The Goderich Star, 1930-07-24, Page 7TionanAir, Jouropirs. use
Spite s Plea For
Linwood home 66 asked his la
*ei * t gat, attleas, aid.% ate zat
7111-1 Cr.
A Ldielhilliniti"V11;71111114 *
aro hero Jen es wow- .111Z
' wrote nos slams* the& whom 64 1=14 liar"
Fatiftion uf Ou-
aosittacttu tars. -
*ad *Wm tad" ow.
Ilk tour au to
}, Lae tioci
o way mod one
tomato *dame
at ‘Gtoloricto mut
loaat, bat not
uppootite. 'tits • .
Hew He Lifted Up His Vol. tit'. Wyss la Itlion: raarelgra 44-4. Wk seit:
to Jive ast pettiest say re with my
mom t ,as Ad few yew illalater or La** UP Witi1
*IN. It mai 64 al eight for the shameteriass high toren:triun-
e* a high pro -
Its Behalf er..konuy ut ltka ask cartiatt atm
Groa est Rem pg Port Oa Uppor Lakes tkb tkiee°41111/" WI' 1° 1st
hi the 'theta at
as we are coacented thew is soiree
• " prosperity hem°
Les: .1 target. I would Jest like to
pie who certainly are prosperoas.
He Also Showed How Poliiics Wils Put Into toil right maw sheet a class of pea -
Postal Service.
At his bootleg in Oft Court 110440
FaXilt Seturdey night Mr. Spottoa
prominal he would publish his *pewit
in the Mouse on the twined of the
Ooderich bather. followieg •is
the way Huard recesds bow North
Huron's "hired man" worked for his
ronitituenta on March lot, 1024.
Mr. tktorge Spotton (Horth Mor-
Mr. Spookier, in attempting to ad -
dont the house for the firtit time -
am f
sure shall *Ivo your kindly
sgsanethYo and .4 if I transgress tong
powliamentary rule know you will
re ve me in *fatherly feshion,
ammuelt as this Is ay first en -
pimento in luirThstnent suppose it
woad be Oita M order -for me to cone
gretultite you, Mr: Opetker, upon.
ye* re-election *a. ipeaker of the
hatafa. From. what I hmte obterved
ton have alwsys ditplayed the most
totheiroble quelitlea, a bent and head,
and have alWaire held. the tcalta of
Sadie& evenly. Afay.1 tat* this op-
pottunity also to .thank allStho mem-
be o h
mad that is the rural mail curlers ia
*41% The Postmaster faeoteral
owe so voo have. ioon. member Is PeesPerons, hie deputy may be
for Semi' Hama tor hieMillatal *ad pro4lwrous, 421* in hilt tillinknt's
ims at least awry. *wick di. ttenne nieat may be prosperoas,: but the
Minnow that- the Cooaty ot Baron turld earrlors la mg fn *re
fats. I was 4:41
hoctionist * the wompitign; I ant ea.
Seam say, as The Webs say* that
"follow rase coariationr sat )4ot t -,r
goad a alealuoss "tallow your 1d.
r" There hate Wert times when I
have toot boom able to follow my
pottiest loador, sad that time may
COMO aillatt.
I to sari that in my vid-
boll owing to the high pretsure Aare*.
maltsidp of *Aim* ntiniaters railing
OW *11 local meautarturet with thet
ludgeort called Um Robb budges, tait
14thowal vapor wag able to oity tlmt
11 the manufectinars and captains of
itclustry, regardless of thair
are hohind the King administsation.
ad yet thy had theft frientis geing
and et* of the farmers' hurnes rat-
tle 1***411ilth orottetloniot,",and
*lend of the manufauturer,' and,.
ato I say, the Libets1 paper boldly
dated that ail the taptaina of induss
y of ttoderich "rem oupporting. the
ing adrattistraloa. I. think the
time ha* about *pee when this; ads
ertisiw agency will not be othle to
a with the hare end bunt Widt the_
litosads; that then will not be able to
pose at ,proteetipitiste in the town::
Intl thins, and then, try to hold 114 up
attahe.iogrealnoteey ti:***taseulf 1* Caw:1AZ: 111°11" the"wurroisle"1"Qtivil servulent"softlitnhed b
tsebrielt01141. dinatharesinctIllataau°raidsafirtariwerglut IOW*whoilliveesaadlithe oldtbeatarel"aldf:10'
*Teat ,agricUlturid loads and the toss ever the ;Mow banks every day on
ett type of popple.* this 3-tarniftlan• mai44tIls len**. are the only
There we, have practically stymy otata that have to stand up every st
ehota 02. people alit Are interested In four years and tos shot et, and hired
4ny' budget. The King *t starvation Writ I kn°W "IC li
*011314iatratien • win naii say fee Postmaster Genet 4 r. Veniot) wilt '
laaaleat that tha Rabb' hadtut Iv" 14% tahl P4lattfialinfle d:
AF it; ten -
not farly plum! bottom thetelector- 'an Yt
trent the: cedevieh „ 2104 tonal. that fliths` peat:muter genoralshif
ir Th4 Party insluded UM the postmaster genera/ Would ULU
oral' Herr ;t• ' i r- t? h°14 b'r
potoesteetIce; )tea. tat'net makehnist Mit Violet: That Ilan *nowt
Mblitter if Trede and Commerce. 11:*ert thit'°ase.'etaler ttiV hoot triend'i
nu, or, North Aiutottt rood 'stilts do not tv t he Jolts' I want to
Pena: ' • -• were verthted tontight, I believe
on. Loden Csanpn, Solicitor Gen. °Iv** °I' 1**r thu.Pood tkAlars: le** * 1.11
Wkr,e .1U#46/t the ana lat'et* - gmlf' r ,Spott t`
• . 0/0112M1 PIM 4.1110010111f 21111201$
, "Broken Ditili00,* aMindareiteateltitaT ahillattr *mei irk$4040
„. the outlet Meridian Chssonvomea hem, OM la 01•1144.Ps &
t. e *sand deers la the *east the nest
ID * dessds. rot twOht7 Pests Pit WKS 1111041411141$1 IOW* a* s lamb lit Ma cam
' which cause him pluck ap'.160 cm** sad roar Ms a WM, I* Itie 011111.*44(11111*
17114mat "Brttiodilifliori el) .10013040";11,4411 1:4041e1 •' intk****mortia000.41rsormit_ ynigh.0110=2,0001001.10106001, 111101.11" "
• • . . Vritlso , . ,
ridicule in tint rural .sealons es
otlitre son th'e Ittefetat were detemted. Viet' VOre.ehastised for fernibsit eonatit andthe' immlitrati°4 dePilvt11°Ilt* btu/1i 4)* t°144414 1144, b°11.***r the I*
ece, yt St, tteeth loath; to comititt Otos enough my- n suppose 240 were tumors. tak
o • -. enda Itretentionist* X
rt _ esent
Wish wet
la fame
re t a, hottile for the Inndln main 0- 'SaNitraon„ 11 s ,neeth perth . their einl, am:not living in tht delegates at 01.01natiag gelwen. gration ja a big problem that will but that the 4twitmtirter kleneral as The a
ner Whieh they have r ivad Wain n - Pstt a d I tto t A nod
t roe ovens er. t Voniot) botd boon dropping *lot peymont ' seashore wars .-
row ereepi over Ale 'When realize w. TeSlott 'Mato NorIlt-B1
A feeling ot deep regret and est., eploorn, ,Isttpt, west, mon. ' self Without htving te carry the load we* 0PP**44 "hY * :Ismer; but tbe *PAM
ass of all . my relatives The Consery op will Move to be tolled to of orange peel* in the pith of the sind *Ina to treasurer for
-,fartnerti of the ttonstlii n 'ttve evidence, arta therefore think various ntinitters ot hio, own cabinet. aratnaltifftft t0 '
. . -. tint too party itt now in, otipooltiOn; it _ they wotdd treat', c to pretetit 'Ca*
e ey • '4A
tlft$ been pUrgetit and we have allaken _ etwe In thlt liana& COnnnena, / WO
tied I am siMply,filling out *tin , , ergil on. M.P., • South Hurt
of the late Aim W. King; e_nt lc 3‘,...„,o0oAtoe, ICP.,'. ' Went
.Srho..Ittnk.elneted for the conttituency tottobtorn : Tar. Stilts 'As Hall, 'M. P.;
„44 .),Torthsonpoou iw the Federal; -ekes South. Stuee; •• geottitor .. Rankin, . of
stiost,to :got, The tan tut King and Stretford; T. 'cola, 10,E, • Soak,'
._.1 Wag* •OPOottentssin .19,21'.. When -the 0_4tosdt, .16t. G. :Raymond, .,, re,,
470gtessive . nnivenannt , -4414, ...nt it4, lortrnr491.1. . :,.:.,' • - • _u. 1 '
' hilight.. We. were 'Salient „, oanotiente s And , hos*. of othert; . That .totat
1021t.whottl•the MAIO* baktooletide' 'Tile. Ortt:shois Viriegluire in the
oluaild teke,'4.aeat in this 'InioStitterota'',Ittid •Ooderith at night. .,..We
. eRme in the beat Of .elattions or i•wete glad tiles, many ..of thole 'men.
othstwitie, I.fentet-klio.' late latatoted: stattd: nt , the 'riding. for ' several'
• 1
sotetonoer a WM:who stood' four-square - ,:reek$.:•, . We WorepNated to areleonie
to *11 the Wind* that.. blew; . 1:'''am.;taitaibttt•'!:$tonv el/•:otrte of ,.Oritariv .
eutes tilts .Stit, *kers that In Veleing. or and:- even,,4 toupia• froin'. Quebee„
; own- feeilog with Ss** to 'him who,_ Illese otott,'Wero Valiatot.;Aithteili ;and,
- :Settestalledstnene. I .am e*pressing.tho fheve noscomplatet'•agoimit thent:sg.S.
, 4entimenta,,ef eyeryons in tioith 'airs: .Polse they .had ' a. Perf„t0. t ' might.s - at the eanie salartas the old 'taithfut
.• new 'Man comet .aiong and applies
, on. e feel that tont. coontre is ,:the,_ tpmezsato per .Viding4."4:90. brought $00Att:,„;val,, ,vdeeivitigi And .the:•pett„„:
inorar tar. bis death and that Canada "no. :egeolleat ., orgeniters. • settle of. gloater, -.Genet*, .. has not. tbiOtitheite
'has' 40stoino /of her nolnest tout. '.. .-- *IOW; otot ,.iteen:stbete for the sis
• ing . I' hope thats)itt ' "Wanda: on this • .
.lxii the few roure41.14.urP*Ina* .;11044.11i*' tinVieuEl‘l.ebetnn'tn:tt ..eirot; 'V‘.;'.11MyTtoltietidltitUVS‘a°•?iljegttit
enough and it not ,Beitith'eneuth to
. idde will n4e.,,eilieekrloq Much frant.,14.1°.** 'thee° .$011001, I'vb0.e01,11d. not :end I wilt' 6loo you the. Jou", No,
nia, 00 sruA. lots even if gots .Joelt yoix pet 4 :oteoty in the 0Ye. as air, his'...Siepottonent •writosito the de.
tiemon oppoldte,;..-44,,,:4y4, ligtop,,.44th _ v011W. Our.lOed trioxide *testes. The tasted% Liberal .eandiaate . in ',North
' inc. they, Will at light: he SYMpottietie, :, ,19, ,,nt - admighitration '' presented the atoren to atin-Whe shalt iota* iota
I With .14 tell finite' that $ ant always ."'e° lbedg0 *Id Oa jOr.0' of '14:Orth If -the Postmaster General /ante , '
Oen to Conviction.: ., -',: .: - ... - - Itorett_ogekes.,-JU tours:omit frimids -mote emote* .ettattinleg, 1 la *We
.7:We' have been ittoring, a..greet deal • 01 4,11.0' g.OVerutacht.,,will, say.t: Thi e there to hints, a 014going to .b.e yery.
, of late .0hont a deliverance whieli 'has Vie..ftn.ttettelent;„ IS tvae:astioroe.OP• :Ovdtit ' with him. tonight;: because, 1
•: ,.! 'broii. iheraidett frOut'• ithe'„Atlantie to `1!,,IrOq,..-00ittoS4 thst ' iai ilice4mindeit have, not 44: time to tlig,toad .delve
,ao. Istwitie.att The,:itobb,..buditott at ,I,Oetalet4ulaprogrOstret4 Were :split. very: -oeueh; - • . .' .., , ' -.. ' . . ' ' '
.'sippears that the- budget is an annual Tr,' th°. It'rtes - slipped . 10...between.- .• ., Mrs: Yenta; ., He is 'not: asking to
event, .0.04, .00.1160, , -ditto, 4 lt,est._ . , ,etr ia *thy'ititait Seen on -Whistling. be spared , .. • , ,. . .L.., :• - - :- ' .„..
. deal . . watt 7 riOgiiit.0 ' ' to • it, ;> • '.. EVI.. to hap *air et -grant oats lika the bo s.,. , afe...4pottont:'..twIll *eve it to tint
...1.sderotly the present • geSernment fe 1 g lb"ogli, Om 'OemlYtory. at eight; Mime .and:to. the People at Canada if
•. . -e,, every „thole. the ' budget Conti* Ile Ilia fast, reautin th0t.-, iit ISM ,a, man who his qarried his atalest :
WA. there mutt be some ttokorine '1111°'19' 411°4 4 'nfe4Citlir :14bex'itiv tinil. for. lifteort.; year" •atid IS ores
. withisthe 614. lt ahead, like. to :see •stood `An.: the • Vatterni and: said V pared tiX:10Pn. dolaXiltftlx, chealAY sui
- '.4' tiff Whiei3, ittenicl --OHM Sonia' 4*, fr•oni*ilinaAred. Por...ceetsl,rogreas. sgessmattsaheald.he thiova awe
. elearmott.a:SpermeattnoysinKrenttia El3y,ei&northe:. Prime Minister of thie
• hiF:ougratiotyrforAttletot:Ailandiatfif --„,, , ...,.. 1:Ar-F..,,,,... - ,,.
store or tin years sestbat Aka *atm. ':wmeir wee tiltieeiriht 7 'art...Liberal
•'. feeteterto of'vnakt know_lausa tailing them tkgethehiral4ohn
r- -wite*Vieir'atendIand.itetdr-rtint -01-:.:W:-.Rtatit'tbet. he, was. as 'goon:*
'iivsys,""haVe., a einh ":. held, . over. their nUtMorter of -the gnvetninent .x6 any•,
. leads. , i. ' ,. , ' ,.. , . - .. LibeititS: This Waa' -'04,10030031ted. by
' When -i look ink the fetes of ,sqmo Liberal :' organizersand'Liberal 'ilk,
sin -
of nititiotereWho. visited our rid.. •eWS..sof 'War. The vonteat was . So,
. - Ing during the last election ..I non •plolia„ that the county judge awarded,
•..the fatt:thitt I was *014 Olt thehutts inc seat; and the high eons judge
400'44 1.;11xid nolne. nerve to he e ,roversed his tiecisiorts So it was not
randidide: for 'the, great Llbetalseen- eatt titeet tiocIdeat that . occurred', on
aervotive :lady" because' that. .ontottiVepteMber 1.2th . of. last , year. If we
, had 2,, to: loderf. i . 'The Prime Miiiisterftutn beak to the votes m .1896,, INV,.
s Mrs ttattheenzie Rine . himself -wheat 1904,-. and. t91.1 in *the. noutieipelities
, beseaniesto the constituency With his.' widoll eionoprise tha.:oiewtriding 'of
trot% .• eMithatited. the .: idea. yety North Huron and: in •whteli ...Judge
'''• atrossIt'thst it was rather, audatiOus Lewis,.' Mr.. BoWnian and Doctor:Chia,
-. tot my -poet Mises hneible eittzeM: a higni-userrto run, the results ',were,
native, son oft:anion, to put: myself. as otear a tie MI you 'ever' could gots
MD, imi a tancutiata, bitaase ,p,,.,' had fro$ het . it ' few months, before 'Mir, by-
, . tmoderS Well; 'Ivo reMindedshom, Stn, election .oto September .12th last, a
s Speaker, that to3 baddirecte4 the af..., 'Liberal member was elected in North
• -
lairs of One govontotents from the ,fluronssthisideriticat riding which I
AlltAkrY Air. a time. We reminded repreSent.,iii the 'Ontariti'eleetione by
.. Ikon also that. we had , As temPorary over. 24000 of . a smajority. Taterefore
leader A PilliittleAtAtian at wide ex. ,aut.. frionds, max take any cold cern.
Versieneo, eitd UAW gentleinna was -fort they 'like. !They' -may point to
to-' lietninnent 'leader., r Would,. bo .. the wartime election of 1917; but at
quite' -satisfied •aild se would my eon.. that One our eitizertai regardlest 0
.„ aitnentios Liras .atked„ Whether 1. uolities, were 'supporting the Uninn
' .t. aetta going to follow n tnan.,froto tat- Severnmetit. I mention this Sett.. to
' ' Sntr. . Y, ,. or . from "Montreal or front: . thou. that when:the Robb rbudgetwat
' Votellint s : ' . '' s .torasonted to tbe Story of North Iturou
'.3(Z. ralPainto: , Or Port 'William.. . It resented a foir 4-, -----
Mr out ' •
t a more permanent committee *ad rico ea itita
TAKER NSW ,ilitaliNcif
off the old 010theto: - believe that the saanalletorer and We aro told that there ,is a great
Old he better *We to•deal with it.; 'NORMAN LEWIS roTroptioi , amoustilitee lir. rhommlohmiet
There it one limovations the root. 'the farmer are intarnagdent, r hettsve deal of prosfierity throughout the 611. Norman LeWia ha a . tar* the
ta 'tin; Natal servion than an pre- Aue. 04)4 4$ I have said in North /fens• censtitueney. hon. friend 4ng which The Pinantlii PO: ibi
decestore" evee did.. fa the town ta, ons if there ever tenses, Atinta when: front Temiseouitta (14r. roulkit) said Mu& Of HO
master Genera has notele. ife what' is reei 4er.'"9" It411his b3ri% e°untrY, bet colt My member, regardleas **Coq for Gotietith and vit bit ity
Put more pelities per *more *eh tos .0 -eget he goed for the other; of polities, toyett oonnot be found in the LI. C. Investment Trot, 'lantern.
Goderieh, rural -tenth Goderieb their interests cletchs then ank en that while• in his rid** the people The report of the Isyper Canada
-get: that. bIrs Post:muster General-- thOeide Of the sfernters agd the toot, are equally as .prosperous hon, 'Westmont Trust L while got
snail .dor fifteen Years., and therix wae was re.atlingi L. '.,Spaak-t. what' Have the,,ease in the 011atet"getiert 4114** °I 4.1.‘,P7 Par. *hage on tilt Oats
4-1, Man there tarried Itis httojest3r's lee* lartddithil.• melabers' %Mesita would Move us hos Published, in paPOrted :team* *OM.
net a; kicker Mt the whole mail route; our Prime lVfintst* tads that AsuatIV ally, the boos in his Montt wont
tp fomamen art
they an loved biol.. tre pertormed thesethinwete *keit granted, ,ttlitu7y.tTeVetlade4enktaetellatet Mattdkeperay°enifeYt1:. ette "111)r;flierre, tee, Ifoldhige at •
little strokes, fpr,Stimrto earning,. In' .414 ot•Pourte thei.Wete gifts fronhiq t a • )1 114 ti '
.144 shot at, •Theysadvertisettstiti' It "•e fiangrain!, 'He $41a they: 1.yere eaebt 7 Pee cent: hOtIds#. 'AO Per
1 Waited on council re tbs. reateend at
tOWIlahlp `road 2_1114&,41Nal . peaky.
' gr. reelfan and Mr. Pltbklede
to veneer pate , 111%
and, Ma
mint° to 4 tin
Rove Yuba wier 44404404‘4401 owl
_the polle,y way dropped. OA wsis
_ old .11.,- marlard for haw sad asp.
plies Used in beide* ike aseasdary*
.' V roos's Next nesting Alto* MP*
Cluds. ------
te I end ita00 in*
and oat 'of town. ne was: put* to belt government, Let ni iv MOrtlfalr0 On the old man's house. t e t ttal pekrsod contistad
-tittotilly. things ',of this kind,: • are, tt,2 .• • etten; tiSe. have aloe been itd 'velar/ion *ticks, 42 per4tent,
effert* aPPretla#4.110 YOtri4.1ere •in kOi+ twenty -on tonohloring ;.the sttock
and the dossinapiont:writ* to th.4
lilted /beret leentlidate See, whol'i
who. . , ,•
soo the Merobei,tor North Perth
(Mr. Irayir in the house. .4o not
know whether *hie -route ilea in North.
or • South Perth, but noticed in the'
press an .00de On* a man was
brought top An the City of ,Stratford
by the society, for the 'Prevention of
Cruelty to Animate. His liarse was
in naell eendition that the Hunittnr-
oeloty took action against him. But
when the, ease eagle up in the :potter
/cond.' and the Magistrate found out
that be wits carrying majesty'
lean AMU'S 'ictOTing'Ila a karst; and
tot and trying to support a famny on
$1,45 :a day; he ditto -listed UM tate.
This it too •hearsay. 'it wrote the pot -
ire magistrateat Stratford and ask..
ed Ilion tiOnd Ina authoritative
clipping from 'the tOWspaperi and
have his letter -and' the elipping hero
The tarae,,thiag has lutptiened on tht
tuburban routes around the 4ity of
London, . whore mea 'have ,been
brought up Who were tarrying hie
majesty's mate 'franked by Cabinet -
Ministers and the rest of US 'Who are
receiving .More ealaries than we art
worth. With theso Hoer fetrows witc
are c4rrzlnrr ivaller 4 le Just ans
°dm, oase Of the man Who. dims the
work getting the least money. The
cent; Preferred stock, 1$ PO cent -
'til*"tGre t1'. Ti tit° 00111°41ent's• fv the United States. • New. -Mr.• a sictiafattory end healthy grovrth A
outing' batk..
taken- for gratottaltf end :it Is plettant told rthar we are emigration agents It :I* *toed 04t. the. audk 41"1"."
0041arich have aanweelated thens • ' 024, four crew* aersateiand. Morket oath of lost tOotolter and
-Another gentleetan':whie foneWett 10°,,stmo ito.tno ond..snidt ..ntad, air Notemben, Sharthoidttetsbitao: In"
the' ?At" 11114411ii"aid : who- have Stonesto' the 4teased aealis 625 Per tear aml Profit*.
-If You. expect' Cal government 't0 '1%5:Red Statesslinve thade Ifeedt a‘rar 4C4 Per efth 11S-
syntrothettc with You. You 'should these who have remained herand e e4e vestments cent, whil. Mere than 'doubled, and
oho ,your synapathy with thein.
PreY.,(1flOu'Aienhotill. knOwei 4 ;was* twi'en my love for Britiali.inatitatipn$
getting- alarm itidifforently with •rio dividend payments altitnehOldent int
the prefqtred• alutres . have hetet Pad
As the haws -member for Southeast ,tnisitetin.eapecti." I. would betornhe., creased 277 per cent Ditklenda on
.Whether the Goderith ,httebor Wasle •Bet...retiv.,,shettid t? I tansy that pant' Via'. formed late In • I
a joke througliMii thio riding at to, and ow matoriai Ivalfara at my Hen, regularly Sineesitteeptitins ;Ortiz,
receive one quartet, onehatf, three' alotett the nuts- tiFor me the Printe Weiss minsacreAt catakifs'
udoters .01 a Iniqion, or a 1h11110a 11 tor of Canada (Mr. Mackenzieltingt '
'mos AnStwaV, the PeoPle of Oode- wiper went out to seen a living he ' •Colborne
rich were earreassed from house.- to went t the United States. Coihornis MUnleipal commit, no*
house and told that indastrY W41314 - c ttrades tSkeena): After at Carlow TuratiallY1 +114Y SO* id 2
leg it the Liberal 'candidate was hot I beard the splendid tuktrest of the, oans 1930, with all moinbett Pruett.: :
leds'a' LS° *1°4 4° That the 'town liontem% forNorthHuron (Mr. Minutea of Court of Revision and
i, 3 r. ;
itself a tharige Of loin° hundred votes'
siteISInaditin fostor,of Vic Liberal Van, '
didate. • 'So .,yottitt nit*, Ithoone Godes, s -
'tot,rit,th dfcle.ito,triv*Vveitl., stelosgt-, yells bpoz r.ormi isto I to tt: " 7 '?'• • '''
Oadatigli; VaderielfsdestieltteS. ":Ottle- .
oieli • harbor 113:the • greatest receivitilt '"
ort in she upper lake&
I repent, atr. Speaker; Godariel -
iiirbOr the 'greatest receiving' port
In the trivet, Lakes. needs public
ineney snout upen 6; no matter what' ; _
political party. Is nower. Everte:•
m.11;146114111 , • 11 m
thitii. that thete gentlemen proznised •
publidly; told everything their re. The trernendpui geowtli and popplarlitr th.?...44p• rior cbain Stores Is no neelgint,
.,Grixlmieyr,Lellnuterds4n.too hien triteria6lt ,:tsuf:arierbyillnothyeeriis4aiect? lepinogrluhaelltoye.sfrrqtplarlicity&.,:ptirdiscitraenrndestiderovrese.. toryrgauns.laation standa JO -day
theY have alietted us $9,000. WhYr • • -*
sir, they spent more tlimi -that in ,
!tarts. proaikle4 privom,,convosine .13y gyring itha public every advantage that le. buyIng power of dose to seven, hundred stoma
to all right; I lave no objection to wfth 111>- it. Fttirilliaild-COUrtennyertOnal service at the hands of elliCient grocers who own tisk own
ono. ward of MY riding. " There is
Devote of $90,000, nutking with this
$9,000, a haat •of $75,000. That '
.$69.00Q ia„ what ,the government nt _
flOtiver tilne. told'the people of Godo-
'vials they were • to get; but tho did
Ifet ....get it. ./hit I knell that the
Minieter Of Paiblie Works (tri% Et..
tiott) appreeialtee the position. • . r
do not believe that either in public or
in RriVaie be noide any prelnise about T..,
what the government would de about s
•'aodertelt harbor. But ‘ I . Co Int6tv '
that' hanger4 bn, eanvaesers. oad 7
other „cabinet ministers. who had to .
°Inttk6 good smiled and let it be known -
that. esMeSt would he 'Opera there in
ane tielltY.' *ow We ash :for Ottlerieli •
harbor an .expoolditate whieti its noss
, po ono Or . Port 'William ?rime Minister said that . he would " et this. • 1 retnembevin the themistrY the gpvernment to keep faith to hon.
We neverhad a, loader !they would thonnation. In addition to that ws ..
PostMotter Guberals of eriMe langhEi tional importance demands. • Weash ,
- - *•tain
• Ihro nty ,peaple -deeded :that even lf take it as o commendation or a tons - room wesosed to a cers oi their campaign managere pledgee.
trust Inc ,to tome to titre -geese Sof had these high presaute ealeamen in . thing Avilieh . caused, laughter. or
ani not speaking ,unkindly of the
•Comtnone rather than a follower of the tidiog.. . . ' " - ing matter.
Hot, Mr. Speaktr, this is no taught bon. metninor for North Bruce (Mr.
-the • Zing adminietration. It was a , t was twitted with not bit Ing h
. '
moat 'childish Araoraent .lieetinso, t.' 'iehdett but the Primi? Minietts onlY he
t .4#1641tartm'etetteln..;itlir Iltirrea:vigi: Ittrellen1(13iner ;Iniistitrel),..irootig ox tin
. not
. to desert the Party- and .within -being pushed artead. , 11 yoa, ,Itek line to mice o..,littlo tiles to the eab- -
;hut an Ab e house tower who . *LI thinks he ia heal . . . . in ins shy news to, ha the. limit,. I should - „ . ir, conshtuenties all
eolIrde; around mine, rind they are all .'
.' Xiiatiteeti days at my election we were 'him where.he iegoing, he says: Ask 'net ministers, pits nt on behalf of _ totionable and capable gentlemen. we
meeting in WinitiPet to telect a Ter. the crowd behind., This ndmieistra. 1Goderieh 1)**404 exo doubt the
are proud of &ono; they two tho'best
• menont leader, so /- was toot going to VOW rethinda' me,. of the "Maid of the that eould be .fouod• within the '
be an :orphan for vety longss.Thty Mist" slewfi at tNitigara Pelts, • It cemitty has ifeard that.Ooderieh 'has . meh
Liberal ranks, /lot I cannot forbear
wanted to know who was soy leader.' eta* eut end itttutt goes arotind in a harbor. " 'Platt • i got Part of tin Is comparicon of what Is. contabie4 izi
Let them take its look at hi t . . e, , is stet propelled on MIS' i
lt,obb hitt 1 jut it 1 ttd d • s
. ge ,IntO O. tin ono
the ettimates for public works hi
We have 4 leader of the Liberalieen- way, it is Jost tarried here and there -P•emented the auppra given. ,to the Iorth Btko,.. macardine, wborol
Robb budget in North !futon... At a .
• SerratiVa patty who is it 'worthy Ono wherever the current taltee it: and meeting. In oesetteh toyer maawan there is nothing but a couple of flab
emitor to the trent leaders of the it lancla' hack at the place it started .
Mitt **MU of wide butitiese 'Mom,- :from. . But tiles. aro one. of the best ,,
p erented an addrets of welcome to - b°4t-9 and o fes, °allots's-a Poseelger •
boat or a frbight. boat never enters s,
. ienee• Of the highest legidstatairts .advertisiolg 'agencies ;that P know, tiii.o Prime Minhoter and this is what
'merits," of ripe eduoationt a *Milted 'anti they. aro ao' beet, advertioing that the Li rid vlowitrattfar ±
1. the Petite Minister!taid, aceording to the harbor excel* to bring in a.little
parliaMenterlam' a man of whose ler. ; they farget to do to. little work:. Ahra-, ,.'':irh. R-3-13:WinTeitiili'eicc.roy "whieb r ,Tutt4 j'a'ott- flourcejawireXreInfti, !et:6.
ri atielogirut
• 'tee the, president of one of our, ham Lincoln onee .said Of art 0PPont the honor to be 'the bead has- paid know .overr I°°t °I Ishlttil nru°
preetest'isinka. eould say along with .'ent in a law court who
the rest of the directorethat thos:blid in g •ti • great dtal of inta oirtr huehee. .• , , • , , . where, they fish only with pslo end '
wan Mak-. voneklettible isttention to ittoderith .S -get " $1,023.68. Seugeon rivor;
•. lost.* num Whose heightens exnerience nothing; that hi:; friend relnind- - Then of v(furhe oterge et the, tab:,
tuttioutur and intgruatioluilly WitA ea hint of a boat on the Otigamonsilaet digieters tilting itii4g.'er ir.h8,24,141.!ti' t -8:u11111 -4414)111t,
suet a great asset that they will suf. ,river,;thot puffed And' enOrted .13bOnt .
Or an int -potable, tote; tolni the nee.. 'It .hed a voty greiousb„, you kuotli,,erlico' 115011% since Adam wits a baF:,--got e4,309.21.
fivq.foot holler mut 0, sOVell- . gponking; *my did not ter a wordi Stoker) 1147--whoro a man has n saw •
di.: ple of Canada will ear At the rattle* It rJt• "IttoiceS, and every. time the
' ' .onnortdSity Hatt a mon of that typo :whistle blew tho boat stopped. ' This :must continue to pay emodera-ble lit, plaints' shoat these espenditures, ,but
-and in the future the governmea lalli-got g3;950.60. t have no tont-
: ' "
will make a good haolnes4 manager administration, it appear% to inekare . tontien to the harbor liem, As head . if the ridines,of North Brute 13 on -
far this Domiaion, So
busy' blowing' their Whiatio that of this govern/tient I am roettSed; but .titltd to that amen?* of monots .with •
It Sas been &ridded through -Fit ;they hate not had meek time to IMP, .
4tattta that tha Robb tweets haver forwent any retot legislation 46 assist ever, -to note in 'the eddress 811.1PPiag vtbatevero. 'what ob001"1,
Levery popular. I am out boast. .the people in North Moron or 'Olse- . which yen have *gamed me the Godemeh harbor move? Stidgine
ine;" Mighty mi various - publie olat. Wil6re, . words of appreenotiori of the govern- .bY Mutt '11010th Pruee gd 1148/: year -
tonne 'nor in nresate, toe r hooted :. we ere told that we, have great natty tbizwrg a this mud are taken blonds in cm/older:leo that 'it lOOkl 13:0:r
ment's work in this conneetion. the and again' this Year* t mat": tell WY,
of oar victory, la North ,ifurufte T.:prosperity in Canada. Aftor the . for *mated, .
genera' election. expend!.
have been _44- kissed *tat I have taken, King, Meeting at Godorieh . I met a . , And they thoutd Ibe, Mr.. Sntree orea prettl %ran -later
. st ,te "m
wit *rot graeorany; I was Apettd ;form eutoidee, mid he ,.0 tg nting Just at this point I wish to etty that . No% gis, SPeskert I, should I.lhe
and I ttibk my elebtion odestly; to.
''y goi: .
I.,kig money.. I „said to him fL
iiViiiit I hem to brif'for our friends to roy, add a world abotit itratugtatiOni,utit teg
:be the ;soot tribunal to erhich the ; are s?ou domellere• 111117° ''vt.elI,°. lift. Nit an unkind *thick was ,insale .
the eoraniitteagriettIture
Rote hoduet woe otthesitted *se in, ite, mays, "I wee a polar' root when r" ',on them yeat.rday hA.the torasteeef 'tolonfeation wilt treat lvtut that -and
a on an8,
North moult ow Reutemer 22 tatt,• went into thatdneeting but 1 am * Rogroiy* (lir, Dutthingt, .4-A, fio* ,At the presont WO- a going"it will ,
When the Pilate Minister came to my: 1*.lt 11,11kR,Inov4', Ile seYs. '"f know I :hind End gompothof fe Net lvics• with EMU() last cottele or ;daps of tho ce3.
obsiltataltrY be was paradtd rtnwn ' Aunt me LccIttitt tne)tOid Ale I tvan, 'like-minded people so tong tots ho tioltiss.4 had better iota attempt
nue stoma toot the canto,* ahead, slid t litve. born looking at my °rib .needed them, daring thut, /wig ,6? deal with it., / hitt7e. ken attending.
And the* you with him $ *trim 02 .tioltar bills and I thought they woOki too,proidar ord, dithering • flint,' dl- :tho embinitte , mut 1 IbAY fillulklilissY
esigiott ?tempt" •tb Raft overy;ikon... have teCOtne tens, end 1 hsve bek44
en: ings -in 4, )dm in power in this tha go Pto. rens Is :being' mutts the
of, „hetet. hi ter routititueury, rrhi, koking at ray tvtot and I thought, heats., hot the Thotrient he ,iud fad 'work is nct Yicing thken Iii3 snrowly
matter was placed in thit War before'111.w.netild _hoe. ber. ome, twelilits, lilted them he et eldect them lomat 0,11d. it looks to tit" at t1;0.04 thtt PAW'
O. tokretatx, la the phyla mintator ; ,, Anti A Mtve oeett loosing nt my aces rowelly. On, behalf of my teen& tas Orntnent ItItt% noe yew aff316i33 tly.
«you hue au adititabie mutter ' trnt I thought they W6ulti have be, • my tor, I wisk to say that the 040V.1 cve eliotdd, retch nit investigation iif
. •
Y2 s
Interlake TOilOt Pi rolls -fors:.
lar $12e • • • • • • • * I** /t.,.
cod English 'Wax*, t tins... .;...
7.71fotanyflowers Toilet Silo, 4' caiei for..
'Suit -Mild Prunes., 2 lb.,
I • CLARK" ISIrk• 2 Tins
,A,,,MLarett'S Jelly Poivderst, Assorted, 4
rand lieans., 196 packages..'..,..
401004 :-
Silent Matelies 9 ir
Pull Count "
10 Barg
3 Boxes
Post's titan Flakes,
Rke Krispies
Shredded Wheat Biocuits
Kellogg's Brea Flakes
,2 pkgs. for
110ya1 York. Tea- Ilr.
Special. Family Blend Ten -f -.Per
Best ltubher itiitgst 12tutt44 doz. ".:„
' ,Kratt. Salad Drassisiv 12
West In& Salad
Card), I rpili
,Tka Noses
'New Pack Sea King 1.obigers,'•341. •.
MI5" i')k*. 4, *
111134sViCk Sardines, 4 t
CAItir4 Pull Wax Paper;:,3 pkts......
1.0th,Ws Prepared Mustard; esch.....13i
pvordeaux Shelled Wainits; lisiveso Ib.,
t.'• • • • • • • vs.,* * 24.
Paid*ax, 2 lb's, or takes for mor
...pineapple Marmalade, 40 oz. ; . . ...
#faift, dives, 19oz,. 4
Stutfedplives, fr oz. for.
Snowflake Atrunork, .2.'iPkgs* .. ...
Firisho per tin •Poo _A 116,'„I
SifittlIPS Pineapple mon:wade (Newityist,
'324tz. 4ar..... ;• '
Airlift's Orange ,Marralade, (New
• 12.oz. Jar.. * • • * • le
Groceries at Reduced Pricis:on T
and Saturday, July 24th,.25th
. I McEwen, Goderich 4J.