The Goderich Star, 1928-06-28, Page 9. 41r
1IFFORP0111100 lz,;� - r. I,- _Aim
RII!04 1 1
TIKURSDAY, Jt, -NE Mir, 1936. 01, 'i ANN, kI0'!!!!t"-4�0;
Nurt TrevkW Nor Golden Jubilee of Victoria St. Church
Was Airfid ts Wolk
Present Building was i"eted in Sum-ner and Fall
Arise# the IftN84 of 1878
mirs, Mary J. paviji.'31 pirive
e" 111,, �fiut Con regati3n's S. -or' Dates Back to 1859
Stratford, 0;It" writeig.-IIA few y"" y
ajo 1 Was troutlea very MUCU with MY
-t and ; V; rQU d0WA
lival . liervea, 01,
wid 1xcawo very t1lin ludol SpecialServices N�xt Week Marks the Fiftieth
441 was ailvaid to'walk aibua the Annimrsary
ht;use file Way Wy heart TV 49 1k
Uad �xut. I *th t1lo 0(kili"m jubl- tiowil a ve"'t-da tit Cie
Ali ooetor to itt r0lieft volarreetifin .%,.
I went to the 1pi4 of Vietorla sftg�1 chuc4i, vVI&II I,.*, U,� r,314o, thoir 4114111"Y.
lid lie AM vie no msd. X.then weat
belll= weel; I, �lt��rF vi"t-s' ji�ii'A lzws -
'in tv syl-liong. Vill-,
to striother"alia thou to two 1406 -%Ad .4 �vatiwvv lastorical J�V�.
part lit 11w I -atan
were-as bad 41:110 cong"71-gation fi�as 4wea ln%liarcll 11ol, tfli-i
Q. -
I 'iAvit %Nas 1131,
stiow ;f wir liticsont- 04urch I r-Iont Rov. 4W
dinouragea when ',is alowd from, MO ClOW 9916 Corn Makes*
#$I W49 jerimpletely Ni W laid aull 111-aliv lfaae� jl� too .1ourvit Vx� Kello
Wirlona told me to try riml; hist'Ary :!.t% k� r1e."t, Ivsitfit .�,f jjj�,,Itj vi tjjkN virlice Nviiere mur lircsv ill
vil, 11"'m stauth".
lCawlaitaN A*;Ullal.alld 0. Or art one -of summelps very finest
a In llik� 147 Rev. Owpil 0. C"JI14-k-,
i, 4lat tww. Two N't-py jiliititlTant cllurlw
0�;11141'tjut r�j
r I
�f lan ellurelivs (if the Dolillultill nntiritn,, effilrIq tlt.� present Olurch d4hes.They are retr ahingly ligh
!13Y8 , �.f f, , _4t1j,
U R N*S Itilt, 'j- tjl� Vm1milt. At that 61116 t4 build a ft
ItI, 4.f Ali'Vwdisw III ang crisp -rich with flavor. And so
wiloll ur t: .411111,11 14f thO type and Cost was re -
H FARI i a-, an ex ntioruti un4ertQfiliw.!
ike ILI, ;tees ct Vait chureh were Witi.
iijinkei 'Martlu, Qanuiei 'Weller. easylo disest they help you keep cool!
etai, �% I -�t.
tion has,,41 lit t1ii, vi,, %-�,uqrfj (it' Wan. 1 at'Id and J� 11, Ethy"Nds
i antL qft,r b0ax � , Ili
1 hev, R11011 W -111A r*,N1dP_M of t%e NY, X 'S. Try, them with fresh fruits or berri
4tT stgrtolt right Wij 0,11a 66-fitst b@ldhig,%vas
. �s a place or' wortillip for q tiout ttl vNt'Ma Street 0141relt Witt
Methodist, zollgregation" tho thr."llgh Ill"i 00r-111tie work thli 11101Wj )I!j �r . fr . )jjt',�3 jetIVL4 rilerij-
taj;&'ovVr. lly,tho Sletllo-�, %001 rk&kld thellobt, on. tile chnivil
IL Grallam.
Air alonths I'llad 9wilea ten pouticlst
and noW, toIday,'X hive to #ign of 'Skuy
ar for
ll� I T lei !'P,
they-41opp, to met.4
tilt) lionular protsi-
AON* vititer cow* Salkog #4*41
Mart trouble.
all., ";I,." 3.�111 jejdergh.lp.
,,,t bas, to WAoil'be the glory forever and
Ott 161wv# oavbti st:r of ul, frfeaav
to use yoUr,rills ever aluo.1 W&W
-4ris tile
Tolioveal of My trouble -17
Wb�!% 'A 1109it 0if _9�iio Plus we
of ),i k`�Mlftit
wited V, Lin eneraeutl arld Vivid -
orgaiiization. - Thia , firesident,
50"o for tolia, 'Alanivit or
BOO. 4 box at 441 dragobts, or doeloo,"
Mri� Wilson. th.'$ 1,431 4,
41 velicious 4011t,"Aillk 44*
at 04flea'airtIct Ott' rikeirt 0%, cite by
'ears Her% -
IL `.M. Down. who for, 10ult V
the viturelt In ruit i�jle jbil aeetjit.
k*arit or ho"ey oldifea.
The T. wairA CO., Lwwe proutot
Order at 1 040141110.
I � I t I
On dinlov'Cars. Sold - It gro
uy 0 -
VIAVJKR� M%de - by. X011106t 1A IAQU-
$19M. 1 7a 1 1 7TZ0 1
R_ diiio,, 0ot, Malay* alien
mantreall S.Ltroot,
just off-Ut sqlllire�
irstsitsitt; Avet all rfatinal #00,
PAItsenXer Haiti
*I lo�d $or I�
0;Xjt ol. the toWn (of %jj
tj'j1r%*j j#jL (1. 1. R �� 60 _C,*P�L*_�
pronyot servke 404
careful AU66datice,
.our LiVery - and "ark tiervict
Witt be found up-to-date
In 4svory respOct.
Pho"e,107 " moctres.1 street
yvan,i and w4wi chuftli lias meant
I., 01jL,:tJje ,
IL Grallam.
nII.V L41og - to. lire bijIlding up of. His
OZIIIIII Cr rigute-outilless-;le; Ive, believe.
been ma iit;,Oved. (loorge mamiler ig
......... . . . . .
rim M1
,,,t bas, to WAoil'be the glory forever and
V=p12l.10,.the yoling. pepple In their
who, was pastor when the ch0ch
J917 --J- It- bstorhout,
6 1"1" ;It4.NVitjI. tile 'writer s ay
V 4L
Z T15FV:
%110 wag vollneeted with tit(' Mitirch
'It.) God 061! ages pAst,
'Aln, It"!r" for r 9 to, cortle.
010if'. to
fr(lul M, trustee from jwIliary, J890.
Altit It hts death lit 1024, A class 10aih�rl
0 4r s f Ili th-episAtormy blast
�Illl Our eternal home,"
it lhi� 11"turv-16 In tile aldita
Alillerls. Worm Powders attagk
Thei Tiresome Part
Ave ajvi� the elleli tar inkire' ii-pilroela-
eltofth, I .. L . . I
51ni ond selmol ro-orn. lt'�vas nullora�-
worins In the f4omach and Intestirea
lic-.111low do you lilte your job
"They rest troln tireir labor, .
4elfghtffit break in your Meyo
-Voll,owinx-l"; sters
tive Almt this; bli dono -oil aveouixt. oflat
once, and no Nvorm -enu come in
*ith then, and. live. - Titay al-
jim"Oh. it's daud;. yod meet
e,,Olo� have served tile. Ichurch during
tile jast lifty vears : . I I
X14"ble and effle'lent matifier.
. 1. .1
TRO taat Asthma. Attack may'rpav
A . -141's UviVs.;jtt4.d outtlY.
tit s300. on Si andavi R,%y 6, tile now
"contact Ct the unhealthy co . nditionsisomo
so- corre
fine-fello'-wa at-Ahe 11001G, U-44
havo full In the evenings, bNA
lot" "'
ly be the last one if prompt measures
lire taken. Dr.' J. % Xellogglz Ar.
Suffalo and Cleveland
Mz-j. W. Suffou"
4883-J. (". Nitieroy and 4., P. 4�.Iorlleil.
41POrt"'t Were flest, used, Oth .1, hil-
PiIovetllents III -Ade. aplollittlug to J$130,
in the 411potive. organs that
�Llld elacourago Worllrwo setting up Xe.
what I don't Ulm is calli"IT tin thoay.
H. Qkrson,
1885-41. F. Salton.
pogtages and bring about ,o.
healthy condition.'' It always relieves
'800, AvIliell thoc Ilo'll.
a total of 1,- 4
hope td, VVIVO oif-L dur.419 the� SP1001M
, 0
actions that aro most lionotrating
tho'growth *f the cblld� Thv have
store WATMLM -
and its e0atituell'use- often has a
4 Why not go
�ermanent ofTee t this
nedy today and,� cont -
f* Connections it Cleveland for LAko Rooto
Detroit sod wints WcAt
attested *elr PoNvev In hundredg of
cases 4, 411 times, are thorour.41y
Saddle RON-0ilufa
Lve. Go0riell -.840'.a.m. %1.10 If.111.
It is I now 0110 (It' teaW4 - the,
d14 �.r fAl ( I , -,Z6 that,tilu future of tile'
11 ('3111ton "..m. 200 klah.
Id, (ho"IllAg 11 i ted ullorell, 'of was more proillishig..
Ill 4,49, Itev. 8, 1iMI111 vms tile. linit.
President Ald.
Cood Mounts can, 6 secered at
11 a.m. a 4 9, p.110
40 141 a."11. 135 P'W".
en"'teil: during tho rilluister to five In t1w 11M parsonago.
111q, Izill tif �gj:4, qjj& )jj ".July fi.iiiij durilig, tho pastorate �f Ilev. J.
Arr�' StratfOrd * %40 AM- 4-03 P -111-
I -Xitcherer.:8.40 a.m. 4.20 - if -mo
18, 148, ihit Corner ��toan N�-a.q laid "by I". F"rd; tllo-ehur( -11 land 'parsonago be�
,vily -,ts thtj III -4�sijfeut q,, t:ils orv.
41 Guelph '_ 0.04 a.m. 5.50 P.M.
A"jm ri. C,Iwjil� I). 'I" cault, roe Wink (tit (fillit
�t it It *' 6,11lar' thal 11)
II GliAll, A,) Ot 116 "1 S :gvj11m1Ir)t And - g
Thiv org'atlizadiin
llo little part Ili the up -1,00 0 Illit
On Huron Road (Provincial It
Wsy) at Taylar"A Corners. 4!,�
T roil 'Ao itia.
o to 10.2-1) axy, 11
I!Iih Vill, li�k;(:Iwlit 1.0i fill, I'llis littleth vear %v 'should- JmNe spf-
41111", tilo parsolull"i, hut'41W1AV9 NVIllilig
mileg froro - Gilderith.
Ileturnlue.--Leav" Toronto i�anq
if i, t!1;lI e1,AIlji11'.4tIe servires froul JilillarY.
-Or � A ,
t,; lielp tint ill e\ y vo Hy kliject hi
.12.55 pim. and 6.05, p.m.
.Iik to h-hruary ilftlr, , There were
-i.p,tioil wit doire
j,till9i vi flie -h.
Good Milch Cows for Side
!afe Car Godorich to Tor -
Parlor C
4 of Litt, %burrIl Wai N."'. IIN"Ir 100 sk:ekers at tile, lalt3r, who, testi-
Matt-trV If, (;lIatimill, i1fit. . 1171w, iloil- the -power- of tile gospel or
T112, YOUNG Pr,.ok.,ES S 0 C I Di
iklle 'yourig
Also 'Some good Road Horses
onto on morninir traiii,'.aud Toronto
#.Ori, train. No
save fr1orn
''i i- Olvist to -eiij 6k ttl a
Arst vilople's k5or I' %",
to (;oderiell. on p,m. .
trar.t prito with %Irtu Nvas �QOXOAL l!"t V441 1011 alld a deNwIth:19 Of the'
Lnu�vn as1loo 1-,*9,wt0rt1tIeIgu0, was or-
thango of cars betvicon (3-odevich and'
j�jte j�utl tost witir. Insido luru�shhip *Prldllig of graev Alt their htarts.
grinizod -111 tit(* ve=. Mt. miller t1th
': fV10'.40 Who are NvIth us today who re-.
it, Oil 4.1111veh :)klril 1 6 tili? fm '.0101r bavlt� to thp vear -or, thi, Op011-,
�-,A W I I set-
I the t lat - spieda
j,as`Li.rut6_ of a. L, 111ittoll. , 'the first
prrsillelit was T. 11, M"llion - jimt vilie-
j\,qte, Well -.4", vioe-
31, A. I1MVR16NCV1
Town lipiaenzer and
it 1tv. or eAllrell"sly
Intizve it. The ('11tirl I \\701'e licill 41)(11her6,W�re l"My
-imbei &
'Y1141ttlons '01110011 41p,
pl-ppTiltirrt. '0,1*00
ptesment, �Nqa ilutton.; third vlee-ort!�
-,je rolirth vief! t!6
-Tel. 603,,r
Titiket Agent,
W14. part or It "4111 to t1jo all
It at; knnle llllimlli�t
Wo rejoice that, God bas stalled upon:
41delit'. 4"InIfIv, Miller,
w wall His priAkiftnee t1trough all tile
.8. 'WhItoly'* treasurell. in, :tr ri 4h,
yvan,i and w4wi chuftli lias meant
I., 01jL,:tJje ,
IL Grallam.
nII.V L41og - to. lire bijIlding up of. His
OZIIIIII Cr rigute-outilless-;le; Ive, believe.
been ma iit;,Oved. (loorge mamiler ig
......... . . . . .
rim M1
,,,t bas, to WAoil'be the glory forever and
V=p12l.10,.the yoling. pepple In their
who, was pastor when the ch0ch
J917 --J- It- bstorhout,
6 1"1" ;It4.NVitjI. tile 'writer s ay
jql9--j. P. Heyoratt.
101Z)�T. W. 1161lev.
%110 wag vollneeted with tit(' Mitirch
'It.) God 061! ages pAst,
'Aln, It"!r" for r 9 to, cortle.
010if'. to
fr(lul M, trustee from jwIliary, J890.
Altit It hts death lit 1024, A class 10aih�rl
0 4r s f Ili th-episAtormy blast
�Illl Our eternal home,"
The. coutribuil(4 of uie, .1
i0rViCe offtrall'.11) Is, a great ono a n d
meanbe� of the olll(,Jal' briard OOIIL_
lillotisly ft (101, tile �uniting with thii
Ave ajvi� the elleli tar inkire' ii-pilroela-
eltofth, I .. L . . I
mt to "ut.tflp got or Westt
tioll than We WIMP011" exPres--l- For
Itai Irkilr Illks
Ajq,_j)aAt tell. Ty D-
"They rest troln tireir labor, .
4elfghtffit break in your Meyo
-Voll,owinx-l"; sters
-1rW6IIInW1, fis _ lifiAluist, in z
thelk- worlm. 0- follow
e,,Olo� have served tile. Ichurch during
tile jast lifty vears : . I I
X14"ble and effle'lent matifier.
. 1. .1
TRO taat Asthma. Attack may'rpav
Zach Way Zveiy XA9l*t 00tweest
i$4-41. G. �,ollomore,
189G-4.r� A. Frallelft,
I -
ly be the last one if prompt measures
lire taken. Dr.' J. % Xellogglz Ar.
Suffalo and Cleveland
Mz-j. W. Suffou"
4883-J. (". Nitieroy and 4., P. 4�.Iorlleil.
thI114 Remedy %vill safeguard you. It
will penetrate. to the smallest bron.
unlinittell fitcilitk�# Inituding broll
H. Qkrson,
1885-41. F. Salton.
pogtages and bring about ,o.
healthy condition.'' It always relieves
Luxudous cabinl, w1do decks. tyxclient dinin rom
WACO countw9att"Wanti. Aulpyouililklong
1s8R_-.Nustju Potter,
liwil-R. l" Truttolt,
A�1-1)r. S 0119triall.
and its e0atituell'use- often has a
4 Why not go
�ermanent ofTee t this
nedy today and,� cont -
f* Connections it Cleveland for LAko Rooto
Detroit sod wints WcAt
IL Grallam.
1907 -AW. H, NIHIN-11*
1010 -Dr. R. Modif.
1913. 4, 1,,. tilled,
who, was pastor when the ch0ch
J917 --J- It- bstorhout,
was built.
jql9--j. P. Heyoratt.
101Z)�T. W. 1161lev.
s!I1111, oil tiltI f4lit. fit ifiller1q.garago,
192s-NI"ImAl Rlrr�
Vlaorht 4trilet, arill Flt4tt rivellue.
,1114. devil of tho It it, (In *111ph tile
'I'alids 1%vaq h
A-hurell, .
Wlf4, tritin Pat. Galialla
%lapli Whiti-IV. Umlsliij
Inhaled as smoke or, bally'service Uay. tat to NloveImbet 14%h
4imag at 9.00 P.J�4 Arriving ot,750 A,
Ash your dAet Mew or eouriss #j"
Nem UW ]FAre $4.50 Q%
%IV $8.50
ue ekwillw1i and lailifialo Trassit a"
whil""I W. Xlemiraili Am virlose, Is 09VO Mr. 1.
ard youll", ELLIOTT,
a. that tllll4.,.
tri item at
"ho hap been offielA
In 11I.My %%,!iIlt is 11im liff(AW 4% Vil- board of 0111, ehileell forj:l years. ro�
41160i superintendent
a sn'till fralgi, hir a 9PAM e.
vai,4. tit the lijilsont thille is
14""d tilt %%il"tt MAY N GUM
W 'Nit Vie so-qNiom.
1. 111"'11,111,4"'lluor'Me .'liftlle
V y Ailit U st o
A,otllfl � . Alt.thirll, Save
l Hot ily
.4 YOU Money
Gum -Dipping is to exclailve
and hupre"atts every ft
evory, tord with rubbtt sod
prevents thevords from ebaf-
Ily Mittricity
are tirtinsulated. in flosinx
ins against each other#
Wkih 'by Electricity tholy thafo against each a
tron by Meetrielty causing internal beat #"Ad
CONVENIEW11 fift wbich. $often$ the r
VLEANI, QUICK REV. 1% C. VAUU, rauslog blowouts and it
The pregent Pastor -
Cheaper d" Cog or W0o4
THE SUNDAY SCHOOL 11tese Wftr Ike* cost you I
All eleetelc N"ACuuIll 'Illcall0v at I
no onore, yet they sive Chou.
removes 01i'dug; a b,"Jon'. fllvauq 1114", If".14 lflij�A)Wlnt k4 thr, Slat- ""Idsof 01tra imilet, Sto your
jtist moves the dust. A4I40401. iiiihich jq hillmd f6f0illpW
'114 WIM-ana
t,t liaw , "West Fkasto" Dealer.
%V0, guairalltee all H V d r o Ritflr,91 Ll 61111 with appf-mmilit!, thit 010sm" vmz III J�tfnisx* Co.
allkfjrrot� the VNFc.�It '1161 admillatboll fto
Lamps for 1,5o(l lietiv. tilt) nt�IWWW b0th,1`1141000 !40110�1
Walk ill and, VC disPlay at Tiv, ��:Phf§0 ligg"Ifil?".4 ut tho, Ne"Zo
�iv qmroi own,
rr4�jjl. vien ulitu nmv. &UP. MOST MILM Pr_lk DOMAlt
v -milla, --�Pflsoll for M -o
J,K Hydro &ore lexi 6 1 a tho r - nt f'r
villivii;fri nre"U'ri'l 24'r" 1),,.c�hziarvj fiaA h i, P.1,61 Pit ttVit
P 64 11ho C!mv;-U, it.4 fi,,113F t -IN? jV,;,j14I`u`0V '11101 $41�tij*Q
fi�w, mi ir ijlop nuil moulloi, ad tac, 11i�-
f;! 11w C"o
rc-') m -A foLl q;f-'o" a kri-aniii,,f-ri �t inA r4lo 11 UHlbf, ps-tiffle the oillb,
tllo 01pare9d 14:1"1 r.lro o
f0i.`k ni4u,35.)�tvp, a
Tfir W. "W, 8, jj jj�jq
to U" For ow Warz
N'4, HO�� It. JANE% M
5 11VIL10% HRW TL R. J%0. 6 1,
I i� l" 1�j j 4 it
11, o�j W�l J. SYM
0. A �4; u
A;di SOL. _ - -I - 'L 1i
With Spring Comes, Cleaning up and
We carry a full line - of ScarPos Paints. Thig paint Covers
more and lasts longer than other makes, of paint. It taLws
,just as long tb put a poor paint on -is It doqj� a gooii ojl�.
Why not bave the besti Ues Scarf's Paint% Bnaniol�n.,,
varnishr" etc.
Vo YOU require a Crealn Separator? If vou do,
have a new 16%v'a, flumber 25, tvhich we %All saft to you
very clicap
We have a nainber of v4iite nameled Wash Standi
n"Illell ware in the" 110ted Sunset that we are oficring? for
I'liese can Iva,made into.Dres5ers, zlso could
W, made into China, Closotssby placing legs updof fliefill
If you require ally good zz-lnch planhing 5,011 ha�e
mue left, I P11
We caror a (oil line of Shelf and tleavy tladwere.
If yourequire p1mb!"g, Meeting, mettvin Wkilog or Estva,
Alw*ys a full fineef 114M and Soft COM !a tte C%
Oft H A 15
The lfard%vare Store It the Harbor