The Goderich Star, 1930-04-17, Page 2r
`.tI°li RSI).g•', APRIL r7th. I9.`1Q
• PAGE TWO THE ��� ���T��1 STARs.
the third witiwot bail, I e visa, lilcGse jaw
aid swift
Cir- �.
4wwo in ra pross, ail, , ,tq��°�yRap�
9alada ,duality and price letter Campai p that Italian 11PAIM of � � �:✓ # rvW tFi �� . tCfi'� `wo sfrom route g 9 1-jd- Qp ppMM s Store n ���e
traftic saiQvcs Pa'maa3 Winnipeg oo A i�44#g Q�
make p"Mi s un necess prsan,aaeatiem aero eta uc+tive abroad now , • ntgaa, i3 athroaagii YGrl"ton, a 13a-
aas �artaarea tho a, "tAtis at rias old Riess R `��f� ���1° � �� `� toon, and Nortli Battleford.
Sian O.hrana against emigres. Onoa �•a 4 liilore Stock for Prince's Imran
naained Memapace xs held resporacaf,l3 i�r ►i i a G+ � a ' ,• High-class
iPor the 16000 against the thr'eo om- 1 g3venty head of tDo finest taure Haberdashery and
ig res, ta. 016%2311or.t-=,Piererrll,i'.. ; bred carie and sheep Haat could be,
i�riAep Itrlies over Desert wratea.�°a�on� tiaras at;4 I s;;a r is: 3 � purchased in l�ta�laaad havo anat� zr- P
'I o prince of Wales and his hunt- with a cowro eola Heat left ,aa% vita. ,aired at II•R•iI. the prince of t°caleg Hand Tailoring
ing• entourage arrived at Krti.o u by to Earl, tiav �ta� r?ouUla : ironCEb High
I' River.
ml 13s 25 miles
airplane from lilaIakal ant aCqu to of IIAM•i' trcin • a'.i�ctent or -A vr°,. foam high lliver. glee, shipment is
a days ago, leaving reifueled at Iaogti ell , elaco. to no avwl, Sty haz ben i acv:a F the first to a'i'rlvo at the royal ram:h
route. ane ham -a D faoatle tan' r for tour years. al,lo live etc 1. ryas L
ought in England by Professor Car -
11W trip was rough an,! umn on _ pro `&`G ods s °tyle, Manager of the raneb, or breed-
° ? TEA- account of heaad winds, but the Prince °.P f CHAS., BLACK
' ifBC't 14 ins purvoces.
Of Wales was in Rnr3 spfrfts when lie ° u �" s '4y Since Ills Royal Illg^hness bqught
' A>C >t� steWed on to the landing Held. Iia "�'' •� ani j his ranch in 1919 he has specialiw`cd Phone 219 Tl3F� ;��'�Ut�IZF:, Ca�l��&�1Cli
�' �?s�: Y"ot�iC �! a immediactely asked for a cigarette, "" in tl:e breeding of inure fixer; :,tool:
�..�,�....-» which An official. supplied. He then
11 and he has won some of the hi..'liest
• -. Motored to the residence of governor.'++
. awards at international and Canadian
General Sir John Maffey, wllexa tae winch I stcar`ed to tate nt nary, ars; rbowq. - ehiluren and Miss Pollock Atterwect
o 4 liathetl, hard 11ii,eh, and later plaiyad befaro >< tins tnT:ea several dase:a I t7ild Rose Provinc6:1 Emblem f,1.iCK1�IQ1N �tha reception far IiIu3. Miller's 4nsea-
i=fit squash ratctiueta. w ffiatim d a change, end: when I h,r r rTfss Beatrice Culbert, of Lueknosv, gleet, LloyJ Stein and his taride, bo Sts
e ..
Manitoba Aisctlases .Jnomployradat. Tlam wild rose I now the: fiat. T els- 1? y dart'. neaar Ludmovr, on Frida
WW'd the bottle any cough was cora sent a few days with her friend, y nirilit.
filen of the }?rovim o of Alberta. The - �-
� 9 Manitobies Logislaaturo' hag passed pletrly Sone, I cannot recomm I! Dr" pxovdnci it parliament has enacted. Miss Jean:Aridersoaa.
•- ,« : turbecl not so much by the ille„al salt a resolution aallin . f Z�r. non« �viaod s X. F. fiyrup Ycia highly.. F , ecPRsar legislation'maPtin tufa I.iicknow is adding* tp its list an-
�... �,; � ivar lar May Etrn 111.. Vin_c .a I a or a amu l tPae n y. g
a, ; ;manufacture, which Gandhi launched ,provincial conference to consider ui% `21 ice, 35 cents abottie; large famlly flower, -whicPa'saows so pxafuselY all other grocery store, which will be MR FLETCHERW
he 'a:rrr:st of I vilaitma Gans hi is a in his cam 3,1911, E or dealers. maintained by 744harles Bros.
° as the opening me' a P employment insurance. An encash 0 cents, at druggists over Alberta, the provincial emblem. 'a 1w
believed hiaininent in zonae circl elide i as by the organized boycott against saaent, proposed by Prowler Jobn I Put up only by The T. Milburn Co., Recently the Women's Institutes of Mr, D. G. n^lttaKe> ate, after spend- � •- � � � R q
week-aftesr he "ttarted an India -Tilde •n a oincials who refused to resign Bracken d d .Ltd, T oto In t. h'Id Ing several weeks in .�Chaeago, Do-.�.----.-
cera elf n of civil disobedienne against
vi a0
at his request. It was feared this
, an appravad, stats that
the Co>uaferettce, should be called for
or. n ,. n
Alberta Canvassed the scllool e i ren
o the province to
f scerkaan what
train and London, lass returned to
Drftieh reale. ,.
s• ai
J. E. B. Hot..on, coni
I boycott, v, titch in some cases meant
foodstuffs e
devil! to officials of all foo. tf x
, g
the purpose of scelthi an amendment
to the British bTorth• America Act toIIAWcuf
it Is understbod that representations
.are being;' made to the British and,
flower tliay preferred for an emblem
for th!' provinl^e, and a majority fav-
Lucltnow, ,
The Lu
Th .. c1rn0 � choir
w Unit ch ^li
ed eery. cb . I
the northern division c f Ifoanliay pre-
Cept illicit salt, might interfere with
pCrmit a+ederal enactment a# the plan.Canadian
governments to have the
Bred the wild rose. The tiger lily
will present .tie sacred cantata, t
I`he Nazarina, the
ardency, has arrived in near
;!. 43andlil's headquarters, and ryas .un.
to be instructions
IccaL administration•
f Naval Parley Sucressful .
� !{ Y r >v " M<;:a
airship halt there,
Montreal alfieiais aro reported to
was next in favor. I.Easter
at evading
Sunday service.
'Mr. Jack Hayworth, who was one
! & tlerstodd. awaiting'
a ? frena Viceroy Lord Irwin. After con-
I Successful outcome of the Landon
was claimed by Secre-
° s n i
have already been approached by Mr.
an the matter, anti in the
of the sufferers from burns at the .
fm wing' with Surat police, Hotson
K was said to have wired a complete
naval parley
tars of State Henry L. Stimson in as
event of the dirigible making a stop
will be
time .of the Cain House Rye, is• fm -
l for am hospital.
Outline o$ the situation to tilt vice-
speech broada.ast from London over
the Columbia' chain to the United
t j
Imperial Discussions
Stren hened Through the
Usc'of Dr. Williams fink Pills "
The bylaw for a goad water syr»
tem, proposed by the council, was
a The authorities were reported r»
States and Canada. • rivalry,
between the United States and Gieat�
.. One of the matters which will be
discussed at the coming Imperial Con-
0me after time cases are brought
defeated on 1lionday b mar -
y at small mar-
gin of eleven votes,causingman
Britain he said, "'is definitely at an
ference is the creation of some tribun-
for the difficulties tie-
to the notice of the public where sur-
ferers from nervous troubles have
disappoI tmonts. y
al settlement of
and Mrs. Alex, Ross o#.Luck
our gixesetit ag'ieement," lien
d f yin to the limitation treaty
tween the constituent parts of the
E i All 'h f f th E
been relieved by Dr. Williams Pink
Pills She f St V
now, had a quiet celebration of the
flu '
Long Distance Short Distance'
For Engagements Phone
S.R. SlclUath, Holmesville.
601 r 34, Clinton Central,
SAi , re er S
.:. .rap re. t e vat ons o e m- re Nl ms a , true 62nd anniversary of .thein marriage. .
is b:twveen i) to Un:/ed States, Great Wil': 8 pare have now adhered to the option- Dance have been mare well through To remind thein d# the ha event
Britain and Japan, we have reached al clause in the protocol of the Per- the use of these pills after other merle they aeceiared ma cosgratuldtions
the lowest level of limitation that ] f manbitt Court. of International Jus- Seines leave failed to be of benefit. and Rowers, + •*� ` to iia+ a
r have ever heard seriously discussed, r Rice; thereby agreeing to the compel- .The reason for this is that Dr. Wil- The two Indian men and the Indian ••
✓ and we )lave reached a lower level > t 'i gory jurisdiction of that tribunal in hums fink: Pills act directly upon tiro Fqu, who stole from one of the
than any of us thought could be, at disputes with countries outside the biood�hey make new; rich red blood Lllcknow stores, plearded it and
p •, , \ tcined'when. we came here, �j Empire. The acceptance of.,the op- and. in thus banishing all impurities were sentenced to terms in jail #arms
Mr. Stimson ;aid the three powers f y I tional clause, however, was subject to freta the blood strengthen the nerves and reformatory. 1
had agreed on a total .net reduction x;::a � a reservation that questions arising and make St. Vitus.Dance impossible. ,Tho Lubltnow hockey boys staged
p y, y >? Miss Susan Peaicc, 44,
about 560,000 tong below their re- K y between members of tim British com. Mrs+ P. Donnell Montreal Quc., a balloon dance' last Thursday night
sent fleets buil., building and appro y monwealth should not be submitted to is one more grateful . mother who and it attraicted roan t least,, Edward St., Torbntos,
,a .; €<.. Y, a. a t,. the „
priaited far, a reduction greater than Bei .the court, wishes to add her testimony to those ones that' were invited. Music was says:- In the Spring my
p 'x� ''' Birkenhead's Condition Improves already published.
She spysr--"My furnfsbed by one of London's nopu- arms and farce broke out
the resent tonnage of the Italian
t fleet. little girl, aged eleven, was a great lar orchestras. , .
The Earl of Birkenhead, Secretary a with eczema which Neta:•
Bishop Barnes Stands Firmly LEADS PRESS DELEGATION of State for India in the late Baldwin suR'erer from St: ,Vitus Dance. Sev- One • of Lueknow's old. boys; Mai- 1 o e sinful v Un -
Another episode in the'struggle lie- l+t:-1~o1. J, H. Wands, editor .aria' man- 'Cabinet of Great'Britain, who became spent h sl htly. I used various kende of saletes
tween the High and the I.ory factions Aging director of elle Calgary Herald,. seriously ill while in the South of .out -benefit. She was in the hospital late years in Cobalt, was brought to I and ointments but the itching painw >
A86ur y 1 a th for two weeks -still no benefit. I' Kinloss cemetery where be was laid 1 never relieved until I of Z%=_n
Iin the Church of England was reveal- and chairman of ,the Canadian sevetion France; has showed considerable fm- a us.
ed by the Right Rev, Ea W. Barnes, o#'tire Empire Press Union, who will rovement duringthe past few days. then saw , advertisement recon- a to rest last week. "In a vary short tiaaip after Commerso
(' the "Low" and Modernist Bishop of head the delegation of Canadian edi- He is suffering o brokenblood mending Dr, Williams Pink Pills fol . Ing with zam-Buk the ecxemai be stn fa•
ortaCh Birmingham,' when he issued a state+ tars tliai ga to tier* Old County for vessel and his lata 1i o St. Titus Dance, so decided t0 tri r yield. I steadily persevered a►ntf Doan
Y s a s physicians said Chair if them. My little .BELF•AS C
i meat concerning. his refusal to Inisti. the Vourth Imperial Press. Conference the present rate of cue continues for gill had only taken through zaaa•Snt, .rrty arms and t
bathe suint. luno at flakes a rlo,o of sola lute a clergyman whom the patrons in Junei p n u r n a couple of boxes when I noticed some Mr,4and Mrs, Spence Irwin -spent. were completely healed. it made my alien
to bring ai little teaaporary, ra lief of, gas of St, Aidan's church presented to another 24 hours; he would be out of improvement so I continued with the Sunday at Auburn. wonderfully smooth. and clear," �, w
6 .i a t►ttei sour Rtomneln I'lailli s Milk of iii u
, 1' e - him qualified to, the benefice,. Leas Red Activities 8ailgea. a treatment till na-w she'is completely
ts: Ralph Nixon and son, Isaac Eruptions of Chaekin are paa'ticulariy,
iieaia hag' acidity' completely checked, , ' es in China 'the doctors said there was no fever free from the P y xent Freda " prevalent at this.time of the year do Tut
, The ng to s refusal had caused the China. toda is u much more lea. and that his general. condition .was trouble and can enjoy , Nixon,,r P o at Clinton, y.
valyl the digestive organs all tranquilized.! pati~pns to appeal to the Chane r y • • • p g herself as otIler,' children do. Ica Mr.' and Mrs. Wm. Robertson, of Saye and treat every tiny pimple, retia.
111100 you have trial this. form of relief. Pp e y • sant country for a Britisher to be irl satisfactory. hiWilliams,n soreness, r an break in the skin tv'r$
You will Division of the High Court, tlrani has been the case o „ " ? slily .recommend' Or, Williams pink Auburn, spent last week with their f' r
y Il` ccatsr+ to warty about your dict
for some Another White. Army , Pills to an one sufi'erin• fro daughter, Xr>g: S en a Irwin. Zam•Buk, This fine Herbal Witt ifr
quired the attendance of Bisho y S m St. p G ways good -••always dependable for
and naaporicnco a. new freedom in eating, : Barnes.'p years, .declared `'Col'unel Gerald W. al pe
The Blsliop, however, ret Birks • u on ig• _ The bARlane abduction, of the Pani- Vitus Dance or :any other farm of Miss Ross, who had been assisting ,thing, t
i, P h return to Canada of b ng. aqd beahag hs akin.
Tliis nsantpreparation is . nD ag-£rased to a tear before the-cou t hold- our. '�('L»te --Russian--lesser, General nervous. trouble, for what, these Ma's.. 1J. -K. Alton, returned to 2ze _ _
fter a stay of sax .montbs in the. Or- ' •pills r
P t pF court, Kousepoff, in Paris, on Jan, 26th, has have done for nay daughter I`'am home iii 1inloss .on Saturday,
An • or ebfldren, foo, TJso ib ry eauiver .ins it jurisdiction over his ex- lent, where he ;studied Youn. Men's . g sure y
4-1044 tongue or fetid breath signals need erelse : of his spiritual offices,. . , it S furnished the pretext for a fantastic they will do for others." Mrs. George. Phillips and. family
Christian ,glen Associattlon matters. Col- , .
of a1 aweetCner.'hysic$ans will "toll you- . onel Birks attempt by London- ('czarists, to form Dr, Wiiliatiiis Pink, Palls are sold spent. Saturday with hr brother, M
::Italian Emigres Active B r was last .year appointed ,
that every Fpoonful of phillipai Afillt of A cam ai n to kee ° liaison aifiCer between the Y. a .vast White Russian, army. for the by all dealers in medicine or by mail Dynes Campbell
t 1lfagrlesia neutralizes many' times its p g P world opitnion R, M,C.A. purpose of kidnapping Soviet officials at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- We are leased to re
-this tiultimo. in afifd, Octflea enuine informed on the'condition of political of 'China, Japan and India ;and that them as hostages an . liams' Medicine e' are;
p and holding gr and Co.; Brockville, Ont, that all the sick folks are gettin bet,
l ? , g; ,tris deportees to the Italian r'Siberia,0' the of North America• , ; S a
014100 P111111ps is i,iipoxtant. `Imitations Storing a Czar to the Russian throne, y "� ter, Mr, T, A. Carate on Withpleurisy,
do not Ret tho Eumel d Lipari Islands off Northern Africa, Ig«ia]0;1Mlaaip• Call Sit Quebec according to a sensatnanaI story + r ,Messrs. Ervi Zinn and S + ,
and on activities of the Fascist police A proposal
. Fglaehed recross . AWIN �:�I''ESL G�Z1N�X1.a+� . ' n n Sin Shei
abroad, leas been be b ' Italian p poral under way, o bring the front page of the wood with very bad • colds. V usued. Gr .cdasis. sat rheum. k�A
Y an' the R -10i1, Bntislsa dirigible, which is gaily herald,• the .official • British Township council met in the hall at .lyrii+erwr.,. bo i�., auto,..'buntif tical" art
,. Ps'? em�xes associations. This taction scheduled to fly from I,on n to fire - LnbQr newspaper.:Carlow at 2 p:m. on Tuesday, A Mr. and Mrs..HaryeY Miller and',. E•f,y Yotee naada aa,•asuic. ser racy. .
camas simultaneously with .a decision n„ 8th; all members present: y11I,t; tee
treal next ainantii,
to Quebec, 1?remier Jrcktr 'balks on°, :;ypt
I of : a Paris tribunal that there is no reach and declared correct. B law No. .
s d Taschareau aur . L: Leboeuf Prai i-
�� evidence against two or throb tironn- Disregarding threats that he would 6' was passed,. after readings first,
,r, •��a�t dent of the Continental Aero Corpor- be phot if he discussed the Eg.vptian second: and third time transferring
` inent emigres who were four ation„ discussed tine possibility of rho
, �% + a months ago in connection with a re- dirt ibWe making a Ste at question before the British Emanre tote 10 and li on the tenth concession
"'�3 p plot, g p Queue, Union, Loid Brentford, who as Wil- to no. 9 S. S. Bylaw. No. ?was pas-
erred bomb lot and the ieleaaeis• Of ieltber inwatrd• or outward bound, and
+ liam ,1'oylieon-flicks was Home Secre.
...�,.., ° , sed re -a ointrng Mr. G. F. Bean road
._ ., he est Conservative Cabinet, uperintendent; same terms and' conte
� . • tarty in 1
told: the organization that the Con- 'd}'tions as 1929• A resolution was
der, any tee iii ower, would' th ssed giving the owners of property
reconsider -,ty with E t 1 f
ec nsi e a yypp a privi ege o plowing the roadside
matte t weotitO bai and what wasgit in.front of their farms and levelling
p y. a it to make the 'cutting of weed easier
ready in force and may be cropped if so desired year
ANYt • Gan:ldian $001itist . honored an • a fi
ileo `,N ” • .t Se he assessor was authorfz-
Gmf rid'. o he ed to search the re fstry : office- to
A`tnericari " A�ademy of Arts ° and establish the ownership of certain
` i Sciences was presented, recently Properties Colborne
OWNER a Dr -John S. Plaskett, direetathe er reported $247,57 taxes rolleeted
Canadian AstrophysicalUbaervatdry with 55 per cent.. interest and $843.60 `
at Victoria, B.C., at a meeting of the taxes returned to county as uncollect-
n academy. The award, which is gen. fTUIe following; 'bills were paid:
LL, ''. ` erally recognized as one of the lead- Signal; printing; and acs, $14.25; Col»
ins seientiRc prizes in America, was .borne Municipal Telephone System
formailly made by Dr. A. E. Kenelly, (loan) $450, tax: arrears $31, i01 Wm.
S + °• - electrical engineer, of. Harvard Uni- Service, work $2; road bills, $62.37.
vorsity.Next meeting Inav 13th at 2 p.m.
Mussolini's Daughtrir Weds ,
- 'Township Cleric.
f ' � y, • »
Banns o$ marriage have been post- Godericla` Township
ed in llfilan, Leghorn and. Rome,. noti-
fyinay'all interested --meaning 42,008,- Cotin::il. Inst in HoPmesville on
000 reople--that Jidda Mussolini will Monday last; minutes of iast•mecting
l - • satin l-iecome the bride of Count Gale. read and adopted. .Department of
4%azzo Ciano. The wede-ing will ,pro. Public. Highways wrote acknowledg;-
Faster. lytalte place some time after fog receipt of bylaw No, 4 providing
+ .0xp n iture bn; roads during1930.
"" •.ea a To Improve Saskatchewan Roads Filed. - e Municipal Assciation
About $7,0bb,00b is`tq be spent this again called the attention of the coun-
' a p .cel to the ie Lance of joining; by re -
year an flip Improvement of hig;li» iziitting; flee membershiir fey ---no ac -
'r `" » rvlayaa in. Saskatchewan. tfon taken. A telegram was received
Features of the program on'"fell from the Bayfield Golf Club request
trait of the thousands r0i �crttltusi�istic Olds- tele rovinelal onernment is embatl:..
. nnobile owners. tht6Ugl1dut Clnada why Tao ��rcfors tits int'lude .tile imprayrnient of ttvai ins theounds repair of the road to their
^ an4in highways across Saskatchewan The Jerk-vasas oon as instructpossible.—Filed,
d toreturnnthe
this lrner Sig. 'Ota will find as tlxa� tnaarl IOstSt11I5 that froiaa the Manitoba boundary on the bill oi' the Dominion Road 14ZAehfner
Oldsmobile adhicres to proved fundaulexitals of desi�rt n apt to tiara boundary of Alberta on Y
t inCorporate$ ftp -to -date engitleering advancements the went. The work will include Co. for' correction: Mayor ItIaciJw-
m i',, r gra ling and unravel surfacing Por, an, ofConnolly,.ich, accompanied by Nea-
:. atyal each year OI#Cf5 rcatafr value dran alw:a(rrC'a •urodueirr a finished road for servi,:e srswere presefit the i toand ren s Edwards 'God e
in tell cotta. of weather. One of these well requesting a grant; tilt council
wtaers of t1t 1at�st l�ldssalQlGalo iw havo artiG`titaair laiglaivaya, flim southern or trans -Caen- V'cll sed the same as last year, viz
7Ci v4nka fbr gide. Its Sturdy, rubber-juW1nted, 62«horse• uda route across, the prafrfes from $25.00. 'C11il lathy+ accounts were
por3't.'r 009fil responds effortlessly telt acceleration. Its Winn'Vct: to Calgary, pasties through ordered paid: i'Vilfrigii Elliott, sheep .
Lovejoy hydraulic sll:Ocl: absorbers, front and rgkr, a"sttro -� claim, $18; • Goderibli, Star, printing,
restful driving. tri addition, Oldsmobile flreschts Such ���'� �ooC ��Ck $37.65;r Holmea7ville church, use of
a abed, $,i, superintendent's pay vouch
important futures as' Xtntnmaa0rr, itlta0tioz's . .alert adjusts •• � et• No. 4, 57x„ The �+a. itl school de- '
:fblo sterid wheel . ,deeper, softer ae:tt ttxshiona .. benturm question vies again to the
Y �.��li an Aching fore but notice was roceived that an
Sud 1Gnl;abr, lorvgr bodies by Fisher « .all c�antributin _ tarnaistlee lead been sigrnied and the
futther to Owner satisfactim. Some bnzl:s ache all day long— Minae they squabble it is to be
done according; to rules stead an impar.
• . , ^tciady ran ihip tbrene n—it ceems to tial referee elloaen. Council then ad-
'��ft our sllorvrntrflls Sari. ONaullttfaC �lclsmoll><1os very tlar3 veal tafiaeted that Sit tfaiaea laid
achievement .. drive, it and 'ud t' t11G t°S11ti+G tl?at tf1aCe3 a ltaclt reals breakiaoo ; �oaarhetl to Wiest on lbionda , 11tay 4th;
,,, - .-a. ,„>,. o. �n t .,,, a ..,�.tpl r .. i. an '•.it 1.90 - y
OdSthobile'ssr fait aftc�d Of of to
trite J"c ftl� Staltic Which you a nes 116ble from work
- Sat night with a badz ro .core, lanae R. G. T1�CMI"50=�, Clerk.
' rlr>F. "" antis 1Vm01t dant you. feel mighty sure An Oil for All Ale,i._
Tiara sailor,
• A- your dealer about tail GI A �' General NOW& you ncant las ;mate to g°ri to igortt tat the soldier thm fi hernaata, rite lam«
• �, Heli xaoriinirl $141 ' ani :' berraan hC cut•door Intborer and all
y'o`gi easy payftlent Plan fdr buying an i`�1ti5mobile. flet oaaaeone tr= gyve it to Rood rub. tvlao ;are texposed to injury ane file
a Eri..g rs3tEa ,lc+tent«a,a 1 soorbaa:g eleialents will find' in IIr. Tlaoianas° re.
reatetrnting. pau n r;uli.luirr,, wander Im -trie Oil rn truer and faithful friend.
r art.iaag; enzolltent tl a,t g:ts rigihc ,to ease Ayxiu. rslit?ae colds, stews'
iat9c r l• tTte wkere time WOUVI&O rtl: ,Iue lunitag;o and over -
saga pelt ,tare inffaincil areal ,,Jre. eortae tlartt>tiaaia, it is excellent.
'then fbrrg Qt your troublea wnd .,pc Therefiire, at �boallsl have ,a pier~rs it.
1�Ii:Cltt�:ICT Or- Gt-NICRAL MOTORS OV CANADA. LIMITLID � ter ^IC -0 Sall 1101110 x,aealieinen rind W axionalstr
i1ECuSa �, 'ta'fa+ tlirc(n' ,a �C"ran) gather :tlafasat tOlmaa San a1 ja�tiS'ntr?et.
aaaeaa g ocn'tl vm!w tap in they lw< vnian �
U WAN l l�! 1 �
WWI. 1^ i,; it -cc fti lu n&lcn. putt , i llahile.-n tataei pea-fmct In tl:mir nmtfarn
uti4fate n rata i .anineaJ= iii al y ,Ill ro t(I iiHlet s ��R�aiit 1lreracdera are :alrvag n at
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