The Goderich Star, 1928-04-26, Page 7Theeteeteee,PKLL Nth. IOU WOMAN COULD 1"44 iiiiiimitilliiiSSIONISSIOsittititessitsassimmemsessissir HARDLY WALK 1 _____ . Sunday citifternoon : Mu. Hors Tells hew Lida E. ,4p_.7I!!),. EL _11_44_ MIL TON. Gedaidte O. ... , r it I i allid. 4 ' '.1 LL I • *0,4 Liszt, sausamt . .,, --.__-. ;4 Aiiiiihiall ti 41,,1 Interesting and Instructive Addresses on pilaw s Yet- CwiPinuNI '4..it man must liver We justify t ,, These Popular Flowers at Horticultur ` Redefed Her }kaki' trittslehIentorttaleklItttle gt1OPI4c1811 11''4' Van &an, "Ye know Ilet what ye ase ,...ss ADDIsolv virit. EDwARD8 ye drink of the cup that I drink MI IA I -in .,rautop/It''"IbAkve t4ITelitYdia' Or a whole senate bought and reki. • that I ant bantized Vtle, le- It T • ' ef ? and be Imptized with the b3Pti i :',,t" . Ininkhaneu V elardroutitd'rurit?Abade With this self ,evident r 1 • • " iin his commintary saly-s; "tile- etjTAI,i, 'A man must jive AND MR. LAITHW,AIT.E TTilviho)641 fltnn4owle. "Rut is it eo? Pray tell rao why of this question seems to have been ta i mlleh 1 trouble so badly.I Life at such cost you have to buy? able of the dignity to which they €1.F. try hew far these two hien were cap -R ---- -rterest ShKao,:n by a Good -Sized Au and i was au rue. A Mall Mist Jive ? could bandy walk In wirat religiol were you told pired; end this on the prineiple that Hall Monday Evening TIES GODER1CR STAR Dahlias, Gads an eerily get around down and e ould There are es when a num row): sake will be the nearest to Hinz in hie A tdi"14e''ll 3v41-4'1" 111113' 4.t1 11° ECV W tile! he who is able to suffer most for „ to do my house-, There are times when a illa will die! "we esm.." D btles's kingdom And they ,,a4d „„t, MacKay Ilail on blonlley, Apr. l'Gtn, rake lightly to mok work. I weeld be Imagine for a battle -ow n y were per. - to hear addresses- on dower culture mulele around the pi, in bed t hree or • fectl Some of tbe €101e.7 four dus„,8 at a ,,,, _. eo.c1.1.ers with a sword to hold, lingness to follow their .1!4aster to any e In profesquig their wit. time. I •s,;ns fold 4yikfr seuneta with a flag udfulicdt suffering He might have to endure. by it frieud to try IA eaWard'S w.hine, this, liae's *LeeeeeTelate'"ee ele_know that jalifiV3 beeame your Vegetable Compound. / did, and ,..,111"'he!! c.'" ' -"ne-sworficl,tanint14111iJohit'l ebentilnIctintilturobuYglithin4 ikelning to get ;mound again. I tie& Ho died I by the time I took two bottles I was wile Saviour did pot 'live!' I Ing lire, bitter persecution. Per- in jt and tow I art; hii 'Rht in his death WitS life, haps it was the feresight of what rtrAtigiratiTi aild diomg my own work. Life for himself and all mankind. they would have to pass Owen h thnt / live six grorno.ups he 'Work for, so Ile found his l'r b sing -rte made Jesus an$Wer them so tendek- '1htvineklhatulell'ete.Sanitiv$41104'rasvt-kh, an'tdell AArres-Whew' -Weithullfiro"r4mciafiY"Ifind 'Gillen the ten heard the amazing IT ' think it logged. RAI owe my health Life in the cup of death, request made by ohli and James they tU the Vegetable Compound, -and I Adir tug it were moved with indi ati . think it more of It Wes 'used women Win life forevermore."Jesus, would be better off. I would not -Prom "Record of Christian Work." to "sae' °ailed them' ail to ewne seeing that. a hot dispute lina about without it if it coat 'we_ uit Itton;e.c - i ,, pRAyEit , around Mtn mid:began a discourse ort -iiirsrEM11103'4414.4°e1/4 ' 448" an. ,'1' Almighty Father; • . ' "Lordship." In the kingdom about uen Street. Barehtort, Ontario. , we PM' thee a to be set up there sh.all be no such Doyen feel broken down, 1H help thy servants in the ministry to thing as superior exereising an ae- studweoksoloeumesTuOdia.re Panic- 'see thy will, to understand the mean- knowledged authority over others. bem's VegetableCoroPOundise,lreel- ing of thy kingdom, and to reveal All re3r servants shall there be equal; lent to take at such isthigg:Ittitr;78 __'wl,lat.thett -host; told them in all sire- and the only "greatness" knoten tO it h(seattigdwifillIrekietrglisoondition.el idelacrityalelscidfseteertatnyd stsatrabat Intozlmtty by several members of the legal lIer. tieultural Society. 111r. Geo. Gould moved, leaving the, here to sievel.q., weed as ehairman •Itsti presented a to, IneraMILIn 8,47,e, OM% d•Wer tete, terIew of the work uudertaken by the are ped In *bros. the (intro elai' ifortletiltural tiOttlety, Of Width he is hole; the. strengeet; pine% ant the to be ptesident. 'other Lw, and, twit ill„Lillbiti"“ The Glatilioltie flowers ale desired. and the in= 3treit, T. Etisvarde spoke on the sub. ate'orlio,tteowNINI1Th7 trade's of the word and of the diger- you will have fewer ihmege but better ClIllevalottedelises gtraeatreeslegielefinfoillotfhaernsd. Lord in great multitudes. In Christ's Ile was their model. As 'the werti 'name we pray. Aznen. (S_e_Ieetie9c12)t; Tninintibstere lzedgituting with Clod," he was T ,swARTs, S. LESSON' POR MAY tith gut° and Jferse Livery flack itailas, filunigrosti Street just off the Square SEVERAL FIRM-CEOS ;OTOS HEADY FOR SERVICE.-'0er 'YOU ANYWHERE AN» WHEN YOU WANT TOttrtHERE ‘lettasers Meet all rains sun Passenger liostS PasSensterasslied.fOrIfl *fly port al the town for all fruitiest 0.T.R. or C. P. R Oeptit ts Prompt Service find. Careful At tendatice. istfe Our Livery arid flack bereice be fennel- np.to-dite In every respect 414,114 'our Patronage Solicited • T. SW Ar$ 011,41)0 . Stortre,st Sire e r .•;."..;‘ Roses I 1 Culture of Meetittk v., 1 AKERS et in Mae in full hi•i•int a dust Ine:, or to with manure. DAV be le Jett of gladiolug. Ile told of the der- .the ItriVeS and pinch thee, out *No. cut ways at proteins...lotion, whiell, ones. . 110WeVerx had merged for emenzon no water is ott ittel,,,mand twin In In the halm term eglatis." The word The'sTaicioe o gladiolus tees derived from the Latin word gladlus, a sword, from the shape Is practically full of water. anti watsr the sword lily. :Muck of the empu_ moisture the ;woad IN et the leaf' 41" ala° dealers ("al" tt einarItretnirotlwatle to .the pgiaIrtztilt.e In Uie briot cheerfulness or Its apperraure; urged and ft dttSt mUkti Mikinttated lazily of the gladiolus was due to the for ItS needs if the ground is kept eul. benee the- term "glad" was approprie thereby holding. all the natural mots. ately used. Some people eleimed tielt ture In the soil. The root% of the new the lily of the Bible was a glaelolus, plant lave to work itud crawl for the 'enelee"r"" "a kn"ll 418 a strong root system. This /eirds to bytteintle and during the mlildie,oges the merle nee ereteeteatIon In place -it was itnown In Southertt.Rutope of watering untli blooming time. then lu there being no true illy in Palestine. :necessary meigtere, wilt,* makes .10V unto; ll iltet or this eame, the 4?eyll 114'. The "gInd" l'elenge4 to LeaSort. Topic--.GreatnesS Through be t° Oro, over, the son the his familr, being native to „the the' earth. Seviee. . ef 'Man Came not to be ministered countries bordering the Mediterranean. Lesson Paesage-elliark 10.13-45. • • Golden Texte-ltfark 10.45- e • . In this verse Iffe a ransom for meny." "I'd r„ y ars ago and nas Into ace n unto, but to minister, and to give his ; !Le", °ewe le Eug.teedi thteee t the sacrificial and Arnerlea About one Untlitted years ago, Some tin* previous to the iteldent Vicarious nature of Christ'e death in but it Wag otily during the last thirtF in today's leeeou the diseiedes, when 'expressed bY gimsele; but teat was i Xintto that Its greatest -development on the way to Cipernaum. dispoted not the subject of His discourse. it t bad taken, plave. In 1800 a thitherto among themselves "who elesnalie the was eervice as the ruling principle in t unkitown tee* was diseovered In AC - greatest.". Then it was that Jesus his kingdom and he used Himself as! rlea dad brought to Flue -land end gavel them the object lesson centered an example, -a service so profoundi Prance, where it was brought to a round h• °I "kw and f°r°1 previ°1181.7 the iittle ehild. This reproof and so pure as to include eeen the: we'lt did not, however, prevent two of the surrender of life itself. The spirit; 1•111knwn' in 11)(1° Mr. n. it. Ordir' , gave to thpublic discipies, Jantert and Sohn, from mas- of self-ebaseinent is to distinguish ing at in osz unseemly renueSt. Mat- the entire course of the thristiont smo slgenditt specimens, mat he ete , er edrokoe, Ontario, e. thew says that it wa,..; the"): mother life." (Parker's Bible). t gaged wry ektensively In the protetea_ who enoire for there. If so thy were, WORLD MISSIONS i iluu 413.!1 tlevelomnent or the newer, present and Jesus, paozing her nvero . 1 mei it Is to hint we ere indebted for geudditeresaglevada..1,1,:isotrewpitaayzie,thein. sight esire was Thauebe In Shanghai, Chine, it is a common i the g:adiolus as we know It today. sight to see four or five coolies pule, '..Curating to the matter. of cultivation, he drew it feoni them. "What Wotild ling a ctirt, often heavily laden. *They i the speaker stated that,. 'though glade 7e sifould that I do 'for 701.0” They get" ot well enongh on theelevele-but- were early -to -grow, to feet the-heet re - said unto 'aim, "Greet unto us that when they come to go up over the sults they should not he grown in Just we may Et; orte on thy right bane. bridges they often find it difficult to any place. They do better iii 11 sunitY, tug the cart up. As I crossed al opeu.position and in A good saudY and the other on thy left liend, in thy glOry," These two •alopg teith Peter bridge the other morning I saw ai loam. Tho soil shuld obe dug deeply. • had enjoyed, a sort ezr..precedence over well-dressed Chinese gentleman. that I and Welt wetted. first chosen to follow "Jesus ; the other epostlets. The best sizes to puint ,ire one hull N. ea They were the I know go to the assistance of a cart -1 lase •ti.,,,y that was stuck, and, laying hold or al to one owl .1.eate Inoue: l'a .,. 1 41 . .,e n; e. were ednu.t.d. to his ' c ..st confi. vsPe; give us the e ' • . '' ' 1‘ I 3 t e extra h lp that 1 ebould he -dividea with a sharp knife, deuce and _hod on . three occheiene was needed to get the °flat to the tePI using powdered: sulphur on the'•eut- when his power attic glory were eortMIA. ar.c SON to leave part of the pec- Of the bridge. It Must haVe calmed , ‘,... ..... nliarly .rnanifested a) that they nowt a good deal of surprise to the ' "were obsessed with the desire for sers-b7, and not least to the co,olles., about in rows •ystom. 'The 'bulbs should be .feture greatness ' over the "others, MY friend overtot,ik me a. feey minutes t Inebes tavirt ,and ulnehes flpityt in .•• '" eAssign to us the two places of high_ later, and. said, `I am very much nee tee roue est honor in the corning kingdom); terested in the laboring eleaSee.": Smaller buibs might be gante I only two etches deep BREAKS VIP GAS was their presumptuous request. 'Pres," said I. "I saw YOU taking ' 1 .jesus was wee eeittfeen, his.reply for Very practical interest jUst pow." He: Vultlivatlon Is tlie seeret of *growths; IN THESTOrmi.„dra he knew What wit 'before his folloW- chid clid,r The soil should be kent „ - - • answered, "That is my workl when ' t -wator.freely the Season. Is dry, MY' fine or two Nils of teeter to eaell Pima every 4ive or six does, and "eultivathee the sollafter eines waterhor its soon as It IR.poRAble to (Teat() tt dust Untleh. When. the buds appear IS the Droller 'tines to reed your plant: This von be done by lightly'ralting elv or eight incites from the stalk nue for twe fo.1 surrounding the plant a good handful et bone laeal. eorue hardwood ashes muriete or potosh. tne latter Mr strtmg tuber growth. If the flower buds ore healther eleullig norm- ally. one or Natisrariory feet), and form, do not add further fertilizer. especill. ly If the growth of the is Un- esually tail and luxuriant" and few flower le:WS shelving. This efunlition inaleates that your soil Is already too rich, • , -la. preparing blooms fori, sltOW, water the plants thoroughly tis' ditY ifetero •the flowers ere to ins tut ; this fills the stelae with water. Cid the itintrii in the ,evening efter the sun itas gone &wit or range -in the flume Eng. 'Immediafely aftee eluting din. the thie .or the stems in belling Water' for a le* seeonds; then nitAie in vases, of (aria wide!: -one korki) bre erml j,?lo ye. ,For harvesting In the fall, lifter tbe foliage naki been killed• ivith:-frosk Pet off the, stalks about terte belie* above the ground, dig the entraps Very Oro" fully a digging fork, endue ;ere not iet break the tubers, if the leek of a tuber is brolteit or erected. ,etit IL OR. Wilt will Outs 1.0t durine the Win. pressing arOina ;yinlr heart from Llowt euffer 'front, dan,ge,roue .gas Wade, help,thent to tile to d th. become eue,ed or Mull. give.o (lees llet I ti-r7ii.loo-kefet,e.sio-11111(eqtreeir5 24191"' ere ore they sliouyi enter the king. r HY and put lo the ever I see them unable to pull their .1'01 sworliti •IAP. *0 that Sourness, acidity, bloating or pair.. IA indigestion, Stop erorzybig. When- ever you need quick Atonuteli take a little eilisurated pow4er or tablets. It breaks up 'gas, .,Iteutralizes twills And keeps the atone ach sweet and,strong„ und digestion perfect. At good sing stores every- . erher,e. :Not rt, laxative, ° Was Bothered With Hit. Heart Had Dizzy Spells 'Mee. .Clayton Mort Milton, .112.S., Nortitets:-J, A short twee ago ti .was egreetly bothered •with my heart, *weld apt steep and would have bad, (Rey / ale° became so lea down .1 could. not do my work, but would, just have to sit down. 411.41Plit 10t or money trying dif•- teem medieines, but rum of theni .seemed to do me any good. At last 5117 enother tideleed nie to' bike ii/ter had token e, .eouple of ---e-thaug-k-litiziartalteririr-4-ItTeinacier; *anthem(' their ince and today I am in perfeet itealth and feel es %tell ad II • did when. -was young girl. • alwaye rveMenterld Hiibtrilea •;Wert and Nerve Pitts to my irietals M X feel that / rennet praise) them .enotmh-for whit they have done for Priee" 50e. a box it dealer's,. or Athiled direct on receipt of .tiri'ee by. The T. Jiilharn co., Liranol. Toronto, Ont. Willi you, too,' be surprised "It was a delightful sur- prise" writes Toronto subscriber -. "to find that I could talk to my Mother at l'ar away as Sarnia dor only 55 cts, by the Everting Rate. sure few people realixe • how very little )1t eoses 6 telephone evon to Points ai fat, d'stant as *Sendai by the Evening Rate, and you would do the ptiblit a ger. vice lir entlibribizing thle point.' This is only one tof mate? instances •showbg •that many people do tacit know how low the Ilveeiing Rate on Long Distance is. Call up our Alanager end adle him the rvening ilete / some point you are pitftieu-i hely interesVTIn. 1311# 640, will probably be aorpri ed. era p an n I have a ehanee eel. a few moments tvaterfne. mice -a, week.. ,rhe nae I .-un to dr3r. Leek neemeee , . aPt4it10410Wa. The stalk •Ols to Preachthe gospel to them, I tell. led Is te IV the Ilee en the groped them, 'It is because I am, a. Christian I nod let the -water soak dote to the that I helped you, because I love I r°eUl- jesus.' And ' if I see a ,wheelharroael . Ing OW bulbs before freezing, cut upset in the street (a very common! the toe ea right to tbe bathe leave ont sight), I help the in replace his load in the etir 'and eun tor several tia3.e; andpreach the gospel to hiro."---Proin then put them awes lu a cooL erg "China's Millions." • . I place. .After tr few weeks break oir 1 ---......_..,_„,_. , 1;),,, 'ow bulbs mut store ft)), winter in NEGLECTED ANAEMIA ; . ilat.XIi • beIna(('2)2,,dry p' ace. Often Leads totheMast Da1as . I ;IsTboelaldite was the flower taken by I . Consequences Mks ,Addison for ewe Otldrees, few In no disorderis delay Or neglect told or the different varieties, and etaled . fat se loretioe 'Wag ...more. ..dangerouS ethanIT e -T -anaemia suably the first -noticeable Signs are eoneerned,, they voted be plontee al- , pale lied and cheeks, dark rims un-. most .no3.wliere so long .os there. wen Rereading the roots in their natural ". der the eyes Old a, feeling laf wearie riot 400 much .slunle; '.ther $lioula not form and grotlually filling With good* Oen soil eontaleing,no mahure. what- ever; tread soli' firmly, Make ti Intsin immetlintely • taltroninting the pima: water thoroughly. Don't .he 21 f1I 111 fo seal: the troll to bottom of the roles. Water again wisest the soil be - coiner, dry. • Keep eour hoe ping; titer is nature's way of waterlim. Never put water on the ;motivs. but liserkes, uhtle -is Atli of water and If 111140,;,,in„ 1.0 the erowe i1. win yam VIM*: sewer with dry 50101 .-to them em te, Rbrieeillog. • ' • . Roses • . Mr. (Item:: Leitievalte took Ole tome for_itis „subject and gave poitters tot planting, 'smiling, serayingt ete. Poe plat ling, seleet tinnily toe:t- ilos', dig fl hole eighteen bugles wide end two fcet deep, plave in the bottom eight imams of well -rotted manure; Pound this firmie. ,. On top of' tide. six, ineines of • well-prepared soil cout,tIon tot; • on Autimire . .whatever.. Trend( again, lessee the plant In the hole ness. Thee follow headaches, bAck. • aches, palpitation and breathless. ress. The ohly way that anaemia ran be overcone. is to enrich the Mordand it is because of theirwon- laii, wel otted stable manure heifer be planted near largo shrubsre or tes. In Ontarb»ts rule about June 1st Wde a good titne for planting. If pos- • sible theaoll should, beprepared la the derful blood4enriching _ arid blood- lidded. if tbe soil --;i='.:;:::? makine Properties that Mr. William' 1some coal ashes 'also. Care must be Pink Pills have VVOTI such great sue. taken not to have lite soft toe eget' at Nem- in the trentment of this often elatutl»g time. In the elegizer if the melt stubborn disease. Thousands of young girls Who were. in an anaemic condition owe heir *present /good health to Dr. Wile Horns Pink P118. One of these, Mins JCatie 1VIcEitehern. poet Hood handful:a or bone meal, mix thorough. MS., say I prate the daar I be- ly with this -soli and fill to rgx ineltert eee th ime of DP. 'Williams' Pink deep. Pills. had not been feeling Wen it Hat Isle% piece in -the tuber, laying' with the eye or shoot up nut • . for s me time. I wet; very pale, had rove 8(31' '.011(2;. dizpv spells, and o((!1i810381 fairting snells. The least mid eotne fertilleer Is necessary, dig soli lins not heen prepared in the fan gtehtistt,iot rasvs .a -re birder! the hole it good size laveee tbon Ile. on the brier, Plant so tho'graft mu% eess'ary to plant the tuber, and ttvelve is three belies below the, .surfale of beams Alert).- add .one or- two good the soil. lasetteli for trier siu.kete. They have generally two more lents.* In the .follage group. Not Ivry Often this happens, unless the teuder hYbrld Is winter -killed. appeluannittgasalionlathite. liteeorr the- sup jetzthaeni skirl azilislwliglythgerosgsnif. priutleizenobll•elek Ito* strong, wed ripened eye or bud. Asti general thing the' entire top or ;no ' plant iihould be removed, leaving thins mod luta en each cane, three or fnie. • ,,eaties to the bush. •If you wane continual Idoomhze,illn. • uot let too many roses eorne at• Inks: f'specially .Tunte A twig with eat) good rose Is better than four ritualise *nee. No dip alt but the venire Mod when they are the size of large meta. • Nome varietitee will eximust Ilene selves overhearing in the liret kV* In einte. Always eta 7011r roses tor high enouMt tie to the stake end loop. eut ',Duero in the bud, Pint 1114011 tieing at Intervals 'AS UM plant 'PfoWIllek Opi-41ever let'rwerishiy on it; Ming anYthieg soft for ties. (WU- hushes to drop off vote three to font, 4rithee deep until blostenning time.; then riot more than teto Indies, so as not to Injore tbe sumound the tuber with sand. ;Never , let. the tithee -eon* In contact with tbe r ertion would leeve me tired and fillilizelf* (re". with 8011 feet' er five /breathless. rn title condition. f be, inebert and as the sboot Alms up you , wee teettie re. eenteen„) phqc Nos. •Int Vila, 1),:s not press- the soil down I continued their use until I had take tightly ,ON*K" ,the tuber. liefere cover. en nix begot). by whit+ time I was IluIr the tuber drive a stake in the enetin oteinyine good health. 'Agee gratin(' back of It; this -will eliminate ev exeeriestee will lead other suf. the danger ofeplereingeellt 'tither b7., te give 1117 medieine a fair driving Wain the stake inter on. 1 tri^l." IMbliae obould be planted three feet If you tare a* ell ru nedown, or npert for best restate, or two feet week. vou should beein tit once to apart If set In reiva, If InCflie titan , fake pe, ee'llifems' Pink Pilia and ono shoot comes upi'ent away all but eels tvill soon be roll and steopg. Om steono.st one. W/11611 yOnt ShOot Illoce Pilla ore old by all mgdicirie has three sets of leaves pinch out the dealers or will ba sent by mail at 50 (video one; this Will muse the Plant o bnx h" The br• WilliAirw' to branelt mit better. When, the shoot le • Medicine Co.. Ilroekville, Ont, Pires Take ileavy Toll from Can- adian Forests. * la • ta ar • W Mr II Y N . es* warr VaalliaIWOR 4.- .40 171 11 I; • J• la AN VI 4.JP A in ar ier X X av 01•• N 4. LAMPS A Brighter Light A Better Light Lower Current Cost • 50%Longer Life 4. 4 is II 11 , 4. e 4Ib • a a op If • * l*1 01 IL 10 .11It dr, _KA Ire If St ar st_ fir _ 4. • MI 0 lb * * AT T.HE HYDRO STORE ONLY Every Canadian IThee Poreet duets, You Cao OuiCkIy timber hp Sore, Stiff, Swollen Joints The best ats and the best china ICK tIAKER • Every package marked "Chinaware" conpins.a piece of china as good and as pretty as you would buy. 1845 TREATING FOR SMUT Whileweed control and conseq. i !What the Doctor Said uently the sowing of go.od clean. seeg i Tousils are "diseased, MUST emir - is oPilerloost in the made 04 .a" ritc*, Mre. Sybilla "1 1114.1 TettSilitif3 aeva0ValletrflathanuNat vt usiaiiaW(3101utziajolV"1,.. I watt applied; Tonsils healed and, thk,I. able loss annually. i operation. ,. cancelled. Try it, FOod' reoulto guaranteed ot. money iliteli. To treat oats for either looso or ' ____,...t-......-...... CONTIVII smut is a simple matter.- All that is vectuired. is an ()Winery quart Canadian Forestry Week, April 22 pint of water.Thi . s amount willi tIO ? t° 28' sprayer, a pint of formalin are. .. ...?„,..,t,m,..1,...r...„?....w4.-.x...," . from 40 to 50 bushels. It is known Crie man sprays while another tuella .MOSt Men Past 40 as the dry formaldehyde tfeatnient. the oats with a shovel. Care must i be exercised regarding. the eleapjle Break Down Easy mtal2tess°pflathg. f1°.krsowhilee snurtelletlftlaPtrapYlietnr! 8•Elvtanddfielift -44 -UPnros4ttgo' N:'1,iVeetleitksiseast)Ce. . staymoef .avaeinlitsialasatinottni epssrevma4ilys bocktbeexiapvg? - Its n n 4 44 n n e Ttaells., How 1)r, Quick.Sonthwmotraz "liiriai- ienced. After completely ell .the eats cover with bags tor. hitt! ' tiverworked, sluggitth hidneys, Madder Weeknees and Prostate keta well treated and leave for four r five hours. Peke them out and Gland trouble tring on so many die.. treesine; and often setienti ailment:3 sow. • aed The spr:Okling method is o.k. f•-tr --that every sufferer front LIM s bu., oatt net ns enpvenient a: the nests. Paine in Bark_ ann ti dow al.ove.' Btrley or hullese oats, how- through groins. Scanty but frequent ewe-. should be tronted for (14%410 burning Urinetion, Getting.Up- ritabi.iity lir smut ter the rerinkPne method. The moth, ilereene ir dry method as ileseribed for oats. will Weaknees and Laelt of Vital Form - likely injure the rterminntion otever. r'll°1-11(1 tt'•51' t1)-(' Pl°e" vale a Pr' Pouthwortles illiATABS at onee i of barley, One pint of formal:n te Amazing testimony of Phyaiciane l 40 gallons of water should be sprinh. „eel usere tee." eiteetheitee prod ee ed on the barley at the rate or 12.41 tb"e rentareable pewee of ulteleepec.. of a gallon or more per bunhel. Core must be t --a sn•vial. premiptian sueeesefully aken to see that the harier used for more than 40 years in the, is ettrefully turned end all covered ,Thivote neneeei, eir ette 1.1. Gt statue 1:theet,ereahsntulri: bnallrrIlleY rd bags or blankets.. After WO or 9t1'' with the solution. Cover with Heat- 11'17o.rth's IIRATATIS at once I to dry owl sew ! to T. bhart?elrithtTlt'oliliaul-bactrri.atinnromt °enetil.tuild. will run from the nue eau on the floater. URATATIS dell!. ! NM. now be obtained from any gond, mixture. of oats and barley troy local druggist on a Positivenearan. he treated withotit much -Injury to tee of money haelt if not fully teals. the barley by the dry treat:emu, out- I met, So if yonneed a medicine a lined for oats. . • thin kind, try URATABS today. .- The Oil for the Athlete, -ti rub. i .. ..i.o.P.. bine dowp. the athlete will fimi Or. J 4-----e - -- "----"---- Thomas Eeleetrie Oil an excellent : article. It renders the muschle and sinews pliable, takes the soreness 1 out of them and strenethenn them 1 for strains that May be ma mime them. It stands pre-eminent foe this! turpotte arid athletes who for YOzwg I have been using it can teetify to ita . value as a lubricant. A. Ceetatlia 'Without, Poresto 84 thh, ) thinkable. INSURANCE The Mutual Life Assurance Company the Porests from Fire. 1 Canada Asks Your Rely to•Save of Canada Rheuinalism • mill suffer needless pain. Wont some tifinard's1.initrientattul rob welt into the at- • fected parts. You'll est:led- ence almost,instant Por- Miriard's and pain •simply can't get ontogethet. ,The Great White Liniment eiestelthed ill:AD OtTteU ; Waralr.001. (IV; • • D.• D. MOONEY, Agent •1 230 EAST Sri% : Goonttreft, ONT.. • .• CANADIAN NATIONAL RY, TRAIN SERVICE to TORONTO Ossify except Sunday i,ro. Goderielz 8.20 nom. 2.20 p.m ' Clinton .2,5 11111 2..52 p.m. lion,forth 1I.4 I man. 3.1 2 part. Ikliteheli 7.04 man. - SAO pen Alt; $41111101 d 7.30 ni tn. 4.1 0 pan. ; Kitchener 8,20 tern. 540 p.m ' Guelph 8 4f) a tn. 5.00 p.m. ' Toronto I0.25 aJn. 7,30 Rettntling-Leavo Toronto 7.45,4 14.28, 1 2.,541 p.m. and 0.0511.111. ' Parlor Otto ear, Goderich to Tn. estov on Morning train, sind Toronto ,1, Gatierieh 0.05 p. ni. train, iiirough coed; Oodorich to Toren*. P. P. LAWRENCR& soNe Town Passenger and Tickets Itireros who** I; iliolidemolmiudembeleime Sprolig-- i Sp' ° - IWith Spring Comes Cleaning up and . Painting . '‘:‘,1:(,61.)::10:1s3'alfiiilr:Ysi 'iftitlititititillgO'rrl'jftl16:13; i'OfilS11L311141fitSk*OS 'offilip5allinl.ni.tc°tavkeev: . uvsheyaslullot If atvoe poilde allepscto:r puaienst soettaTafs,sit f‘otietsitsa, 'gllit:tdtnrlirenlks°., • ,7 5.e'lenitc:require. a- Cream Separator? . fl you do, Ave a new lol,va, numlier .15, Whieli iltd Will Se?, II 10 ytpt Iii:ry cheap • 0 • ‘. . vett Chronle Rheumatic Swellings in •Knee, Elbow. Shoulder or Finger Joints Yield to the Mighty Powerful Inflaenee of JOINT- • RASE. It's here, right in fowl; and II. (:!„ . Dunlop, E, 11. Wigie and ever,9 live druswist hss it.. It's a low vire remedy, t4 ,•but that deeen't eton It front taking !the kinks, lameness or tf,itilte (int ivr your troubled Joints J.b.)nt-1-;ase is the nanti,, ttct (91/04 hetsitse it. is roimpfuindeol solciy, for ptupe.fe. of •relieving all ,n4, astimentm, Neat tub it en the ttwmented, isnie istnts and in :inst fee, tvet,uNi it- .' IW'rictiste to the be sad bits, sed comfort conics quickly. It absorbs instantly and b so clean and stainless that you can tub it on often and get thereby renits much moro quickly, when the . joint is inflamedand the agony intence. Poing midi • a powerfelt eenntee I tient, it cannot help kisiraing ti!llerdY .and helpful reSnits frt (en- fetetien, eere throat; 44'4 lumbngir and ttettralgid, =tit quick. than /duvet tsny remedy yen tau hey. Pot, Neu ?mint rementlm. that 4. in nifintia2t1 tia3t it 4isevn.441 Ard its heb,Zullas3 wkionAt N2ta eft' amt (112C-1'ilti,uente ince f Sled, iich wero, in the iloted Sunset that we are offering for We have a number of white enameled Wash Stands .5o each. These cati he made intol)ressers, also could be niatteinto China (10sCiS ity placing legs wrier tittNii, if you fOquire any good 2 -inch planking we still hav2 soiokft.. • We carry a fun Hoe of Shelf and. Heavy Harrhvare. V ou require Plumbing, Heating, Electric Wiring or Eave Treughing, give as a call. Always m full line of Hind sotd Soft Cosi in stock, CHAS t en LEE The nardwarc Store at the narbot ItielLIMIIINO and MIAMI boas 22. noose Those Ill, as. ia