The Goderich Star, 1929-04-18, Page 7• -en • Irani : ..; THURSDAY, APRIL Mk, Inge Make it a rule to add 02,0 Mt surprising what *difference OXO makesto plain, ordinary fare. OXOgivestheappetising richness and savour of (teddy. cooked lean beef to any dish in which it is used. OXO is concentrated Beef at its Best—the Housewife's Great Economy. THE GOIARICH STAR 1, FARMER SHOULD HAVE far as it did then. letockliolitere be talus:wed, with tee result tied par. 1 $4,000 ANNUALLY preepeneal, Yea est hundred *cock- bruise ledge- work4 in nit toneti FROM 200.AcRE FARM nokirr* proboSty; tot the twenty dewy ehell *eve? Let me esy that neafeand employees, the tweple wtw in this house, *pinkies in leen, the • (Centinued from • pege 0) live in the cottages. tel bulwark of late M. t . t *menet made the *tate- the wenn see not se preepeneue as mem. iet recorded in Hansard -I have • • -- ', meet. He Ash said that he would they unia, Recenely s milliouaire in not the time to read it- that in Dna! eiluce the cost of living for the com- the city of Toronto 1 gave.* iailleon he, a. labein. mem *r, hall peteuadtel mon people. net the Munster of &Hare 0 a charitable ineteution, ; Sir John Macdonald b appoint a veal- Laeor eMie Marian) tells tea that the God ,bkse hint. But right. in his own MiesiAt to ge tip and down that 160 cost of living is higaer today than it company there are single men earn- t. mites of :east line, taking in 'deuce was tile% Hut 1 um not going to Mg only Srom $12 to $1t1 a week, an,t and leaking into the whole situstien. take up further time to enumerate marriee in earning only from $18 • The result was that they deceletitnat /lathemisee whieb. this governs to $20 s week. Tee millionaire is • tioderich was the only limber of re- nietit ben heolsen. This atiministra- more proeper,euet but what about , f 'tete front wa', Arida to `Teberitory. tion is on on prondeea and short on these niers eche are wte.Jing in Ina in, aaithstedonitl-elii_ai attivegolvellenrnalmak tatitni stitutione p%%er.onseir performance. shwa' Minieter of Public Worker -se' Tho Primo Minister en:el this niter. A few yeare age a welow mon thst the government had done a me a letter she had reeeivea from the .e..0_.atirliaotliletntargerts Solehl8tentiheerlit great deal for the farmers of Canada, 'reroute General Trusts Corporation, • lime in which Godetich is situated, an. ekadenPreeHe , I have prepared a little budget for a one of the best trust companies in inn 9 100 -acre farmer in ray eonstituenese ;the land—they *Iwo.; do what they expenditure had been undertaken of He does not agree with me political. say they will de. and410 it n the rain this as eat if,,,iSii ellarOttathe ihnitA. r'111!•Nchangnrefl. Ise but he has a good 100 acres of notoesrotoann, simplyr1.1413gber: money ,,20.000.000 whets 3, land and that land with the imple, 1 t of grein this year 044 , to as sal, it is y of meets and the stock on it are valued is not worth as much as it was. and an . I the onlharbor e- i :eel at ; ho atthelaikodeterBotiuotob a n —annainfon—aironfon—nininTin—noneenerminfanseisTring 11elii(4.1eree1*-'leaelitillhleittgedre at about $10,000, I submitted this we ;omit i'ley •.vou 5e,i, nor cent. little budget which I prepared and You care to leave it with us we will advising the member for Vietoria / StindaY cll.' ern' bon ri has $10,000 invested in his plant. He interest had dwindled down to 5 per Pend the *mime' e agricultural friends, This firmer sne received Pomba* letters until lien h go au e le a which svas approved by Eorno of my Pa„ Y you r' per cent. Periodieally • voted, then a time a 'has as good a right to have interest eent. In eantrest to this out romes made* I should he Pleased if t FAGS MEN A Cake and Pastry Expert says: Mate Anil is a woe& tith Sour. *ids gest esiesathaft qualities use 1 nblesp000 less pee top it your Wee trope tan tar oretatty peaty or sok *beet our. Re cans foe milk, ear WAWA sad half we clakiefearm with, Kinky. Asa kr he Salty sewn sue 2 enliven* ees to cup a riao, ktau ant Tod s.atat. *Not mom sticittaies- Poll it iny ter /ors sten liktoi tot half bow ass! teff tor1. HAVE YOU TRIED "CHINESE CHEWSet ildightful eta weans.. ite:ypt co past 11 got reuty *..'.,s4; le stet L 3)s, Wafter* Coeds Ilan Mins Twee% Oat. fie PURITY FLOUR minister would fissure. me that he TO, ISABEL liAMIZTONt Goiterick Ont. on his eapieal investment ag any bus. * anancial statement that' the Toon- ..44-:!‘tivaVe •FAL :is Braniutidngaleli. war: item .e.r.o,p, 4,e51 51 from 5 per tent to /rper centithasene .,.. 2,000 OC +awed it from 4 per cent to 3 pewee* i reduction of 20 per cente whoa be r- 0" i Demonstrations in live I it VMS a reduction of 25 per tent wee n,lir 'stock and poultry.. ° 3,500 00 now that it has been redueea trim 2 tie Elementary Annicultura‘l Edutation.- per cent ta 2 per cent there is a Bo, thee reduction of 83 per out. It we To provide for and en. add those together we find that at - 0, courage the teaching of e ready the sales nix has etitesitrinsese eel pagobtoultoureehoolins .1d!li, . ........ 24 ,000 00 reduced by 115 per cent. to meat t. . But %awn this government came ' 1 ' 7:7)76'" rf A beti(11U' per l'elitsif464r5: on • .. . ^ 4 en e ee 3 '11‘,1 8,1*anotherIred;C UC lia n. ha per/cent, giving a totid of lO Ret. he to power they did not know what to haTehtioannitul tIoniouttteln6Torwrktiaitt it- do. Their love for the farmer was the minister to reduce ta_e sake bat n. great, but it la great only during $ election; and this moneY which was '9 1'-' eleTef heureceert: onhlaultiogaLlaegehalit ut intended to Moist in agricultural edu- he evill take it all off in one seesele • 11. ration they could not continue grant. before die next election. 1 easeavemt t ing. They put up the sum of $200,. he 000 for one year, and the minieter hlm to thb "bite; fig"es' "1"Irtv $1,200 a year. His taxes and insure ernment of Cetrads. to get out of the Minister of Finsince sits; they moved said that they were going to bring In -- anee east him $100; depreciation an rum -running' business. Either we it down to where the Minister of Pub- a revolution at the next session either building, and fences, $200; deerecia- are in it or we are not. For the sake lie Works sits. A. distance of thirty- ta improve or to extend the eystem, 0 40 * tion on implements, work horses, of la few millions of ill-gotten dollars nine rods and a fraction wae,invoiv. or just to leave it as it was. How- iferness, and so on, e100. His wife is it is painful to read the incidents of ed. and the department sent a highly liven the ,upshot of the matter was more than a housekeeper;- she spends the rimeatinning business which re- paid inspector there to measure that the vote was cut off entirely, as were at least half her time with the pout- eently have appeared in the press. distance. Ile found it to be thirty- tedeVAI aid to the farmers for good an roads and federal aid to the formere' 1 ' at sons for technieal education in niy de province of Ontario. The former ad-, at so ministration had granted over $1,s : 1. In 000,000 a year to my province to ine de sist in agricultural edueation, to en- c.. teacake good roads and ta assist in' al fy technical education. They continued ""'" 26 et divine the war, but this, ;omen I ey ment rudely cut it off. 1- Now I should like to devote a few re moments to the sales tax. I think n. . . • 0 ID he mistake was made when the title of 1 "doctor" was coneevrecaupointhe Min- _ e, e Nesawnet e - .• •-""es" Innen* he ister of Agrieulture (Mr. Motberwell) • • ' It Matted of the .Minister of Finance. CANADIAN NkrioNAL SY n- When this government came into of. five they found the sales tax at 3 per cent.; they forthwith raised it to 5 per TRAIN SERVICE to.TORIIIIIi sumer was carrying a bag on hia4"-baelei DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY 11 II • I 00 with three .stones in it; this govern. nee, anderieb • nem eeni. nee awn - ment placed three more stones in the i . e 'Clinton 0.44 a.m. 2.411 Om. i bag and then each year took nut onei 00 vsteonaereefid TheysaidginoThiaottogtololed eleeyllootwoar mi4,4: eeSsetictreefletird . in„.25:01 0:ininnie: ' 3minojr: sP4,3=1:01: I at the tidal floor: they went up to the " Kitchener 8.40 aan. 520 pan.. 40. sixth floor and then returned to the o aneipe 0.04 sem. Lee pie. I third. but in the meantime they ex - i lars from the buying nubile, the pear- ,. RequrTnianrga—ataLeavie°.reraoirto' '1.1 1.0"efu„, , 00 tracteci hundreds of millions of &t- oo er class of people in this provinca. 12.50 Pete and 0•03 lien - 00 Time and aesam the Party on this side, Parlor Cafe Car Goderielt taw Tar- ' of the house pleaded with .the govern-' &into on morning train, and Terintto 1 ment to' abolish that fig, ' They have to Goderich on 0.05 pan. trate- No more than abolished that tax pew ; ehange of cars between Godeticet ande when the Minister of, Finance mode Toronto. 00 the reduction fram 0 per cent to 5 J. A. LAWRENCE, co per' cent he said it wale a reduction of )b. ' Town Paseenger town- ® 10 2-3 per cent; when. he redueen it I one 8 Ticket AVIIIIP • le -Mess man an this lend and 7 nor cent to General Trusts Corporation hare oda' Joking"- I eash:gle htoav tehisengtethe fr.7:- 1611110111110$1011010$0011000soostimpolim oiamossosaassasommelanalanallellaillia on $10 000 is $700, I'know there are had the best year in their history. oecooloo to do i Thou, Lord, hest borne far me Golden Text..-Leideli Sali ' men in this house Who think that any The hundred men or so who control , Ps I ee e__ is winter aceersOn More than my tongue ran tell In this chapter the prophet foretold body cnn farm at a wont. There are the company were prosperous; but the nated Metier -Iwo vessels carrel , Of bitterest agony, • - - what was literally fulfilled in the pee. Men who have 'made a success in oth. fifty thousand men and WeMen who five and three-querter million bus To resetie inc froin hell. son and Ministry aof the Messiah. er lines of business who think that have their moneit investee with the els of grain. And Thou hast brought to inc = In chapter 52,13 and -else in Wile Anybody can make a success in the cornorstion have less to live on, and I should like to ;have said som Down frona'Pher Rome above we are told that the Redeemer would science of agriculture, but I want to their dollar does not go 814 Swaim it thing in regard to the mail sere Salvation full and, free, be highly exalted. We are further tell you Mr. Speaker, that it takes a used to. I eek Ye% air, wheere ite the but the minister is not in his seat, Thy pardon and 'Thy love.' told of the depth of his humiliations nein of pecial calibre, special fitness inuen-vaunted ProsneritY1 But 1 shall leave it for another oeeselo o let my life be given end the intensity of his sorrows, an WI special training to make anY kind mime nat. Atwell further along this olIfeweteovneormy, letincthgeivpearetneotilltutibetrvatois My years for Thee be spent; well as the fact that he would he re. of success in agriculture at the pres. line. Werld.fetters all be riven, jetted by those to whom he was sent. ;ent time. I am also aliening in this I wish to say. Mr. Speaker, that the master General (Mr. Veniot). T And joy 1,vitit ,sufferloglient. It it written Oo PisiolY and vileidly budget a eatery of $1,200, or a100, ii township eOuneils, the women's insti- Poatinaster General has shown co S.S. LESSON FOR APRIL 28th, 1929 writing during the lifealme of Surely the linen who has the a'bility to era' thilm of my constituency • baee stitueney and has done several thing `elV F. R. Ifavergal. that one would thfak the propliet was morale or $23 a week to the fanner. totes, the ehurches, the United Farms sidereble human sympathy in ray co Lesson Topie...The Suffering Ser- Christ, Ile sees him a sufferev, de. manage a farm aria toil from the ris- been urging upon me to ask this gar. for me for which I amgrateful, B • vent of Jehovah. spised and rejected. He sees that ing ,to the setting of the sun should ernment to get out of the rum -run- ;consider this incident, of a rural mg Lesson pehheseneesessh eset.ew, few Come to him. and ;accept hint, as lie allowed $23 a week, or en much eking business. trust I shall ne un- carrier in the village of A,uburn. Le their tSaviour. He recants the report as a mechanic in a factory; that is, derstood. They plead with the gown us 'say the post' office was where t • ----- ------"--. *""---- which heand t EARNA0070 Roo A.DAy made respecting him; he remembers yeeareeeeeeltri.ehesseenregeenne the record which had been made cen. inenattwiew veiesweeneeuoin• notes ,before respecting the _Messiah; wined. Pada* Imegirlaettria4. Marble- and he asks with deep emotion as if nog,steetAggerre week, bee' •ftastietia • * oven. writ. „empires anstrbefiwbobk,• present when the Redeemer lived and Memos maxima ScituoLa Needled, wino bad credited what he and the other prophets . had said of try and the dairee and 1 turi allowing Only to -day I noticed in a newspaper nine rods and so they docked the m Minn eur.releirte v. rreee;iipairniengooricip-voist to coat him. „who bath believed our re. her the magnificent salary of altb0 that fourteen rum -runners from Can- $10.48 a year. Yet this governme • port?" The Redeemer was mere sue- a month; that v.•ould be $1.S0 a year. ada landed a eargo at Atlantic City is the friend of the working elan. „ , .......,—.• cessful in his work as a preacher He cannot run this farm alone, he us- worth a corarter of a million dollar. This friend of the farmer has al than is commonly supposed, but still ually has a eon fifteen, sixteen or We in the riding of North Huron...Sir, ehown its interest in agriculture. it Is true that by the mass of the na^ -seventeen years of lige, who, if he wish to dissoetate ourselves nom 1912 the late •gpverturient put asi e. tion he was despised, and that the were in the city would bo earning such a business. and we, call upon the $10,000,000 for egricultund insou announcement which had been made some money; 1 am allowing that boy government to implement the mom- tion in the different provinces, '3) of his true character and work was $7 a week -s-$306 a year. 'Then,' as niendations which were made by the province was. to receive .$$86,308. rejected. - governments always have a place for royal commission that investigated per annum, and with the grant tli The 'prophet Proceeds to tell that contingencies or incidentals, I am al- the customs. In my county. we are got the,v built the Keraptville agrieu there would_ be nothing in •the Mer- lowing the farmer incidentals of $185. prepared to go further, and at any tural college, and undertook to secu e eiah's persona appearance that This means that on Ids 100 acres of time vote for the prohibition of the agricultural- representatives in t iiropnets 11541 -would. correspond to the expectations land he would have to make $3,000 in importation or manufacture or sale various ounties. In this regard order to secure a bare living. Ac- of alcoholic. liquors. In this, Sir, I have a statement which Iwill ask t cording to the Minister of labor that am speaking only for my county and privilege of putting on Hansard. would have nothing for elothing and myself but 1 am speaking for myself. shows how the •grant was apportio many other articles; it would just be I wish Weaddress a few remarks to ed in Ontario ,., • . a bare living and interest on his in- the Minister of Public Woks (Mr. 'Ontario Agricultural Colleee-- that had been formed of him. The Redeemer was eminently the object &theft, minarcFs and of scorn alike by the Pharisees, the Sadduces and the Romans. In his warm water,.rubbing • Ides on earth it was so; in his death the saintion Into the • . It; was stilt so„ and since then, his vestment. Now, to make him •prosp- Elliott) whom a am *glad to ;see in his salaries and expensee, . „$ 9 ennteneg_hsages with---narne-andeperson-have-been-exten -erous-I-thinkehe-shouldeliave-$1-000-a- seat. Mae. .at.,e1.1, elite. the hon- • *Agricultural School and Farm— . . at ly the object of contempt. No pro- year to the good if he 'wishes to send ored member for ictorle (Mr. ?lune_ (4) Capital expenditure$ 3,000 finger saInho 4 , phecy was ever more strikingly ful- his children to high school andlater kett) was speaking about the prom- (b) Administrative and _ • ivonitscrs is also a 1 n filled than this that he was "the re., to university. This would give him .ises which members of this cabinet teaching staff,' and n ... . . Pjetted of men." " $4,000 a year,' which I think a man made during that by-election it sound- 1111 i n t e n alum and agkrOr Organs, muses . The vicarious character of the suf- ought to make on 100 acres of land ed so nnich like "Home Sweet Home". equipment 40 mind strained ligaments 0 $erings endured by the Redeemer are in MY CoUnty before you can say to inc that I guess r looked pleased. Instruct .• ,000 ion and Demonstration— clearly described by the prophet in no farming there is prosperous. 1 leave And that displeased the Minister •of • fewer than eleven expressions as fol- it tithe judgment of this house and, Public Works. so that in his mind I Agrietural represnitatives 186,000 Extenelon work in house - lows; (1) `Me bore our hhiefs," (2) as government menibers nay, "to the have been guilty' of a -great indisere- hold science 1,500 "He carried our sorrows. (3) °He country"—they are always particular tion. When . the hon. member for WAS wounded for our transgressions." about the eountry—whether or not Victoria told how the Minister of Demonsteatioes in vege. • (9) egruised for our iniquitieso ." (6) 100 acrof land should return the Trade and Commerce was goine to table grOwing ..... 4,000 Cor,peration and markets0,000 "The chastisement of our peace washomer-owner this sum of money an- subsidize shipping. and what trade, he Short caurses for winners upon him." (0) "By his stripes we wally. was going to establish, the Minister or field crop and live ere healed- (1) "The Lord hath Iaid A farmer—not of my ;political pe.- cd Finance said he was returning eon- etoek competitions in - on him the) iniemity of us all. (8) enasicni—has given, this definition of winced that Victoria needed special • eluding traveling and living expenses.. 1, 00 1 niespen. Montuol Strsatisfied." faarers in my county. I and Let me enure hon. gentlemen op- . juet off the Square . • WORLD MISSIONS borne out in this statement by ray ' , posite that they mistake the intent- - Dr. Y. C. Yang, President of Soo- colleaeue from South Huron (Mr.genco of any audience when cabinet SEVERAL FIRST•CLASS AUTOS READY chow University, and the son of a McMillan), as appears front hist wielders go about in by-elections FOR SEIMCE--CEI YOU ANYWHERE Methodist minister, at a recent gath- smolt in Hansard. where he states; promising thepeople everything and AND WHEN YOU WANT TO GET THERE ering told his audience that Christian that his constituents call him in And i think they can bribe.people with their , osmoses meet alienates and t leadershirn was developing in China. discuss very seriously whether they, own money. Sir, they were up paesenher hews . "Of her ten Cabinet ministers," he should advise their sone to stay on or, around our harbor, and the moment •' said "six were educated in United to leave the farm. I the Minister of Finance landed soine- t*menter."614411°"""Y Stat'as colleges and universities and There has been a revaluation of where in Quebec then rushed him on part et the town let all tildes at O. I'. R. or C. P. R. Careful Attendance, . . o•pots. Prompt Service and •• T WARTS' . **For the trartsgressiori of my people a farm: "It is7a- tilia;flirland mire consideration. And, this is what. the• . 0 was -he stricken.** (9) **when thou vaunted by prosperity." won now, if People of Victoria were told by the ir centres on horticulture . 750 ' shalt make his soul an offering for it ise bounded. on the tenet by banks Minister of Trade- and Commerce.: hand trust companies, on the north by In succeeding Dr. Tanta tie your nemsansPin work on soils 9,500 sin." (10) "Ile shall bear their int • guides." Oa) "He bare the sins ot,great manufacturing and industrial representative at Ottawa. Dr. Mc. #1110 antgotse Livecll many." Anter this enumeeation the prophet; -concerns, on the west by so on, and on the south by departmens I tage of supporting the government in brokers and Lean will possess the added advent, leSt, travel seteeforth the reward that would fol tat storesand chain storesthen I power, an advantage so obvious that low in these .words shall see of think the definition is correct. 11 do not need to labor it to an intent - the a,11J1abIe8Bo I of. his eoul, and shall be Novre this is how prosperous the gent audience. ro Our Livery Sad Hack Service bit tooled 01041•40tit to ovary mow. oomigoor ' • Your Patroosgo SolkiloO . = T. SW/RTS Phew' 107 iRontrno Om* 6 moo NOTICE TOWN OF GO DERICH Hydro -Electric LIGHT ant POWER WILL BE OFF Sunday, April 21st Sunday, April 28th Sunday, May Sth four are Christians.' Leaders in every soldier lands. A soldier in one of the first tram just to prove that what profession and business ave also col- my good townships had a loan of $4,- the rot were saying was Wright. lege-trained, and Many are Chris- 200. The government inspector canie The Minieter of Public Works, the tians. Christianity in" . China has eireuhd 'and allowed him $1,000 off the Minister of Trade and Commerce come to stay, and hell' continue...to. Ione._ The man thought that was not (Mr. Malcolm), the Solicitor General grow." .r sufficient and referred the inspector, (Mr. Cennon), the Minister of Veber • The New Outlook. the reeve of the township. The' --I will not take the time to mention ro reeve said: In our township council the vest, -were all there, and' along we passed unanimously u resolution came the Minister of Finance. I heees7;01 of itohasfaarrnei Itaailstyinwtolilhtooworysbid), • thoirnpliktesi,ewe grahoion tshoevillica4orim oilnotionrs.. en -see .thhhe. J' per cent of what they were svorth id choir. leading the choir, with the , 1020. The assessor came around and treasury of -Canada in one hand Ana said to the soldier; **Your farm the credit of Caneda in the ether, he would not sell for more than $3,800.,, led in the song. As ,against this the government in- Were the whole realm of Nature specter would knock off $1,000. en mine, the older settled arts of Ontario at- That were an offering far too small, most every farm is for side, and there Take my silver ;and my gold, are very few buyers, *There are Iota Not a mite will 1 withhold. of farms' for sale in the county of The Minister, of Finance lot year, Hume, one of the best eigricultural pointing his finger over this way, said counties in the Dominion, a county that we were asking for everything where we have as intelligent. farmera , afuleat the flame time were demanding, and as industrious farmers as are to, that expenditures be kept down. I he found in the province. If -that is, wish to ask him to -night to leave me the ease there, I alk where hi the, out of that, because the whole bunch nrosoeeity that is supposed to be en -1 of them came' over to our part of the joyed by the farming community of country, offering the poop% every - Ontario 7 thing they had.' But when, they came The farmer used to be able to take back Meese they placed just $75,000 in down a carload of hogs to Toronto the estimates for a matter of such and havefive necking homes coin. importance as Goderieh 'harbor, end peting for" hie stock. But under thin' later on they added $100,000 in the , government the Accumulation of eaten suippiementary totimaten. That mane tal in the Ilan& of the big interest) $175,000. But ;they only epont VI:a- lias resulted in four of these peeking 000. When the hon. meinber for Vic - houses amalgamating. Now there in toric was speaking the other night he practically no competition on the live said he had expected to go back With stock Market, and the farmer has to $546,000, according to the mot/nevi sell big hoe/ and cattle to this onto' that bad ;been made to the people of bine At their own price. I /84W emu-. his constitueney, but he was afraid tide the other day in the 'Globe date that be would have to accept $46,000. ing that ell the vinegar faetories of Then Hansard reports: Canada are uniting, and that it would Mr. eapotton: And eee that it la entice them in "an enviable position." expettdal. To -day the farmer has to sell to corn- Mr. Plunkett: Sarely they alwayo Vines and buy from toMbinee, spend it. Now, Mr. Y.peaker, I am tarry to be Mr. Spotton: No, they do not. compelled to pursue tide line, and I do Mr. The 13 atineP-6011. it with no pleasure at all. We have for the riding of North Huron.. bedtime Members on the other aide of, I should like to wit the Minister of 60 the 'hated read financial statenteta PaMie Werke to explain to the botiee n et after finaneitd statement to flow that tome time just what was in the back the country is prospereme. Why, deer. of hie head when he made that te- e' finals, it is end where you find thee° :nn 1: inenaht tient 'whoa he : companies e is the only pion Where era,kins, lint after he had had a Cori Er there is ansr pronaerity. Take The night's sleep lee was still in an wear • enRobert Simieseeti Celnilany in Toronta, frame -.f mal- I will not ewe) into ele-1 • ne of the best dcerietmental etereeMile Mr. readier, tut at any rate I in the Demitnen, After laying kettle left 'the city for a comae of daye. est on their in etetterit and uuttinee lint 1 wand eek the inininter to en - motley away to meet ilepreciatiett and plein what Le menet by that Mate, contingetwice. the'; A!at- 5 nrefit of event. Ie tine the time ofeneoveine • allot two million dollats. That eons. tient V.A1 have tonay in Catlett, that I • • eve pony may ttventy theueand ems rti7 112(1111.1r obeli dere to swivel ttat 4 eplvetn, but thvy mre not getting ri the goecenincrit epted tat* evizole of - douse mere time they did in 1021, and an retimate without hat the tfn-eql todee the doter is not pale quite it° thrown Cat eat the eeeeteliteen from 1 o'clock to 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Water and Light , Commission GODERICH of the ACV0111/L`47 NEW ClIEVROLET SIX —a Six in the price tyinge of the *Puri WE cordially invite you to visitour special Spring dis. " play of the new .Chevrolet Six. acre, It a price elms that has hithetto been occupied ex- clusively by four -cylinder automobiles, you will see dis. played a line of beautiful models that bring you every advantage of six -cylinder performance in the price range of- the four . rinaylinder stratethnes5, sin -cylinder reserve power, six -cylinder speed and shocylinder accelera. tion. And this amaring six•cylinder performance 15 matched in impressiveneee by the beautiful new Fisher bodies. Longer. lower and roomier fininheel in' striking new colors . and offering numerous outstanding.confort and coltveni. core features—they introduce into the low.price field a new conception of luxury, Comfort and style. Come in aity titnt the weili ef Apritlotli to. 27t1V: VIA want you to ere for yourself that no other car in the world can give you so smell at prices within the reach of all. C.110.44.9e Yoe ‘fre Coseffigity Incited go igre Om' Spirted LShibit et the Paw Cherrekt See e MacEwan & Tebbutt «ODERICH, ONT. PRODUCT Or GENERAL MO ToltS OV CANADA, LIMITEtir