The Goderich Star, 1928-07-26, Page 84:
Highland tv'neri
'Cote's Book Store
: e 6?.%clayr3 ot tiae tete° of. tee te- t.!' -,1!F AL1311,RN
i .
,..i.zr. nr.d Mt...D.3one (last, et: Teem- tar• rowed Shouitt ie en the eitet
15, c -331t G few &IV) Lit tin D.3310 Of TM at Present.
, Itla George Shea was in Detroit
Itint.4itt. C. Matioareie.
M. Donald Clartt mai con, Cato the tatttr Pon of test week.
of littawa, amp gnetts at tin) home We. Moon is the gueet of Mile
of Met, M. C. Itliethenzie. it, Mir, ef the village, at present.
1 mitt itatbara att000t000, of mete. Master ard Miss WNW, 14 (Tina
grarealriedmiectteritel4drasy. 5vtrier,eitoarn. witla her lezanwtioarr.e guests of mre, eseoferto
- Miss Sarl McLean, 'of Chicago,1 Mrs. Iloughton is visitiug her .
is spending her holidaya at' the home tioughter, Mrs. Chas. .Asetatb, at
aitteerceitcltitetf:ertlE.1;d4Dbolioolleelk‘eten:10' et Prtslie,1.1ttid atria Edgar Lawson were ,
, of Toronto, ore holidaytrig with their in Galt tbe former tart of the week
•,,araradmotber, Mo. Wm. Johnson. i visiting relativea.
. Ma *Grate Cowan, of Toronto, flo ' arr. Wm. Craig, accompanied Ire
*aniline the holiday a tho Lome of hio fondle'', spent the week.end with
her grandperente, Dlr. tuld Men Jno. friends in Detroit.
, Cowara. i Several front this locality 'attended
Mrs. alactioneld and alio Louisa the manual meeting of the Masan.,
Macdonald, of Toronto, are holiday- fraternity last week.
ing :It the home of the former° pia- Mre. John Stalker and her dough-
. tee, Mrs. Dune MacLennantor aro visiting her,
i Tbe July Meeting of the W. M. S. Alp. MeGee, at present,
b.t was- how nr-tlici litaiiii--iif hir-4--Iratr -..' The forepart of the week Mr.
Itoss. Miea Dorothy Douglas gave Craig will Mush the cement found*.
an interesting tell: on her settlement tion of Ma John Mead's house.
i work- in Toronto. and M. Sandford Lawlor
I Anniversarr eervices will be held spent the week -end with friends in
in Asidield Presbyterian church on the neighborhood of raoodeitook.
.LL. John Dieleay.
juin tititta. Tho serviees will be con; Leta we Mrs.efl who has been
te,„,„,==e, • 'et ducted by Rev. R. C. hterlormidt at keeping house for Ifir. Geo, Dawson,
, returned ta her hone in Goderich,
Jr. Frank McPlierson„ of liana- MAFEILIN*,,, .the pleat a lier parents. Mr. and
c..1 I Mrs. Martin, of New Ontario, is
ton, is renewing old acquaintances. Jr( Miss Dorethy-Curron Is -visitin? Mrs. W. J. Thompson, of the village,
this nieltlitla relatives in Detroit. at present. •
Mrs. Will Taylor, of Gueleln visit.. Miss Berta Johnston returned from We are glad to be Able to state that
od on Sundfy at the borne of Mr. and Toronto Wednesday. Mr. Gormly Thompson has recovered
Um' Wm' tneDwen• Mr. Paul Reed, of Lueknow, spent front his injuries and went to Toro*.
Mies Dorothy Vincent, of Ilelgrate, Dart of last week with her daughter, to this week.
visited last week with her eousin, lttra. Thos. Anderson. be Rev. J. L. Small occupied the
Miss 'EvelYn Matowall• wrtand mra, „ram Bioko and Bar. pulpit a the United einirch here last
Mason Maiorte and +70an. CantPball nice, and Mrs. Wm, Blake, motored Sunday. Mr. Small was a former
'ted jest week with their grand. to Dunnville Thursdaywhere they pastor of the eliurch, ,
' Another, Mrs. Barkley, of Dungannon. are visiting Mrs. .Wilfreti Hoffman*. Mrs. Jae. X. Wilson visited friends
Mr. and Mrs. Allan and family-, of Mr. Rialto's sister. in London and localite last week.
Lneknow, and Mrs. (Di.) Gordon, of We ersagratulate Me Eldon Twain. She was accompanied by her daugn.
Detroit, spent Sunday with the lat.- ley on winning a trip to Iland# Alta', ters, Eleanor and Beryl.
torYs sister, Mrs. W. H. OgnPbell. throu h his successful work for the Laqt Monday evening the agent of
Mr. ond Ms, Wen. McDowell, Mrs, Sun Lifo Assurance Co, This is the the Bible Society. gave an address in
ZOS« Anderson and alle and Mrs. f feurth trip he has wen, as well no the tinned eherein The anima busi.
1tebt. Buelurnan, attended the funeral ' silverware, during the past shovers. zoo of the society was attended to.
of Mr. Thos. Black, of WInglnun, on We gorteratulate, Miss Alice Shack- Mr. 4ohri 'Wilson attehded,, the
Monday, 1 leton on having suceessfully' passed Greed Lodge meeting m London lost
The community wishes to extend ealormol end on having secured 4 week. He MS t'110 reeloient of the
their sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. AI- school in Wawanoslt on the Oth otine medal payee to past master over 70
text Walsh Ond flintily in the death lame six or seven miles from home. year.; of wee.
of their little daughter and sister, lit- We will appreciate baying Alice
tre Anna aired* aged 5 rare, two home week -ends. ; (From another 'corespondent)
montas, who went to be forever with Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Kilpatrick and 'Tr'. R. anew returned from Do-
lor Saviour on StnehOn, jut! 22nd, sons, William and Ebner. ofiChicago, troit 1,,kgt Nreolz.
The service being held on. Tuesday,oreo is bovine her hose
July 24th, at the home, concluded by
visited Messrs 4. J. and Milton MI- . Woe S. Pi
Ile piettor, Rev, W. U. Alp, of Aub. petioles Friday anti Saturday. Mr. re.sltingled this week.
and Mrs. ano. Petrie. Zoe and Mies Miss C. Ball, of Clinton. is visiting
lunt Interment was mad° in the Vn* Elsie enent FridAy'afterneott At Mr. her nonunt, grit 0. L. Sturdy.
Ion cemetbe.W111
renOMr, and l!drs. Prank s. ,1,.‘ Kilpatrick's. 'Mr' Gormlev ThomPsretdurneto
Web, of Lodon. And Mr.
grim' '
Now in the time to have
Sewing Machine
hum Oils, Belts, Needles, etc.
Batish E-.-ionenee Mak
hospital, has gone to London tospital
for a sixononthe' 'courtier.
Rev. Mr. end Mrs. Campbell, of
Niagara Falls, 'visited with air. and
Mrs. Paul Maedel on Monday.
Mrs, Thos. alePhea, of Ilamilton,
is on a visas to her ,son, air. Garden_
McPhee andtfautilyent-CarloKlei, a '
Margare't and Billy .Agnew attend.
ed the summer eehool in Goderich tast
week. 'Miss Annie Walters atm iets
Mr. ,Warner Walters bad t;is silo
filled with sweet elover last week.
Clarke Bros, did the work with their
tractor. •
Mr. and Mrs. Tho. Sidelde ancl
slaughter, of Dunlop, visited with
Miss Alatllida ltraedel on Monday
evening. •
•Considerable damage has been
done to the fall wheat •bv the recent
I heavy rains of last week. Some of
, the vsheet fields are badly down.
Miss Wields:Marsh. who was oper-
ated on in the Godericb 'hospital. last
Thursday, is doing as well AS could
be expected. The trouble is anion.
Mr. and Ws. Arthur' Model and
feendre of Detroit, elso Mrs. Maedel,
Sr.. and Miss Lease. of &miller, _
'visited with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mace
del on Sunday. ; -
Mr. Dan McGregor and miss Rate _
McGreeor. of Lucknew, also Miss _
Mary McGregor. of Cape Briton, and
Mrs. George Stuart, of St. Helena -
called onfrtendet her e and„ at LOY41
On Sunday. re, ''
Mr. Mut Mrs. . Ray Granger and from London for the week -end. Ile tion foroappeteliettis in-Goderielt hos- "Bello Jones, where did yon: son
motored fvorn Oirerta,tUS. :iee"aXnnPad nmlers. Y'Ayei:e"hern' jind elitti Co. Mr. and, Mzsa. G. 11. McKenzie and 4a931ttr waS Y 8Weethear
tatte of 2,000 milee, and are visiting
1~404,. I
Drapery Chintzes, Extra Special 25c.
For Saturday and Monday only. 20 pieces of 36 -inch wide in lovely colorings,
good quality, bird, floral and conventional designs. Sale Priee------2503
72-incla extra heavy uribleitelied Sheet-
ing, even thread and will bleach beauti-
. fully. Regular 55c. • Orr .sale per
yard.. • .. • — ....... 350
many. uses. Per yard . . • • . •Se
-- Grass.Rugs, size 27 x 54, for Verandas
, -
Bedrooms and Halts, On sale...49c
500 yards for Saturday and Monday
late Get your supply-..-now...for'so
Krinkle Bedspreads, superior quality,
and so easy to launder, Size 72 x 90, .
• Warranted Pure Silk, extra, length,
spliced feet. The best value :we ever
offered. Colors are several of the chic ,
beiges, greys, kasha beivs:, et,
• 834 to 10, 41.50
All standard sizes in stock, arrdi aft this
season's patterns on sale. Maas,' lines
• about one-quarter below cat ay.:July
Sete. ,
Printed Ora§ Silks, very handsome,
aThyndsatr.e3 53 6.pfenrchseasr`tdv:dfeor :and.
in g colorings? and designs. All $1.25
and all of a, • late arrived shipment.
very pleas..
_ __ Mote than half tlic summer 1_4—you'll , _
Weed' Mori soCiii Herearemedian• -
wei.ght socks of finest lisle and mer-
• Cenzed, yarns, Yarions fancy pattern
-effects in many desirable shades.
Sizes to to 1i. On sale per pair, 480
New "Zipper" Boston Bagts la the light
natural and light weight black, very
practical and smart. • laticect $1.95
and $2.25.
Of superior -broadcloth, light weight, -
assorted colors, in gorgeous stritreS and
best quality. Sizes 34 to vette
$3.90. Sale price, per suit...4240 •
Over check Saxony, all Pure.a vvb,vt
Blankets, whipped and finished! singly..
Colors; ma,uve, sand, Pink, row. ant6
blue, largest sure, 72 x 90. Regular
• value, $6.25. On sale each... $4,95
four children, three Bere and a girl, returned .10d1 :antra' Ittelagif being pital.. that bla4lt eye?" '
1 tar
relativeit here. Ther spent tae Week. daughter, Mary; who had been. visit. son, Malcolm, amorananied by Mr. 9.`1.--rz
end with their ttnete' and ant. Mr. ing for a few weeks at her forinerand airs. Rosa and. son, Donald, mot.
and Mrs, none ndiat towns by borne here. • `ored on- Secturniey to Port num, -
wait of IL S. I err, end tura. Beery McCrae. with where trt.they were guests with rale.
We are sorry to report the paneino mthilidrre,fdam, Mr. MAilessre.s3gtzreale aeol tettovAsing."earn' trhetiuntt Jonerad'ett6tilherSuntaudaedr
nwo.y of an old DOS ident. of Colborne s up n Rev AV. :was -
, . sit and S. tiaditht-of Piketonare Recent visitors of Mr. and Mts. his w'orlt in a"orouto this week, twn. in t110_ Person of arra. Schwante. °.,eemneerri. a, Ivn.ra. jsrtreekviiindi. gmota pastor of Erskine " Presbyterian
wita t a
toroo for tile Aiwa., , ., ,, Geo, Twamley were Mr. and Mrs. miss F. Arogridge 1144 as.sue,Its the •
4 Eldon ' Twarnley and Audrey Beth, of Missee Treleaven, of Ittount Forest.
ih• tlie parental roof; Mr. and Mrs. W. tisy with her mother, Mrs. T. Strati..
MISS Doris gibbon, of Ripley, was i'liggino ond sat. "kWh). of 0111$5618; gban. •
'"4"*""* Obathant. who sitsrit a -week under Mrs.C. Williams, spent last Saber-
10mo for the weeleend. . Mrs. Jake Willits and daughters, . Miss. .E. Whshinetort, of •boderich.
Mrs. Bain. .of Detroit, is visiting' Viola and Mien. of Itelgrave; Mr.
het niece, Mrs. tat. Macdonald. ' and • airs. Frank alinnigen find 'Suva pisrettviistnitt.her Met°, Mrs. A. Andrew, at
• children from near Seafortle
111r, Dan MacLean has rettzeneti ' i Mvs. Z. Rennet and daughter. anent
, frOrn a; motor trip to Windsor and The W. X. S. met Thursday after. .. 4..,_ i. week at Mr. ` J.:
Detroit. , noon at the home of 'Mrs. S. 3, Xit. Rc.,:zznoisrs last
• Ir 'Thera was a good &tend- a"t"
-vielting, her mother, Uro.,Metean!, at mice'. 1h° 11144"m "8 Ilive:1 Alta e Devoe, celled' on friends in the vil.
Biretta]. '401° menth°1's• II"' A 11• rage last
tliele, eunerinterrieet. preeiding, Tho
Mu'. Douglas Iforton. of Toronto, next 'rooting will be at Zion. and the We are glad' to report that tire. J.
la vleitlegther parents, Mr., and Mrs: bank)* oirls will giAto etc+ program, -T. Vir8Shington, urhO has been ill dor-
alt. Drennan. --We • look -forward With interest to ing` the xiitst two weeks, is improving.
Dr. and till. Alex. Bavitabr, of - this metlinr.. _. , Mrs. E. Moss and lion. Elwin, of
•-llarailton, were vieltore at the forintt 'Glencoe,. are Wetting at the, home of
lees borne bore. . 'HAYIP,,,,,,,r04,,,r Di, .• her. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
"Ur 1:lignVelAllintAtntiheirunl'"enti4Merrislts, 6Aw:: at *'at (IShaltaseleTym" thstriAver ttratrneng twrieteultds8, I Cunalurr. gtliVarn. B. .' Alp rind son, Donald,
Mrs. Robt. Scott, of Ateaurn Is 1)11t"g ' I bet)* arr. and Mis..T. IT. Jackson, of Port
Iteekett last week. M tlittsAE Prwin visited returned. home o • n Monday ate/. a
°•Miss Catherine •Murdoch, of De.
itt a guest at the home of her
aunt, Mrs. Cathcart, ••
Xtra. Pletcher, of Goderieb, spent
Active algal, ,SheSetiferre7aastevoekr3re and Miss Mabel Ittdd and other roil. st1r4e4ifmr (Ft eve yeasago, •
and wig, is !tow pastof of Pore •
last week and -passed away' On Mon- tires in this distriee. The- made the Presherterialroltande.
• a.We extend sYmpettat to the tzlP Mt .t '- •The congregation or Paul's Au-
StIrVivitig" members end` friends of Mr. and Mrs. to- Ross visited At Olean chtirch, Dungannon, joined
tIu fanifir. • IlieeNhaorno ttentooriereyier'sc•nsils6%.0lijarys.. with that of St: Andrew's 'United
flJPJtt A 'fl 1 Acoonipanying them Miss ate, antra, Port Albert, and with Christ
_1 Nain. R. N.. of Toronto, and 'qrs. Me.
Clara • " N.
un 11:-'711m Zedncls- .
v afternoon o a week, a e- ,
• arm John n rs MT vmrlt this tn, of Montr al, who recently ar.
week owirto to illnese. rived, via meGaee far 0 holiday obit Iigbtfulpoichnomorlarrwebi
te at Peet.lAinrtetti re
Dei i
Dr. la R. and M 11 lit f God with relatives in ithlit district. spite thewe
Orb. wool recent guests with reel. Mr. Win. Foster, of the Aeldield thl.elanteg itettlbedurie°gniltnitge;. afteandrnZnil,1111
tivetrin Dungannon, . end Colborne boundary-, bed one of
nom teere ozteltit on sundarwith Ar_. autio.j. a recent elactrield eterin• Piercrattd4 (lrasPee°51.tatta"talr- softreabrralifedaf°tuter'
. iver, Zack aTivies. ukr,uettst la fine team of area- horses injured. rera• onierable time was: spent. A I,
wet 31 -rt. 'Smith., !Mile not killetlat is et present la' which an parteok- of" aupper vrbich
were Stoutest Quetta •et the home of d C
toted•for work. Tt all the
Mr. alai tedy and family more unfortunate for owner. needless to say, wa
its Mate wAs recentltr &arty lacerated . an rs. baSe *Ad
1Vireand Arm youths• ; rat, Moncton.As a result •of being entangled in • a two children. Evalinie and
Glenn, ee-
• Don't bay any new
Furniture, Baby Care
riage, etc., until you
" get our prices.
- We positively save
yoamoney. the finest
Farnitareat the low -
•est neg.
On the Br ruberz....eiy„of Goderith
R. 1110,M'9.MC-Donald and dillighte.r, barbed wire fenee• eemnanied by Mr. blitek, motored up
Mariorte, returned l last week front a The Misses Litura Fitzpatrick. on Sunday from Louden and were
nlettsant visit with friends, at Allis- ft. N., Della Fitztnitriar; R. N.. and
• guests with Mrs. Wim Thompeon and
re tpatr ck. all' of Dettot,
frientie at Settfoeth on Sunday after.. three art ek's holiday vath her mother, Wm. Mittleagh. of Luelrmew: rind were guests for Zaw-cran iRelt week
noon last. 11 tuonourg.
other relatives. Me Firma returned
the same evening, Mks: Thompson
and daughter acconactilyrng
while ;Mr. Tinimpatur arid Glenn re-
inained for the'weekt Charlie% many
friends are pleased' to know that be
is recovering alter the acci-
dent he met watt some weekst ago
when he liadlifir leg broken as the
result of 41 kick 01;4 horn.
sates. Alex. Malloy and daug
hter. Lormerly• • of Toesnetter, wee renewing ,With Mr. and Mre. David' rrrington
hir. and Mrs. Jas. Para and fatally,
triter acquamtauces at Loungazknon and Ivith Mr. and Ms; Jitek Erring-
ot Clinton. Are Spending three weeks Marion, of Mechlin, Snake mat visit- last week. item prior to their rearm to Detroit
ing her -aunt, Mrs. Ina. Manning, and .
in the village, having rented a cot -
I other relatives here. 1Vris4 Letitia Mindy. tee tot the They had been called' to Winglaam
en l'etvortt rtg,nicloatzriit nhigelt argiool sbor. has !twirl to ale death of their
Anniversary services ton be hoe Mrs. Montgomery, who has be
Farmeri-Sons- St. Andrew's 'United church on the with her rounha Me, ite 'Sturdta Dungannon.
:first or attend. Sunday in August. f9r. some time past. Taft on Sunday te, with ittdatiVee in ;width took place recentry.
Itev. X. A. Walker, with Min. Walk -
At n
e „ = More particulars later.
Mr. wild Irti% re. D. Munro and femiltr. watt eo teal Mre. Tack, ath, left on Monday br motor for a
le IMO rinoton. stient Sunday with relatives three weeks' vacation, During his,
Mr. and Mre. Sol Kippfer and son.
Mr• and 5t1.4, Time demote trod er and two eltildren. Datudd and Ed.
letait ber so, near Goderivit. * . +,-,.. "
Lee. and Mr. 8nd Mrs. Andrew Stur.. family, who spent last week. on a at, Tavatrater, . . . Ittlisence. there will' be no service
teniplating.attending the .
I ilr:Ah6trid:agte4.igiatt° Istml,
...and other place& returned home toro t u f w it id • • pennon cm Sunday. diary 29, and on
motor trip to Niagara. Collingwood Th ittiss,„ ma,sOry, and man in the United , ehttreri at Dun -
the Bible Scaletv, addressed a meet. tate - ' " here to occupy the esurpit.
eir gran mother rs A. Bare- 1 Au
• goon. of London, vieited friencls in
the village en alonday kat.
1°411Yr:till! tv.elc.e* b, fie secretary of ef ° d et4
tbeiteSome after visiting at the home • gust 12 Mr Walker expects to be
i; retere• od to s A
Any i-luron boy con. Sunda' uentst 5th. • ren Sonday,
Met.' Biggart-reaa dautihter, Mrs. itt E t)
• Ontario Agricultural Col- in Mrs. Iliggert's home in the village.. mg
reserve Auentet inth for the ice'''. ltha Picnic under the ritm:Ale01 rtf
on the tvork of that SetietY m
lege for the two.year or
Mr. rugeno sancta and alr. wilt Iltextbrionseaamylvoenftnirrn.cot United church
Irrigate of Kitchener, StMit tilt) 101;.••
alleaCiateeourse is digible - f ond in the village with Mrs. Sander ' ' CARLOW
to 401noete fat the .co-trit . _ I ail iflta:)nnitliy in their tottege on the
I Miss Amend% alaedel . visited
bitted ninon County and A fyiendly game of softball was friends in Goderielt Tuesday,
, played in the perk helot on Tuesdatv Bonn " X. L. Small visited with
and M a a s e y I.* u In d _ evonincr bo BrIleeilola and Cilibton f' 11 here over the weelomeL
sebolerita.... particulars _ nitr,n1,ceeeteettatt„reoultint.' In a ran z" The Chi& Brost nre idowing with
of schei :shin raw be B ttr.tietanadottir.a. wrn. Thornton and wth:ottractor .for Mr. W.,-Wetltere thie
Mr. Walter Waltvin. of Detroit cal.
. f4nntt elewilete in this . led on ela frienaa in the villaii, on it Mr* 411d Mr,s` norh ,Xorrla and
paper. Applicati ci ri a ' , yil: .1.ter4sillignitittlytetneit::1: trgpssing through Tayuglyt'reeeig;ei via:ttd frlenda 12
1/hettia he add"88eti tO. The property kneeva.'ea the Me.1 14135.•Tean 5r°24°.' of the Gadortela
The Doparl***1 of Agriealtare Donald neeperty. widelt was seld by , . - -- - etta"`"---eta .1— ,- I, i-_,
Gusirast cam , auetion last week in the village was
i nureluntet1 by Mr. Rat. Greer. NOW A
intends fishnet t•at no pima for a
- — - - Tat tonvist teasea is in fall swing in the Village. at present, neatly every
e est Street tettacto being ^taken, also hotele and
1 bearding henees are nearly fillea up
• and it the /tot weather heene up for
if Auguet e, bumper eretted wilt be licr,i
aafaaa." h 1-2?. e'* -,,V the Ca..1 II:3CZOS eel boatzta
eat betaing.
NIVe carry a goad etock of 4 r adt:a tienuel p,ttntte. ea S‘tii AVeets
electrical Appliances sergel wcaslarelfda atga Ticitet,itterk 'Irtilitt,rY.
Fixtures, etc. 'neert in Jeeetta oveve. Thy weath.
'er was ideal ota 'la Rata 10,1g14111 q
1 ,
•We Specialize in 1 trAts ‘c33 ran off. including soft
' bull. races for all aloe and a attatf. HALF PRICE
k war betteen Stanley end nedertele
Ilt"r"14113P% 'WhIt'h Te‘utte4 In t'l 1"11 Most of those Hats aro
tor startles.. after which a ot.plitti ten.
' ntr was spread, when olt dol SuKtee Mautial at bat a fraction
lto the ig,K14 thing$ l'to"4*4 hY "let of Moir former value.
11 Teaelter (helping, chin unfasten - ofor. ari dm seasolot
Frank McArthur itoat). , 'tear mo -t — - f oil hail
. ' , c
most /tear s a.
[+ c - at for eon n
Phoso 82 . Welt &trim wet ttte tetteriallitut reldr, _t_j
"'"!, "Alt 11)00.01t it: For FRIDAY and
Electrical Shop
Wiring of All kinds.
Estimates given on
All Work Guaranteed'
In Iternarhable Sale
Cleararr; at
Fee GeV. Toortis, Bowies& Softball. sic
Rat Look CA $ao. Soitioums. Laos gots,
Ado Com. Tasks. ots.
W. hives 44ry law assortment to otIonaa from
W. Horn's Shoe Store
teenen secial to he leld' on -r In lawn 111, Dunearinora branch of the Worn.
ot! Durorennon rnitd e.01,2uut. 1211(101. eine Institute. videh was to have bqen
ilto aormitee of the mieelon eircIO of „bolt 43,11utfht'3eroseollo°1tploTrAetlitilodaix.,,,w,et
thvt thureh.
eltildren. of eeento. returned o a t is 4 na trader v us week
.„,r. and mr,3.;v Alfred in.fros air atienett. ilivo.eteneniesdtetiorstrtttitn7 Wtidieeectiatt;,v;
their home on vednesdny After heti- vet iii
a moat •evereone. there being
ditente teeth Otte formerte dater. Mrs.. earden. unties end otnor eiettles to
Arthur goon __ t •m&ta the attentien ef the ladieo—
Mr. awl Mile liurtora Raub and Partnere in thiet district arc busily'
Mt and Mrs. liarvey Treleaven ot. enriployed itt Paving and garnevieg 1
torded tile MAttoal* !dente ut Grand their bay crop, whit% is one of that
' Bend tin Niteillinodnet ond re/tort a no* best in mow year. They vietved 1
entoyable outing.
ROV..r. A. Walker end Mrs. Walker I tvittenilthrrueohf laalolmwetelki* treatillirirtueada dt'lleat"
mid the •Mis,les Maggie semi Marion estrous to tho Tray, some of which is
Disher attended the sessions• of tne repotted to have rotted in the field.
Sumner School, which was lzeld at Seine of the neavy fields of Wheat
Getlerich bast week. and barley have been flattenen 13y the
_ Mr. andeltra, -Jack- .41aniforti,-- of -hea' - rafit51-"wlich- IVIII-irl.ftt•ti 4 --lein
1Macklin, Sask., were transient visit., more trouble -am -a° t" euttdfig•
nva in Dungannon recently. Mr. I Mr: and afro. Sohn Savage have
Bamford is eemettliered as our local bad tas gueots the lattev's brother,
barber tome years ago. talr. Jaeir SmeItzer. and Mrs. Smelt.
Mrs, George fietaey ond etre. le ser. or notrolt, who are holidttyleg
ethieladneAoteltstli?. fao:demfortoa. witit reltitittee in thie district They
elm& the trip he motor, and wero tte.
1avh1 Some 'et 1' to their re. eonmanied lor mr. and Mt 3' 1)5nal1
Mermen and daughter, Miss Myra
sped:tee homes in Ilannitera.
A time 1111: Muer-toy Tanen
mower romr.t.u.
• 2.fe. and Sat box.
7.6ta .s a fe ?di.;
; GotlerichFrea Dry Cleaning Work$
Prompt and Expert Service
Phone 122 West Street
and Bend Casino
Tuna AUG. 2,nd MONDAY, JULY 30th,
Return engagement mAsquERADE
EMERSON -GILL. SliNDAijiiiN 29th
rams Radit Orchestra
Mr. ant% Mrs. Larkin and fatraily, of Mel'aftlilat whese Ina" tyleud"re •
Toronto. are ertiosin visit with pleased to know that eke inakime ,
Mre. Larkin's sister, Mre. &be .Me. ;1'31° r:-"Yvel'Y f611°71ing 12" °111'4''
Whinney. and' ether relatives , a"- - eteetto -
• vieinitee having made the trip tin
Mr. and atre. Cheek. Whitely met
of ftedrrieh tetvrathite wee't
r ittrIst on Staidlyiiththeie trait,
Miss prealte's and With M. Gettle
:see, &en and Rene remslitea for a
visit with 'friends here.
Mre. Roheer* Celdwell bed tee
„guests tat Seradate Mre. Meatteltenea.
latf Clettent Mr. aret Mr, Frank Wil.
tlie arid danenter, Wee Cleve rt Pet'
Aferrt, and Mr. and Mr., Iktcpnata
tur.11"seatlatimr". t\-nr,,P,Nicilla'
etnantity an
c Ropett. of Wittlots and Mr. •
and Mt r Mil)muM. 'wit Ste. Mittie, •
$1 Wild! tfly their aunt. Mlle theresat a_
Wt* .S41 itli, rriff at, the inlet we mare an beta a eke assortment
'of ilica and Mrs. John Okette of Carriage', Stralkra, Peon*, (1;',*`
Nor. e if. Mamenottoli and Mr,. Carts. Itte., 1* differed colors; olso
ltracnonottl wow, wawa 1ft itar0iitAa Doll catgut**, Kiikly ram and
.1totking natat4 Ifyeti meet f PLY.
hater'," Notre Mr, Sarrin, Ite pas,
aurl met? on 'gotta*? lauttunnt NIA thing ht tido the give as mil, Oar
Iths few.* woo NM an wodoroactyl pricco ore Ado.
Kr. anal Mis- er P, Morris ona 6
tarattarol. atAtortal ma or,
awake te. Ilto Meta of Mr alai Mr* j. R. WHEELER
T . 0 Alton. whore Met Wo% rtona
raoht.a s,, rafasiaine Inc a for., orminvoz — VINIMILL 11111111XTelt
stets'. Tit& 16. Harris vokarowell is*
I St..ittord ikadar araithalt Ihreet
Kr Jaa., ilearnalters sieter44 ja. /140114a: $awa 111. lleaktaaite *So
ao7i-1040 —
Conceit or beach
Did You Get In?
THERE were many who could not get
in to get their share of Shot bargains last
weekend. Those who did get in were well
repaid for the long wait they had. We still
have a few hundreds of pairs left. Come
in as early as you can. Pricesare slashed
right and left. Everything must go by
closing day
Saluda , August I Ith
Sharman's Shoe Store