The Goderich Star, 1929-04-18, Page 5THLRSDAY, APRIL tarn. P'• .) TOILET ARTICLES A large range of imported and domestic toilet lines, many of the best the world pro- duces. It is always a pleasure to show goods. ANSEHL and LANADER Our new additions in toilet field i THE GODERKCH STAR WENN —fit positively die in the attempt. time atrtceea is almost aasttred, and yup The Folly of TIIIIuun %ill have acglsired a nadir of facing w every sort of 'diScultyou may pert with in your life btereairter. A lit+tla Pills y r Digestive 'iAi�x trelt denial of aevtaingly legitimate Pleasure *ad spurt, a little extraitrip' ' Waive Stomach Sufferers. in study tarty and late, a little keen. Neutralize Daugeraus Acids in er concentration on the work that ii Stimuli with Hot Water uiwt difficult and yea will be surpri:i' send Magnesia. P ed how much boat ground ntay be cors trod, and what progress can he gain- ! '°Nero:; ler isle a rDBCiott t�2 , vd. YOU have plenty of time now br- good, for the honor of your hot,n' anis , the glory tri your country. hour whole future depends upon your din- '4, gent effort now. t Every success to every deserving saw's)," is the sincere wish of INVICTG1S. , meeting food from your ston►aeh site- fore the itnal examinatl.ans to mala Campbells DrugStore try rt g;," says a, pry rein front ins ahgeation," says ti swell #mown an�:tor• e >( GODERICH The habit of taking•li eetive pills after emote snakes eiu'onie d ONTARIO peptics of n any thou:�ande of men and waalen bewause artificial di• gestents, drugs and niedirinea have r ' practically no influence upon the ex- ,. �_... "" -� - •: «• { eessively acid co aL. of the steen- SERVICES AT NORTH ST. UNITED; CHURCH iat'«�li'?IY. April 21st DIAPERING ed and saddened Wednesdays Mornin;I adz contents witch s the cause of ' 'Sunday will he a red lettter tiny at on lexrnieg of the death of Mrs. Mary most farms of Ind r a and dy».:'Seryl street United ehurr t. it being were T'e Mr. and Mrs. Audrey Tole, of 'te ,ttc 't'rs, a well known Ashfield rest- l s , anniversary Sundays Rev. W. Stan -1 with Mrnt., M. Jam Culberd t.ltors evening, hiApril 000eeu r the home of d x sens thefeens dinner ess f the merely stomach outsts ndintr preaehersio the et United Mrs. Glutton, of Stratford, and son, Mr. S. B. Stothers, in Rsse c, l f freed nm fromrens usyin. Ii those who church, will conduit the services at Miss Edith Horton, of I.eeburn, are The lat.. Mrs Stothers had gone last are subject to indigestion, bloating, re a.m. and l7 w.nt. The chair will 7 g render the.following pragratn ta. gueetti of Mr. Henry Horton this fall to spend •the winter months with ¢gas, sour stomach belching, heat t week.. r son in Essex d • ' he an Some five weeksearn,c g • Mrs. H. Horton and Mary returned ago became ill wfth bronchial pneu- tlputie e Bafterated Magna ud (c t r . to Essex Saturday with Mr, and :sirs. monis to which h finally : S. B. Stothers and her sister, Mrs. , E. ed. • The deceased was dughtcrha druggist and take a1annreliablef teaspoonful Crispin, with whom she will spend a the lata Mr. and liars. John Andrew few days before Mrs. Crisping return pioneer settlers of the Zion commun- the teAnlaettiuiilvr a• of threvul to Ogertla,• Sisk. Mr. isaac Stothers ity, was born on the farm on the 12111 be no further necessity for drugs or accompanied his brother Carmen to concession recently purchased by his and John F. Andrew, grsildsens of is instantly' neutralizes en stomach nd acidity, stags food fermentation and. sue n4 e u ins Yes norma i s- b[rs. James Bailie, of Calgary, was ualitfes as loyaltyd d tion by enabling the stomach to do - pita' m Edmonton, where she had and a talent and love for music She I his home in Pieton fora few days' George Hunter, from Messrs. David medicines ins antly' eulis Bisurated h visit ere he leaves for Wilkie; Sask. nes t tl Med.Pau Sanded. of Lhe kdaughter ,: e late M. John F. Andrew. From thus ' a 1painlesse d a' hex are e h hI r d g Ge p nt she inheri•ted o. tying at the _point of death in a hos- sn et'otian to its work without 'hindrance. t e ^church,- geneeatsity, hospitality ' been taking treatment. Mrs. Bailie, was a member , of a singing school teachers. 'Two sons, John; C. and who has had:poor health for sonde which was conducted in pioneer days.' Carmen, enlisted during- the great yeears,spent u for weeks with her i she wee. gave singing lessons' to' her War, and served their country in -mother ;a year ago last winter. Mrs. Sunday school class at Zion. At the France. The . anxiety and strain Med is spending this week with her,Golden ubilee of Zion chunk• in ` which only those who had sans over - daughter, Mrs. Thos. Anderson. ' July, 1926, she sang in a choir cone- l seas eouid fully realize, no doubt un - This community was greatly shuck posed of former members, and at the dermined her health. The shock of _____ ----re- • last W. M. •S. Meeting she attended at receiving a message saying that Car- - .. .. _ - Blake's, %...,c...... leaving Miser she man wee seriously mounded was For All Who Need Cod-liver Oil Scott's Emulsion de. . .Theatre WEEK OF APRIL 22 to'27 • MONDM tend !Mr -WAY DOLORES costrEtt,o with CONRAD: NAGEL in a glamorous romance of two• lovers who defied the-wor:d.• Dashing drama and thrilling tattiest abound , in this idyll of tragic Iovtoliness -- ,"GLORIOUS BETS'?"" ' . PA:ra ,COMEDY �'-Ir'ItDDLESTR"' 'WEDNESDAY and THIhiSDA? GEORGE BANCCROFT and EVE.1.3aq BI;RENT Iireeent a tense drama with a surprise 4.1n the first hundred feet and suspense to the last 'minute. Vivid, realistic and. gripping is . • "THE DRAGNET" - MERMAID COMEDY "LISTEN CHILDREN" FRIDAY and 'SATURDAY • - RIM-TIN-TI:S the wonderful. Alsation in a wonder rm depjcting the fury and friendship of a dog. = John Miljan and- Carrot Nye are included.in'the capable -cast. "LAND OP OP THE SILVER Tr 0." CHARLIE CHAPLIN, in • "EASY. STREET" Matinee Sat. et 3.00 pan. Coming.- "Searlet Seas." sang verysweets a solo. .._ reatand the long wounded a e a=,She was gh weeks and months born • Jan. 10th, 1859, and had passed 'of anxious waiting. while he was Tier 70th birthday. Almost her en- being nursed back to. health were not tire life was spent in Ashfield, though over .when word came that John C. when married in 1884 she and her was Based. Fortunately he was rot husband lived for a time near ,Holy-' seriously injured. Her courage and rood, later on a farm on the 6th con.cheerfulness throughout were truly of Ashfield, then on the mill property wonderful. A funeral service ' was an the 9th concession now owned by .held at Essex Thursday morning, af. Mr. Herman Philips, •and in the ter which the remain were brought spring, of p 1889 they.move toto Luckna vie sd the w i the C.R N.The farm which is still the family home. funeral service was held in �BIake'e Her husband, who pre -deceased her in . chum Friday at 2 p.m. and was one 1904, almost 25 years ago, was act of the largest ever held here. The ive in municipal and church affairs. impressive service wag conducted by The first provision in Mrs. Stothers Rev. A. W. Brown. of the Ashfield eir- will is for a memorial window to he cult. The pallbearers were Mr, Jas. placed in Blake's church for Mr. Sto- is. r'atersnn,: ot -Toronto. and five thers, who was church steward, Sun- nephews. Mr. Ellis Stothers. or Tor - day school superintendent, and bible onto; Mr. David Andrew. Wingham; class teacher there for many years. Mr. Will •Stothers. Mr.. RomanMrs. Stothers did her share in the Backwell and Mr. Oliver Barkwell, of community.' life by rearing a large Ashfield. Friends were. !reent freer family of six sons and two daughters, Elora. Toronto,, Goderich, Kincardine all of whom survive, with the excel"- and Wingharn. Many and beautiful'. tion of James McKee, who died when were the floral tributes, from the two years old, inthe yesa+•_1895.--All•-London-Public-Sch,ubl`Princinais'' Ohs= the surviving members of the fancily sociation. the London Teachers' ;Aria. visited her duringthe last week of r"iation, the Kiwanis Club of London: her illness and all were present at Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Kilpatrick. of. the funeral.. The sons are, Stephen (*eine, Sask.; the Ladies' Aid, the B., of Essex. Ont., agricultural repre • Dramatic Circle fohd' the Rebekah sentative for Essex. County; John C„ Lodge, 'of Oeemat rilr, d. H. Hedrick. of London, Ont.. public school ,„in. of .-Essex; Mrs. '.7. McPherson end 'specter; W. Bailie, of Windsor, ac family. Mr. A. Stewart Love and Miss countant; Isaac • F. Qf Wilkie, Saslc., Edna Stanley, of Windsor: . friend•• of the dairy department of that pro- from Wilkie, Sask • Mr. and • Mrs. J. vince• •Carman E., of Fitton, public B. Paterson, of Toronto: Mr. and school. inspector of Prince Edward Mrs. Scruton rind Mr. and Mrs. B. J. County, Ont. The twodaughters are Gibbing, of Clinton; the Blake church Mre. H. Horton, who resides at the orranizntions and from the imine-. family residence on the 9th con., and diate relatives. Mrs, 5. J. Kilpatrick. Mrs. Ernest Crispin, of Ogema,' Jessie and .Eulah. of Brockville;. Mr. Sask. One • brother, Mr. Isaac An- and'Mrs. Thos. ,Stothers; Mrs. Mar- drew, of Ashfield, and one sister, Mr's. garet Stothers and Will.. of Dungan - S. F. Kilpatrick, of Brockville, sur- non; Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Andrew and vive,::together• with eight grandehil- Jessie and the : Barkwell family, `of dren. She took a' deep interest in Ashfield. Interment was made inthe every movement that was for the bet- family plot in Dungannon cemetery. terment of the community and was Much symbathy is felt for the bee. much loved by all who knew her ger eaved family, among whom .a strong her wholesome, happy, friendly .dis-. bond of affection had always existed position and personal charm. Threes and who had a deep love and rever- sons and one daughter became school ernce for their dear mother. She will he ereatly missed. not only in the familycircle but in this 'community Why Buy Batteries, 'fire. and Tubes out of town When we can sell for SAME PRICE • A -S MAIL ORDER! WILLARD BATTERIES ' - - CANADA BATTERIES GUTTA PERCHA GUM CUSHIONED TIRES AND TUBES • BARKER BROS,. ''Phone 241 as well. . ADVICE TO SCHOLARS May a few words of encouragement be permitted by -n student toall pup- ils and scholars now entering the last lap of their school year, especial] to 'those who are writing examinations that will determine their • progress at school. This is perhaps a greater op- portunity than you dream of now, it may mean .advancement ,or.'a' life- time,:' or it may skean the beginning of a aeries of repeated failures, No examination is easy, but to some it may appear almost impossible. There is nothing impossible, and now is the time for you to snake up your mind about that. You may W11ind with your year's work, or you may feel you are not capable of passing, and so have made up your mind not to try. If you do that now you will do it all your life, but if you determine that no matter what the difficulty is you. will give it your very best effort or a• ale of Ladies' sjTh Hose N o ! They are not last season's stock. Every pair is new this year These prices are for one week only—so procure a supply now. I YOUR STORE Kayser (Fultfashionsd) Silk - Hose with ft 1 - . pointed heel, reg. $1.65 for. Parc _�> Kayser (Fultfashioned ) Silk Hose—the most popular Hose this year,. ti 39 AYO te read silk—a hose u K yILK preemielthe value of. Said pruee per pan pair 9c RAYONand' All the new Stunner shades. Salt' Le RR {�f. Pricer per pair.,_.....<.,..._.. s::.��.:.. , ... . �-r The CrayS. A. Co. VALUE.VALUE.01 Morning Organ Prelude --"In Springtinlc�'' Rollins Anthers—"Love Divine, All Loves. Excelling" Marks $oloists, Mise F. Hume • and Mr. G. Buchanan. - Oltertory "Transeriptien of a Sone. by Nevin" Goss -Custard - Male Ohotus..-"Hright Breaks the Morning" -• Fillmore Postlude—"March. Militaire" Gounod ?✓'►ening Twenty -Minute Organ Recital--- tWillows" e "Will o' the Wisp" IMNevin "Echoes of Spring" Frigglml "Londonderry Air" Lemaire Anthem—."What of the Night" - Soloist, Miss E. TyeTf►, 'amps" AntheOffertorym—i'?rai"Bercouse" seYe the Pother- Spinney a G unad Solo "`My God and Father While I Stray" " Morston Mr r E. C. Belcher: Post)ude—"C o is o nation Mnrcla." Le Pr'aphete) Meyerbaei~ D. CAMPBELL, - Organist and Choirmaster. SUMMARY OF PROVINCIAL CHILDREN'S AID REPORT Mr. H. T. Edwards, superintendent for the Children's Aid Society in Hu. ron county, has received from Mr. J. J. Kelso, Provincial superintendent, a summary of the. 'thirty-fifth annual report of the Society, This gives the following information ; ' There are fifty-five Children's Aid Societies in :Ontario. with a paid otic- sial devoting all his thee .to the work in each county or distrit: The Children's AM branch deals with neglected and dependent chil- dren, Children's' Aid Societies, Indus- trial Schools,. supervision of war for i loster-•itenteie egai adoptiatt of chil- dren, care find protection of - children of unmarried parents. Number of children made wards during the year 1$93-1928--27,949. Total number of tiles, about. -40,000 Number of children. at present un-: der aetive ;rupervi9ion.-9,500, ' Children made wards durfne 192a— permanent,. 706; temporary. 283. Number of children in four Indus- trial :SC hools--578 (87;3 Protestant and 204 .:Roman Cs thal .e: )'. • e Numbyear -663.-er of legal adoptions during th- - Total number of , legal- adoptions i since 1921.4.032. • Cases of unmarried Parents inves- tigated --1,865. +Increase - unmarried parents eases -141. Paid • by petativo fathers forr su»- nnre if children -6110:291.85. Ad- ditional by private settlement, ap- proximately—$20,000. Monthly cheques issued for support of ehlldren horn out' of wedlock -400. Funds transferred to public, trustee for investment -89_8,210.51. The use of Miller's Worm Powders insures healthy children 'so far as the ailments attributable to worms are concerned. A high mortality among children is traceable to worms. These sap the strength of infants so that they are unable to maintain the battle for life and .. succumb to weakness. This preparation gives promises of heath and keeps it. - 00 YOUR 91OitINC AT Sparr's Grocery and enjoy the satisfaction of getting only the best. FRESH FRUITS sad VEGETABLES A complete line of Eatables for your table. BITTER and EGGS MANITOBA and PASTRY FLOUR Frigidaire equipped for your Protection. Call in and he con- vinced. Spares Grocery The store of satisfaction. HAKIL'IMN StUET, G01101(11 Phone 146. We deliver in town SUPREME COURT Hon. Mr: Justice Kelly' presided at the sittings of the Supreme Court for Huron at Goderieh this week. Three eases were entered for trial: Robertson vs. the Township of How. -lek was put over to the next court. Churchill. vs.. - Churchill was settled between the parties before the court opened, and Glousher vs. Welsh was tried out. This le the fourth time this ease has been on the docket and after a days and a half's taking of evidence an agreement was reached .between the parties, Tho suit was over Mrs. Packwood's property. Mr. and Mrs. Glousher claimed an agree- ment by which they moved into Mrs. - Packwa'od's house and were to be giv-• en11 her property y return est a ro infor keening her as long as she lived. Af- ter her death a will was found leaving the house and lots to Mrs. L. Welsh. As au alternative to possession. of the property the plaintiff asked for an al- lowance for their trouble in caring Ibrtletist--"Yes. dross, you'll find most ladies like this lipstick." - YountC Girl—"You couldn't -ab -tell me the kind that men like, could you'' CANADIAN PACIFIC r?!;..CAN ADAS _ rA' w GREATEST Etna000aftaisaln .3s, s oodeta le • 1931 1939 14101i SAINT .101111 • 7o Glasgow -Liverpool :fpr. 111 ..timeless of Richmond' To Belfast - Apr. 2f,..t)acss of 1ti,�lim'•nd • To Chrrhmourq-Southampton Apr, Si ' rlonl,ealm' Te homburg .Spr. 2i Motile :►tm• nail MONTREAL • Chcrbourf•Sailahamptoa May 'L s.*Morison t •Slay 23 Ntettor.nna,• • Calls at Hobbs ' • To 14i rtpoot clay i, • tillucltess ' t' 'S nrl, , i atilt' at liaylii'oak To ltc'IfastrLlt cepool-Glasgow may 4 '1lhuhe,iosa. To Glaspon ReltasL.Lhcrpoot May lia \lento May 2t ..........Itimlteaa of Iaielimun'l May ` 1 llucliess of 'York ToPbymo+ltti, Cherbourg, Southampton and hamburg May is Renfro. May 29 Montealq To 4nlwverp filab• ,2-.yfonteiare M,W 23 , re ban nit' FROM oirEBE(: To Cherhourn•Southamptou :Ray 7 to 2i i'itiiprers of geollitit May 21 lsntpres' 1+f Auotralia I To Glasoow•Hettast°Lbt'etpoot Las 110 efontraa a': Apply Moral % tntq or f. O. Maccl;9Y, General Agent a.,9.tl;td:an P irlfir Bltl I Toronto (CASTORIA. rot lnf*itul and Chitdrtyae 1111 Use row °w r3O tors Ptww/rest beset the 6 rtttore 'Spring Time; Tonic, Time' L1OST mien and dao. a"' nett need a Lonii at 7 this season of the year. -rr Their blood has been _ thinned, their vitality low- ered by the long winter. Dr. Williatns' Pink Pills. i definitely enrich the x blood and increase the n, body's' oxygen supply. .* Mrs. Elizabeth Clarke, R R. No. 1, Hastings, Ont., ..7... "1 u.e Gr. Williams' k Pink P10 in the Sprfn;;, w:.cn ape nraturally feels rue -down after our long; Winter. Last. Spring I was fcri:nw weal:and / easily tired, and a;aln used the pills, with the result that ;' I haws had splendid 'health . . since."- z., At your dru;iist's or any dealer in med:circ, or pont- - , paid, by mail, a: 50 cents a f • box, from The Or. Williams Medicine Co., l;rect:vdi , Ontario. t...o • �'•A Nauseam:A HATIP. '15 54 CoutoraIre"• w: - ?AGE rIV1C 01, JUST ARRIVED New York's Latesi Scarf Sensation in Figureri re tie- Chine diagonally pleated Scarfs in pretty floral designs Three -cornered Georgette and - Crepe - de -Aline Scarfs in the modernistic pat- terns, which are very correct for spring neck wear. - Also Crepede.Ohlne.scluar es in beauti - • ful block patterns. Have you seen our assortment of Sweetheart Collar - and Cuff sets? They are new, pretty and serviceable. F. E. HIBBERT PHONE 86 THE CASH'STORE,. „ for hiss. I'oekrvood. By the agree -4, meat reached the defendant is to have the lands and premises as they now are, the plaintiffs to deliver posse:+- sign by May 17th, and the defendant'. pay. 2. to plaintiffs the laintift S3. .,i >+ia 17th. Each p May I'a partytc nayby their wt costs. L. E. aiey' for m. la. ova costs. Hays for deft. 'ADVERTISE IN THE STAR Come In and ourself The Difference Tire Cords THERE'S .all the >diference in the . world between ordinary rue coals and Supertwist Cords. We tuwe lit machine that will . show just what . the difference is andhow it snakes. Good. 'ear Tires so much 'better. It'll take - only a minute ofour time — . - y and you'll know a .whole lot more about. tires. Conte in and try it yourself. F. R, MILLER Battery Service, Greasing Vulcanizing Phone Phone 259 Goderich, Oe t. Segiiertwrist Cords—Afore stretch tlw,r old-style corals The New Ford Town Sedan The New Ford 'Town Sedan is designed for those those. who desire the convenience of moderate size •and the distinction of tine ear construction. It makes a modern and most convenient kind of family conveyance powered to meet present day requirements. 'the body is longer than other Ford pas.eng° er cars, thus affording an unusually roomy lnteror. In appearance The Town Sedan I. .quite imposing. It is of the three. window, fotzr•door type. The lines are low, long and straight. And this suggestion ! l is emphasized lav the , smart French roof ;t On isplay quarters and the belted moulding which runs sharpie back front the radiator and circles the entire body. - The Town Sedan is offer- ed in a number of attractive color Isar° Joll:lp>wa 'stiut>;rbiers pamoIW •soluour and door 'handles provide attractive touches of .brightness. There are nickeled cowl lamps, too, and the smartest sort of finish strip at the juncture of hood and cowl. plan of the body affords the utmost room and coilfort. An abundance of room be- hind and 111 front, 'I he driver's seat is ad- justlahle'. This Week F. H. WOOD & SON Ford Dealers Gotlerich, Ont.