The Goderich Star, 1929-03-28, Page 4t 1 .� FOR SATURDAY SHOPPERS There is still time to get A New Outfit for Easter and we are ready to heip you with A Complete Showing of the Latest and Most • Stylish Models in COATS and DRESSES for SPRING Another New Shipment of Ladies' and Misses' Coats and Dresses for Spring just received this week. p._ -MILLINERS MODES - That D That are -High-HHatting the Spring. Season A smart display of Straw and Silk Cora<1 if`naations and in Printed Silk with Scarf to mach. - The New Dresses .a • We haire received a further shipment. of new . Dresses. We invite you. to Gonne in and see theism. They come in silk printed crepes and celanese. Very ,latest styles and materials . at moderate prices. , The -New Cods We have received also .. a new shipment of Spring •:oats this week... They come in a wide range of materials and shades. Ma- terials are: Bottomley all Wool tricotine broad. cloths road - cloths and_ tweeds, Shades of navy, black, sand, fawn, blue, g r e y, etc', beautifully lined with flowered ' silk and plain crepe -de -chine, trinrirhed with fur, muskrat, opos sunt,: mole, bro adtai1. French Colinsky.:. Sizes 15 to 44. For the men and young -nen we have a complete swine of Suits, Top'Coats, arts, Gaps, Shirts. Neckwear, Socks, Cloves, : Underwear, etc. j for this spring fe ture many very smart Style a:leneents that will interest: a .L - . hien who like fa be tt fa -lits. he model shown p sl t has the, ,peri- peak Lepel, the shoulders. arebroad, while the coat itself fits snugly across the hi f, imparting the' much desired athletic appearance, There are other smart models, including the double breasted style. Therenew equally smart models for men who' affect• conservative tastes, Our stock of fit' Suit's is, presented in a selection of Bnglish• tweeds and worsteds. Reasonable prices. TOPThe 't'opeoats ,.inns} m fav);ai f -this si:h toil., dtsptay a _ TOPCOATS deckled fullness of ent, carrying out that casuatea. re - free appearance that makes for smartness in a sp ring 'fop Coat.All at ter of l.rya<eds in sitttdcs of grey, brown and fawn. Y T $y SPRING ity,natavy.blue with pencil atxi eat, and in Fancy Twveeds. WEST SIDE' OF' SQUARE A. CORNFIELD • "SHOP WHERE YOU ARE ThiVITED "1'4 SHOP" .: INMODERN TRENDS N the greater tails towhich Pupils re- the (sad Land. 111-. tt PHONE '41 eaconvs expo-- I Another modern trend was seen in •*vas good in educational systems in. in a ained in school, reflected in the fence was in London. "chiefly. and h Iaaaspec#ar Beacom Speaks to Goderi• ch Act, and still another was' told of one school he was at where Lions on This subject the estblishment of classes for sub- railway tracks ran on one 'd h Si a wit �afornaal pupils. There aro aliont ;;p0 � trains every few nainuto.s' nand on tIi the isubiel t InapceAor llearoiar dime a. Bottom expressed the hope that ;odor of malted hops always perv4d- to,speak on at the luucaetin of the some arrangement could lie made for tng the school. The free schools in Lioue Claib Friday evening, mar,, 15th, eine n Goderleh, ll+he hoard late been London lie said were attended only The old idea of education was that it considering the matter and expect to by the poorer people. Anyone who t was simply : trainini; ,of the Mimed, have an address on the subject at an had pretensions sent his boys and end geometry and algiriara, *which •aver . early aneeting: girls to private schools. Mi. Bea - of little praetieal use .triter life, were Mill another trend is the Town. tom told about the English Centrad used because it was sulrponed they shah School hoard idea. The idea( schools, which took the cleverer pup. tial. vola in has n o the training of tits mind. at been popular in -oriel sec- ils Vent the taonnnoif selioois and gave c Nowadays the trend was towards tions but Inspector Ileaeoin said tho theta a four year cerin front 11 to e nett al schema 5 ,;ar t education, resulting in tech was growing in . favor,eters. �, nq g and .y These vara., soinethin like faecal -shooks, eonnarcrelal relaosls,. *would satin heavy exlacuses in Schaal outs technical schpals: g t a **Modern Trend's in Education" waso, ysueh classes• in the Province toad other side was to brewery rvitli the � • • THE GODERICH STAR THi1RSPAi, MARCH 28.h, l9'9 a ..d•••••- of Victoria Ste United church visited ,:erne of 4'1153 r 75 !C SilovB ( woes tem Food Disagrees the ne � e�nts toreside in F.nri ton,'anat Drip Dat water preitutect 1iee wan a brown ¢cattier ' naandbeig. The presentation was With 311001(4'4 to tieutcailize a made by M. Harry eeendereen, M. Arid and Stop Indigestion. i*z¢trect :uel :sat regi ¢aia'g eiat aauclaaRse, i winch vitas As 101¢eWe: Givers Instant Whet'. ' t )hear is — -ai we understand ;,ten . "..••. „ _. - are amnia; to lease, we wise to exprese iFhcai f seek Yi a' bee lead iu our to you our deep seiner me gratitude :or your untn io aaazd dcti.., evf it. on,„ and you have that fall, rano , vices nn be?talf e7euxs class, As vre- « comfortable, bloated feeling, it la be- i > ident of the class your splendid lead - cause of insufllciera leima aupplg to erahip has been an faepax-cion to nil the stomach, 'combined x3..:x .•o=each of: us, and the memory tat your help' acidity and fend fersaeaatat oat. In>.ful rompanionshtikwill tarry with ua lsuch caSe$ try the plan i$V.' £ollox*e-t nt the days that are to come. we ' by thousanaie of ' former, sufferers , will miss raiz schen. our cl ass meets from indigcstien by simply taking a ' from month to trionth, and from Sun - teaspoonful of pure Blsur�ated Mag. . day to Sunday, but no doubt some lri as in half a g1aea of va+ater, as hot other cissa wilt fn 1 in you; thu true ai you e;ata eoinfor:ably drink it, Tho and ever faithful elasshtate that We r hot, water draws the 'blood to the ars . losing. Please wept this small stenaacli and the Ilisurated Magnesia, token Sas a memento of the Happy ,, as any physie1an vett y:ou, instant- -tunes we have spent together at our ly neutralizes the acid and stone the , meeting's. May Goll bless abundant- ' food fermentation. Try this anted? . ly your labors in the coining days as plan anti You 'will be astonished at lie has an the past the intniedfatas feeling of rend and Signed en- behalf of the Victoria ;.conaforrt that talwaitye follows this ,sine- 1 retpers'-Class of Victoria ,St. united- )ilei harmless restoration of the: nor- church, mal process of digestion. , people who RUBY I1ARKEF find it inconvenient eat tet a.s to se. OLIVE SANDDERSON, cure hot water and travelers who aro 1 frequently" obliged to take Misty ISen c McLEAN, ' g Although taken completely by sur- meals. poorly prepared, should +elways prise, Miss Elliott. made an appro- take two, or three iive-gnein tablets prlaii reply, oxer easing ]ser: thanks to of Bisurated Magnesia after sneaks to her classmates and regret at peeving urevent fexaaaentatlan and to neutra- them, The remainder of the evening Sze' the excuse acid in their stoinach. Was spent in aanusements of 'Various . kinds. after"which i dainty lunch was by Engineer Gaster 3Tarr,. it your a;steemed,tttasbai►d arid served. Ia3liiuly, will user realize the guiding 20,000 TO BE SPEICC influence of His protecting Band, andwarmth of His great love. Should AT Gtyl?BRICH'S you at sty time rte led to return, you HYDRO SUBSTATION. will dna the old door stilt open; sim- ply pull the string,' and the Meek will- .Explanation of Goderich's Thirteenth vitt. Now,.niist tui a. slight Wain in- Power Bill deed, of our reaIs ct,. we ask you to .,,, *wept 01.i$ amltil .itt, and. trust that As was intimated at. the nominationas you hole upief:it in the (leesto meeting Goderich Wee a large 'rut- come it will tens. to you many fond lay for new equipment for theehydro wineries of .your friends and neigh- substation, something about $20,000.. bore of the Victoria st. United church.. The reason of this 'is the. overloaded Signed, NIRS. W. G. WILSON. . state of the transformers at present MRS. R.H. MEW. . ; in use at the eubrt'ation. What it is w 'PRESENTATION TO. a1r v . '. C. traonsfo proposed to tie and to is keep three tlie old A1tltI1 MRS. ELLIOTT ones- in Wm also. The new oiiea;wwill On Monday evening, h'iareia 25t1, be used for the power load with the ;.bout arty tneniirers .OA the eoongrega- - exception. of any single-phase power, tion or 'x-aayfar's tyoxnera: enliven as- and the old.. transformers will take seinbied at wise none of Mr. ani ,Airs. care' of the lighting locd. In addition Cams.. liurnber, to bei turmoil to to this there will be three transform - tam pastor end his with ;tile :til ttev. _ exs to purchase to take care of the Mr. and Mrs.' Elliott. new requirement of the Goderich Ete- leering cne evening Mr. and Mrs. vator Company of about 600 h. p.,. Eli t. t were preset: ea ward, au ivorymaking, with the lend the Elevator and silver baiter, tale presentation Company. is 'already taking, about a being made "by furs. Wilmot liaaexe thousand h, p• from the Hydro Bloc - and the tolio*nng address read say Mr. eve. 'Sestent. 'The plan for the ire - Chas. Whitely ; movements was'submitted to the Hy - Deo i.Mr. stns off.` Elliott. .. • dro Electric Power. Commission far W e, the members anti adherents of approval and received their o. k. and 'Lay^lox's Corners' thumb, hare gate- .at a meeting or the local Water end ered here- tonight to bid you fiarewelly Light Commission on March :20th En-, and to express in some tangible Foran gineer, Caster of the TI. E. P. G. was our aappreciation of year ministry present end reported oat.the needs of. among tis. the system. and. a motion was' passed Mr._ ElI'tott, : during time --you. :hat the...Hydro Electric. Sower -Goan:- have had charge of our church you mission be empowered to purchase have sown gooa seed in the hearts' or three 500 k, v. a. transform s• from the children, as well as the older .the Westinghouse Co. at $9,937.50. members of the congregation. The These are the new transformers for sublime truths which • you have viii- the subieetionn. ..n addition to the pressed upon us will not readily fade,transformers there will be a consider- e at•will iticreaase in power as an ever -G able amount of swltehes and wiring,, rolling attain, bearing into the richer •andso• forth, required.. harvests as time goes by. Twee fruits May• Caster explained the eaiuse,of, of ,your labor wen be.,, greater than the thirteenth power bill being, n yon have Any:ooneeption of. • • . -,-, charge against the -town this year in- • And you, Abs. Elliott, were always'stead,�of the usual credit. It will be willing to help in the service of song renembered that alio line 'between and your untiringefforts will not ;Clinton and Goderich was to a largo asoora .bo forgotten« Your sunary Caaua extent rebuilt and this is :charged termitee and words of good cheer and against Goderich end (wag.. all eharg. comfort Made oho silver lining appear :ed to the;one�year's_ibusi 'bushiest. un - in, times of trial .and:temporary dis-..less' genie u oreseen trouble should couragcnwnt.• A var ancy is: being develop. Goderich should have a much left in our hears, us well as in our better.ftnancial showing as far as het - death, that cannot .easily be filled, dro charges are: concerned for the We cannot express our appreciation llext a,dtustni nt. . in words, so in a more tangible way, Engineer Kelly examine the Hydro to further express our hearty good- system of charging for con; of trans - will, wet ask you to accept this ivory mission lines as being that Goderich and silver baker, as a slight token of pays its share of the charges on the our esteem. line to Clinton and the, whole of the Each time .yot'i make use of this annual c1aiarges on the line from Clin- gift may it remind you • of the deep ton to Goderich. and lasting friendship of the people '"� -•-W--�.. of 'Taylor's Corn$-, VICTORIA HOME AND SCHOOL May God's -eontinue~d.:blessing be CLUB BIRTHDAY PARTY with you in your new tome. The annual birthday. party of Vie - 'Signed otr.•behalf of the corigreeea. ; toric Home and Selma' Club was held ion, ' in the kindergarten room of . rho MR. G. A. STURDY, school on Thursday evening, Marc% MR., A. P. HOLMES. :21st, with a goodly number in attend- i Mr. and Mrs. Elliott replied in • as trace. vary fitting manner, after which a too• 1 The various annual reports which lel hour was spent and lunch served. were `left over from the last meeting , A. 'vote of thanks to the host and ;Wore received and adopted. They Hostess was moved by Mr. A. Holmes showed the Club to be in a very flour., sand seconded by Mrs. It. Chambers, ishing condition. •During the near and ax please t croon, brought to a lust ended, besides welfare work the ose'hy the singing of "Blest Be the chub directed end fninrned the annual Tie That Binds." bobby ilii', provided $51F to assist in , furnishing a musical instructor for, .. PRESENTATION TO 51ISS IVY •the schools end, provided money for :ELLIOTT prizes for the different divisions of A very pleasant event took place the eehool. on the evening of Thursday, March The Iyusinosh of the ,evening conte. 144th, *when the Victoria( helpers' class eluded, the following program Was etc., *where. !nimbi were given the op. Sett arts vritli only a few pupils and At the conclusion n' veiny hearty portunity of learning what would ba would result in greater efficiency. vote of thanks was passed to Justice. of direct use to1' 01' instance . ri In pec them in their lifo to o the inspector told sof tea Legeanx for has interesting and work.. These were proving very sue., one section in hes iuspeetorate with 2 anstruetive address. ceseful, Students from technical teacher who *vas paid a .salary of schools were readily absorbed into in- 81,009 and only four pupils to teach. eluttry sand connnirreiai elaeses found And an addition to the teacher's sal- PRESENTATION ro .MRS. G. M. really demand for their graduates. ary there were aril the expenses of }.IJ wow - ) the school. By arranging for tvaht- ails,. t;. M. Elliott, who leaves portation of the pupils to soother ;.5h...,ly to crake her tome in London, `school, arat Genn � rw�s i • - end the -advantages of eompetiti n " lerulay of lt ek h 1 t .aa g omy would he aauado given a delightful sunrise on o an • ti s WC , nv crt a nage larger etaescs secured. And with n number of her essocuates of the Vie. townshin as the unit greater interest toria tit. t:oiited chuirsh presented her. in school matters would be developed with ra-berautiful parasol and an ad- ti instead of to now where it some. uress. The address, which voiced the Uwe was impossible .to hod an an. rentin i nts of all present, was read nual school (meeting for lack of in. by. Mrs. Il. If. Meer and the preeentet- tcrest enough to get people out. tion ryas male by Mrs. W. Cr* Wilson. Mr . was take h entirely Y byIns ectoo LeatConia.o tall come • surprise. A dainty lunch Was served • interesting tdorics of ax year he spent in England on the teachers' ra- I a p1earant hour was fi iminly change, which WAS another of the broughe ht to, a close by alt einrans. a ere from the •Old Country and thud a of the different erg anixittione of the gut broader ideas and leaned t<Ihat thautiher niat*eisteiates intho lw rk ey -•- eo mveeh in the days. to come. 'then know that wherever elee is he walk • a war er �n qt=r cls,. modern ideas *-Users 1y (-'anidean l Elliottcshas the *n effcienta�'temiter 3t'taehere exchanged elates with teach• good•bye9 to one -whom they will mise THIS EASTER TIME For 1:asttr Sunday and all through the 1:aster colt vre will have our usual wonderful awsotrtment ref hoot at Sowers and flowering plants featly for immediate de. livery. !:aster t ili��, in al't,nd:tnce. ' If wodld well t'e`r,>!y viiue e1tnrts t,+ wall in a tea .tar. before Easter and sere our F autitful atr.t!; „f MnAnr..ahieh wilt then he M their tier, :�i 'STEWAR FLOMS t MOW -- les —+. G.O©ERKGH wt y�rd rand >�r,r very best tier it- willies go with her and her family. Foliowing is the address : a Gaeierich. 4'nt,,, • March 22, 1922. TieMrs. G. lit. Elliotat. Pear lrrknd,—it its with latrofounil regret ,that we have b.smed of your t>rbt"!etd depiiture from our inidet to take up your reehlence in the city of Ictndt tt. Year -will be greatly »iii• al e..ed ev the diff i tint orttianizatiorei of the Victoria ett'et rhutth, of whieh :WM hare been .gin, inns n taiin acral j' reithffat member. roar firriester nee entti.ltd eel le give 'frier eoeneel ,; 'aii4 iimcly 214 i•r many perrth-'init taur.tiolo the,: haven Ari -en in rohrltY 4460 with Siimerk .tt (1e• fleurel+, DTA tour boort* are, MINI tittle asdaw'••. ni • 'r4.• that+ f f You 1. oK of the +4.1.01 ' • tneiM,oro now in romeort i,tn wi4b the ti . horrh at Urio time of vier ,r,.,moil fiat tier rp briylna fro with ''.•,i to roar mus hleo.. thm MO V ter IPIAW •rretmpgA{vara you erns AI* Horan "Anti a treat. and1' our tainut .1,e.'. e lily Fitt., is sot r,Nrgn.d to plan. Municipal Debentures The very attractive yield ext present obtirinable on sound Canadian munieipai issues is apparently not fully appreciated' 'by the investing 'public. These issues are amply amply secured, give an *ssured income, are reedily marketable and are Trustee Investments in the Province of Ontario, They are selling today at distinctly b;largain prices. t'.iTY Of TORONTO 5'. -tart a^ VIELI) Otte 1 Jammu'''. talo 11/0.00 CilY 0E=TORONTO Goareineein* torenta tiarbeut ue 1 **ember, lAll t t2 4'8' 00' alai o* REGINA A R Pt ehe Scfwal District Due 1 Mott, 194 CITY or CDMONroN'4* e „ Doe 1 Nev+emMr..194.3 ,4:07 5.(19, n Cll CC CALGARY 4i'4c5 Our 1 Jtahrn 1911 ,310 S.Itlt�, Ct f Y ilt• sASKAT'o4» Spa, ileac '1 July. 1,41 1!% 13.t0.:,5 , vitt ACC 0f 1'OttIST' 11111 s`e Dee 1 March. i9 189.40 ri.80'o 11 et •t. 't0!1,4it. ,! 1!:w -ones, co,.ce. `."l+!i$!t,', 100.tK1 5.00{1.:f; bezumon Secummes COIRMIMION AIPSInga 11401001tAt t'•,trra.a! Ma MSr?'tNIPPC3 i CtMtia!►R 11►1r5 tt. it woof. ter 114NCQailrPraa 1e,04 (? is- room it a ilia }. fe. te. P. looter* it taatw+a)ett a - as 1 111 111 11 All the well-known Cough and Cold Remedies, onics, etc.. always in stock at the Rexala Drag Store We carry acomplete stock of all Patent Medicines, Drug Sundries, Tobaccos and Cigars •_ et H. C. DUNLOP, Ph .B.. THE REXALL DRUG STORE BEDFORD- BLOCK PHONE No.'l 'GODERICH ofalaaalal.4 ...I'M rendered almost entirely by those of the male• sex, Miss • Lenore Craig, pianist for the quartette being the poly exception: Selection, -Harmon- ica Boys; vela, Mr. Geo.' Buchanan; selection on eelle?Mr. Miller; recita- tion, Billy :doe Johnston; quartette, Messrs. -Jinn Sutherland, Reg. Fisher, Allan Pentland and George Buchan - .an; selection on mandolliin,^M1. Shore;n see selection, Haraamnlea BM; viol ection, Mr. Price, Short addresses 'were then reeeiv- Mr. 'Tom a .M n from Mayorcis ed M wan, sand Mr. Beacom. Some community singing was indulged in also and a guessing .contest directed by some of the teachers. Refreshments, including the annual birthday cake, were served, after which the evening's entertainment was concluded iby singing The Nation - at Antheaii. SCHOOL REPORTS The: following is the ,report of Auburn. Continuation Class for the month of April: Forni 'L:- -Dorothy Wilson, 89.6; Eleanor Wilson, . 87;. Minnie Spuhl, 80.5; Graee Scott,,89.2; Josephine Weir, 85.4: Doris Wagner, 83.3; Melissa Naegele, 51.8; Phylliaa ;'Traylor, 80.8; Verna Chimney, 75.4: Isabel Robertson, .72.8. Form IL. -- Frances McLnrty, 90:2; Annie Strati-. ghan, 88.5; Gladye Taylor, 81.0 , Sr. C om anereial .Mildred ' Scott, 90.1; Bertha Wagner, $9d. Jr. Coannaer- cial—Georgina .Lockhart, 78.8; Nor. anan Rodger, 74.4; Ivan Bean, 74.8. G. M. REDMOND, Teacher. Most of the world's handcuffs are made in Birmingham, England. GROWING GIRLS NEED Scott's Emulsion. °j(MAYBE "Tire Trouble" lYl. conies in the shape ofa bottle?or it may be a stone bruise. Here's a . quick and complete caro -let us do your tire repairs. Our kind of repairs—Good. :Maar Repair Materials and Goodyear Factory Methods—. nuke a real 100% job. And you'll be surprised and pleased bow Bauch money you tan dai!e. . P. it. :. MILLER Telephone 259 Goderich . e~,oedr.. Tube ttop.ie Kia war teas er ean.rsancy tooth* .. sh. rsM( One wry eco yin ik. pito eta *a+, taus and a int at data and nreubae. Ceara in ,*tree tint t 'ttw'pdes.. Ont. et ., rata�taa and MEATS SPECIALS IN Fresh and Cooked Meats Fish, Fruit and Vegetables. A fall line of Groceries, etc. All new stock. Come in and ante oar goods and gee our prices. Daleverxaltaa: 9 ett. sit,, 11 *At.. 3 pier. ansI S "tot. WATCH MIR WINDOWS a� W. RAECHLER I'haai aid" e~ COR. i1 lNGS77!)N "STREET SND SQUA,�Ir; t11