The Goderich Star, 1929-04-04, Page 3'1iidU 8 VA V. APRIL 4th, Itt29 H.adacbos So Mod IV Could Not Sloop tut • Day origbt 'fi i Mrs. D. Smith, lA.1t. No. 2, Freeman, wkicknwere �.o bad 1lad bad scould 'toe t e day or Welt. After reading of you wonderful THE GODERICH STAR rhood News Nuggets l4 Picked Froni Our Exchanges ttteude Induction Services of Banner- afternoon, ilar:h 16th, when Ree', ii', Miss Msy Allen, of Vt ingham, was Sutton haired in. Inarriage Ruby Els fn 11ttatra recently attending the in- eenar, Beeond den:Ater e£ S, ft, and duction services of her brother, etas, M. !hilts%, of Springfield, One, and Roger Allen, to the priesthood •. tae James Albert ,youngest sen of oames Anglican church. and Mre. Armstrong, of Brussels. 1' MavIntyrc-NicitoIsoze Beath et ,Mrs. Katherine Smith On Saturday, March 2arc1, at the The death of Mrs. Katherine Smith manse, Ailsa t�'raig, Rev. J. A. dames formerly of Tuekersmith, occurred a. united 'in learliage Norma, axes:, iherningImmo of Flint, Miele, onlast week. M..mlty h daughter of Mr. Alex, Nicholson, of I.ucknow, Ont., to Archie, son oi" the had teen in failing health for over sa late Mr. and er". Duncan meolntyre, year. t'11le deceased was •a daughter also of Lucknow. the late John Cauleron, and woe .An Old Resident of Hallett Passes On born en the Dlill Read. cohere iter grrl hood days were spent. I et one bought s bottle, and found it Mrs. (new, widow of Atattiilas •Ole ; Gireular Snre Outs Ifanti loot ti.l}itsg ane. I tiler man fooling died at the home of lien son, i1Ir. lien - U. an sot able to do .Il iy eau y Glew ofUullett, an wnndaa, «larch Harry dbinl, i°Tsirnn i,f ,IAliivst test I,appR �„ « �e a � • 24th, after.an illness. of about your his regia* hand recently T. corrin. in lftennfaetvrsil only b;r The T. 74i1- earsht=, at the age of seventy-one if contact with to circular saw• As it �+1 bunt C~a.k Ltd., Tanznto, f?it �t inghom Man Loses %3arn Nvas, the joint and cords of the first ^ William Melkiiehael, W?ngltarn dun- finger were cut, malting a rather pant .9 LEGAL CARDS etion, lost his barn on Monday of last wound, He received treatment at . - week by ere, While putting down W Ingham hospital, and *hero are F. ItoDABBO1�°. some hay a lantern apses,. setting rho, hopes of no Illi 13urnedeaneet dry Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Etc. enlace ablaze, and in a veay shorl„time; Tho large chopping email in Eg- fiitee. or to J. L. Killoran nothing remained. mondville, -awned and operated by ['hone li'I, Mike. The Square, Goderich. Creighton-Patterstet Messrs. Kruge Bros., was ,burned to R N I• S T DI. • A wet wedding was solemnized at the ground .early Tuesday morning of F� I)lyth, by the Rev. George Weir, last week, together with the machin- Barrister find Solicitor when Miss Edith Loreo Patterson, ery and contents. The mill,' which Sun Life Bldg.,. Adelaide and Victoria daughter of Mre. Patterson 'and the was operated by hydro pkv:ei, urns in Elgin 5301 .. late ,George Patterson, of Myth, be- operation AU day Monday, nut there .Telephone:g canto • the bride of William James was no fire of any kind in the build- Toronto 2. • Creighton, youngest son of Mr. and ing, and how the fine originated is itDUDLEY t . 1HOL1MES. • Mrs. Suinuel Creighton. Thell H py •not knoWe.• ..._.,... e veil 1 make Zurich Woman Pusses Away coup l it them home n ul- r Barrister, Solicitor, Notary lett. A very unexpected death eccurre,: Pubic. Conveyancer,i The Late Mrs. Love in Zurich on Monday evening o;i last PHONE 27 l mni,rt r� errtEKT.street where.it cro..ses the rveiiway ,...,...._-,,,.:. Tiro death took place on Wednes- week, when Miss: Lisette Reichert tracks SPECIALIST day, 'March 20th. of Mrs. Dugald 'passed away at her home just east of The mayor's reply was• as follows DR. I', J. IL FOI15T.. Love; who for the past twelve years the village. The body wes; nowever, w. r. Piggott, Esq.," Ex- t disco re until • e 'd when 1 eanesteemed f I; no ve d s a n it tad lieen residento dX1Sttpcinntendcnt C. N. R THE DIAMOND APRIL IS DIAMOND MONTH !t is April's birthstone and 'April is the roost fav- olrable month for engages zuents. We have a large stock of well selected stones sear in the latest settings. E. C. ROBERTSON 1%ion.134 JEWELER Ooderish .1 with The o4 aawuaitl *itis on the cwt.; ui alddrtiun to what it ,.till has. an ties i .outh idle of the harbor, while the vele frentsge the town has it the l t• montage cn Wellington Wiwi, ►#dere will not likely 'be any obits'. I ggturn t 1 year placing a further aiding on thus street- far the handling of j. nnariue supplies it the e, N. I finds w it %_reser , but the integrity of our tele to the street swot net be ells' curbed, We submit that, for all cenc,rned, c - p4eially the t'. N. Railway Co., the proposal of the tawii for an exchange of the small additional *tree required by the Elevator Company is the situ- ploat and the most logical aolutien, We :Miall bo peed to hear from you. Yours truly. • U. J. A. '!aeEW"AN"s • Mei or. Geduld), Ittereh lath, 10:9. • SPRING PRUNING Ifpruning is to be done this spring it is est that it be. completed before the sap ear flowin to any extent. Do not think• ttetal:e out za lot of weed front every tree. Much damage may be done by annual but. t:hering. It the orebard hue light an. Waal pruning it will only be nee. esary • to (1) remove all dead or Tiroken branches; (2) to head in any braneltes which may be,tooasangy; (e) to re - THE TOWN AND THE C. N. R. Mayor MacEwen Voices Objection. to Alienation of Indian Island With. out Consulting Town The following is the letter which Mayor MacEwan sent to Superinten• dent Piggottof the C. N. R. in reply to the xequest on behalf of the cow• many for the closing of Wellington EVE. EA. LOSE. TIIIIOAT eters bavinw� moving there from was still sitting, in the rocking chair,; Stratford, Ont. Nairn. Middlese county. In venose she hid died:',Cermet. Dr. P. ,_,,, mite House Surgeon e1lenv Tore f - a x �' whereDear Sir, .. 7i'our letter of Feb. 21st etiolate and Aural Respite!, assietantoat Mrs. Love suffered a slight stroke and ` J. O'Dwyer was at etre called and was duly - received but awing to the Moorslletd's Eee Hospital and, Golden had been ailing since that time. after examination found that the de- absence of myself and other members 'Square Throat hospital, Loudon. Eng. Armstrong,Wilsoe erased had died • a natural death. of the council, no meeting has been .,3 Wateriao St.... Stratford.Tele- A quiet wedding was solemnized at Death Of Mr. J. Y. Moir held since its receipt. However, I phone go. . At hotel Bedford, Goderich. on the the rectory, Dorchester. on .Satnrda-y .liar. John I. Moir,` of . Killarney, may tell you that the council has no evening of third Monday: of each month ,.,..t. Man., who had been visiting motives intention whatever of closing Wel- tilt , i on street. 1 n v t k •s th tookit suddenly gt tali the foAowing day, 7caeseia , at t ., in Iyic ea mI , quite s e y p rrt. ,..._ E 14 Peter nl4loir visiting Exeter, and 'brother Tlnnrs+ it y AIL ill � We note that ou have granted a CHIROPRACTIC• day evening, - certain frontage on the harbor to the ' Manch list, he passed Goderich .Elevator and Transit Co, ' most profitable kind of freight, name. DR. A. N..e.TKiNSON, : ,be hart been taken• in his. first iciness 1y, grain; and we do not see how your. Chronic, CheginIe arid Nervous Diseases There 's e 'm le t •) ,:m in p, ye inexpen- and trainee pursing could provide. the past, Goderich hes granted ales ve way to reduce Inflammation of _Deat,h otOtra. Imam Leitch ' most all requests 'that have beenThe denth*ceurred in Victoria Hos- made of it by the te N. Railway Co.Treatments and Chiropractle, swollen toe joints and.help get thempital, Lendon, on Tuesday evening oe You have a siding along almost the. Office houre--2 to 8 end 7 to 9 p. In. down. to normal and that is tq apply , entire length of Maitland !Road, partAnd by appointment. excepting Uonday aloonoes Emerald Con night and mere- last week, of a former well known . -of it with the town's sanction and"and Thursday' arterueone and -evenings. big. , resident -of the district of Searortio ineonsent, and part of it you are wingun op or the person -of him Win. Leitch, whohad been in poor health for a be for trackage without having botheredof years. Mrs. laitch was a daugh.num rto ask for the town'S permission.gut- litesidenee and .0111ce-.Coruer South St. al two -ounce bottle of Moone's Emero RUOLLSS P13Atyl"I'f`ito..n. ° away at the home of his slstor, ,Airs. but, in return, you are getting the D Bunion a��1� J. D. Stewart, M Tuekersnnitn, where g , Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist, A . and where everything •had 'been done property could possibly be used to p _ No bleed' to Sniiper. Another Day p,ir .. hu that annrt -enders.! attention q a1 it ref a to. d O (fulLsilrangth):.an u in it �ace. it is 'srre_rter aditant1 ge to yourselves. In N .i• Rood. - - .iaaz 1v John a-aaaF la.,r V. J - wide - - ' l,li, -uF,ee „ .. " �' `"• street into your present height, fished lethtevnislt .F a�here--sherwas- borneo UC�i++(`)lY E�ti'N(1. re even C)Gteab9r 14th, 1871.. In August, T89$, SON; ion a o o ace ass longthinea RO`1tS OU`N'rfll'Y er. accept anything in s p 'np' ss' iicT you have ,been gra Al -privileges A such a highly concentrated .p p she w s united in mania a to -Mr along the lens:h. of the commercial t that tw u s lasts a K dock in front of the Western .Canada and furthermore if one bottle of Ease ' 'William Leitch, of the same sownsbip. ` dour Bailie and Lee's warehouses, Live Stock and General Auctioneers, ovo• id Odl does' not •give you eotnplete •Graham, Exeter, Sells Practice and other concessions you have. osk- Et "rr Ave Gaderrirb satisfaction you can h I)r•M• G Graham who for the past Saks mar o eterl.•tvhero and all dente r uta e , i ave your money ten •ears hos conducted a successftiled have been promptly granted. • ¢ of d d Not long ago we are informed that • made to give. yon setisfaetion. Special note: People who want to medical practice :in Exeter has dls- your company granted a deed to .Mr. Farmers' halo Notes aimsco 1, ted. reduce swollen . or varicose veins posed of his practice to Dr. J. G. O. • E. Fleming of Indian Island on. Phone if9, should' get a bottle of Moones Ismer-Dunlop, of Wallacebur;. • r..Gra- the Iiiver'Maitland without troubling aid Oil at once. Applied : night and 'ham has accepted the appointment of to consult the Town of Gdderich or PAGE THREE SOW FOB PROFIT Yr�ti �-+> $TEELE,BRIGGS SEEDS To get the most profit trot% your come, eeedt must be pure and of high germination. Stettin Briggs' Seed* hare been growing proiltabte crop. - for fanners aindgardener; throughout Canadafoe nearly 60 year,. They viii prrive lust os success- ' ful for you. ewe area 0100 D. X. &Eery caseate emcee* Sold everyaliere i* Csareed 0 Sen,lfor New iU.uireteeiR $TEELE, BRIGGS SEED Cam VANI llw oneATSST SSW HOUSE" TORONTO-isAMtILYQ11-h INNIP1* S$ NA- EOMONTQMI move crosaihrenehes or (4) en thin out where the 'tree has 'become Alma. i, Jesuit: pre µennee� jet-u•;;,+Fe as in lately too thick. let,' 1i 05 ni "unit," 1 as in it, ane. If the embers! .is old and has been not jezhanit. neglected. which is evidenced by laei: Kettle: e as in "lot." not hit-.. of growth and bstrren arras for many Pheenivx; pr+laaunee .Teener, e as in feet from the strain trunk. a vigorous "me," i as in "it,* accent first eye. heading. back of the ton is necessary to force out now growth from which new fruit producing wood can be see-' eeted. Handle the young trees earefulty,' back one-half or one-third annually. Do not make it a practice to head W'atcch the crotches and always keen one branch in the lead to avoid weak crotches. Cut gout where branches aro too close together, keep the tree headed low, and if the variety' pro. duces a long rangy tree suppress the strongest growing branches the most and_ the_ weakest ones the least. - - • • Points to Remember In cutting back a main branch and one of its strong grawing•iatorals. do not out both to the same length. Per- mit the main branch to retain the lead, otherwise two liraneites of equal . dimensions wilt result, which will pro- duce very weak crotch, a constant d C i source of t able. Whenever given the option of set. ecting either a 'branch growing at a share angle to its parent or one growing 'almost at ' richt angles, 'choose the latter --it will make a. stronger crotch. in future years. Always cut :back to a bud. eiftting off close as possible without injuring the bud itself. By paving attention to the position of the bud one can do much to deeide the form the tree shall. take. IStudv each variety you are dealing with and adopt a -system most suited to -its needs. leo not attempt very hard stud fast rules to your whole or- -r+r b d. c ch ' n • how tau It is nota • question of • z a t . • t, . w� 3r a ]v 'b+at•-hp t tine one can do and still retain the desired shape, vigor and - produetiveness of the tree, • E$u. v NV. 1 I: si tt. Al1C IONEEIl. morning seen directed they will quickly: hospitat surgeon in the +'reabytCrialt learning its .views in regard to this Will conduct sales anywhere. notice an improvement --which will church hospital at Forme-;. This island. This arca of land has bezel. Memorial Hospital !built , in 1912 iri longing to the Public Works Depart, where properly applied. . lable. nitrate; both a's as in "play,"" or first :a es in "at" • I'Jnenologi4 t:-pxouounee .tre-Wer-o, jl"st, e. akin 'free, Onrst o as in Of, second o ea in "no," accent second syl- table. for all the commodities manufactured by the company are used in general cooking, pastry making, bread bak- ing, .salads and candy. Itectpes dor silly ono of these are eligible. Are rangetnencs: have been made. to have the reeipes tested bI° expert animism dietitians. That our readers may :nave an op• portunity to obtain cash for their re. tines, we *vivo the limes name AWA (Address: The Canadian Starch Cora. »any, Limited, Montreal, P. q. Corns disappear whentreatedwith )lolloway'a Corn 'Remover without leaving A tear. What to dt in an. emergency* In tease of an :earthquake, junto into the nearest airplane ,.. .�•� , :tom .•.....,�,.A...-. �., Often Misspelled Hunan (relating to man); lunette (benevolent), . Arbitrary; any, not ery. 'Sword;; note the w. Manner' (kind, eustam) l manor Ca mansion), Architect; no It In the word. Chir'o, padist. • - 9nonns • Advise, admonish, caution, exhort, Sores Heal Quickly. -0 -Have you a persistent sore that refuses to heal? Then, try•Dr. Thomas' Eclectric: Oil in the dressing. It will stop slough- ing, carry away the proud flesh, draw out the pus and prepare a clean way for the new akin. It is a recognized hospice* is known as the iyfvKayhealer,.' among oils and numbers of My terms are reasonable aiid:i Will try continue until the•veins and bunchesshown iii' Government maps as 'be- people - can certify that it healed and give satisfaction. are reduced to normal: Phone Canoe' 13l+, or address IL Il, Godcrlch. sr NOTARY PUBLICS„ ITC.• 4••••••••,..••••• 1;1IlIS. --. .. ' 11_ NiTrA1iT p11BLYC _:. • memory of the late Dr. Geo. Leslie * merit of the. Dominion of Canada; ane • in the who started missionary work this town had presumed • that, as -such, OUR WEEKLY LESSONS in the island over fifty years ago.., ft up-to-date hospital$ in, tare foreign elevators, . flour mills 'anted' industrial . (By W. L. Gordon) field, f ;Slants some time in elf 'future, have i The West street IN ENGLISH Electrical rho it • wo Id be .available as a site for - •ry d is one of the best equipped.andnnost we ave town's consternation, Engagements Announced to the own • .been Informed that it was conveyed -++ .•+-+r�• Mr. and Mrs. Cassel Richmond, of ter Mr. Fleming to be transferred by General Conveyanoln,;,,done e Or Oft Di;s $e4 s u 000i1 Companies Rcprewnted.' We Carry a good Sitocl. -t Blyth, announce the engagement of boat to: Detroitand elsewhere as --w= Electricarl App 'Raanc�e* harry d. Bolger, soli of Mr, and Mrs. This transfer was apparently made Phone No2n8 Coderieb Ont - their only daughter; Elva Pearl, to gravel for construction purposes. Fixtures, etc, We Specialize in p Anxr AND isnLATto TOWN P110 - W-ir ng of All Kinds ERA? 1' SCRErt..• Valine or ornneriv insured up to Jan---- - .ytimates°given on, nary 1910,.Ols, 97:00. application •• GFFIGr tib -names donne -11v, Perste, dent. (Werke): Jas. Events, Vice-Presi- . All Work Guaranteed dent, fleeetawnod, T. E. Bays, Sec.- Treas.. Se ntarth. of their dau;Chtei; dVlarg'aret Joseph- C #bl DIRECTORS -D. P. McGregor, Sea- :. Frank McArthur ane, to Mr. Chas. W. P. McCatiera, Re the Elevator site.. Wo have not forfeit J. 0. .Grievee. Winthrop; Wm. son of ]VTr• and iters. William McCaf• ,;; v/it to rat fery, of Stratford, the marriage to As yet theen furnished with an official T'uokeramith i John Ferris, lierroe,.. plan of the new annex and therefore INSLiitANIEr embr.op ".11"I'llAr. PULE - fl $Gt1- EI1TY INSURED. John Bolger, of Walton, , in the face of the fact that the C. N. I Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hulmes' an- R. had been in virtual control of the pounce' the engagement or their I breakwater and its trackage for fifty ' youngest daughter', Gladys V. Irene, years and consequently Mr. Fleming. to Percy' Frederick Nash, eldest son! could offer nothing in return except of Mr. and Mrs.. Daniel Nash, '17 freight, which it would get in any Charles street, formerly of Seaforth, } event. The town naturally feels a bit the wedding to take plate 1.3th of; aggrieved, especially, as stated be - April. fore, it has never refused the C. N. R. i Dir. and *Mist- John Nolan, Huron .any reasonable request and has al- - Road, East; announce the engagement , Ways gone,out of its way to meet the •Company in every way..poss e. `t n Conelanoe George' ole Carine Ph 82 west street take place quietly in April do kno John llennr►vlse. llroadhagen; .eturray Gibson. Brueetleid. AGENTS -3. W. 'leo, Goderielt: Sandy Leitch, Clinton: Wm. Chesney, See - forth: 11. !Mobley, Seaforth. Polleyholders ran *way' their n5seas- Innis at'Galvin f utt'a store, Oo.lrrieb s - A.J nloorish's Clothing store, Clinton; cr J_ x IIMd's, 1) thiole!.ROYA -- .-Fllirt INSURANCE Wave it :attended to by the MOT BABOON MUTUAL FIKt,Iil$Uk&NCE CO EV Established i8:8 Head Mite: Dungannaa, Out, Wm. J Thompson. Auburn. Prose Win. Watson. Vire, !ores.: James (11r - yin. Hon. Director: Direetora -Vm. 4110 McQuillan, St. Helens; W. P. steed, ' It, 11, No. 2. bucknow• Barry 1.. Sal - now,; Tim Ort Ili.Alex. IL R.�Ne.7 to el i e v: . has, 'Hewitt. Kincardine; ltobt. David. eon, Dungannon. Rate -V.00 per thousand. • 'i'1I0S. STO'T'WTERS. T. G. ALLEN, • Tress: i BrODhll Broca e101'f€RICH The Leading Amer;! Dir'eet.re atttd E1itblt.ers ale. Arsintl.ttceSemie Orden carefully attended to at all home= -night or day. We { are the inspectors of anatomy in and for the County of Eaton. Phones: Stare 120; Residence 217. S. `.E. Wheeler Funeral Director and Embalmer Goderich, Ontario' n,n,.wcr Ali calls too ey nttendoJ to the t a' eight. Mases: Stove L33; hots! Rite .4Th GREATEST TIS r� 'THE WORLD HAS EVER, KNOWN Nes core Royal Mauer !e a e(soitsard n d! aft five tbossaiIss-1 1r13 AAS Nadel: k rv& The Royal Master was built widitatit tuftal for cost. Itis the finest tire that r: an lir built. Its massive tiead is doubles thick, cured by a new slew process,. Its carcass is Made with extra plies of 'web fabric. Sic1e cwalis are Dueled against stuffing. The Royal Master is made oversize. Or rattier, the'right si:e for real tare ecoftotlly.; If you !;ant tires the will last as' long to you keep your tar, then buy Royal Masters. (t . sale at every DOMiN10N`TIRE DEPOT GODERICII Yin J, Fisher not w exactly the area requir- cd from the town's street, but have been informed verbally that it will e;onstitute roughly n trlaiigle,.'begin- ning at ,the southeast angle - of the new 'building, thence about 40 feet east lvarallel with the dock and thence north the width of the elevator to the aforesaid dock and thence southwest to the point of 'beginning. In this way the frontage which the town 1 holds on the dock would not be inter- fered with . to any extent, possibly four a five feet shorter. Our legal adviser informs us that if the C, N. Ry. would trade or ex- change or deed to the town a similar area on the east aide ofthe atreet,it. would then enable the Railway Com- pany to convey to the Goderieh Move - tor and Transit Co. the full area of the land required by it for its nese elevator building. This would be the simplest Legal procedure to adopt. The town, as you can readily un- derstand, cannot think of cldsing the ' street, ao it must maintain the right of its citizens to access to the dock, at the dredge or in other eapaeities.. Otherwise they would be trespaaaers on railway property. Alio town could pot string. nes wires ot, light up the north side of the harbor except by the grace and indulgence of the rail- way connpanieo. Thio- would be an intolerable eittration, anti as it is the Wo know all aides of a beating pro • • cnty street which the town bee lead- been%. ing to tbe,o st rilenndtlf the harbor, 'e can look et youe' furnace and your notproposition kitchen rouge and your living -room roans to +close it. For this reason it refus- grate and tell you just what kind of cd the ,request of the C. P. I:. rote coal each should bare. in - Yearn ago tstn?the Grad 'haw: needle o. If they don't eat the right hiad,they, Do not say, "I am real glad to hear about it.' Say, "very glad." . Do not' say, "I have been to the city." Say "inthe city." s De not say, Every one of the boys are here." Say, "is -here." ' Say "I desire" honor, glory, health, wealth. Say, "I wish" to see you, to go home, to read, to sieep. Say, "The hoard favors the plan," or, ',The board all favor the plan." Do not say, 'I. put in my best licks." Say, "I put forth my best et. forts." • Words Often Misprorouneed Appreciate; pronounce third .syl- lable shi, i as in "it," not alp-lire-si-- ate. ThE counsel, warn, remind. Free (verb), literate, release, dis• Yo t charge, deliver, emancipate. • - ' , i Gift, present, donation, bequest, I3uesnt% IyOuany gratuity benefaction lisheornainent�bedet beautify, .I .YDN�'8�'t'ta'I'li� i deception, , 1?• . Decorate, adorn 'eau ovine!. ' Delusion,i nes on ece tion ai- lacy, error, hallucination. Law, code, decree, edict, enactment, mandate, ordinance, statu;e. Word Study S I "case a word three times and it is .... yours."' Let us inereess ourvocabu- lary by mastering ono word each day. Words for this lesson: INFLEXIBLE; rigid; firm; stub- born. "It •is a foolish am Inflexible superstition. ARCH; cunning; sly. "It was the work of an arch conspirator" INTRACTABLE; not easily gov- erned; obstinate. "Illskntra:itoarb:e; us his d rvnfa t er Ca R em lKl p 'MIGILANiT� ins+�eg o watchful. "He assumed a watchful attitude, like a•vigilant and wary soI- dit1:" SENTENTIOUS; abounding to terse sentences or maxhns; full on; meaning. -"He spoke in his custom- ary sententious fashion." INDESF1UJCTIBILITY; quality of not being destroyed. "On account or its indestructibility, gold was regard- the kin chemists as 1 �► . Sade odd He in' ed bythe earlier king of etals:h:h. iott jtnd Storer. . T •• V plat Air IVF+i3 ASKED TO Resiled for Sick SELL. THEIR RECIPES * - • One hundred recipes are required 1 Kidneys ' 1Qr a new Recipe Book `Shirk itt-Gwi�tlrin � _ . . . ee to •be published by one of Canada i 1 Rich in thou hyaling herbs l oldest manufacturers of pure fa::, Indians sated poducts,• r The recipes required are those: of t'eo ale au oritaplyd by;:9)lieuru►tisrn theeyr simple, tasty and inexpensive. dishes - coukdn't 'walk have taken (,atlaglicr. such as are used in the average Can- Kidney Remedy and got well. It is radian home. To get one hundred of wonderfully healing and. cleansing to these recipes, the firm in question. is kidnryo. Comes right from the heart of willing to pay five dollarr each for Nature. the best fifty. and three dollar. each Throbbing; backaches, dizsy sprl�ion rhea- for the next best fifty recipes sent In %natio pains and %aging btaciifrr ilia by housewives. ane usual p cnucxd l►y mfiatned kidaoya. There is only one condition to be G:dlagher s herbs. coon ends these ills. complied with.' Recipes must emptot An.�rnr-oldi Herbal Hous hold Remaedies armor*; their ingredients ono or more 'sold now by y of the company's 'products. Howevei, ' this condition presents no difficulties', Campbell's Drug Store, Goikrich GODERICH oktiveuts 1p'7N4 FiVRNACC GOCP:111 STRIKE WITHrINC;(irtIWI't RAt1GE_iWDGRA eAu.THIi HEAT C'OtIC1 IN AT t ilCl: AND LCT I'HCM Mo1TR.ATOE - - At the end of :it dines work, relive* • nervoul- tension! before, eating. ' Wrigley's wilt refresh and tone yogi up --so that you're ready to tadoy your food. Then, after meds Wrigley's help. digestion, cleanses the teeth. remov ea all traces of eating or stroking- sweetens the breath. - witiGLm by they way? and it mum" vettre ilia mag really f;o en strike, throughli request of the G 't7 11' rani The no fault of thcire. through no fault pos#tion of the town wee, no further ` in the quality of the coil -but bo - i explanation, the feel ranee , cause of an unwise selection. Our title must be maintained for I6't us Select the aught kitral for yott. the sako of your company alnte;st as - • CALL THE I. much ars for our own. - As you know 1 we hae°e never ablerterl *0 your dein** this etreot as if it 1ve16 your own n Property, Oral Yt3 yea lk.nsw it has i . been so used ever olaa.",e the railtvag ; s?t li(MOii Man Coalextendal its teach to the heeler nee- • y r5tity wawa raga, l !I 1!! E S A 0 CO 1 The Iisnlwa,y Company tete get Q 1 olosey of aceec,:a to the ttatbor front, e e {�jj ICO 1PAN"� rrctliMit aa»'. rlo it does. the ontiro i ee_ e e 'aa � ;rte 't theta' of tre3iir?eter e1) tllo north, . rat sere Featering All the Natlonally Adr►ertisoid rood Products at Lowest Priceeti 1 MrLstra'. twrraetu. Qr QUICK OR 1tCCtl /A • ,Yo • hi 23s Q:iA t OATS e- lowd.trf 4 Largo Peeks.. $pe.IaI2 . 1!•n,sr'. e Cornstaf.k $ ride 25e Si lnlE's Tru. ; 1 1 1 COMtotir OR GOLD SOAP' Yd IIIA10. 49. Ultras4s tart... 2311 - /Isles %neem. '( • K.tehup L,.. ru 21. alte sr U M'1 1 r alit Cta ti's 04ti .w • r t• 1,4110 144*. WINOS SIN 1l y. LAW Dobai** r,,,3841 ✓ • Pur. (Kb.. Ch..s. . lilb"sltt. is. maple $ylrupita,33. tit twey •"" Fray Sant.. Soap r « 2 Cakes 15. h ossa. eadea *tet_ 23• Knit.:'. Little Chip A�_ • . p Sla>rfualad. Bass a Sar 23. Gears. wsrA,ast.et s - (. iColt.da D ... zoos 414LEIIAV •.-Forleart.aiss Jt MA X r H S , Cristo - IA. 3s Air's sarAKrAsr COCOA 0 ti d6. Th 23. fi 14,2 m,„ 25. t•r (Leek finis 0 PINM'ESI' PURE JAMS A 4:11. GLAis Jaen imimoset 1 itleeklsrar► >3*0 OW, obe.ty 4Se' ,fit. ittMetk Carrara �y. 1 _miiima..111rni lel "rAGtZ IRAt10S!'AG/Alla ' Ai111,1i!!! 14". n its coots COSED ° RAZE E ! + ► �'lP. - MIA tet News. IY,S, ek.a9o.a v Mums Soap Make' Pus. 22a McCrtat6€k. Jou, Crow.' Sits >k OWN tit+ Y4. ..a • ,r