The Goderich Star, 1930-06-12, Page 7I '111°itt]?AV. 51. NE 12th. 1,034 THE CODECICII STAR
00110ifiitiMNMwMilittill.18#116i'iY0iiiCassiteite419101 iiss iorrttui,rtit:A aittUts y QE jNusuAL imARGA "i i1iAeIM B1;i �4it 1),
AP +4 p ,1
Yn the Wand of
Dull, ase
2 i TEST FOR SAR ON' wild Atlantic Wean��t tl a r'•n
a Coast of Scotland, Margaret Mae. i -
Sunday cAf ternao
ity ISABEL EL4MILT'Q,N, «'oaertch, oaf.
■Nutilinit RNOW* yawn satialtaiiiitaNitkilCtii
13Ies4 enertairag! whasc first dartiniiag
Beheldthe Son of God
Arise triumphant from the grarvc,
And le:.v'e Hie elan. abode.
Heli and the grave Combined their
To Win our Lord in vain ;
Sadden the Conqueror anew,
Ann burst their feeble chain.
Isaac Watts.
O God, grant unto us a willing
mind sand an understanding heart
that eve may 1^e: ready to go north to
give to .others the tinesehgenof the
Eisen Clia'itst In. Ills 'name we prey.
S. S. LESSON FOR JUNE 22nd, 1930
Lesson Topic—The Riseat Lord. And
Soothes s Qukkly Hoak
Iiydr�-Eleciiic . ! ,
C ik by Electricity
Wash by k lectr►city
from 'by Electricity
Cheaper &lima Coaal or Wood
An electric Vacuum Cleaner
rernaves the dust; a brOQna
just m %Cs the dust.
We guarantee all Hydro
Lamps for 1,500 hours.
Walk in and .see 'display at
The- .Hydro Sore
Por this past 51 years
THE T. MILBURN CA„alimited
Toronto, lilt.
11 pm.-
Easterii S. T.
10,15 a.m.
8.45 am.
9.00 am,
INV res kern on tne tabes 123rd,
.2. 8611.
as' "MY e,.se bias attn unusstl test for She was about two years of age viler
1.434 aGtit "''s "'A'"4 taxi} l wNA`" - 3` (rat # eatintried
ri for hrene years'. :the
tiler \i et the
they settled en a the l,
The Great 1Commizaionfarmera the County et i1rE~ac. 'Wheal
Lessen Passage 3lafthcw 28:1.3Ci, „, e• Margaret eats Gbaut fine mere of age
16-20, the Creme: to school and teamed her v
Golden ..'ext :llaittha tv 28:15. ` lettzrt" tit leo sariae s. heel and tit fi°aca a
' titre' time as the eaiaiEi. translator, "As. y began to damn tawttrda the i
Mae l;ev, '4 theDenaki eminent
t i sl a of
faro .day of tree weal.. the w.omeneaan() China, For cane Feat's, in'
to tee the eepiilchre." Llike in ]iia Shanghai, n
account cd s too women ratite "bring- her ctrl; toot'..„ slag t.orl:eel at raaiil'nn-
ing the spices evhicli .they had re- r . 1 l cry in niffcrent elf set bet she was in- I
p 1 tended for triter wort.
pared." °Chris women NW been told In 2881, Er. MazKae of rerraoaa,,
by Jcsils Christ himself that be would ."r r `} visited Part there &1. abater was .
me egain err the third day. liming
,t r working and the listened to her dlrst
stood itY the crass and see» slim die �• is ulissi iter
y tiddmcs and was greatly
hie reassuring words ey faded from
::. etirred.• A eeeter4 eneldrreenity e2
their memory and that came to. ere ,� . i hearing aa, tuleeio"'Ly V.i'•le her evny
the t epullhre; pi elrnreti, to embalm his , . the nea.i s aria;;. Yale tinea at wet air.
body. I the
n, of Erxale it . She lith i
They cane'"to see the Sepulchre," ';.:: ,- r 4ca'anp deeply inapresCed with the
and they aid see it filet SON it turn- ,1 thonx;at that Gard Wanted liter t. d a
zed inside out. They save the stops ',d't • Itomething more for IBM. In the fall
rolled away and 'being put to another'll 1 a s Y8i34 she tool, her place an the lsrra-
use--an.angel sat upon it. They saw, , � : the school h Inaerspl. to begin. her
the keepers not on guard but as dead : * J A „,ia I preparatory worts for eellege. Pan.
men.The angel spoke to the women soya
' = a' " i sing the elatran tz at the cud of that not
—nee et
(term she entered high-chool and
see x•sur vehicle
r know
their „ie Z,i,:�� .•,•.' "'gien....,..... :,-:.r.n• .=.s.yn' +.:- (from there u trieulated and entered
seek Jesus which was crucified, Ile is , a • Queens to etudy medicine, She gra-
Come, see the place
not here, for he is risen as he s i duated and was designated for India
. where the Lard JAMES 1J1;:�ralltw
lay, and go quickly and tell this Alia- for my troubles without lasting lienee- ..Feil AlmaMater800. On return last
a; autumn
ciples that he is risen from the dead, fit. My liver ryas out cu ,ot'tier, I the degree of co.
and behold he goeth before you anito couldn't get an •elimination without It was the privilege of the ea;t„rro-
Galilee, there shall ye see him; :lo1 taking' a cathartic, I was subject to nations of North St.. and Vietorle St. _.
have told you." What a full, concise .terrible headaches and an eruption I United church to hear nddveeees on
speech! If we look into it we tee would break out on my skin gat times India last Sunday frcin Dr.A'tae'IC.ei-
that it was sympathetic --"Fear not that 'Burt` so bad I couldn't sleeri• lar, She spoke on the debt India as
ye." It was an understanding speech Three bottles of Sargon put me in fine t a whole owes to Great Britain, and
--"For I: know that ye seek Jesus." condition.. The breaking out on inY what has been accompliehed in Cen-
It was explanatory "Ile is not here skin is gone, I have, a line appetite, 'tray India by the Canadian.sriission-
he is risen, as he said: "It was coin- nothing disagrees with rue any more. cries who have been in that held for
forting—"Come, see the .place where I sleep good and have more strength, aver half a centum*. The following
the Lord say." It was 'inspiring-- energy and vitality. than I ever is a synopsis of her address :
"Go ye." thought I'd have again. L[rhen- -Queen Victoria made a- area -
The angel -was -111e £hist 'to preach ; "Sawn"" Pills reconditioned - ty with the Indian Princes they were
Jesus and the Resurrection and the liver and eompletdly overcame mI' assured that there would be strict
woanen were the first to'proelaim it. Constipation. •J'atmes Dentine, 531 neutrality in religious matters, and
What was Ole effect of the preaching College St., Tomato. neutrality
there would be justice meted out
by the angel: "And they departed �. .- ., • -- to high and late alike. One of toe
quickly from the eeevele ne with feat words of inspiration. "Lo, I am with greatest benefits India has derived
Aviis disciples word."
joy, and did run w Linn;ins yvall the days, even unto the con- from being under British rule is the
on ae
"And as they went neve always s0 send leen outlalone e: a dvided the largeitmeasurehhas enjoyed.
within her
happens,' a .thing is never complete burden and shatend the peat. The borders and she has t'been molest-'
"And esin 'they incident
Hems mets ow ! i ist thea programhe aofed dor his Chr Christianitysciples ed by e.ny today, by warfare butgn ias aarer. It was ieward from ria-
h man goes a warfare at chis -own and the Saviour is the present -Christ, Live prinees for settling dispates be
Charges: Jest always. meets" his the Son of (nod at the very side of his tweet tribes that Britain- got posses -
messengers, or joins them, or over- workers. cion of territory.
bakes them, "And as they went to tell WORLD MISSIONS When the East Tndia Company his disciples Jesus met'thetn and saidP Y en-
unto them, "Go tell my brethren that Ac's' the Gospel Reached Uganda tered India for the purposes of trade
Chary. go into Galilee, and there shall In the year 11115 henryM. Stanley, it had not a dodur :for its' own em -
they see me" the. great explorer,.' visited the came. ployees even. •When the first sur -
Verses 16-20—The Final Commission.. try of Uganda, in Central Africa. He geon-general, was appointed he receiv-
According to apnoiiltment the dis- found a . splendid country inhabits di ed only $100 as temand he had not
ciplev went into Galilee and to' a by an exceptionally .fine people, who
mountain, probably the same on which fair degree of civilize-
Christ was transfigured and tion. Tbey.ltved in comfortable hou-
lieanettthemt. ._ sec, -.And Stanley xeinarked_that Shey
We are told that they worshipped had .good manners, always washing
him but . ,some doubted ---possibly their hands befoie meals. 'The land Bombay and one in Calcutta. The re-
Thomae. in the vera they werefully had, an organized government though quest was tiiu a 'in a sort of apolo-
rortvinced and were twilling to stand horrible Cruelty was eeea.•ciseat Icy the •getic way--sametliing they were re-
bs their conviction even unto death. king and lus,.cluefs. • Guesting but could hardly hope ,to
Jesus came near• tothem and told l nee- king, .Mtesa, had sent : sanhes -have. Frounsa'h •'unpromising a be -
them that henceforth the world was . t
wo escort :41nnley across the Victoria Banning Britain may be eotrgratulat-
ea for the aiivan.e she has made,for-
today site has kevcn medical achcnla
where -thousands of students . are
trained. There titre 8,500 hospitals,
only to be doctor but barter as well ee.
for whieh he received two pence per
person for hair cutting. Sixty years.
afterwards a s gestion was made
that two hospitals be built, one in
placed unclPr lass control. He 'hada Nyanza, and •res eived him in state.
perfect right thee, to give them the The king was eager for knowledge,
command he did. ""Go a therefore and when Ile learned that
and teach all nations baptizing them ler knew the "words of God," he 'wish.
the name of the Father, and the ed to het Wight; and ,,Stanley wrote where tbom•snls F•..of patients are
Son, and of the Holy Ghost" the Lord's..P'rayer and the Ten Com- treated every year. The advance
Then Jesus added to this command mandmelts on.wooden tablets. i made alone' edpsational lines is .an- Stanley's arrival, Arab nnrent in the film universities with-
i�ples traders bad -introduced the Koran to IV eh are affnliateil' 150 colleges. Alli
M .' Mtesa, and he had been influeneed to- .the higher education is given through
warms '7Kahammedauism, Naturally, the med'irm et English. A-f.Pw years'
e was now puzzled about the two an- sago a .. made the state -
On •1edr Face h 1 d ba h iii r� d tl
legions; and the matter was discussed 'mart that -more atudetits wrote ern PV •
ed Go � • ••by hearanetelits couriers. eminetirn' 'in 'the city' of Calentta
M g•"How are we to know What is than in carry other City in the World.
um, F. G ikt wie1t, McGee, 8aCk., true?" a+slbode:me. • Let int look now at .the industrial
wiitee:. !'After y cast baby was -Listen to mo," saidthe king. "The' •benefit the .cauntly -enjoys from its
born my blood beeatine.'ery bad and • Arat,s anti the white men believe as relationship with Britain. At the
my•faeebroke eut in neatY pimples, they are -taught u h,b their books. The timeeeof the Indian am meetin
in 3$57
and I. dreaded going ant: anywhere. Arabs for ivory and slaves. therse were only • ..pansies of rai]'wayse
one day I saw Bnndock Blood Bitters • The white raen, when offered shoree, whereas today there is a perfect net -
advertised, so went to the drug refuse aminesaying: "Shall we snake work in its 40,000 miles.. And where-
in • our hr s lav 'Q
a.bottle, and •other .s est .a o we
purchased1are all h e w the
and puce .ever t e• r.a l ay goes so does t e
a short thno the pimpiesthad all dis- sons of God:"l he words of Stant- telegraph. J hen 4%uo• the postai sere
now. lee's ib '
a3s' no otak
my,�aee .,fl veld.
care• .vis. is one sof ,the e t in thew
a.a; e palas tied-
appeared,. P
"I am the mother ,et 'four chil-
dren and 1 ani going to at a bottle
for them as their ibloodne.none too
good, and T feel sure it:still do them •
as mtteh good as it did Me.
• "I told a friend about BBB and
' i ME JT Y : '-
IfILi ER'(S' •
1... Ile most precious thing has happened
--whet 1 meant - -it's positively ravishing—
Lowney's have. put out a new box of
really dainty chocolates --:-they'd the. most
scrumptious things, only one bite to a pieee,
sand thc.unbelievable number of 80 pieces in
a pound 'box. 1 simply must have -e couple of
boxes for my party tomorrow afternoon. I'm
not going to have the girls spoiling their
"dresses and the table covers with .big, soft
crearis or melted chocolate dt my party'°-it`s
'SOTuinous to the cards, too, So, be a treasure,
.and bring me two boxes from the Lt whey
der«ler when you come up tomorrow—they are
ca0;led Eighty Dainty Chocolates ---and only
.cast a dollar."
Cons of love,
"`.' J"ML`i i'1'NA-i''�cF 'OF PACKAGE CHOCOLATES++'
Tbae fanioua Lowttev'Chocolates includim. "Eight'' Dante are for rale bvt
ToDO1 ALD'S a'CONPEC'1RONER, Coderich ' --•d HOGAN'S 'CON 'ECTUON , Cacti &
BLhlt rsTONVE'S RESTAURANT,' Goclesacla
OLYMPIA 'CONFECTIONERY, Seaforth ED. WENDORF ..Clinton 1.1$$ ' SERX, 'Eresiels„
The chiefs %with. one .voice replied: India is ,a :hand that depends largely
"We will take the 'White man's booked tvpan Irrigation in !agriculture.. In the
• When the timecame for Stanley to lung ago, :h people depended entire-
depart,.itesa said in a tone of Ile. •Iv upon drawins' water from the wells
spaire Alt/lint is,the use of youreonr to leveller tChe .iWlds. 'iTdday there mo.
ing to. distur b our minds, if, as soot thousands of canals:by which millions
aha i .very mites.... itleeepe._rzvith the .as we. 'nee convinced that what you of acres are independent- . of water
813 i er . m Zeit r- - - have .Said has right and reattei in it, ftrom the donde. i'niilia`, is one of the
. you go sway before we are fully in- main talent 'protludiag a countries of
. sti'ueted'..+" • the gtmld.
an ey explained that he wa
traveller, lout if Dltem wished for tree- is the nutea damized roads --38,e00
TRANs.cAs\ADASt 1 pl ' ed sat Another wonderful accomplishment
rheic he would write to the people of miles nate ,motoring possible from
Fnglamd to that of%est. Mtesa •said :. Cope Cpmorin to zittsir. '1l3en too
"'Then wine, Stamlee, and say that 1 ,over the great snide rivers there stret-
L1�111T�D iN.rEQvicE
am like a 'child sitting in darkness, . rhes splendid suspension bridges,
and .estnnot tee until ',I am taught the The one over the Snitlej, one. of the
• right way."' Pienjairb ewers, is almost as long as
MAY 17"m SEPT 27
So Stanley wrote. The Wetter was the Victoria bridge at nfcantrcal. ..
entrusted to as Deigian officer who had Not alone in industrinnand educa-
been sent by 'General (Gordon to Ug- to lanl met± rs is Britain'sin*.Creat
anda. The o9fi'ees was murdered on . seen. In the preservation .of life her
For convenience and travel Comfort his retutnto'Egypt bythe Nile; whale Linn i1nfelt✓ She inaued,tire.following
, his body was Pound the blood-stained commandments %thicb, eltbtough not
da's premier trans -continental train i letter, thrust for safety into his ton- fully.obeyed, bete saved many lives
boot. way brought to light-, On
will senwe' ou for the twelfth season. ,"Thou shalt not burn„On.widows
Y reaching England the letter was pup alive. 'Thou Cheap not _throw th
, The letter met with a great re- shalt not bu th 7e ers ale Tl
Belied in the Daily Telegraph dao ]
PLAN � to LONGER - STAY AT BANFF ' at�rs lata tae cyan a� ThAv
THIS YEAR .. Summer Socia) centre of sponse. Gifts poured in. in a short, t a' p lou
. shalt not mora,• thg• A]hug'htet�st Uefore
titre $120,000 wasaubsceibed and
the C. aro i a n 12 o c k les ...and L -a l: a w,thnrt sift months eight roolunteers In all the foregoing is sen the
'had started for 17genda. One of the beneficicnt hand of t
Louise, only forty mites dwdy.he ruler oma
they are fourteen years of ”
Through the.Cartadian Rockics in :dey-
All sleeping car train; din- -
Ingcar,women sioungeand
beth, mens beth) smoking
room; buffet, obsetvetion
lounge, salaam's; vAlet
service. C)ptn obse vatlon
car ,letwtcn Calgary and
t'party was tine herole tnissionatrtr pion- shows" the debt the doa titer arcs to
neer, Alexander Mackay, with the the ,mother. But India owes anothor
Story of whose life every boy and girl debt and it is to the churches tench
should lee familiar, , over a century age, started nal.. ion
Froin 11'lie Church Ferns..... work thieve. In this connection 'let
us Dee hat Centrebarber's Itch anti ltingwormn are re- Canada. rv.sixty years age ntilere neeee
lieved by the use -of Douglas' EYp- in that native province no minaaiolt-
tian 'Liniment; quick, certain restate. 'trios, no converts, no e'barcines. no
4/ • Believes the most obstinate 00ces. aaehools, no colleges, and no hospitals.
n dt-i """";'Today in round..lumbers there ere'bo-
CANADIAN Nl tht1A1 DY hcen five and six thousatnds of a
r, idistian community. i'Tllere are lIf-
: � t�cn centres cohere Canadian anissio -
go eehee's, Ch0lellee and hoepitels are
r/i Mitten 044 2'45
°ii . eatt6 rth C.Z lulu 3.03 pan. I he Ave Flt S I is
�� � W-
anks are working and wherever they
established. In these we find our
Leave a'odrrict't ed 20 O.'4. 215 pen. iy �. s. workers->teaeherg da toa'a
,. e i t n'm•' • p m• evangelists and native Bible wonien.
▪ Mitehell 7.31 Roo p r,l• n t ve W. S. noapita there
,Arrive Straiearrd 8.40 Roo pan, threeofof 11301. c an 1 theolndr or- nurses
int'teiienp 8.40 a,nz, x.18
'" Guelph 0.07 0.312. L44 ;1.7.m Moot for girls, tiro only one int Cern • Torontm 1..9.33 810
Fa urne Top a.i, 1andBele women trained. The
12.35 p.m. sit 5.55peen fpat hospital to lie established wa at t
Isidore by ()lie pioneer pia-diml raise
Parlor Cafe Car Gederich tra ?trot:- snonaries, llrs, 1,line teen Beatty erred
to on Morning train, and Torente. to Merion °liver, some years later 150
Godere Aar Tho Ii,a4i. train, tlo r lks to the stcrth of Indoro fin rho
ehaoge taf care b eeetr t Cloder?cli tantl, city of Neennuela, niosikal oniric eons
Toronto. ;begun by DDr, niaelleUpr and there to -
J. A 6. M1 lylse gei1. day dumb . a tub tantial gcaystona i
1<na'�af li at! crtgrr n' 'structure frith aeeatantodatioa for 52
PlIa" Rl,t"peel-. 'Phis In her tenement to forth
Ohi 'I:fwi yearn' ttervieo for India'sv'oteen and
FOR FL ,il'QMER'Ji 4eliltd Can. +Over the earwax 19 veal
the nano in letters of geld on white
erne ASTORIA Cn:aaa=hle:.-=„639e wash the wennalda. Goll
/t ala thcaa," Whet) the hotOttal was
M.H. 13b
1._ •
own gent, Godo±rich
ye . ;hvalt, a,gift of money was sent l• • A sent of litunor lubricates the Persian Delta the ereator a Canadian ,from .3iontzi al work., machinery of life and prevents Erie• a an reactor and .pre -
ger r . of ea 1
e b off o
t u c'
0 I ,iA t-
under e Ah r - ,
engineer net to At a a ;Mon. n
,as an an t � o .
,lid' •r
. • Tone to 'effect Jeth of Kashmir and with .this money; "Ito you give a guarantee with this and 'wonderfully atimu-
a white aalarinli:«ilcnr was Jaw. in rho hair restorer: wing., Safe uards and beautifler the
operating room,.and three nnaeble tab- "Guararana' . Why,,- ' we .. give. a most delicately -textured kin (ool
and reliev s
e all smog s ual
in tl kcal or xa-
'On at: M 1each side ii
lets ,ed a above ande. .comb
off: the aoar.., On .these int- •
e textsshowing s.a
ter were show.. Jesusa
reedit:al mlissioneret. •"Jeans Christ
ent about doing god and healing all
xaanner ad diseases,"and the great
invitation, "Come unto me all ye that
are weary and :I meneniaden :and I will
give you• rest." These are overltten in
three langtuages, English, Persian anti
IO a1n.
Wner I7:•. :ItacKellar returner! to;
Canada in 1''2C she left 15 trainee
'workrrcc in tlw 'hc nita1•--a .medical
assistant, Compounders, norzen n,od-
irrivev and 13ible women. The ri:atis•
ties fru iter ?kst .ynor of service tshory
1080 in -patients. 8S0 operations, •i,A of
these being nio.jor ones. Tlie pater pts
came from 2i'2 centres and often the
eetloes of their :nay tetui'ln. A testi-
mony is here given oJ. tee way metU-
eal work 'Mice up with evangel:80e
work.. The ,Rev • Clifibrd b', Grant
wrote pr. fslacXellar 'before she dent
India. nayinnn "You will he intereet-
ed in hearing that the moat inteees--
ing and hopeful man we have met on
this trip in one whose wife sand infant
son have attended the haspital. lie
was most friendly from tine moment
we met in. his village, offered ale r,ulk,
'etc., and :is new deeply and intelli-
gently interested in Jesus Christ and
Christianity, lie came last nig,nt
with six or seven friends and. rnewed.
until after midnight."
In closing her addrees. Dr, Macifel-
lar said she wee' not appealing; for
funds for leer partiruler work but aIle
would give the following incident: A
little street urchin entered where a
missionary was busy writing. Al-
though he didn't look up he could see
'the little chap who wan out at tee
knees, out at the elbows and lent pret-
ty much all ever, walking' up and
shun and turning about. "Well, ray
Iasi, what are you doing that foI'm ?"
asked the misoionttry. ""Oh, sir, not begging. but > nz just shootng;
you the need."
Pi! „f. -
Customer to drug clerk:
:ante powder "
Smart Clerk: "The land
oft with a bans ?"
Customer: • "No, the kind
me tenth r a,ufi."
toted by weather canditionn. Magical
n rasa s. little gentle rubaing
oda youthful freshness and Ciriiaiti-
i It A t'ttl 1
I want
neva is instantly ereszted.. Invaiuuble
that goal' fair softeninh* the band» and mril;inf;
it:iem flawleaslyh white. • Truly '$he
that goes iperfeet toilet requisite for the wanton
i who Cares.
A Wood for every purpose, a Grade for
every 1'iwee,
taaisanttr weir
r. VERY Frigidaire
e cabinet is tow
aloielsed entirely in
Elc.+anliaig porcelain -
en -steel. Greater
value than ever for
Frigidaire buyers.
Ste the lams! med-
Wrenctcr, Oat.
els at en! ehow-
operator front
ether. ¢central uteri
elfin current or tub
iicd:oldual electric
MORE THAN 1,30040-00
0(►0-00 yip-'�_.¢-=.�yIg
ne A ._