The Goderich Star, 1929-10-17, Page 5TNLrrt$t,A'!, (*1': Mb, VMS
it VW -NW
,hr .lahlll $375
rowit 'Iif1Ric fulll•iisinme
radio wtuning.,
It1Improvf d Vietor drewit
ilkctngitiwe, intiltusce+�.
'iPulalisinspliic at n:'two'
«ar new RCA. power ..Rtio e
No. 245..
�MarveI s neii eIc+Gtr d3r Nt
Ink reproducer.'!"
5 Thire dirthnctunitn,.�.aIl�iuter
changesible tripe ccessilblees.
• The Mew Ekictrotaa'ttiilptlrs,t
Mated electrical reprodtactlolnt1
Iof r corded amwies.,
Ektlititi, cbhatpltet a halter..
Victor 1 IA eilacCesneele Aiwa,7
Medi lingenialent
'Phone 499
Wiry Seiler
Perk Pain?
NILZNlf will relieve period!. Pala,
beaderbes. beekaolsee, wealaww.
masa, .meepleiriuers, irritability,
and many other atltasmatetruiu which
few woman are esu eiytree. A won-
derful reconstructive Merge Tori*.
NILENIi caa las obielaM V .liber
liquid or 'tablet or at 11,00 per
bottle or baa.
IlliWNW* iLWed
Soid by
(The Rexall Drug Store)
11. D1{ERMANN (Bayfield)
ere -
the. study book, "Drumuk in the Dark-
uesa," was taken by Miss Buchanan.
She'apoko of the renewing of 'the
hear;, the enlightening of the mind,
the trekking of the hand and the
problems of health Sas found in the
West African Mission of the United
From the Candidates
(e 10.%'77A 0).0
shall support the continuatee rtt the present sestem where each sec-
tion has its own hoard that knew., the individual used cit thuse in that.
`particular` section.
�', t'c+11Q ink 1 quote the exact w E+rrts whin stipule ',Ai
:rt rest MI ugly rumors on .this question o
The Minister has sought from the to make dear that the
schools are under the Control of their boards and the ratepayers
who elect these bolds, It is the duty of the Department to ex-
er4ise the powers assigue;l to it Leeislatnre; to act in
helpful way whenever called upon to tint so be boarde ie rate.
payers; to suyy,gest, to cu i'.ase1 or to advise when a ditiicutty Of a
needed artvancement ba education were required; but to ieeve,
as far as possible, the full managennent of s -hemi affairs in the
Bands of the people ankh to intervene, when intervention was re
quested, with the consent only of the localities. An instance of
this is the ,proposed measure to save money ane! promote .file
ciency by leaving the Township School Boards. This Hilt has
been introduced four times in the Legislature in order to pro-
mote consideration and discussion. Bvery fe ility has been give
en to meetings of trustees to weigh the proposed measure from
all pointe of view. , Requests for constructive criticism and suge
kestions have bee}n widely circulated. But the reform has not
been forced upon the people and they are left to say whether
they wvIY& have ,t or trot.
(Halite Tax and Good Rao&
ehuieh. Planstor' flit autumn In 1927 this Governtient spent on Provincial, County and
thank -offering were discussed and i'owuship roads $ t 3, t 3 1,6 t 7.34, in 1928 816,454,645.54, this year
Ieft to be. completed by !the President will be about $18,312, 836.4$. This has only been made possible
find `Frees Secretary. A resolution
was re9ertedb'Mrs. Hamilton and through the gasoline 'tax ti which Inv Reform opponent is opposed.
carareel by a standing vote. It reeds I believethe tourists, the city ani the town dwellers who are wearing
as follows: Whereas ' the greatest out the roads shoud pay for them. The farmer drives less, there.
'question before the public at the tore pays l. A man ars accord!! as he uses them. The amen
'present time is the lequor.,. Control ..p pays
Aet, Which ,came ante Rata by'the ; ioi s collected from this sourcelast year at Three Cents per gal...
TAG! Till!'!
has I just been put into stock
Cooly tilt r
Short Sleeves 31111 *MI WU%
1tg 1Cves ' BLQOMERS
Our price- -
1.00 to .$1.00 each. 1 to r pair
LA�� VERY E Willa
Comfy ,tit «/� t�ar mor
Short Sleeves
Our prtee-!.
$1.25 to 'est-Bloomersloomers-
$2wo0 each
car Window display of these Cx(1tli 3
vote of the men and 'Women of ore Ion will be much ,treater this year at Five Cents per .gallon.
tri` -the---. ernment e
=-ta�S..:in=TO26-,=-wheat-�ieot+er�n--, ttttd�#-sttlzssitl�-�f��N►�Mreolt��-f+a-T=r".� ,,.�,
meat' rode of of pens•. owes represented' . lnt)fle . .
mood roads in the Townships ;end. with the increased revenue In gasp.
hetero that, vote ,was token as the �, p .
best plan to promote temperance, to
line tax they propose next year• spending Six or Seven, Millions !regia- ; Seto
save the youth of the Provinee . and ning a, system 'which will put a good .road to every farmer's gate. ��
HY;k:f`i S CLUB •Bal�:Gr {leather balvbelanging to Hyatt wIaacb pea , lheartily approve of #itis iiIIII11IIIt 11M II Ic IM
#o wipe ow the'bootle bootleggers: where
e..� ..._... ltd .:Fur. f seer n li bast She k it
!Black's store window was robbed Mr,. !rig home- truth; whereas statistics Before the public,arrmunts Committee where witnesses,' books,
s_:'pie a uli.... not - Tom.., nine:. fi • i . ree ye u _. .. .. P s.. k.
ham. The night that Mr. Chas. self andfigures have 'a way o send
He Was In Goderich the Night of Hyatt and a companion were in Gode- .show that Government Control bus a te., Cant one dollar' of'publc money has. been found produced roduced net ;'
Rolrbery�,et C, Blacks' Store and rich and. drove; a couple of Goderich resulted in the annual consumptionl PO>rt�try !ari��
t torfoolishly # i Tdebt ' I
o be misspent spen , to ref
T oke n4. Conde of ifoeleriele Girls girls in their teens rip to 'C(�ingla;Xitt of over $�48,000,p00 worth o£ ltglxor3
ring plan whereby
Younax and OId
i . pea to '1iViatiChia . and r � Ontario; w whereas such diver in . 'Republic a ,c e . will be wiped out in from 30 to �4u years,
. hack, and on their return to Godo- in h t g , p, ,
^^--- rich had lunch together in one of. the of money shells 'disaster to life, to` is being Copied by other Governments. Dasavid BrO'tldu
' Ii .art elle • otor�ious C at -
'i li ofOntariof
b db
Archie Hyatt, n t cafes in town.. It appears that afy- borne, it ordinary .business and sec. I deeply regret that space win not permit to fittingly tell of the Phone 270 Goderich Ont,
!nam batalit, recently' escaped from alt had been making ' ,eppards hotel hal morality; we the members of P y p
Virginia prison, who has confessed in V toed= tt sto to lace for North street United church W. M s, Health ! .pertinent which has done so mucic in saving the lives of = k se..
to a niumber of robberies irk western about a week and on the return tri do hereby resolve hand pledge our tens of thousands of babies. A Department which speeds automo- • ' ""'a'�""`
a : ertc t ne • our people are said ae yes to igen y an carnes y 1t es Carrylne, serum o young people suffering from Spinal meningitis
'Ontario and who probably 'arae k t Govt •' h 1 f I dil t] d tl l'1 # 1 it ' • •
in ccunt aE Lonfor a/lumber
on la r (Thursday MU
ruid to have occupied the'front :;eat of the from now until October .'30th, pray and restored to health 192 out . of 200 Snell cases, Also, l should
was 'remanded for a week. It is rx-'car; the rumble seat being occupied that, inspired and guided by the spirit like to have told of the work of the Workmen's Compensation, Moth=
with some material and Hyatt Stas of God, we will use our influence: and P ,
petted A. further remand will'be made ped'his club bag en one running hoard cast our vote in the best in'.erests of ers' Allowance and Old Age Pension. These' and other beneficien.t
when ha coin$ uta again today; Pia-land :a suit case an the -other, but be- our Province." legislation of the Ferguson Administration will be further d t i
vanciel' Oth,•ee Whntea,dos ,ye ater,aay f , g n u cal with
,. ore 'they .gat to I3elgrave the club
brought backto Goderich a brown bag -came loose and though Hyatt re- NILE at our public meetings.
turit@d over the load he failed to find Mrs- Brophy of Toronto has bt>en If. elected, t' shall enter into public life di.termin.ed to give the
,., me lies in the service of n v. fellow citizens. No perste)
it. The, finder' advertised it in the spending a few days with her aunt. nest that ineeentee
Wingham paper and yesterday Mr. Quite a number have gone to Blyth of standing in. this Province expects anything else' but that the leer. ..E
Whitesides went over V'T„#n hum t attend d m s 'o c ve t' n
$p,� . q g" e, Mrs. John itleWhrnnej* has been
d visiting r sister, Mrs, Stewed, ; .
_ic heirs ,of sox, 'neck scarves, three suits elle past two weeks, self can North Iutoifnaford to send an opponent to, a' Governn:+en't
� make read 'of meanies, two cameras and a lot of pp{
Nile can boast of three young prepared to extend sir many sdrviCes to this county.?
.brides; in the last' months. We wish
all three couples all success "in their c, BENSON WHITELY.
journey through life, . 3 TE1Y,
The Glad Girls' Guild axe putting
! ' and
u ht a back' i�rd to him. g It a t n the • r sa wary on n pea . guson Administration will he returned to power. Knowing this, '
Rr" ;
2 contain perit haps a •couple of .!exon t he C as t t' ouid tt not be well to have a supporter of sanme, In justice to her-
in the famous Purity
Flour 'Cook Book.
Hrva one . in your
kitchen. Sent for$0c. .104x4 nlour Milli
Co: Limited
Totooto Ont.
In .
erl-IE' nerves ore -fed by
S110 .41°04. Poor blood
music starved nerve tisk..
cue, insomnia, irritability
and depression!.
- Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
lout, .
your blood enrich y tn.
will e
stream and rebuild your
over-worked nerves.•Mist:
Josephine M. Martin, at
Kitchener, Ontario, testi.
firs to this
"I *of teed from a nervous'
breakdown," she writer. ""I
had terrible sick headache',
dig Thiers; felt very weak and
could not sleep; hoodoo dipper
- • tits. 1 felt always ea if some,.
nine terrible were going to
happen. After taking other
treatment without rooter., on
v" teed ried >Dr
m sirtekr si advice.
WiIlia ne Pink Pilts,and now
all these symptoms are gone,
and I eat strong and happy
Buy Dr. Witliaane Pink
Pills now at your drtaltitistrr
or any dealer in medicine or
by marl, 50 rents, postpaid,
frons the Dr.. Williams Medi.
;l� Co.,,
rine Brockville .Ontario.
Tact t110X
i� Y`''iontg,
"A. ktlearittl«'O Nt4Nk
iN a4 C0UNr,4«44 "'
other material and the bag itself .is a
good solid leather bag.
Hyatt is wanted in a good number
of places, but will likely stanch trial
for all in London, When the provincial
arneers nave got his' -meoru.• orally,
ford hold a warrant for his sr -
rest on a charge of attempted anurtlor
of a police officer though he told the
officers in London that neither he nor
his' two companions shot the; officer
during a gun battle on the business
streets of. :13rentford , during 1926,
Ater-' trial for the numerous .rob-
berieo in.' Western Ontario, he will
still' face charge's which, arebeing
made against him in the'. United
States. Ile is wanted in Michigan
:;qtr. 'breaking away from Iona State
prison after serving only twenty-nine
days of a term of five to fifteen years
for a jewellery robbery. He is also
wanted in West Virginia :for breaking
Faithfully' yours, .
on their play Friday/ : the x$. ` Cone
and have a good time. VW.
Guild. are as busy as. bees work- 'CtIE ELECTORS OF NLSIt't'H HURON,
ing and planning to help every gook! . tri this second letter to the people of North Huron 1 only wish to
Mr, and Mrs', John Connell, with . discUSS a few ofthe outstanding issues of the day.
!brie Jean visited the lad 's mother A5 the' cam ah n advamti:es 'if is beconhihh iat'eitt lila#
Y campaign o pl
Sitturday, returning' to their home in eminent Control is tibiae to be the all important subject of contro♦
G Leon Sudan taking
o has. withthem, versy and.1 again Visit to' state emphatically where I stand. In 392(:
ing a couple of weeks: with Mrs. Tay- we were told that $5.1000;000 worth of liquor was sold through the
lor, of Nile. • %Iispensaries, besides .1n estimated sale of S 1.5,u00,000 by the boot-
The anniversary services were 'e leggers. The bootlegger vas gohre, to disappear and the sales would
Hued success,
o hem the
and Ve pen well
're decreased. :.What is'. the results! . lit' the last .and and only full year's
d open g n g
:ham all were ,ouch pleased. Mrs, other report Is due tI1 day after the election which will undoubtedly
Baker was, Rev. Mr.Cummings,,with -report "$49,000,0Q0 -worth `had been sold by the Government and an -
Henderson and her son, of 'Goderich,. show increased 'sales and increased profits, That means increased:
away from the prison :there after Pl beautiful tduuieteinetheim rnin; and profits to the, Government but disaster -for the.'ProvirCe. 87,500;
nineteen months of a five-
Year tern! received far stealing a car. tire,vHenderson gave ;a sato in the .000 revenue in one year from the sale of Liquor alone. With this
Anel the discovery of 144 bottles ofe s• nevi found revenue Me, Ferguson pas ,going to lessen the cost of eche.'.
irttoNt 330
I'qr y�ptt0lrterinslr Repairing
A targe range of Sample Cover
ins carried
0rirhrrti 5t•eet
»roonshine.liginor 'cached on the pro . 'u1! tWE• nation, build roads atidouse it for the 'general: good of all, He was.
wry leadsthe officers to believe diet . A Halloween masgneirade social curtailin the consumption of liquor. Instead it has increased` ten
they have discovered a clue to a large will be held in tin. church hall on Fri. p q
liquor' distributing ring which had eel, Nov. 1st, under the Auspices: of fold and the 'revenue derived therefrom has barely enabled this ex -
been ni or in i uor on- .
trol Ad labels d tam from h int i- scoffsat pledging h`
.perty of Harry Adair on No. 2 high- going to make •the' people of Ontario 't sober industrious people- by
b i p t` g forged Ltq C the Sunday school, The different travagant Government to emerge with a surplus of $2211,000. Mr..
ro c an s ps rot v e coium res are sparing no pains to erguson anyone p e ging .unselt to oppose the 1*gnor tral
States. • make the
evening enloy2 ble to evotY•'tic"n'nd .it is quite natural for him lir do so; when the sole sins of his
The O:e toter sheeting 'Was. held in
the S. S. room Monday afternoon
October 7th, with a good :attendance.
• After +the regular' opening service
d , T
o e , latre
lowed. The minutes of the last meet- and in every year since it has been before the House for consideration
p v
Mr Shackleton read achapter from
way: to lirograrn_ avr consist of Government is sales, not control. 1 wish to state that i aiu opposed
games, readings, musical selections.
A cordial invitationis extended to all. } to the liquor traffic in any form and will support any measure for its.
The W.61.S. of Crewemet on Tuns : prohibition no matter by
Mrs. MenarY, presiding. Apresident,
er devo- whom introduced. I will not support or
day .last at the church, the reside , work : for' anymanufacture measure or party that favors : themanufacture and
lienal exercises, bible reading by Al'r, sale of liquor for beverage purposes.
Cain and prayer by Mrs. ?denary 'Col Mr. Ferguson in 1925 introduced his Township School.13c,.irti Bill
1. %VEEK OF OCT. 21, to 26:
MCibIDAV' *and TUESDAY ' - ,. -
• the great Foss westernstar-appears
again on the loeal,screen. This time
its sa tale of wildmustangs and wild
riders. Plenty of punch And pep in
the sagacious Ablation, in the type of
story tvhiclt made hien famous. The
wonder dog in a wonderfully scenic -
"PltOiEat EWER"
rtihaitfr�n .n�'3nttr,.
j'I,ST.Ait snorts., "SERVED 1101".
,ace of the action portrayers, in a rip
'veering, utile a minute action above
:Plenty of entertainment no matter
' who ,you are, Ur
"ItUBBING i t IN,"
Matinee Saturday at 3.00 p.m.
Nurses' Training School
Ontario Hospital, London
'I llt're remain a kw vacancies in the October clatr
t.::ante' 11 have two years High School Ar,>pl gust lav� i3 �c to or iia
equivalent, anti meted be at east 18 yearn of age.
Apply Slneriiint�*enjJe��n�rjt, Ontario Ho�<ppgqital, Lothd ni.
lot year $2 i i° Itet' IlLGlltll j)h ftt11 Maintenance
atici year $30.00 per month plus full Maintenance
3rd yenv $3:).00 lir month pis full ATfiiutcnanee
ing were read by Mrs. Sam Sherwood, and would have been a. part of our Public. School System .bi now had
the Study Book. Mrs. Bert 'elea- it not been for the vigorous opposition from all quarters. In his
ven gave a reading. . The meeting 1328 report, just. issued October 1, he says this: ' "The Bill to proa-
closed with singing and, prayer. The vide Township School hoard has been brought before the Legislature
next meeting will be held et the liioru0 on several 'occasions: and will be again laid before that body in order
of Mrs. Bem. Teasty..
(Intended for last week) that every phase of opinion, for and against, may be consulted."' At
Mr. and !Sirs. ho.iipatrfek visit -
London in the early part of the year he made the statement that two
ed Iielgrave friends Sunday, years of High School work would have to be taught in all ; public
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Treleaven and schools and one year of University work in High Schools with, of
family were in Goderich last Friday. Bourse the municipality paying' the bill. As election time approaches:
Mr. and Mrs, Chas. 111 'firer, of Itlhat is' modified and he sa p
Goderich, visited Mr. and Airs, ,iinz ys it will be o' Bonet with public sclmols, but
Sherwood Sunday, if they do desire to have high school work taught, additional grants
ir. and Will_ .
31 Mro. Begley, of Hank: � ,v, I will fie. given. We get nothing but suggestions and resulting colftu-
flton, spent Sunday w illi Mt'. alta cion from the Minister of'Education because 1h,: has neither the urban
Mrs. John Metaary. or rural View
Mr- and Mrs. Wilfred Iilunket and .point. ,However, one thing is certain, it all means in.
'inane, of Auburn,. spent Sunday atcreased taxation to the municipality without corresponding benefit.
the home of lir. and Mrs. Wilfred M an •obscure ,politician Mr. Ferguson introduced Regulation l,' to
Brennan. rove his to sit Now, with a
Mr. and Mrs. 'toy Maize and air. P, y y. large :percentage of French C.aiha-
1(t Maize and Mrs. 1Vm. Hasty at- diens in Ontario who have votes, Regulation I7 is scrapped by hint
tended the funeral of theiraunt> Mrs.nas Minister of
Education, r
thatheisa politicianficla
v. Kaiser, of Thornhill,w 1
bas .
, tleatir
oceutrrd on _SaturdaInst. ae ;raiii��r than a statesman.
What we heed in Ontario as a Minister of ,
.-_ _..=.- - .-t.._..._-iii t......-
puenil oma. r=diuehithiStl %vihp VFW -Study -the study i]ie school sat/fa-6a a an(i ciTim tv'ili dive it itis
x I,whole time. He Should understated rural as %vett as urban conditions,
PEOPLE WE KNOW , should he free from party politics and should have a desire to secure
Mr. Wm. Letson, of Guelph, is via - `for every child a thorough education no matter what party or creed.
iting in town far two weeks. 1 Other matters will be dealt with as the campaign advances.
Mrs. Gri:adrod is in London vinitiea:•' C. A. I?01113I '1'Sf)1V.
her daughter, Mrs. Earley. _ ..,.. -
Mr. and Mrs, L. L. Knot: are away!,_ r
dile week in Toronto and HtuRntalt. ng sprit a1 13 (atatant two Wake sacra• Mr. and 141x:. 'Entry C11 1,1 our,l, 04'
i Mr. Erie Liversedge, of Toronto, tion with their daurilater and roah,in a Ei1tt ctrf.
]t = °u i .
. lar Mr. and Mrs. Hugh E(, ak n. Morris d I M r , «.
1'isperit the vice?. -end with i't`leudn ,t, g { 14i .and Mrs. Ai•. 3 Alon ri,, have a:. k
i Mr. Aire. Cheered has gone to gueeto their slater, elm Hannah me.
allZre' , fort hur93ta ori.'a v.441- Mise Melena (ireroar turd' iter trio el:ari 11.taru,"Tdla s.
i Mrn. Wm. L,tulcv visited ftienadC: at, re ler hate returned ts, her laasato (at :1. .1. (11 1 )tv and airs, I,neel Cv. John.
E eek- torn and Stratford' over the."bort: Huron and Mr. d.'ltrtjotal .Areileir ntett; nee° elm, amide) 1 le, tart. �wveel;-end.
i Mn. A. In, Maxwell and Clau(r>htrrn♦ visit€d irk port Ilntron for the we;,lt- 'batt, All of Detroit.
°i I'aulinta and Marilyn. levo returned rid'
a house after a r crk''a visit iri•`Preston: Minn 4acrtt,-nde COITAL of Torun te, ` Long Standing �lsthnta=readane have
t Mr. C. i3. iktrl;holder has returned in visiting for two %scekcs with friends -mire ed Wo Ione from =hum a 11r„l',
borate after aslpendingr a Ca/cation of . andreietaven in the 'town and vieinm• 48%0 tried r.t) manyco=cgll d rernen j
five %weeks of dii&erent pal-ts off tlae a itt7 1 l �evats? ae orapartical by 'h11^,3 ilia they tltintr Pat .here in nae, ➢ eal
1ri'ov'itaEe. i:Altulent,taa°re11, 74110) rclurt3ed 11°11V ern' Iawii, .ear (laOW kla8V 81101114 read the a 11xr. (3iad Mee e': b . trertslnllt c �➢�o:DtEattalay. lettere rcreivcsl by the era ti7ntFattea,�c�uc
in torn en f;urae;:'� •• 'IZtoy are naw c 2:1ir. : 1 (1101 Whitcrly. tdaclher et • Lie, nII 1)a. 3Y 1). hellogi;'a Ar"-Itiaart Ile➢a1
loratctd at Ot e➢n menntJ, where l>.. a, retail' Piin�-1 1s'eee D eivc,. t2acia ➢ae cdv fIJ,a .hunldreddi 0,£' en .ca o➢see 8.3
1. ort! k l:t • io in i1 tt?.'^., (t. 1. (,aysa uC t ,ran last,, a@tc 01 •,d r.�a °ta(ic cartel. t:t eaa 'va 1(+tag
31r., .tad i'.trn �"v. t.', ulwa➢a (.^id tltC+ d'�.�tCCa�@�n1 iia l tjetCn' la: C �'2'l. asCr?1C, E d (r'.�e'1 tlhi:11'.1t�,14,tt 1 yJ4;1.14p.
claiklrcaa. n;T xu .pets ^. left RA' ta0➢a10 and 2161m co to Tiwonto for the c.trli, ¢; '.a7 134u.a. ,) i unislItc 14• 43.
wee 'mile rite seer_11h18 two raeeha g .nal.
with Mitis. Melaaa°c1 tint'.ra(r, Urn.:, t 1! n, t!LC.b.a
Urn. r c atm li (mC:ia I � gel,
t� f ait�1 t,uLb^rl et 1 1'a k r iG ^., FOR 12) r2TGHEH'a
,ur'rn,:;, . % tn, foe Q9c ^.! ,a
�6. trt11 M3° t V., VV. nt./, Ir.:(..` n; - nti.l Call` 1 oil iii ➢n 15:4 Ein,-1, Mr, Ertl „ •. a
tCmk .L.l l�ca:yx f➢Ui.r D.?C2b�.: ,:� L`�• T mc'• i'Sa s, I;, Iia rim, A1C:? tr Cis L'ue➢t� ', !-'L►, 0 1 A
ClIni irogt Orr
Cleveland's Bread
ie h tempting, complement to
any meal- delielous initself"
and lending zest to the rest of
the menu, ..
Your family will demand .
twice nes ntueh of our Bread as
any other. E'neoerage them to
do so, as it is the roost health-
ful and nourishing'' food they
can take.
Phone 114 West St.
New Furniture
Y of any description
Ne. Positively 'Save You
We can furnish the finest are
rangenients of flowers in . ufiS
styles fur the bride.
Goderich Phone 1415
Long Distance.,.. Short Distance
Por Engagements Phone
▪ l :TT." altuinat Melte i HITT' ". o-°
t1O1 r fie, Clinton Central.
i:veeything the est
SIIiVI.Itwooir t TCS C' EI
Frigidaire Equipped for your
(a11 in, look around and be cop
Anted where elea➢alinene . in
f ..._
S err S.. Grocery
The store of ea$inraetlon,
Phone 146.. We deliver in loan'
Moleskin Pants
at Special Pr'ices.
well made, in sixes 32 to `r
44.. Special ; R•
Moleskin :ants
well made* just the pant
for fall weathea, all
Agent For TI `p r,s
O �'
F 1)ski10
1. 6
i,rnae 381
(. u
Salesman an Huron Ont aunty due
1 Winter per thin !t, to.
in Inland , t t
-veil ....•- iif,iv . trees, _
Shrubs, etc. Good pay, Endes,
ive territory. Whale or
time arrangement.
A GQO•d!CRE NritSE11'(
We 0Waa (311:1 o erote to meals Fri
eIi egliplrd ut ,cr and :nue,-
ply our custom:me %wiclt the beet
in quality and variety. Sei1 '
hardy, tnrdian grown Naar !
cry i$teek and you wilt be star .1
cestui. O[ir (ngeney iv vol +r
uable. •
1:stablislied 33 ycnrq.
PPL HAM'i11'11SERIY ('o.
Toronto 2. tintorie i
e0Llr:,lf0t.S O*P )(awn PATiziON'ti(A
10',ri''.'i'0' 16 /MI IDS IT
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PdlE fit'. .
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