The Goderich Star, 1928-08-30, Page 6Pete.; el•
• I • -1117NOMMIO 111111 11.,1I. I, I III...II . .
7 teteelleited laee Reergeuized 2966
Titter,' Fecrilieceliele, Med:cella atad
Pebeit Miele
ri470Ae teeleges.
wersse aiy 4.1-43.1-40 Coat, 4.14thuoil
.140E44 aa3 c;;14,-:;.* or twit.
4 U.;
Cala 11.* !is atio to
.•• ia ••••••:w titan la2.11.
cauvca sgta,
skek Soto 264 fsz4.,
c1112:11 ittot•
Men Marooned
ilk By -GEORGE MARSH frotti
after the-seepthe• eaqt-eiieeleiree elieteeeitliethoebeeiti
Ire+ Wiiiew for the hoe tva the we It has 4 luminous -dial."
leer ead 13en gradually thicherileg. eStit he ricet see any. more
Aa 1e.e degeefollowed was% Guth- Vto
ehea1e3eyes watelied the murk "A good lead doe bee an
er,-,345.' Wet out the stem. It meant scese--instinct for a trail. C
kaa it; that's rebeeleee our load
THE 000Efat,11 STAR
A Fruit on the Perm ot M :ear le R.fe, a, Ilewee Ceireee, lehe Las 60 acre; ee Dearing Orchard
• - .Courtesy of reveler% AtigMato
An an cleereee of the peesibilitlee a fruit growing in Therm Crete! y, the 69 aere3o W.erlue erlhard,
ormc-d 7DICk?-x-1Z,1.5eloan 13 str itetee ia tee entree:Gla olio ef.njoe elaeu lies 7e eeree oe or ii
tated neer Voyfield, in Goderieh to wecesp. `1.1:e seil evelas te jn rWvtelertiel fee ace erewth ead
fruit preiluetiee, for the orchaid is eee eie.ture ef heeitli teelitiee es. Xxieortucate!y ;lee et All Off
, in Maw Slates orehere es It 13 / M4-.137 Ottr•-: ereeards in Iluren Ce unty.
hyoid getting into the. rivce-hed As the sled sartee, the airedale For answer she c 1/ 41: itC Arno be
peilete pees well eutsitts. Swaning broke into furious bsrklr,g. PuzzLedi Sbot--o nie. 1 vont to 'dee you."
team into -tbe ic' Iz- Guthrie turned beck- elehet's -Tee eairetiele _ resee, etretehede
eided t�teevel by compase aeothee metter, irlhotie yawned, and his way to hei.
than mile. That would bring /dm into the The deg was clearly excited about eThere," I'll never forget what you
north ehore, if he were the eemething. With a wbiroper lie rose did tonight. You deserve the
extra riear month, It, would .reseee, Ue ot his.hind legand pawed the nian'a 'With A pent,. Weet threSt his eose
asta looked toward the invisible figure on ehest in dumb attempt to commute- toward her heed,
,cd the Murk le
. Old rile Stare
eoline their ' wee vest 'V. river
menthe; mei ueloss tee delta e
.AttnevePisket, a shan't eie ler. trice, "R:.;. -,"R:.;.-, Castor! We're geing
tereeaes to avo.d eateritw ta4 ;f. -i': aeliore to iee if we can et-.zinble into,
Clearly -caution dicteeel tac..31; those hdulders,'
ing intothe liapisican and Spa:Ad:Z(1i Put le:Suing lus,teatu anti At inter.
tko night at the post; tot r: -o chnu»s stopping to egaraitio the ie irem
of tee xnareut tilevan might beteg on• bieekr.eee, to frte.brices eutprise the
tie hour e saved by peehitig oa doge ehuvelled rem!? hundred yards
+through the :Able blanicet releitier witliout reaehicet the drift and" the
*ended the t043t.n tarn:.4 to shell ice Of the shore Was he eeep
girl muieled irIroese en tee tied in the motelt of tale Fu?tteisiten? land
behind hint. • : tiff shore?
°ing It's not goto he sold, hue' a he he'd boort. toe care.f.ul to have
,r•1 nigle. with the state woul4 be; drifted out tow;ard had traveledho
a retie streight inte the
,shore- without hittmg it. The only
possible Solation was ths 'Wide mouth
et the lIspiskaa-end he bad wished
' Ile ha* brains, tea."
403. the sled -the girl who bad uuresere- eate the oason Or his protest. 44 0he's try'xig to rat'irn the
oily placed herself in, bis bandseewlek “What ieit ole boy? What's over' kiss," warned the man who ened:d
had entered, on this voyags of mercy, on the shore that you don't want as WS {leg. '
leer white teith illed le. aeneee
4,01e he's Rolloweee tee eheee. je thoughtless of self. The hands testae to see?
he misses us; heel circle and get ear his rnittms shut sonvulsively'r ,:is A I "Tell me, Shot," oiled the girl, awl merit "You may, Shotte, on the
1 eceneit warning Htienne bad oree givenbini tin dog left, Guthrie to go to her but cheek, for Yoe're u brave rad gallant
tVoiet he earee?" fleshed across Ilia mcatorr• Arai lie vms etoPeed by ilia leash, gentleman." -
‘6110, he was teeeht not te....,et had brought /1:.r -..the thing mostei elt% more than queer*" said Guth. "And the -other br-ve mid gallant
Wee. Ditt I must mate a deeision." precious in the wored to Garth . no, "It'a *meow, Well, I'Ve got to gentlemen -41'e the to be ignored?
"A decision 2 ''' Gutite-tratoetlils, Why liad he not find that ishoe to Make A fresh atart. Aren't .castor and le-l'ux, and -,heir
"We're neer the Mouth of teo /ea_ camped on tee Dig eirilkew1 • .. 1 Now, Shot, be quiet, will yoe?" brave and gallant master, to t/hpre in cords with 1,870,000 visiters.
vinkan. Iva ping,.,, ta ha. aion, work_ For minutes Guthele walked ahead! ,Agein the dreee,r el ea ..Atur.he, your salute, elimon gweeel?"
can vall stnnd tills. tai 4nylivete0 of his team, praying for sign% ie the Caetor!" - f eviie -general 4-eoreee bet one e2.0„stafo the Caruideranee.11eaeteioeneeel, Ex -
"If you're tired -toe tired to go perete, be stood on the tail of Vie tall rose the Wroth.; of the eretesteig been unproved?' is Shot,o o'he uwition it cosvsonearty 14,voo,vov
41,Vhat has that to de• witli the lee. We'"? „graleelellee at hie feeet-of- elle i The dogs leamd into their co. liars hero tonight urd that
pleener pro:tie-11/Y
of ta0 snore. '.I. aeu-iriS- and the ' sled started, But from its replied. Archie, "Ills day oti on has
crt, we owl etoe at th pasty $ha gee ati,d ureed Ids dogs into ;:i. tret, e,uot. _ I oAnci mina?" . • ' .
ea- ,Att a note al-ra-t of mpeai le hie I•5 It° c'sell:ell tile.4 ir'ir° ca`clirtg*Iv411 "Good Loa ISVO, gOt to loll; Into $.,he would not inco‘ lits ey-s.,24,0134
L ::0 192y
"is good Jed*
Red Rose Orange Pekoe
-Top Quality
In dean, bright A/minuet
West Wawanueh
The vouncil met Monday, August
Otle'es per adjournment with ell the
mem:here preterit, Tile minutes of
lest meeting were reed and aeeepted.
A yaination of 7 cents. per yard was
plaeed on gravel talent by the county
from Glen't Hill. Tho township rate
tor 19118 Weee ii*ed ateeleg.leiTs.
'Clerk -win inarticied to notify Ifirere
Brindley that his woed must be te.
nerved from the highway at once.
Mr. Chas. Alton; of Dungannou, was
appOintod colleetoe of tages. Ito
commit adjourned to meet Sept,efird5
at I le 121.
DURbilbl PHILLIPS, Clerk
No child ,should alismed to suf.,
'ter an hour from worms when
prompt relief can be got 'in a simple
but atter** remedy...Mother Graves'
Vona eexterminator.
1027 Canadian, National Hxhibition
attendance eclipsed all previoua re.
Over. 100,000 eleetrie lights illue
initiate tho Canadian 'National Debi.
bitiort Grounds at night. ,
,. • ' the lumlneue Mel lie heid hls this! -rho ha* shortly.,y And, tai friend?* slte perrh..d, ft we have Over 2,406 Col% from the United
ermy nuree time when •thero,e,a ea. led the tem into the Meek -.veil when tb u k •
e, r , life of n brave nitu, why th•iik 0g, NatiOnat EXbibitiOn Geounds in one
"Too . tired.6 she Protestede- "an ten. reer eenee (leave giairatiY ,staP0314 teall're Gu -t13 walk el into weric before Ms -rt 6/11; fV.r Seitee were courited on the Canada
tient to take carp of?" • ,: throtigh the..murk aoniideel A brittle , He had advanced but a. shorl ourselves.", •
"I know. but lee ..zU*.. bark. . • AmMe, abled over the i'f ,elnlik In the lecOf the sed. tipeee oe its eel
teeeeeeeeenid donloteullye "Of eouree Aroused. the astaes gulch- hin way with his. ie..ccainn, Nowa he. side,'Its canvee coyer e`tit^ hod 0;beee
/el f k $, (Med thir paee.
a cold wind, out through him
"Tide auk'!" he Reseed. Within
step at the gray blur of ice on.
'WM& he/ 4tattl a black streak fad-
- $hots found the shore-ehsale le
Oomething." cried Guthrie to the eirl
in front of hem "Queer, be barked,
I though!" -
"Well, eve'll keol). on.. It 'means
making Ellewan bout's $001k0r, doesn't
it? And ;that counts': / can sleep On
0113 -Bled. I'M alineet neleep new."
• his coreptiee, elf I eould only eee Unit
ehore-the boulders."
8 c
"Xliack you,...Soldierl" he seld, .rind
stoPpecrIhe team while he coneulted
CuthrI'e Ieft the I d mid fea t
'I whide thong ta Castor's col*
tetter then this!'
'ello+e, can you telt where.
big? I can't see a thing." .
le 'Tn.. lattieg Caitee pick the
stt '
Add to P Eat et
1040111 7O&* dslJibdul book io your extroty.t
tit slinsjormutsas,
Zack Way Worry, NIgItt.s.tviimil
liatfalolua Cleveland
Cooneettoes Cleveland fee leke Itmans,
Detroit sad Points Woe
1:4111 Stoics May lit to November 14,46,
Lasviaitax 9401'. ).44 Arriving at 740 A.
A* your tklut mot or *We limey
fet *two WatCdiell
New Levi Faro $41.50 111
AUTOS 0.4111tIRD 1141.$0 AND VP
Th.Ceivetisai bee elsagate Tow"
enema see ilitiliewtArs. it..MA*
eeee leseeeeeieeee' 1"
1 1 "
Tegtelli your children
to stop and look be-
fore crossing a street
or highway
insiniray )
Oadlet3r Commailitee
fie WON c.F0 tit./004
' Again the rough voice a taq arc -
dale :broke through tbe piteliee black -
nett$.• Caiter rinswored. With a jet4
the linskies started into a fast eroie
They had not. traveled a laUndrPd
•Artis when, directly in front of the
invisible 'tom. ' nOttnt104Shot's
Challenge. Thera waS ai iiripaet of 1,
liard todiee, Castoiee, srie.rt of rage.i
Pollux's rear, followed bY the bedlam
of huskies fighting.. Tote the -Melee
of elun'uOd deks *tauttled in their
traces slid the sled. With the handle
of hie heave dog-gead• eluthed, tee
bewildered Guthrie 'ion to the rescue
of the airedale, who for sop* berepil.
cone 'reason had attacked Ctor.
Uercilessly scvingliar the hoevr but
of the Whip, veilieg the dogs b--• Vent%
he blindly fought to free the. offending*
Shot from the knife-like . range 'of
Castor and pa= A heaving ms -
of SnaPPle1; javii, the IniStiest Mad
With excitement, tripped,heenpered
by- their traces, were slashing Wildhe
in -the dark at their enemy Arulettat
. ,
Ing into the enve mug g o'ral bor.
red his WAY. "Were in, the river
hetli(h :."-aeirda°1;07t:
God b ss int he
le b kn.e
Shot's actions were cleer enough
now. 'Comirg upon tle, ot-eu eveter
toware, which -the riled was batwing,
the eiredale had returned on. the
hotted,. beeking a warning, as- he
eente.‘ Then. as the dors came on At
8.trot; Shot had catapulted into Pas-
-tor, starting a fight and -- stopping
tile sled. Stunned, struck with re-
morse, Guthrie ce uched on the Hp'
of the gash 'in the r'Ver Into
which does, tiMn, WOUld'
have- blindly plunged but for Shot's
Mad attack an tlte team. Te have led
her to thi*-a hideous death with the
-doge *AVM under by the drag of the
sled. And ttienne had warned him
of t'he tide cracks in the river mouth.
Ile had intended making • a ;Wide
swing- vented the leapislem. but in
• . Isle oesireli for the beach; had entered
eith'r` the river. But Shot, statitelt old wat,.
At teat, taking a slaiih which eippee troug1i
the.sleevo of his porta ae he reached 4')1. that lie wail' bhd" 'arge
In, Garth rot Shoe's eollar with one 1144 rigtenimttthincetnel;nsueleatit,heeeireilatilltf,enVe
.hand and liftieg the struggling dog „eine the teamleuteirg,her trust in
hehtDeberud tthemi
e utteingt
re bem
telz: srth Guthrie, Shot saved her.
ta follow; Castor tett The dog Re turned bark to the tone thrillee
witpride in VePO worried at
stttnne4 by- a 1)1Qw 64 he ad h
'0cmheat of thAe-Seen Q-"11ovesEDvi
warm in hex. robes. well willed by
the °reeking of the ere at d" -'n sid
Good nuirnieg, Healer et .Woondse
Tbet ie eost tentiee the beeon
dote; the breed cut. Will ecie wash
your fece ard sends the snotv, and
-partake a ells; set' VI' re
'you on th-e beetatifel reeces of
Through elsepy eye the girl stni
his leash. Tho love of the Irian for.
eeeluthrle+evaa free from the infuriated hi3. 410e. it,4 been cemented ,be yet
team, unable, enmeshed in their
one MOM bond, Shot had saved her
tracem, to drag the sled in Pursuit ek: Garth Guthrie/
the alredale Will fought he Guthrie%
arms to return to the battle. I b:WhreacaleddidtheY0044:2" ss'"(1 ns
bal)Ve"(142" allea 41 learned that we'll have to back-
fittetrier% frightened VOICe. "it
wee too awful. That started them?" et
"It's an right. I've got Shot and e
he's tee cut mita. Ireel tool off in 7
a minute. I'•or one rOalen be Idled
into Cestor." t
"littackcd Castor'!" 11
Guthrie led his elog to the AO of
the elect 'where ho wadi hint. fast. !
4,cre,.1, he must have bowled Citetor
e over no the run, Of mina that
started the team. Bat it's de dark 1
doubt if any et them are hurt much.'
They coultilet see to etrike--and their
traces' saved Shot. He e got two an
the shoulder hut thh're not deep." I
-Tie girl 'was eft" the slei omit seoeit,
fog the eiredale tremblrer wiee the
brat el the fight.
; "I'll stretighten cut the dogs new. ,
They done; este for this whip.hand.
; could hest the leetee." !tee said.
j "It hurt. but / suppose it was the
ellly way."
4'Ihry".11&e k11e4 Fht, faley
oncegl ban dilly% 1 hr_d to get him
' eve ef quickie," Guthrie etueleiere
tale reaming excited doge, gen
had teem en thee" feet with straight.,
tettd traces, teister, Gatre% favetete.'
wick tekeri the !di; et the blame
felenti the heed of hie t:It3ter e.7.3
torgue as he riehel Against Getle-
rie",s hr. Garth tweeted the eeee,
eave of the trerehlete Ieretzwa5
41)otr old ha! Tt vn't your
fiAllt: Milt it. if Skot 'went col"
Don't Name yell a lit, old uteteel Aid
to. de it. but it's folgettele'. n't
Yee, eood old (teeter!" With rat
of the reatisice tokUIL Garth went id
soothe the still pit.:d relive and
the rett,
Put all the white Ws treie was
hew with the etrange+ actien of the
*Weir. They wrre doer
Iverle Mot hard felled -AA -4 *erste
and trfoorci to *ilk
tht, 44ParNeellaia ifttn, fist why thd
heire it*
With Mot leslitet to the tail of the
'Apt'. sod the- hest of tee remotest
eat$001 is the 14444 of the
throug4i Elto 3014Vit 1 wet of the
, toaster's vole, end the tooth a Ina
' lien& tlethr teal% ealifli to Ids 1044
! tint,
Cauterr Z. irs;,
3 1
04 ,OP at ilia man a4" -o lia-1,1:thersd
for her comfort. "You Arp very "L4od
to .your pasSenger. ;hall
recommend this line t% vtio
temulate vo7atse up this
coaet." •
"We oughe to reeko E levan by
loon. I worder What weel Sae," be
said, -pouring the lett
oWliatever we frd i Gatth
Guthrie. woo have equard 3rour debt.
rack etraight east." he eaid 'calmly. 1
"'Why, aren't We heading for tini
Imre?" . • . 3
"Yes, but we've got tohret mit of I
his river. When 1 strike, the 003.4Ce. 1
I'm going to eirele, hit the coast, and I
give yeti sone reelen °But I Almost Lest Yon,
"But we ought to keep on." No- Mart Could have doe mor. for
"Not in this, bleokeetie. It's as his frieed,"
thick as Flemish rain in March.. I've5 "'But 1 rientoet loat you-"
got to 'lout the team," be did net add,' "Th0
at would have tein 4 fortune' :
'to watch for water Ahead." ', ef war." ; .
linleaihirec Shet, Whom ho hugged! "And teo. irony eft fete, with Bt.
as he mumbhd for a enoce fete e i lent* and poor Galbraith waiting ue
hairy ear, Guthrie+ sent, the aired*** . there for two who eereer
nut as an aallaCe petrol. tie lad : We be eel...tinned) ,
found water once. he would fine it +
again 0 they, itumeled up -u another For Both Houee eel Stable
M. vela xliermeetelefitaleue Soder
writesserfet so, sextant's' gratetel for -
Normal lenient I+ ee p
Ito be drawn: tbrough the Inusquite'll
small piereing twee. Joey ewe. tir6t
, inject a fluid. In it way
edisease germs ere set, eveat in the
, Wood streeme-bacteria of hurain„ee
t fever and crippling diseeep. There la
else the 41p1ge1 or streptogeecie_.
' rection (blood pols)nang) trore
scra+Ahintr t114 141-0. elosoultoes must
be tailed. Health authorities advo.
cars FLY-TOX. Sitenle itritrtletiOnS
el oath -Teter -04w lebeie for killing- -
ALL 'household inspets. INSIST on
VI,Y4TOX. PLY.TOX is easy to use.
Sufe, steinlese, fsagreeut, e_ure.-Adv.
She thOlagh
it would
be too
has Too.
44efe face-, ueek ttad, arts were eine
owe with,hg, red, Panful *Vie'. -
After I had teed the fest bottle -
of 11,13,1l. X 'gilt it one
and after the second one 107 V"233rw°
"Me itat about gOtter."‘ •
Manufactured °ere liy"reeTelrebae
Co., lereelode Tetontee Oat.
tieeereek, lAndirs 038: op. on a There is a good deal or similarity,
he !started straetht eatt fOr ses. ' phyalealty speaking. lastween human
ray:irtisilit whil' 4i
tla113e4r vttutihkges. 6irtint8lile.:341.03t(lat)anTlittfirtELV_Inti
forward, eyes on the 1CA am p
lee en'. (kdeteti% Plt1113'"‘'3. Dr;
ss eentiouely f'11:'-l.V
. eer- remedy eu
y for dianitsllre47 habit
fa! of net yet having e'eered the eve bops both humrimbaeitl33 4ni1the5
W1511191. be' 4 Nei for mother , lower orderg otem I
tour. then circled into the gerthweet , - -
tee! foutd the eltore *hive ICaniskau.
*There lit fed les deee, cut wirer
dnd and
aler, awith hi‘ ceeee kir dling
get a 'Ott 1.t.)"nt leiH the ee Vie&
2V.K ri3on it; wee% ereegh 13
f3 liter,the eoest t'hev wo•ed :.'*refreelo for Elkwen„After
kRu. th•3 '0104 of tee Are.
beinger and thet
lower Meet*. Both
leetreeeet WC! 114 to be of.
Ass .Ton Qi.rri� by' the r'Onv
f•-ittitur heat in the WI 1
Cuthrie told her firs!•,...t-y whi-h
h.titi kept, frem h'rwhllo !..3N greped
tbeeuith the water 'rare -416e elver '
at Tor;th f 4 110•!, ITr seri.
eve teiree seseonelv bright. *s Ctertla
rrelaiteet *he Seot had heti d fiieee
nee on the tette*.
"Are you rover tele oar whet eeu
feeee •eeee ems left nee'
'eche were rest'
One11011. 31 ft wit*" 11
she ,.11% -At h.-'4
n'IO +4,4Mier, avq1 test Ire as ft !!
prA":41;nmitLtnela i4412;;Ittlf‘ (AI)
ts,T., And Asir, Int" * ti_A., Or* 1,,"
Aratechirir the sof' ofeie ...A,en -
play OP hor brOOdillti ern. ;
Ohlthlielt of the
bushiest **net.
Overlooking raysnil
A Istedretn Are.
moos. tech wishbaik
e fiehe see upward*,
•reeteue, sianytoetwittaie
The old lady had attOr
'Token over a long Ottani*
line before -but tem wee
14 lumen/ for the sound of
her daughter's veicel
The operator was hind and
heiptui and in a moment
the beloved voice was sound.
ing in her ear.
And 'when the telephone bill
came stie tonne the ca.II had
eost only 45 cents.'
Now the Sunday evening
talk isa regular thing. More
eow- tosts only'
.centsnstead of asking for
her, daughter by name,
mother gives "Long Mt*
Wee" the distant number
hence the avow (after
&M) s only 25 cents.
,• Amy do not realise bow
- expensive, Long Diettune
really ie.
e e
n yowwi now
nt,TE of the most spectacular achieve=
i.oef meats in automotive history is the
manner in 'which today's "Bigger and
Better" Chevrolet is increasing its margin
of leadership as the world's largest builder
. of automobiles.
Coine, take aridat. Learn the reasons why people
prefer Chevrolet.
,Cnaw thevrOlet pillortriancel wherever hills
are steepest, the fazue of the Chevrolet motor is
greatest --because 11 13 built °tithe
principle, wticit provides MI the power advan-
tages of overhead direct firing.
Chevrolet's delightful smoothness is achieved
by the use of iftvar-strut alloy pistons, rind by
the accurate balancing of reciprocating parts.
Chevrolet flashes out and away When you open
the throttle because it offers the advantages of
light invatstrut pistons, large valves, and car.
buretor equipped with an acceleration well.
Come, take a ride-todayt
0.11 4 C. Galardi Met'? avs &Para Peyote !Cm airrdi i4e
itaidaata• 11.52,4100 retavt011114. t'Ati•tiot stiocloo
"woks, 'my bikY4tglitYsidemetwe therfLetytt ..esse..4114.
eseeeree Mess. +moo
T . • . •arca,
. •
Ikatiatre taproot.
/DEMI okra at Ifidety, hems
-?r Ma% Apasisar*
awe The *Wm
Cigar Teeple Clow& SWAMI
At 'edam Warberae moo*
1"Siparp74 anitmwtlidgm'
• . • • . 74000
. • .
, *Aka • . Nom
Awe ket PIAUI'', Wain
,•-r-Getrottabeni Term Lorapwl
tads,. Pre Iteank
FRED ROUE (lOistbaskic )
gloms y oir Ge14111AL MOTORS OP CANADA, 1.11141T114.