The Goderich Star, 1929-10-17, Page 2PAGE I O
The Red Rose Tea guarantee means whet it says. If
not satisfied return the unused part in, the package and
the grocer will refund your money. ate
ED, E ORANGE PEKOE is +extlrat.
doe.iia d i Tt ekee ie , and g a
fields, and graded ', '" ' HINTS FOR $ODI
ll wad tied b:;,tt :Try IV By
developed by Dr. Seseter Wheeler ut• " z, • 'woe Ali" Sr."'ito:�hern, raskatchewaa, five tease"
winner of the world's wheat eeani= - 1 Ile Message of Fire
pionship at the International (,roma ; Pes,ple mho suffer from indigestion, We, in c+ld Ontario.. know very little
end Hay Shama, . Eigert is another i usuairy have tried pep*in, chercopi, of seal menace of fire, A' the pep. .
farmer who ease to Canada with no! drags and 'eatery*, digestive atria and' t.4 vent in from adferant parte of
capital at all and hes wide a e -eels•-• i gut little moss than 'taiga, tempos. Canards, they are cult of rhe fear Of
ing success a. a farmer• airy resist someimea not even that- 'fire. S.smehow the fires' seem Much
MacDonald Visit* Cs*ada
Second only in importance to hie
visit to the United States is %unsay
elaclionald'a trip across the border
1 to (''nada this week. . He will speae
et Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa be-
fore returning to his dutiea in the Old
Country. It is expected that the Bra
But before giving up to chro~ticamere real end irnpressire when we
dyspepsia, lust try tine effect of >; lit Tread about them in the local papers, ' M
cr male but pure Magneeia I era; and in
tie fareurated Magnesia—not the on' , It brie ese uaa closer t their realities, Hand Tail,ler n$'#
eMar eommer.iat_ carbonate, citrate „t' Western
stern one
have at
Ready-to-Wear and
vie MY, OCT, lith, Bele
Outfitters For Men
Mich Fait kin oitain from pracical- least, was caused by 'beer careless.
ly any druggist in either powder or nasi, Accidents will happen but
table.. ierne when there is toes of life and proper -
fish Premier and TYemier l4faekonuie Take a teaspoonful of the powder :y, due to wilful careJersgtieas, the
Xing will smut a weekend in soli.. or tout' table::, with a little'df4 guilty person should be punished, r
i d h s: I NO th o to i �e 1 h i. LAST THih�hG IN MEN'S SMART WEAR
t i , to iriter•l,nfpire trsde rasa_
difference this males. It ural[
Special Orders
tads to • discuss %weed matters per- ter ya;tr neat mea, an see vv a
in- tercet fires, In detecting these, the
coot, aerou ane' as prove t s eror i. o
ich British Columbus papers carry advcr- : THE SQUARE Phone 219
rid',tisement% which tell people that a ,
nee, permit gra necessary for even a beach .. -•--- --
dry, tire: That aeenia',atrRag'e to us whoa hatE the vitas[ quantity of ...water:
Low light firdse at will. The other night Science, Manual Training; and Agri.of . After the juice is strained acid ori
can a lady who has lived most of her • life culture' that is itsrnossible Intim sinal[ equal quantity of strained Orange
in Britislrs cambia eat up to the wee school. a ual ;,ca infusion and proceed as
srnW hours carefully watching a firs,: Health Training; ee Necessary .; , usual fol felly.
that the rest of us would nor. have • you may. say, why, have to be
Delay worried. over. " 'Her knowledge of the taugh to live ,properly, at school, P a wcrful Medicine... -The healing
the hazard of fire trade bar careful. why cannot the mothers teach this at properties in six essential oils are
" The Maritimes too . have their trout e? So th0 can --if thea know -concentrated in every bottle et Dr;
cu• ,
a blas with fire. When condition:: are how. Ay, there is the rub! There Thomas' Eclectric Oil, forming' one of
Mori- favorable certain localities are . apt to has been such a change in'living con- the most beneficial liniments eve;; ot-
have bad forest fires. Fire did not ditions in our elate. anti so muelt that feted to the use of man.. Many Cafe,
seem to, trouble the first settlers, the has been found out about foods in the testify as to its power in Albaying
ern Indians.. Were they smarter than we lash for years. that unless a • mother . pain, and many more can certify that
are or- Were they just more .careful , has been interested enough to read .they awe ...heir health to it. 'Xts, woo -
tone, and other Subjects of major ran w;tantle nea:.ralize the danger 1 h d it ti Th
harmful i •h stomach wh
lair �aance in regard to tee affairs of
arra all ad. d to the
Canada and the Motherland. now causes your fail to fsn:n+ent, a
V#, asg .�. .. sour. making gas, wind, fletule
IN „; Canadian Banker* Meet t heartburn and the bleated, yr he
eral hundree_enen, prominent in lumpy feeling hat seems +.o fol
:r -
'�itNita ...•
• .. � �`Miiasa
,�/ "i'lt6 anciai`life `o# l.ansida sand the»font everything you :cart. You
Thee 'itai,iti in British Columbia yen profitable in the past few y'ears United States, .gathered at Quebec, enjoy your male without a fear
Superior gr inlc conditions in Brie and the prospects for a furthelr eallan- : during the week end Ito etteml the- indigestion.
tiah Columbia are liven as the tea- sign of the ondustry are encouraging. eighteenth annual convention .this e
Pew deeeta 1olnogauwg gPuasr P;li Caere, Air Mull Service week of the 'Investment Bru'akera �,s•" i announcement Was made t.�
_unit is_+fialrti io luaisidntds sa sot' uos fears1 aS well as urban ,:antras sedation of America: 1'he delegates t,I. Beatty, aha man f
rains from Montana recently trade to throughout Canada ora getting' Cha represent cities end s�ownrt from coast; general• conmettce and of the ease
the Vancouver Live Stock l xehange to coast and, in the ei gee ate, pavan -,Bye committee, sit, the' close of
benefit of the improved and augment- bolixe. the da vintr yoWer hind it!- meeting of the [setter held at.
for distribution to ghee�a raisers in fi exvice. `rRo• ears tigo this i
Cariboo districts. ed air ma s y dustrial Iirogress on h' continent. treat•
the i{ alt Coli And a the Canadian Post Office Deparx-
i B .rah Columbia ► fl Fire in .Baaritattehew+in premier Visits; West
a e extensive meant s air service operated over al ? : Danaa< a estimated At 10o'tlo0 was
9lieep xaioing on the trifles with sa Schedule that'eslled'for g + 'When Premier mg visits West
sore int Q jtrpvit<ce hag era an atver+atre of three trips per month. done by fire which swept the business Capias this sutumtt he will terve
e �_.:,_,__... section of the town of Broderick,
The aaaanthlyr weight of email carded lwth Cho nOrtherlt toted rebs soutlid_,
Faint, Dizzy spoilt. „ ,when Wad x little over one ton. Now
south of SAsI€ataonr starting , areV routes acture she prairies€ and British
the service, extends over ;2,OOQ miles, Oct. 10. 'Phe same day the confl gra
lr tion was under control but the:ruins Calunabia,'goang westward to, Prince
For Our Years ceiling for tneerly dao trips per monthRupert, down to Vancottwer and Vice
e taut .00 mere were Atilt 'burning; It 4y,
lying Winter ,Arrives ' ,
Sunda or 114 tons.- a ._a_. _„ route: He r+xnectrs to m4ke tvviaslx�ey
'MY't;r1A'slt� l alri t';t` • `#Sr Canadian Holsteins Wit '£he frit touch of Wi'nter..; n. presage chess in each pravirree,
of the stomp king's advent from Ma Nova Scotia's Plebiscite
Mrs. J. elennette North Bremer, Dairy 'cattle. frofn the Panties* at northern retreat, was telt in Mani. ovvr►s citieta. and : tnuznici asitias
Ng, wr'�teu,-s', flees[ to ha faint New Brunswickt,soros * na`tablo sue- .toba prairie districts to the west of would be relieved of enfoucocuent re-
Fire is . pee of ours hest friends and: and study and find +these things out, derful power is not 'expressed by the
Yet one of Our nlgst dangerous ane• she will not, know thein to teach.__. We .:_small rice. at• which it sellr
tales, all know that the inajority of` Weal. w-'” "
The Making of ,kill* ten have not studied foods.
itatrfmn i ens}"of fife 'busiest sea-' . The time wit Icome and 1e us hope :
$ ins the 1iousekepuex ss calendar, rt is iaot�too far distad t� whenstIl that-
pit -ie meal teamest�ititerettia�l�' contributes•- to--health-will-'sheeetudie4
fined too. It is: as greet satisfaetioit in school as carefully as arithmetic is
to see the shelves tilling up with Jars now Children will grow up w-itt<'
of fruits jelly and pickles.: Somehow
healthier bodies and whoa they are
I enjo raakin iles, seed allies pare*ts will be 44,1e to have healthier
;marl altar spells, for four Vera anti cage at Brockton, Mass., 1{ air, Mal sof " mtupseg last week. The distriete of slnonsibfiit , and the first shirr a en t g I? I and more
vigorous childish
r the outstanding fall fairs in the bow Brandon folie Virden repot+t,'rd a lieavyt, ; � , � more: thatt`•'pt'e3exvtng wand Canning,
wnur t;g e>ro be every year revenue would be .the establashriaenC Catorf�a
.. The esti . _ATgmaa of the neklelr i8 so
. _.,_ __...... Q.. England Stlrtes. • Holatenna- •from:•- the- orf l it . i d e t _ el,'' p
ono al wle tt n -at jac n Areas thn
nd � t f tfi
vtOso slay' my huebluiti asked, me ifa arta n ea<iance o ata a cisme
boa over used D<►argdale Veen* at Sussetr, Nate white'blanket of winter 'doseendccl highly trsiried Constabulary to en
• as dean sweep of the competition in, more lightly,reat,Ons for its attractiveness. The ours wantedto know suss 'what is a>
� a nee '.• obeervanee of the lave, in the event of uncertainty 1.1 a'k dd '�Ii thought
I toed I h cl e, their class,.. The testa Globe stat- 'yo *crap Iryiii Bi*se? a 'Liquor" Control Act' being mal
t° he, got :me as ,tet "+Despite the fact that the Hol- Canadian: officials at Ottawa receiv- ed by the people in the iriebiseit
box, and after I c itch classes proved Ito be the best in 'ed with' interest,bulb. without coin-='Oet.- et Provision would be ma.
had taldeir 14x1# of
it I Iona I was
quality ever : Amen at the Brockton ,mens, : the information contained in . the measur,for.' education, in; tem
getting better, I •Vain; the Holstein .entries Of. M. L. despatches from waKshing;tart that on, once .and Nimbi of liquor adverbs
thou r o eleCarthy, Sussex, N.B„ made a clean his visit to Canada the Et, Rort, e'. fog.
t hes n got two ,l
i tad after tweep of all four ebampionsbips. • Ramsay ;1Waepanaald, Prime Minister Japan Wants Disairtnemenit •
mom aof ,Great Britain, would discuss with F'iemieso Hamag�uehi of Japan,
waling them X sweat perm in Alberta the Canadian Government the mattev epeeeli delivered before:': a rally of
wee greatly im-
proved The farm of Gustav El art of West-' .,
Elgert of demilitarizing the naval base satpq Utica' party at Nago a Bald
Tru used ties Pills for y ,
in health, a i than ro h n `1•s
*skein. h won that p y cent y lialifart: This, the despatches. .apatf ardently desiresthat the e
might be done together with the dig, ing arms conference shall achieve
ant ofthes re limitation,
to ling Pettish naval '[wase merely. hut the actual
in the West Indies aas a "grand gest duction of armaments of all powers., to ell by themselves,: some, house- , renew tissue ar:form heat and energy
shore, of
the; Tee . Premier said .'that this, redue� kee ers stick to the old -ways and is not the only thing to_ :be consider -
States. goodwill towards United ,tion • should be made proportionately e Xed. It is possible to eat foods whtrh
)fee by T1sis:T. Atflburn o'''', ;s:. " others will use only the neer Both
of p Alberta, has yielded dG bushels to the A MOW tsw It(atesdgnita :and "therebyR keep faith wzth the spar ;mc��hodar have teaser advents es.`'Va hen have loves than. enough caisiris:s and
's4axintss, Unt, A "dead. zone" fifteenmiles wide it of world peace and ligh�ten.ithie rax- fruit that cells trendily is c'hsa And' "?et be starved for the necessary ruin-
t +e s: a• new'type of frontier, li i1l be estab-' ation load of all pteaples.'r plentiful it is :cheaper to use the reg- eral salts and the vitamins,: If. you
fished between Bulgaria and ,7ugo- Canadian Liner
Slays itthe Serbs can bring, it aboat. Thep 'Canadian Pacific . Rtailway, are sureof Having a sufpcient num-
This is.iiat to .be in the nature of a Companyet trans -Pacific liner, ,Ems cheaper to use aerto because tone of her sure-
ing the °precious um-
"Iew-suit Innet'r'there is no dispute, press of Canada, on route from Sour,. the fruit juice isMetthrough evapor- (of
over the frontier demarcations. It is land to Vancouver, piled up on the melon and you can make a•target 'oral ,salts and vznamins too,
rocks' at Korner',, $aye, near Albert quantity from the .same amount of Stock Guava Jelly
Bead, : in the San Juan de -Snell 'fruit- i -Guava Jelly is a delicious jelly ,l+o.
Straits early. ittthe afterneoit of Get. Hefri..' baa; eleray*s,.toat overripe. ,area with tne#it oi• fowl, hot it is v
? '' 'sense log. [rust ;as!il always use zeal,: then expensive, ` : •I . have not tried'.
: Australian Government Defeated that is under -ripe. If you nee torte mock'guava 'ell bee it,coarses . welt
The Australian Labor "landslide of follow the directions§ very exactly •to recominended'jnnd 1 intend. exxperi.
last week became a nation-wide ova- insure success. `s arrerttziwg •with it.
.- - .� boil crab-apples with
nh Oct. 13 late t midniight�it wasoper Thin recipe Jelliedis the.out-conic of .laza To make it,
tain that Labor t �ili4have a clear ata- nese. One year we•�had a plum tree
jority-ever all ofliusitionpavaeiteor- which was loaded with fruit and 1 use
biped, and the ,eoniposition of 'theme ed it in every"way• imaginable until I.
Parlitnnent Will a:. Labor, 43; Na.- was sick of thesight of plume. There
tionalists, 17; Country Partyr, 1,1;.- I`n= was •a kettle of them staring me in the
dependents, 4; This
Party:erre- face u d I intended to make more jel-
T ,. gressives 1, ''chis gives Leber, to- ly With them „bat I weakened and de -
""r : +<rc •• gather with a. mingle 'Country Party cided to experiment with, an easy eie-
Progressive :metuber, an: absolute ma- thoch The result was .a.jelly-like jam
toter of 12; There has ' boo only and was such a success that I have • :.
one such huge turnover in history of made . tiY jam by that method ; ever
• the Commonwealth. In the previous since. To. make it, . cover the; plugs,
' House, elected only .fast November, with water to about as of their depth,
the Nationalists and Country* party Boil for 21t minutes as for jelly, mete-
rnusteredd 42. votes, •against '31 for Laa- sure and add an equal, quantity' of su-
itor. gar. Skim out the pits as they will
rise to the:surface after the eugar•ss
added.After; it tortes+to a boil cook
for 5 minutes and bottle while hot,
... _.-
and a tizing, so that may be One, of the :Ono ft e things frietueof
e. tt t► h g ,
pee y ,
h t • ' UCS Specialist
o ' je y-in,'ing adds to calorie?"a dug crossedmy
'ria- its intercet, foie there ss a spirit of 'mind that there were a good many • ' Rupture, Varicocele, Varieose
e on 'adventure in most of us that is neve who talk glibly .about calories who do Voxns, Abdominal lNeakness,
de in er completelyr :quelled, Unfortunate not know wbat they are either He Spinae Deformity. Consultation
pax- ly too snaky of us have to take it out' knew that in' Cheiniistry a calorie is. free. Call or write
lesjelly-mak- . t .... ant u t . of air raise J. G. SMITH. British Appliaeo
ill such harmless s than$,, as .ire oriheat required to x sae ,
frig. ' 1 gnu of water of.1 degree c. It as Specialist, lu Dowitia3 St.; .Strrrt-
Old and New Methods. , ithe same thing .in foods, However it fore, (jot,
in a
•dell ;retie -making like .is .good many >is:easier to understand.•it,. es. a unit
his y of ineasuientent wh` ansa re
ether things hits introduction
in the last .. tch sur s the'
that few years. The introduction.of tom -'amount of nourishiuent available in
om* inercial: pectin (eerto) lias. made it any food.
not possible to make jelly -Dirt. of fruits I The number of calories. in a ,food,
r, that do net contain sufficient pectin that is .the amount of 1kod which, tssn 4, -
two months, an that sins; livo years afFeredr'I;v the ctanontan •Bogard of
gee, and I• have newer hods a faint or :
ad), ell isiuee.
+, , Trade fez" the best field of wheat in
p •the northern. hall' of the provineta,se
Pelee, a0 Cents a box at 41I alivrggiats ' well as the.tu donated b - the Alber
••`find dealers or mailed direct ars reset t p y
: �' to GOvernml'nt for flys_ best
Lemon Oil
\OMIA sew ..Resew thateatsills'
ICAVTIMO tlaorislnnl "Noels at
�`. i .rr` :
alar method but if fruit does not jell eat anile; treat fish, eggs, fruit, vege-
'readilyor is eirgrer_siive, .Tier_ it is :tables, (especially.. the• lady ones.)0/ you '
to be a disarmed zone, under a joint
Police. It is in reality an adroit
prove to disarm the Macedonians and:
ins), au 'vial to the'Maeed ,final lire
of independence, It is being pushed
forwardin the hope, offinishins;with
Ooniitad jjigs,
• Xing Patronizes Games -
Hie Majesty the King has con;.ent:
+act to metas patron of the Britisii Ext-
pire games to be held et Hamilton,
Ontario, in : August of next sear.
er _:
7<iaA,lC�tr,r..a + �. • off f �,• !,
4a, Mei
Midway Between . Piccadilly>
Circus and Trafalgar Square
ANADIANS when ut London wfil Fuld the Water.
sero Place Branch of the Bank of Montreal, at No. 9
Waterloo Place, especially convenient for their use. It is
situated its the centre of the WEnc within a short dist.
tance of Trafalgar Square and in the heart of London's
hotel, club, shopping and theatre. dis. itt,.,�.. h.....
You ate cordially invited to avait''you self of
the facilities of this office; while you are itt
England. Writing and reading rooms are
available, current copies of the principal
Canadian newspapers ate on file, and you
may, by arrangement, have your mail ad-
dressed carte of the office.
K OF r1oNT
Extiiblisbed 28t7
TOTAL 'ASSETS IN EXCESS 0t' 11909,000090
WIIA 1 t f_0,,
?4t,at'i 1 ;c1c.; tl j,..totis xt 11. ,133•: fi
.w.. _ .•,�- .,...raw.... ,. 0._ .
Sweet Cucumbers
500 small• cucumbers, 3, quarts vine -
:gar, 3 lbs. brown suggr•, 2 oz. mixed
spice. Put cucumbers inbrine made:
in proportion of 1 cup salt to 2 quarts,
boiling water, over night, Mix cold
vinegar, sugar end Vigo and add en-
cumbers and a email piece of alum.:
Bring to a Boil and boil 3 minutes.
Mustard Pickles
3 qts. small eueumbers, 3 •cauliflow-.
ers, : qts, silver skinned .onions. .Salt
over night. 1t eald in •hot water and
-drain:, Add following dressing: Four
tits. eider .vineger.10 cups brown sag
ar, ei cup salt, 1 > up mustard, el cup
flour, I oz. curry, 2 tablespoons tium
eric, 2 oz, celery feed, 3 tablespoons
mustard seeds; Mix dry ingredients,
and vinegar slowly, rubbing till
smooth. ' Cook until thick, stirring
Universal Health Training
DEPARTS POR EUROPE A young lad of IC hat been putting
Thomas Mulvey, Under Secretary inc through a searching gnestionaire
Of 1State, who leaves •tlttawa this shoot foods and. caloriee and such
week for Europe Ito' negotiate fan ,like.. Ilse has wanted to know what
- agreement with the German Govern- foods contained Proteids, whet foods
meet for the returned Gersten.
Pa** , tn�o you fat seed should
petty seizett during the war. stat that was stood forwhat youyou sante as on,
e _,,e., --• ,. - , I wogdexed what was prompting tli s
China's Great Civil War thirst for` knowledge, because there is.'
,•usually a reason behind a boy's
Ghindi sof the
be develop, ware
tinning, tf you tan just find it ont.'
ing dna of Cha biggest civil[ wax. 'etewever it appeared that on his
renown in this cousltrq for tome flips.
Troops are mobilizing its pracligally ' ehenuistry exam they were task" I to
overyi province, with the object of name ? foods containing 1'rotei ls=�
overthrowing. the regime heeded .by : and he could not do it,
Chiang Eai=ghek and intoning Ferns There is so much taught in scheois,
Yu-bsiang. ,the i'Chrietian- General," {; and yet so little *bout how to live.
and Yen ilei shone, the "Model Gov. There is nothing more important in
error- of tehaans+i." as heads if the Ad•, the � world than health, sand proper
in testration 'l'he development ' ' is t` eub`ear i..r,v etaoket teeetette ezet to
-coning. Ilan, ,lust when the troubles, good health, Yet how little of it is
with Rai ' ia. aI' ne the Manchurian taught to our children. In Untariu
border, are inereaesnar; with the (kw- there is a email amount of tearhang
crnment treaenry, empty end with faa• about foods given in the Fourth Souk
Mine putting millions of
people nn and
ge have not Children
eie Public
the verge of witarvation. Forams' con. to make it of very kitting value.
ditions in China are rapidly .growing
warm, according to re int reports' rete De* stk Science Training
,relied in Shanghai from the northern Girls who ot training in Domestic
provinces, where, Inc many months Science are taught more of it, but
huardredls dente have hest► dying of leak se the large number of girls who
starvation. Ne relief by natural tiau=+ ret no training in Domestic Science
fes is eeper:te d boron next eyeing tat stewed. The boys do sot erre get
]British Airship, Brady ';that and it it important the- boys and
All tele; been 'uctr+!eiully men should know how to cheese th.itele; Moinecrtaapleted. this, R 401. rrerld as tersest 1! fond properly.
,airship, will !tart at it a- re. today ea 1loanestic eelane! anti [asoma[
its first trial !light, to be of about fli,.I'Ar!sining r000kce have Bern taken vat
I hours &orate*. carrying "eexrnteen of the . r°11e*Istre in Landon, the
that those o�►raeeen.�tere. to addition, the d'drresr tsl';,thdetre thing, ose echo eveneet
s ntsv lftit,rh sir repeats wilt el.ilthat. training could get it et •.he Telly
retort', it west feedally eeemated �eiral School. A great many mothers
that more theft t,tat>l1,IifWO people made felt i.r4. atrnnftly *trout it hecauie * tee ilea. tet rnett'airmen to tee a irla a numeent of 1. 1 itn b a ni " kanntgt
µdreme to !d•v the. feet Ail) at atWhich-
•,llnoiin mla• Hatiliteillnl 1' rnlrt'1M Mali stet. t4•d'hneed,
//- f�_ i' _ 1t +mills unIertnnat* that tall alcenld
r O i r i .Q ' 1;hitIl+iraltpr ( # iet Mltamti aalirrartical
FAN ftEtC#iEWS `„ t (....lietate•!a -hew,[. a! haat ,•1+,1
C A 8 T C) R IA 'trru ran r't tlaldfa 1* D.+n.ltic'
Hens bothered wit;h.,
Lice are too busy to
lay ;Eggs--
t tare Ucte with
• d5otd ey. *it deltlere
Writs rottratauaPoultrylrnak-Petr
PRATT FOOD Ca. et Cool., std ".
3211 Carlow Ave, Toronto ri, baa
<--•.-sew... .... _.
Doubtless you . are one :of 'millions
wino have feund prompt relief 'fronts
that occasional headache in Bayer Ag-
pirin, But until you iuvekeits aid for
rore`scrious pain, you'll endure much.,.
needieee suffering! l Tryy it for nostal-
gia or neuritis.Even for rheutlatiSltn-
It: comforts quickly, and harmlessly.
Doctors prescribe it; say it does not
affect the Heart, Genuine ,Aspirin bait
Bayer on each box and tablet.
AapGtn ie tit
trademark or Eater tranufaettiri Ga
set+ .r hots, or sovevlleacrdl
In % Winn Your Home it Costs
No More to Stop dire
By specifying Gyproc 'Wallboard you assure
walls and ceilings that ere efficient rue barriers
yet the cost is no more, and often less than with
materials dot give no fire protection whatever..
Th. Goderich Planing Mills,
Ltd. - -
t o rd
Goderich., ottt.