The Goderich Star, 1928-10-18, Page 211 • I . I 1". • I n I In =ALL ,5hokving of Coats and New Autumn Accessories I is larger than ever and now complete. Thousands of dollars worth of smart new merchandise has just arrived -Your inspection is cordially invited" • The toats ARE LOVELIER THAN EVER VIUHEN you purchase from our stock you are vv assured of qualitv, for we stock only the best of cloths and linings, We have 100 new garments from which t:o choose, featuring black, navy blue, new blue and rich brown shades, When inspect- ing our Coats pay particular Attention to the superior quality of fur on each and every garment, and note that our piices are low, $19.75 $26.00, $29.00 $38 00 and $45.00 siery In girtart New Shades .for Fall, Values are: lre Silk Hosiery, per . ... 4 • • arvey Silk Hosiery, per pair... • ' w • • • • I -Fashioned Silk Hosiery, per pair. Rayser pointed heel Silk Hose,. per pair. 1 '• mates Silk -plated (for winter), per. pair. Penman's Wool Plated (for winter), per pair. 75c See Our new Special Value in Children's Cashmere Hose Gloves New Xid Gloves and Washable Cape Gloves -are just re- ceived from France. New Cuffs,.smart two-tone effects and a host of colors t� harmonize with the fall costume. - KID GLOVES -- $L95, $2.50, $2.75, $3.00 • $3.50 • CHAMOISETTE GLOVES and DOUBLE-TEX GLOVES 48c,. 95c and $1.50 pair Novel • Trimming Add color and smartness to fall eostumes. Dainty flower dusters of finest silk and velvet in bright shades, or buckles of sparkling lustre, or dainty crepe-de-ehene Handker- chiefs will complete your autumn. ensemble. We are showing many new Trimmings this season. Ilandkorehiefs Of Fine Lawn or Linen are shown this week at a Special Low Price of 2 for 25 Cents e S GRAY CO Phone 56 'P I I I 11 • .n1_11,11111 Ing I P •F•••.••••••=r- THE GODERICH STAR 1 1 .11 I 1 p I I .1.14111001............W.....110.001.141•Tr., • Tilt -ESPY, J:res •••••• wag*, 44--4-4•441444444041.4-•4 .4•4111mona, Ole====1001100 01:00t calm' C oats that have the Pep Suits with Style and Sna tiet1;13AS 8 new- Fot, the tlrst tri, tennis me„. 0 CC'EverYdning Metes Smite Wear Hen T xvietztyCgQ3 t4awczeet the postinion at tizo eteetey„ ce tee twee trarieratiantie wieregekeen ehempiensbipe, near year ceneeeeeen :tie trip carad arrived at, twhcn JaQk ATEA, rani ILetieeneet 621 Dieuecay atter cover -gag payer takes a part in the mattes, pion (...F io oareeris fer eeeeseccielet Clete the :Vallee:ell 1 Whop Attempt; „Atlantic Flight ity.krg /„..as 14L'"'""::*3 4' ' •' ' jeers, le: lariere, Erencin Capaiiian =" l'eamie, lane, Tt314T%.1170. 11-2Q li,i'411f.3 air- flihtez, hb. tit " cficKd gala F-Pecist C":' g,Ii20?* "-•-`6 /c7 (-)tk ter- a Caradian tarn "anee Orders A SPECIAL CLEARING IN MEWS SiVIMCS Regular *2,3, and $4, at $1.49, while they lost. Come eszly and get the best choice a cartc-3.7w oi atek 5/40" le haiende to eut in a ctrenueus T.....32.?1 Lem on i.nritulay night; it winter on the indoor courts in Awe, met others.) siende and turned sena) p!itation for ter-.,, forthcoming lova, (34P*131 CA7 t'oulte t° %It" to eion. A. record transfer price for avold a 7•-•'•ucx=„ nic doPzesslon3 „onzt the Erglish and Frottish ASSeCia- raemni; over utbrattar the -gal tion was set last week when David reline/ with its preeieue cargo headee. jack internaVonal inside right with 0 CHAS BLACK 'I'HE SQUARE --- Phone 219 GODERICH "W E LEAD" broad Atlantic- ocean eor the Unitee Fenn) te- m for a consideration a dz°' 44234""`3 and ntlt ri"°83 Bolton Wandexere, went to the Ar -1. 0= 4 101:301 0=0, Siat657aiia.--ATter" neingelere eroure-kinrojimatevepow. tia the ail. the Zeppelin r.ae sightedrfrone the French. stry et' Marl:net Corne ar/m e -painful greenu. "'Western Canada, Fez' the 111 -et t5r4e hi Itisti.lrYw.'that the Ondino was thvee ,3ays over.11.,..ey s Corn Remover will ropey° at Cape licrary,' about. three the intexeoliegiate rdue a her destination. Bizerte, the 'them. of ite chjective, Laheimeret, ,It tof provinvial track ,and field eupreme ,of &fetes The s ba m in we rain- hundeed and teeentY-ilve mites Eouth Athletic linioree trophy, emblemetielseapot rot 'Innis, an the north coast • ----- emeae twente-four ,lieurs behind its aey, went to Alberta. For 'eight 1714hecdti.ulleThwebttratftt3Zetkuerinimnialvaa3a fiton; eld)ellirgeieVaorefleteehnet tiOtbued2hDatv80 held on to nre, and both the French and Greek et rue mneic1NNtobtanGdrreieskofieteoaripaoerrioAnintinoteerte. spe 'cruising tipeed a sixty-five, but eine. university a Alberta tUrned the tar. why the captain of the Greek. ewe etabilizer during one of the :tonna clear twenty-four points ahead of the until October 12. The submarine 'thengh-uddeb-ithad-tn-P188-elltdclwa-e'Maba- eathidtes.-, -Sas:katetewan- vas.mating.a-triat-voyagu:-- ed a eigbty miles an hour and a the eoVeted cup, but ibis year the governments aro walung to learn trary winds and the damage to its blea on Peal and Pulped 1")lue 4 etem er did not report the eollision 3.,"gr"°‘ C°1111uande Gurnen nitol who was third with twenty points. • is direeting the construction of the British R400 airship, el/railing on the flight a the Gra Zeppelin, dee • (dared that transatlantic /tying men- inercially must. eventually be by air- ship and not aeroplano. on account of the difference in favor of the aimship •in boreepower per unit of weight and its vastly greater range and comfort. Ile does not think either the Gra Zeppelin or the It400 are Innee than experimental or demonstration types. and that it will be at least three , years before a suitable commercial typn of airship will be Produced. cruising at 100 miles. per hour and• carrying enough nnssepgers to re- duce the are to $.10V Hungary. To Rave Another Xing • A rather surprising Announcement conicsfrom, Budapest, Hungary; that the Prime Minister, Stephen Beth - len, declares that his country will soon hold a referendum to select a Ling for the throne, which has been •vacant /dime the abdication of King Charles in 1918, It was only as re- cently as last -year that Premier Bethlen had sold that a king was not •_ NEW )3°A" possiblie in the next few years• Ite E. S. IL Winn, X.C. Vancouver, who we Glilitinir - Eggs! . North Routes Soon Open g#rits POULTRY The dream a fanners in Weetern Canada, entertained for a generation, of the opening of a short route to Europe through Hudson Bay, will be realized, before manY months. Steel on the Hudson By Railway will, it is how indicated, ,reach Fort Churchill on the Bay. a year earlier than was 'expected. Construetion gangs are now within 90 miles a the terminus, .aking the telegraph lines with them, and work wilt bd. eatried on inten- ehely through 'fire winter. Winter methods of eonstrirtion involve lay, ler the rails on the frozen ground • and doing the bcifiesting afterwards . It is expected that the mete will be veadY to carry freight to the Day. in 1930. On account of the spherical : shave of the •earth. this northern • rout,t to &mom% tvill trarlt short• ! fo• than onv eeistime route hy 'Cana- dian or *United gi-atcs ports. Asthma N; Longer Dreaded. --The dread of renewed ,attaeks from asth- ma has no, hold upon those who have learned to rely upon Dr. J. D. Kel- is not partial to the 10 -year-old son oils Peen aPpOinted a tee.mber of the logg's Asthma Remedy,• . So safe do of the late King Charles, Arebdedeo encexprovineeel Board ni connection they feel that complete reliance is Otto. who is now in school in Lantern- twita zsle Old Age l'eneiniis Act. It placed on this true eeeeifie with tho bourg, and it is thought that Arch. I is expected Viet the Doard will con- celiainter that it will always do all duke Albert,. son of the wealthy Ivene m MONA to'eonsider. questions that its makers claim. If you bete • Archduke Frederick,' will' be the _lead- that have arisen in the eourse of ad- not yet learned how safe you are wIth ing contender fortheCrown. 1 nunistration or aid age Pensiotis in 'tide preparation at hafid get it today i tne le estern •erovinces. and know for yourself. Indian Monarch,s,in Britain. 1 e„ .. , „ .„,--'-., „• „ e. i izE IN ITrIE STAR A number at rieh and powerful In'. , sairitenneaa stomas from. •...atintet ADvi.R.... ' dian Maharjahs met in the British • The British Cabinet most .one awe • Capital this week to confer with Bri- •most prominentmembers when the tam at one of the most important Bari at Birkenhead,. SecretnrY at Anglo-Indian conferences in hihterer- State for India, resigned trom (a- ruterated India, a United Seatee of• In- token by Lord Peel, who is no stran- of this ineetme may corne a faci. tice this week. Dis place bus been - dinlaindAia`lisilteudtyhtngSitmhoenpreorlemmisositoras.,Itgedriar hathvientduatexecsupolecif Stebeartet;ipiroysitfioonr 1 - than Self-government e these pewee previouslyet bus 'been known. for esque Indian potentates-tinve come to OM? time that• commercial and ILmopnodrognteoe tatioit tohnequBersitttiosuf• Empire odeireep. •np,aerinsPgf alrieorr interests have, heen cam - Lord rfirkenhead's ser- dePeadeut monarchies to the British 70,000.000 Indians, Iiving in 700,600 square miles of territory, are ruled , • ° '—'-'-"-""--.2 ' the relationship of their almost in - crown„ Ft is often forgotten that vote his whole time to the eewspa- " by, thie3ii_rg nitwunbb_ .......se:VAer•meiagrge..a.nui, tio_n, ' I i . •one Howard, British AinbaesedOr to ' .vices, and it is believed that Fleet per business. Street has won and -that tle Win de - In fourtaen, months". time,.:Sir Es - *Welt Amoassador to Retire An nalougaulawm unaeo mu link ithte United States, and Dean a Am. the ‘ar.oua eueoer.zineLesas tagougu.. ssadors: at Washington, will have oaoteeneste.,,m10,34,e,,:vas,roatunuroouoxe44 14.wee reached the age limit of sixty-five 1.0tonto tine uvelc 0,Ir''ir 4- ki," 13: and, according te .British Civil Ser- vice regulations, enust relinquish the /Innen, neon ei toe ure, or the inn. post. Ile bat been Ambassador to • (item n zit en compaint secures I •French e...,...,—; D . „A 10,0•.K.t,....n07..........s.7ri /may. jliy• tom new the United States since 1924, , centre!. of time comnion sock. Of time , ouuwarlue "'Iltunte'" - eranaditm organization. lfhe mitise 1 The French submarine :Ondinee investment 01 tne Japanese plump which was to have been:the newest Lorapany also passed into tne hams unit of the strongest arm of the of toe.' Onxish company, which has navY, is at the bottom of the ocean , the effect of linldreg interests of tbe and all her crew of three officereand tlempire in one great rubber company, forty men are de.ad. This startling • involving about $200,000;000• newe leaked out folloWinre a report Aged Czarina Passes •I ' 'Russia, who hdfore she became me Every Man .Past 40 . Tile' tormear caarma Marie of •'wile or a Itonoomioif and the mother 02: the late: Czar, was Princess Dag- Should Make This Test max, of Ponmark, died in COpenba- fon on October Zeth. When the Poe Amazing and Lasting Relief Prom , .rtussian revolution of 191; came she ' Middle -Age Ailments That • snowed her love and loyalty to her 1 '' (:a?se I.taily AnnoTanee • son by refusing to leave the country,1 • 5511 litei Force .— "and it was not until the war had end- 1 le.eds,idtheen:eartm:raish,ad.eitaletft.shaendaceNileprFeid; tuereNtmagt.:0eilliatotileofeoh:tteelittite)4,:embu:It "ouvla:prnmra.:Isol.5"srtticztit)t:iem:esleilAculsigpt`tqlautill8unell; :gel's routed army was nearing the offer of her sister, the Dowager Kidneys, Bladder Weakness and pro- - Queen a England, and took a pas- strata Wand Trouble, with th-eir Ois- • sage oil a British warship for Eng- tressing syniptons of Lameness. Palos ,land. it Mies. and down through greins, , ecanty but ,frecament and horning urlo 1 4.eclletdripTricaittirGiSnmassrlaiasihn ttanatlion. olifihta)bliiii;X;eanntti-alleapk'sZoiritlosr.c"e,41Neerevavtaus: day test of Dr. South:mirth's ester, edigenice•caused the deaths of tege•ness, %vitt Ammeter/I, the /most at least fourteen Persona and in-inrY skeptical or the VaIlie3 of this speelql . of forty more, The London, alio- treatment for their wartleular case. and and Scottish Railway's exprese teenazine- tehlinsony of Me -Means 'tram trona Leeds to Bristol first col- 0..nd users Si'vee ronylileing proof of tided •with a freight train standing Iktie, powein" ofCILATAtgS a to restore en the main line. Immediately a lit'aiill mid t4tIvn-gth o ,,.t.les of miNosions fonowed, Atte intleinied or Imitated Bladder and ..,,it..eba..pi to Awa.a.maattl, material. nary Trutt A ,11131ititIllat' of Maranhao !carried on the freight. Then fire rt11111)41,1)L':18:41:1113oeg,ireVi'ratl"-IE,Itl'e"re; lilainee were shooting high in the air. cameo d.A.vs "n more liadiaeiles, i broke out and ila a, few train/nee great erepte'e;earef often within ''. /eke', 07 -Adding to the harror and confusion nii riiar,t VA. no anore entherreaenaeut. and inereaetng casualties, a second or tiolling-ola-NlOoN• I utvw oleoP i fteight train ran into the wreekago sow -idly, arid fteL up In the nioryerpiee:e of the two trains a Iitti,-/ later. Six , ‘IIR 44 VII': thal4'19 t" IrRATATIi / ,fire brigade to2ed to the rescue, While new le tile general ,pidalie, the 1 but were held up on the way by fox,. wothiNmq ‘.;.laie •of IllArekile hee and when they merit -zit they faced a 1,5'..Trii, tg,a,F741T"IlYigewn M 2 '3227 19 ' acetate !he riedvel , eerrible task. The *Agreed %raffle ice'eei4iele „triglec. ii. ii „,17L WI" llehl ar fol* Mate than f',07011 lam aut. naiad tivaieelast a,e ill •zniipIF 0 , levees. there en a aziarinto41-i.lf seteitietten iir Prance Yana 3oyir Otattory Contest-tatozac-it baet,a' TrF ritATAItt: tiolby.. CArat'S eup, emblematic of en- pre/eery in the 19.-ne Intetrantiona eaterieal ecreest, loco te France as result of the w.vard by five :judges 31 Waelmingten cif the highest phtee to Rene Ponthien of Parin. JafiC de Tomasee, Argentina, was ecTentl. and Waliam Fetc Jr, of lorlion, Ont., was third. The Frenah. bzoy's ,sub. iett was "FretiPls Thenght and the IdeA of Lih,litY,," and t:,-, Canadian solath's delivery was onr..ateele arl - Inee:e-ial AEsx.i'atier. S'port in 1 TGeneral he haws of thz, Ark,-;:17:r.ft • tees tv.gby tam wozo elmIst desh. ilea! te the ground when Mortteal brat, 1 them 11 rec.:nt,..it to t".•;tt f.n.the c•,...tic.;I• ; Te?!gge c -F the Intetrov2,rfial Rugby it' rt,.., n_ /Famtit,07, Itrer* as p, 1 cne C.):"Sr ettaer.o., tci it:13 ti" •,',(.•1 tl,' oketen.. It w,ait a bad d:',.w 15, r erte 1 41 r...)ti.,.,.r.tv of To*.S8 t,Joq':i '410,1 kt,./1) k.-.;..1..1 tr' k,tt!..z°,..tra the b. iii.v , Otmi'igi'','„17 +.-1 the Ng rit_tit ftorei Mr, -.-emet....riasal' ' Gillt• , *he ,,:,,,rti .5,tteM n-qn.:A to AmmossommilmommisammomoilkillbillanffillL*4.-.. ' IllitekrmArr's Ontralr4 POOK*Fr•Re Pratt Food Compong oreonada.iltatted 32* corarsAw.75nottahrie Headaches So Bad Could Not Sleep Day or Night Mrs. D. Smith, R.R. No. 2, Freeman, Ont., writes:L-1 had severe headaches • which. were so bud I. could not sleek day or night. *After reeding of Tann wonderful • at once bought a bottle, and found it was Indring late. I an now- feeling fine and am able to do ell my own housework.r? Manufactured oily by The T. Wil- burn Co+ Ltd" Toronto, Ont. • There are many ointments but ONLY ONE 0 to I Your Favor AATIIEN tire trouble comes—when a faith- ful tire "blows"—tlie chances are ten to one that at small cost we can put it back on the road for you with a good repair. Our repairs keep many a tire from 'the scrap heap:` Bring the old tire to us. We'll tell you frankly whether les worth repairing. And if it is, we'll use Goodyear Repair Materials and the Goodyear Factory Method. F. It MILLER: TELEPHONE 259 GODERICH ONTARIO UGHTNIN6 Cid! SYRUP NIGHT COUGHS MOW sat rst • si iourr BRONCHITIS ASTHMA I Chilinta Loral I VIENCY$ SPIN, I •