The Goderich Star, 1928-08-23, Page 8At. t.UGUT
.......-.... _
7, --
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i...!,,,... -2,L, i,es,,:a.,e,.„f,
,:,diul ()pens ...,-,,,„ :,;, ,-7,-ax: racaPar,riv eelleeci v,ialaa Me, and air, 1/, 1 f, .h.,,,,,t
,71.‘%, arc] alte, 3"..-„,.. „ille..11),,-,-,eal 0 -di ,g.2,1:Fii.11 kpr, soodsy
N1,, at -4 elee, T. Sev:eny. of Coleia:eh tiee daughters. Mary 5E1 Ed
S Dt - b 4th ..-c-'': 0 ,
0 ern er ....., i) co .0:mt,_ay.
• , itk,,v, 5,1•Ittd uniigannen iviiiti%es
J. ec,t, vibe bee Beene, COZ.513 cD Sunda)... it
_ _ n , _ , n _ __ , kf,,,,II:i 0 ,., j 1,0 ,!" 1 . IA. 2T.IB:. 130749;11:1%; llE;.: 1%t 1. N , I t . A. Tlic.reas 41,12,1 iwil i.hiiii,,,
v.aitagibit.It't.ciAf15, f..,..p..:01.,':',5!:7,..,ipi,,.iic.- r,., ,,1,, _ ; ,_ n , e nai t0 re_13, France* and Bc,bert, et Toroet,0
vee.,e week -end severe with ?dr. arid '
le '7,.••••'4, d• 0 c'. �.
1 . ''S:4 ws'iere vat'. r s. elto, eec. ei, etc,
Alt-,% .14* ilqrnaga.
••••••••••••••,-.• --••••••,..,4••••• •=•••10,,,-,.:
Now le the time to bass
Sewing /barn
ma Other Suppiles you know
vou noel -early.
• Come to the Stow wiure
you get Service writ Coca
Vaitte. ••
Cole's Book Stare
. .- - W Irk, f er , . .. ,
oral Mee. 3amee Phiey and Meal
i.J., Tareblye, of LeedeEtero, vtca
;vial Mr. ara Mre. W. P. Cae3pirell
-Ton Thureclay. '
Mr. anti Mi. amities Amy, and
ght(7. Mi, i; Olive Alton, of LwIrlow.' MISS NOBLE
were ,Fueday guleas at the lionie of ,
Me. and Me, Chao. WW1.
Boiesh reeheeeC,. Meek'
. Mr. Wm, aleaMen vect,eatTe neat° eke circus at 'Coderich
scieeqe_ aeektente easteeelearedeat. ef.'reea. attravted• Ariany-friim-Parigaunon- inhi i . / , - . ;la e -.e - -' ela . -1-
faNne 02.0y, (LI lona of grziEn cral in. v!,Atlit7,7. AU expressed thoweirrea as! ..---------•--F...--4.----"-4.--•""▪ "--t""""----
:Firing Max& ca3loidor3bl6. ininil won Pleased with 010 3711010 atair. I Vb:h.:1:,a, Ilehn end-Dc,o4-,Iss, also ilia',
- aid confined to tho honee.. Air. and Mrs. 'Bert Redman, who ' mother, Mes. Thi)e. MeRennie on
TQ truroahlwr madam 'ara Lend eeeee ten for the • lilacel.E,rringtel 1 (aster. Mies Eleanor Melienzie. both
ei the vty.° Most of the forinere nuptial% lef,t on their - return to Var., of Clinton,.
CO thiotafie eattiver, and eonio aro onto, by auotra. tin Tuesday everting4 , Mr. end Mrs,.. 4. D. -Pentland aral-t '
: reed: threabireer Q. the hOY W53 such Alm J. Bell, of Ludincm„ and Mrs.' two sons, Leverne and -Wilfred,
a *bean' ereP timi aro vet n. b1.9 ' to M. Iclierizie, of Torentoovere gust e 'had enjoYed la delightful motor trip,
eamee all the grain. . • loot:week at iheliotrie of the former's; though the Niagara peninsula • for '.
Vieltors at - the heraa of Mr. 44 brother, Mr. Fralerick Rosa and Mrs.., aver a week, returned to their home
Mrs. W. atcDowell List week were Ross. • Ion Pe31ay .esening laat. They were •
Mrs. Ramear awldaaglitor. of Port Mr. and Mrs. George Marts" oad ;Meath with relatives at Hamilton, .
qalborne; Mrs. Joyce and little ,To.yce 1 1
attaeldieasee .a...Ititrgeway; itIrs. W. '''ilotrttin'ittoTw.-Tel!guCeainstseri°anst nwcrektsis•'-itoili i 1rtatat::0
'1.1)4-uL L'14.g4"1 174143.- 1114.
i Staeitboueu and Mie.a. Ad2. of IllYtn. : their cousins, Mr. and Mks. Arthur i MiSs Iva Carr has hoen engaged 5e :
.Elliott. t teaclier in .Union S. S. No. 17. West
. mr. ar.4 Mr. prod rtasi, gutor.I.Wawanoshbey duties' to -commence '
AVESTMELD 'We regret that, owing to the de. Donald Ross, with Ur. and Patq. 110, tli)'1:511114Ptf. exfs1°8! •
remade for advertising this week. E. of Detroit, motored on Sat-
• Ls 0 ina curio is viipiting, Ira we have found It neressarY urdati• to Ilamilton where they on. Bat iriLoeStell°4°1 it'll" 1°41.4' 4g(/
liarveeters' exeursion thin *
UV. Enunerson Ilodgor, levfteaon, th_aI" "f the hIte
bind, ef• Dungannon, 31r. William • Guests at the hono; of Mr, and Mrs..s.eetIen'
Mrs Maria Pent. with reletives, , tsneo highly o hor popularity the
--•Mallengh, of Lticknow and Mr. F. Ross last week, were: M. and -M-r• al@ Mrs' Alfr•°4 (14"rn°
LO ' • Ddarvir, Axevocc-ell, bold aver till next issue obitta uar. Jove a delightful week.end visit tranig tolm neYeded. rest;
• fld
. rson is visiting her
.fMrs 4- 'Ando • Jr. 13. Rutherford, of West Wawa- James Amb.-rley idles ; gramidaughter Patricia, of e_ Port.
lyntghbnter, um, StaaloY Sibtbarint e9f nosh -Editor Star. . • Christene R.N., Torcinto nod 1E11014 pdiCh4i Mrs. riErogiliou 1,013Dih-
Rarry r.,yan, of Goderieli, was - Mr. and Mrs. D. P, hIcNainand email 0011 01 nog 'ter. era y. 0 0.1
and tire. j. N. Caumbell
r are a recent guest with relatives In Dana eon, of Montreal.
vieiting theidaughter, Mrs. - Miss Winnifred MeClure niirso.ina
IS 0 ess a. ao ..une an., rasps aryl baby a breath and also wore , Public school text books and high
'Mr. and Mra. Albert Campbell dauglater. Mrs, G..C. Treleaven.
SV,210:10upe, of Goderleh. m d I'd u I h itvd training at St..Thomos Rolspitid en.
r. an rs. aux 03C a .1wtere guests at tne uOin an engine ignited •the straw' stack, as Cora Errington, taster ef the bride, paints, Pencils. etn.ComPbolre Drag!
e f s suaii eea roar. a spark Iron to white lad shoes with white hose. Miss school etipplies.- SCribbleret =Yana,
D. S. Erritv. ton. 7th,ton. of W.
over the , ureek-end.
'daughterQmount amensmiele„
trait. also Mrs Alfred Robinsod's
Alaft ST 23rd, ma
Speekil teduCliou for August Sale. 364n ch all pure Linen, for DresseS. SCarfs,
Tal'ie COVVIS., et'., colors sand, each, tan, bluos, grey, also white. Our reg.
price 09,e. August Sale Price." . ,...... • . • • • • •
Iuil,5ize sterilized goose feather pillows
covered -- withdown proof at ticking,
fancy pinkS, Wires, mauve, rose, etc.
_ 36 Inches wide and aliout yards„
long, • Ivory shade, choice patteins.
Value, 85.0o, per • pair • $3.69
Regular value,'$7.50, at per pair $4.95 CURTAIN NETS -
COMFORTERS - Double warp and double woof, white
• •Art sateen, covered nicely quilted and • ouln Marquisette :curtain, 38 inches
wi e. 'pad .for sample of this bar -
gala if unable toall, and see it) Reg -
price • 6-5e. • August sale, yard. 39e
doubl‘i warp, reg. 8-1.25. Per -yard 73e
tilled with soft white downey batting,
irSize 72 z 72. $6.50 value. Each
I • • • ...... • •••i••• ...... $4.50
Best quality unbleached 72 -inch wide
sheeting; Regular Sc. On sale,
per yard.... . , . . .. .38e
,Size about .t4 x 22, strong, niade,with
thick brush, suitable for veranda, doors
or halls'. Reg. 7S. Each 50c
- ,
White ictinkle; Bed Spreads, perfect'
quality and4beautifully finished, large
size 72 'x 90. Regular
..... .... 41.95
lova a fortnight's holiday at the ,w.oximoo, zone was %Imre the fire originatea. was bridesmaid 'Wearing cora tom. , Store
alate311410011p24 ftlentSlifWAitelliartl;Lta2 fi a Ulla, on Sandal?... INIv°initii("an°.ttaleacl.italm.01:°nts" , "d 14r5. I im....74:ape;iatatpilleeevnal)0...aeteiodn, ii.illotrisholtt::s111,iiieet.11:.sfepatth:reeaktboa:rna:ifonl:b. ttlblee tg• .heitnte,?: tiriVimthni:lieV:vvitIPtrbe,Vfirsantl hgaet°T0'
\ Miss, Isabel -corn C. ug s ,
andMr Fred J. Cook (Vnti 4 Von at the' lanne Of her brother, ' Mrs, Debt. McAllister received a •
s•Coelt. of Delgrave, Suuday. • Mita Atriber Jgeritelh210. 02 Str°t11" nesds 741 h%fbtzpottl°%ggadiv,feard 141:,rti turn to,her hoMe hotlg itoe I also most of the feral briplerente brother. Howard 131acz Asbnekt.
lolly visited with Mt.. and idre, so, mr. wrd, Corr. moseoge ozlutroneing the eritie41 ill-. i Itellitebamtrifte°rtitallataunria;)4trbourl'raell''' i WIlettwe, gmlotteldouQro;dtlibeY earrn. ,Parr wal!elr1T4 Tr• ree%4rindde7r°01'oeMbi•gleattleisrielidbyllTies*
. . was a match. She carried a •
bouquet af pink
Little 'Cathleen Maley, 'of Loniles- roy. is enioving :holidays 'Under the r e eomnani:Id kr.berittet t411? GT;(:leY•11 mach))3(427* Tbe live stock 2n the It: was a haPPY cOineidenee that the
• nit!, Miss Winnifmd %his Letitia Derain, B,
bore, spent last Week with her cou. parontal roof, ,
(.1 tr x Wocudge r%c41? 11)1y__Ielf °V14. 411411' ;Ia'st4 Alhin stabiqS was 51:0 sava. The barn was hart.hday el the bride ancl her brides.
4 14 l'aPs.'aennt thre°.post eek very 'plea, ee' f enie4soeilo: 'who returned erg/171Y ra theu %""eArlail Vold: 2011 on the same daY as the
41" 411•*°. pert Cnrtor 02 Dcussels. 7.1439% Marie Stoutr, of St. Thon1ael.' at, mexenzie, returned to thmir Ito
e 1
plentiful Sti/iy of tion was held at tile home Of the
TMr. alai Mrs. Wm. Owen ant V
hrigad and
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McDowell and gc:Pt with4!er 44148, 111183 /)r°14" s'antlyllevith thelr (brighter, Mrs. G.! oneeSu. n°daY evening%
family viaited on Sundae with Dare end"Mre. WintioSa ' ' ntu 1?ne. 1:Pdarlbayliroe:tis 1:,)ef% lea= ilaYt Althellgb °lel' -ore Afterthethe ecretIOUY receP•
„ ,and Mrs. Oliver Ilephonstall, waS reeOnt Pewit with relatives In Toront0 on Saturday'. inak ng. t j daughter. Irene, of Port Credit, were writer }deb 2V a close at hand, was ,brideLs parents, mr, and .srs. s
a Lee, Angolee, eVent a wcea with cuegaemon and vicinity, triP bY tilotOr• • •w -ed _guests with relaidyes at kept from the fi'mes. The house was Ere/mute where a sumptuous wed.
Gf4e'al • Move ,Goorge Hamilton Dunwrinion And Fort Albert, They saved by hangiag wet blankets er • •
For-Upbotsteriiiri, EtspikiOng I Ur: aDtt Mra, Sla0r2 McAllister ibarvestb.„,... apertatom, tho
A levesi range of Sampler Coecr*,
and Reflohddocf, and son Rcbeit, were r.ecent gtfests
with relatives at' Laamington. Mr. ard Mrs. Wm, God. ilttle son. °beer, ealebeate th.e
IodYn' sigt;en Xare'es; whose •entall sonie of laet year's ea.era of confetiti for a trio to Tor_
hav, le load Of barley and a lOad of onto 'and Niagara Palle. The hrida
erioh. and Mrs, $tewort, of Binge -red first anniversary a his birthday, this oat, this romoinder ,of .•fdr. MeMill- wore for travelling 'n dross of almond
Mr. andWileon fewia and Mr and Mrs. Pinola Woolidee and ed as Mr. and 'Mrs. J'artess Girvih, of in the arainarkr waq neen .consiirned m xesSorfes, On their return Mr.
Mr. James Maize and sister. MISS
innel was serve a ri
Etta iVialze were' guests with relt.. on the liarvest exoureion for $aSh- Creed Bead, 'before lenving fo 14' - aon env the meason's orep Rine' \ 4/media Iy after d' er the Phont-BlYth Ihorazinee
and Warner ,An.cfrewe, left thig week snout' a feW days at Kincardine and it and by dashin Neuter on the root. 'reee'lved nian?r\beautiful and aseful
Several don Belk rang....
*44e:they last
0V d d • d Tli b •
tives In Aehileld on Sunday. -
atehewan, where they mull assist in rowel. Where theY gUests with of bay. With tile exception of one :h. o -y. topple left by motor\ amid
tags •Corried, . D011alda And. Berbh.a. dories_ Were have beer. guests at the home of Mr: ,week, • .. s 1).ienn? Yot 4eid. ereen flatte crepe. vvitli coat of logion
P. A zIMIVJERNIAN guests wItit their cousin, Mies 1,4011,04'e "nd Mrs, Faller Phillips, where Mr. I What might have reeulted m. Titreallieg canrnenee fae blue suedine, trimmed with olatmurn
IVOIROn. St. S:otliers, for a few days last weeL4 • j'an,no ntiiiips is oritioaily ill. irnnOo more serious accident. IlaPPen- 'barn dont?.8O a. ree and the grain r:oney fnr, arid smart hat' an() match- ,
*Pt, 4.. 0•4,014411•00•••
trig a most
outstanding range
of distinctive
Models' in
• -- trends of Fashion
You are cordially
! invited fo inspect
our stock.
Arittititclit Stift!
S et
Electrical Sho
W. carry a geed stock of
Electrical Appliance*
Fixture*, etc.
We Specialise in
Wiring of AU Kind• s
Estimates given on
All Work Gsearantrod
Frank McArthur
Phos.* 82 West Prat
d Yi *two , Tovorrto„,arr,„d ou Nilo. were dt2vinge with a horse and in etiditioa tit Pevetei saelcs of sweet nrii Mrs. Sleek reeide in-/4de'
Iady'e sistor Mrs,. ,ittotd4v, opend teir,aays viol, 00 buggy, to Dungaallen on Friday of vlover seed Wbiele had been ehreeaei now, where thev will be athhcerie to
adr. and Mrs. Sea Lockbart and twe fnrmer's *ter. ldra. be1ont .1
:daughters, ami Edith, g' $1eXerMie 41:1:4till:A01111r11;1411141" I'llieviiiVAT44d1C21.°N;711 .111'0'1'1:6g; tirstPelvee
visited Dungannon relatives'. ore Sen-ISitteoe. and metored freen there.
have -been 'et°vIng 4.1fr,iglitened at a log trtiek and backed' tovered bv inStiranee, Thanks to the .frorn
family .wolo guests on SnadaY tlie, eentrea., Nein he had Gfrvin were riot uPsek and ere.h/ri Mr. ',Yard, whoon.ohlt7 1"4:111tin oc lcoroun eiro4b1 bobble.
home of, tt.,4 latly•so mothe4 mys. oav,, oetober ith:„ watottetoro,ozy escaped -with no more injury than a ot the time. a larev erewe heleers about because of ,corns,
non. arinouncoroont With Tegoaq .soys, and: l'ua1;44311,40it,11111;ii)f,enriqthiliiie,i:Stesaee4er.,:,0 /itoira so vrtioinvita./teelitiV:tat -hand: US
;day; ,ri Annivorapv ,a,„4..tvidon •in ,,..en,, the buggy against it breaking Drae Of 11Se l' -'f the telenhono. and +0 the. .11aleveie arid Oodorieh, ,
Mre and Mrs. Wm. '.CaeSait r, a 3. nd,reation , with Duntannon, Attri; the toga wheels. Fortunately Mi. heArty roilr;,t;ia.tiort of the 'chief ot. .................... ,...--.... ,.
i 310ter Allatt li.eed ".33' a taest at • Mr. :n1, Mr*. noY gutied0.'haEGithoel dub Oxhibit which wet held
• tbe home, of . his father, Ur. K. La narivod to the I10224e adjoining that in r,e,ribbl, in. ,siakupti tut ,..,,14.,01,,,,,rci :end op fivfmbaoke.i.L ,,,,,le 6yo dozen ._.
ell of feedereeh, for n few days wiateli they now lives which in,s been - i
t last woek, . , .,, . , purchwied iv Mr. janv?.0 Girvm, whoj Blake soured first :nits in tilt the '11-fluMber wer.-' rug'iod .'0., ti.0 sco•roe.
classss. of serlikr 'iamb shovin; tett 'T1;, l'i, "0 known 've4- what Mr.., Me -
1 MIN. .1. Onion, .Stothers, pnalie ^will Move to it ob°tS'elltiell(Ilter . la'. : XellrhitifieZ A‘leoPA • prize ,irk entr.les-of "•Iiianei 0, with regard to n-
' zehool lospector for London, with his ,.. Mr. end Mrs, S. . W ckeno and ',4 amble ewe iambs,. mid singles; Ceet buildmg. . AN11 'BENI)
,faibil. is ilolidaYing With relatives tunsily returned by motor to their t Johnston drat Orizs in JOdgitigt and .131,,Atlt .. EltittisiOTOINT.--aungan. ' fORNITOHE EXCHAIIGE .
in tide distriet. home in Toronto on Sunday fellow- nrvey Anderson second • prize in non 'United Othrell was, the eeene of $IDDLERs, Colgresr.
On 4,0 nrn,ntintv 0 464.11'eti
Mr. and M'S• ;dim IL 'SaVage and. ing 3 .440414 halida3r of tio ',fudging. Clifford Blake standing 1st. a,very happy event on Tileralak atter
the hoine of Mr., and, Mrs, Donald Allti_ Mr. T. a 4`14r4:: ',.,_
SOU; Prank, 'Airre Sunday visitors a wseki with the,. ',aft's Paelits, l',. and receiving the largest number ,of noon. at three o'etoek, the occasion
: ,prh..,es awarde4ia entitled to exbibit, being, tile marriage of Eva May, _,.. tTivlev-DIA4101.1,11140444.!;_anLcd_els'isre_EsT . t
Ofellevin, Ooderleh. Mr., and Mrs. StaaleY a'nolnlasari, efl his lambs At rho Boys' and Gide' • youngest daaghter of Mr. and .Mrs, ' 'Slqu'eftt3 15:41104NQ , Good
Don't buy an$ new
Furniture,' Ball' Car.
riage, until yoir
, get oar prices. .
posititiefr '•ea pc
yournone,y. The finest
Furniture at die tow.
est cost.. -
mrand mmeGoomo ear. ainarowe Riimardine. were gueats at the borne iSheeit eltih. exhibition in connection David Erringtoh, -nth eoneession '
of Mrs.. Chaelotte Reid on 'rtiesda3e, with. the London Fair We year. • la West Wawa:melt, to David Roy WM, MAY, AUG. 2-/th, 1928
and later attended the Vtedding Of .
"Bla'ek' °°n °2. Mr* and 245` J.; An rhleis boittict ti) Compete
bilefr 1411" Ilvtlngt4/11* I eainras otiMald dtirtetir8. whohadZack, second eoncesSion of Ashfield. for Silver Trophies - L
°Stole' signs have ' been plIced ay:won guegs inc ceremony was performer by. Rev. • ,
with the foriner's bro.
the intersection of Dungannon 3 main ther, we. were Caesar. And with hie 1. A. 'Walker, B. Ao Pastor of the CO/Vallia I /
atreet and the fourth conceeeiote the fa,tho, mr. /autos caosac left or ehurch. The char& waa prettily d'o. assovirsEo
Ile more safe for both
observance of which will make Oaf- 1 sati4rday on Miele return to their, corated for the occasion with a pro- i ,COLORED oncagsTRA
pedestrians Itotrie at Akron Ohio the trip being 'fusion of gladioli and sweet peas, ,,,,e ,,,,,,,,,,,,
eo Stewart Mr. 4arid Mrs. Borten Ttoaoh anal here, it le castomara for Mr. Wear
„ „ .
popular event. The seats for the vurnat
• - and_ veldelee._ - !moo' by latoott. Nibile holidaying Making a pleasing setting for the ',nazi 4712,W2,2'. OYILY
- Ill' . - daughter, Miss Erma Roach, Aro i to take a trip te the north eountry;gudreottewit
leaving this molting (Thursday) forl for A feW days' fishing. The trip this everthemnartimkoberteit.kovwermotneehtuti ,41162--,--NNEDAlry,sAtraGo.rt030ths ,
° the West, where tbe.V will visit relo-1 year WAS mode to - Golden Valley, t.trh0 ethicnitaipitsartortetnhtee r Bedridtahie oehhuovurchs! . PleSentiq_..._:_n* '
tives for a few Wake. 'hey meet' where he, with his party, Waa4 a guest
_ toistrer.itlarrtil4a,tast. zetrobebortr iss.t.stotb.eo. I 'Thy riwler;;.ealindeeoMmrpsittiCetiltarbl;smIlliaontta; ifrraorink. LoThhegligrbrturktiosroketabYveUryistshtatirdna.1 ,11 Aztirs-varrittlitAaxmOP E.PNI
and their two daughters. Lenort and Mrs. Ham Andereort. Of Lucknow big in a gown of estate satin. with rren, the GrAystone Ballroom,
Phone 103
Helen, apent Sunday at the home of and Mr. lantield Anderaori, of RI
e" wilwetbrdererrstal gel lakd rriourt e$t at t ntrriimbbralend.
Mr. and Mrs. James Rowitt, Seaforth. trait. • •
bridal „yen, width. wee beaded
0.„ -;itaCrifra4romfam They were accompanied by Mr. ,Tolm i On Sundev, August 19th. Mr, raid The
---; Rowitt. and Miss Jessie Wallace. • Mrs. Saniul Sherwood, of the 6th with French pearls. was surmounted
a' ', has been lit attendance upon her aunt, twenty-fifth antiivereary . of their ,
a • . Mrs. (Dr.) Hall, R.N., of Goderich, leencession of Ashtield, celebrated the charY ariedeorr soutoovr%orzebuogtiettebit0sofsonlosph. Sell:
Miss Letitia Dreany, who has been wedding. The day coming on a
tit as a result of an attack of prieu.iSunday the celebration was perforce
Monte. ' Iler many friends wouid be co.*: quiet., About tit. irtY guests join. GRAIVII
GROCERY Rev. S. V. R. Pentland, Bryanston, ' ()r °Ir. "nu ra' 0Aerwood. +Ile I" e stun, all611Virlo
pkased to hear of her recovsry. Ila it.zeorkilitt ilie 01)„.3: a lumpy .2ne li /rattan uo rrojhuntviro
, with Mrs. Peittland,_visited on Mond ner•to repaired to Port Albert wherd at C1.114ToN on
for sere= aim ligoluty 11111,11. They wet...8 accompanied 6,0 The bride• ef twenteadVe years ago• ekt" MON. sEpr. 3n1, '28
...1 ii.„„kg, day at the home of Mr. and Mre. G. lunch "I Perteken of by the lake, e
their son, Rev. t). Pentland, oe Budd !was Mims Edith Brown, eldest daugh. - •
gatt, and Mr. and Mrs. Christie, eittr 7-1111A14011-7
of the lete Mr. and Mrs. James
Prites right
, Wingham. !Brown, of the 9th eon of Aehfield
,FRESH FRUITS and VEGII.. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. McKenzie* $1.0" this district a her life. The marriage I ford, ,, Mitchell, GOderielt,
Clinton, eCtl8intlit %ripe. rs. Stmt..
iShe has been a continuous resident of
TABLES DAILY comparited by their daughter. Mir, was solemnized on August ISM IGO% ICitchener and Waterloo
wAiroharbraracitor tuan• dvisiyal.tedorltahtitivireer'er! i tRheev.eCerheerarloensiTtautthteherfordhomPeerfrf tingbe roe's°. A* dfsplay similar . to
SILVERWOOD'S ICE CREAM, tunt they were accompanied by kfr
• bride's uncle. Mr. and Mrs. ktatbaniel .. 0.11' Horne Weak 14_926
and Mrs. Jonathan Pattison, wno. are • 84,...rojete. me. sboewooti i$ a son of viiVeninit 0 Writ to the mem.,
BRICK& `,010$ BONX. DIXIE enjoying * short visit here, I
,, i the late Mr. mot Mrs, Patsy Sher., orY of aintonie Pioneer5 will
errs am mut ___, The regular m. onthly mesting_or wood, of Ashiley, and hes also heen* , take place asslot 1:3140?. ro.
' Ise Dungannon brane or tne wo.• continuous resident of Asidield. He ;1
' will ceavinct you. wien•e ,xastitutN lem be held on is now a member of the couneil of the Adults, $0e. Children, .25e.
Thureday, Aug. 3004' at 3 n. ri1. at orownshitt of Ashiretd. We, with
the home of the president. Mrs. C. C.!others, join in wishing them etill a ......-- --.-
Brow. Roll calt-e"Coaling Drinks,"i bra and prosperous life of wedded .
spARRI GRocERy aTopic-*Ginnitig. and buss. ., .............e...
be taken by lira. B. If• Crawford'.. _ / A disastrous bre occurred 012 Vited..-
VII Stan Of skTiStAg TION Mr. and Mts. G. M. McKenzie mini needay forenomi about 10.30 a. In.. NEXT.s.SIONIOAV
theeihse Striet-Mwee 146-40MitItit as *uests on Fridim. the former's when Mr."James MeMillan's barn, on of larraireeTEConnirees
brother, Mr. Robt. IteKensie, of D.' the Lake Road, Ashiield, Sust north
WE DELIVER IN ICON'. troit, with Mcs. McKenzie Rad Aw3 of Pt. Albert 'rum destroyed, Thresh.
-- 4...zionelices nt to .
WestaPvelt School
.----i. _ ..
I LANNON, armee
I'Write fir inarrer'settert to
J. NM TINPLIN, Itailistrar
Our new styles of liaggage paitieulariy impress the esperienced
traveller -the biahweade ersteriale, quality, workmanship, expi*,„
rombine one. great dt!ve ‘Ard completo estisfactik..n.
st-rr - - • , .111.74P to
RAT' DOX104.-. ..$S.13 OMNI
01.1'R DAUS.- to t15.041
11111sTON BIlt3S.„ ALL LATHER, 1.21 to 3...A
T*11,0101,- $5.5A in
Tot 014 ;supply. your reed* foe t tat%
Our aim ta tiro a proper At. Orta have
from et rtaarkeabir prwee,
YOU ARE IS:VilEn Tfo S'Hor
W. Hern's Shoe Store
Now is your time te eeure a
(.1...est at a great, .sting: We have a
Frott“.1 roreber itt the r.insrke.b1)•
, 1,ov c.f. - „ I 1,3a
vc/!ite tff.t effee is aood
*1 1SI1IR - 111111111MTOR
illinalhes *root
Mow Ink Reekkeer )14
Detroit. Featured over
Radio WDZ. and WJE
New Ihandee Brae Band On the
-ETOUR currar.s passsau Ar
• ' 4
Ciderich Fro& Dry Cleaning Works,.
Prompt and R1224.2t Streit*
J. ft. VitOOMAN
iee.e.mse•I' Phone 122 Wei* Street -
Get the "Faber Guarantees" back of you when
you ankeyear Fall and Winter Suit and Overcoat,
and ye* will actually 3m le $20. ea midi garment -
1. aritiati Imported Best Woolen Materiais.
2. Every Garment Cut by Hand to individual Measure.
atst quality Lining*. tiottonit arta interior workmanship.
4. Satiailietion or Money Ilefurecied.
Lewis Faber & Co., Ltdhave built no the Largest Personal
Teiloring Business in Canada by sumolying and SATISFYING
500.000 Cuttorners'airc•ughout the Darnittion
Becaust Quality Is the Rest.
Fit and Style Perfect
and Prices are the Lowest.
The local Resident Sales Agent will be pleated to wait upon
a. you Via display the Quality andttyles in the quiet of your own
s home and at your leisure. You will be under no obligation to
buy. Phone 489, Goderich, ask for the"Paber Man" Mr. Noonan,
%Supply LADIES with the best English Material by the.
'Yard, 34 inches wide
BRASICLIES--111thfax, Toronto, Hamilton, London, Vancouver