The Goderich Star, 1928-08-02, Page 6UNWERSITY OF WESTERN' ONTARIO 'BE Pain -nine Curie ia Medical enience eoztaits gir years,* reel, deat weria yeats ace devoted to itt23#14 WatUZO sled four yeare te pare h•ledicine, : blot ciao thee lifte students aro per. tamed to cereal fat the first ;.,-ear. - ie/denied Scheel bes the be'. eta:axed plant of iteeize • -ere the eentineat, Lone e does Heseital and cliaie - eel faclieaceao excelleat, s lee tatent et eireeno tee - =see in rePt.V.013 '0%741 MO caZg seal VIU traieing et tes etreleate, ace sanineaat Wee. =tee, wave- X.Ielatierearraneee,„ Re; ear, reeical Ceev.ea ea .1 figil ;MO 19_1 i••••••Fmaili•MINI, Ken Marooned mosak__.u..13y__GEORGE-MARSH • CHAPTVIt (Continuod- 3riert" ho naid with a laugh, "that the trail to the raieeion. At Ins i THE GODERICH STAR OMAN SO "fle-,04 e .fiee ea.! twee coneeet tinTate, eencea---1 .• ' .neensa •• '11%-br Ti!'33 nalreceere, aGarte, etnne t, :yea nue1.Inane ° ' ' linaga NOT WORK aee., I. could . ran ,D t t't azwelcai t ,....1 a ....1 af Aheney. "lie i 414 by ,Taling Lydia E Pink - 3 i,2t 1$:,4`,..23i.: ie writing to '': .Ian's Vegetable Compouud Itc,;53 cc:14)=4 r.,,, ,:i -ii tifteet that ha hai been innifteal in. pea ace? Chet ,V0113 '7 .. . -_-_-_,- recoeca 'if) get; Xtr,....5 eaee kia Ahuniala, A etatialavt, sehhail orh hlan that hat I tele? wen a'; aleoect whet ini " thonetat k'.,' 11:M." I heard f that geed Lydia I;i. rinke — . harahneedieineend • GOate 3,74L5 f;eateful to Camerenfor 61,11;13103 0 It:--,:' 4.30.410. of taaer. ', H. rheina thergea, valiat. lie /mew Joan bail eeernfelly eleaneinehed. I. elan% ee ctaareen- it not reopen- it • • eible for her her. Could E brfna I ere. ewe anent tha indieelon toght ? , Swan elmezt hielral axe cut ha Sep - telpher." , • t. it.wic„,,, cf. cf.:tee...ea Major Guthrie. .a..e- . I ems cell ,saiii Mrs..i • vall not b it e vatla • out again.1 wae co Itat 1could not work atall and could not sew CO the machine. My aunt told me a, Lydia E. L. rink- hates Vegetebne 0 Gorimoundandnove going to you to" :.1 am tOing all of Cameron. 'The poor cited hes a • . . my friends lime dreary onoaeb thee vita tba swans. eaweeteeneeenanen.good it band 1 wit! There been werzeing abetzt her • alkittee ha tun SOW.= Orel:timid* epewer ail letters I get from WOOlett: eou anoniereavebeceratet,ofeleer-liberaleinowk. • . news on reliteion," After mealier Garth hurried over ,. • , a yew uhreae .he ,hhelohooth ghh. yottre lien at Albeny and int at Al- knocir the deer was opened by the • the ' authority which raY honorable azag at the raptilted hood as if ot a 411*.h 444 1 bembY tumotine° that rni naiesionary _ _ brother bestowed niacin him. Imag- tgo ng to stay a /hay, or two, or three, If Garth*Guthrie had been ear:cola-tine, mining. three ghost. years hi Prance, "Weicolue to Alhanyel Mr. Exile," °lig Pak to YOU' ' , iblo to withering loolcs from a revend laving Mr. Swan to guide my nhe erica, extending a aattenhabealth Ile!. sure, sbe eeld with a low , end gentleman whoSe monger fro no , faltering feetin' She laue,hed mer - that you are most flattering. ' stithened '11110eisily iu the biaok cloth rilY, as they . swung through the , e ann. ease men Cameron. mad ;VII' it you foreet that my mower, aue eleeleet come eteeatea by elle stinging air of the clearin4. ham of roue arrive' with tura fahutehn tar." eed et the Manly reception eatn4ded to aware of Ids moccaeine t uehing the lune eraount, of far. COnt.PrattaatiOnS • ?, emir deleat of laorliung alcDore. • e •eterti wieteririeh at' 110 Mr. SATtm, aes not 4pprovo of you, A• Swan, he would hap been emharras. 'The man beside herlas ar y "A:1 the 31,-OrSe for Swan then, for him when be flak' tbrittle snow, so lifted in spirits was Etoing to tee you tomorrow morn- "Goo4 Mr. Sward I have the with the nearnees of the girl whose career:ran eaaa yea. anear tom hoer. nig, afternoon, tied evening, Swan or come te take Miss Qtlarrier over to 'Pa. ceder Vise to the .elara; heir on ne Swan. I am 4 mastertul num and . the Cameron' foe the evening." ,strange dee 'defied analyIliscl.n to winter at Albahy hho hothhihoh. “r g„„i„i 0 job, yea %Ali have vay way. What time to A‘You. sir,," indignantly =plied the . "You didn't tell me this afternoon night do I !mock on the dear of the Missionney, "bare Put yourself be. 1Why you, deceived me as to your te e they aseded a nuree terrihlY of whereabouts in Your Christmas let - the school." /tor ens "4)410° Ida Keverend Swan:" InIth tall Ma ado yard the pale -have uh rleht to the ozahehjah. looh, nmv, 020 brother Igtartla was. careasing the fare which society of pure Wouien, ter." lie hazarde(1i retarna in the span. to I decided te 1)0(1wine to him by the fire M the Halide on hips, • for a armee Garth "If I had, told you. world you have thhh tar Inot hatani , , mote, feetowhi eel nt over the tundia , smiled gOOdknaturediy down on the eerileM - t° see el". ille °Skelly ttireilli* ehut halm I hat, you won towing a Akiniisle!, eompanioned hie cinemas.' greatly exeited SW411. struggling her. alter hoed end meethig his eyes ,witb th a tiny et- tie° for ‚3100 4i " he relent. lite ethate.e of her being how-to oicalla with. the part his conseience Itntatk. rhnersonel gone. !fAlui leo, tetty, Mil: th---teeek at, when, he had bade hitte pier. Shen lie geld quietly; 3' eAti i ihsely perebted. cbristims totter nod hhher told theh gat, her south acroes the forests: " • if, you choose to believe the "That is the reason," vro only, ni,,oty Inue4 twron ahhet teen teed elte awed en in the 011 l'1. with Which QuIt'ller Ims ".402 mean nen didn't wont to see added ropreannaoh. leenhne' 110311? tilled neer Peanut there is no me your fight for the fon tradeei oho ee.•joatt's teeth thiehed in en al. riar Inmertunity to judge do -it would have interfered," , vita( „weakly,. eh, tering endle, elel tier to reeoneile mod site ;beset believe IL She as ale a/Allred, for a seeee silence. oWell. the 10.01 lano Joari Quar.1.1r. S'.'. in to -Um bitter dose of 17 our also liar evne mistress alai capable ern then turned to ter, "Yon are that preserice. Ile meals me hero,- you .aceeeleiniea het own attlotib., .tihe is king of a woman -yon understand." exione-tirele ityaealemence vaiunine.' nine, to the Carnerenst with 11I3 1:10Vt. hOpe SO!" OlOVintt nuttereeivith oulek II ' rr lteee740 He was thvilled tor thetthought that Elackacite OICItV2Onlient Garth sliePed off the 'Mit- T°Theelaet ems spolren t rad cold Ione 0.uarrier's friendship was like tza of the surprised girl and tool veb..enletioo that Beverena Steen in- that. But why had she stayed 1 Kidney Trouble 1,4r bend. .1. =Rd you here," ha etinctively drew bacie fearing bodihe Could it he that` after the photo. "eie well as Swan Eight I • B t el littl rit b I h (I• t Elkw eouldithi interfere with. the -L. I tient-. yoix could minie up to. law te prevent it. Bet Miss Quer- "I mean. that you had your work to 0, • . grap site a see a t Si3r• .e4etu11.e0arts,enriliI,•.Iw4 ', •414 And. walked SANit..born31.QuerrFeewelled madope innsbu•enahiedermyrretecton b' her broth t -.ee wars pate d rn er a.toen neea, htiid4,uY- 17:Ttrit2Ya.'ShyCh'i3tPe*Ui.Gltill27%gam, Oat:, sli13„,a? firi,,lzitginin5e.1 caleafe4nlinirtolcefransoM. w4teil-"A. riend oMne adviied as he hurabh to e421111 1305110. i tO tikkO DOSO.1 Riane7 Xithi'144 '4-m11)1)ex, At tho tp_111„u8."4:',23' 3,"ifilst Min - rip 841d; `,.t met old frtend on ut"Mislelt Qat 11,."' nianri'relteed . the' r "r7 14a 'with *kr lonom clear/ng tonight." red-faced albeit:mere. aware that the 'boa OW fal the time 'olio, 414 The kindly eyes of the faeter"e tel.% sitir ti:ot wact swiftly slippina from ; lioteenrorla 4,011117 bet were,sw*Iltat, gzow qvazzlical 48 they Met the glance his ;control. "I forbid you walking to ' e IlYtlielall(g7aeradvthol3 tlaT.Iiaralrfonstvitnity thlioraallirwt b lit 0004 X took thieo 'twit* *,4 tfteher iuttetitht7he ,14116 "„, 4,13° ible 40°4 • 3117 1.u...,11,:ouellsurxesa.e What did you do reallyt'serior4s, w:ala ap4pearinll P IICIC zee,'" 19014 and. uvr /tat don't Eo that girt last, September? Sim and in a doorway. "hire. Caraeren ox - i1011 IOW loore* X Will aliveye recora. 1 larve taik,ed, a lot ahaut you this poets re and Ihri sure my repetatioa *tea Doinsw ridto,3„ peat highly or winter,' is good • enotIO ter sunehve the walk W they ithhe hoe Ito rat', Guthrie's ileart. Wattled to the, there With Mr, Giatheied She woe g _ fereeee.• Ile felt the blood in hie , tallthre en one lea:WM a child. and 0 Price 50e. la box face, and strove to vover lib eattetre Guthrie bit his -lip in an attempt- ,:o at &volt* or rage:tient, with the questien: anew stifle a laugh. ... h„a„,, oho come to. stay arid help that "Mi;-. Coarrier, you ' ICIMV ntre, camas, or efilow of a man, Swan?" wishes. If you choose to (Hereon/ diroet 0* vocolpt of pRz, raroroo mailed.. "They were theree-P • viootortli4i't JLR. dreadfully in need 'of setae on' who Gethrie is an o1r".:11:?d gentle - beat' 00.4 yjzoksik • to.,d trainina,. the ebildren hed mane, beet.* te ;twee ict,eit Op Torontoi, seme.aihront and !Spo,a and wife man. will be ten erchleket haw were at their wits end. I suppose . eve-earete---#0--iateeereweie-eneve--- I Roatheiti.0411 -eta . „ .,11• .001.4.0100/.100..aor..,0 cad - A4& toionotot to yaut WO tett trt ittett, 1 pjviog you a delIghtful break Itt yourjoutaty.i r" 1 C&BILDISISTEAMERS ' Each Way *vary Nista Betwas* , Buffalo and Cleveland (' eta Tea iststirekid heilitios. lloilatettilk kilt tomfott. irbidiotottoorso 111,0 Wont Iamniithestvietwomet •100. itwrikriciou oak*•1loridt.,064s, 00elltat dounctooft arroc• C0•0100 0010 A the toil Ism 101 . COttoottioni at tletvetataUortak,Roam%„ Derma and rake. West , 'May Setvice hitey lit to IsTovtinber 14tit . ' 14!Ivis4 Mt 9,4.V r. It; &tieing at nela A. M. Ash rut tiehtt aver or tourat ageaCy *Wheat eat C0BLitIC. INCw Low Faro $4,5G43 •,, s.2-111'03,50 _, , AirS4X5 <AMMO *LOG AND! UP .i ! , 110 Clevettad plot Defeo 7001t 0004111, 1 I %um rich P2,‘..4.,--sza Arst. Mite, itotaka V. x. -A -.- enhazcataahehihdhaihkahna 0 vkaNt.-101.0•111•11L _ 0100001010001001100 !He yr: _ „IL. kit* 410; , \ • to'ke:44”" , •%',.'.irt 30N; I I I III II I I , Look to' Front and Rear, and signal before changing your direction Highway Soloty Ceisumattee ••• thanewee ea X • '-tt6.'"'•'7'. • • fibe Laughed Merrily „ Good taightr • And crowding eoesttlee : cliseomfited Swan, : Join Quarrier elo8cti‘th0 doer of the mission le his face. art b ot- hill:lett% to telt wheat corrimattling here " elavaldel Guthrie. don't Ile to linniiiate the little Man. Ire MMUS Welli enough but if 3 then will send weak 11.18/118 work in I, tale (auntie,, and the Ohiates atzenig enee..litee tame Head. Pere Peueseatte /relians will Coe% to the French." "Ilat Catineeati tells ate notes.° clone emedore odelt• the eeettati Creee." "Oh. yeel Tee teen mead ta them -theta why he deeen't dare exert .01010,4101.16ig.- -ct 1Fti! • 4 "Locate‘t la the book of *a business Amite, OvotiookiniCain40malbrIc A atodatr* flot•proar Hoot WO rooms: oath with oath. , Rawsal* and Upward*.: rouateittpar 014141 norm RIN E tOETROIT- MI0;1 • • , _ i.t3i3V F.• t ; •• y. ) ,Li'i,: i...:.:...C.-;:, . -. := . L..• $i ;rat. 'J eh) talial cell tirl , aao Erna elaee Lee se an ...) ' leetee at hal win": ot!-..:: 0„ ; 3 to hleoze. Jra evhae ,;. .1 ' 1 le tneeheen eo 4.2.,:a wall the ear : who ie ever:eke:a crarniecd tirs labna "1 would ile to net% you a (2i3C • ion," Ile raid at length. ifeeiteuga empire', on the freety air. ' TM.; ceueds, letereetnae Mr. ft 1)E1ii to avoid entneliseas eau alioz;12 1 t welt £07 etr; wait baen--the men I t ell?, lee up them" f 7 "ILO qUe0t1011 Won't wait." be re- plied. "Hee your brother - written yOil of my °Immanent?" Y ta ' fa -• "Than% YOU, I wanted to tell yea that it has been broteu-by her -in tide Chrieteme mail." In °Renee the 'girl evalted, etifilv, I Garth thought, watching her with bend turned to the river,- He looted I hut eould not see her face, buried in the fur hood. , "The reason given evae-Ninda." 1 She turned fiercely questionine ' eyes as she demanded: "Ho told your family that story .9" "Pivideatiee" said Garth arindve . If the,re was capacity for feeling in tide girl. be thought, she'll show It, now. "`Itty brother has done with axle.; you see. I've disgraced the family.", lv. -ming straieht• ahead. "My bro. . g. "No. I don't see," she said hoarsto I tiler has told that story in Montreal -eriniured etou boyond reparation -my brother!" '41tin sorry I tola you." he replied, ehoehed at the depth of ber emotion. But r 'wanted you to know -that um shackles ave off -I'm a free man. I. , wanton you to kuow-er In the tide of emotion vdeich stir - "d hint. Guthrie faltered. stormed, iThe shoulders ed Oe girl lifted in a 80b, as she turned to conceal her dis- trees. Ho toweled her thrilling at the meted. "rlease-a•ran se sorra'!" he eaid. " • a • "Xi brother! -How utterly low!" he heard her say. 'Then she got herself in band -straightened, and said; ^"I will write at once to your brother." "You'll do no such thing. Do you suppose rd allow you to soil your- self with this family row? Wier brother has unintentionally' done me a service, for which I thank him." Joan's dark brows contracted. as she gravely searched his face. "Ton —are not joking -you Mean it?" "I Metta evety syllable of it. Now let's forget it all and get on to the Camerons' before you freeze out hem! it's growing shatea" he said, but what - L. '• • Tan-- • VICKThe Speed Breakfast IIER OATS COcbs iii 2'/z to 5 minutes 15Ite • 7. .,...r.z.......•.•.r,.....z.............T.........„..,.;,,A,,„„,••.••••.......• . . The talk of the faetor's vale not ale --e --werea-eveti onle the aelittering lie Meant Wail If yea etand there ' - strati fee from the mad raid on Aki. .1.F stars to See, he would have .offered Li searrea tare anti the love of another second looking at me like rabid by Garth and Etienne, and thel• Garth:Guthrie, black sheep; but saw that, Joan Quarrbr, I'll kise you. the mouth of Ceineron, Joan Quer- had known his purpose end closed.his Iewed by _fleet jubilant fur trader to ultimate snee es ' der learned the details, of the desper. ,I1 s. Yet why, unlese the exile up ate effort to save the trade and its: e co ast ':i4line drudgery -the unspeakable . mon' g friendship, had. she stayed on to had meant more than pas- medieine-making of cad 'Sean. Prom Exile?" she said as Catneron finished, tion Pagezit' notony of the mission ? =and liter patent joy in his success was ' ally in the Canadian National Exhibia 1,500 Pe.rforreers take part zinnia, - "Aren't Yea Proud of 'Yourself, Mee , ... like wine to •Ine blood. "And Shot, een---e- too, he earned his eitation-but how ' • As he walked beside ber under the! INSURANCE ..Qsanie it was-awfull" frosted stars to the mission, Guthrie 1 strove to shift the conversation to ; the pereonal-to recapture the nefel rn. A Ue struck with Tait poiertaney when she' • !warned the aftermath of. ber broth- i• goodby the following morning and' .Mutua.i.Life ev. story in Montreel. hut the oeie-1 Or of her reeerve defied him. Bat- I :led hy 'her mood. but respecting, it, i , ,,, Assurance Company he eked if he might cone to 88Y on his Bps ween his hand touched her, of Canada toopamdis43) iefaher at the mission door. I To the man whose love had been I shoulder, the new mood of the girl; /Imo lamer: : WATEMOOs One defied analysis. He hart left the, Camerons' foil of what loan 'Quer- 1 .0 D !HONK Agent rear had come to mean to lem-hun- ritatneytwell thera elewe'the wait-, 1 hat he had first sensed thee BAST : : Gem -mien, Ozer. September night, caught in the maw 1 '• of her nearness. Were on the -rim of e ' reties 2e0 000/000.0000018000080,0010011 1•000..•••• T TOO THICK HOT 1'00 THIN 11111111111111111141111111MMI Insist on SHELL PRODUCTS The fol?owtiag 1st of Shell jroducs are well worth knountag, They arecksalutely depzadable; AVIATION -ST, lift super antlAtuxk Gasa, lute; SHELL GASOLINE, the commerctaI grade, and the fatuous heat 1'6., ststtng,elear,"Shell Golden 011s"„ loth a grade to mut tray nakc 00 • DoesYourillot Ir Oil do EAT largely depends upon its power to resist heat. The dear.:"Sant, GoLDEN Oms't offered at all yellow and red Sh'ell: Service Stations and dealerhave been tested to the last degreelor their heat • resisting properties. The most gruelling endurance tests and record breaking flights, have been rnade*,t with "SHELL GOLDEN OILS:' There is a grade to suit your motor—and you can absolutely trust any Shell product. Th'e SHELL COMPANY OP CANADA, Limited MONTHEAL SHELL GOLDEN OILS Ne.4 Olk