The Goderich Star, 1929-04-18, Page 4?ACP; le'tiE'P
and House Cleaning Means chows aid assay mow things for
the Home
We have a complete line of beautiful new Curtain Nets, Madras, Mar.
quiaettes, Silk Filet Nets, Rayons, Swiss Curtains, Frilled Curtains, Chintz,
Cretonnes and Draperies.
Ladies' Rhein Coats
Duro Gloss Raincoats, size s 16.
and 20. Cliok4 of popular
co1oi` Regular $11.511 .., value,
for.... .... ...., .,.�,.
Children's and Misses' Raincoats,
in popular shades of green,
red and blue, checked lining
sizes up to t.4. Regular values
up to $5.00. Special at each
Ladiesand Misses.
We have received a new shipment of
Ladies' and Misses' Hats In the season's lat-
est shapesand shades.
We" have a complete line of 'Ladies'
and Misses''Coats and Dresses in the sea-
son's very latest styles and. shade& •
Scrim Curtaining by the yard. =QA.$
Special, at per yard... .....
Curtain Net by the yard. This is
a new shipment; 30 inches
wide, different patterns witharyM
lace edge. Special at per yardg+g tS
Genuine novelty Swiss Curtains,.
regular $2.75 value, and sell-
• ing at per pair.... ......4, awe 4,1910
i 42
Swiss Panels, renaarkabte value,20 ott
at per panel... . .. a • .... ►
Chintz, in dainty patterns: Price,9C fit
per yard.. ., a...*.,., ....
Pine frilled Voile Curtains with
rose; blue' ango� tri..l. i,
�Special, at per pair.... .
� 011.
Last Weeks Fair the Largest Yet
With 150 More Entries Than
Previous Year
The . annual hobby fair of Victoria
lac t ool wason Taar
>;,i ch held at "of
st 'week at hen school arld mnnyiI
visited tire_ scltogl during the 'after"I •
r,'oon and evening to. see the clever
work, of the children in the various
departments. mere were 7'1U en-
tries sthis year as. against 027 last
A Real Bargain in
.1•1•11=11••••111111111.1•11101 .11•1111111111111111
THURSDAY, /PR.U. Oak r--.29
Bladder Weakness
Wrecking Health
of Thousands
Csrdisaard eon traction- Baroid
Yuaia►tr, cId, Harold U..fairnr, Motley
s Scrap ;sok—Leslie Intel'. Jac
, Snell. Coulon Harrison,
1 1.011's quilt- Betty Nsteak. °
Child's apron -Annie Whitten, e
Maw `
Maichborne. ■-
• Colored centrepleee• ?'Sat'y Tich- 1-
. borne. Elva Worthy'. -;
A big percentage -some claim two} Tea towels-=E'lra Snell. _-
out of three -of men and women at i Nature study-Yrene B.wraaaa.•
mature years are troubled with ]?loci -t Etching in cotton>�31'ary Two
der and' Urinary Weakness. causing 11'01 .
Backaches, Headaches, New ouuness, Judges
ftequent night risings and burning ir-I'Writing and draworg-fir. R. M:t-
ritatioita throughout the day. '•1 i.. a earn, M. J. P. Hume, Maw. N. Red.
conditions not only make fore miser..ditt, Miss i . Sturdv.
sable, but they sap vitality, undermine. Posters -Mr. T. Pritchard
{health- and frequently lead to most Kindergarten work -Miss E Hunae,
painful operations. t Mian T.. Itobinsan,
• In an *troll to relieve and comfort Fahey Work -Mrs. C. Stewart,
even the mat obstinate and distres- Air',. 17 McNevin. Mia. E. Evans.
• sing of these -conditions, a well blown Bakine..'.stirs II. MaeVicar, Mr'3, .
physician offers the value of gin. E. Beattie. Mrs. If. Bunt.
tabs,' a treatment he has successful. Woodreark, etc *Mr. Jas. liaiataou, 1
ly used for over 4th years. Dr. South- Mr . Goats. Mr. T. R. Wallis, 11th•.
worth's s'Urataabs" come in plain sealIf. Hunt and Mr. C. Worrell. . r.
ed packages containing 10 days'Kindergarten
treatment -and all who need such a Clash A Bloeles gartr1. Ha ia, Jns. �
medicine are invited to try it at once g
without slightest risk of cost unless Aboll, Billy "*l'#san'
pleased. with results. Any good :::: . li Plasticine-aLloyd 1110 t,
druggist will supply you on a 'bind. PCooper. Ruth TrurnpeY.
ing guarantee of satisfaction or
G-.'liseliving�.Robeit Iil1. 1
money 'back en first box 'purchased. Edna McAdam, Jean Schaeffer.
_ Class 11., -Sewing • cards 1ChAter
Tatfy. �Erlc riff, Leslie I itblada. XeNaall, Harold Shore .Tames Abell.
Classy FScrap 'books -Marjorie
Jean Margttn. Miller, ,Earl Bogie. -
Maple cream.•Donelda McManus I Class G-. T i n k e r toy -a -•Donald' '
Edward Wieland, Gladys Moron. Stonehouse. irarold Daer. .
,Gaits—Ido, White, Marian .liaggitt, Class H- Speeial,•M•H'arold °Shore,
Eddna Mason end Joan Lee. Marion Lanaway, laud Johnson.
Biscuits -••Ida White, Audrey Smith. . Class J --Candy Edna McAdam.
Lillian Ityrau.
Muffins -1. Niv9ns, Walter aunt,l. .N* Rest. With Aathnts.-,-Asthma
Alfred 131atonttkeld.. .. - asuallY .atteekaa at night, the one time
Small eat es -.-Ida Whrte, Evelyn when rest is needed most. lienee the
Lees • loss of strength, the nervous' debility,
Pies--'Lllli:an llyats, Verdun air» the loss of flesh and Zither evils which.
deli: - .'must be expected 'unless relief is se-
lI'artw 144 Whits, Margaret Brad"'eared. Fortunately relief is possible.
ley. Mona Harrison., Dr.. j. D. Kellogg's 'Asthma,. Remedy
Bead wont«•-JMarion Curry Jessie bas proved its merits through year,
Mathieson. of service. A trial': will surely eon-
Searfs- •Jessie-Mathieson, Madeline vine& Your
Proctor, Frances Sanders. ,
-Dressed dollJoan.Lee,• Madeline "We are now," annnaunced the
Knitting -Plans dePeudry. guide, "passing through a rural ham-
Knitting_••-Phylliw de Pseiidr.;y. Iet" •
13 ed s p reads-Madoljne Proctor, "Ohl" exclaimed the sweet young
Mona, Harrison. . thing. "I thought a hamlet was a
Paper flowers.4ean MaeAdam.. little piffy <
Plain: a;'ona Harrison, J'es-
year. The Iint of prize winners fol- Manus. Jock Barton.1 Centrepiece -.Joan Lee, . Marion a, ire the IN us' r.r'rerdo Yawn
Tow's : Baking Sale posters -Jean Thonrp« C lit esgie Mtthiesan. 41/111/.4=0
Lamb • Keith Cunt." a ys Morgan,
Maps --Jean Morgan, •Grace Mason, Second .Class Evelyn Lee.see
Mathieson. f Cl.4►.lR'2N C) Xit. :A..
Fourth Class soar, Il+sveena� Wilson; Madge. Turnor. an y set; --it ona Harrison. „r .
Writing -Grace•
- Mason, Margaret Health 'Posters --Leah Grill; 7bras GIGuest towel -_Jessie Mathiesor,
Tea.. TQwehs•- Jessie Mathieson,
Griffith, Catherine Col+ lough. I y'
Viola Sproul.,� • Writing Worthy Ryan, jean Flick. Embroidery. anr�ons-Gladys Mor
Flower 'drawing- iohin Iluckins, Jean Lumby, gin, Doneidg„McManus, Mona •Berri -
Pre(' Ross (1st and 2nd). l llfalis, Ian Haggitt, Jean Lumbar, son. - .
Drawing birds Gladys Morgan, Helen Snell and Worthy Ryan. Pillow slips- -Margaret Bradley.
Mary Sturdy, I ladellne Proctor. i • Drawing birds -Jean Lumbar., Man finder 12 ' Years
Drawing. fruit -Jean Robertson, ll.'aggitt, Eric Johnston. TafiF;y...Betty Fry, Barbara Thorn
Viola Sproul. Grace Mason.Drawing flowers --Ruth Ifaer, Mary son, Myrtle Townsend.. 1,
Poster_4Valter Hunt. ( Howard, Jack Cutt. Cake -Roberta Johaaston Doris
Special': Entries I Drawing fruit ---Billy Young. Jean Haniey. _ ,
Under 12 years -Alice Ruston, 'ainby and Harold ayilson.: Biscuits -Barbara Thomson, 'Geor-1
Alice Ruston and D.: T!hdmpson; �'ri'tnary, tivxiting••-*Jamear Cal�ick; gig; ,Ryas nrarion MacKay. I liacchuLabunsotgmotlt
Douglas Johnstolr. Donald hAmpson, Joseph 1t`rit; fey Muffins=«Jsnrt p'liek, 1! ern Oran- fret' tat ske Kilk
�orvow �
are ideal incubators
for moths. Eggs arc'
worths. Is your home
Over 12 yeaars,Ronakl Penning. i ver tars atop, Belch-Thomaar moths. Spray FLY. ,
Collection •eth- '• cekes«
rr, ,Bery
now. F
"�---'^• '
•A?aii: Jnek. Cranston, ee• fCranston. andsc
?eek Snell, Gloria Laws And Margaret ford,<John.Love. - . Vern Chnston. • ,2904.'Under 9 years -Elaine Trerablayy Collection of corns-Kennfih Bed •Pies.-Luny-Harrison,Georgina Ya,iirneeakr
We have afwliBTaylo:
er fThirdClass linWhoniarta-Li`y' 3
ausalter unBead work.' Herrensn n«Sneli, FernCoileetion ofwoods,;neC
■ ''"" ton, Donelda,. Madams, Jean A e..
t f n t r worker. sooner and au dos w rker. fit .
r ,..,. .Cranston,
$4.60.. We. are clearing at 4"3.25 whilo W ,•tong+--dlsbirsta wchral1, .roan ningtorpr,oGusaW rthy, E wa d Pen.
Birussesy-Carl Bloomfield, Don-
ee, Georatina Ryan
Mapsorg na*Thompson, Tt G W'l. hand.. aid Wiggins, Wilson Knight.
they last.
In other 1#nees, Men's i r.
s;' X'Yotnen s, son, Voris iVillisuns.. Difficult woodwork -Verdun Tan- . Collection
of stamp—1tTary iia
'as Farotwemy dill, John i,ove, Andres Smith. ' tied, Myrtle Townson. .
Soye, Girls'and •Children a -sawing birds t) ...1d Penning -t
eluality and price$ are right.. ton, Jean Thompson, Bobby Williams.
special prise, Erik Graf. Collection of coins -Douglas John
.1 T#nker o �••• i stop.
We have satrefed others, give als a Drawing fruit-411adgc Turret.. t It chartd Fratzley and
trial. Doris Hanley, Barbara Thomson and Ciaytanr?�eston. Siinpl+s woni�vork--Worthy Ryn
Cardboard rotrstruetion- -Kenneth Cart Bloomfield, Harry Schram.
lea Nivins.
• Mot& airalr
n' rea1h�o11M
1)ratving Rnwers Tlweana Wilson,'Bedford tart and 2nu,. Ruby Laws. Clay anodolhn Marftutrita' Afore
LtE 5tttw f< rw+� lr al Repair Georttrna Ryan, RaLbara 'fhoiuson. i
� M th'
Ca radar
Hausa onnl .pictures --Jessie Math- gin, Margaret •McMehen' Garnet
ShpI!obby Fair Posters --Katherine ieson,'Charles Worscli Stewart CrP1f..' a iesori.
r illi:Street, 4*. Murray, Kenneth Cat, Jean T3tontp.r 14tature steiry scrap book-p.lsz Niv» Dressed doll-Ile/en SneII, Ida
Ins, Bobby Williams, Thelma Fry. Morgan.
semis sick macs so1 Bao houses -.Grua W0rtlty, Alfred Crocheting --Jean Robertson.
t Garden Party posters--rCordott' Air- �,.
t)iren° lventnt;s •' Phone go,/ __..orifi id 1Jvolvn Lee
Taxa e ,
-_,T111-11.;-.--‘41$CORD BREAICI Nli+ir NEW NASH' 0.6400""4104 "$illi dtlpd $Ih 1.*Wrr Sedan
SJ 314
rratfiVICIM ►
Wt'x,LY x:eatr ti its »
Ask the Salesman this Question:
VERY prospective orator tor par.
rbasea'sbar<td ash every Wes** he
talks re, thisgarestio n "What is theprice
of this ear, delivered to tae. fully
equipped with all the equipment?"
You should also ask what the differ-
ence is between the factory f f. '0, b.)
price and the delivered price-mod
ask ethirx;tharl difference hares.
Heretofore it has been customary for
facto prices to cover only the bare
car. This .permits the dealer to sell you
your bumpers rind the other acre.
sories, tray Minim prkess
Nash, in introducing the new *1400'•
Series, pioneered a new practice, by
installing this extra equipment at the
factory, at no extra cost to you.
When you ask the suggested question
ycru"1t hnrd.mott Weslaco. (not Nash
salesmen) reptant to answer. They
would rather not say how much more
there is to pay, or what the extra
money buys.,
And you'll also •8nd that by reason of
the Nash policy, Nash "400" delis•
coed, fullyiequipped prices *re muchlower that those of many other cars
with the same factory «. 0.b) runes.
and lower than some cars with even
lower factory (f. o. b) prices.
,ft iltays,,fa,gm $co'aya to Pot ,b' a tit tic, orad i 1S, I'tta'r�rim lbw f t. r".,j A �'L'v tr'iiJ:Nde'E!
The New NASH 400
itemi'ae tot MerestMerestfar .ilgtler Corr lien,
>tIMI1Mst'll'+1'illl* stlin s`F4'1t11i'IItE ...JI'd ries* case If .“ TM1..'f)<.'gJ'..ffi
Maiocna.p ,ssi/,n
1110, 01"
MOIL T'tt*Of ,r.e
t,ntle,r +MJt k
seine Bodies,
A1aedem allow pistons
New aletthie strop frame
Torsional tibratinn
N.arld'aeasi t st steer inn
"•b -.bestirs/ crankshaft
natio. atealaare
a-hr■ere plated user
Minn 'errata* radials
limiter ss heel baas
tanr.pietc Salon
4.leer •inion front
tiller pasta
gaols Spttiai Design
liner and rear
-,HURON MOTOR SALES, South St , Goder ch
Knitting -Esther Lee, Wien len Snell ,
Helen Thomas.
Plain. sewing -Lucy Harrison, Ruth
Doer, 'Esther Lee.
Child's apron -Marguerite Morgan.
Colored centre-AIiee lluston, Lucy
Vanity set --Katherine ' Murray,
Fern Cranston.
Tea towels H'elenSnell--.and Mary
Evelyn MacLean, Madge Turner,
Katherine Murray.
Embroidery, apron•. --Doris Hanley.
Lucy Harrison, Betty Whitten.
Pillowslips-Jluth Doer.
Seurfs-„lean Fliek.
Luncheon' Cloth. -Ruby Clark.
Educational 'pictures ---Alice Ruston.
Leah. Griff, Join Lee.
Nature study --Ida Morgan, hobby.
McLean, Kenneth Cutt.
Erector construction -fan Gray,
• Roy Munday, Norman Macdonald.
Tinker .toy -cordon McManus.
Car d boa rot eonstrutian-Keitir
Cutt, rlda Morgan, Leslie: Zt ftel.
• tinder 9 Yea
`t'att'y Gordon Harrison, Margaret
Taylor, Wilma Grill'.
Cream Bandy Edna Love, -ant-
leen Nixdorf, Donald Chase.
Taffy ---Morley Bloomfield, jean
• Proctor, Ralph Kingswell.
headworkEvelyn Munday.
Simple woodwork-liarotd Young,
Ilr-uce U1n n*fie1d and Harold Young
Morley Bloomfield,
l'lestieine�l?usanne Ilawden (lot
and 2nd), Barry 1Vorxell.
i T)reased doll --Betty .Jolrtrston,
'Tinker toor;l'aek Cutt.
Maury a woman who yhouIa be .strong
and healthy, fall of ]ire and rknergy is,'
bound by the shaeldestpt!,illhealth.
Some disease or co�aatitutioaai� fife -
turbines has lett its merit iin the form
of ra weak heart;. shattered aeries, im-
poterishe4 blood and an exhausted con-
dition of the whole system.
Those troubled ion thaw way will find
a Molly that will supply food for the
exhausted nem*, that will strengthen
the weak heart and invigorreta the
whole ileum.
ilia Florence Oath, ; MOISSmith
Iiallfar, NJM., writMt,-.-aT- na.`a tele-
phone operator, and .mune months mer
had as very bad nsrventt�•break.lowa.
My heart pained rite a resit sisal, and
my nerve. were so hod •I could not
bleep at night. Y tried many meat
dot, but did hot get much relief
until X started to take Sidbuta'e
Heart and Nerve PillE. 1 onl used.
4920 -box, and x jot haws taw is and
tell you how thankful 1 rant or your
wonderful remedy. T rim now able�,
*deep soundly, and haven't hay horribl. •
Itainal.° - i
Pries 3°e. a box at all druggists sutl
deours or naallsd"4irset on receipt 0
Tric. by The T. unbent
oronto, flat.
All the well-known Cough
and Cold Remedies,
Omer, etc.
always in stock at the Rexall
Dug Store
rr a cern fete stock of all Patent lk1
We medicines, Drug Sundries,
Tobaccos and Cigars
H. C. DUNLOP, Phm. B
Grocer (after failing molasses jug) Where is your dime?"
-"Il;ere'g your molasses; sonny; lloy..*'I left it in the jug."
t Miss This
Ghiuco 1.
For !ne' Day Only
:r. A. Garner
'Head office Representative of
sLimitedT. -To Tailors is bringing to this store a complete
range of the New Spring Fabrics
• --ordering a Newlip. FO $
Suit or •Topcoat. •
'. MEN ! This is an opportunity you shouldn't *Miss'.
Mr: Garner, Tip -Top Tailor's special representative, will
be at the store Prday, Aprl 26th, to measure personally
'every ratanordering, a new Spring Suit or Topcoat oft.
that day' In addition to a completerange of the fin•
est fabrics Tip -Top Tailors, have ever offered, he' is
bringing a selection of Suits and Topcoats tailored
in, the 'new spring styles; and suit length, of cloths from
which you can obtain an idea of the wonderful quality
and value of Tip -Top one -price made -to -measure cloths.
Don't Forget the Date and Come Early
One �onl only, Friday, April
tis RC1, Mata this 'swam. wake will *ret erre Ms
teen.,d a ft* ceterrrrAk route tette II dart via
Ng:km 4W 7anullter., 71.i*. i,.,kwrraa sed fdw_etw=
VaL risormarst io.,lNM 44 CrwrirreptNI 4 thitrfit.
eters-. - tt.Rrterrrtes.iie.,.Sara1rt.t rent*
mot r.t"Fr tort e,lltatra
1001 i+forrs„a,•n ■r.4 ...y..t1• _a hers
mot, aa.,atry►_rr.,M+r.,p4, tfirdet,c,e,
Exclusive deaIet for. Tip -Top Tailors, Lt'd.
The Complete Men's Store in Goderich
Fresh and Cooked Meats
Fish, Fruit and Vegetables.
A full line of Groceries, etc.
,11 new stock.
Conte in and see our goods and 'get
oar prices. ..
D*Gtvotr,s: 9 ar_ m.,11 ar.m..3 Am. and 5 part.
Phone 398