The Goderich Star, 1930-10-23, Page 54'
THIHM iaat. OCT. 23rd. isal
Sunday Afternoon
lSA6EL HAMILTON, Gab.t�6. Ord.
i .' .igr.7tRic..,,.. "'�."iROHN111 •12 ! i
[bate. Holy Spirit, come: ldrew tntrodwced to Jess. After meet- l
Let Thy bright teems s arise ; ins fit: hW became a disciple, bat re- l
Lewd the darkness from our minds, stoned his occwyrsetien until. Moate them
And open au Our eyes. afte this Jtsitts Breve him that final
in wean incos•on.
.Author of TheSpring of Human Action
mass as Meath Sodium Aug. SIG. 1,98
Gedertch--'inti hi . M' mien #s•
eon, 14: boom. 14; louteitsrs. 4. M.Oaw
4 Thin M..11: stem Massa. tee; be -
ears, 110; 1Mttths s, 18; heartas. 2; atm
heavies. 3: bights and feeders. -3. Auk-
urn--Tbaal hogs. 221; sited latest. lis;
bcon. 173. butchers, 38; hssrfss. 1;
lights and feeders. 4
—Tota ho 18f1i : meet baton. loads47 ;
bacon. 1112. betcbsrs. 213. heavies, 40;
extra hawks. 4; lights and feeders, lie,
eallrwhich made him henceforth an in- We mow suggestions because tb.y offer the alar a least r alstattce, It is Iitlroa Co.—Total hogs, 4714, ailedba.
separable cemprulcw and apostle> 1-114 like routing dOwnatreaaa. We have thee and energy by leggin* aonieune else do the , ton. 1335 Mon, 2p8; butcher's, 484
homier, 73: extra heavies, l0: lights
house was a kind of rendesrous for the thinking and planning and wotr'rying' very useful in littler of dat>ger. We act endofeeders, lir,
4/4cip1er, and he was one el the three The abllitY to alt Ott sueseatloa harm ful lit times
of to ser. i W $4the %r d rs, UAW Sept.:14; 191!
who raw our Lord's inose private exper- very quickly at the slightest sun#estia► Ye disastrtxu, Perhaps t Goderich--Total hogs. 81: select bit -
and rnitatlega and heard hla mQtit truth the it ori The slit/nogdte hesitadttt may ] bystere Of habit. con, 38; bacon, 41; butchers, 1; heavies,
� holy the trait originated told thein awned to ether things 4. a,g,,,-T4314
144M app,: '"16(1 b°'
offallow the advice and s4ttggeaiitxts sharks who palet stowinghiietures and con. 49; bacon. 139: blathers, 7; hea-
of the do:•tor the lawyer and otter ex- snake all sorts of extravagant claims. Yies, 1: Iota and forders, 0. Auburn
ttaYRiee Wt et Mr sin;
Then lead to Jesus' blood,
,and to our wandering view reseal'., �s
The secret love et Clai.JirsepI1 Hart=
we theme Thee. our Father. that l private ape 1 de defined
coater ilefor illi.
as s sharply dRO,ued type of the chili.
though We often fail to render uutolleena, wciLLintentionea. trustworthy, i7'
Three the praise end honor due unto Thlfi dependent and courageous, bent *leo Vi-
so Name we Have the assurance that i sceptible to new lespreesions, and by
'Thou d04t love art ever. 'Though we naturedlnpused to changes as eordiu4 to
dettY Thee. Thou swot gracious and wilt i fancy. Our Lord looked below the Fur-
reetere• us it we repeat and seek twelve- ;face, swill know that when once the de -
nest. 2day Thy love constrain us for eisive • impulse had been. given to- that
Jesus' rake. Milner.. ' 'life, nothing could stop or deflect the
1otitiiow vt the energy of the wartn-
• • ItlESai?l7 t2R11r1)V; 183te thearted disciple. lie would be entirely
Lemon Tom. ?Seco .Peters history preyed the correct-
l9.sou. Ftutsztxr--aagark 8127-20; Luke l nese of our Lord's intuition.: lie ident!-
1411 i~4 Mak 18:041; 214541' died himself ith we master. He- hes
pests because they know more about
thietr respective ilelde thew we ,tit. We
have eonfideuca in their ;Witty and
honesty. For the same mutat children.
Aare much more suggestible than adults,
They have Confidence in their elders,
especially their parents, who aeon to
know everything. The child nttturaily
follows the example of those whore he
Admires and we are all children in this
respect. -
*Men "3103-.4110se1:3. the leader and n emelt of the band. Since there ere so many things vee',
Peter always milled. by the Lord, Sim-`�p'rom Itis isle cam the emphatic answer') aueept on suggestion on the auth-
eras born in Betlhsaida, taut *iter hie round in the OM part of today's lesson, gust 1 another, ere' get the babit and
#rlarriaR,C .lived at C&per�°lattin, and, with. tart the Cl?rirt:'• But it cannot !follow in matters that we could Ca9t y'
his Youb.Yer brother Andrew,curled on be supposed that no earthly' hopes utin,;1c e_eit up if we were net e0_11_931*..,.. - -
the trade of Asherman. He was. an ul- 4.gled with Peter's :filth in the Al
#rerent Of John the Baptist and by An-, p •of deme,,uor that he et on
e7rstood hos¢ tele sufferings . of
;could lead to the R1os3' that shoul
Peter, was honest in his lntentio:
we 1010YW 10W"" ^vehemently 4te , ani•
devotion, "lord, .I ,ani ready,
with thee, both into 'prison, , an
death" '( 2241-34): He - l
goodintentions, In the gardestrength of purpose to earry!.'o
. n' 11
.'.pile blow in his Lord's. behalf. sa,'
(Vain was any attempt at resist=
lied, like the .rest, Then 'Waxing
lite went to the palace . of the high
and crowded around 'the fire - (J - -
25-272, Vitt thee, abraptik. p
with questions respecting his, rel
'ship to Jars. he denied thrice,
lastwith an. -oath, that be ever.
him. It needed but a look from
-to recall his boasting assertion
I mush dila with thee, yet will
:deny thee;'—and turn the Hood
pentane uncut his soul. ,
There was revel` any break
Lord's confidence in him. To hl
;of the apostles,did the risen Cbr
Pear; (1 Cor. 15:5) and when b
lakeside of Galilee, • the thrice -re
question, "Coyest .thou me?" Moue
the three . answers lull of liumilit
'love the tender commands, "Pee
sheep," "Peet) my lambs," proved
his restitution :was complete (Jo
Teak it tap
.isefore it gate a good
Heat and inhale Waterers.
rub the liniment on.throat and.
chi. A great prevcntat lc.
TAO Great White Littiment
The direct and out and out ru8li•a- Tottel hogs, 303: select bacon, 84; ba -
tion put la the Porta of * Command is cou, 196; butchers, 18; heavies, 3; extra .
rood, effective with children and infer- heavies, 1. -Huron 00. )Ocala.—'Total
lora. 'flared augg.etbl whish 'eon' t hogs, 2553; seiert bacon. 054; bacon,
reals the trite motive is moat effective 1544; butthers 179: •hemmle,. 4L: extra
Life Assurance is
the Best Investment
with equals bemuse commend
is, like to raise ust*onisttti and
counter *nutrition in the opposite sug-
gestion will be the result.
To a superior, the most effeetive aue-
geetion is put in the negative form, ea a •
though you expect -to be refined. You�, At d w M
ssY.- to the bossy: "I don't suppose yoa Fort Albert
wcept ou avaid •counter sugges-
Inould glia acway Y
heavies, 11; lights and feeders, 30,
Huron Co.—Total hogs, 6314; select 'be -
eon, 1773: basin. 3629: butchers. 483
heavies, 100: - extra lteavtea, 18; lights'
and feeders, 45.. _
r�r t �;xgr;t
A MAN cat awe as imam foe
Himself of d1,000, $2400
$5,000, 1110,000. or #MlpNrtk-^+Alk•
&pendia. upas hie l ar
income and i><onlms•
Suer Life UMW* can
emir of reaching tits objective
within a specified time, with
baker and without lou or in -
Nimes* of principal.
If death should iatervIns, Life
Assureneet will do what so tether
insestsaegrta* guarantee—it will
malts the fall hntieded ptiecipel
available attunes for his family
and will carry through the pro -
gamine that he bad planned for
t Ginn.
'xhs Sun, Life of Canna hes
policy to coyer every nee3a
88e circ t it, Rc iresruttt4a,
• COMPANY ,..M - `�,iMr a4 a A+Ik! D A
14x+013 MON'i'1tEAL.
la for
Holm 0ssey
Unless worms be _expellees Train the
system, no child . can be hesith f.
Mother Graves' Worm - lbtterrninatoe MR
stt 5+X0 ilea .medleine:to destroy.1r0
udi estion ua-
harcoal, soda
and got little
ioxntry relief,
Chronic dye.,
pt of a little
the ordinary
trate .or 'milk,
glia which you
gglst in either
the .powder or
rs water after.
What 11 differ-
instantly nett*
xtntui acid in
eattser your
r, making gas;
ern and the
feeling that
ytbin2 you rat,.
els without to
uIc and Jiorse Livery
Ifni( Stables
Montreal Strcxet
just off the Square'
! , , -mese et,„. .�
'Busses Meet all Tratnseand
Passenger Boats
Passengers called for In any
part of the town for all
trains at O.T. R.' or C. P. R.
Prompt Service and
Careful Attendance.
Oar Livery and Hack ; Servic
will be tou'nd up•to-date•
In every . respect. '
' Vone °Patronsite Solicited
Phone 10;f Monti-vetStreet
iota Cover
t nAN -
Doctor rnid
ale 8tat•tells'
a. 'r. Scott.
aall dtnralatr.
The "Mellons&.
service. again bet
Toronto and
•leavieg Toronto..
p.m. daily arriving.
nipeg 8,45 se
Morning after..
tri We train.
xttfoi,nadon and r
Kona from any Ca
ZVaaonaf Agent..
JUST is : emulsification o di*
butter -fat b milk makes milk,
one of our most co* dittesta
food9,tao emulsification hoprovair
the taste and digestibility of t
pure cod+liverr ail in
lea the reason that millions of
"children and grownups Prefer it
to all other forms of cod-li1er 614
Be sure the cod -110.r Ott
vop use Is emttlsiafiisd!-
that it's Scott's Emulsion.
Scott dc'flawttd Toronto, Oat. 30.31
h?t'lI1;Y EXCEPT $t11!1PAY
Leave Ooderlch 0.20 0.14. ` ,2,10 pal.
„ Clinton 0.44 a,1ii, • , 2.401 pint•
Sea€or th 0.59 am. 5.03 pin..
•s -Mitchell 7,21, 310
Arrival Stratford 745 a,m. 3,58 plat:
r' Ii itehener ' 8,40 0.rn. 5,18 prat.
Guelph 0,07 0.1 11. 51.44 put.
" Toronto 10,25, a.m. 7,85 p,M.
I eturning--Lave Toronto 7.50 0.111, tato
6.65 p.m. '
Ponos Cafe Car Godcrich to . Torotlta
a on morning train, and Toronto. to 0040"
•rich on 5.55 pan. train, • No change tit
cars between Goderich and TarolxtO
I A. i,oichr- tree, .. . -
7Mw11 Va-sender acid
Ticket Arzntw
Phone s:
.A,I.�,... i I 1'
...u+aw ,,,,0`r.
"0041001411;1110:111.0.41111:01;a44==........ -.""-R.`,.
_ 4:tar.,
•'�, .-- GMERICN, .
Beit, ltriterlai and. Latest,
• °' Designs
expert Workmanship
All -Work Guaranteed
)'rices Reasonable
Your business will be
appreciated., ., . s.
R. A. sPrnrrON
Gaoelericii •■•+ dittdt'io
T, O •Box 161. ;-
Buffalo,NV. Y. or Port Stanley, Can,
and Cleveland, Ohio
tk B LINE be your host for a deligbtful"nighc's trip.
auto on board and avoid miles and miles, ofcongestcd
while you travel on a C1uB Line Steamer; affording alt
ad courtesy of a modern hotel. Coinn,odioua sleepier;
lent dining room service. Spacious cab111s a11d decks.:'
Cleveland --- Buffalo Division
' evc ni lir, lcavrnsatO:O0p:rn,,arriviogat7:yO,,:o. ILS I.l
i.13th. ra..,f3•aq iiwil48.30ri.S,l,O. AatilWrl,$Sgo '..IZTI
M1.- Post.St inlryr Canadian IbivIsion-
at Cleveland.• 30 p.w. ; Returmnbw icavc#
Cleveland attn clmet arriving orPt.Stanle�yq.
6:00 a.m. RI. S. T.) p'nno 21 at to Sot.7tfrw`
• Pore+ $oo ape *fejt $$.0o Moot l tr.
.yrl,rie We $ .xo yat,d lift. .
IPNYeiir�rrte a/dcrnudlluto.tife�,'
Arai/J2r sit ul, e, CF,D L.iw lei:
Akgl,, 'Gird: dnd d!! ilxprnar
Tear,, alsol930Crj,tndiLnart,
CGrrita, r/d Saar Ste. A ale.
'pots Stanley, lliiS'atq, rt.
�.�. Canada t,: N.Y. 46 w.,..��SAV�E•PrDAY THE•- $\'WAY *..
ock f rj Electricitfr „ . • '
Walla by Electricity'
Iron by Electricity
ciz. , QUICK
e ' dna Cagy or Wood
Aft electric-Varruuni Cleaner
tennovesLti1C dust; a bloom
)ust niovessthe dust
We guara►itud all 1{- y.d r �o
{.amps for 1,500 hours,•
Walk iii and see display • at
The West Street
Electrical Shop
We carry n good Biotic of
Electrical Appliances
Fixtures, etc.
We -Specialize in
Wiring of All Kinds
Estitrlatee given on
° application
. Alt 'Work Guaranteed
' ori elbig adequately; and is constantly
' ollloW Me?" bureau, wrote on ills pad i bei g added to, so:that it is always ef-
*'xW1oW - e gent; Be deplored our carelessness in
W1tf knln better tr than Ile .farhe price our pronouncing final letters, as wdl as
w a elsetliing of the leastctof -fere, and a tendency to use slang expressions. As'
who knew the exact fortune 1n the o. means of improvement he suggested
widow's hand? the study of thehistoryof words°froth
Them is a Hage :lata' a in the . window 1 a goo . dictionary, the reading pr'Sood'
and elf the. ro111tcge is :♦Ieeplwi rows but authors, Practice in - good letter -writing,
Himself ' .looks iii ` at the window and tranelati0n of satin and other langua-
6ays c "1t is the third wateh"—and �. but above all delf•ifspectlon.
blesses the watcher3 pn friday afternoon the convention
Perhaps she is scalding the 'Word of broke up htto sections for the study of
been i 5tthe peri llda n. lilt hie oblesns peculiar to the various clastics.
been !n' thed, 10 all Bayo aand the Tlz002 sections were led by representa-
sheall dry.. or In the school, now tine teachers of these. particular classes
she is alone and she reads the 'Word oifie. tallows :
God« lrottrth book, Edwin Crawford, of Sea,.
Por whom is shem ,she is
perhaps, xi ',forth; third book, Miss Gladys Uutton,
leu the 1f r thoseswit she to r ou. R for- of Wingham; ,asecond book, Miss Mary
you and for who serve you. ' ne11, S£aforth; first book and prlutaryr
ing in her little boost about the work of, Annie little 13f Wroxeter.
clod In the world and the nawmys of Ilia -Miss
This convention was most successful,
servants, she plways.--Jas - mean Mae.
kende, in 'Women rind sal01E. , JACK EDGAR, Pres.
! `Mi•i
MO. H. JEF'l;'BR80 1, Se0'y. .
Frail( McArthur
Phone 82 West Street .�
hovels $ dr'I -Mot ..
TRIO 'ft Three lays
1s. ISA, Cil
Om; itsJso0 or
L A X A L' V E R
•Pil i_s.
rTi oti9t tte11. '
t lbars s
oat* est a
Stan Tres tonit2$'
trk� ilre OM
Cbstinate Cases of •
Hemorrhoids (Mies)
A Ivoll•tolown physician in his lsosp1
tat and private practice discovered ,that
the prescription now known art Moore's
Emerald Gil diluted with equal parts of
ordinary ()live oil; will help to reducer
the most obstinate cone or piles withjust.
1 a few applications, and s all itehinEr
burning, bleeding, and distress, i.
Huffer -era should get a bottle of
Moon's istneraid 'Oil and be ht the
treatment at once. It is a remedy that,
is cosily *polled, and the drat applies-,
Hon Mien instant relief and esnifort.
All good druggist; hare it, Or alit get it
for you an stunt notlte.
Double Call for s'Invtntora. -A tooth.
mutt that removes the film from the °,
E teeth may be all right, but what wele
etui is. a hair ell that trill remove the
lifog front the buti_' lrinitati lniquir3"
=,.ilvRCIll tures
are issued for $100', and over for
1 to 5 years.,
Authorized by Lain for trust.
fun& in the hands of executors
and trustees.
Safe. for tra'iist.fundrl - -
Safe for your funds.
We have been fortun'
ate in being appointed
local agents for
Aulcraft Paint
'Tnr WoNDLR 1',�Iaarl
Leet as demonstrate this good
Paint to you.
per annum payable half -yearly.
Over $2.4,500,000tis now
invested by our debenturholdcrre
who, along With Huron & Erie
depositors, have first claim upon
every dollar of the Corporation's
assets totalling over forty-three
million dollars.
Write for illustrated folder and
photograaplief atrustee debenture.
011 1'ei1E IIKit)ltlMA''lr til
HH, ron&Frio
elOt 'ioAot; COPPottATtott
London Toronto . Hamilton
Windier gt.'lrrhomslt 4h8tbiatt
tl �
rT �.
790 Idols WITH BATH
I CIt rc M,t cotta L,tuatad
rerakttre litasatattiithop
tysir4 ctmaa cnd tttaic/i
- c, -i fair` -J ortSucrrvcZU:Gs
v ,r tq T s Gccl.e Y ,at. e
gal cnol tecta? ! t+.t:-C.P600
Y ci t urine j economy -
1x"3 t?At.0