The Goderich Star, 1929-04-04, Page 1ijt
Aogiortisitegy that Paps
Theememeiaimew Pima thee SW Me
Get Illemehe. As A& he The Galeria
Stet maim the Peso& 'nese 71-
Seliseriptien: et a year in Canada.
nTIL IRS a. near to D. & points.
111 1 11 1 111101 111114 1 1 1 1 111 I I 11011111 MINN IMMO. NM 111 1141111
A Number of Boats Which Wintered Here Only Aw •
hspection Before Clearing -Harbor is Rog Scow
. .. .
of tile I 3. B, Sweffield, Geo. Bva088%.. mod forwent to greater work* being eon' in G, by G. IL titearider, ond the Te
the held on Robert Jeffreys. The i* UHL ut the eemplielied in the future tor our Lora, Deem * Sir Chau. V. fitsnford, *8 IS
to he stet. optimisation of a league ta emulator and Mester a* we Weer together as eoleiven *et of thanksgiving. The
lel*** at ertensalt. chetton, neaforth,, pateami people m tiod's wore. AL. view dela so, weneady. do_ rated by
Dublin mitelell, Aubur., Brunets for •Ius glory one we *leo extend to 4 the Church Women's Guild to the
was heti
r, TOWN TOPICS IP' nearit
Ike Ldi 111111111111 Damping, of Bolide
A11,111.1111~0.114.14,00,.... '11=44111:;, )11;0161
Ceingresoe el et a biter diste.
; Prof. F.. C. Elford eltakimumi Iteepital Ausillery At riee
Ifodern:metliode of living make it hard for the ordiatery indivi.
dual arsine, with the result that nearly ninety per cent. of *Rotates
left for widowe and orphaite is money paid an life eneurence. Santee
• :thie fact is enough to convince you (that you Should cony life Inas-
once. The money tkus saved will :provide comfort for you in your
. declining rears •or provide comfort for your dependents when yen ore
• (wiled an ay. fReeelve to awe and to boot 'ever %Wings in lffe
113pile$2 Residence. - Se 14. R. LONG. District Agent
, transportation and tours in come- A verY enesessfil
tionwith_ the World's:Poultry Cone be the Masonic AssemAily
• gress, which meets in, London. Eng., Menden evening bn_th, w
-dulY 22nd. to 0the The World's pita! Auxiliary.
Horticultural. Congress< meets' In Lou- sit and Mr. H. T.
don in Auguste 1930,. • suceimsful oneatlonto
Reinatoded- fer Week. eat IIMIR Miss Dome:We Eateeeee•
lotion prize.
11110111 en
011101elli Hos.
O. Roam'.
viz=the , New thanes Manager ,
aee The Baltic of Montred annaunees
•errler-Thealsee the epporatment of Mr. It. C. Whate.
Ire an alettlaget or the load branch et
Toonto. o e elte of 9. el, o leo, 109 or the Cenoffian 'neon will
- -In - z 0 was ware maxiataate 8ma conned, with the, orchestra the Beak. suceteding Mr. Ye ..V. Les -
w , JO Z
ruid•ththefilt arl,aerunaitittaboOelt.atharesejetim1Prot f to% Petair°1(114nrat llarld; Sal Neatly . nianaaamene a the Brockville ofnce. Peter Mererlane. 'Of tit. George stot preseher tor this °cession being eset,
_ Mr. Whateloy, olthough born Auld ton Toronto, formerly of tiettecith,
di*, who has been prenuandeto the !when Bate* Jeanette, _niece or att's-1 parade to the ehureli, the spetiat
'din the music
a house in Canton on Dee.. nab hist • Two Iftwolre4 31.1010*$ • " vested at Perth. Ont.. entered the ter- D came the bride of Mr. Percy Henry' go.41, Siteiit„
b(b* %Otte.. ChnOtt Collin% of St. Gear.
He /deeded guilty- ang woe remanded atm Goderich Horticultural Society
aura *beady %dee of the Bank. in Nit cat <Calgary. )Faeen, of Eitehener. itten Die
for 1929 and Seere Fell stades and shwa then has se «1 ellairelY alt i ander M. Millen officiated. wing the i ., Euchre and delete under the *tie ie '
and Le:adesi,ore, and Robert Pinkneye Bro. Parr a hearty hivon to re. I ladies of the choir added greatly to
of eleaforthes working this la,p and mem wi our pastrofor ..noiaer yem.1 the sinpettranca 474 the their. The
it twasdecided to write him ea the Rev. Mr. Porr has accepted the la- 181801001r8 of the choir are leaked to
vitation end will remain In eharg* ot endeevor toe he out for full tehitersol
he Vietoria St. atm" Union ehtireliev.: on Frey evening to preparation for
A levely Baster n'edding,wpas selimiteeitly14ka thktY tete me4rtehall?;piteltn,-
Faeoti-illieFarledie the memorial setvie wheit la to he
entnizeil at Sherbeurne House who died eleneh, eigg, Hares inwneo
• Arose week.. hes close on to 200 mem
• vbe alma baby, sax. a victoria toliatviverimiteter toirtst4leteit
Elegy fide
tr(TFICE TO CREDITORS` school will be, held at Vittoria school fees paid by SaturdaTh
- I
•lotlatiTICE le) CREDITORS.. _
an 7 o'clock to 9 irk ala" evening Under premiums May not v
pereone tering claims apinst the
- Rim levestmeets
Thiarsday. Apt ilth, from 415 to Mem'herShips will be reee
5.00 eagle ere the *ammo% andfrom that date, but the f selection of
selection tranchee on the Pi lime. In 1905 he double ring ceremony. The wedding. ees of The Coneiban begun% to
have their w" Illikeid in elm" of the I.egati music woe played by Mile) Mari' aid. i held at the Miimaie Hell Friday,
this week. *venue, egirmipeg esitiee_ fear year; ley. The bride, who Wee given in' April 12th. Driver Orthestra.
!seer he proceeded es menager to marriage by Captain William Proud.'
ilea after Ntegburn, oad since 1915 ism held the foot, looked cluirming in A Freneh I 0‘tee en 'd_atte$Jelre. 14..thet,I2143112 14.11rt
•appointritent of manager at %dem gown of white thlifon with rosepomt 3 a; e•IP" ' a tlft..., 14N4 *,, '''' 4"..
Read. one of the EttlikiCallholt breath lam The fitted bodice was heautl. $efttrt ma ureetarm eel acenerYt
IIU School
Soto SoeeVoo thes in the West. Actively intend. fatty :beaded with pearl, a w th
a ere e ,..,.._ - 40 .1 •• ..N.
I new hritcht eembentes. Sieger loud
ed in a wkie variety of social organi. mousoutitaire sleeves, no skirt WW1 ",""P. than 'Moue. Peserve YOUr
wd for the zations theme the number of• offices- long, Wing Mit eitellitne flounces, and ' etata S.-Atli/4W " 1)tuderein beat
tent to which heaven)* missed in the Ifer veil of tulle was caueht with ut nolio license expired Mardi
lei atguroe‘ . ...................e.-..........
euchre -and dance ikt ttit- masonic trait he new relingUlitalstacate8tot the ex- the train was lined' with fleah chiffon.
the ituspiceik el the &Me and Riaeotese Roatendi
•with Eachre and Deere
WATER SYSTEMS There was a large cro
Pb• se di II o t• pa
. • v p
• Steck iiiraleira eetate et eterbert E. Melgaii, lane of the 1.
Goderichewho died 00 or
• Band Dealers • • about ibe seventh nag of March. A. De.
burgiiance •
ROYAL BANK 111111,01114
Pikelks. 430.4445
• 1e2e, . forward fon narticiears , in-
evritIng of their ela:ms ond statements olsl %mite sPosa 4C en ri• an
; .01 their oceonnts ape the nature or the rtburban. thomeo• GOOt surPrianglY
securiliee. it riny, beta by them. duly 4rrot. Irene prounentse Cetalogue and
• to the undereigneet oa or be. la Partientare free 'to borne reenore
ri and builder% ItALLIDAY COeiPAtiN,
tore the twentieth daY et Alert'. A.
1020, Oa aed after teat date the gene. Box liatelltint- •
frit. of the sale eetato Will proceed to "re eee
distribute the eakt estate, hating re. • •
• card only to Wel Maims as she shalt
i these bave bad no lee. •
HOME SANS' _ i iltatellion St..
Heine builders i Wrtte tor free book • r Goderielt. Ont.
of 'Homes and eeriees atbuilding neater. Solleitoraror Exeeutrix,
iais. our service will save you money.
No onineation. HALLIDAY COMPANY.
Box e0, Ilarailt0O• . t
ilon SALE C LE AR 'NG A1:9TION S.thE : Ole must be removed From
BotSE1I0Len tiltiNISItionie.
pott ,....7ALE.-4:aging canary, witii* - - their premises before the '
•A• cage. Also black. silk emit. Ap-
iIS-5-11 7.41eCANIVY '. 1st day of May, 1929
PlY le Box re STAll OrFICFe. 4 will 5411 by public mietion at her home, ' ' '
i'1011 SALE -A child's folding bed and nest street, ttoderieb, on F.' .G. VIER,
matiqu competition *VT
- en. cieetree range. elnie GEO. SATI:11DAY, APRII, 13111 ASS'T SANITARY INSPECTOR ' This year, in addition,to
. iiAGeirgte William St. i commencing* at 1.80 onlock sharp:
which were offered last
r6a sste.......white. Blossom s,.eet.1 Parlor end, dining. room rugs. a reek- - .1,
,pedestals; , . will be nunscal competiti
e• ., •Clover Seed. Government tested. oinatreltaelreeet e.1 lt„„Irr...erisaewhual.eirt!ire; 3 mall lit -ANTED Toronto Fair in chant, Inuit
'83.00 per buster' Also two stacirs of *F I'S "". `4"'"'d duet classes, and eater
bay.- Apply to FRED MLHERT, 11. ii.
- tati es; sewing machine:1 Ouebee beat- ev .. •
er and pipes; eideboard: dining table; 1 soreeD.-01r1 to assist with houtt,:te. petitionsi harmonica, ot
No, it, BaYfield• work and eare ef children. n- and bagpipes. .Also pleb
1 day vouch; i varier condi; 1 iron bed
1003 ssix.e_ggo for Hatching, 0. end enattress elle dressee; 2 =Were OW at F=13: -.Alt °FFIGh• have been added teeth
Barred beds °ed. dresseest..2 wesh -stendee ieciii lige.geregie-emerried man wanted to partment. Full infonneet"
^ • • A. C. bred -to -lay strain.
age, or 4 menthe. and 9 dee% 'slag o_ pear!: pictures, eurtains anti sever,,al Big monee. Perenauent !work. Inust of the Canadian Bores
I e a in waterproofing businesS, obtained from .1. 'St At
Rea% Pullets ot last -year laid at the ?legate I terPet Invecner; 1 com v e
'DeoVIDSON. Dungannen. Phone pun- nertetedorn.egetathrogLa;_qaelersel be able to sell. Ciie owne_r preferred. ,vancement of Mamie, e0
- - • 11Pdit'itsg'ra-"nee-1,3-.;,.-ael. iini'm'llais.; ga'-iden' O., 116 Edith Drive.-- Tot-229"lenge Ste 'Toronto
- ----gennote ring 81.
All owner! and Occur
len of premises are here-
by notified that;
on Wednesday evening under the aus-
pices of the 'Goderich Ble.ckeox Bage.
haii blere, parthlularly for the
dance, for which =amyl came up after
the eard game was or. Sehriim's
orchestra provided thir,musie for the
dancing, wideh was kept up till about
8 sem.
W. Appointed Bruseels
W. II. Belt of Itruntels, has been
notified Seat he has been appointed
postmaster of the Bruesela postoffiev
succeeding the late F.tS. Scott, who
died about five years ago. Mr. Bell
is e lifedong resident of Brussels and
a returned soldier. nets understood
he takes over his new, duties . scene
time this week. Walter Scott has
be011 acting Postinaseer since the
death of his father.
community which he is leaving, bandeau of silver fitique. and orangeei fast. Renew tit ALF, TEBBIPIT
Tried to Set Nee to blossoms. White satin slippers were ggesege *gee per. Annum.
litsliiin°fdaityelf;:ittte4a Mahe. tie scene waa
. daintily embroidered in ailver twat Al
curled a shower. bou uet of Butter. The %aver incest Contest in eine.
fly roses and'Illies-of-t Devaney. The ing, elocution, photo and essaye which
enacted before the. magistvate, when maid of honer.. Miss Edna Hunts. of was to have been held at North street
a feeble oldt inmate- of the County Oederieh, wore a Jenny model of aqua United' thurch on Tuesday eventing/
House of Redone answered to a green ddiron with satin slippers of Aptil 9th, has been paetponcd until
charge or attempting to set fire to I.
the home... CRAW evidently of un. ttil: estlerreeeer,4411ee wettetsas Ceolawilne QC?. Lam): rrdtniesadtVe' inAmPrilnld,23411" Plend'i later!'
sound 'flied; the noted man stakes, that'
he merely - wantest to see a blare. He l'ssa Pink' ehiltan' Isal"ned shnit."1)** I
math, runt tong, waste pap3r at the Her eathe slippers matched her gown.' Ileaerve April 18th or 10th for the
had found' a, carelessly discarded
bottom of a wooden ventilator oho% Both attendants wore silver filigree G. C. L entertainment, consisting of
bolt 1 n sweetdehusandoea s ,c a rItted zionayskannl dnututheberrsa,rfaodlel; odfanNee:iiiionssbobrty
detected, the cracklibg Mentes, end_ tended' by Mr. FreemanglartiblnWptitsti ,11:1 fs. the students O. IL Canteron, noted
ostarterPthe braze, when a Wed initiate
Save the ahnen. Whet might have Eitehener, and the ushers were Mr. Canadian entertainer of Toronto, will
ly averted. The infirm perpetrator Clare Snider and Mr. Cyril Philp, al. take an important part in the ,pre -
so of Kitchener. During the signing gram .
beeiete terrible holocaust was narrow -
was given a week irk the county jail of tho register Mr. Robert Cott of , ale end •men in The Lions' trinetret
Galt, sang. A reeeption was held Li 1 P , It • St el ,
*tont° Fair for servation purposes. -The light, after the ceremony, at which M.
ese 4asses er mina of this case ergs presented m F 1 ef t; 1'neon ,e, Dr Graben.' and Walter. Buchanan.
when the old man questioned as to ' e ar ane and rte con -moo ewe , "
el .7'd I ed ii t it t with the 'bride and groom. Mrs. Me- ATuir 8441' Plan of (Vent Itouso
year there
o ne et Dunlop's Drug Store Satan..
ides ee ar t a e was oo
rtette and, statmeh a Tory to veteefer a Liberal. roareiriledwo,riefra French gown of black, Pe
ons at thie
i4 II, Cu OTI an 111 COMAge 011.
it h day morning. Reserve your seats.
peels! come M. early. Remember eeetimilet" 31110Y
quet of orchide end lities-oftthe.val. w.di i iot
tiole fiddlere Goderieli Madmen Damian Club lero Airs. Facture gown was of vele
o duo these Cargenizeoll ' . georgette and she wore- a corsage of enter. House was,
ere *op° it %!4.42nig 1Wie..,
e photo de- sine annual meeting of the Goderielt Oruro roses and ilites•of-theevalley. SPF.CIAL OPTICAL OPFER'
ou liffoit be Baseball Club was 'held on Wedises,. The lirldn's twain* ceeturne was an Rave your eyes crumbled by our
SCrat• tureeior day evening,. Much 27th, with a fair Artemide of red and beige. Mr. and well known and psinstaking 'pedal*
for. the Ad- attendance. The following officers Mrse neon left on a motor nil) to ist, Mre flughson, formerty atitteal ea.
4-)30111dge .--were-electedi Uone presideng May: United -States and on their return pert fee gents, Termite, and Row.
or ' E. J. A. MacReeve R Turner: vice-president, F. "110$ta clime from Winneor,
k:wan; president, will live in Ritchenee. Out-of-town lialsosruigaerid
of thCe.:44 isgt°0011ttricealwoirrtutoilhere
Woods; secretary, P. E. Ribbed ; Xitehenor. Gorierich,.Ottewa, Maul-
obtained, and at very modeate cost.
battalion tressurerr, U. ItleeDoneldo executive ford and Helnilten, • 1 Our fraraes end mountings are the
Eamon on (chosen by &idiot front twenty-four ,
Aie 11, 1929, in "meg stin*stm% WM' Barlow, EL IL Church
11.17 Week Sereices in $t. Geergerie otertvroticekesesreof itrhoemb;e4stortuva.kerTehursand.
emoration et ono Battle eg !Linder. E. le. Dean, S.. D. Croft,
pee SALE. --A. quantity of O. A. 0. tOois; 1 lawn mower; t kitchen table; e eta4 Fourth to /told B.
No. 21 seed barley. best etualitY. 1 9-hqrner eeeel oil Move; i rot end eer01111 oPpon.ruxrry. .„ sa,„iito ,..,
Au:4y to w. L. PENTLAND, phone 2i matinee,. nOw; illsnes• glassware: late 4' ----- - ."%elels-oe. eirienown ce;tireess
king- it (10..
and numerous ether ertieles. Per Vreelt• Praetical sPer° Vane train" the 20th and 21st a r
,., • e t t wUr. ife '
etseseod ,e0t,,.• /tarry Elliott, Chas. Shepherd; Chas. Because 4 its special natiire all dae.Y. PeeklaY. Apra 11. 12. Come
. g down lillitson•-•1. lifOta; Rev. R. C. MeDert'IlOrvit's, during HOW -Week wefe held tf,“,r, Pmcnt's ART ST011E, Geetee_
1 et etand. on nuct Vert Sanderson, G. 14. Parsons, in the Church, whereae during the• l'Ira°
urhen Ikten00; *11101kEtit of sealers; orating will in you for ee0 to *100 teeisaid a eelmian
.BAnY wercur.40 and Everytnine U411 be told mithOtit r.8- Emplor ment ogee Endorsed.'
RC PS STON1`;Se setwee lhe hense is rented. . Free information.' Write COSOIERCIALettninle eeee our
, p„eneennEttenne Heppe 100.31,7 etteen St, ePreesaeen r'gun unrer;
te, 19re. Siegler - , - eie Gireettirre4AON, .• West/Portent& .. ,- • their a. name
' tone) white Igghorns,
Stretch zed -MAL Eiga 81:00 Pee Mei °- . e , . __ __ ,......A. ,, GARAGES re- that- datt. All members
8100 per tete If roil *one to the farm OLE:GU:Me 41.4.irbiNZIALJN I.Fr ran. I • terested Are reetiested to
• stantial roluet:on on eggs, and on or- ----t• siontIat gaienes. All materials ready bole Who will forward f
for -your purehase. I 'will make o oubl ‘1 . STOCE and leipiegeleeerrse nose payments. on ottraetive sub- R.- S. Watson, 60'Benlah
eters of '200 thieks one over. e. eirt. J. IL LSVIS eut, NW lily- freight. Write for a lam ge Is expected that
I am authorized agent for Roea; ;las instrneted the unde,rsigned to 'sell. free catalog. }ULLMAN' CONII)ANV, six hundred will attend.
Broodier stovesefounte.'feed beepers. ny imbue ouetion at tot 6, Base Line, Box 40, lia.milton. eee .
lo. I .also *hese a number of used 2 tulles north of.Clinton, on , ' .. .' -... -- -- . . -. ....- A woleierful SoeletY
Brooder stoves. fount% reed hopper% . „e,,,,,e.,,,,, .,..... , .
Ton SALE OR To RENT -One of. the most signifi
For further information; send for dr- "rereee 194.11/24 Ina .................„ .
ment3 in the Province of
milers en chieks iteul•eggs, and' Prices at 12 °Veen Down consisting or the roi, stet. _rare, eoutelithee.
e C. G. CAMPBELL. • Ito Bled. horse 1600 lbs 8 yrs , ee . ..
old/ neaen torso; 1600 lbs.. 10 years old; two. For reuliculare appij te S. 8. ThartieUltural Bomety has
bey home. 100 MS,. 10 vote bid: efeet- owns. G, deride mern'bership from 20,000 t
nut mare, BOO lbs., 11 years old, good is today the most totem
single , or double; grey mare, general et sgirE.-iee storey red beick 7- zation of its kind in the
----- purpose, 8 year* old. good to work • num house- on eameron street; day practically every h
Ceder simervisiou of Moline- Invert- eingle or doubler heasy Ural/ 0611,, AS- I lot- All eonveniencee. 'Garage and Province has its local
• . ,
' mere, O. A. C.. Guelph.' We sPecialiee eag a •yeare.. • good garden. Also 1 ifranie Win& on organization and in man
in Barred none, geere bird en ottr tatile:--3 (luernSe'; heifers. freshen- tine's street; six reems; lights, water
bee ' been transfOrmed
the appearance a the to
farm is euitc/elianded, arid blood test- (A in eewee; s eteestein teem miming and Villa: garage and garden. OSCAR
Iee. .I. Buchanan. Air. , Fege-ne Dean season of Lent daily serveces 'were
Who are ittl• held in the cha el. Every morning °
ave Ratu, the secrets , Mr. J. II. Lander, re. last Vieek Ilab' 8elnlinnlisn Wa3 cele‘ and then to spend the night on a
These of ug who have oeritalat non
write coot. was In the chair fee the meeting and
brated .at 10.20 a.m.. and each evening
--la 'partial. ported on the past year's activities.
Afr..M. Mac onald, treasurer; report- at 8 p.m. inepiring addresses were sleeper might well hear in mine, in
expenditures of seeez. of tee ex. which every organization o t I the hire of the lower is higher', than
engaging a -berth on the Pollincee that
*limonite of given by the rector, 3. N. He Mills, to
ed receipts for 1928 of $583.39 and
• i)ensee $eea,20 was spent en equip. dingcb. Was asked specially to attened
i hie the hire of' the higher. Meet Petoine
cant. move- ment, which is in good shape for, the d fferent evenings being chosen for choose toldre a lower, in spite at the
each erie. The following Is the list of fact that the hie° 13 higher beauk
Ontario is present season. It was decided to
Rotator evening, "The Wonder of the when you hire a higher You have to
the subjects given bY the rector:1
st in horti- call the club the Goderich Blacksox
Cress," members I get up when you go to bed and net
0.P.a..••+r.M..Miaaheo •
•enbrooders, ete: •
. following t • 4. acres et. good chi,: loam, 1111111(102 tettiii:evel°11:imest dealnrtsel
increased in Ontario Amateur Baseball Assam -
o 80,000and tion Invited the club to join the asso-
*I Y lie Ontario, ,Baseball Club. A letter from the
and rector's bible class asked special- down when you get up. The hire of
ly to attend; Tuesday evening, the Upper is lower than the hire oz
Company of the Cross,' members of
wehe i the lower because R is higher, and, au
the 117•,Auxiliary, also au a eonsequence, if yoU decide to hire
women of the parish -were oohed to . the lower in the ear, the hire or the
Y instancCS ItlOrris 1.• Webber was up beton Renewal of the Cross," Sunday lower, being higher than the hire oZ
INTNMILL. -Cameron St. .wn or village
through the g
• cbarge of perjury and was remanded
Ma istrate Reid on Tuesdret on a tf4ileveks atiosillicaeyrs were especially
s gezeol: the higher, you will cite) he lower in
' purse. After giving thie carotin
attend; Vitednesday evening,
g w •
for a week. He has already been Memorial of the Croseev"enintnet tlieught, you will uodoubtedrly 17
wAter. toilet andgarden: seven rootlike ShaAng thIll
tfit , 1 , bo • • the L C. A. and the perjury charge is of the Men's Club, were eerdiaonfy7tipi: I fri;nt, pt haus te, It to *ace:71ot.! Aar?!
ge.011 SALE OR RENT. -1 frante honor, •
Also i freme holism on oibbo e etreeL There were e even oilers who as follows: "That Morris L. 'Webber. vited; Friday being Good PmrleilinabY,eni:;":e4eViee,(7111e:litere"Yi:,,P1:4----ngfetly flP4101%
Bob Carrick Won the Travelling convicted.of two eharges of breach of congregation and especially
g• lee .siory,„ on Brock street; light%
Five rooms, ligb16 water tiiiet and made the score of 221 in the contest on the loth day of March, 1029, at the three hours' serviee from 12 o'clock ie pcx•eqs melte ewe re appreetellen of
g.erden„ _folk; oeden •ectimi 1,, Qua., at Drennan's DOWling Ailey for the Town of Generic'', lit the GonntY ei until 3 p.m. was held, when the rector weny eeeneeeens of tieeepathy anti
er,on street. eloeeet to that score during the Huron, did COmokit DerlierY with in- cps oke on the Seven words from the sendeeee en etemeetlen with 1110it re'
' '''""'"' ' ' . month Feb. 28th to March 28. The tent to procure dismissal of a charge
VINT HUNDRED DOLLAaS-DO YOE' . w!rtuas tiliCissrnservPaicteheetfiemagtadtV;. Petit 11.1"4111114 I° ilW jjelth " M".
-IL- wsst , IT ? ily buyiug il I play-off took. pia& on Monday, April against the said Morris L. Webber, tirons:t.
-1-s lst. and Deb Carrick was the -winner under section 90 (2) of • the Liquor Friday evening there was Evensong, iMehIltrT4.11,Meqleaw and fairilly Odell to
eigitty peres or rielo••and prodeetlye
loan with *fetid nvoural and artineial with u _.../woire of 230. The it en who Control Act of Ontario, • of having the address -being the eAccomplislo teazel flute inn) Mende and ne
drainage. oleo picturesque location_ qualified with the 221 score vivre IL, liquor in his possession net acquired anent of the (i )i" All servicee der- born else the liev. Mr. Niel; mad, for
one a Ilie best in the ociatte-you G. Sanderson, M..1.4 Sanders", Percy Under his individual Permit by Swear- Inq lent have been verge wen attend. the bind expreestione sd• eernpeihr
win be profiting 'this amount; Said Johnst0110 Win, Johnston, Chas. ung on the said trial at the Police el The church was beautifully de,•
farm is about two Miles from Minton Stowe, W Carrick, Greg,. Elgin court before Ills Worship Police Stag- coated with Calla and 17:aater iiiiee. and for 1i° 11"'antitn"1-11 tv,1,111,1!"
elieme in their 'event eel beteaternenn
" Das" 1 -tee• BullaciFt4 "mint at. Fisher, le. Young, Bob Carrick and istrate Reid, at the Town of Generic'', earnations and snapdragon. Iloly and 11"1"` 331° 39 1313$") 11-''" 4 .41"r
' r" Auburee Ont. ,
< Plioneethdite
oNTA,ftro Itursoixo mum
bent organ!. dation and this was referred to the
wort& To- executive connnitteo.
amlet in the lb
e.emanded for Week on Perini,'
horticultural ammo
-ed, by Gmernment insPeeter• emote due to freshen in Sept.; red taw.
traVae4t under n‘'eeed nit Pertarrna"re veers< cid, eine to froShon Apr. 20; 2
sapervision. Write for mating list and e
ermine cows 7 and 8 ream old. just
pekoe en stay tad decks. end three freeh; teouteia eoee se4re 0/e. fresh_
, nree:i4 oid etartedehicks.
• mud r, weees: Holstein Om Tears,.
.L M. SCOT1'. • • freshened in rebruary., heavy milker;
Swine' _Civet nom. Hereford cow 5 leave fresh:. Guerrisen
R. D. 2. neafortin Out. ccw yors. frcbb =one week: brindle
eCar 8 ever% due to ffreehen May lst
REAL ESTATE AND IlintatetetteE Guernsey row' 4 years. due sr. 10r, 2
'kV er1W8 ledsteiii heifer, 2 years. due
rgoHE ARNISTRoNG 1'} SI 1-1 ill and eept 5mk: 9 tee.o.yeareoet m(44,3. taw..
INSIT,ANCE AGENCY. I age 'weight about 800 lbsg 2 -year-old
heifers. luelefate 2 orie-rear•old heifers
Scene real barfaimnoklinn Susi How tou. fat: heifer% 2 years old. fat
t) quiet buyere of htilkseS laud farms. :bent 000 nes.; 16 yeurling steers anti
J lel a ',few.' or many <listed for sate ; *betters; 7 young oleos.
Good brim hor-• inn modern -quip- Pins.--Sowe 2nd Inter, due May, 10the
ev:th lot act garden- gas: street'. 11 store liege, about 1120 2 geese,
good home. terve barn, driving shed, um joiansron. that he. the said *Morrie Webber, Conenrmion watt celebrated at six. ear". •
vi ii nil 0 ere. 1 C id
Price 111800. - 2 gander% e. also e n rn 1 a r ; o r. ons - .
knew Charles Kent. and met him ill , seven. eight and eleven . At 11 1 Roan
Fine lied Mirk Rouse, newly decor-. emble bush. neselenee In Siale4 sea. Trak Regulations Net eiesetceg .
August, 192% and that the said Char- a.m the communion was choral. Cati- I • f:FIT. -At Aletandra Dieseitai. Oode-
eeed. good rendition. Lights, bathroom. lentenis-741. atassey-ilarris bin. oon fier, skirl ier For 1.Prart4: W 1 .
Tem lot.,. ell300.00. der, true i ans carr Pr; . ageee. e . - . ,
IlliP i 1 I e ft M • BitlIKRIP Milan Owner 2" South i • les Kent waa at his (Webber's) Place on Hill assisting, the elibiect of the cell, 'on Thtireday. March 2Inti, 113 eir.
Magistrate &cid has had several •
i eases before hiin recently from the during Deeeniber, 1928, 3kid gave reetores sermon being nthe Over-- mid Me. Mai ey gent. 44 stisighbv.
• Red lirick house, full modern equip. Herds mower; 10 It Deering rahe; Bain Street. Romeo, Uchida)).
t smitli.ef the tounty for bikini tO MP' Webber his permit for liquer awl fronting of Death," II Timothy I, 12.1 einecie AIRE, In teeteriete en 'defi-
led 83100.00,
Massey -Raines 112Y loader; Massey.. , , .... ,.„ ..
Red brick house. nOod condition, nerds fertilizer drill, illehoe; sia,esee.. __,... ____ ..., serve stop slew, for using last Year's asked bine the paid Webber, to Pt In the afternoon at e pan. a eidideenee, efey. epee fee te eue eier ewe
Eath room, liglite. Fine small baser. Hamel .13 -teeth ealtivator; 2 sets et .' IlluiLuirimii Mith markers and for operating earn With- . liquor for Kent and gave Webber the
iecluding garage. Eight lots. neeno,00, drag' ht.TPOWS: 'riding' Now. 011'teri 2 Pree llaraairt Rook el, nallning Mat- out drivers' perinits. Some of Gle money' for said. purpose. 'that the addresie king' aiven by the rector Oln • • ftAiLarkt:S.- in nit:ht.:114 we PridiY.
service was held in the church. the i eteweembe. ai eon. .
'octet. hou4e. full modern. equipped. moneelg. plows, Nee 21, neatly new; erials at FaetorY leiStribulors* Pricee. parties were in Own yesterday in I paid Kent gave bun an order to get one goore. of the Resurrection." At Nein 'i. frith. te Mr. arid Mee U. It Fen
gteam heated, Pnrtly hardwood floors. disc barrow,' out throw, 123:10 with Save moriPy on pew .buildinge. Teton.
i ' connection with the matter and white , the liquor, and that the said order
hero made tbe observation that ther 1 wee drawn in hie' ' 7 p.m. there was ehorat evensorin anal it we. a ti vender
stareee. emo0.00. forecarriage• good farm wagon; old Mins. repalre. :sew boot jus yr n et .
Goe'od it.e story house, with cellar. farm wagoll'l 0 ft. land rolli'll mi c't 6ffets 'twee 1 •
twee thalipand bullern
d fif Ciitebber's) holm, / gerinon. "the Resurrection of Faith."
Two tote Full suite rooms. ineludlne sloop eletelot, new; set of knee eleighs: .benMins deem, windrove, frame, foul have pieked oat
ty crises of and that Kent wrote the whole of the Jaen eo, en Special music t7ao In Thrifilliaf. Sr18,13F.
15 ' ;ler bedrooms, won arranged tee cone wagon box; stock reek. new; hay rack; nelievorle goonarg. -roofing, enineeeel infractions of the nanke
• • ouvei hoe new, sti heavy donblo moo paint. bardwire, fireplaces. putnps. under- -which they veer
regulations said order. That the eaid Kent gave rendered by the choir. the choral eon- ettreh Mel, Mize/nen veneer, qA,Ide•tv or
4? ,-; 1. - Fine Coll equipped -bath r.oesi tolleilleess. new"?' sets heave- double harnees: eilinehhee voode. eteetine fixtures and ; while wallang around the Square in ; at Webbees house,. contrary to see- 441:11146e1,3r, a4seerdtree4aireit keel erNeet1444 114:414,,1,1;4"`"e:taitell':41(1.' rt"r"I ‘1' 14-17;4.
et, itelatapeet gpelpega. Dor ..40. elentill why these eases were not dealt with. '•., Convietiona were registered on the inn the Magnificet and Nune Diodttle •Glit ‘••.,1‘'.
Annvenleat to Collegiate Iastitute oust t;Pg; two-5,-nted. ••;:k.t..111 Axvo-oe44-
victoria sehooL nle00.00. "surrey; 4 law milk cans; Priniroge ton.
. L two charges of unlawful poesession of ----,-- ,_ _
-...._-__ - _ _- •
many morn good homes. wile more , eream se.parator. 150 lbs. rapaeity; tue. -.. usi i Msiti" nunleF Given Handkceddel
gi00. Pte. Ask about them. I held at the home of Miss Deligtt Auto fine, S100 raid costs, tvae impie-
ewe: etaseey vatting bo•g: t,,ilom• Mt:1'10N SALE oF liteentgredie
Large number or fame listed tweets. 71'w4v Vitt/line' rnglite: elteular saw. Int°P.EitTT 015:1 11(311.SE P1 -11t-, Match on Tneeday evening, when a el" •C61111i.61 1)" E* if°11"3 3nn"nceill
4 mot ciny site, price, terms and lo. 408t0usiou ledden mew; set new 3 rope NiMillalS•
, ins intention to appeal tare eonele- 1
/ number of friends of Mise Nerinel i.„ee
gluon legman ready foe . oceupation. 40,:-;: timaillY of mined 8rtnin: gi .....*4-11. .
, sti e sWoetbsbsoor wecael.released on two
imenediate po3session. e• . entehel of barley: rrettbar. 4ilarpla We are ensteuetedby ; Darden fathered to bid her farewell . '117Tie
i before abe !olives for Toronto, where.
e etiolated, t Webber the rtkOney, order and permit
rem, electric ragntodi Jest grits -hell Portland cutler: 2 rubber tire toP bun. genetoll beliderot needs, Write totlinn Goderiele Natneally they wondered tion 1700 of the Crisninal Code. by nb, George a martin. in the met. %oil tel. thee.
i liquor ota Jan. 29 arid 5farch 2, re•
„.e. less modern eeneenieneeseoweee rep Gower: rem teiltivator; 'outlier; Auenox SAL _1,
et500, MOO, ete00, 8100one," 'eke eme lamellae mill: set antes: nett rutting --rer'regneggeeeereeerregegreggeee A delightful surprise paety wen i 3P".tivell:/' In ectell e3" til° Infra* '
Fee all particulars write or see • 44°133' Ir311'3. 13141a101"C"' 11614314ie4. M114. GEO. 11. Doan
3. W. AILIRIBONG. She will be a Et:tree-in-training et the lite. !dr. Pe" Wni Winn:a
and numerouti other artietoe. Positive. to 5.01 be /equal auetion at the poen. 1! General u L oyeeeru tees Goderich Pester
le no togrve firm Is reline,. Thia ises, on °spits
Rex 89. IttelloredrEfttaritele. 00. 14 2 Clioi.efi lot of stack and Iniplernente. gegenteme opnio elb spent in novel tom p51flo53)i On Tueeday evening, Mareli 20tie,a
Real bilk
No outside ellen; ta et 1, ti•
thil Sate Sale %Ain eseeoneeeipe at 2 odock. ebeee" . rind during the course of the evening aloint reeetileg of the Okla' boar& ef
I/14i s Dente was neeetited vith Vietoria street seed Union Vitited
MK- All Mato of e10,00 arid un- v -
den eash; over that amount it
The propeetykaown et; the resideneeiluindkerchief shower. Wm Edith klatrickeS bele!, at whleb the foil- .
6t the hte "at" Ilate8' I -111 1"a° P niber read the very nPereprisite " lowing roodutien apPeeeiation of
text, Gedeeleli, conelstian Of leen u-
"olit, 'win be given on faro elite; ap. beet frame two and 0;e,..bea
eesteee address and little Iletee Mittea with
'proved joint bardobin ionm. rd. a din* house le greeniess reteehe teeethee the hendkereltiefs and verecs pinned
eosin( -ef iter teat ettaineit allowed twee lots ett. 1•,,2 ntIli 201, VCS' - all oVer her t1 fry 151'. (hone tOok /ter
aJI issinace foe vaeli or eredit amount.
rev. Mr. Pares work era an invita-
tion to him to remein as peeler, wool'
paseed ; ;'
perky il, 'only a slat distenee freen the nhiee before the. sanitised vendee lady,. Moved by Jas. Aderae, egeonder to
must Le "44, -Dunlop le .ei
„ ,„ Ireohert Davideon, 0433tmearrnonsin:
a 11 1 W14: t° 0 FLIA • . „ t • --, - -
eeientien a dainty hones van served. resolved that weas a quarterly Were • .
At the neve tree rel 11k0 kr-..-.11Crials or 11 11 or stesion, being eempozed of Vet lite i;
the linuee will fer tend: Litine reennitlellerkk 11011040e Pitekerit , , Red seesien a lactorie street one
• nenteter.. • Auctioatne.
• .......-oreteeee
revEsTsENTS-AND INSURANCE • .1•Ifm 1"121. 07"? "tme'st ""'247" tie e -ggaireg 6Theret wets. suoil at. t Peer. among us hoth rite pulpit rime
- ter Wel:
dining teem, tied:vent and kleeteen tar- ,Orgintize 01,..reion elaurchee tzeld fri Vieterie „
;115ttlre. ig3Mn tC• 6111. aato The Cletlerielt, Horeeshoe Associaerstreet, Goderich: desire te express '.
rvi ma'. 024 dab or nized in Godetleli Oft MOO' ! the work a 631. Motor Rev. DI C.
tendance titt.tneetiktit tidit•d for the en the vwaotis so/errs his work.'
fetes. ' tint i$ the entree of the new seceding our sager° and heertfelt aneeeciatiort:
. it y ee ot e _ . e • r
Telephone 239 # va , Iklews--"ra tncj P°4"°Y. IQ° f'''' town hell avid the televising officers , We deeire eke to give thlitke sod
,.. tl• ' , cent. of Ptri'dsOSZP fitta0 ae tor dealer. t
. e ,
eeieeeeeeniiieeee, _
etegerge pi reeve glee, e,,e tiv,3 nj 3?; enert. eleeted: President. Dr. .I. A. ' Ow to Almiglity God for hie Oren V '
. be areooreo to Eeeed tete el, rkt7clav tillitinitrk; eeeteterintrasetter. C. ff.' Mei ifs Oar !nide, and for Cie Lugo r.
Iterien Ca. Mortealc.•. tt ire iteterest at 0 Humber. The following, etith the cr.; inereate ef members en ail* Clit'utis 1,
GODERICH °Num C.:',? eeel. ele teenintione, can. )i iiCtrel were. anneittedi as * member- and for the reelekening or teeny dare
. Nfill'it! te Wen, ' shin teteMittee. with pourer to odd to 'jet tne evattgelietic gerercee eieto o2 '.
Atter:fere re, t!".•!;:.1' tetainteree 51, In Creft, 3. Letele Cher :trace :Ltd eve 1TaY nal fclt,.. ,
' .
REVUE --- -
90 PEOPLE-Goderich's Best
Reserved Seats, ?Sc. - Rash Scats, 50c.
Plsnorns At Dunlop's Drug Store Saturday =ming
HOUSE APR.9th-lOth-lith