The Goderich Star, 1928-11-01, Page 2PAGE TWO
i 3 the *odd. *leo tf.-4iota a notable
p all ,y in May, to a QF s tag in dairy pral:iWun. in th.s wilt wt.,* rod be f.1-
OTHER MEDICI*t e.l Gji :c general eleaiu•r. A Ator-
y.,eH �r E NORMA ", rifi+tt„rr Ben H i1. iaw;n. a far,n- a idat:ie program Noma up for the
tri",,jt Fi ti.t 13uharlrc. +�.G7 mitre fr m Coati��=ireaiun, with. the h1Ct itaas
;11c>a r ,fax, bat; jin3$ eontnbutrJ a, Rah) 'a Olen Taalets Are the !deaf h t' 1 t L
£?,71PI::I Se;1,'d� /E,381 LX .11'G,i'JT'll�ii'
.1114,4"6111' (l't t l'er R ROME x'Q�ie ZivApE 1 tQb
t e S g !'r a and :. utt,nh il. for ra.
,the fibre* •.f his province by the won- Metttedy for Rabic/ and 'Neem form c'' hcat goi,?in,ne:ir and meth- t
cicrful pe.rfor-ntaace eY one of hie Hui• s t'hildrea
.et i ods r4 faxativn. `these measures
�tltYb'iirl.iwn diary C;.i►a. "4'tttutry'
ficr tdeke Means," In Sus dayeehe
agave 20.396 pound:, loft milk with J. care they re tees` tette ones—the o rconsequent- .
E+zFi t+,v,uds Af butter -fat, the lecw. l health of,tbe c, n- s rn ind"4. Lind aieit rBa.libNt e
i baby is ai1C deal u 1} tnenG of iiuriicipttlatir; irons the 13ri
ft proamti+gin in t'elude for n cow of guarded and the mother is always ti.h treasury. They already run rn,'
that breed. Mr, Thomson is erne of on the lookout for a seniedy whi�h is to more than If0i1 clauses, and cion td� .
"alae large farmers in Saekatc l4• efli'eient and at the seine twee abso- erable time will he ItilUire;i for an . .
i n. 11e Sarins 2,500 acres atzti has a i'lately safe. Thoutaitde of 'rnctherniadequete discussion,
,lags her�ltt'f puretiircd dairy Pews, time found such a remedy in Baby's,, wit, Threshed and 3ItsvinR
British (°rtsiserie Protect l'i4heratrn Own Tablets.
The British Navy, alter scve al
yrcat ' urging, has deetded to afford.
„Hey. Anloitg thc.Rz is Dxrs , �' • D,u9(1
1 protection to British clod fishermen
.1 ,l, jotr the Nurn41ansi: roast of Russia.
1 The Soviet G4iverninent has forbid-
—�'--H-7.----:--,-4-`-;"..--.•''''"'"- '-'""--7; idea fishing within.a tzv'elve•snile litiiEVE
1 highly complicated. pr,,tiding tax re- A Evei'yt in Man's Snots* Wear in Hand.Tailared and ficial a
ry anxdian •othe�� sate nuted for the flet fair a ciu�-triei and transportation
' - __--
',a$tr;:3D..1h'a lit'. 1st. 19U
Coati that have the Pep
Suits with Style and Snap
Regular $2, 3, and $4, at $1.45, while they lata.
Cense early and get the best choice
ilttja a and many of them u.e*BLACK
iinr >t,latt tar flee aillne:nt:; of their' lions of f'a41adta's ,record whatais •
crap, s, is ted sit over °5a OO f
iiav;ard Xing, of? Truro,+:V.S., aha, tau hebtr, is now titareshetl and a'suu_: TR SQUARE 70=0.41.......(Phone Z1S ▪ �GODERICH
gas s:. ••i cut strongly re,^onimersl' nocittiRa toreopo tionk a of tlzgrwnrl E. 0" .
Dasbg a own TabIcre to mothers of OC10,.;young children as I know ofnothingestimated that about dQf%fitiii,UOi}-��
to equal them for little ones; ° bushels of the 134�t crop will be
Baby's Elven Tati£ets aro cold by,
ter iofble which will be shi j' Brae k'a�% ° 1021.
tch .arIt nuallyr the
ot largest
cBn+tit Qtr its >niireSufferedfor ears
medicine dealer! or by nail at ;
fit. which means total, prohibition, asI the rod hug the coast. and are caught
only within this limit. The British
RIR 14EVIOZW i fiehermezl insist on fishing to the 25 cents a tree: frontThe lir. \Vii- fig !tort,, 1'4111 tpatlylyancouver,atnd and the Canadaan aa:hibit is one of d Her e'en•
a�tG'A11►# setts • three-mile limit. and the Admiralty Barns Medicine Co, !trod vi'l'e Qat. the other three-quarters or 300,000,- the outstandin attractions.
0 has despatched two fishery Protection 0DO bushels will go eastward
n e t r
,ed ire �Quebee on Sunday to welcome t darn py, • 1 ^ B d F i S .
. arkabia... 'a �
raisers. the Harebell land the Godes- `" " -" `" ` yam""^ ."� The ostricir +whimpers in distress
premier Iii g Returns five thousand spectatob� 'The Scot- -
it. great enthusiastic crowd gather. tislthte were 'much d the better team 'ems tss protect them,. covering for their faces. Prouder British Settlers* Feted And tapes it
rather til Could Hardly Eat
rete a s a an zt was °1213r o •S Baldwin More thanto h 'That h indeed, is killed d
ren g i leas izig 4a, dents of Tee i The 4
b tic i R Brunswick,. � # rFth t � dressed #
ad .urupeait. Train stash 'Stanley a dwarf was elected to the o undyed new
rest- a e, t e to rags
heel:. lit,_ X011, _1V.. I...:. _ i►c tttz r covetedposition-of Rector by the .M• w runswic , the fame_. gi s ' resse d t o- t .,• ..
King. Canadian Prince .1ltivasto Manchester City international, that 'Nlaen the Sirnpton lirient expressfes f sixty 1
r, at. , narrowest of margins. He beat gr. o s , y' setters who have recent -
prevented the score against iValea train, one of the worlds most fans
ter ;an absentee of nearly three months be rig much beaviear, ons expresses. crashed into ,the ilei*- Cun41inghanic Graham by sixty -obi come tato I{ing s County from the Ho1I way's Corn Remover takes
• on ofilela'1 tzusine$s in Europe. Tie C g b1 h f chose manatadt-Bucharest express h vases, British Isles, were guests at a din- the earn out by the teats., Try it
spa arca, tins
stases c es, n ess ry e41 nor here at neon today, when Hon. and prove it.
was slecompanicd h Hon. C. A. Dun- layer of Cuba, continues to lead the. travelling from Bucharest to Paris,. Great Dam in Danger dobe M. Baxter: Pxeanie>r of New
rung, A1inister of Railweys and Cott- nterrratlonul Chess Master's tourtza. some thirty eight passengers were Considerable alarm has ,been era-
als. Hard Iltono Rawl ilandutrand, Coe- went by half a point, and in view of killed, and many injured. 'The crash, aced in Wellington, New Zealand, by seer oizAgriculture,kantF other, Mini- �, `ater•warks <Y' <
wrriment Leader . of the Senate. the feet that his nearest- rivals tell' which ,vs tlttributed. to li . defective. the stnteinunt. of H. Vs ilolmes, the..Viihat is the=, greatest `vat,. power
Speaking in Quebec before an stud« loaves a lige in slur tlnal roaand Iia is switch, was ono of the worst in ]seri former ;engineer-ln-clziei of the bled» 't'ce speakers addressed them with y o ,+o maz>"»
sure to win the first prize, ono in recent years. Twenty-one of eras lkeyiartanant of Public works eneeehes of 'welcome and promisee o.. ,•Won n's tears."
fence of more than four thousand
people, the Primo biinieter said hie
visit to Europe had been largely for
the nurvosc of promoting peace and
gocd•. vi11 among'.. the nations... Inas-
much as the, peace and prosperity of•
mankind ,depended upon. harmonious
FltteamatiAtial'telatiotts..11i3 thought it
was appropriate that the first act of
the Canadian delegation was to.par-
tfeioate in the signing of the l3riand-
Reltngg pact to Trenounee war as nit
' instrument of national policy. He
doubted if there was any treaty to
which Canuda would more readily
append herr name. One of the most
,sienifiennt incidents of the .day upon
which the treats* was ai ned was that
the+ fitfl! i of. all zaatione. fluttering,
from the 'Government Building in
Frames were illuminated by glorious
sunshine... It WPM a .001101, heaven
itself lied dispelled,tlre choline of war
bud unhered in an era of pewee on
earth and good•wil1' t0 Wren. Annth0
er 11oizificgnt thine. WAS that the .For.
' elms Minister of Franca had extend-
ed the band of trod -will to the For-
eign Mlnieter of Germnnv after on
lapse of 4ixty Yearn, This in itueli'
WAS n pledge of •f1uture peace. And
• the first man in the rneels to elan tho
treaty was 'Gustav Stenemann of:
Zeppelin Starts if/antic anturner
The Graf. Zeppelin .again faced the
n the return flight- to
Germany from time continent early
on, Monday morning. Aboard the
giant dirigible were noose three score
passengers and ,trete, including one
Wonsan, the—majority of them- having
travelled in the Zeppelin ott .its jour'
raey'•from•Gornian y"" to Lakehurst. It
is expected that this flight will not
take mora than two full days to cons-
lete as the prevailing winds are
from East. to West.
Newfoundland General Election V
For the drat time in the history of 1
Britain's oldest colony, Newfound•
land, women will vote: At the general
elcation which takes place this week.
It is estimated that ;;Ise women will
nearly d0ub1c the previous electorate.
'Thu contesting parties are the pree
eat' government of Premier Freder
itk Atderdiee, who was • oppointed,
four ears ego .to • the Legislative
Clouzle11, and who acted as the Gov.
eminent leader during the recent sea.
tion. 44d Sir Richard Squires,, repro -
seating the Oppoeitiou,
Muyr_olini "Happy: Man"'
Premier Mussolini was a happy
man on the eve of the eixtti anniver-
sary of the "March on Route" when
tie 'vala tiole to .redUee to ashes 140,-
UOO.000 lire (approximately eT,864,
000) In pub1ie own cert leatter ofFen;-
ed to the Treasury by public-spirited
eiti;,ens of all provinces in Italy,whq.
1nw14 vied with each other to reduce
the nation's indebtedness. A crowd
of more than 13410 hundred thousand
people watched 11. Duce as he consign-
ed to the flames ,burning en the two
"indent Roman altars, placed in the
great square facing the Unknown
Warriors tomb, the offerings of all
classes, from :the humblest to the
riclteet, for the restoration of Italy's:
financial fortunes%
• Attain Visitor to Cattails.
Britain's Foreign Secretary, Sir
Austen i'hamberlain, arrived as Vun-
conver from Seattle on the first hop
of his journey across Canada en
route to London. It is hard to be-
lieve that only two months ago • Sir
Aesten left England so broken in
health that lie had to be wheeled front
• the- flock to his stateroom. Ile tau3.
regained all his former vigor rind is
a picture of health. Sir Austen spent
the majority of his much neededva-
cation cruising in the .Mediterranean
letifft, t -X DAWES PLAN
R. Porker Gilbert, agent -general for
ations. who. after rntaferc't tee
Premier Poinrite ttf Erance•bn4
Churrhfll. Chancellor ref O
for 4,'rfitt Britain, is*.
— *.Home ptoryrevA towar,i+ ,'r,-
allegatag .onAtet ise Ir kticWN sit ft* alt'
aii betted. Goma* 1c•1!aitttiiolwl,
fthrtt 'f 1. G-..• ...'o -a x• ,, •,•,4
'Mary wrier W.1• fro intN.nat.onat
AMOR Melt Iwo loot 'rook l+y flue.
0 . Oath to two in the rweehuo ,..r4, ,
that the gigantic hydro -electric dam eatepet4tionm and assistance In the
Glasgow Stud�.nts Elect'vNew 'Rector un er. construction at reports, is iu
Chautcls in q'tausvaatl Celebrates the dead are '.iif' ianians. d gg - y ,tt solving of theta~ problems. in their
4The jubilee of the Church of Eng- no usual lively scone, between danger of collapsing. The dam note Uameland. Wit i` / •`aif after
land in the Transvaalwsas celebrated tharival bodies'of students, at Glas« farms part of New ?ealand's. big...... Ganadla>a Appies.Winnera.-.. _...... a smozeaiata yittg er
with A `nUniller of iinposinl, services gore University occurred on the oce power scheme, and encloses fifteen "Canadian exhibit' donninatcs the i• bridge genus than as sup
at. Pretoria. All but one of the blah casian of the election of Rector of mites of lake. According to Air. show; is the !test aver." This brief pe. � a of Rad dose Tia?
ops f the Union of South s#fr£ett at• Glasgow University. The students' Holmes, the structure is. endangered message has been res 1v -d by the MlIhons of Canadians pre.
tended the r ` is s along with the
�immunition supliiyr :consisted ,111 '1?' tr 1 100 r rysulting from .. i....• Canadian Federal ] irrtment of , fee" it to any other L fuse
part of 60,000 rotten egos, thousands strata below and around. the dant Africiihtux� from the Irtz oriel of r" hl
members of rho Cabinet and the Ac
Snit (ovornor-General.P Harr flavor, remttsrka e
of eadilsla heads b;zrrels of rotten site. More than �2U opU UUo Iiais been Fruit Show now being held: at Man- ` >«tseat1 }k Hud du�tka
cheater, England The Canadian
A Profitable Cow fruit and 'haze of soot.. The „storm spent on the dant-
s pur-
The Province of Saskatchewan, troops" Were dressed in "boiler" British Parlialttent to O e Fruit {l�rade Cominhssiatiear wl►o is itty, ut'up in aluminum—,
principally famous as one of the suits' and football attire, many of The, ParliamentBritish'pen
a attending the Shove, describes it as titaottiy iaterittlwhiahaom-
greatest grain producing countries I them. wearing crash helmets and wire -November G with full eren1 opens
a net the.hast since its inauguration In, pletely Protects good tea.
Mrs Ti'. J. Jardine, QuerryvilIe
N13,, ienttei:- For yeara 1 otaitot•fl
with my atemachr could hatdiy e+&t, az.
felt as t£ life vera not 'trortl4. living.
"£ friend advised 32$ tto take.
and sines taking three or four bottle%
I um now a tveli,womant Can eat anr.
thing, and am strong again. ' I wish
to thank you for your wonderful medi-
Manufactured only by The T. Mil.
burn. Ca., Ltd.,'Toronto, Ont.. •
"400 Advanced Six
7 -Passenger Sedan
.Ya. .M%1'•
w "nor -
It is a genuine privilegeandpleasure to announce that
Huron Motor Sales have assumed Nash representa
tion in. Goderich.
We feel that the Breay Nash motors, hard., vrholesale
distributors, and Nash owners in this section are for•
tunate in having the Nash franchise' entrusted to a coin.
cern of such unusual ability and excellent reputation.
The new Nash home at 8°13TH Street vis
amply provided with modern and efficient service
equipment; and owners in this section are assured of
a high standard of car maintenance* -
to view a representative showing of the great-�-
New Nash "400"
The 'NW's ad's Ne and Finer Motor Car-
arCome and examine in detail the many sensational
• features of the "400" --their strikingly beauti; new
Salon bodies the great new Twin:•Zgnition 'high,
compression Motor ... the new Nash system of
spring suspension combined 'with hydraulic shock
absorbers ... the new»type steering mechanism
Bijur centralized chassis lubrication ... and many
You are cordially invite%!• to visit these headquarters other important engineering advantages.
4=04. 411►
Three Series—Four Wheelbase Lengths -16 Enclosed Models
Leads the World in Motor tar Vtiluee