The Goderich Star, 1929-01-24, Page 4PAGE enteet
triallf111111,2moraotr -
To mak room for Spring Merchandise
Great Reduction on all Winter Coats
An exceptional opportunity to have a new coat for the remainder of the
winter and for next winter at a price far below the regular value« No woman
in need of a coat should miss this event. The season's smartest fur.trinamed
models are offered here at greatly reduced prices.
We have a number of •Fur Coats Persian Lamb. Muskrat and French
Seal whichwe are offering at clearing pries during our Stock•Taking Sale.
Men's and Boys' Overcoatss
- I
We are offering special values in Men's and Boys Overcoats, latest styles
and materials Come in and nee our line of Coats and save money. -
•"•••,7•••••,..t",.. •
i'Catt be gaittly Ilanialied With Balestt
Overt Taidets
- The ailments a ebildhood are teany.
butnetiirete retie -at Blunt nite dee te
one eau n1 one cause enly-ta Jet -
ordered i eielert et? the eteraeth on
bowel. T eilieldeettetteeei- ot
the trenen aihuente of Isabel:teed *•.*
-Seat to ceetetive erenteittee.
11, By Metare. Iletelersent and. Steleete
!that a grant cf e100 be male to the 1.
Plowmeres Aetectetteae
t -Sent te executive committee,
E De. Milne and Mr. lidt that ell ,
teen due tke eounty by neitecieeli.
CVO 143U3t be raid en or beere Dec. t
Mist in eeeli. year, _ etherwisefopere
cent nil! be charecd on the mete..
this to apply to letie teit'‘Cti ani after.
•• I
TIOURSIneet, JAN. etth, 1929
All the well-known Cough
Cold Remedies,
always n 1
Drug Store
ehildeced the bowels. muter, he tea le to --Resale& stock at the.Rexal
work reenter and tee Eton:wet mut ' ne M. Bin cald rv. mite° not tee
be sweetened, clerk preeare a bylaw enablice tboe
No other medicine for 'little once treasurer to collect bads: taxeo due
.has had glett SUCCC33 as lane Beeves previous to tho met erceerene three
Own Tatects. They banish ecentipat yearns -camel
Hon are indigestion; break up colds . By Mmes. Mackenzie and. Mole
ane colic taxi promote healthful sleep Trustees' end Ratepayere" Aseocia-
by regulating tbe functions of the tion. --Sent b executive committee.
stoma& and bowels., Concern:tan By Messrs. Mole and Andereou
them Mre. le M. Brown, %alto, te. that $25 bo grunted to cull public
S., writeet---"I cannot, span, too library in the county. -Sent to exe-
highly of Baby's Own Tablets as Z cuttve conmuttre.
have found them excellent for dal, BY Messrs., Dodds and Beattie that
hood ailments." Highway No. 12 three miles north of
BAby's Own Tablets are sold by Seaforth be straightened out by cute
medicine dealers, or by mail at 2e tin n oft' the two earners at each end.
cents a box fre10 Tho Dr. Williams -Sent to Good Roads Commission.
Medicine Co, Brookville, Qnt. The clerk wait instructed to en-
- • - ------ - . force the order that all Agricultural
Societies must make the returns or- . .
the several hospitals in the county re-
dered by tee 'council before the coun- ,
cognizetl by the Goveriunent,--Hefer. ty council grant is paid.
red to the executive committee.
By Messrs. Henderson and Bellan-
tyne that Messrs. Adams, Stalker, cion two petitions were presented to a curbing around the outside of the
'Punter, Anderson and Higgins he the the council in opposition to the one same, and on the inside of the voad-
- striking committee to vane the presented TuesdaY
standing tommittees of tne eouncil Wroxeter school isection. The were construct around the Court House,
ve el.'s:: n, that the county
seesion.-Carried. - The petitloris wereesent to ti educa-
tion committee to be consid red with workandatlosolittapit lelsthtrutheat tricoan's-
property, aesitiewalk er
segued by 29 interested
O) 1929 and 'report et the monung
, Moved ,by Mesons. Beattie and Ken-
oue presented yesterday. ;
nedy that Meier R. S. Hays he ae- The first report of the1 executive ertroarttelt tdovIronwnaecYtitmvitlah ttllecosouunetlyi pain: -
pointed trusteo for the Seaforth C01^
pile , vonamittee was presented ten Wednes- perty.-Sent to. Good Reads Commis -
logien) Institutereeltefeerect to„ day afterneozi. The following grants sion,
education connitittee.
By efesers„ males and Bader nmt aergreriecitueeroartsCondeteetdyt. lielm(10 to each By efeesrs. Henderson and Stalker
a grant at $25 be enadc to, the Hen. fair, 000 to each 0pr-1110;11% ain ftahlel" ttbh:tnaerromowe ibmtipdrocleieomnettobcoeuomtaydievatdo
$100 to the South Hum.
still Seed Show.-Beferred to the exe- county,
North Huron Plowmen's Association, eoreed to cross the bridge as it is
the;north of Beigrave so that the chin
ante° committee. - e Plowmen's Association, $1.00 to
Mr. Wm. May be reappointed on the dren attending ischool, will not be
By Messre. Snell and Baeker thee
$25 to each publie library in the count d rous -.Sent to Good Reads
• •
and ;Ample fevers; correct dianateea that tee connty grant $10e to the 11 Patent
Medicines, Drug Sundries,
, .
Tobaccos and Cigars
H. C. DUNLOP, Phin.B.
We carry a complete stock of a
At• the Wednesday Afternoon sen,
Exeter Educationel Board. -Refer- t $760 h 1 •
very anFe
eae Ospi a t COM- COMnalaSIOn.
iiiruRoN couNtry collmri intent is as fellows ed to educational committee, tY' a toted of by tb
siu .
The reso e Government, Ay Meson, Mole and Mackenzie
That in .no ease dial/ the muted- Y PR
113! ilee.ssrs'elCraiongle and Einill that $25 to the eleneall Seed Show, and
Home in London. 10 considering the that the road between Ashfield -and
Wawattosh from the 9th to the 4th
digent patient unlese such patient ie
palitr be liable tor the cost'of ank in_ M .T. Itob rts he appo ted. on
the Goderich Collegiate Institute.-- $100 to the Salvation Army Roscue
-first admitted,to the hpseital withthe Referred to the educational ?entrain. veport in vommittee the grants *ere coneessions be rebuilt during the
coming year.--eSent to Good Roads
1 Warden- r
wild epproval of the Reeve tee' an approved and that to the Salvation
panty ed evhich he is. a resident and Ilr• Craigie aPP n e ; $150 (the amount the request asked that the work of cutting down. and
Sta,tuling Committees Appointed. .
admission. BY Megols• IrreWartha an 144 e" A request from County Treasurer ed by the commission three years ago
Reeve Inglis of Howick Is 929 ard be and TuyetratItat Arne_ Commission.
-e--- Aar other officer of the loot timid. BY Messrs. y Rescue Home was increased to prom wens. Craigie and Switzer
that 3n soy case the hospital Ida the Goderielt Hoseita Board. --Car. 'NO.' this. being on motion of Ws- protectibg the bend or turn in the
forthwith notify the Reeve of such tied. ars. Henderson and Tutteete road
TREASURER; ENGINEER ANDon Sanford Hill as recommend -
Resolution Adopted to Ask Hydro Commission
to Develop Maitland Power -Ask that
131ie Water Highway Be Made.
Provincial itoadi
etance by the local municipality in -
/Wet, Attderson,Creigie 'and Mole.
• • ton t a e cost of ins on an
Edueation-Dr Milne litesere Bae- parties fl- ilitersectiotte in the ead lig • ,
Higgins, melee? The iollowing *elite, -
That ail indigents shall 136 aent to ton that Mr. A. B. Chant be appointed
Gordon Young was for a substantial be proceeded witle-Sent to Gooa
a hospital. withirt the ceuntY where trustee ei 'Clinton Collegiate ladle increase 'in leis salarY. Mr. Young Roads Commissten,
such hospital is Able to fund* rea- tutee-Beterred to ed +I 1
ttea..ona. cone
* pointed out that in Bruce County, . BY MOSK`S. Adams and. Beattie time
and local municipality shaii in no The striking committeee report c I
ease. he responsible for-th fi
of patients improperly admittecl when emmnitteeS " 'f°11"js' This Wes Paid in Huron. Theeletter wits laid
the local 'county hospitals could ta e ^ • on the table. ' ` county los -Sent to Geed'
cere a the patient. ,E x cutive-feassre. Trewartite, .I
indigents he payable in the first g 1 s atum- essrs• en "Ben* are far,reaching in their importance h t th tallati d
'sortable facilities and that the county flitte°' ' with a lower assessment thou Huron •a grant be made te assist in the uP
aunty t te treasurer's salary is $2., keep of street lights in the hanilet qf
0 accounts xed the membership of the standing. 00, against the $1,500 at present Londesboro on accoent of the geeat
. benefit of aneb lightn't0 traffic on the
k ndettted'
When ifiotions were c
. . d of motions were put in, some of which By Messrs. A. P. Keys and Middle-
alled for a lot commiealene-
That accounts for maintenance of Snell, Dodds, Stalker tand Wright.
Finance -u. s B s s Hubbard and Wrighe, 'd _t n I' t :aeh of the
maintenanee of two lighte t Bayfield
le • was referred stead of by the county and that tee .
The Januery meetiug of the Her- Iltnister of Hig Ines
0ounty Couneit open n es Y
ciountboftbe rooms,etr,.,British Elixeoludonatiroth&nteetiv,
the following eomrades were elected
to guide the destinies of the breech
for the year 1920: Hon. Pres, Com.
R. C. Dunlop; Pres., Com. A. F, Ster.
dy; lst Vice Pres., Cam. A. II. Jane;
end Vice Pres., Coni.3. W. MacVicar;
Sec,-Treas., • Com. W. E. Peachey;
Chaplain, Ven. Archdeacon jones-
Bateman; Executive Com., Com. T. R..
Pritchard, Com. le -D. itfeelillitue
Comer, Lt Rooth. Com. G. W. Setae -
fen Cont. E. C. Robertson.
The secretary's report showed that
the sum of $24'7.94 was collected dur-
ing the Poppy. Campaign in Novem-
ber and donations have been eine* re-
ceived from the following: Menlo
Leaf Cbipter, 1. O. D. E, 426; Ab -
meek Chapter, 1.0. D. E., V25; W. H.
Robertson, The Signal, e5; the L. 0:-
B. A., $n. The Legion was suctess-
ful in securing a substantial grant
front the Canteen Fund of Ontario,
which enabled it, with the Peemy
Fund, to devote the sum of $648.60 to
the relief of 29 families in treed of
roll showed. an ire.
crease of 60 for the yeah
The new dub rooms of the branch
were formally,opeued on. Jan. 3rd and'
are open for all members -front Thur -
day to Sunday of each week. The
entertainment committee have. ar-
ranged a"full program of sports and
entertainments for the winter months:
Princess Mary Lodge No.noes
ItntOr to Its Retiring Airorthy
.t et It nzie e sr • • ge o e a
ed Tu da totheLegislation committee local ntenieiralitY be resimbursed by bon* Beattie Sett e'er an c e n' that the petitions of the hill1 i
afternoon, with all the members in A cominunication from the City of the county instead of the present syse • t terested in the Wrotteter school boutt-
kor blob, Keys (Stanley> and Col -
attendance. Mr. Tilos, Inglis. neve Oshawa enclosing a *resolution of the teme which Is the reverse of this. ; dary be set to the edneetrien com-
a Itoutick, was the lucky +candidate city 'council tithing the oo-Oporation A notice of the transfer of three linnti: • ,
r Crai lepinaittee to bring in a retomerdetion.
for the pooltion of Warden aeeuring of the 'county touncil in seeking a Preients from Onteitio Hospital at. e'eunee erePeetetteetessre.
Dr. Milne... By Meesre. Adana and 13eettie tbat
Liberal members of1he council and, pants towards the upkeep of jails wits received:. the. patients being re -
Stalker e '
Kettle* Ilitbbard, *Ribbon :ad -Carried' •
the backing of the majority of the larger propoethet of maintenance Landon to the 'Huron County Rome
a, grant of $200 be made to the Agri -
House of atefuge-mosors. Adams,
necording to time-honored custom, was referred' to the Legislation corn. turned the beginning of the week. culteral Representative for junior ex -
the ttomination deeidee ott in caucus imittee also. The resolution 'points The patients, +whether formerly an '
urn r• iggine and Ander- tension 'work to be held in trust by
gees through the tonne!' without arty 1 out that thelroportion of prisoners mates of the House of Refuge Or net. -. r him for that purpose. -,-Sent to exe-
- . Chedren s •Shelten•-lefessrs., Tutu- entive committee.
opposition, In eonnen the motion convicted of indictable offenees was naerearterstansferred as above when ;new -
for his appointment was rude be the Inge and that the expense of Jails of kitt are immediately noti- ' . -
CV /inner and, the 'Norden. By Messrs. Craigie and Turner that
fled f h f h fi 0 will Agrieultural Advisory Committee e erne of $ee be made for the up_
unsuccessful eandidatee, the motion :Was Paidlargely by the municipality,o sue trans or, when ,i r ......
Messrs. Wright, Henderson, Neeb, - 6
being moved by J. W. Beattie,. lteevetwhexean The Province should shoulder true thoituntly of going to the d d , keep of flotver beds around the court
Turner reeve of Goderich, Reeve A communieation front the Nation, tients honie.-Piled. • dleton, Dodds Hubbard, Snell and
d t k the A "IS Uri Tv:tem:nue
of Seaforth, end seconded by llobert larger proportion. se ofRefuge and 114" Warden's Committee -Messrs. Mid- •
hors -Sent to executive c;Iminti=e,
y Messrs. Wright ande n
Beattie' vondueted the evardeneeect to al sits-- . . Beattie, - . , that Wingbant seed fair receive a
I titute for the Blind at Toronto ' A letter from the City. Of Chatham ' '.
se ebair and 4x..warden Rays ad• asking all increased grant this year enclosed a resolution paseed by the eet the same teseem, ceueenan Dr. grant of $25. -Sent to executive.
minietead the oath ef office and of- owing to the vrork of the inseitu council of that city in favor
te ee reMilne of -the House of Refuge come By efesst•s. Inland Mallet= that
fered his congratulations, being much larger was sent te ettecut questing the Government of Ontario Bylaw No, 16, 1 28, be amended by
and the clerk
then' lase to investigate the. problem of goring inittee, ex -Warden Hays inserting in the Chtldren's Shelter
The newly lastelled Warden. tiveeenunittee• The enuntY
gave a'grant of $60 and. title for the families of prisoners witlethe reported witlereference to the instal-
thud:eel the members of the touneile year • Iation of the Prigideire at the House Committee, after the+ word "council,"
the words, "of which the Warden
for the honor they had done hive end neer was asked for $370. Terentet view to making adequate Provision of Refuge. Tide had been carried
• assured thent that lte felt it to be a one blind Persons from 'fur" County for the care of such. families until -out mid' the o' utfit was a very ere*. shall be one.", -Carried. •
sixth thne aa the Pneeners ere nber* table addition to „the House of rte- By edessts. Wright and Collins that
great 'honor* especially to be considt Were treated last year.
T. et Wright, Charles ane, Archie cOMMIttee. each school fair receive a grant of
red worthy to follow Warden Hays, A Petition signed he t`^---0..1'.0111texAted..--Referred to the legislative fuge equipment ,
who had the time to go into the at= $25.-.Seut tit' executive tommittee.
Dr. Milne spoke of the matter of
faint of the county ee tbertelgebe McMichael and Jelin Gibson and sent. A notice from the pnblie trustee at rebates to urban munieipalities on Dy Messrs, Hill and Collins that,
Ito promised to do his best in the of. In bY' David Robinson arena the Osgood° Hall Ives that a bequest of the levy raised for highway work in owing to increased motor tramper -
flee and then went on to refer briefly county council to appoint. arbitrators 2o0 bed hem 24U4410 to tee Beton such municipalities. His municipal. tation, causing greater destruction/ to
all roads, the rovincila Government
to mate features of eounty etfairs. te settle Inc boundaries cif rural ute. branch of the chodremit Aid eSocia
etY itte was loOking for a return of a text P
for the use of the shelter at Goderieh. tain proportion of the levy for work he requested through the Depart-. 0 ilehool expenditures had risen ion school section No. 14 of Turn -
meant of Highways to raise the gas
• very high and he sotnetimeewonder. berrr 81111- 11'1%4°4 .'.bis "3 refer" Refuted to the shelter committeeon streets leading to the connecting
eel it there were not sontething wrong A requeet front the Salvatfon Artny link 'but luta been informed that these tan on all gas used by motor ears and
red to the tdueation committee.
in the syatem. ,After a let of money A tommunieatIon frotu the Ontatio for n giant to the Rescue Home at moneys were to be retained to forma, trucks to 5 cents per gallonerad that
via% Merit on the 'education of the Geed BAntociatio
ends ahnunced London was referred to the executive tuna for future pavement. The doe- 1 the grants on an rods 10 increased
n o
toys they kir the farm. The de. the eonvention tor Feb. 27 and 28 and
mandq for road expenditures were *welt 1 and asked the payment of committee, and n request front the tor was instructed to take the mat- Ito 8° pet ee1143vIteu geed read' leg.
llospitid for Siek Children was filed. ter it with the Good Roads Commis- islatIon is romplied with, and that
getting heavier and it looked as it of delegates. w. IL NUgent, clerk of Ifastinga Mott LI the engineer for an exd ,,,,. 'the Province assume 90 per cent. of
fee imet fin sending
tile twoquill highway rate was not This *us reterred te the' nuance rem* einutlY, wrote enclosing resolution of titan ' . n'"' the cost at Provincial Highways, that
going to he suffielent though he would mittee. •
favor reteining it if at all possible. e n a r s. f n .
wrote atsking the opinion of the OOUTl. That the Hospital Ana Chatitable BY W.Va. Hill and Dodds. that the
+mutt of the patreatie debeattn•es the Instit Ily lifesinne Turner and Henderson,
tawny <squid reduce the ritte hut ell on a moose! Met at IOWA 011e utions Act contains no fitterpre. repoet of the striking committee be that, whereas the rate charged bY
with th r " * I III h 1 trustee of o High school sbeeid be o. tation of the wor"indigent" and adopted.and that the cards be printed et a p e
the county outwit of that county as The following motione were pee -
The secretary of th 0 t rio T u the secretary of the Good R d A
copy of this resolution be sent to
OS 5,
lie had hoped too+that au the retire. tees' "4 natePillYet8P Astedation e ews• eociation.-Carried.
the y ro ower 011711118S/011 of 0e-
0 royale,* it war levy----
area. This was Vitt? Of L. hiCt Perently believe that the word in.. (trete of each ntembereeCarried throughout the County of Huron `s•
this did not seem possible.
pointed outside of the High ee" hoo--------
- in some hospitals ape with the telephone number and ad.
tario for electric power and energy
nup s come • eludes All who are not disposed to . Bee Menne. Beattie and Kemtedy go. exeessive eompared with -idler
A resolution ot the county council that it large number of
ef Simon+ th t th I i I (I e • = - that it rag of' 4100 lie made each ' • ' •
a eP4OV ne a over*. item ootgido the eentra ut ivitioli a PaY thtli liosbittet accoents. g
Oea e . i s WaS Sent to ageleeltural soeietet holding' es et, ater the source of sum&
bylaW appointing a towashin eotid 1 A letter from the County Clerk of is intended to, convey And to amend.' tri. n foul effillitl t ,
mint be memorialised to amend the Rhea ie i t d ni i That the Goveenteent b t el and whereas the fact precludes the membership ete 50, New
to the bridge from the south be paid •
An even wortity of mention took.
for from the county road funds.- place on Wednesday evenings Jan.
Sent to Good Roads Commission. Nth, when about sixty members and
Ey Messrs. aticKibbon and Hendee= friends•of Princess Mary O. 13. 4.
son that the evork of improving the • met in the lodge rooms for one of
County Road from Wingleun to Bine-
their social evenings. After a souse
vale he eompletee as far As Bluevalo, cards, for which prizes were don -
that tho work be done as early in
ate& dainty, lunch was ,serneel by
the year as possible. -Sent to Good
i Sisters Sproule and leaking and Bros.
Roads Commission. •
By Collins and Keys that Road No.1 Alen' foe MeNevin. Len& being
over Sister Palmeretue refiring War.
which was taken off tbe county thy Mistress; was asked to tome to
roue system leading front the Imun-
the tins, when the following. address
y between Morris and Grey at gt
between Morris and Grey east on the was read:
Lodge, No. 448, consider this, an an:.
es to Ethel police village, join -
Dear Sister Palmer... -We,
. .
ing road No. 19 and also boundary
cers and members of Princess Mary
the offi-
ilth and 12th concessions of Grey 3%
propriate time to thew our 'roped to
miles, be put back on the said sys-
our Past Worthy Mistress, who in the,
tene-Sent to Good Roads Commis -
past -two 'eears worked faithfully for.
By Messrs. Turner and McKenzie , thetbenefie of our lodge, and we trust
year we have now entered mum by
that whereas the Blue Water High -1 that we may still be guided in the
way through the County of Huron
Your hearty eo-operation and good.
and other counties such as Lambtotei
Bruce, -Grey and 'Simcoe, is now n
County gravel road, and whereas it is **Pressing
NaVerevine tokane andwe
our appreciation for your
rapidly becoming an internationally:noble
travelled highway between the United to accept
oar roped, and may the
a token of
this Past Mistress' jewente
States and Northern Ontario W00%
God who rules over all give you the.
f•Letueplthellerp" asninia couGneteyrgairuaneei/aryoae is needed guidance and tnay you be
spared for years in health and
therefore exceedingly high and out of
all troportion to other county roads, strength.
Signed on behalf of the officers anti
be it resolved that we petition the
Highways Department of the On- nienisheisrerElt-PriclintepetisNtattetv.Ixtod.r.
tario Government to take it over as a
Provincial Highway and have it pav-
ed ais soon as the finances of the De- Sista, Rafting then presented His -
pertinent will permie-and, In the ter Palmer with her jewel and at the
meantime, that we ask it to have Pro- same time little Miss Lois Carrick
vincial road signs placedealong the came forward and presented a lovely
Highway and that the other countiee bouquet. After the singing of "Fol.
and also to the Blue 'Veater Highway She's a jolly Gorse Fellow," dancing
Association at the City of Sarnia.- was indulged hi, a very pleasant even -
Sent to Good Heade Commission. ing being spent by all.
e ropes e
Highways Aet to provlde that the the elucation tommittte. to designate what the+ word "indigent" •teitee-Iteterred to executive tommit•
possibility of the fanners of the emit-
Chth littolust in Use, and $548.50
tty .being able to avail themselves of Donated to Relief.
superintendent may ho repealed or Bruce enclosing a resolution of that the act inch a way that hospitals Hy Messm Turner and Henderson this power in any large measure by
Amended by a UfilitiiMAIS title Of the toonei ritalto consistent that the members of the Good Roads !reason of the great distance from
teeteship rout" without the rtere3,, I velative to the question of the 8hatt b0 requized to
efforts to eollect their gala aseeneeenent 109, Goderielt branch Canadian
M a vecial
meeting of root No.
nity et / the admission of indigents to hospitals accounts from rommissiorc and the County Engin- i et.
relativss Avhet, under other eireumt ta le and th
tee eolutent in littltini ofWilt sent to legislation emu lt
nu ee. -.cer attend the Good eteeds"torivention '
high cost of eransmissiore and etbere-
_sesesseee, etaneee would be lieble before the to be held in Torento.----Carrietl.
Moak bit
umicipality as. the towns and village of the coun• _ _ _ _ • _ _
is epproathed lor pay. littElftS. Wright and Beattie.
and is generally henditopped in pro. ell OR
Will% referred to legislation committee BY Mesere. 111filantene and Reit. 4 is, therefore, surfethig indu8trIIIITY
GIVL 1314f
Scotts Evulsion
E: y AND 8RucE cOAcll LINES stitution is very objectionwate. This
Zf E., It 'CO t I:i or it
coun y refire lig agency r sty ' g' eu "111 " sr" the arn° reason, and the whole route
iveo etet, ty cannot offer inducements to man.
- ufacturing industries for loeation for
mehie The pr edUre ntalcce a at a grant tif bn
rein Sent to executive, committee.
- Read down • head up am. 9 n411. pen.
1.30 7,140 4 4 telerieh 1015 Selle
1.44 Srhote tie Ifolmeevilte 10,10 Sehool 8.0
1-10 Specie! 7,2ti t ihtten, 10.03 Speeial 8.03
LOS 3.10 VII Nesforth Alia 0.06 tfilt
110 51A tele Mt. Columhan PAS enti
ZIA r., 20 7.15 Dublin 9,40 4.e6 7.40
2.00 Ale SOO Mitchell 9.e.5 440 725
11.4h MO 8A1 Settilledit* 9,10 .4 2ri 7.10
100 000 S.? 3 $t 3 at fell teell 4,1ri 7.00
p.m. p.m. WM. 1Pt.M., p",. tin.
% •
° 1, It •
afhool .ftetiala MI' MPIASS'4, TIM'AIW4 Weetteediv, littive4ey tine
FrilloY 0.14*, Saturdsv 0414 roach le0P3- StteNd at 10
P.tVt. W. meip ,af all iv,161a mid term 'Mee,
Coat It leaves Coulorrirh Croat 1(e62Pla
rabrh later.* Stratton! fratn tOIS elOpot trSorte 741) a#44.04it
• Therese, enart6 both **Yes
Awes' row ter arhaat thiletral etteettier ettratforti seeteet
r .; • • +4, 441, ',144,4044444
Tho following motione teem sebt I ger 'that st grent of $100 he Paid 1143
1114 t . vitling work ftn. our people, eausing
our young men and our young wont -
By Messrtl. Beattie and Hill that -"""'"--e-',,,,-e--e-- en to seek -employment elsewhere, and,
as the auditors appointed last Jim.
-ars did not have any work to do, they . Head vitt colds, whereas the COMMitgiOn las atead-1
eel re -appointed for the year. -cat t i lastly set its foe sgainAt a flat rate '
,tied. The anditere eppointed under. oughs, Bronchitis for the whole Province, now, there-
, fore, he it resolved, that the County
tbe aba" a"ti" aro
M"" . .Mc
t i Ytti Thia. Fine 01E1 ,,f1,4.i.ot, strang petition and urge
Porterfield, of Et Wawanosh, and 1 I 'Council of Hu n, assembled at this
A. E. Erwin of Hayfield. 1
By Mew& Wright and *Ie./Wee the Coarnietion to proceed with the
that Meant+. Hill, B*ItilitSIIP AM , Herbal Remedy , tiOVtleinlIffit Of power on the Whitt
' lend river . was promised and
ttrtn,10(011{t,leaeo,40.71,1ehrilinioe;t1(terY1)telhel.,1,. rhght /torn thelhartaNatur, „ guaranteed by the Isle Sir Adam
Corded, Berle as head of the Hydro Peyote{
{. 'eta. .1 t el all tee eoti or ether ill*, Get . Commistien and thus Aare the,
fly Semis, tniter and Ittilisti,stie eo.i.;0'...i' s ik."It P? i'.11#0r,"1, 11141111 ' county. ef Huron in a fair and equit-
thot Mestere. J. W. Beattie mei tie W. t leek* )1)W1. IP lot nt'e 1114,1,1:, P", i ti#1410 *my to hold its own from an
fwitisin be appojot*d Irm the ne„ee eel le en :eel lee'ete e 't " ' ''''''''n'el ' agrirultural. tommereial end ;Must 1
Crirnimil Aodit,- -Cerried. - - + tie ;4 4* ,1 kir 7,0m, /, wet IPs.ijr
:trial etandpoint with ell other f...t--.
PY at"*". 14414". *" __,St44,,,tr .. Ii...i. vhi jo 1 41 1140-411#••wilv al- tilt" 01 Ontillie----('Ntactt•
that Mr,. A, 3. 'mkt h* rstrpmrstr wil,1 11111 ;:11.10 T •Ik. Id. liner Pt- Th Y 14040"• Irr*W.` *114 n'attif*
all triatlye ar Whaphara flier AchNit. • rom-o• I., wo+4.. tiro, Pton Iasi eryvicrieli. !has, it* If jellir Of 040 fact that it its the
- get'et".1 to the 0410'4166e 4.°V"" 4 - irr0.104." 140""IL S "4 1-4.4 Ite1 _ 1" 01.04490.11 e1r. the Tenn of tectletiett. tec
tee. 054 40b" 441056" "*"I 11•19.40ths WA .4.4 OW' weateter milk permit in Leo
Ry moony. aleltilhea lad Trer or. • ilhtaishimitarot MIMI
14 'PAM'. th Croc.ittratt rottenoto *Mika
Um tlist..we root 'too to se" of i Camplber• DM/ *AM Goierieb sar000k thy, fmart *WI. ASions *a4
South Huron Plowmen's' Association
• • . .
t r
.•.' .etenten.,
1 Cont Syrup, SA. Tin
Lily White Syr, 54b. Tin 3$ 1
APAC4tello Per lb• 23o '
WM* Beata% 3 Woe. for
4146. tin Stairs Maresidatte
Largo Jar SWAIN Maratedade
340o. Carbon Par. Lard• .......
Fry's Cocoa, 1/241o. . • ........ , ,
• Shirrirs Jelly amid 344 Plot. • . . „
Pry Cairsaii with skin on,
204' 154 12% and 3 for 29c
• .SSc
. • 241c
SOWN% Aced, 22c; In wee ...... .
Cooking Apples* peck - - • • - • ........ -21c
Scioto* Rod Apples, Iota . • • - • • • • ...417c
Spy **Oft, pot