The Goderich Star, 1928-01-12, Page 7TwuRRDRy, JAN. nth. late
Paips in •the Heart 11"'"'"""
and Nenousie„ Sund.ay Afternoon!'
y ISAI3EL HAMILTON, Godertch, ....=0=0===teicto==onao=esner--
Itt' 11. R ll• No. hometajoittioereettot000loottowialiNitartit'oaeooreeesteeo-ooknriilleeleCe
icoPyrifebt, feet Ftiutk collier)
item a r‘veil4.11eien ehoWeut el$ WhY lad How D° Mato trea ee
stuti:•eirtinwfiVilw°441.0,..,Nit *Z;
Torn Toward tite Son? toment Thloga---How 'they
PAGE say". 1
Mu, 7on, ..\ ii., amen.. 1 s
o le.eo (t(..n tbe h1-* be WA
1iI'lo:1 .; •,,,0 MithUnt $ II. hit :li..,1 ..N.('i,3 ll ' '
Of ,:iia tifying gra-.Te :
.11•:ste tea h:gee .
, that theie W401 at rloptiety or titre e •
ahe Lay, that chews the se-mei:el Nam They Art Made Of ;
e•f eel e .1, boteee A eith i'ains in .. - 4etele of tiengo. ?eerie of you, mays he, in 1 .,,,
0 What I P e I I,
1,1 heert atA netwh'0,541 to': 1:01,m) '', Corehnirs libil to his face. mewling. tin old garment 'Atmitt "ke *.4-* n " tWA- -uill* Stets ot Tkr Stare, the learth,
tame, p.t,, f‘.1 yeetie i.,,I. the, leo t little i ., a piece of ezeire fit W cloth, An oil , fife. Eleerieit5..; Radio,
wino rival 1,1 iiii, on tie., tud e cede .,. 1, Jeees . how genious ie Thy woe° 1 piece weuld be b&e:r. Se, eaye„. he, 1 Liimiore. Geography. Econo.aic:.
*4 ?et ce di& mat reele,15 ce, ; our faith reeeives a righteousneee the Id rites a the Phariseee, 'Their ;
Wica in Thy name we tvust; my new doctrines do net meta seith °owl. The UhlaY Value of Law.. Width, Mennen,. t'escoms I. '
but it seceie.t ti mato re $11-7'et•,,,c;'-c,c;••• Thateoralms ft0 'clinner3 just. EJettric TraetefOrinere? ':lati. Atilotele. Bade. Plant
Life; elieetilatteees.
doetrrues roluired ureeh fasting and 940,„, what h silicon steel?
1 ktor, WC:A ht 011- doctor, bee 11U, 110 :, 'seat Waitee if my riew doctrines were to ir.-. ut..'"-- t3tRRECT ANSWERS. GIVEN
void wtis that i ueeJed a ne.J, eat e
..._ 4 yeets ell ce4 rile :WW1 neeli,o taut a . Our grselous. hea-tTillY Father we tr't
' IF make the matter worse.
idled ea their old oneS, it u'oulll e'a .241 The World'a Unita Hy.
, dro-Eleetik Tomei? , See liow many eou can inrevor by
&o'er us 1 f!h!y had ore. ehad three 1
is fir i us la ion v,a. 4.1 en
tare. l'tlienli Thee 'ellat vei have au advocate t • , • t id ii,' tti . that time.
with ThC0 WhO eame not ta destroy rant wine pu. In o o o es. Bot. 244. How Is Modern Tunnel They will embrace the fuadamen-
- • oLse-t winter witlo eeelene. in a leve
but to fulfil the law and, in so doh*, ties, ikeastern lands, were, male and construction speeded up? tots of a liberal educatione-Get a
bet caroe the ileeneie told re to try _ b srnner' . are sill, nt siiins ot tizasts. ily irso
stud', heokrand keep for future, alai.
t,wet owe •-t. " 1
lung to Thee and find Peace
ht. letutn • • usage the skins beeome tender eo 246,, Ttlit:?Speedieat Ocean Ca. ellee° _
° „and rest. Orant us grace to. trust that it lieW Wine were put into them {1,Ve te construetive suggee
Him wholly. Dcuis tame we pvay. it would, when fermenting, swell arid
i tone or critierirns).
•Amen. ,burst them. "It Is not fit tbat tilY A Ntw Way to Learn One 'Worth MOO* Thins Everyday
doctriee Should be con kSs
fleeted with the ......... oev,...,4...a..., ,,,--,...---,...,-..• . • S. LESSON FOR JAN. 22:od 1928 hi id
. • - - I -o An 'crrupt doettine 011ie P. ' - ANSWERS TO LAST WEEK'S QUESTION
. - '- - .6.,ori Irripleestis aml The Law. isees." Thus thd Jest's mahe niam
- • 232, l'he size elle values of Araerf. with Superpower at eest a ;-.31,294,-
• Ise sson passage -Mark 2:18,,22; his reasons to John's disciples and can cora crop? . ' 000,000 Would enable the 80,000 fee -
3:1 -6. ithereby relieve their anxiety. wait Akeric4 and the nubile utilities togeth-
Bolden Texteelliett-5:17. I, Az t1;e fante of Jesus „Apnea American farmere n
- lant °Intl--; er to effect on annual eaving of 84211
abroad awe ids pepuhltiey beeeeaeee, about 163 million e„ereee of entre ; ay. ' - r
Joe X got a. be% atel before it wan half W° ;al* this tliseawse Tc....,144°41.ttb•V, the criticism and fault -finding -of the
Matthew ',Marl and 000 000
erage yield 00 bushels per aere, or 41
taken I found. tinkt loY 'fley''8' Ivvre their acceunt of the feast that Mat- Phatiseee grew also. An nistance of hillier* lett.. value 1 2 ta !.1 billion doi. 237-- COMParaitive Efficienty of Elec.
iniuning to quiet down, mad the palm i, thew made for his cud r i 4 9tis is seen in, their 'watching Xesue lame -heeled fat) WnOna Nt'ould realt2 ,,,,,, trio Eta Steam Locomotives ?'
timid lie don stud go to sleep without Lisra sa
Were all gene from my heart, lutd X ,, , , n V ecoga ze
enat it is quite. like)/ it v140 twho
in the eynagogue when a man, was a line nine timee aroand the world.' - ene eleetrie locomotive is cleaner,
reqUires mueli less :Ate*
alky fear,,v ' , delivered on that oceasion, • ,t had a withered hale .And Is about three-fourths .he world's to ellneler and
, . The followers of John the Dentist they Watched WM, whether he would tat production. Dy far AmerieWs tiore than the steam loemitotive; can
most valuable eree..-eeeeeee coulee*. be kept at work. 20 hours a day, while
Priee 50e. a box st alk deelersituter heal, him on the Sablratli day; that ,
- wee troubled 11,1301A the Cliff -00A C'111- ow, miebt. accuse mote ed value of cotton and wbeat creel the seam loeomotive does 'well to
mailed direet ea neeipt.o.f_priee.by_ t; duct a the diseiples of Jeans and, " averege 8 houre, Steam locomotives
T. ,,*astilZ1.._n4 COlamA, teu 1:040.104”z themselves and they eante iiMuiting Jesus spoke first to the'Man and is twice the valse a iron Preduelloh;
tot then to the Pluirisees. Ile ionunand. 20 thine the annual Yield eif gold. en the NOW If11X01 road averaged
----------- tlee reeson fer this aiir 15,0ory loeomotlye miles per year ;
----e"nce' L" " " then arl st American aettlers.found the
sammeaseoseteeemeirsoewereeereeemeoreeetw • phe i ee t d t i 1 ed the man to stand forth. and V ie
. , .. r S • t t ' Clear% ' loefimoteeve, :83,500; stearo
T. SWARTS" ' twice a week 'besides the great na- he put a emestion. ta' the Phartsees. Indians growing and eating corn; it
passenger locomotives, 30,500; eke -
days of fasting. This ,was the It scenes to shave lie,en a maxiin with
tric passenger locomotives, '13;000.
soon became a staple diet with the
But° and gorse Marg. John the Baptist did not feel 'authe '"''
est tat h cl t ' „„„,
t b:tve an opportunity was to do extended,,,ever sinee. ..
'the Jews that not to do good when colonists and its use bas gran . and
Two electric locomotives' will pull the
ifsek Stalks; W.
filootwooti *noose
Just oft the &pare
'Roots Meet all Tralna and
Poisoner Boats
Palmer:eta C004114'Itle in any
girt of tiro OWN for all
trelno tot 0.T. R. or C. P. It
Prompt, Service and
Caretul Attendance, ,
Our Llytry mood 'Back Sonic,
wilt two Voogd titPtesdate" '
IR every .rispect.,
istools. '
Vow Votroosto SelltIted
0180.0 lot Mostrool Street
rized to make so great a chenge as titill; not to save life was to kill -or to 233, principal uses et corn? eame train ne three Mallet locomo.
. tives, at double the speed i le
to dmpense 'with it, They were de. •-g * . .
why eipin stews puts thisevestion ttfilua Corn is very nourislung and fat- "taut per loeomotive 'hate lutghrllene
sirous of knowing, therefor% Jews, vtititer it was hater for him, toning. golf the erop is fed to hoge tunes as great, with a saving in op.
.cesus had done it, .. - . and reaches our tables, ae pork: half eratingmages a 40 per cent,
*Christ, in r'oply to them, arsed three litrving °In Pluter to he° this 3114°' the eemainder is fed to work horses 4
illnstrationsi all of them going to to d° irt" °I. to sinrer bin/ to "main and beef eattle.
establish the seine thing, that we in Ms suffering cianditiore "The
principal food of dairy eattle and '
1 •AO. How HulterPOWer and Itailaqw
, Vora St age is the Electrification Would Relieve
should observe a fitness and proilvies, ability to do good imposee an ehliga. young growing stock, Output ot Freight Congeetiont
t„, in things. The first is taken from tio_111 tO do it.'" On the Pharisees re- About 2.5'e the freight. movement
earn meal is 25 million bbls. annual-
' a maeriage. The childeen of the Imuni" silent Jssus fillea with grief ly; hominy and grit 400,000 teas .i. of the United States consists of coal
bride-charober--that is, the groom's At their hardness of heart, turned, up-
epeeial friends do not think of las..-
.. on them a look that was stern and
re, Hew sunk in in sin were they arid mu s.r.0 ,are raamitaettired • in used for heating and domestic pa -
earn starch, 300,000 tone; call ou and coke. About 1-5tit the 'coal is
in g while be is with them. With " quantities. Thirteen m0'4 P°5". As Superpower vontemplatee
them it is a time of festivity, and when they could be se insensible to 1,1nitMnse „ the 'coal at the mines, the
moureirig would not •be . seemly, the condition of a fellow -being; and eon cases or green corn are canned burning
°the, by„,,o,
'when he is removed Awl will he the so unwilling to see another use his each year: tairiteraas railways would be relieved of about
proper time of sorrow. "Your teaeh- newer to -heal and restore him to. a e _
duets!. including ehrose, breakfast 11 their freight burden. The elec
er is in taptivrty and it is therefore useful piece in .
, what _
soeletyl we see to loons: wiper and twine from leaves :Ile locoinotive Will MOVO a much
fitting that you should reOurn depth tbe Pharisees had fallen
ova stalks, fuel -, and pipes from the 41:420r
load in proportion to its
fast. I ant with pry disciples still. in t..11eir oppo-whweight than the steam locomotive.
sition to Christ en we u s• and at double ete' meed -in fact will
It is'with them a time or joy and it reae: "Then the Pharieees went out 234, A Brief History of Coro, ° produce a ton -mile movement 2 to 3
is not proper that they should show and held a eourntil agsinet -lam, how • Corn euiture in North., America
ktn taken they might destroy him:" % , detes hatie-thousarlds of yeat•s; was e : 1.
tinees as great. Doubling the speed
signs of grief. When I 4:44. fre.ohe trains Would elitninate
/Way, it will then be the fitting thing " V WORLD misszolis ", . . unknown tr. Old World prior to. Ms- totIch hue time they now spend ea
for 'them to fast." , , . I *do not wonder that Jidsen wee. covery at America: is now grown in
,. sidings giving preference le paseen-
ger service. .
liiS seeond illustration was drawri eulOgized by Theodore ratter in math* every eountrY of the world: in
the "stag of
Iarignage like this; when he eat(' that sem° Pisces. bus beemne
life." Italy. the Balltan State, Hun. f all that tad -ever been given for
nilisions, all that had been one for
missions, had peeduced only one suet.
-character as Adoniram Judsoll, it
watddhave teen worth, the ezeendie
tore. Ite.vas that deepetitd religions
ivihnirli's it._ the Enttoy. or
oil Ill ft* rr, t c t cot.
. Rub, It in, theron-Py and
It eengd. tie »aui euppleos
the ioints, puce flew len-
Into the tfnsues.
•iersb irr sz
. e:
pawn P
•Cook by BlectricitY
Wash by Electricity
Iron by Eleetrkity
Cheaper than Coal or
WoOd 401
An ICIeetrie Cleaner
removes the dust ; troorn
Jot ?novo the dust.
We goartuttee 'Vamps
for 1400 hour&
Wm% in and Re display at
The Hydro Store
, When you wake OP 1.Vith backache end "12 iling.bro 'v." The owner" is W. , . ....
i dull misery in the kidney region it teas°, J. ;%ICCallinn of Iliennmon, Ont., and 4 1111Mint°11; °Iltalle . -"I ha.vetliken
Regina,. who encored these prize stversibottlea of Lydia E.l'oiltharn'e
animals in lengla rid, lieoiletiti, Vegetsbio Com.
Prance at:a gclgium. They include pound and I rot.
th? fawn's. "1.ord Willingdonr for not speak too
highly of it as 1
velt:ch Mr. hitt/stunt paid $10,000.
iho bowies will be mold throughout
YOU coat emu+
$6 to $io
P pt now
'Lenin trot Ems
part tilca0
..tot 11tech-,
• tnio, mato% welding.
vulcanizing and Rouse
pad Plastering, Barber-
iwogotakn:Ilisee.titY Culture
Be PrOtporoni
ad Ittp2y
dond poeitions nort 4
open. Wr.te or cilli
• tree instruct" Iuoil.
nil Xing r Crept Vilest - Toronto
Pete Banta( yocut Fn.:Are-Conn to Coni7b-
:r .,........„....................... wroi........t „............................normal.... rt ................ -•
gar% Spain awl Portucal 'contnrise
prineinal corn areas of Eurone: Brae . Our Weekly
21 and Areeittipe of South America;
. iEh
nisi) raised eti Southern Asia and Lessonsn nglis
SOwthern Africa. Iii North America
Ian, it was that lace sense of. moral to eueeessfully raised tout Mexico to
sense of the seblinie. that bade himVarietiee suitable to the various cli.
Prairie. Provinees . of Canarjo,
obligation, and it was that kindled °he
, go. forth, a map'of the world in his mates, 'have beer: 'developed. those Worda Often Misused
great field should be oegnpktl in the Within three motiths. '
North matutieg 1-Jou't say "he stepped in the ear."
Say "into" when exeressing motion.
hand, in .-full eonfidence that that or"'t In ixtrer""
tante Of his Lord and illastet. . 235. .What is Sspanish Mose? Don't say "the eock tame pretty
• eiose to u
Bishop Hendrix D. D. s," Say 'very close."
. i Is the l'iless °f• c'1111"rcs; frs.ds Dovet say "I bave every confidence
' '-'-' * • name is "ye eable hair.' Wooded . .
IS -THERE A BABY " . . g ' . in You." ay "/ have implicit for
, 0.exas are mein or
? :Aprons nertr the coast -from Virginia to . ,.
Is •there a baby oe young 'children jesg ecreered with entire') confidence. - s
Me to abso/ntely refuge:" Say
- Don't say "it would be discourteous
this beautiful hunting, moos. Is not s,„„
a paraelfe, but dei its nourish- '"' ,
in your home? If there is you should "to refuse absolutely." . • • '
not bc without a box of Ilaby's Own milt! frocIrm stil:Penoarih;Isii!eltPlgYatultselentd len, , , Don't 'ay "it is move • eemPletelY
eorreet.". If it iv "correct," then
"completely" and "more" are supee- 1
11,11‘tsnly"' ehould generally precede
the 'word of phrase that it modifies.
"'We reinained only for a short time."
li,...."--<•%•,..„ Words Often 'Mispronounced
Zoologival. Pronounce zo.o.lai-ik-
,ii e, ttuti,00173,t 0 a, s in "no," not a$ 00 ill
Bvery time zi (olive grate &kit out, the
domes cone in. lte fester the crato till, II 0 11 otrape. Pronoun& he-li-a.
"Baby',e Own Tablets are the beet 2-26- The *Wastefillness of ' Small
the taster you make komponey. ,Tto Platt trop, e as' iri "he," i na in "it," first
csacenstercrates fattest le to Teta Your remedy in the world for little ones. 1)6Wer Plat"? o unstressed, hist o as in no ac-
henetsdai o doled • . Illy baby suffered terriblY from indi. Steam plants of less than 200 h. p.
„,„001pplowee perfect health." The Tablets are Stantly it is cheaper to buy A from a
ie. oil: Soon set ter riient....ta.00ssliceis in hamar), 'Placa its pOvrer alnlOst eon-
"1.4.:Crit and ,vomiting4ut the' Tablets are wasteful. Unless even .U. large 1:ernefterfirresdt. syllable.
LinotYtme The i as hi line is 1
Obese. Pronounce o-bes, o ae in
-sold .by nriedieine dealers or by" mail large preduceie Small Alowor Ands, ,,,,, ., .:e 1., ,,,,,,
P CO U LIMY accent hist syl.
'et 25c..o (box front The tee. wimple require 10 to 20 lbs. of coal perkiln. - "' `" "-"""
eeeerooentat a itaY atilel to the feed le .: ,s - .,s' modern steareeelectric plants require
evntt.hour . (about 1 1-3 be .p.); big- --irouarch. . prolunince mon.ork. 0
itIZOULATon. Medicine Co Brockville, Oot.
etteolot. le colts *oleo* Month per hen. ig, alSO ail la "00' a • unetressed, accent first
syllable, t
,Asthout Vtetitan.---The man or lose than 2. lbs.; labor saving
era:et:to day rarthety erne °nevelt* woman. subject to asthma la indeed a large. The contemplated Eastern
egg it month eine nice profit. It pays _ ,. Cafe, PY0)10111100 ka.fe, tied a as
ase corretars.theree tee mato, mei Aletini; Whet can be more terrifYing Superpower Zoim einbraeee territory 4,0sh,,, seeeild a aa iii 041,00 ns.
take no other.
Prattraod Co of Critioula Lett Meroitte, than tO suddenly he seized with pare- east of Buffalo and Pitteburir north teat last syllabics • "
xyents of choking which seem to fair- of the Potomac. Equipping thie zone . .... . _,,,, ..... 4.
ly threaten the existenea et. lift; .- •,,,_WArtIA-•kAlt0tV*4113SPRII '
a Venl. ellen a eondition Dr. j. — , tintiiigrant: WO ID'S, Demeanor ;
Toms -
brought many to eompietely restored
D. Kellogeh-- 'As -film Remedy has To womEN or.' not cr. Chattel; two Va. Timn-
health and happiness. It is known ' • , " ePillirtatl'e9;:tulVi'e. Muullni°u3; ni. Va"
broad land.OF MIDDLE
and prized iii every se'etion of thee • synonym's ,
- Circumscilbe, limit* bind, gottilne,
ttzum,AND THERE ,„ ....:- ----. z--. „ encloee, reetrict, enfold, surround,
. What is 'aid to be the moet'veru, MO. WIIIIIM'II Experience a imPris°11-
01:11 shipment of horsea ever tt • 'Guide Its WOrtielt Patalling Oblique, -inclinetl, tilteil,,
r each Canada ;arrived in lliontreel recumbent, reelining, leaning'.
receutly aboard the Canadian Pe. through the Change of Life <link hoop, ring, cycle, orbit,
title fe-4 htera "Ilo-evorth" aud zone, folk band, girdle, wreath,
clown.- garland. -
Walk, makth, step, pace, treed,
tramp, pr-ontottode, wend, stride.
Extract, draw, extort, wrench, up.
root, extirpt4e,"eradieitte.
Powdery, pulverulent, dusty, floe -
the Cltange
of Lifeond woo iculent, grannwisterr,atostrie4nayccou,s.
all reirt,down and
y e "Mc a word three timos and it IS
and sick, and the yours.", Let U.5 intrease OUP vocabu.
pains in my hack tory by mastering ono word each day.
wet e,, ss.11 0, b a d I Words for this lesson:
eoubinarthrilovt' VERITAIII14 true, genuine.
I thrt very oad at .ori
* t / 5.14 not *friend tert was a veritable clewing i
Peaceek. iiirCetOr 04 the Rank a on earth. I i true if I lived or hcr tent for romPaniellmbiP."
Es:gland *IA of the ranodian PA-, 4 died. I woo very nervisto, too, and DISCREPANCY; a disagrcenterat
Afie Ilailway, The Britisher does t did net gel. out very mob, A friend or diNerence; variance', "There is 4
ILA ec 1.• publicity 114 hiS h11141411A *deified Me tO ill Ithettle Of•Lydia E, diefttpancy fit 6nt sigure that murtt
a..saisi, he stated, win the ;result that s.: Pinkbanill 'Vegetable Compound, so be explained!,
in,rfe e um% of osoeey w -ere often 'f, I did. I am ot farmer's wire, and al. .,
1 AUDACITY; bohltte:a; dating; itn.
'elaiNI in the leeninien and never „ ways worked hard until lately, antl ii,„ • . , _ ,
lenel of. ..% (lee, in ecent lte men, i' *RA in bed for two menths„ II began -PtkleRce. a ant 81.1113115tea at VtPtle
cor.ed ica!, tilt i %, 11-nent of tin, ,' to feel like anew woman otter tho - atulaeltv:°
erg owd lite o^".., r capitalistsj_ of first bottles and I recommend it with II COMBATIVE; Pumnatiutv; full of
S.138 900 in limber. ibt,.. ce...'t, in Urit- Illre*t enCteeAl, R.700 I'dist E. rink, , rif,,,j,:;:, ..1h, EF3tilt, 4rmlet-11 a wild i
F-":!' 't t'im4iie f't••" !'('4.3 Wi't a" ', ""1*8 Lk" IMIt' 1 4"1115414)fr ts/ it-onthative iret,ttivn in lam." -
the c itcrc.,1 el e , 'hi, ' ROAlltEr leffag frorn WIWI'S es ,flit 1 ‘.1.,.).$4.Rit i foN,:i, Elyi•itation, ./
'es.,;, ;,,,, e iiii,, •,,,' t, r:!' ('‘o' t ..),'%O.,g).300 ,' *beet yetir teetEcieez. RA I Clilia 3"
prA; fo'p lz:Figs, or I1,, 154.. Ert:all rot etc.e.(pt i,.0.• 4 ttcto OW ft1 fli, li
M. hy vleffer front.-: o.57i.':. 0.11.011 tie y Eteele Wet neg., t •.',..e.t-a fitycee, , ttP,V t'e''',t1 4' tl ,r '"
fellt *0 1*-niet-r t!',411, „”1,,,t, te's of di le we pomteoely romeel ete ey 0 engt Himelf...,,it, Ontaro„ ii P4111101 NeVe eee-tcefee.. "Her k
iect 1 a',. - l I 1.0tIrslya Y.* CflYR Pr 47%1 f e 8011 ',C1 (7.!,rg te.s I cAt t4.whae, C kAt:.! 5C1 ":.‘ ef t•,,e Y. 14 e ' Intl)faCol
v ,
.By I.. CORDON .
Ttlaiihaiheit;. anOdhinidiehtionosd shaottlititidetatiswayeotaibiee : immense ,mnant, Hear and alter a spa.
a and ginning, process, is
ot hand to promptly fight them. eta' drYlit
baled anti shipped to northern indus.
Baby's Own Tablas are. the. ideal
ntihshe Itsillatli;etalart.s, and used for stutling
es 'Pillows. ettShiOna, chairs,
tiOn And indigestion; break tittille$8' "la amt °mil" Pine"
where eatton and hair is unusually
ihrtv untat peorci life will bc, itcu
et hot ankles are so emu:amid:le:,
auto be unnoticed.
A kitchenette is a place ultero ou
get square etegletee,
Says Cream Applied in Nostrils
• Open Aix Passages Right Vp.
Instant rellefe-no waiting. Your
clogged nostrIla open right up; the sir
posses of your head clear and you
ear: breathe freely. No more hawkir
snuffling, blowing, heed:eche, dryness,
strtiggling feel:real:, at. night; yaw eold
or catarrh disappears.
Get stuall bottle of Ely's Cream
Balm from your druggist now. Apply
a little of tide trogrant,antiteptic, heal
Th Cretan in your nostrils, • It penetrates
tlirough m•ury air passage of the head,
soothes the inflamed cat swollen mueoue
membrane and relief eotnes instantly.
It'e Juot One. Don't stay stuffedetp
With a COI or nasty catarrh.
7 01••• • 4.1041.1.1MMOrldilillia,
Dolly Koos* .5trodailit
Lve. 6.1ft) a in. ee.F„:(1 p:nt,
" (linter& 2.5 a in. t? -..62.
Fieeforstit ?toil a.m. 8.1;1 p.m.
Miteholl 7.01 a.m.
Arr. Stratfoid 7.80 a nt. 4.10
niteitonor 8.20 a.20 put,
" Guelph 8.45 m.
" Toronto 10.25 a.m. 7.30 vxa.
Rettu fling -Leave Toronto
12.0 p,m. anti 6.05 pan. '
Parlor Cate ear, Goderich to Toms.
alto, on morning trairt, and Termite
1.) Goderieh 0.05 p. nt. train.
.throUgh cotteh Goderlelt to Toronto.
P. F. LAWRICKCH it 80$11
, ow* Pontoon mad Ticket*, Aged*
Photo 8
Children. Ory
Lip tolds and simple. fevers -in fact a
they relieve all the minor ins a little -""P'aeu• to • -eheannves.
ones. Concerning them Mrs. Illoise is supplanting hair where low-priced
Oabotte, Makamik, Quebec, writes articles are in demand.
f Kidneys Act
Bad Take Salts
goy* ttiekathe Often Mean* You
thWtt Not It eon Drinking
Enough Water
4." mean you have 'been eating foods- which •
crette acids, says. welbltnown author-
jt. An tRC033 tuck acids overworks
j, the kithreys in *co -effort to filter it
from the bloat and they become eort of
.1 paralyzed and foggy. When your kitt,
ney,6 get shiggieli ,and elog yoa must ov 41 1.
j Rhos them, you relieve 'your • "- • "e-'....,tecc ',Clog exhibited at
boveels, miming all the hetly'a urinous sr, or, °Tit% cloccille. Guelph end Ot.
'waste, • else you have.: backache,
("'snaellane would Le, considerehly
v 70`'ulculta":.7 ;11'e``;021a,":,' )5l1 -d thsy sero given full
tWingeS, '11C urine cfontly, ion of tails of the Brittalt investment go.
:; seinen:pt. eitanne:s often mt tore, water hot into ea:mai/An channels at the
geabiq anal :co12 are ohlirw4 r,„-.:ek relief present time, eccerding to E. R. ti
15 or three ti1e,. during the night
Eithee consult a coed. reliable Pitysi- •
• visit at once or get from %one pliarrine,
act about fors onieen Of jati Salts;
take a table:speedo! in. a glass of water
bchtre breakfast for u fete days and
your /idtityz5,smay aa Cite. This
- -- • J., famotr, alls IllY10 ft0111 dm acid of
piece nod len!en jeiee, cembined uith
.0 A STO R I A' riPon,".4 17,4 7.3..,gyv,t;waro).
F:14P utolite 1' !T ha the
rot Was sal Chailive stry tl.tm3
of:!ri.J l-feeteeete.ele7et reAete.e.
in tiro Forever 34;10Yours J;,1 • - • • •
n. , n
/1.!.,Aitt ffff.tutc,
Altoolo kale
Extra fine—Extra fast—Extra fare
'daily between
Chicago and California
Travelers gladly pay the extra fare to enjoy its
luxury and speed. '
Only two business days on the way
rive famous Santa Pe trains leave Chicago
daily for California. "Santa Fe all the way."
Besides the Chief there are The California
Limited', 'rho Navajo, ThetScout and The Mis-
sionary—all offering famous•Ered Harvey meat
+. tirmley, 4-gf1t 'Ps
TeittiAnorlitt I sst.
ttonti; unt.,,A4t,