Men's Gloves, all Wool Of fleece linings Unlined Gloves of Pigskin, goatskin toys' Aviatiote.iaps Boys, Aviation Caps with goggles. Leather 0.2% Leatherette bettic systpm Leather Jackets . Coat or Lumberjack style, wool lined, in men's atid boys' sines, ' Pullovers Figured Edglish Broadcloth Shirts with / separate coliarst Or attached col- lars, in 'well known make. Priced : Boys' All Wool Pull overs, of with crew neck or fancy pat. tented ones. . 1V4en"s Belts Men's Belts, attraetiveiy boxed 75c to 13o,s"Efte.lts, boxed, 500 9Sc. Sweaters Aten's All Wool Sweaters, heavy weight, with roll collar or fine wool without collar. PM to $4.11°. Weal Side Square Garter Sets Garter and Braces Sets, Artn Hands, all in holiday " boxes, Prices ranging Boys' Goff Socks Boys' English Alt Wool Golf Socks. 59c to Sac pr. GODERICH May the Wishbones, of Yule fulfill your every wish and make this the MERRIEST CURIST1VEAS you've ever had. All talking programs for week of Dec. 15 to 20 MONDAY, TUESDAY, 'WEDNESDAY GEORGE ARPSS Transfers to the screen the mystery and pageantry of the Orient CORNFIEL "SHOP WHERE YOU ARE 114V11-11) To SHOP" WEVITIELD 1/01* M. Jethro*, 'hot thole days ;training tko *Wilms for tit* ocreert. • Mr*, it oadighell *audio* * The Woothold Stiaday who* la held- ** Oaf* at the balm Of bar dafsatitor. bag skate thrisimaos rota% in the The mann Millis v. re win w "sea *nom b4r* .""mt4AL A 1.141. *bit MK MIL 100 sot mil sambas at Wag ekorts* Iowa oo woe it lakt. kepo be WI esos made 410 Milward 11200 et o. 114000 WSW bold tesdr as Twat*, Mianimas paw sad ea 1111111. WW1 01•01001. • Vend SOK appointed tor the different claws. Mr. sod Ms. Morris AteDinvell and Mr. and Mrs. Robot Theent were stp. poletted to sot 1004 onto** Mir books for. the Minor • $$ "The GREEN GODDESS Phone 418 atr. Phisanaer la able soda Moe Ws load One* talitoso Thsaimit Imo Soot oft tisk an on lank et Illimonifir, ir *ill on who boa Woo Air Emirs osteroad Ildhluod. oldest Ws are .00 NIP eVidolfis lostor saw A Mk 011011111ir le le lbw bias Imo SI Alice Joyce IL R. Warner Ralph Forbes THURSDAY, FRMAY, SATURDAY. NI the smiles which wait badly needed Mr, and Mts. Chao. Model, of *ft*, have .been visiting his parents at Car On account of bed rood* Nev. A, Poll P*4 to *tee to hi* oppointotent at Oor. Tbo Mucci% tier** on Stands! and *added. esneldeitild the eta* of Vit Medi devoid heat the dolgaderhood at- tended fmtwel Mt amwgitt Seek. aid rdeledidd reeldeat, of "FLIGHT" JACK HOLT—TALA LEE—Ralph Graves will thrill you with a fascinating love stop of the daredevils of the air si each night. Matinees Wed. and Sat. at 3.00 pa. CHRISTMAS WEEK S ALS "Playboy of Paris" with Maurice "Abraham Lincoln aad "No No 'Nanette IL 11, 4 alba. AltDTOM le bear at Mrs Jamenb Wo ham oho mop be lir mod lbw Nara! lambs the two haltdoy trot with mallaam Mos.. 10111011A1 1001111C11 at Chradoma awl Wm Tom Moro and SM.