The Goderich Star, 1928-03-01, Page 3I
MN ill ti lett April, acording to lion, 'W. ,i,
i Patterson, Provinc"al Tieasuret, ho -
Iniade his manion Budget untea. in '
itlie Legislature last week. Itto
PROFIT l'N ME Y.f-SAR z9z/ 'my revenue tO the Province dining Out '
period was $13,021,244,52, and tin
Mora Tax RetketiONs to expectations tits body of the kiln- loath expenditure amounted to V11,.
..• •,..,--:-...,-,—*•---,.. ;1 We Liberal was laid to rest in thiti928)398.20. ProrislOtt is made in the
Very:. flAil permit will disagire iltat
'grounds of the ancient All Saints ' estimates for the preoent year
, t, '
roiltittpott" (istykeiders %woo Nimirrive Per coot, of prortt.!tof trina"ntet isf,i- -.good htni „et maw. (burs+ at Sutton Courtenay, where .olleinige ?curious, for the activities of
....40iwiliedi to poseywers Avis incrimased_company sow in bittimit. taultot, to.03011-tcd to tho Ise was born - It win& understood that the new Ruiperay Department. and
ho wso to 1* buried at Westminster 'oleo for large inereaaed expenditurca
• 'Howie ef Commons on Thurtday last,
Lelltilindiling to lIgnintnint .Canadinol Control, , Ito intiomted a number of ehangea in Abbey, but like Earl Haig, be made
itt thlit:t Department of Ifiglavars.-
' These estimates show a, total in-
crease a $1,236,000 over last year.
sitAY, INS
Montral, March 1t, -The phenomenal ,recotdof the Sun Life Astor,
nine 4'empany an inspiration to ail Canadians; gnecree of $102,00000
1st otrea,ty cunal to the total revenue ot the 6e9ernMent Canalla in tiro Var
1910, anti thrt,sitstytoit certninly an amazing F,ttm latre carnet% as Pont in
one year. !tot nitey trotto ratleilanlitritletre fan Xeport %IWO. Tire Pre-
aittens's luthilate. ta'th‘al eonnuents ot •the animal inertiog cS'lgraninG ;tow
aese prolit.i were made were tnotohmting,
trf twit it trvitait r tnennost. Imo -ever, wore Ids etotc teems ratrarding the dun• -
For thnt titit gr4 Vanadian laStRution. may parqi front itunollan eantrol. Soule
suttohn oact It4t4aulas, referred to tbenetivity of Wall Surer In the. buy -
et mot Lite ottost, cautiored rullayholdero sharelioldom of the
menthe it involved to au 'ItataltUtion 'wall founded and detteloped by
inuatriatte end, with.% boo obtained, Ito phenomenal growth under Canadian man.
•agenwat. Fatbantleaf events Ilare thtse end at the annual
Inteag the Ore.; pubile Intineatien wan &Trot eintt the Hun Life direetors are
veeting legislatton at the prettent te•eion of Parliament which is intended to
'effectively forefront this dangoz
Preendlans to liblutain ttin Compansr
Canadian Character
ifleltielltdin't bto Ant
tthitteltolders aitt" ifeuey oldors
erCitill1:111 1111.1410 it)0 ft/1)40010g tero.
eriee te the matters --
"There. do hut one elond on one bort-
con.- Our very nrosnerity ,batt created
a remarkable dentenct far our capita
stock. Nik.• thsire to 'ensure that tiliR
great COMpany trialt niways remain
grietitt Conadiett in its OntrOl and in
pinnitular that its investmento
never come wader Well Street dontl-
41. whlolt we. have intro.
tinced into Parliament will lie eubmit.
tett for your Approval. If it lie pastetl.
it will g;to tho proteotlon we So inavitet sante may have risco), to a Ogi.02 ftrivantageana refinara.Ing °at' ard inoehine gun affail,.
lamb need, toad I IMILOW Ve telt rely • high figure. It'et bare, hoWerer, 0;ad on et:1041111g loans, and eetnnated net gory was aught- tranaP
covenne $416.000i000.
en the. •witraleitearted 0'111040'y and ephlfttne of seatrity redOhyptlons, and munition and arms across
seppert, not only of our stocIthoiders a re mit w It - °`000 t) Frond Senator Stand F • '
tor life assurance allera11011* tlie
0191141)Y. 8;1,009.0)130 from profits meta -
silty lottlitedrIty,._,ttlitt_retlemotlort.
frinrtitrt:*uritteo .nol 019,000,000 front
increase In •marliet rattiest And, a
all tho profits made in the pstrtioir
pitting branch, the poliettolder6 gar
tariff and come notable
taxer. HI III WIIL
Personal Weenie ton was rot
(lured another teu vent. Saion ttutbses Reforatration Program
tax wa_t lowered froro four ner eclat. Within a few year's, there will be
to three per rent., and cotporation an annual reforestration of twiee 41•3
income tax was tut frOra approni- many tr^ es as are cut in Quebec, ac -
nudely nine to. eight ner cont. All cording to a statement made by Our -
told these 'reductions in taxation will tave tr. )& 1I&. chief of Ow Provintiat
effect a saving of some ninteen Foreetry fierviee. lie said that it
lion dollars to tho Canadian pubtiet was hoped this year to plant some
The British preferentiol tariff a,000,00o saplings in the forests of
rates have been redured on rattly that province. 'Last year there were
itetne, and the Inreentage at British 1.600,000 planted. This is in atitlit
labor tad material necessary to en. tion to the hundreds of thonsenris"
ter foto 'tho manufacture of tpecific. winch are p/anted eveYY year by the
articlea before thoy ean clam the Provineial floada Department tilang
privileges of this preferential tariff Ow IlIfthWaYs.
has been raitxd from twenty-fiva Black tinrcet in Europe
fifty per cent.
Ono of the outstanding (shellacs in ItifIttioltiram'itltdiusen°021-4vetrbtit th Leagar
be able to"nn'-'
Ito tariff is a reduction from 371,a much headway in establishing s
per cont. to SO per cent. in the nuntrtt World peace until the minor states
raunt rates under the general tarni lefroin fvom quarrelling _nnotottot. t.
t° eaLt."`*1'" The Ivimilertlifenisolfao.' Lithuania is now
ceitedifier, bare also been revised in a loggerhead.% with Poland over f•iozne
manner which the Finance Minister minor detail and the newn that Poi-
derlared will belpful bath to the ish tt.00ns aro on the tnotre is nansinp
Canadlan public and collodion nliiis much alarm in the Vilna district: per cent. weaving woollen and worsted clothg. Lithuanian hoarder guarda,discovor•
'I would not bare you suppose that- net debt reduction in
Mr. Robb, announced a 841.896.000 ed three mon eressinff the line of de.
the last fiscal =nation on Saturday lost, allot two
we ever. speruloto. We do not. We,
of route, tio not hesitate to sell bonito dottier' of $38,816,000 for the t•esent,, was a spy employed by the troiunteer
or ether fixed-Intereot seeuritleo when
they rist, to such Premiums that the alner. 4024 tof 8.144 700.000; ant eeti- The pact of friendship betnreen fiLioanhdtoninton AbliabtYralAlavvinVti4hnee'refero°tTI .---7,------'.".-----,
tient io po longer etrtIstaetory, but Illattti on:PItts this fiscal Year " 851' Italy and Prance ilea again gone breaking tinor of fifteen . days. A-
investment, ntr hw. to hem, uustondium loans, and estimatg,d tot stigation of Ifungary t
year, owl estimated another debt rot and captured ow, villa confessed be
liheal yeam total' debt IT uetton Lithuanian army.
Bert Muckier, 33ritish Mer,' who hos
.inSt•completed an 11,000 -mile solo
A.N.1914..e exteamenne
when We buy a stint we 'buy for per. 11l‘000; advantageous refiPalleinn of up itt sMolve as a result of 'toilet ill- part from this remarkable record be
LO defsr the also established four othors, namely
autt we never r ell merei(11 r beettuse the surPlus this fiteal Year erg Iati-t'll 0-- League of Nations on the St. Goth- ...-the longest solo flight,' the longett
when Ittni- flight in a tight aeroplane; the rest-
arting. tun- est flight from Great Britain to tit-
her border
dan and the first non-stop flight
Oder Your New
Suit and Spring
Overcoat now—
there will be Ito e-hatice---
of disappoiohnent.
New Spring Goo0 now in.
1928 totet Ter January was. the ,"'"'"'"'",-"--".""""""""""t""""""t""""*""'
greatest in the record .of nine yeavt,, •
being. larger by 85.8 prr cent. than
in 1927, ' the previous, high levels-,
while wholesale ttrees of building
materials continued to be 'owe. titan
61 4; 4 Alt t e 4 0 tr tench tipiniort, atousedt ,by 'these, tween London and Rome. . m previous years Since 1020.
rani VOILMalklet4 here. Premllt, but ot realized profit. • • ' A. brovvatana wao mime oy tne current 14WetVGS actunst too peace or -sport in General
ems, ann., 4)f 0103%0141M thrOttglVait loth enatore in the Pitench Upper EttroPet Itemised Ramo of trying to British Airinan's Great Peat Canada has another conrug. I
iiiietest 'tate framed,. With NO Igted d d blow th%League and Austrara and Great Britatil.. ./ttrcto..weigitt ehamplon in young Jun'
umber net „weeit..en to en t t, give a 03 .•
the country."
f tetert4t-tenti-obtont-ondis avtintsre01 ir peinleve 44.
A G°vernrilent In:443°4 to 1)11
eevti:iveYh tat''a *th'eet fl.lanixi:opthe7b'aticAne.dV'int-t:BPavellt-a(inu:104:11tahitittty,„ 1.'61u4riatiSle t '111121 01 114ne(Ittv"v 1V114
'Vito Meeting 1111 14811101. 41PI/r°41'• - "eatg -• Frattd/wOnlan at tile sort Ito tho inence in continental affairs. it. of Bert, usnehier, mitish nointort '"'""
111 414°Sti°°* 11°W int" ca the normal. otrolugs a a life
portant and ltow '-vittit to Canadians 0 State in time of wo canto before charged that by so doiug. Route aunt'. )ilOted.,11, baby Avro aeroplane when lie' knocjied out alti Terris
big step tourer It the champions
tire the intenstS at stalte is, ditelosed emu] nt tit'nenti I argelY the lite $elrat-e fox. annrevat
last we
tivdro triel-01-iit tire hitt Old. Country to A,tistralia in fifteen lie lias now eigned for a world
st York in call lou'
ittlhvwrt-tu) • 11mitWir to minim ittvettnunte. tit:Teat tate ot bfeurtdetdii.lthesmene:tsi:. the best he 4ould, WO Years has been locked ftt a'tleath days, a distance of more than twe,ive ehampionsitip bout with Salm
4Ireting er 'the C'eler3117* terest Imo been tteedily dropping for
In moving the Adoption a, ttio r earn. an 1 there is wittily of t.bem stinggle Withthe French. thousand miles". aecomnliab'ng Mandell, -elusive king of the 13o
everS.: indication bearded and Lewhithered futhors 'and - On Sottll'attY latt tile British nehi- this; flight, broke five Iv- pour eins. The Canadian' boy
•port. President Moonier v,aidtt..
tot ft w141.1 continue to (*wept -tor how olandfathers, were rigainSt it* awl gIttion *Co Geneva issued „a warping. vows. , 1-1 kI R0• eompieted the longest should go far. ,
"Val gentlemen hare brome K' lie" long we eannot tell, The outlook for final it wAs rojeoted, • to the powcra that develoPMent or flight in a light plane, the first non- 1
;•1:6-tila.T: rii'teutl esuarriirs:nngt$14talelvPerrievra‘tilst. 22) 111 :441't1iltriangltbiss°1.1(1!rililaut4'falne?vtt.st4seess it AtlIcthert W°rhra,„ lteeord Etrairo„rt. , f.nlijavaainAlanreitnY, initgt?i Wniltiienh-latneter fgra°sPtes4itirrilraturfar;f14°ranaldailatglardultea' tit!, in red letter day for Ireland. The
i Saturday was to all appeterancea
words thnt Yttit Moe Ptellared to no anxiety, We have •collgted, malls ; ("1°14 42x et4slig° as /""li divide Burette int° imatile enalni4t Mtn Ann he ellt twelve clan irmn the "eleven and ia the international rigbY
Irish setter team beat the Scottith
Om; f Om nulte Mire, however, pat ptrienecd, most „ 0, coveted the remaricab e speed record i n, 0 n entg al Id b I' vl to Australia, Ife vanished for a . 0. , - i, ,
not ono of Yen. in iiia utORP oi.iso$it,(1° sivecsgrut men on the telithient sto en. /his •reovd was aush that vary
ortergetio "4 1-°'''' of ,.03 miles an hour in a mYsterY sohdtr to' insure. reace .betwoOn ,toe„ night after reaching bis obieetjt"ct i Tbe ortif teltnis iills' making
Mood, ex'PNtell o-retintt Po f•tveraOse worst for us to notintalit our interest
Iwthat MAO yet; Itont bare. Otte to' ear##Ings. •We get thOr tv-oruontion few people expected it to be hreken 11117eti7ointettri7dtite"pdaet:IltivPetiraoslitzt"- atmeedidllatli.Ybut he turned UP at aim" it is flct exaggeration to state that
faaed'ila had met with An !great strides, in the Old Counti:Y, and
°°,-• Ii4 411° 04°1 " th° mir14, tea." standing, , battle corpOrations of the trebruanit 10th, Maleolin Campbell,
eXeeeted has, harPehed. On SUodar, lassoeletion, they hecanla defensive eeeding to his home tovnlo Meet Ina
. Illrecl" • - • country. SO Mot We share in all the
• , alletiler British Inetorilt, always So, tint) mcifitenee a rival group.
alliances whielt 'would be apt to call mother, whom he has not seen for iin ,atir other, e ountry in the WOW
Parkt • thrOughont Groat Britain time
fteitta4n.ible Ge4:411114 Strength 'and ilr°11t III° th" m84e. I'VIW 41: gl'It"14 kr"est rival, 'tirere his. NaP*I Indian Commissien Welcomed ' . a ino PaPtliaritY of tho canto Is putted
hear onotber report of tbat deserin, Larpe grovvs tint brainiest, teost ex. lazing -motor st, ror egrove,
134tish- elainl°4 tilat telkwri- 'Previous night reerird ft."11 Irjrgi"41 betwetrt the same two o,ountries
cord,for 1027 11100(1 ;remarkable ay in,,eitntingrAtninaloworo $n out. fox sone yonts to cow, but the un- iin.d to secure the. signatories of tho curry, QUeenslatid, and is now Pr?' there ate more public courts in the
• , a itortings are 1110 14I two utlitlan8 1p cd of 206 '?.5I0' miles an hour to Reforms is having a
, milts - '''' (lends widell We ,neelre on otitt,,t!ot t ler Bluebird Special a nn . nr.)ratto i The Roval oineilssion on ttt oertlf aawl aaarid 11 ags haitrtanaou;iffetd.altaablonu,tatli'51.91:1 .17ontsbehlvaet tb.t 1,,i.t.n•lorilcin:,i t10,%610a0joarp VI..',e fat:
-"Titer tetr l- 111.22' ethinnete
, ,,„0,,,o,to, o, ,032%iino,onn, ,fl.z. jn. Mere thee Were payable ott tito'. sante heat rail& bette,Ir op ag a 'memento of _MS great u gat._ La aim, _feet toast), _t; it tt,40 At
Segraves• 11113tielN sam2 thr,44,time now_that the -wirier itittnt-th,
• Z;re..ilso.e (22. 4)141 tififIttiOviritt07" :". O‘rits When we honitilt_theint-Our lbroils,=.4tit.,..lionr. -Travtdling---t.mcn 1 0.-riff-nt-oxl-T Ji4ve lapsed into silence? • rm-inigration Ste id All-Ennland tentes chaninZonsidp
tate amount lit tome at the etose ',,,r1,t'sttsli:tte,-ghtnlit,,,,--Ed,tttrstetItteltitles alP•tt !with the wind on 1,- 4' .
ton. Reheli, Ploridt: Cl:tp°b118 Atalrt and as the Indian- Government ha's. `Ittnnigration in. 'the month of milnes at Wimbledon . this year.
12(it,htettlytteairtitix;:41. 11'- 11 $001.4uren.000.4,,, 4,..- r;:'1-11..1.6....iiiit.304,--,---in,--30,3_0N9,uoti.retTir: vmplighed a 111110 211 in 16470 secoeridlsoext tilteeidoexidiutrioatficzornmwaitehontomeis'ssiihr:otno cwootril,; january this year totalnid 3.692. of SOnie 11,200 will, havo to 1)0 returned
tvidelt -771 were British, 1,223 fvont. as only 3,300 tieltets are attlattle
t ... well over 81,60t9,000,000. ,._tt '''' rate tattled by us wtts ,07. per (*tart.; et the rate of 214,a97 Miles per hour • • - • • tile 'United States aud 1.698 ft,s,tit for issue. -
. .
,tthe ineome execi,ttedt4/02,u0600, in. thr3 lt was 0,-0 per eat. ; in 1924, exaetlY 11. miles an hour better than o g vor wi no .,, . ,
x1119 pm* ectit.;, in 102.5, fiat per cettt.t the record, but cm ilto return. lourtleY't stoners arrived at Madras they were those from
other countries. Of -a total of LOOS The _plying rrettehman 2. 81.0 again
doubt be done. When the Contents -
of $23,4•300,000. ':ye Ine, tbls is Tory
an harreete over' the liroi°116 $rat' in linal, 0,60 Der cent; mut itt ltistilt if racing north against tbe wind, he on- welcomed by a largo oolthetong of rn. Seandinavian countries, Holland. Oer-
France, Belgium, .the f(t)linutsnotiautrbdttayttibeyN:nusoltioonrke loniatiction:.
imprttsit.e, ,tset (mit. hos this item We wore to use the saute lirtsio of eel- tly managed to make 199:067 miles dians , reooesepttne. ;At coininunities„ many and SititXertrant - numbertol tatt:I., r,Sirtsabtil°r1 .°t°11,ttlilitell 94i unto() ntnittil svil
,Il( 111 as ixt reviongyeartl, the Tate Der nour.. The 12't (1,(. (1111 4.11 time The totrtion pledged' to boyOtt tile 630. , ' .E. , ,,, ...'.
' PhsP:16 the one holltift-al million %void he. nst per out, 'We, bow- toeing 17.396 aecoons, at an civet -ago commission Were nowIter 4, tO /10 .,Seen A allacto. g' isuilnin Program n.,:i llocearteszo'is 0:iigl,sittliinvinhstiVI. (t)NtIviltroencialtth k.7:cc:op!
marl:, hllt Ili toes:eager nlOnO, is eler, (10 .314)t W104. It, €1104V Snell 44 flsebd Of,,V011 Omoz miles per hour. ' awl tbere won) no hostflitio.;.; of tiny BillidinK permits isotted bY
4Y0tIlli t° w'hat Y. Is °Ur tt441 I/W/nUe high. rate, „lad e$,` We 122 12¼ leeke a Two -United States toeing motor- men, , aties in Canada. for Januarts 0
1111t right years ago, widen bad
been .11eCtIlattlnle‘l by tortytohle *barge or 0 ail! emit, against our tit- it'd's,- Lockhort. and White, aro at -Day. Eduantinn in 'it c, , ; tina SrMtr tot 1114.11 $7,708,004 in iminei fe?rtietg tYtirt3lxireo;) goatati:t t:t14 the tor-
vears or , strenuous effort, ,t. lite ivreet earnings tor investment ext tOlia, Derrelt 'with tile Yell lateat in Tho toter cost 4)f edlaeatiMi 'itt the ompared with $6,676,637 in. January
'timay with a . final Income no pentat, •son 'note that Are ate rating ears, 'and they will attempt to Pantinee a pritoi. caurnbia '1a3L 10A7, an inereose• of $2,032,367. Tht.;. „( Continued on nage 7)
outer than our,I'l 000/80 Ntenht he Tuning" onlY the net Tate. 041 Der beht this 1.1,:ttt record. Should either year was $0,172.128. according. to tt
*portant ,corpaatiOlt. nt.,, atter *leductlur, that investMent Leekbert or White eXrceti this rerird t400ft of the itrovineiat Department
,, (Ammo The faidt0g, tatk. or latori,st skeed both Campbell and Segtave of Bducation recon lY iesnedt
olho, a -$gets• mice inttretaled by voo, .haa,ho totters tot us, • trill atom* to reeapture it. accord- Ifollinger Trageds- Investigated
nottliott ttnd nen.. "(tweed $100;000,- . tog to- letest dispatches. Sir Char,: The inveetigatiott. by 0. Royal Coint
"Tile quality If our .seelttritleg m 33r 1
OA .• • , ., ,, .„. , „,.. 4 , : ea Waltefieldt well-known British mission, of the .lioninger mine agog.
'But the Mott ut•mterftil of All theto d" Jiluge't or 1-• 'tt fart i tat 11 r' °M Spbrtsman, rout donated 0 tren,hy to tot, Ivitul thirty-nine 'nen 11) 2. til 11
• ,Ittmdreful "-iignsts' Is ILe gmou'ut 4101Inr vit interest or dividend int our „ 1 ,, ) 1 Id by tho holder of the worldte lives, this weak.
•,errnt.4 ss wont- t$38,00amornow 11,0,0, ,1,10,,..'014441 °'' . *1.11m3°", f.d'-t1Pl'iee'd' reeOrd, which will carry with Will; comThem is a stroat dmence eal of onitatioa in
„ketrt thiti ligill'o is tnnt, 110 jlidged "9‘eo 'al "Ur IgSett',1 ?f; !It Orient lor
."' 4.11 1)11 •Put* doF' , -
1118t111% et approxixnatel,- eTCioamnssimntiinOssiobntveintlloorodenr tBo"igbUnion"odeili tile ket thai the eirningso"i - o, .• mending thet the wirier& bring auoslr.tlgeviontear, u *hidwe Ea i""ness-u,°66k4hi1itmVea*I . alevidevtheyeon 1) 1.1)10 their;011t11. wero0rwoula 1 •
hhardly reaoauable to1. 1.1.111(21 1H 1.10)1 We halittatned leall oter the 41 5(1(2 Tit?invethat ostr earultigof futurtyeart
(files entlmslat int but we must always 141 112012. will be of thd wide open vars.
look mt the present an A mere vont- Jetty ond after the thirty WitneSses
nge ground feout 'Which to plan for tile
, rs aIreadv subpoenaed have been heard
future, What is that." future to ho?' tany'ether eVidence. which it is
e desived
Yoafter year we have been 001112.., to present may be brought forward.
(tatty. pre -dieting tint glOrioro future A Sign of Prosperity -
Yet to come, and that iwOolsed futItre . An indiention of the protneritv
141 *VWunr011Ing dtscIf ,horore our eyes .. nnd tlevolopment of Weetern Canada
In all its gteatuess and strength. But i wet alvett recently when a trainload
what or teday's futttrot I Itat•e instJ of farm troetors Passed through Win.
been readiug 1113own fauna's of two . nipeg westbound. Made up of 62
Years (Igo, and already the figures, of ears, the train wag told to be tho
willeb we Were thrli $0 pronti look largest eontainiog farm implomenta
evor to* troge the Comedian Orairiett
The buiji of the tritetorn will bo dist-
triblitOd litoto Melfort and litingstidt.
Saskateltelten, to , vitriol:IS pots of
that provinee. Eight ears went to
different paints in the Province of
Hardy's Memory to he Revered
The late Thomas - nerdy. world-
famons drantittist and novelist. will
not be forgotten if Bernard Shot*,
Antold ftennettcanti John Galsworthy
•• CANADA'S NEW AIR CII/E101 hare . thole wan, These Men nr°I
wing commander „I it amtioo It.t., 1 otherg prominent in. the literctry
lug ot law, itprgtv,q1- .,tYito. •life . . -- - ----i-- * -•• -- --__- -,--^ "Jr.* -orld-laare-eignett .11....itopestAuit.fin
7.inirni,irtsr ririti$111TriiiiifiserfildlYttWt1 , Irer wri, n't autioslaenciattnr ill%gieent'tti -ititiS , for subscriptions to A falai for tile I
It 1,1; hut ttak gnu Life Is net VitIllllit '
grow ouly sit the rale of life agsur. litilecoll.nattetslion, with the DireetorshitTint ttr-tihTeia°6.E. levrrojetetilo.! ntin,,eso, innteeitiorrianit4.1:
titv generally. Fttsisties now avail. b.t2„."' -,It°Y.,41,„e.Nitlitine. Air r„rerrer re"' will toke tho sham of nn obelisk ert ;
able intliente titer In 1927 the 41,11110.0,"nr.V"e""" ur ,-,roup val)tain J. wied ,,n Nunn hill in r,18,0,1c n uglily
gote new 23) 95 of' all the l'tlillit111h A„, «library ill 111)rettester. and' the tt•c...
portittit, in tilt, ittotea tnateo or, ' t..-...---..„....,,,-,7,_, ,,,-,.....„,„,,,,i,,,,,...„ -. ,,,,,, setVittion Of the novelist's birthr ace
tee4ed the ttltal for riga by only one (trent Pelitirlait tasseS 'at Dockhampten. - , -,'
pti, tilt, ninr in connwn ny ,;‘,vm re): Britain is mounting, the death of ; Saskatektwati 'Via' Sart-plus
cent. lint 'site new linriturt 4, or tit, another of her great men, the Eati I The Province of Satkatehewan has
sun Lift, ni. (Amara tro,ttt tin by, retw,.., of Oxford und Asquith, better known a eash surplus tif $1.I1)16 °» the- epee.
of thentr-three wr Cent. We tit our tit‘' Ittln• Ifs it, 4t11(11110.1. tenter IPrinse ationt of the Governittveztv elf:1,10h;
own *pate, sine 4prortr trio and 1,001. ,Minister of Gt.t ptIttkin,„_poltrary Provinee for the Steal . di_ 1
larliv, atut the t,ntlnet!astie support of - -- - ' -'--- ""----” ' '- - t- ----
_. _
1,—,-.... e
. trill oontinue on suet' a: tremendous
litlbt. Am We bore tberCore Set
itsitlfk large Part or this -sum, to
provitietror futxtre eentingencies.
A (I* It i4utpitts and Contbigenes,
-• ttOur sontrittes bare In:ea-valued on
n very vonterralive basie, hut from
'run. those stunterate ratites we bare
net taSitle another ;.°,,e700,900 to Prot
•ride rot Inert:et iluctua:tIons, melting
the nOnt deouttion nu4er this headt• sand) nn„) nutgrOWn. W2 1182.4." -doable-11
• - MVO Haw every fire ond 4141141? -years
Inn 410.000,000. • •
-We hate toto tt,t ./t1,10 the itmett.. olnee the Conspany began, but otir laot
Ing amounts:- - • deablIng bas taken rinir .four rears.
further '11,t00,000 for 1own2'2"g61. cunt We are today growing mare rapi4.1.
co' ntingentlot'2,aiting that toot to ly- Walt ever before *oar itiotory. 1
1112,600,1)00; $.100.0011 to otatute, toe prellet that the flguntt of Oro years
vortih.e greater iongetit3, tit annuit„ 'tare will make oven the 'Romeo of
ants, rairing that item to $.1000,000; toilaY 100h etnall outgroun itt tbeir
and $1.SthOlOn 1uereatt3 our re ittrn•
*Mist en (1.4)3)11 *1 11.s1tieS!1: besides • I
• written •oh: ttnulhor i51:000.000 On Onn ' • °
•SUI1 fc, Sets Its to) Pare
110*11 ottlee atut ether 'Peoph,•rometitnen $av when Myatt-
ttilAts,litty,t tlitrttItottti 811,100.000 In
1wt4l 142 oat
moo set aside sti.titij0,000 to corer pro-
nto ae,erited On tiollticts.
"After providing for nit they
antuttutr, in -e• bare ittlilett 11,4 0I40() to
our ourplut. raising that
sum front 431.,0O0.000 to $13,000100.
$eale nt Irr«Ni4; Inereoselt tor Eighth
Nottecsalte I'ear •
Tht aintennecitent, however, that
ifl Itc, *recited with the greateF.,.t ens
thaslown 11111 for the eighth coin
steatite itat, we have) inereared ibe
wale of profit toortirtolfs te our policy. our sir Innate& thownio
beklerp. She 1911sis of illttillottleit for
lien will fall for nearlr t900.000 mere
rhea 'would the testio,er iast zcoar.
emu* to IN•tterbehter4 toostelleil twt
4 Hoe Warta
.1vt. 0AIrcatly .tay that
XtiliSchrtilettl enr rolliWItriVEIF,
Sr,noi iinterileit by any 31(e omtpany
I* Ise aor)a: but we ore rot satitiled
and wilt not be ratiithit tottli IIT4' 41n
mate an c%411)tiltrotor statenamt thou g 1120 l'ic147E081 1. 1'1/ r(1)":1''')‘3'
that. ‘ftrtS M$10 told toir fteM force 11214 refer`711 t° (120 11
1"' ot leikKnat*I'
the ive fro be, ii140,5 /ct •111101111e0 It" "In 41"tn 4'.411/412!Y" "
*48 scrie*00 ih 4411.' profit toitle for tett
cosioresto 3 c a rt., e bar" Main,
ta10041 thini. ttord for eight retire, hist
Fine Robbers
AII Sizes in the Lot
Clearing Out at
Men's Heavy
InIluckled or Laced styles,
heavy lolied edge soles• ,
CRaring out at
with Leather or Rubber soles
sizes 6 to 1 2
' Clearing out at
Itt.ttt •
0,0 e.
err, nitres our growth both tipid mot
certain lite funnel,. sill before
ant kowchEWI,
ful than nurthlog we 1,218 vett', intneue.
3,1141 11 14 illittfq hatittY thought that
nil that growth in "Ike 11114 oh that
awash Su prokperity mean inerealed
strOce lonninitr, tint e.,,ritee nt
1514911Ity •lolver'leg AA,kt to 4on,
altovo quo. ed.45
' Tito littant of ltireetett of Ilte-Ittin ,
Lifik It temitwett ot the followings--
flie ninth spol tenth. years !tit*. rot ft* T, t. 1‘11(11.1"1'. f -I A., VAIL., 14\t,-1-,
MOW; **St little story list ton, 1,, to, thhts nod taansiong oteeetor's ,torintr
1064. 0,12' 'tante 1111.1(0.14..; .....014104 ow IL Wsttl. ft Itt . r A 8,, ttttorthnoo, i'
our *root icyfttreh+,,g• fhttel fir4i Iltt. • SI° lAlittr,!.. Iteth-r1 Altair, AV V-
,itat votrootor our n.,11.•‘###.44" „my, • itiritt, itton , 1110,411 1%shltnr**.1. j, Pei', i!
&Ire *. I. thrill. fiviter, 411,1,V-0,14 Ph, th , 1 0-0400.1% STr 'flo**110,1 !.f. -11431. i.
Loewe 1/4140,041* Ow Itertilt oo auhl. .114 P 10•44P1,01,0--. a Iv: 4.t' •
Ma*.refascee ,,,,,..11. # ' •
. E. vat,* All 1#1.,#-.4.,a, 301y, 11,•. 1t,.....
......,, • 11214 it.,a, r• 3,01,..., 14 T'' IT 14 t ..) nr,
..1.41tt r .4. 1, , 4 44 4. .'4 5^ jle 4,4 441 ,,o it' *4 .-h+-', T.', , Jo. 2,..),„ .i ro
thew here pro.fits h.. 11143' 4111144,0041 We -re iljtfa 4 or ft 1,4 Ni. ,,, !(i,: r ii, i, 1
eariccitt Tt11.1 1. •diT1.110.) 01. ..m0 E. np t T*••••••"•11e*. ir• ‘ 10 'AI 411 ..•; tit .2
illaitiawatoty S lc towel* rrtuts 1 10 r..** 8• 8 IlleN11tilf11 1
-eoipletely t6w tNew in not only
the form but the whole spirit of its styling°
and engineering. A new Si; surpassing in per-
formance, revealing. great strides in speed and
smoothness. New m handling ease, in riding
comfort New and gratifying in every factor of
enjoyment and satisfaction. In short, a General
Motors triumph, the culmination of two years'
constant, earnest labor put into its design and
construction. A finished product, proved by a
million miles of testing on the Genera/ Motors
Proving Ground. At once the confirmation and
reward of Oldsmbbile's policy pledged to pro.
gress. See this fulfillment of Old'srnobile's cher-
ished ambition to produce The Fine Car of Low
Price. Prom Pi deliveries.
CM, ;6 IS
24300N $1165
, a, Es,.,edt
. NgigOr
4.:4StZtro., CA-
V14.4”..,A. • • •
YWAN.0,7. .•
''''.=•%; •
P1/011a1 0.1N1 AT 110409 ; "tt- f' A %. CO'
• ot,..1 ,• .
•-• ,,,,