The Goderich Star, 1928-05-03, Page 40 WO& Wftp and W nt,,Veather V."Coming MAY,'IS I HEX]b I Is So CORNIFIELD"S Storeis always ready W show you the lutest good% and we invite you to come -in and 3ee the new.'est style creations in Ladies' and Novi new" SpTincv Coats and Dresses. Smart New M.-illinery for Matron' or Miss The new Aapeo are designed ff�rn,raohair,-pedaline arI4 ciro'chet visca, smartly combined. with,printed georgsite or crepo in all the new col- up ori, shapes vind head sizes to suit everyone. Prices 2.75' SILK HOSE Wo have A nice range of full-fashioned Silk Ho$* C. Foi'iappear*nce and dur. ability out lines 'Of S d, G ilk Hose are unsurppassed.,- Per­pwr�i;,i�,;�,- New .5'*,and $1.75. d, Overdrapes New'Curt;Mns, Dra'pes an We have a large rango of the newest.goods in Curtain Panels ancl Curtainling 'by the Yqrd, AnSateensj Chintz, Ctetennes.,etc- Also Sunfast0verdrotpos -all at veq moderate prices. Men s and Young Men's' Suits,. an .0041k-40ats -find our stock, rnpri a all the newest You will of Suits a opicoat I Ise THE GODERICH STAR 77­777;:�� T(r-1A -7- at Alih A flour Puh,hir. VC, u 4 Bladier W eakness, -77 P W 001"I"101-00 111 N F hi-Aiy Wii-k with a th0c 0�01, He 141airrrol R,a to ujw- Tlv� fiffikh URV­ Daily Annoyance You cart keip it Waxed Im'Aciata ft ­an F*1 s by wevel-v diodowippAng A.� vvkh'aw� Relieved in 24 Hours &odaks, two coall's of thill varn.61r� V' -Co .1�:, Chemist Tells of Vreat New RvE­�dy wat'.�r proi.f val:11411 and choi�ic a day That'�Givfs, Quicli, Certain RCM.-� �,V041f,D sou can Icave 41.,;r 1�1 Invites All To, Tr�? It )F1 and win" 1w, -i (431,n A owiiuy day is bt-st, for Developing Ing and Pr*nt" -Ill Lat th�,�, wh�le seolou�,, if i'. 3's quivkdy� I'll 1111EL1 i� lk:t coat, tll�?roiipbly W. �1.0 Z- i, nr,:,§v oixllliarily niatt-,�r tq W, vieWy rel',,Qvj� 1.1- plvinm the cu­1wd. yo, U clr:uhl wa, :� q madd wc,4x � -,I - -- 1� ul�'Il it o"we -,r tw4,0 a Year t,� �)x­ �, and Irrit"Non, N 133e% 94111 t -,rt tt from bi,,�,osntbg won-. down tq,� down through gl7ems'. fixquent oiall�. sarface, b"'!ow the I, DUNLOP 11110 printing. axmovark�o Rua trolibi coom <,, rIqht:,­ %; 'n '014 wasu tills linoleulli, thei Inlea"aut borno vco of Syrol aP whivi t will not eat inta, t.he 'Lblei% wL'iell any gwast THE REXA STORE M DRUG L varnish. 1)ry quieldy after WUA*lg:. WM fur"Ish in sealed packClge9 VC10U. UeafaW Hlovk 11(munms taining two vveeiiDl' ��L�Pply O -a r3nor. -0- Pot holdors may !4p made Cram alltee of money bacL on fira bon qd& UU4 enda of - ging4ara. prpton" ­- i1exiint or athow wash goodo left over Purchised, if woults are Not f -1111F 8atisfactorg. ,of tahbig Turnberry and Ilowlelc LISsett high total J%8 and W. llicsvt high in ora Came 3 0% for saltiorit. froaa OtTler usea. 'Out tluni% in No MattOr flow stubbWn, U0010- townships from the Iluroa Preft. tery anil 4ndoa Conference we, us 11. McGuire =99 total 'and J. I squar'm- tol'A lu Mo edges and Stitch eround them rind ere.-swise from eipr- somo or -of how 101IR standing your 0W 1134Y Le, you call caol y prove a Presbytery declare oursplve:i as. 315 in onewrame for the LI-gloll. on Saturday last two te,41115 frr--M, nor to vorper. Have a laroo enoutyll the vAlue of 8.vrol Tablets in a.few -being unalterably opposed, to any such action. the Royal Dowling Alloys W(114 to, I supply. that you can drop all the goll- daye time -and you are invitea to The obituary of the late RQv., I)r. part in the Stu"it"M Xitehener to taki . ed ones into -the waf3h each week. do so'without slightest risk of tos� Colin Fletcher was -lend and adopted) Bowling Association and came back It Is very exosperatinirt. wile" Ropietblog direatensi to burn: or to unless pleased with results. Start the test of $,Vrol today �inq you may and arrangements mado reg,41,dingfuith three prlzes and their re-oorit the obituary of the late T. J. Snow� would have bc011 "Qu better If It ;3't(T -members boll over, not to be, i)blo to'flud the look for imPrMment Insido of. 121,1�� don, plt, D. Regarding the remit not been for several slip, holder Gat you MaY lift it off. Ilavo h0urs-ask Your drugglsti from the General Council dealing ' the foul Me and- ioziinjw ping paistt� P. kooV walar olace fQ.r.1ioldQr3 and � Alle;1l:­in -It.� - Some 'bJJURewiV08 - prt,' fol, n pAt"m* i& Min ot,�Ifl nlkisva tjlA !n This4 -was donc� ay. scores tha W, - -Will and'Rolit. Dis,- -with- -the ---ordinatfov­ of -- wosli-.w-th�r set tied for ibilrd Place Eli- 41oubleu. following xesolutioit was passed - ,, 'D..- #.� +1-4 - �­11 stovek Othera liko to hung them up. A 1000. or �Vurtaln rigg in one 'ar- vor. of the Itolder w ill make thISO `009- 4ble. The ring Is. lbetter because it is always, spreaJ, while one has to open 6,3 loop each time, b9foee"'It call W hung over the book, PLANNING XNAILS To. sorve, AdOuate, balanced meals, 1. From Ono phit'to One quart Of A letter vv4s rccelved, front ?jr. Albert Lotti stating he r.,aq Willing tQ undortako suppw� work foi, the - ministers of the lqvsbytery. Nkotl. fls�atl*tt was Te-CelvC4 that f9tir blin- tho O.t C ji That havin& received the remit 0enerAl Council ve the ordination of 'Women Ave do not consider mith a move expedient at the present June- ture," � Revs. C. F. Clarke. J. B. se n. 11. McGuire fourth and also sne(md, for aggregate. The teams conaiA*54 of Uessrs. P. Townsend Y. Hunt,.W. Carrick, W. Bisset and R. Bissat�'arl(f rr V,;+.l, -T 7'r VAlln Ty non from i,,v Lane and Mr. W. 0. 11113try Of were nominated "as, and A. Murdock. da. - , members of the Conference S�Ottle., The followinc are the result9 Ilk )hn Smith Ineut Committee for 1029 Vith the, tile ladies! league for the past weekr m0mberss usual vote of thanks Pre5bytery ad. April 27th.�-Cacklpberxic-4 3. vs. matr-W.4- i'Diekv-Strikes -0A -Miss H. McDor- eetings of i *nid best Aggri-sr%te, for tlie "V- 0 uni .4iorries Q2. end Uisq M. Parsfin?* rushion trends. ir you'purchase your bur or op-�-oat us you are sur of --Z W4,r . 1AP � WJ­ rre"q e* IL e pyterial of . -best ir nne- Winne 179� Pot- Vie Some, raw foodi, such a.% raw Huron in session at Wingham. usually attacks at- night, the one, Revs. satisfaction. motkrate prices. fruit, .,cefery, tleturce, cahb#a and Jimeu -bery and tiw iiheir -ripst 'is needed most. A IV. A. Bremnor Mob with, 503 total and 192. odiers'-of that Rind, every. das�, WON excus9d from Attandin '.k go t D loss of str6gth, the ner. for one S. At lea�b two vegetables evcry torY because of gone 4 S volls obility, thd loss of fiesy, and Mime, W le the 0111 May Ist-Lavendei Girlq S. Vs,; eaves 'were. attending, Tile 'T ste6 oard JcSl�s evils whk Sao i A,;r da3r, - bes;ldea � pptatoesi', and I im -1i must. be �.Veeted Dumb -41s, Q. Miss 1). Westlipok, �tre u Ai� soinach, cabblage. i or the former �fetb 5dist thilro 1, Gor-, rellef'Is secured. FOrtu)"te- h1jr1l fol, the La �iler Giriox 480 to- TW� $TO THE STORID, ly ri Vq el sprouts. or'kale. rie, wera given p�mllfssion%tti c Ji0f,b possible. Dr. J'. V. Xel In YOU ARt onvey fQl; one game., 'UrS. Soop xAttl4y -4T DUE .............. 0 CORNnEL WHZIKV TOV ARIC 4. � 'Use -%v')ioJ0 cergar frequently, 'tbje old ceinetp it arria to tb;- Olt& a stlinia Ronindv hrq --ornvoil I and 221 ry AV PU%Jlr NVEST SIOZ OF SQVARE PHONE 4.18 C. Y rolled oat%" wheat. .. its mor U ODER IN twow TO SHOP 601rie, public -cemetery boara ea $ 0 service.: Moulton tilgh for the Dumbelfg, 454 jri�Wiam li.read. or'r lls, o � the whole - 'in th6 matter of the call io Rev. A trial sure y volivi ue you agirreglzitv aiii -180 for oue game. 1 00 10 1101- N a wheat ground 00ax 1,7 0 a 0011:11. , D, A. Aruistrovg, of -W. . . I . 1 1 -Athy 2slil, Lavender GirIq 8 TC- roxotev, to i I iBecchOV Ullited 'church, London, it BOWLiNQ Xids-0. Viss IX 'Marshall �Jgt, for SILX.,STQCXV4G STIJNT , Y fhe,01LavPnder,G1rlq, 441 tofal and 180 I t takes, or , was agreed to reloase Mr. Awastron for, one --Ap�e. Was D. Kelker hip% Ily A little weai to 1�ilb from the W 9 Oic of, the 'k eenest events or tile speoially those which. aro left over .4,11010. hi'the heol of silk hose, and it rOxeter charge dathie X. J�id.q, $02 0.1 a d 200 in And F in the bdiviing Heys was th.: for the 'n, 0-wr ale Was 01)(110t,24 to, Onfer with the plixed doubles -to rnament Ja it Dn'- from MAY ISt WV. 13,. (:,handlar seas oin previous ;ale, In the olden nlwayf,, co2ile :Ju%t, at tile line of,the oys4 was thought sl0v0nIY,UQt tO shoe top Nirbe,01W mond will shove- - Mrs: v,4 Nlnl-, L1, . . ThUr13dQy when the following siqorpS:' May 2nd. N.igbt HmvL kshe,% at night. Times' those %inehinge mint. W ation regarding pulpit pp, ade e havc said :thtiii and the -se were, in nclas 0. Mrst, C. Cbnnivan hi.?h for j"I'lligW. Now the Olumovo relej Qon&," in, the wa' auring OZ a mIlAiStol, I Nght R 'k% 500 -t -til Wad, 174 gatod t4, "te rO Mrs. lfi� Watson, Mrs. F. Saurder';, the X MI' q ' r j �zd` iuothor, piles � up - the - supp "OoN6 But there. is'another D 1,41slio'.9 and g0kilk to the first -ninvia'. Tt',1,e Way. super.�- in Ano P;- Mrs. TT. Wntson h14h It wag carried that, all th , 0% Mrs. D. Moongy, X r. R. Bis� t r q I . I a tack' about a iquart6r of an alluttated and 'r0ired ministers, on sett, 1,172t Miss S;, Reid, Mr. C fn the gneNs 436 totil and 170, Vhen the horn "inoll �Vj(le, tod at both pilds, the roll of Proobyter,�, be reConliumd 116tdrick, -1130., 1tiss D. Westbrool,� ;aeroga1lie bf,41 tif the stooRillm. :Thiis: ntl 4 0-ith buBband �isud kids;, -or is reiad.v Xnd poln is tooted to go.,40r A'� ereriee to; be cojitinued I Mr. X. Wooda, 094. Mrs. P. Saun- -.4"no'kidWek Aw ride, or, she spends tile. owpoing, ReOli will dravrtb'o w0n miot below thp cd�to Calif, -their. present relationship, fierso''Mr. R., Bisset, 1099, Mrs. jkj� tJJQm company in other ways in-, 0hoet liloie nod-ldl4kbuto the *oar, so' C. 11arris, . V es Uri A. C. Harris, %899. ng'wbl� chunk of it prolongiriti, - hosO'iind 'The following lay dOle,-at 'alrs. X Lloyd, Mr. J.' Laud,�r, 10,04. ....... -9 Owa, of;d6voti Wo . 6f 00 nained to attend tha'en�ying Confer�- to t)iq kitchen. 111910it it so,the darned placo�will, Mrs�,j;� Cra�kje, Xk� H. Wa, on, q8t4, I L-art(1- 0irls, 9.14 161 13 he r 6 0 NZAINS, MADAX Simply indicates that 'She fs� it lia"t- A ot r ea 61i for'-4k'!doInC dlsb- not show. ence" at - Walk I -Ville., vl� 0. 21tv, 43 he' nor there, one of the,,owners of the UoClur�, . A, XW Z.Ginn, Dr. J. A. Graham 106. 103 at tight. L-4 tb4VniHadi is us'ixally, OnA WPuld inl6kino fh4i til-lt4il w1li Xrh. t1belacker,, Ur. P, H 17 hilxcd 1xis 'xiallito with. Ife replied "common stoek" and she jets the pro- " �L. 0.5111011 11 'd 4 bit - more th4 latei part would hurt tbo, fo�t. but you will flilil Proctor, Jan Flick .11. B unt, 1181., 'fits to back Into the invoitnient., '61fRIOC A.: Aix' Miss R, Plante, -1041 vroavt4, il!Wlth brains, $101 it' is yan,: -Z.Bei%der, Mr. X. young 5. 1 0 In the Morning, and to- vour surprise that it won't be fel� 'Dan'UcGo� I,T)04,11� � ...... .,with the' -hat Khe, la,working fok love, at the! tilost enhead P, 'A. ReArthal".R- J. Tlto�, Misa D� Felker, Mr. J. Wiggins, 10.14, .8-amloyaluabIv t Ahe does not At" to, wash disites. bt think in 1dr. W. H. R06or6or,'I the houm�vifa Inlixes her bl.�Pads and Worthwhile job, oil earth. , l , that spof it A% One, miltl ver, 1U, 'llpftson, Lorne T.Vuetall, � xrg� Moulton, �akps 4114 04 mplatea' home. �vi It that dreort on." So �she, fi*: that thtq wo'drd make the '1� 8 Ira J61ins,,13. R. Hisrglno, W, If, 4.4 Farrow, Mr; . PrIt. And does t1lo'-sewing The gn -1 who cout Oolil to wash . with the �bre tl'la Inirsi +111 'fitting. DO 0-t 1-cepilli, and.the wo a , !,I 'hat 4oJ;tP' aud elvans: -tlse' ho',ise axle doea � the Ulan *Ito is In it, <Zshes, That . is economy of tjyne hapvp�, ei n Ifellyer., J, A. Amos, J, A, � 1011pugh,, .0fing 4nd uiurwa- t1w ebildren; 01001d 490hW' 'I ther. There. is. likelv tn he T. L. Henderson� X A. "I r every opportunity' to d'effort an r, for two tneOW, Delbridszo, C. M onald, .10J& R Y­� rain for I Study home ecap ywal. Tohn Pearson . W IT, W,01te 40'. xiss H. Zavitz 'Ind *114 tile fairiffir divtarry and "Itics, dishes; may be done in bht little worc Zd, Ts.,44 bnek� !or-Aowei a -J . . . . . . . -F one oceu i�-000lllios club, take a (!orroo line Mr W Hchma .817.11 pations wbich, 111ARP, tho --bacl:-ground holie '8"kinir` la all Important part of Will. -Bnilev, at a , , Ilge ap urocery for Me faxhily life. ondenterouise, use yoor honto al a .0, Wi 10s, Aw kurZ4i Rr. F. Sto 88o, arr s you 1 -Any lkt)t, r( up oil yotir me- d1shwashing.. Whctk you clear the Intoll- btRawar4t table - 'To - 6t begin the itille your ofto thods and 1-051ilts. wo not do tFour 151 gen, and; 'Sciel rts ae '011W64hig ot once. Instead" Pilo rqzov,.., Gm V5, ;�Mlss , 0 in. mr.A. 11Fdoc but lot ,1tep,,jn'-ll6uSe*Ork fil, h llaPhazak(I'Mshlon. a)t the.,Xoi leil dished into tile sink and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . n ov, R. R. gog! 3050'. Mi'ss III wnieli6tiv, else try to Mix it with braing. Ing., n'ls,per �m. fixan 90. aick, 'Mr. 1). 0 ey, When you -are foi, a 4W or,,vi;R rt' ot tlhe+bqb� erson. Ale�� Cuthill, Thi)&,; 'Pi4spin, M*1. It. MO d, MY OW* with, water and )vt thoro mits� Tfavne�. y Wis, nice to!kooki�. thut a 'Xis', Tifffi'n,' Miss 'B�.Tobin "Yaur Aster, you will stand ��ihile van Atraighto up 06) 'bo lost 1oi iise. Ur, -`d, "I&Isidu t, ' Instead, - sift Wnl� Pitto�j�o�t� Frank Howson,, go," 'brook- 979, be Atouged Pala* things tlxky� houso*6rk Is the most he I althful; fltii� roomsi qr,arepAro, the vegetnb,16,,� f6e In the bW have. - It a.�LM"lk�oy. J. klpi%�, -�Out how to keop yepr 4 woman VAII !ntr, ittid. thet(s After the disilie5 are the soda, into, *,the to '� and add It at Wnriett, Jj'A. Mills. A second tournament haq Ween aii� home. It ki, 4 rc,,q , le. ��Illvpellrllilxllllore vvariety,' avid, you can, lx, -. Y. Pvbeeg�, Jas. Watt. I profession,. hon okostkedi wVN'h them Avith twi the last., Wb�ri,the bitter I$ tlliZk- W- OrhV44I.I.-W ranged for next xollday� 1�tep� 'it _Y well en �11& (I Olt t'lie, life yoUr Own boss., U J10 not have to tilo , ubbles are The fbllj in The.. men's league -was; wound up *480 and, half the filao, you would, 6ed by the flout, the air b w g SGdents. were rp. and bolipille.9a and suOesa of '.Oveq. live in, coustdnt fear of competitism haO inient on thorn, if you . had . not 1-01tankled and �'%Vjll not eseape so tas- Pommended to U,� cdrtffiu�d of, trial: last night, the top notV,.herg. being the i ' J. if. Snell. Gordon )q, liar., Dominion Read s1third and W.C.P.M. r4oMttXt 0 ly6ta'� or lislaiwal. viobody� can take it llg� The r6ult IS. ;L, I*htor4 �roduct Ro,-,sks, A. Clavton )ftxtor, John C. SaItford team, 'the tLegion 'seoondt 1he womalk,who 1 Your 3ob 4way froul you itoiked then%. 9gas disbee, §hould be with the use of ldsii soila� a doing h( soa�ed �1� 4�014, vtotter. � as hat water Britton, ljjoth(�rjug job 4%VcJI lS Worth a' ,Ind busla.s, Mo 6 t a egg and. makes it itfAe AIRS. SOLOM01.q W. McIntosh, Carmen ' fourth. The leagvlik� included sixty Th'v fact, nd Oror W Would i -Ambition is a gacy-fly. It g1ves good mla V to -that hollie. he housovilto could save horKqlf tighter. V111 ; A0160 C6011S.1. plitypro and WAS run from start to that elle, r 41 400S 'not tr� to colloct It -�Iuqh TABLX8 following corsidi'datica foy, jbe� finish withouta hitch, �$288 in prii one no wave., it will, not -lot 11111-1 dedL to Lon. ��ijm I, f0lit the liabit X.'toble-Ibr e�erytblnj **in every','his. 'foot; it.prods hint '40 40 recoriim4n �zes is%being distribitted. T11a.' con- -in , (1 oil' don CoPfOrellca for acceptance! eltiding gamqs In the leagueyvere, oa able .18 plat*i seeing 'to be tilc�j rate doses, It Is. a bles- L, 6iiis. ! r follows Taken in mode aneelot X �goine Rowe.�- (jc.. "he mod0in home. We bavo- sing to he *-001 of -4;but'liewtive, or ll6- commOdeit; Previously), Newel' Gc& A 06 dave"Port table,# which is lust iw coming an addkt to it I April 30i Legiort t�, vs, W4.F.M At home Agaittst the wall or in ier- Robert Xeith Love. 11. McGuire high for the Legion 978 'front of a window. Tholle is t1le.l.ild, The report. of the Religi6ts: VAael� I total for the foul, �s and 299. in tatle, to sit be,41de the easy chair or 11PAd "��e­tlescehdea' fro�% prose ;ed bv one. At. Sarsderilon high for -the Wk Snell' and- as adoptWA , W, C. P.-, Mi, 1924 in four games and -!!0 at.t�W�vn& of the davelip6rt-and, mo o rs that �Just one - 'Of his V-� 302' yoon liconlo '344, in one. The, competition was hbw Itinesome either. loolks without Bankithigg 8exrvvxce ing sly I could k,you; Son"'T llaveiitk W little valet, "the table which holds Wt tel t� With the, ehu Aurl very k"ll, team totale for -,the --Var� r an -1n6rP"- ofi I q#1 vilagay seen your fa�4ers�p ious games being as follows., 1100,1 t1lefovorite b�ok oi fiviund a 1187, 060, vote with a flowering spray. There o Sundav school iraI4 I . ;1 ­ an s er4 ava the rhunlmv little tested tables "I �00,t 'think what mll th� ir-reafo n? 1197. 4,Prop they, 4 328. fnvetl;Ai.: th 'VS; Lt?glon 2 R V'Ech take up so little space. wheo I !*r i-n-volivil w -Ar 07 y xxophono." [�, follow who plays the'st -gay ;k�altfora Per cent. of the oblootivo set for flie 114081%311TY onthe farm is large- fittid *ach under each, but whieli - 'Votd� fill'u1b, foo, when 1 !0 deileudent on factors bevoud TOV, be spread out for cards or, to to think to be called? Pregbytevy for. Young Peoplelo. So. 'realm 4)f, the favul kwe tea to a tompany. - The low ' 1- � � 11 1 c OEM anu ili 0. ... I . V There winist be a good mavk�t de- Josit ESBYTERY, I 4rcomunv"ATIONS: werich Star's 0T. era, g4iltrol. r t' - I I .. 71 lie ,�tee table-ist very popular' HURO PR ninad for farin products tkild the pro. nev. It Ats i� front of the da�au- N pie. I tl"Aion . "Sts mustlie kept in PrApef *It and holils the tex tra5�. r -or L That S. S, and Ir. P. SoJe. q lh,hall there is the console table, adopt inonthl�t givings for mission$, Ittation aft through the envelopes provided by relation with marLwt returxis. Our b *0. It PC I table. or the sm�il Does Not Con0der Ordi 4 Oratieli'Manager is thoroughly faiiiii- I -S. "b in to to Tecelve the ',ailing Woraea )Uve4ient at Present the Department for that Purpose. ell. ull. I ­ -- I I CLU.BuiLNG Ll War with the business of farming dclF�4)lnfng tables have tak- neture ikud that , lublithly misslimar'syr pro- grams 0 g, and 1q, ready t1o. cissist in eart"Ang tot1wmselven a. rew. atunt.. We& b wen. yourl.farta progorial to a succes.aful �ftll to fit the tinier, al)artmentg, Thd Prq8bytory of auron In regu- Z 111at earnest -Wfolta ba made equelmioll. tiv *fly rolse leitvex and be sosliq- hir oessiork in Wlngbai% on April 4109 the lines follow0d last year to low to reekoll with-. oi� at the touch 10th. T110- Chairman Of pref3bytery, 01-qtdb][U� Standard Training Schools.,. '-The StAx and Loiiaon ilf6e pr'ess �bf,* button, a test may r4affically Rev. -L Fe. Roge, 11. A., presided and 41. T tit each. School he umed t4 Tile Stu aild The London Advertiser....'...., Mo out of tarh end and make p conducted devotional oxereiseg. haie a good - lepre, 'ent4tion at the. Ich Su mer School oil The St(Ir .Ind The'Toronto ittraplon table. It,. Im the littlo 'Pie. The thinuttst Of the Aleetinga of (;odorl in The St,,Ir -and Tile Mail and finipir 6.50 CANAM of furniture. oweb ax small tables Preshytei� on Dee. 0, 1927, And Jan. 10-20. ............. 6.50 A fm *.II chosen, whieh add the lival)le "Utpl. were continued. a letter wag $tit It to a room. received from the Secrotay of Con. f H. H I . REID CARE Or LIZVOLET59 forencoosking Presbytery to appoint P menibeis to the conforelle V If "ur litioleum 6' Inlaid, it at It I 14woominating Xominittee and also that vkwhm 4,10 at -"h liquid. or paste wax., Put a ht. I Conference Committees bc� Augaleat- t AxAm", %YW W Ojoow" ifi betweito, the fold& -of cheese tho uddition of six ministers *th and rub -k in well, then pofi4h I Al, 8�xx. laymen to each committee. t It Pausb use lUU70 FURts MINI ANUXARN15Ht5 d #&b1pmdadw for vmrq. pupm., for eftry surface fWAP #4 Ad#*4 fee ft" $160foroms Ion 44 ®r hy FRED Hurir ccn-pucil .......... ANAT the Millintre'o in co.olpj n with the 3�roiu, V peoples' Or- Alow put oil n sexles--qf rallic� In the fall, George Vaechlor, Prondent of (10ung pooples AuxillarV of vtm- 90,vtl -a. short becount of HOV. A. 'W. Brown spolm, briefly, ve. I garding tile' Conference took ex ebange. I'mv. X M, G*Rio gave rt fine' ad. &003 'in "SPi6tual * Itungter" Watt. �514, fox, which bo, tvw aceorded. a, 1ienAs, veto of thanl(q bv th Ulefll,i bert; of preshytpw. lt6. 1. r X. 11o,%f prt,--r,�nted the veliort - Of the Vettlement , t7anlalittev of - ("611for. A voto of thank3 tvx� fendem-d t6l rtefl. W. D. Me][16nald for 'hiq -able, vroczenfation 0 tht% report of the al. i k, It?. Valid Committee. In rexurd to the, prolle-11P(J. t1talig. ftill of the tovmshioi of Tarnberry & Itowiel. to Its.1miltott Coufsvr�nr-o, followivir ri%molutitin was piqsPil lqhlit in roxatd to the propwied plan,!, a tar anu Ine loromoStar .............. 6.50 The Star and Thefarnier's Still.... , The Star and The Fanilly Herald anct �Veekly Star 3.00 The Star and Saturd,.ty Night ............ The Star anA Saturday Evening"'Post 5.5% Th6 Star and The'Netv outloo�.�. . 3.90 3.90 The Star aud'Calladlan Hornes and. Gardensi..,, .4.65 Fair. 'rite Star and The Youtils, ........ 75 Th COnTaI11011 ...... ;., 3. � e Star and Tile Cath6fic Record ............ 3.75 'file Star and McLean's Magazine.. !0 ... :.::. 3.75 The -Star aiid..'k6d and Gull ............ . 3.85 Tile Star and Montreal Wjtness..,.�.,. 5 The Mar and World,Wide.... .Special Clit6bing Rate$ Wloih other pe�ioclicals may he had an application J0.11 at �r Offic`c,, Cir Thone 71 for Aily illff)r1,1, lips IVIVY AV too 3 Spe'dah, me uitk bhoes - iimiiimiioiiwim - -- 11111116- ... f'tvirt Of M�ftstfitwck or Brown snain slacher, plain Vamp, Box loot. Panks SPI't. ,.it*d r sewed,� six*# 6 to 10. sptiial $3.25 - 30 P,*ir* Of Mon's ftlgeek or BrOwn, mtd WOrk Sha##, solid Leather .5*1# ium weight uith Rabber Z5 Phirsof WhIfte Knee Rtibbers' hvavy `5 1 011011, Sixex 6 Phone 384 Mo 'PC 0 131 N S 11 111 N F Y a tar anu Ine loromoStar .............. 6.50 The Star and Thefarnier's Still.... , The Star and The Fanilly Herald anct �Veekly Star 3.00 The Star and Saturd,.ty Night ............ The Star anA Saturday Evening"'Post 5.5% Th6 Star and The'Netv outloo�.�. . 3.90 3.90 The Star aud'Calladlan Hornes and. Gardensi..,, .4.65 Fair. 'rite Star and The Youtils, ........ 75 Th COnTaI11011 ...... ;., 3. � e Star and Tile Cath6fic Record ............ 3.75 'file Star and McLean's Magazine.. !0 ... :.::. 3.75 The -Star aiid..'k6d and Gull ............ . 3.85 Tile Star and Montreal Wjtness..,.�.,. 5 The Mar and World,Wide.... .Special Clit6bing Rate$ Wloih other pe�ioclicals may he had an application J0.11 at �r Offic`c,, Cir Thone 71 for Aily illff)r1,1, lips IVIVY AV too 3 Spe'dah, me uitk bhoes - iimiiimiioiiwim - -- 11111116- ... f'tvirt Of M�ftstfitwck or Brown snain slacher, plain Vamp, Box loot. Panks SPI't. ,.it*d r sewed,� six*# 6 to 10. sptiial $3.25 - 30 P,*ir* Of Mon's ftlgeek or BrOwn, mtd WOrk Sha##, solid Leather .5*1# ium weight uith Rabber Z5 Phirsof WhIfte Knee Rtibbers' hvavy `5 1 011011, Sixex 6 Phone 384 Mo 'PC 0 131 N S 11