The Goderich Star, 1928-06-28, Page 2M_ THUR, fqy­ TM GODZRWR EMU "V" fierm ha"-164wrld 7r� ­­`­ *W"4 ko'se tA9rFFW- fur the AA— iigVD wiliph have ftmndy taktis C" Sligo r,�Rc; in 6,kivitoolitv parliamela L*- The, wia olympic. trials .�4rp- Gents' Smart vy ear zwcen t�ho Gcri-Ernmout nwinbers ai-A Is 1h* Nnwdor menced last Saturday *heu Sallie re-, tko, " ne rwfion to ryaAL" %*r*W,0 apeW -were -%A- VUJ�-,j­r � W of D1$#10" memvW, fbitip Edward, the oitut wk= no as��Rrsin2ficn of Kiag Alexander sprinter ftwit dowa south, vih-k N', -'i -ORING far'd Qucma Praga, just twtnty,th-0 IWI t1ke ill# of lift am Am"A ;by. vuslitied to rRpresent tile Brlii�"l �41�AN6 kL m �M 0�7J 890' 04S lfifhth, "k tht lho*foro, r#64W soioK FM --*e at the olymple caules. &uwnz-trationi by followc-ni Of of lue bowwo is Ue C&Ulati" a fpeviiapa the most brilliaut pLxfpn�ii­' us& io ow *Wft Shop tile Vrtu�iql I-Alty, of w1will th" ualtb� iu other wordi4 koep ��w NO"- cr of the day. He br6l;e the Ckalia-' - UR SPECIALTY jj�twdQzcd sri% wiundtd niembii:5 itjulij "d. yos woult W diAn re-vwd ftnl� SW metres *by one�'- 0 thl Uand. i� Abo,SP"ial Mdevs tO Your MeaswO TEA ginbian Party. At Za4reb thwe MIUMWIS U-RtU atj lotty wounded in #431 ONTARIO MAERS RAPID ts of "0 w1arldg. 0" atrxaw $4 the HTRIDIKS AS POPUL-AR CHAS. SLACK to" whw**W twy W go" t#A$ 8%-,bs. It' 'SUMMER P14AYGUOUNV, I I I Vi7o Me way to a reconciliation te. �TM $QUAU none, 219 GODERICH' Wd to- "SALAUK; Tho 1Wt thO tq-c-tinA tbo-T , wo jival partiev.. trudy wiswer to, 1W quuAion, AVE LEAD" i'NW*WwpmAutabsoMundwgw'%ALADA'FbbO, agpiniviuWraws Fleet "nere sliall we go for, our holl- 7 ilavallk-ia found- today - �awoilg"fte­ 164116)"' Mf r - Chitin haveled the Japartse Gove .4. %i1xsWfiy8 meal; sorts that have,: alade Ontario's Idgh­ t uventy.coven destroyers and the. two U safely used At all fis*x; 6 act lands and lakti districts the mecca of all"t ;�143i, holio 8 such Xciotts -W For vuqr4l, - it im -e -a L; qrjrl-�ers sent there -to 40fesuard the Wildly 044 tharougbly, sud 14xly v.1catfoll'Ists froni all across the col.l. di�trlets and inland lak,5 of Algou- ilidi , Late of D I.quin Park 00"ry to take Ono Qr two at .31 11004t. offora the best of a5 Musk -04 q A* interests of varan in the yaugtso 1W Araskinouge audArout fishing. fan D%y, Xawiirtha Lalwat an valley iu OF. 'The'J'Apanese were to t4ow An *W 0 From tile blue waters of Harolt to 10 sawfutory vi� Lakes Couchiching and silucae are determine oteet thoir nationals In 41w xorAws witkout.*ur grspiug oz the rock -spattered streams of theft- � For some a boliday Is notcompleto recommended. taw& V00y. pleturesque-laki affd1irt, ither the'Northerners or *A" efroc% -s -and *101out a �cauoq trip. For theae, ;*� -- I ®r � I I., - '. .1 H -r ­T1 I , --i disappeared 1. to AWL allad VA" W * vio %t 40 an",, 4K spar - Ing rivers vie .4 nk flip, uldeau, Lakes =;I tile C ZTatioRal, Ruilway Vou"ander Resented, rost vztela he VIr iw1i'la T110 lva&r of the ill-fated Italian t . to Wo,aes of the Artic au4 Antara- awom or in"led Alrect 0% gis "lar Tewds. ou literature A -SVC& exploration JLayty, Gereral tie, OZ31Y to come out eafely Vbe" V*0 by TkA T. WWM 0064 1 all of on� . Nobile* has been Tescued LOP -0 to,,. btm had: re3494 Its loWest . wlw Pet- the arden fisherman the Xo,- and assist from the icp goo �Qil whiou he ha obb, warth4,UVeat the Thirty Thousand iday. '151804 ot lGeorglan Bay, Mao, teen warconod, for a wouth. TN 4,000 Baptist$ meet x 0 IV the faulous 'Netropolit" police force 9!��at -of land100 an aero- �Tore tUan 6,000 dole at 3 fx�p ane ona.movim Ice, floe to pick. UP Efiropo, Asf.% Aftlea, North Ameneas 0z wn0on, which guards. a I tb6 imalranudor of the Rolla was ze- C�cntkaf Aptprloa, South' America, tiou as large as that of cana`C 1l; ecinplKed IV Captain Tor0eirgi W;est Xndk6,, and Australia, met in Diode report 01 tbp - in tile $wedish Pilot. Ateordiogto wl'VIOSO Toronto o;i1juno 110th touturld ther missioner. that, of, the 2T murder& T�P(,Ati froin citta 41 Milan** the Foutith Votigresa of tho jDaptists which octauired In the Sritish capital to 'TOrA- World, Allid P. 4 In the As 6upply ship of the enieditioll enco -01 1927, oit were solve4. , Twelve per- favrYlllg X4110 PronAir W.I.,. Mackenzie Ring, the sons Were thsrgell-, and tcn mur ittedlMiddtW�hM-0110 led to� -safety in order to pick up. - other addrj�vs 1Dt weicouto was delivered by '90mAl2 of the otow, but h6 plaim Ron. N. X.C., The last fix au� asylow. took Plato lid turned over W%1016 -was laaking Nie'moking -of %ho, Alliance Nince. Celebr*tei; VW av 4 'JIL tild ltffi,Vlt IsnJitl1r� AKUDUA res. �JlVe Years W' J t I to A&. A� u he C ty *I is ok Tho flilnee of Wales celebrated lils, vto of Gencrol NOWs, own parky In balm.. pow fafrl, DAY 0 IN V U011 assured. no eontat% vith 4 -small birtbday -party.atz.ft lilaudit$ tts been: made yet,witit the two mit,- :aralks, valfti. , on the Ove of, In$ One, birthday be: attozOdd the J IN Sim Partin of the expedition. of Oiv illost sensational holdw, zips iii tho, huj�ty. of. Toronto 'took ondoo glid a%imy on the gas %,ug after t1le iiface la'Iti Wednesday, 'When. six dar- v6psists of',mvenvoons ;Oho wereear- School festival -Oherq the Ptude*4 prgseutod crasbe& Wird r %ts boa,4 Lre- 111:r li'm4its $Wlivped down upon the I .,; ., . . .1 . I . -GO D C �on .,And so-Ized what is -h1m,with it'llirthday gift of a boavep, reived conterifing Attatindson. 'tho The Union Statl W6401104 in W8 symbol -41 -ter, who left in 4, estintated to Nk lover i. quarter of a explo, I 1,ndustry :c . the,solioWs mascot. left. French sipaplave to ceartli for one of 011.1on dollar4' *orth, of, cash 4,44 gild ebeapgd\ fit a motor Siimran -Trouble Settled toeutities rplt� the j�avity of Amundgeyes qj., ear. Tho day*110,601� the rabborm, 1110 trouble 1;6twedu t1le'natives of -M0*4'ay,,, JUly'.* 2iidf 1928 *ts:- was tuation 4000. as rocoivtq the.�qmr used�'by tU Wall -&m9a and . Now Zq- land - has, been no, ilfts IV. i tile How, �Wactqry MA 4 'his: 800reaboutt there wjs a ft,. *I. found in the noithorn part of settled'in a $oil mier, Ing of optladsul"Tespe clOv., 0 contained boTids and sooiir� Promier of rv- Us Royal COMMissiou ApOointed, to ctliig hira nX 0,1 e lon i undet. the administration; of &ME In tl�e S125,ftlia. wb1ch;' viqxe .01ther Pondi 0 "ALL' oDAT PROGRAI" A Jewols 4mount4" to tthout �ign office At the ona of "ate,couditiolis 1n:,V44 sa.*40an ayno*g. the. Arctic oxnert'n at Wy. Tboy malled1he.Uniti; 1G­ natO$e UP ded its �e or &OWed ­&x�qrouo, I* tile fall, he will -probably be Out- 1.1aland tAD p&A botore oaguo. " - to f1vx *thuo of goilig, -to preq% 64 cee(KaLl>V"�11: 4Q'hkl Ret , metty 'the PO Vog A S. M qoq in%onso lialce -attivity in-, tile . . . . . oxi 4t - Gerova. Tho Com - Province of OntiiTio lias­failed- to mio "foull'o, -that complaints rade from Vidori�`Park' AM* t 9 -tration of 5ir S. ni-orltle a"eluo . ... I prize$- a$ fol&W& Stiff Joild, to the fdottity'of 4.110 Laborite�'Turng Tory t 01� -sO ollowjio., ii iour of: the' *1041. ic rftou'liAs. �aot been pbaruiadvts� sap.' Oat V*eft all 11adca Giiegt� Dibov,::'re. gohooU. lst, $2&00', d, ;20.00, 3rd, other "w-talleti T614(11�3 fail, 407411t." whousak Murder 14 Pot a for Xorth Southvv4rb in Sivort in 0en . eral DecoftUd Aut;ovaobilos t 10, $7.00; 2nd, ;5. : 00; 3rd, $3 60, a's Will slacemid., aro 1, $6.(W A f�rqve trlsI5� . me in tU .0 'P�11 British. Tho -TqKQnto L�oaf,6*nm back It's for slnvic�ii?arllumelit when put0a Itut- I �0 Parliament, 'kesigned .1118 F14tat 14�1 $12,00; Zud, $8,0 im,%07 �Tu ore oavima to vs-,) It �for �hftth, 11adieul 1)6uty, i1row a TO- seat froili the Loa, Forty". artil, an- at the' t.0y Pt C10 lhtO4400nai Lea- n6iolced his intkiltiob, -�a- 361hilkM- the guei table with Rochaster—a p S. Ut, $5.0' 'r 2nd' $3.00-' . SrCL $2.00 C4u C *d, $2 volver, duriag a session Of -the Xa- ijiVe _�arty. �n a jettj);r to osition Decorstodki is. $3.00-i -.00- 4th, $1., flourit Asueriiblv, overely -woalided well e!irned by *Inniog- three viclor- 00 "leagor of. 'Iftenlior Stallb MO.,* It- Stefan -Raditell. ficry )r Baldwin, �AdAii ies 6t; -4a 6. in two days, P��aat iig clean 4114, r asaot raftv killeil illi hini ofthis �=ove, 1)v. -Guest Stated k'40 VoUtteal 'Jto$als are atilf� glod- Alhllo.6 Ind qulcl� re�, dau P( baw'r -Paul nadiwil, Tyr. that. ho.was " conormed, in hN, vJe"%V ding albr$'Alw, ahe closa"on,the*. C41 -Childre ' # s Spotg -'on -the'Squaire $ixtr wnt-s a t1i&I ldadorb U%#, (%#oiu1ded , tWde, that tile Labor -PjwW,, Is leadill; its of the leaders. ;;Ith .525., 'A 19� a Danlop'm 134. ILI Nviqle�s,' a�a 133mhr Tl* W!Wbi Arnmettlaiely Pajade� ii, �iiltiijilatlon of rAcioberi to a'sidetrack Which U pur.�, D.LPAS ", ICU , I p team I Jed. It tie rounded by P -.aoti7 aly * I 1�. olitical, ad, and dcon� d,to beat W Zlx the ova olitic diffilaidtfea.. TI lit entet ftit,J),441 routid, of. tile -A, 4 U '2ad 3rd 4th ItakaA star,, go Z004 P1.0,03. pups'eries, but 4W 8*9PO Jot The comparitively vare ceraillo bid de 40 -yard r4o vuder 6 yea:tM� .20' .15 .10'. .10' morpurgo, proved too inuch � for tho of eleiting a.,liew $Pgokor f0tX e Witt . A playet$i-ift, eoul(t 'not et, 50-yardztce., und0tr a .25 JS JQ '10. Bdtlsh House of Como orWodox. Jeulils,.: A,& Tod rim � 6der 10 years .30 .45" .15 AI!L& Wo ilsed til hii�, un to Aa 'ek WhM L Ift . nom. W. ward - Ifiggs, I BlkltWi ;W ocy TOSI$11eaL alld Rt*,� non. 754%rd me,. under, .50 .36 pi A. P. Vits- Well to V a A 25 Chosen to Suc- flayoro -did yeir. thill, 100 -yard ruej L =der 15, yesn' � ;50 .�5 ing five -set, - singles battles irpm D. AT, coled Umi. The form0i, Spesker will, & Ztofaw, woulvr"O, under I$ yeano. 414 AD .25 This waa the '0111Y.L vie - hi all to the u- I''. $(l ' - $ockiy *400 uAclet, 10 yean, k. o g Joe:, Writ, Jr. and Jack auest#- 6)34dian scull k Of 't%e h Rabbit race 110. er's are -now prattis- tam, Under 13 jeas,'4 z,.,. deieil 4or five'ioir--i age 'by HIS­jfaje+�ty jit tory, for laritai W, NIS tile " River- Thames for, the .15 .10 Sjoyple T"e, UVift miund. *e 8"are, 2 be 'thitteell colo -o yeaks, And upAir. "60, As� iutij�gted. h- igo, by in which there will a s ort. time 1) kresideiit.0�6*rswe of -the Irish Free b0titfts. ft. Le% Word 110. 410- Sityelt i%w, twice Around the J%Usre, Is Joe WflkhtL :lit the :finAl, beat n4d,*- State, 016 tafid. of tho Shaillrock Us, fewbdd legn an4 ........ .76, .50 lagt year, "I his titlof WbJ Tea$ for the first Unit, L ftlane'eit , its - bud. Each bq�, Wilig aLF-Mall'Sae]k—a lai,-e one lai no ou an r - t loived) For the SacA *ear just dosod V.. D, A.. Colle.t� lit S U do Scul the of, Finsilee, Va*. i6le Lto let, who. Paid, A. Visit to this,001011ttY 4 11,g COUPIC � slioW L . . OQ 0 outts %. 4orplosL of *126,000, 'bur, ear$ jgV ob Will, hay - jinoth- tht C05graV6 e acca Dry. -tiatods the Ave-vear regime -of r try to liffthe coVOW4 tr4h 3rd 4th QLoVetbWnt. tht f#0dftL t**h&$ b4ou Tlie, old: styllig� '"rou, �Awt keev a WAS,— PrOVOII'L lafit' ;40-jasd rve,'under a y 10 .'110 rcd�cM a shillint io the Oulid and good *xan diyol Ift f%L L , . 1& #&, ' 1i .#i4 .26 W _ . 6&*sxd 'r " 110 .10 doll-, v prous, WAY in *hfoli'mensures week wheit Xm;i KdL*rhin, the me, under Opa". 11unk Bvitish'Colu-mbia, lightweight race, under 10 ;yoiwx -.30 �'.25 .15 tile Vi YC r have Won taken -to I Who Tedently I zuefte Aod industry speaki well for -chimplovislilp, r wL. 20 -.- -the Governaltat boift to, Samuly. Mandell, utatod ?VIE. .25 a tke, a his 'kitooltout New round of 4'lliate 4.,t 1, s. luil6lt rim under 144a *20 .1� ao tb . 0, �,akl ndlook ih I punch In'the setovid -h .16 The potato jk�%*#gq� 'of, xaw, llrixxi-, in Now York. Jimmy , hu tk great BOOM Z%Wuo4er 8 yearso 2$ .1() $vick is txpeettd to. reach, 54,000 putich butM lack$. the txper! 0 efice toL Most and Toe'race under 13 .3 hk There is plenty # agre'.5 this year­�xn I creaso -of ba a world-lit-siter. B'0'7�le VWL UndekAt y6an, once around apjr0XfmXt0ly'r711- I)e.4' 'of Woo for that. bowimver, aild lie �tl*lkuar-e .176 .60 %0" Acres. 01 P. i2s, tent, over last year, skeeordins 11-3vents may bo.eaneelled, or other events added, ots eomraittee may Provineisl Depicvtmetit of Agicul- ' The worl&s, greatt-sit tenni's 'Ita N rto the should "got thetoil el McE T ture crop report, for, tile verlod. 6d- &6 Ave contincnts� are av�aitjng tile decide) *4 luid-lime, wMell has bomix issued, cominencement-L of' t1lo' British lawn Ult SQUAk `4 tennis tbamplonships at tim u-g - J1 OUltded land Club at Wimbledon wbich.'Atart '"Aftem000 Progiam at A P. a A point that stresses the ability of, on $lm# o OWN �0. More fbi%,A 1!aq Illell: aild '00MUNCISO AT I 0TYA001 MELD SPORT, 8 220 yards fto' W-1296 n0e; ft' nuipo bro I Ju 100 yard gm 10 M& b 44 dumv; MWA99 hop, stop ad jmp; runni�g b*Y jump* "a. Rversharp' d1s for 20d Prim. Afedala fat Ist prize for one seoring, gromest number of igints (3 KONSMP CUP, r for a first. 2,pointa fo a seeond; one point for a -tiird) ED Woodwork. Inside sind outside. restored to glossy chiml What masio*1 mnsforma.. rag"Of-war-comifttitibit, for siber Tro.0hy tion3 #.m vxoi I lght.hy the tastdut Vfte of Temootseven &tktfes vul'a-lishtwaild Am, ftom 1W xU1*i%1&Ut.T in, ltv"'A COWY TAY 4014"te, Our 'W be boldt.Twiftft U&M tole 16116�"O- Ltt &arfe"s endow'your 0.4 surficew with youth mid Wto the &atfes aedt'r omd inarAct the cox�okto "BALL MATCH and vitmishet of Astinttion and duratility. nod% VS ISDONS 0 DETP Ina toff Volt sale by 0,54IS OF 10RONT0 R F 7" of oftt&fjo 00*1#nS of MiCV111ko , C4, H A8. V. LN H VW 10 moo FOR PURSE OF4760 IRk Came to be tilled at 2.30,dclock ?sogs am ft asau two t"ft Iss *"d ft Ooderich in Nntenuid We* I" yw, *ad, "A Usia Is deftrained to win. TMiX= 22 TEX MOST POPMAX SASMIALL PiXTUn IN VrXXrXRX ONTAX10 TWO YJ=. .12, 1 AA ".I 1 15, ERICH CONCERT BAND music BY GOD Onod 06nivsl oil tho 544M, to OM*AMft fit 4.30 ealock, Xvwybody invitod to tOm put X014 by low Sand. 7. TRot 11=00AU, X, $. As X*09WAX GOO SAVE THE KING I