The Goderich Star, 1928-11-08, Page 7-"•111•1•••••,77, 1•1113aSDAY, t- attiv. 1st, urea o ..... Osateastailassilemealiasmostastentimpaitateetataseetteaesaammeassei I ; Sunday Afternoon I Ty ISABEL HAMILTON, Go&rich, Ot.f. 4.1% 6460raglitria•m.‘mr60**4A4rAWiaasitii4.W4ott*4*Mlailb& Lerd. 'Len needest net, J. kaew, 'anti et wee te bite Paul tepated e. ceee tee coy tete geee ot 3aiii-rzzcy ine coaterro by time gveral, metiy %aettit a* I eat), 11.:111g: ; Yet 1 feng to prey° ara EilOW Val ellegieree ta ine linnet Thou an iterma• art, to lie ; Let me be a pratee Ticet amee.. Teetayettet Y‘?"31:i below tine, It. in Haveegat. I thee° teeneeed teat Keel vonvettea . PRAYER elte tlata (eizap. at ana ateerneetalz Help ia all eur ways 1.9 IX, tette to the Master whom we !lave aelmow- !edged before cur fetlevegnen. Give sh'engtit to do Thy veil through evil report as well en feciel. Per Jesus.' sake. Amen. S. S. LESSON FOR NOVelettee_19,2A Jtesson Toptet-Paul's In Jerusalem. Lessen Paseaget-Acte 21;27; 22t1e• 22-29. - Go/dczt Tet -1*. 6-10 Paul, beefing arrived in Jerusalem, Vail given A glad welcome by the Christiartn. ..jameette t1..Lor4bio. tiler, heir tire overnight; or me cutto'h - Heart 1111 Wrong M.aide Her Feel Very filliserable • One ,or alte Arst deager signets an- tuninehig Soniething wrong \with the teart le the Irregular beat or violent throlttaad Thi a should. lie attended to immediately hefete the trouble gets . a on, ora et Ont.t writeez--"One spring was very muck ran.doweand my nerves got very bad. Mr heart seemed all wrong in its beat- ing, anal .1 was feeling very mieerable. ttOtiellay happened on a box of and thill one box did ouch wonders'for me I took another, • That eve about seven years too • • ttIf ever I am feeling that way. again I will surely' give thetie rum another ehauce as X can rest eonfident they will build me up. . "X also am a firm believer M 'all your medieines "ust by what Heart azta Nerve Pills d for me.t'' • ) Prieet0e. a hex at all deplete or malice direct on receipt of price by Tbe Millnua Coe Ltd., Tomato, Ono -reoe,+.0tree•etes=te ret...vestettowee T SWARTS' 1110 One Livarg jfack Stables, Eta. Wait real St Peen, just. oil the Square eateettee SEVERAL .FIRST•CLASS AUTOS ltEADY FOR SERVICE -GET YOU ANYWHERE Ant WHEN YOU WANT TO HET THERE 'Busses Meet all Trelne and ' Pessettger Boats Pastiengere called tot la aay Pert ot the town for elf train:: at (1. T. R. or C, P. R. Oftpete. PrOnipt Service and Careful Attendance. Oar Livery and flack .Service will be found apeto-date In over, respect. Your Patronage Solicited . :TSWARTS Phone 107 ittootreal Street enotterteteeteereetwoseemeeereeetw us g , ilydro-Electric TOE VEOPLE'S STORE 17 Cook by Electricity Wadi Eleitricity • Iron by Electricity -' CONVENIENT, CLEAN,. mum C4apee than CC•al or Wood An electric Vacutun Cleaner removes the dust; a broom just moves the dust. Wt guarantee all Hydro Lamps for 1,500 hours. Walk in and see display at The Hydro Store Fey 'sham old Mike* IN Use FeeOver 30Yeere ltbrsira been the Iligasturgef ' the nuaibe:: heel eneeted te 4orivo five theusand (ch. 4.41. ?Them still el). ,, , the Lee. C:111 ties elearet troable man. , .. cervea tee -rites lad down in the lcm wite kept 11Q11:;0 ilea I •tr ,, d an of Mono The ouesti a t ti .te ; ehildren. Now net :39 inatie wive 1 • . o. o as. u tee council , ;Ire in bustnese remelt& the now it altitilante • wheil ilrY rat of Vat is timehing %tater aeiping et senance ea ditetV3E:Qd b', (ch. 10) releted ellIn to the Gentile; will be necessary 4':. the Itesh•-114 tO "$IY Converts.. Had the 11 1711 been ;W.. give moug re thoht re the honte. et`mt1; Plumbing. Porcelant seetete elated at Jerusalem it wo•Jld have exe etitherwise Vie woman edit have to are mace thau the metal One.I 41 bow„ and her batbroome al4r1 basemente, 2i1Vo, if a anted tenfold opposition to Christian. 1. 41L, a double load, het' pertion is standing in water tee on a it y and greatly retarded its advance-. bli2illeSS egorts. di the Woman helps merit. It was to be presumed, that with the financial end, it 2.. 310 more% .436"P /loot% lee it; liable to a shech i as the Christian religion 'became bete ' than "lumen man he touches te defeetive deviee. tee understood the pettuliar institu- should Hft n Attie of the Minthe ns load ' ' T that Electrie kens should he ca 011 tions of Moses would be laid aside ete het. shouhkea. Tine ts items done metal stand ptovided for them without tumult. IVe can therefore in 221 1111 71)1 1.. a t°1.13Y• Eleetric• irons orttonsters should no readily understand the concernetoft In Oat; age ef ready:matfett and be used to Warm beds in winter, hut Jamwand-the thizzeiCat ebeelonung squint -footle, ttoueelteepttorar Mt' onlY Ale elettitie -lied teerretirft": iliF.' of Paul about whozu reports had beee asier job ana dew not call for tro signed for that AIN and made sat' Lal to Jerusalem by evil minded mech !flannel laboe. A man gen lend fir it. • Elearle IlghtS 511(Adt1 not b Jews. These reports bad grown un- t, hand lit 11 4a 'wen''''::Lut eve'l e meting in clothes' closets. Al til Paul eves regarded by some as a IA tough he io not trained ni mat eon otectrie cords should he promptly re foe of the Jewish rites and eustams, of thing. But we must not let it go Pawed when (he become Nvorn He wait advised in ordek t avo'd th at that. We must go fartber still Electricity ie a great "servant in th e house„" but xt tnay become tt menace 114. ..t of the eviI report which had and both men and women must train been eireulated. to associate himself 'for the tasks' which Wilt fall te their 1271(17 used goPr°11047^ ' with four men who were about to obe lot M the new day. Women Mild' --FASHIONS, PADS, FOIBLES serve the forms of puriticatien pre- give more Attention to training for 'scribed by the lave of Moses in the, elle business life they Will matt?, and iun .1f her usks you about shoes, tel I observance of the vow of the Nazar. men must gate more thought to train. ' 11 I • footsteps and wearing blach kid ite (Nuee..0;340). .This_Paul _agreed ing for the _home* they beim to eet more And -more; It is easier on th to do and. when the time was about tablish.feet than heavier leathers, and is ended, some Jews ertho had come •to Both father and mothee ean .give more dressy for evening wear. The Jerusalem to worship, seeing Paul in some etudy to the scientine trammg busy business man does not have time the temple, stirred en the multitude of the cluidren,, and to their moral to come home and change bis shoes% Med a great tumult arose. The Cap- and spiritual development.el° n f ' "4" betdaylight'd dark, whcn 1t. tem oi th e Roman soldiers whose the): of tomorrow m gotng to share Ita,s,. a littlednformal affair he wade duty it wasto meintain peace in the with the mother the responsibility -of. neighborhood of the temple, arrived keeping the home and bringing up to attend of an evening, Velvet has not only seized the cen- on the scene and prevented the kit- the ehudren. The mother, in turn,. is ling of Paul. In ordet to show' to the going to help the father hear the tin- ter of the stage in the season'; faeh- crowd that he did not intend to pee- Andel burdens. Thus famil stand- ions, but it is monopolizing all the the Captain had him bound with children will not suffer, and 1.114 rid .iMairieSS, lint\a vent Paula being brought to trial, ards will be raised and the h. me and , edges. It is not only evening gown, afternoon' and 'Sunday best;" ,but street and even spert's ehaiest Paul asked of him pernis; woman will be real partners in a weal.. . The velvet sport's jacket M a sion to speak and then it -was the more eomplete and finer sense than 'Captain eound out he was not the ever before. novelty and inay• be worn with any- disturbee of the peace he had suspect- thing. Today we even have the yele This arrangemone will be more fair vet rain coat, which threatens to ed him to be. On learning that he to each and not be without its advan- supplant rubberized silk,. was a reputaine eitizen of the iin. tages. What right has the Mather A favorite shoe for dress is the portant eity of 'rustle, he readilyto -monopolize all the dear task of suede, which goes particularly well granted him permission to speak to child training and tinkering about the with 'velvet, as it looks soft and vel. the people. Standing on the stairs house while man is shoved out in the vety. Looks deceive, however. It is he made his defence against the char. world? And by what right is.wom- a firm, strong leather and will out ges brought against him. They gave an confined within four -square walls wear nioet other leathors. • him' a patient beartng until he an, when she would be benefitted by tome athineatones are very popular for reaunced that he had been' commis- contact with life Outside ? • 'buckles on girdles and shoes or for stoned by God to carry the gospel to • ELnc.amtc SAPETY• ornamental Pita; the Gentiles. Their rage burst forth ' afresh and not being able to: gat at With all the earetessnesa 'whieli°1; Circutar shifts,' gates, and ruffle are doing things to the straight-1iPaul, who was. guarded by the sal- practiced in the use of electricity, it is a, wonder that eve do not have euore eleirt of yesterday. Even the bustle , diers, they showed their hate by - throwing off their •outer garments fires. It is dangerous to experiment bids fair to come back, following•the lead of the bows ned drapes taught and throwing dust in the air while with your owe wiring unless vat are they -cried out to kill him. an electrician. Proper ' wiring is the up in the back. Fashion is a wheel Paul was then taken into the caso best Insurance against having your and what is done today,. comes up tle and the captain gal/0 orders that home burned. - he be sithjeeted to scourging to make Never tack .elettrie wires to walls him confess his real crime. • Paul or baseboards, and do not hang an then advised him to be &ireful what • electric extension oft a nail. It the he erne doing for be. was ,a Roman insulation wears there may be trou- citizen and should not even be bound. - ble. Extensions are alwey more or Tide' declaration amazed the captain less a a Are ludard. It Is better to end he questioned pea further. on have more wall or baseboard outlets. the following day he 'brought him There is a new type iff exteneion, before the SetheOrin. This was ne- run through a rubber tube and eessary for the seat; of Paul, and supposed to Tie under your rug .in or - for the ends of justice. - der that you may have a reading -. womp vilsstolls . , ' • -..„. , . ........ % Christ's conquering church, the 'thatch 'established ' on men's 'elle-. : 'glance to Hint as their personal Saviour, has proved to be the one en - diving earthly institution. It has - outlasted the world's mightiest- em. rarest The citizens of Chris* King- dom, though often obscure and ig- • norant of scholarly tote, have woe - lasting influence while great poets, painters, architeets, orators, and rul- ers are forgotten. Against Christ's eon quoting 'Church, ceaselessly thtough the ages, an thebitter onset of Satan's armies has been hurled, and hurled, in vain. It is mightier today than ever beforn, and is con- quering and to conquer Ord it shall win universal deniain.-At R. Wells. IT'S LIKE SUMMERTIME IN -CALIFORNIA A Glorious Place to Emend the \'inter In Sunny California you will And wonderful places to spend a motith or two this Winter. It is a land of un- equalled climate, of high mountains, of colorful deserts and fascinating cities. • Suinptuous hotela at the many re. - sort centres along the Pacific Coast will make your stay a pleasant one. Mang visitore to California plan their itinerary vi the North Pacific Coast. The beauty and cosmopolitan ' character •of Vancouver and Vietoria -Canada's famone far western cities, make the journee enjoyable and in- teresting. Complete information regarding California -fares, accommodation and and literature gladly supplied by any Canadian National Railways Agent. Tits CIODURPH STAR r the Nit by jimexceRkAdalicp •304••••• • forty NIIMMOrrieri•OWAtImir., 4•111110‘ THE Meiltfigt; iittelet troito it,•ross tile town wirt i:412114 1'2;1'4. the leezet -wt., Nutt autit ut° We Mist Ilene" mato' 44. V"11 411 0(' 7•7;ig, anti eutteeiveo te ti e tareer toutty, lee l!t,re't ate* :24. 1714neme must be (1 intrtnereeip nee, It a fuse =us out, it a it .iis to t.L., wen. feta -lee truce, elit Yttu ate "t'Lloadin0 Fr.,11P wi0u. sz,-.-,Acin or using a defeetiee aperLa tee anti cured' the reontee and tee • till if hlir underrtsmi8 pion-ip:ts L71 ybit yr wlik- Nutt m.4), ust isout milk in it WL,....... h., t C17 bt. !tit 4,,stA i r 'Antra &even mid.: ire tteens %let rosiad* 1.(1, rt'A‘ irq. 0'n ii fl7k, eteattert g't bk414,tho nee entred ae gea tea,eateef , fee iseeet elt the a Wi1Peet the Pa 3:44,, V VAN 1;s 17:it?(.7'„ 411 tire rtielit tell • et, tioet ;a it Cra. bel'et ts) hold !' If eon ase teeeet met; tp a toilet. ; calte fer seers, emit the cela , mat Ilghtee it ugh teureler. • trg,,t.dae .ccant i.-noro,m of belting It iiiingyra-49 to iota% eleeteitta Pewder Air caeh Cap oi; . le j vaelaeses Vi art ieteredient d roar t batter, r,.;',u riv&I trijin4a cotal ' to etruateeteet the Reid ot 1110 atolate i • - ees. PLCUll PACKS Women have alwaya naved tIte g clo.e. hour titehs, nun tnoilgat 4) 4.22 foil; to. waya to MAW use et Meal • (11511 toweitl, -aprono,, dust eloths anel • even natingowns.. Ism too rtnwr nom- -eaves nave been dec.spiSed arid aestreestereatIneyettnizetretreetreeplatast ' 'When gou .eateny a paper ilour Sack,. ;make all the nour °WC 44 it and •viiimmominimomm.m. PAGE SEVEN That pageireto ntelliew soneettinees et a See Jame tee eestoset to appecieted unless tt Is tried In the TrY Ude eisilighttul omen tes. 11 Wye* how the Clordsoui Sleeted% Tel; laireld Elliott. 61 / Ton year. In mapirids Ifttlacattop, ad; Isabel • Girtia, SO. IVA L CARR, Towhee. S. 8. l'i'o. 10. Achileld Weekly teats have been- condueted throughout September ard Oetober rind in them tests the pupile retteived the following staudingo: 8r. Ire-. -Preineea- Greeter, eaWtte-eaEileetra leaven,- Ora Jit IlreetColin (treater. 74; Alma Treleaven, O. 8r. III.- el roil a up arta :ay away for an enter; ev.Jr?r1111,e-MlianitleltIllattletP117•11!: stfgruwItillinvtttloct, tit5l'esttt;settg:tt: peen Shackletoh, 58. Sr. II.-Beatriee • tough ond impenetrt'utte. if you put toreelnen5Mty,6110; Itaegle tIllyn"ino'yg SGT. e the galoshes rtway in them tor tee summer. they Nitlii.hoop out tho dust. Culbert, 78t; Idea Swan, 78. j . I r Joe e Shp ene over each end of the porch _Kenneth Golden good. Jr. rt,„ winter, Use them aa covers, for td1 • ATRiCKS rug when. you roll it away for the cecina watt. good. sorts.; of thing's whielt you put away Te • er. Street. Toronto 4. °uteri% barlton or A. E. Ames. We Colleas in attic or cedar and evhich you wish / • .• proteet •from the insidious grime ' ' IloW would yoa 114,0 to spend tette care et -env iit " ars '"'2. W1854 re Rim& to ir you tied no ether holno ttic!st 14o time sold trite 12311 .1.5 eftered the oaly thence. been !WIN this 'way xe'r yeari trouble? \•09illiOn.errotoin,-,A'unsump12. ,-- r, _ -II ,4puin -4144, almost /ler present may lit glut 'reroute hospital ter Consumptives teat oho believes alio will stay. out fboars d:;:eioo ilue,rhoerko.mouneeli joagoved. however_ anxious to cot away to a quiet nit 111 14011111 Aradratevrtreelcc`olt2 treatment sho tas been getting late put new lite and new hope fn erne. ratrielt; but, et course she and ao .r muidreds or others who have epent thole tUt cent iri the iseareit for feu would he great)._ amoreei te 131141(!rdlintrirlden.Q j•littneati Sueli may be tient to hen. W. A. of long neglect. PIE DOUGH - It takee no more time to' mix up a tionele reczpe ot pie eough titan a g pa. o e the aMoant niaterials you put m and go turoUgh tee° same proceeses. 210 lett-over dough you can keep tor the next clay. One ot the chiet eeasons WO dread martmer tries is the time m takes to mitt. up the dough, and here you have this problem solved, in part. Some cooks maim that both pastry .tiough and cookie dough is better and mere tender and well blended if 'it stands • ever night. To •keep the dough from hardening im the out- side, 'wrap it in waxed paper and set in a cold place. The pie dough 'will keep several days, if kept cold. 'Cr aatel) S. CLUB A little group of neighbor \waxen, • who. wanted to get together occasion - pile for a social afternoon, organized theeMeives into a C. and 8. club - Chat and Stitch. To keep .their standards simple, they limited their • entertainment to "two oats and one drink, . COMPORT PROTECTOR Instead of 'basting a strip of goods across the top end of the comfort to protect it; use snaps to fasten it en. This will be very eonvenient when you .want to taae eft' and wash it, and, put it on again again on the next revolution. Dresses. may flare, but coats keep the straight and narrow way. Satin finished broadcloth and other smooth, silky surfaced materials are in lash. ion. a. SWEET OR' sOUR MILK Soinetimee the houeeartfe will find a recipe which calls ter sweet mill and she has only eour milk in the house, or the reverse may be true But this need net disconcert her at -MRS, -SOLOMON SAY The sum of one's•destres equa s his character. 'SMILES • "I lay My fortuneat your feet. Xt t isn't much of a fortune, but it will look large beside those tiny feet." • • "Darling!" • • .• JOINT -EASE FOR Stiff, Swonen ,Joints Rheumatic or Otherwise • -- . . Says: "When Joint-Eage Otte in- -Joint Agony Gets Out." It was a htglacIans .pharmacist who paw preecription after preecripe • tion fail to belle hundredo of hie cus- tomers- to get rid of rifetanatie sevel. 'tinge end Etiff, inflamed joints.' And it Was thia frame man who as- sorted that a remedy eouid and would be compounded that would ntake , creaky, swollen, tor:mental joint work with last as much smoothness ns they ever did. Novi Hint pretreription, rightly 14111. ed Joint '11110, .after being teeted sue- ceenfully 0I.k many tatstinate eacee, is offered through progr-eesive pharma., r Oats to the millions of people who veer front ailieg Seint3 that need limbering np. : Swollen, twinge, inflamed, sniff, pain -tormented joint.; are %guile , caused by rheumatism, but whatever the came, Joint.Eaett soake right tn, through and fienh and gets right eto end cotrOct3 the .rouble it!k Ct, Remendrer Seiut•Easte /3 for ell- , eacteto of the teint3. N.Vh.one, in ankle, rl,nco, Lip, elbow4 rizeuldee, epine !Inger, eed ether' eon lub it on, you may esercet epeedy tett gratifying les e ultra It 13 neve 6.13 teete Tr. larelnote It. IL WTete, end thogginte ctereet where for ttd eente 12. telea, A distinctive feature of a distinctive railway --absolutely the best in the transportation world. Certain SantaVe trains stop at the famous Fred 'Harvey dining stations for meals -a type of service many tray. elers prefer. Other trains carry through diners* May we serve you? par. Iona:re. rralt.) Votes., cos . 11, lthlt, klactIO: its stIOIDI.1 443 1 • • "Why didn't the lions eat Daniel?" 111any Mothera can tentify to the Males Breathing F*y,--The eon - virtue of Mother Graves' Worm Be- etrietion of the tdr pas:rages and the teriniaator, because then. !MOW from struggle. for ,breatla too familiar evie experience how useful it is. ' (1011C0 cahmatie trouble,. cannot daunt Dr.: J. D. Iteltoerfa Atainue. Remedy. •Tlua is the famous remeJst which is Imewn far end 'wide for its Obviate effectiveness even %nuke- , very Eovere conditions. It is no un- tried, experimental preparation, but ono with many year; of ;Menge tette vice 'behind it. Buy it from your nearest dealee. Carpet Getting e Threadbare? Why worry? The rem- edy is so simple, Repla.ce it with hardwood! Nothing could be prettier orJn better taste . . it banishes the sweeping bugbear . it never wears' out . . and it costs so little/ Really, it's well WOrth investigating. 1. Getterich Pilentue Mills) Ltd. THE BEST THAT'S MADE IN EVERY GRADE" Because he was made of geit and backbone" 1 , 1*•••••••••••••••••••••••mariwyswpormftyroirbe . . .1*".."*".••••• .-;'''.....-- SCH001,1 REPORTS' After Mea510. Tait, Amu:11,1p Eivivistora . 'The pupils have been tdramined in . • 7Locatedirithe heart of gee f businettedistriet. t • Overlooking Grand Citcut Pala 'A modern Areeproof Hotel.' SOO roomer each wilitbatta • , • Romer $9.,tP and utrwurds. •111 Fornout Restauraett and fatale • al$0 Coffee Shop„, , HOTEK, 4 ILVIEML • DETROIT•Mkc: tr trs I INSUllfAilCE; S. S. No. 5, Colborne 1 Connie Spell., Best., Geo, and Arithe The chietda.nger ofirneasIes I The Jt. evt-Doris Jonnston, 84; • .1aek • .n telunter, 7(1; Cree areeman, le; Eva- -e5 1 the. •conwklifatiaonds. ,.whieh fallow. .Quic, y .11 ... Horton, 57. Sr..IIL--Evelye. etievint Mutual. Life .• 72; Robert Cook, 60; Harold bree- efficiently the soothing man,68, Jr. IIL-Andrew Freemau, n ticut . 55; Belie leeeetnan, 48. Jr. ANGIER'S •EMULSION s Assurance ompaay 68; Jack Cook, 69; Grace. Bunter, Pearl' Hunter, 78, a -Clifford Itore build up the general health tone 96; Beryl Freeman,. 78; Prank and• streiigth-thereby Pr - Cook, 70, .17-.-Mat-ie Bogie, Bernice Cook. • . venting the develonment of r. • BESSIE GRANT:T-0.14dg' .beottehie or other a has t Se S. No. 0 ,Duniop - • . troubles' which so frequently - ' at -tack the system we:tat:nett alefollowing is tee•report of S, 8. . , No. 0, Colborne,' tor the months .i.if . • laY !Musk& • • • Septemlier and October, Pupite.haere -' • been. tested in history, spellitae, gee- 411. ITEC14371140 CoUGErt graehe, arithmetic and literature : tele, ANGIER'S 'EMULSION Sr - Iv -Phyllis!, :Herten ttt• revel* - . relieves the.' seas= of. 'cietgliiiig, ' illateerrtri8;0 7; 0.L0,418irs. lItluti.---fortri'iritnat; i)Littevke- , 1)01;1 nieutlietnsstehact.setfi,nin atigeeneit,gliont: Horton, • 50. Jr. III.-eVerrie Jewell, the 11:Iter'1;1` IT+ rr,tai ld di est feet I I 83; Billie Farr:sa; 70; Freddie- Jew- .. A ' ',C. 'it' '1--- - rf.' al g . 4. ent 55' *Tr' IL-Bcthlme Vaerl'h' 86° 5tirlengthYmbillervTallitig4!,tAIIN9'GtIlEitlitIttl tlf. L --Walter Chishblm, Chisholm, DO. Pr. -David . ltarrith, ' 65; 'Ilitril l'. ' attiste krt thrtn% ing off the diet:lee . et thout any danger0:48 after affecte. , Kathleen Chisholm te.xCeilent). No. on roll 13. Average attendance 12.5. ',' ANGIER'S is; ;pleasant to take. ANNE L. MacDONALD,, a It hos been endorsed firth° Medi- ' Teacher's .1 .. cal Prof eosion of Great Britain and It. S. S. No. 7, W. Wowanosh .. . phoirddraert-,asildnolomptalitimenforodvel,1: ' The following 13 the report. of 1"'.• thirty-five.years. S. S. No. 17, West Wawanosh, for et /nuke noetoe veleta "i ;trooralt . p Cherles klicittee (abeent) Sr /V - the months of September and Oct. , tilis4eIttre.4011vtroilh1=114ra,,,,nrzt, i ober: elr. V. -Edith Sroul,' 71e, IVIelbourne Culbert, 06; Hilda Pinnie t gam 64. 'Jr; IV. --Anna . Sproul. 70; Lenore 'Stothers,' 60; Col . Finnigata.t 59;" Clifford Culbert; '56;" Stanley Itle. : Gratten; 52. Jr. III, -Itiissell Mein- tyre, 75; Margaret Elliott, 69; Arnold ? Olvet, 65; Emily ItTeGratten, 62. Sr. IL -Willie Sproul, 72: Harry Girvin, GIE ULS1ON of Canada totabllehorlISSO Ilmen Oorten 1 WegattItee, Orr, 0. ID:iNvi0i0ONNEEly. . Agent.... .7_ ' G01)10110E. • CANADIAN NATIONAL RY: TRAIN SERVICE to TORONTO • DAILY EX(EP1 tnatil)Atit Levi' Goderich 6.20 nem 2.21) p.un " Clinton 6.44 a.m. 2.50 p.m. Seaforth 0.21 a.m. 2.03 p.m. " Mitchell 7.2.1 nail, 3.35 pen. Arr. Stratford 7.45 nue 4:03 pan, " Kitchener O.40 a.m. 5.20 p.m. 't Guelph 9.04 a.m. 5.50 p.m. " Toronto' 10.25 mei: am. Returnirate-Leave Turonto 7.55 min., 12.55 pan and 0.05 p.m. , Parlor Cafe ('r Gedeeich to ,Tor, 'nun in morning, train, and TeitiOe tfr (infiCrith, 41/1 4,45 feta, trate, itee ettenge of cart' between Godeeich and ,Toronto.• ea.__ ...e.e, - L. A. LAwrnstkicE, Iltct and tg/..?0---al all druggiq's ', Town Passenger and , • Ticket Aeenta 04. Jr. II.e-Juntrile Leishman, 09 lehele Ilarvey Sproul, 61 Sr. Pr. -David "t`to"•'"'"'""`"''''''''''.--- - Ratite in Nihiard's and warm water, rubbing the solution into th aching parts with the finger tipe, Minard's Is also splen. did for sprains, bruises and strained ligaments A:Restful Night- () 12 LAKE ERIE Add enjoyment to trout trip Fatt or Vest, . you a delightful break in emitter -limey., C & B 1 LINE I STEAMERS Each Way Every Night Between • Butfalot'and Cleveland 1eallr,1/ezif•rIllttet. I1711171 him ecmfair.. • etcheratv4 that la r,.4to s 13a5atezeo I:did: e41S ece 12,z_xoriol.4 caLf,cm. ii.0 572734 excellent clinEnit e t¢v:ze, ecrUct.,,t• 14:77344am ,A tvlp ecti t remtaber. re Couneetloas et Cleveload for teke Rezone, Detroit and Pokes West DAilly tterviee May let to Iloverabee 24t11 Leaving it9t0 P. Me Arriving at 740 A.14. eitur tatet ageat mote ovate for Wats tta COB Lim:, New Low rare $4,50 Ipile IMP $8,40 MJTQ$ICALIMInD $0.50 AND VP The (*vetoed toed Reggie Tramp totems:net elittele.fteetreetteseve:rante,V,:4-024 73.W. cate "013 e t „ 4.7 C 74. 1-1>'" 1 .tase.• • •