The Goderich Star, 1929-04-04, Page 2THE GODER1CH STAR
And Its flavour Is the
finest In the world.
*Fresh from Ow gardens'
• lits GAMaclitgles
Stricken by two swiftly no's
..rnt Alone" Case Not Dropped attacks of nriglim pectoris, Sir Loner
Clarification of international law passed away in his office in the Par-
eNTeeted to result from the sinking .liament Buildings, surrounded.. by
by Men Sre ilea° Gulf of Mexieo of otenthern of ha namilY, while in aut
•nee Canadian schooner, "I'm Moe,". other part of the building the mem-
_ and of the Wiling of her boatswain, bers of tbe two Houses waited his
Lon aleegay, a Vrenelt subject For earning to dismiss the Seventeenth
• some months this ruin -running craft Legislature.
bps been eluding the United States •Sir Lower began and sustained his
coast -guards, and it was only after a political career mostly in Provincial
elmee et 50 hours, entendingaver 200 politics, but fleet tried the Federal
• miles, that she was sunk by the three- arena, being the Liberal candidate in
pound shells of the cutter Waleett. Richelieu in the election of IS'Jl, Hie
Captai John Roden, the Cartadian oPPenent wee Sir Hector langevia,
• • aL
eeptuin, tla ms be was outside Halts and Gouln Wal% defeated IV a
ed States t aerial easter% hone his votes. For six yesre, during which
refusal to beavo to, and tbe toast. he laid up the foundatimit of a great
• guards exigent the use of three -pound law practice, bo did not appear opens
shells by saying that Randall was ly in politics, but he gathered round
flourishing, apistol. . „ , ,.. , ------.. esbritliant trroup of young Lib. ,
The eoee has arotteen unusual e, evils and 'became President of theNarn
1 Theft of Naval Inane Charged
d Three pereone, two men and a vinat-
an, repented to he strepected of theft
of naval plane, were pniced under :
this prier and thinks the mottle ell • irb
July would em the teat, or
technical tercet at Victoria, H. 1', on
the arrival of the liner Atnangi front
Atietralta last week. Tim three were
apprehended following receipt of
cabled insteuctions from Australia,
Ey were fent-Ilea, but it ham not
been learned whether or not the re-.
ported missing naval documents were
I fo-and on them or in their baggage.
The greatest eeerecy rnarked the
inves tigations. Royal Canadian
Mounted Police and neva! officera
from Enquire -mit hennaed the Ao-eangi
t quaratitine. The paesengees
ecarelled were in the third -even ae-
terest in Canada, Waithington and tional Club in Montreal. In 1807 he
London and there bas been much spa- was eleeted–to the Quebec Provincial OPTS nfeKEE AWAI'D '
eulation as to the outcome. llePorts House for the St. names Division. of 0. Atrunewi Dickies. eatam
III I ..41.111,
• till•••••,...V.
TilaTitSPAY, APRIL 4th, nee;
Iter about as small as a great of eantl,
COnaldad Cold
F, anti thousand', or wits it martens, ot
them striae the earthee stmoerthere
- 94441144040Mt. --•••••,..-401111,11.1mes,
.1 7
1 7
t the coulee ef twenteefour heurs. cHils BLAcKs
Left Nor with a
Iry Riskin lush they are called, Striking the untie-
nrea COI%
The are the "shooting star, aa •
'sphere the tenaput heatea to inen-i •
Kea A, mama ad regrata st
dt.cnee by Viseboofrticillonestaf rt31, aisrileen.
times in a meteor shaver of late ;
beauty. ',These Ineteere are circling
retina the sun in tho came way that
the planets are, Seraenmee a Innen Hand Tailoring
nitatkam, Oet, writeseeen1 as ensued
tu his this opportunity of tellies eou
zity reperierne with
Dr. Wood's
Syrup screen a picture of etre of these
tee:any tot "war / amerce from era which hail it large doles in the
Illar.ger body is seen than these we
have it* been talking abeat, peel n h::." ' " re -°.--:,' — .
. theee !ewer bodies are called ,
eorites." lir. Kingstou showed tile -
Special Orders 4
veghin 265 Nutlike, and told of one
a were bronebial feta that left me surface of the earth. ono of about a
with z ijr0-$434,4, esot.esestiog cough. mile in eircutaference and 00e feet in •
„• After being bothered' *nth it, both day •depth, but the largest ever known to
• wed nieht, for some time X bee , Have struck the earth, fell tweutrone
profesolenal nurse tcommend the 'Move Yeee$ age next 30th of July in the
'tough syrup width took with wonder, northeast earner of Russia. ,
ful result', *20, now, it is tile ,Q14 This ',huge Meteorite leant; have,
um* ever use for cowl weighed thousands cif tone. The in-
vestigations whin) Lave lod to the
'Pike 35c. *. nottle; large fault siza.
ellseavery of the huge hole it made m
00er at ell dratillhdt oldee_ere' re, the surface of the earth were started
rat Wit ekineelneZna,T0 aihnera nue' br the !IC:Culler stories whieh began
Ten, Tercet°, Oine to be beard o - some amazine eatteee
- - troptie which laid foresee low in a ra-
,‘. Tralanten To Face 'MI elitut of fifty miles and killed ail life
The three survivors of the crew of in 1411 instant. This, led scientists
five trainmen who manned the Cana- from, 'the Russian, Academy to endea-
'kr to iinvhetstigate that
Sled Mutt trz
dien Nethotal Railwaya train No. 4 there M g he tho eau have te
when it met disaster at Drocourt, One the storY, end surely enough they
taria, faced charges of manslaughter came on bones of deer and other ann
in Parry Sound and were manslaughter
mods ond then to ,leueee whore the
partment of Justice intenden to drop and in Well time he rose through awardoedf EthdmountEon, Alb4ta, ,whoeleevrtr
from New Orleans that the U, De. Montreal, a seat Ine hind until 1008,1 pilot,
• the tharges againat the crew are now successive positiona to become Prom-, for poritorIous° see°rerePbin Itobrelnud8on
*tied, and they are beim held pond. ler of the Province. Ire . held the vaueve t . •
ing lull investigation of the case Premiership from 1005 to 'Tule elniellb. °Iola. vee4 eopneutfau teoatanal daui
by the Department. 10201, rulienpahsesinreesigonestlir augh joun 1,04 hours in anion, ,
Tw° ramens Canadians Gene • illitedoneq1d., Winnipeg loses one of lier
• Canada lost two famous sons oiter most esteemed citizens. •
Vastertide—Sir Loner • Goan, Lica- picturesque figure in the arena The eurioue fact emerges nroni
tenant-Goverrioe -of Quebec, and Sir an Canada's political and publie life ithe recent bye-eleetions in the Old
first Prime Minister of the Dominion, late Sir Jahn A. Macdonald. Horn in new- Labor inenibe far NM.* La*. gOPIY08041 to be *a slight illness w'N f1anke fate* °e. each b°dY fell
. lag illnese. • S
Sir Hugh John was a former Ptemier a member of Parliament, was not ond 0 id R Ikli • annihilated. However, there did uot
The New "Flepper
for trial,, The charges against nut where forego were laid low, and pees-
three—Engineer G. Vernon Alexan-
der Fireman Ernest Riley and Rear- ontiftlio°7nadriecareleab%itot/t 4:bgeerecedr4tel
mat •Braleeman George Gorriee-were t
laid after the Cannon; inquest, aod the sceeen a view of the teeter. Thia .
the men will come up for trial early meteorRe must have developed
tense heat in its deacent to tbe oral,
in May. „ • and the pressure of air in front on in
r""48 "0 Duslea - spreading out te the aides RS it de.
t Dusting of large areas of Ontario ncended, was the, mem of an forests
forest bY aeroPlane will ne carried a hero avert Arcing laid low.
mit under tho direction *of the Dee A view shown on the screen showed
partment of Netional Defense ibis . one such forest With the trees all flat,
yeer, and for this purpose the depart- with their tops lYinif one •,
men bas or4ered neW Ford trenutt- tion, morenike aecile of loge than a -
or hydroplarte. The ruvages of the &rein. Dn. Kingston stated. that
ennuce budwerm naving aeen *hocked there will nrobeblv be 41, tmed deal
to a material extent by this procesS ?ublished about this anet,eorite ned
in Nova Scotia, the'zone ofeoperations Its destruction sbortly. and -it leads
will be exteeded to Onterin, . to all ,sorte of speeulations. If euch
Mykett T. Herrick, 'United States
Ambassador Herrick Head a meteorite. foe instance nett in Tor -
Ambassador to Prance died suddenly onto. the lecturer stated the 'cite'
Hugh John Maedonald, son of the he was the only surviving SOO. Of tbe Country that rlie$ lehnie Lee; the, on in
„Sunda at Paris a'nter wnat and Hamilton if would 'else share the
W01114 be armihilated in a zrtoment
Who pessed away at WinniPeg After Kingston Ontario, on March 13, 1850, ark, Serotland, wIfile old enough to be about 24 hours duration. He va ' oo New York the 'whole city would be
• Sir tomer Gouin died late Thurs- In it b d t one time a mem- e h •
, ars o 1% err e ed been e
on the planet Mars. If there are
they must site very different front us
account of the very low tempere-
turenretnis-plateeneuet the thin at-
mosphere. lanennneeteeniely that
there might be beings similar to ourei
selves on the planet Venus, which has
en atinospberc, more atmosphere
than the earth, and in other ways
more neatly approaches the eontilt-
ions on the earth.
Pliotegeaphie views of the moon's
surface show the surface a mass of
crater like boles but it is not known
what may have teen the cause of the
formation of these. Being without
atmosphere sound would be impoe-
eilne on the moon, and there would be
no light except in the direct rays of
the sun. If a person could be imagn
ined as living on the Moen he would
Italttlet. t377.erug'1'°Ind
would weighmuchss
than on the earth, perhaps thirty
pounds, so that he would be tried to
jump much higher. The equivalent
would be n 24 -foot jump on the tnoon,
of •te. four -foot Nino on the earth'
so ono might ne eine to jump over
some, of the small roughness perhaps.
Of course the dead condition of the
moon would make life ef any being
such as we know of impossible. .
Views of the various planets were
shown, Saturn with its rings for ine
etence, the eines celestine of inyr.
d f round
-- •
of an 0 a, an a noug to vo e at her own election treutely.„ fatigued after Ire/king tvfo" seem to be nevelt cause for antral es- •
• miles tbA, Amoral procession oe these huge bodies very seldom volt -
day afternoon lust as he was about to bee of the Cebinet of Sir Charles Tup- miss Lee, who. on very attraction
enter the Legislative -Chamber to per in the Federal House and of late loathe, received a tumultuous reeeP-
prorogue •the Quebec 1,egisleture• years Police Magistrate in the Cite tion from the Laborite when intro-
- se of Winutneg. During the pest 30 duced in the House Of Commons last
years be bad held innumerable posts week.
Thi.n Children Hens of trust.
StuiburY to Have Refinery
Would Defeat Arctic lee Sudbury, nutorio, enacts an in_
,. „ ,. „, .
After consaiernag tile quest ioe for crease m population of upwards of
NE'D . fifteen years, Sir Hubert Wilkins, the 10,000 withirt a, year as a result of the
polae explorer, is malting active in- announcement of the immediate erece
SCOtt's Enitilsiop quiries into the possibility of malting tido of a $4,000,000 'copper refinery
a -submarine tent across the „arctic at Copper Cliff, a Saud), Irbe plant
()coati. He may malte the attempt wbich. will have an initial concitynof
. • - ''.....1"..f .. 4. ' t---..!•-- -_. ---;..-- 120,000 tots per year evilt be under
— - -.447 74.777--- -4.- • ^.4•••.• . • '• • .. -
- . Go der
: • • •
/141 i _ j• ......"••••••.""' iitint operation iby the Consolidated
...............-, .
, . limineandenaneltingeond the -Internal
iv ,*•I , tional Nickel Companies. The Indus.
Cil. -e)tar-s to? :will require. the elnnIoYment of
0 men 'Wit 1 411 annual payroll -of
about $750,000. •
IN LisT Youthful Britetrt for Canada
Atraugements have been completed
- between the Overseas nettlement
The Star and London Free Press 4 * • 4 + 41'4 $6450 * 7t;i1Viti 2
fici and otohe Canadian railways.
r young single men will
0 Anode by the middle
The Star and The London Advertiser... . 6,S0 be -Conveyedt C
rhe Star and The Toronto' Globe.
6 S0 of may. Who men, who have at; siet
* it 4 If 4F had no reliminare training., will era
The Star and The Mail and ,rnpire'.. . 4 • • ;4 6o5
• gage -.3------ rk.
The Star and The Toronto Star.... • .4..1. 6,50 The .British autheinties are un -
The Star and The Farmer's sun, „ 3.25' dertanieg the whole fir:andel respon-
The Star and The Family Herald and Weekly Star IGO sibilitY for those., unable to pay. their
The Star and Saturday Night'. " " tirn transportation; and the stipula..
The Star and The New Outlook . 3.90 44 Ao, unemployed. Other. eonditions
of the number_ must be of the
The. Star and Saturday Evening 1;04 • . ; • • 3•90 eun wen made that at loot 75per
The Star and Canadian Homes and =tens. 4 65 are that as many as poselble are to
The Star and May Fair.... .... .0.0,0.. 4.65 be drawn frifin 'an mining areas' and
• The Star and The Youths' dompatilion..4 * 4 7 0 l• 4 3.75 of age,
all Inigrents 'Must be oyer 19 years
The Star and The Cathook Record............ 3.75 •Canadian retinues etritain
. The Star and MaLean's Magazine.... ........ 3.75 1. R. Petcock. a noted financiers
The Star and Rod and Gun...—. ........ :. 3.85 and rtatiett of Glengarry, Ont., win
The Star and Montreal Witness. " . , . ......, . 3.8$ he Olalralall of the Committee of
Imre appointed by the Unbar Gov-
,. The Star and World Wide.. •
. . I.. 110.0 •,..' .4.25-
• ...............,......... .. eminent to consider the economic as -
Special Clubbing Rates With other Periodicals iTt1,0:nf 2:grarg°1:1'rcralmnr:.1 tuTnnheifli
be had aa application . _ committee is to submit a report on
04"Y . the feasibility of the project from a
Qat at the Star Offico or,'Phoue 71 for any inforzhavion. commereial standpoint, Mid later the
maltase side of the prablem will be
eoneidered by military experts.
VERY office o1 the Bulk of
Montreal has * Savings Department
where small accounts are WeICOMe and
troy depoaltos: is encouraged to save
E. V. LESLIE, Manager Coderieh Branch
Marshal Fon en Tuesday, but after a ed the earth. • , • i
daens *rest apaeared to be completele Cornets used to be looked upon as -
refreehee, . portents of digester but naw astron-
and T..9,vt.
r. nenestort showed on.
The St. Albert._ Cathedral at Gas- at
inners count predict with certainty the 3
Gaspe cathedral Burned
pe, re., the presbytery and a private reappearance of the known comets a
real enee, wore destroyed by fire on certain times. They had large .1
igetterdeer. The [tannage was esti. 1,°nerye eniilearathweb
ellipticat prints around the sen, at g
iscuhmtb they elfrtetaniips a se soend, d
Plated at $.100,000, Partly coveted by sisted of gasses driven off by electri-
tentisu4anueee•o, stThoef csagtoitioeadomal nveo0nieyreett.n- cal force from the sun, and the fact
per cent. of this was covered tr. In-- I tattirefy"ilweastindleuseetcomrheetwas dstariPg1):ffaree4ct
$111.4,11ceim'migration To Canada c'dfrivtebne4ottinrafraosmsetshe°hfeamdaotferithael'eobieninget.
For theeeleven 'Menthe -Of nie cur- -One-enntint-in passing e ottrinennto the sun
rent fiscal year,April 1, 1928; to Feb- en its orbit- was Ivo to emerge brok.
1 n 1 932f70 -rt Pheasants
eh 0 al21;apenittge ofortrt
atla 'totalled 152,911, art increase -of 1010 the earth passed rigat through
Illayn 28, 10201ftreffig•ration to Can- en up into six separate pieces, In
19,919 over the conespouding period •the tail of 4. comet and though the
Alberta. comet's tad es composed o4 poisonous
An additional 000 Chineae nin •
e. the thinness of the gas. .
gases we felt no effect on account of
neeked .pheasants, GOO Mongolian D. Kingston does not believe much
for hatching will -be brought into '1st.
pheasants, nail 300 pheasantat eggs in the idea that there maY be.beinge
berta this yenr by the Calgary Fedi
and Game Protective Association and
released in detected districts south
end southwest of CalgarY•
De. Kingstotit Gives an Interesting
and Fascinating Address in,
St. George's Parish Hall
The earth as one of the ,smaller
planets of as spier system—whose
central sun was. ono of the mintier
stars of a heavenly system of int.
nienso distances, which we ,inight call
our universe, but beyond which mod-
ern large telescopes discover whole
universes millions of light years
away, Vas the view of the—well what
shall we say when we have ulready
used the word "utliversent to deseribe
only a part of the whole? presented
by Prof. Kingston at St, Geonge's
parish hall on Mondayrononters , March 18th
already discovered, who eanetellobut,
there may bo melt more as yet. sire
discovered;new universes which may
come into view when .the gigantic hew
telescope which is now propene& is.
consttereted. The laegeles
st tecope*
present in ORO has a, tense 100 inches
in diameter but preparetions are
being made for the construction of tn,
1 new one twice that Sin, 200 Atones in
;Professor Kingston bus on a num.
bar of m001'01%15 epoken in Goderich
with views of thelbodies we see in the
,eky as shown 'ley modern teleseopee
and hie eddress on Monday night WAS
_ as interetling $4$ any of his preview)
addresses. He is professor of math..
- emetics at the University of Western
Ontario *rid his address was the last
of a series of highly irtstructive and
int' ting addeesees givetinunder the •
auspices of the A. Y. P. A. of St.
George's. church. His subject was
"Metre and Comets," more, paean
tularlyothougb he showed a number
of views of ehe various heavenly
bodies WI 'Well.
(Meteors are, miall bodies of mal -
and beyond what las
Restored to Health by.
Lydia E. Pinithanes
V able Compound
Port Elgin, In. nt, -"For three
ment)e, 1 a* ammo sed wet* ith
'rod trollop sod
set do nty
stk. A Mend sod*
slot to take
4-41lo r. lank.
' Veneteale
ompottnd and I
ve got geed re -
front it raid
_tweed it te
ebonite" - nue
ewe* lent le -
%Oa deesetainle
droggisen *vete e
istemilente te
-01114:14.. 0 *or t..7 7"4
the screen some of the modern tele-
scopes and the verY smell instruments
with which Gentle° diecetvered that
tbe eaeth moved round the sun in-
stead of the sun around the earth.
The address was a fascinating one
and an its close a vote of thanks M
ehe lecturer was moved by Mr. Hon te-
man and seconded by Mr. Connon end ?sir
varied unanimously, andevith it wee *
coupled thanks to the A. Y. P. A, for
milking such an ' instructive and in-
teresting serRs of lectures passible.
The attendance at this lecture Ana
veer good. The patronage of the
course es a whole has not been large
however and those responsible for -
bringing needs of depaiments of the
universIty here feel tbey will not be
justified in tieing so again another
year without an asserting() of greater
general interest.
Wise euothers who know the vir-
toes on Mother Graves' Wont t .
minator always have jt at hand be-
cause it proves its value,
EARN,6.0 TO io.00 A -DAY
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Resulix PonprIseet Brakes
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$d7$ to POO
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You will really have to examine these smartest•of.all fours
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PETER GRAF, cloderichy Ont.